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I'll test them today or tomorrow. I'm going to hold off a bit on the data pack release though since I have some other stuff going in I think, and I try to avoid updating it too frequently since it's a rather large file -- the changes to it don't "help" anyone until the referenced items make it into at least the beta ESM anyway.

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You're playing the correct deathclaw animations on 1305 and 1306 but the player or Actor B whoever that might be isn't playing the matching animation. She's playing one from 1303 I think?

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Do you have any idea why my NPC's keep falling through the floor? It doesn't always happen but I'm just calling sex normally. i've tried putting a moveto player at the end of sex and it fixes it sometimes but they still seem to fall through occasionally.


I don't suppose there's anything you can do about it.


I'm going to try to put an extra piece of scrap metal underneath the floor to act as an extra catch but I shouldn't have to do that.

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I might be able to fix it but it'll be a little jarring. The best solution is to make sure that the characters are having sex on a mostly flat, solid surface. I know that's kinda out of the question in your cave scenarios, so a false floor would help some.


I believe I can 'fix' it by moving the actors up a little bit just before the knockdown, so they should always fall onto the floor rather than through it, but it might look a little goofy.


I'll put it in for the next beta, with an MCM toggle if I'm feeling spunky, so people can try it out and weigh the odd look vs. the risk of falling through.

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I thought it was just the cave too, but they're getting it on the flat floor of some houses as well.


Anyways, moving them up just a tad with probably fix it.

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I have the fix in my local copy, was quicker than expected. Need to test -- especially the MCM part since I tend to screw those up badly and mangle every MCM using mod that comes after sexout. Right now, I have it set to move them 10 units upward (about 5.5 inches) just before the fatigue knockdown effect. Will see if that solves the issue.

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This and the various plugins are probably some of the best made and integrated mods ever made for NV, but I got to thinking about what will happen when FO4 is released. I mean, all in all it may not be that hard porting the mods as long as FO4 isn't drastically different. But then I thought about if it is.




That's why I always save old disks.

Anyway, playing now and absolutely no complaints :P

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FO4 will probably be based on that new scripting language they used for Skyrim so most of this stuff will be very difficult to port over.


I'll just be going wherever halstrom goes :P

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This and the various plugins are probably some of the best made and integrated mods ever made for NV' date=' but I got to thinking about what will happen when FO4 is released. I mean, all in all it may not be that hard porting the mods as long as FO4 isn't drastically different. But then I thought about if it is.


That's why I always save old disks.

Anyway, playing now and absolutely no complaints :P[/quote']

Probably will be an probably using the Skyrim engine I suspect, so yeah a lot of work, pretty much a rewrite, assuming Sex animations are sorted in Skyrim eventually.

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FO4 will probably be based on that new scripting language they used for Skyrim so most of this stuff will be very difficult to port over.


I'll just be going wherever halstrom goes :P


After working with Papyrus and class based inheritance scripting in Skyrim, I think implementing a cleaner more manageable codebase will be easier in FO4. However, if we have to jump through the same damn animation hoops the Skyrim animators had to jump through, we're gonna be pissed... unless we can just port Skyrim's animation systems as is.

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I'm not touching FO4 modding if scripts are still contained in the saves. With Skyrim you can't just do a clean save. You have to start a completely new game to update your mods half the time. This is why I haven't played Skyrim in months and don't plan on doing so again anytime soon.

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I'm not touching FO4 modding if scripts are still contained in the saves. With Skyrim you can't just do a clean save. You have to start a completely new game to update your mods half the time.


Scripts stored in saves? No clean saves? What fuckery is this?

Ah, well, guess I'll postpone buying that thing another year. :s

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