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25 minutes ago, Snaloe said:

I had alot of issues getting AAF to work correctly using the one patch and had this same issue, for me the problem was that I had an outdated version of one of the animation packs installed and this made everything hang. Like you SEU worked fine but everything else just hung when the animations were due to start. Not sure if this applys to you but hope it helps. 


Its also the reason I don't really want to mess with my install to get this working cos it took alot of work just to get what I have running nice. Shame it dose not support the one patch.

I agree but I'm used to rearranging every thing over and over. I'm using the AAF: A Comprehensive Installation Guide and Resource Collection to reinstall everything again and I'll leave One Patch out this time. I'm on the fence about leaving out Ulfberth's though which basically does the same thing but gay male oriented. Do you remember which animation pack messed things up for you?

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4 hours ago, Snaloe said:

I had alot of issues getting AAF to work correctly using the one patch and had this same issue, for me the problem was that I had an outdated version of one of the animation packs installed and this made everything hang. Like you SEU worked fine but everything else just hung when the animations were due to start. Not sure if this applys to you but hope it helps. 


Its also the reason I don't really want to mess with my install to get this working cos it took alot of work just to get what I have running nice. Shame it dose not support the one patch.

yes,I'm seconding about animation pack.Which was broken? Please, it is my problem too.

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I had downloaded Leito's animations 1.4c by mistake instead of 2.0a and the FF Voice Patch. This fixed everything right up for me. Just make sure you have the latest versions of them. 


Don't get me wrong I love the look of this mod and would love to get it working but I am using the one patch and the Patch for animations (Squirt/Cum Effects, cum/tattoo overlays, stages, fixes) witch need the one patch I would need to remove a long list of XML files from the one patch (thats xml's have been overwritten by patch for animations) to get it work and I an a little worried about breaking what i have got working, since I have tried to get this all working for a long time and this is the first time I have got everything working correctly. 

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Yes... To be clear LEITO 2.0a is what's required. I should clarify that in the OP.


And guys if you are too nervous to mess with your installs... I'd seriously just wait a short while. Now that One Patch is being worked on again Hardship should become much easier to install in the near future. My next full version will support One Patch directrly and remove some of the old requirements, and also be fully compatible with Indarello and Ulfbearth.

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2 hours ago, Snaloe said:

I had downloaded Leito's animations 1.4c by mistake instead of 2.0a and the FF Voice Patch. This fixed everything right up for me. Just make sure you have the latest versions of them. 


Nope. Leito is 20a for me, and AAF was still stuck at 20%/ Now it's time for hard reinstall of aaf. If this did not wok, I'll wait for new version of Fallout 4


UPD- Nope, this is AAF bug of  Fallout 4 v.  I'm sad and waiting for fix of AAF or the new patch

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32 minutes ago, Clegane said:

Nope. Leito is 20a for me, and AAF was still stuck at 20%/ Now it's time for hard reinstall of aaf. If this did not wok, I'll wait for new version of Fallout 4


UPD- Nope, this is AAF bug of  Fallout 4 v.  I'm sad and waiting for fix of AAF or the new patch

AAF sticking at a percent is definitely an XML issue. while creating my XMLs I saw this for the first time when I made one of them wrong. Apparently the wrong COMBINATION of XMLs can also cause this problem (though I''ve never managed to cause it even when testing lots of combos... but I use MO2 so my Data folder is squeaky clean and doesn't have any junk rattling around.


Since nobody is sharing their debugging info there is no way to know what combination causes these problems. If everybody used Mod Organizer 2 it'd probably be easy enough to suss out... but since people still insist on using Mod managers that gunk up the data folder with crap I am not gonna try.

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39 minutes ago, Tentacus said:

AAF sticking at a percent is definitely an XML issue. while creating my XMLs I saw this for the first time when I made one of them wrong. Apparently the wrong COMBINATION of XMLs can also cause this problem (though I''ve never managed to cause it even when testing lots of combos... but I use MO2 so my Data folder is squeaky clean and doesn't have any junk rattling around.

This is true, i wanted to try something with all of the patches and xmls and then i loaded fallout 4 and AAF was stuck at 30%, changed it easily with Mod Organizer 2 and then it worked again.



+Crazy Animations (NMM Gun Version) - 3-11-17
+Four-Play Animations by Crazy 1.3

+FO4 AnimationsByLeito v2

+FO4 AnimByLeito Alternate Female Voices v1

+AAF patches for Leito and Crazy animations

+AAF Bondage Animations 2.00

+Release 50Shades v01 05

+Release 50Shades FluidPatch

+VIO Strap

+AAF - The One Patch to Rule Them All

+Custom Moans

+Atomic Lust

+Mutated Lust v1.3

+Release CreaturePack v03 00
+Release CreaturePackDLC v01

+SavageCabbages Animation Pack

+The One Patch Temporary Fix

+Release NSFWsoundpack 03 01


I know i could tweak it better but for the moment i installed it like this in MO2 and things seem to work and it doesnt show errors in the aaf wizard for me


For Rufgt i thought the old animation pack was included in Atomic lust is that right ?


Oh by the way Tentacus your mod is excellent !!! It's one of the mod that made me have the courage to install AAF and all of the animations files and patches :P


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1 hour ago, tuxagent7 said:

This is true, i wanted to try something with all of the patches and xmls and then i loaded fallout 4 and AAF was stuck at 30%, changed it easily with Mod Organizer 2 and then it worked again.



+Crazy Animations (NMM Gun Version) - 3-11-17
+Four-Play Animations by Crazy 1.3

+FO4 AnimationsByLeito v2

+FO4 AnimByLeito Alternate Female Voices v1

+AAF patches for Leito and Crazy animations

+AAF Bondage Animations 2.00

+Release 50Shades v01 05

+Release 50Shades FluidPatch

+VIO Strap

+AAF - The One Patch to Rule Them All

+Custom Moans

+Atomic Lust

+Mutated Lust v1.3

+Release CreaturePack v03 00
+Release CreaturePackDLC v01

+SavageCabbages Animation Pack

+The One Patch Temporary Fix

+Release NSFWsoundpack 03 01


I know i could tweak it better but for the moment i installed it like this in MO2 and things seem to work and it doesnt show errors in the aaf wizard for me



What you changed, please, I do not have Farelle, but all others are mine 

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25 minutes ago, Clegane said:

What you changed, please, I do not have Farelle, but all others are mine 

The installation order in mo2 (the left panel)


I dont remember what i switched with what but today this is my installation order for the left panel in Mo2



Give me a minute i will go see my load order for theses and post it


Edit : In the right panel (load order) i put in this order


Atomic Lust.esp
Mutated Lust.esp
Custom Moans.esp



Edit : I Put these in spoiler, i feel like i  took a lot of space in the thread sorry Tentacus



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18 minutes ago, Clegane said:

What you changed, please, I do not have Farelle, but all others are mine 



I read the guide and installed these in the orders




+Crazy Animations (NMM Gun Version) - 3-11-17
+Four-Play Animations by Crazy 1.3

+FO4 AnimationsByLeito v2

+FO4 AnimByLeito Alternate Female Voices v1

+AAF patches for Leito and Crazy animations

+AAF Bondage Animations 2.00

+Release 50Shades v01 05

+Release 50Shades FluidPatch

+VIO Strap


Then i installed The one Patch to bang them all


+Custom Moans

+Atomic Lust

+Mutated Lust v1.3

+Release CreaturePack v03 00
+Release CreaturePackDLC v01

+SavageCabbages Animation Pack


Then the patch to bang them all temporary patch




Don't forget about installing the Kinky Theme after installing AAF




Hope it helps


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Anyone having the AAF Load Percent Error:

It's strictly an "Installation Order" mistake if you use NMM. That means if you install the mods in the incorrect order you will have problems because as you install mods, you are asked to overwrite certain files. Overwriting the files in the wrong order - i.e. installing them in the wrong order - will get you errors. Follow the order from Indarello's Patches here on LL as if it were the order to install the files RATHER than load order itself. He has it listed under the spoiler "Mod Load Order". I use NMM, so this I can confirm is the major culprit to any issues I've had with 20% ,60%, or 80% load stuck. I can replicate this 100 times. 

It's a "Load Order and Overwrite" mistake if you are on MO. Follow Indarello's patches load order exactly as listed. He has it listed under the spoiler "Mod Load Order". I don't use MO, but from following threads and reading comments from people who do use MO, it is easy to find that the biggest mistake they come across is from load order and overwrites. Indarello has said multiple times in his support thread that it more often than not comes from an incorrect load order + incorrect overwrites.



His file is here:

If you are using extra animation packs not listed by Indarello (Like Farrell, Grey User/50 Shades, Vadermania), install them in the installation procedure list after/following "Atomic Lust". Then install this patch.

It took me months to get this shit working together properly and I can confidently say - yes you will have some erros listed in the AAF startup menu depending on which animations you use + what mod manager you use - but everything functions as it is supposed to perfectly.

This mod however, causes no issues to AAF and this procedure at all. 

Edit: IF this doesn't work, and you are still getting stuck, AND you are using NMM - load all the ESP's that come with this patch at THE VERY BOTTOM of your NMM load order. That's the last thing I could find possibly giving me issues. If you use Gender Specific Skeletons - from the Nexus - make sure that is above the esps added from the patch linked above.

Edit #2: If you are using patches other than The One Patch to Bang Them All 1.1 and the Indarello Patches linked above, you have too many conflicting patches causing your AAF install to "be confused". The only 2 patches you need are "The One Patch 1.1" and Indarello Patches linked above.

-One Patch Fix is becoming slowly outdated, as Indarello Patches accomplish what it does and gets regularly updated. Those are the only 2 patches you need. 
-Polisitiro's Patch is included in Indarello's Patches linked above. Having Polisitiro Patch installed alongside any other patches will create conflicts.

-If you need M/M animation cuz that's ur kink or ur preference - experiment with this in the load/installation order. This should either be last, or second to last right before Indarello's patch. I cannot speak confidently on where to place this patch because M/M is not my interest, but for any of you who use this or are interested and are having errors, this is where I would begin troubleshooting.


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1 hour ago, tuxagent7 said:

For Rufgt i thought the old animation pack was included in Atomic lust is that right ?

The download is on the Atomic Lust Nexus page, but it isn't included in the main Atomic lust DL. I've DMed Rufgt about maybe including it in Hardship as I think I'm the only mod that uses those anims, but I haven't heard back they haven't been on here or Nexus since last fall. I may look into other options when I redo the cunnilingus scripts.



Oh by the way Tentacus your mod is excellent !!! It's one of the mod that made me have the courage to install AAF and all of the animations files and patches :P



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34 minutes ago, DremoraDream said:

-Polisitiro's Patch is included in Indarello's Patches linked above. Having Polisitiro Patch installed alongside any other patches will create conflicts.

This is news to me... I thought those were just blank redirect XMLs like the ones that one patch uses to block other patches. Or do you just mean that it also includes the Leito poses... Cause it uses the same naming cheme as One patch.


Ya know what... I won't wait to finish redoing all the sex scripts to add full Indarello and UAP support. I'll put a temp patch out in this thread later today. The only difference will be that the stuff that calls anims directly will be pointed at the One Patch/Indarello position names. 



-If you need M/M animation cuz that's ur kink or ur preference - experiment with this in the load/installation order. This should either be last, or second to last right before Indarello's patch. I cannot speak confidently on where to place this patch because M/M is not my interest, but for any of you who use this or are interested and are having errors, this is where I would begin troubleshooting.


I have used this with Indarello on the current (unreleased build) of Hardship with no problems. That said I don't go looking for errors to worry about if they don't actually cause any real tangible problem (Probably desensitized from using the Creation Kit)



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33 minutes ago, Tentacus said:

This is news to me... I thought those were just blank redirect XMLs like the ones that one patch uses to block other patches. Or do you just mean that it also includes the Leito poses... Cause it uses the same naming cheme as One patch.


I was under the impression that the polisitiro patch was obsolete because having it in my build alongside indarello's patch was causing more harm than good. Also, in the early releases of Indarello's patch, I vaguely remember if I'm not mistaken, being told that polisitiro's patch in full was incorporated into Indarello's patch.

I could be wrong though. What I do know is that I don't need it and I have the same results of having it in my game through Indarello's patch alone. But that's just my personal experience within my build which follows the NMM version of what I explained above.

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41 minutes ago, DremoraDream said:

I was under the impression that the polisitiro patch was obsolete because having it in my build alongside indarello's patch was causing more harm than good. Also, in the early releases of Indarello's patch, I vaguely remember if I'm not mistaken, being told that polisitiro's patch in full was incorporated into Indarello's patch.

I could be wrong though. What I do know is that I don't need it and I have the same results of having it in my game through Indarello's patch alone. But that's just my personal experience within my build which follows the NMM version of what I explained above.

In the sense that it contains the same positions. The problem is that Themes was never updated to support the One Patch and Indarello Naming convention. This makes One Patch not work at all with Leito out of the box (except for aggressive anims having the aggressive tag in Leitos own XMLs, so they work... a little), but since Indarello has it's own tags it doesn't really need themes (except as a legacy One Patch requirement). The few times I call a Leito animation directly I use the polistro names, which is why Hardship is only PARTIALLY compatible with Indarello/UAP at the moment. ?:tired: ?

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9 minutes ago, xyzxyz said:

The house party is basically a line of people waiting for their turn to use the player? Or is there something more to it?


They go to your DC house or Rexford if you work there, and sandbox there. You then can go up and talk to them and tell them when it's their turn as well as make a little small talk, but yes it's one at a time for now


.20190819192655_1.jpg.a1338be576c0e878ce14950e72f4cf68.jpg   20190904161405_1.jpg.290256bb54c30e3a20fd2d2a57d78bab.jpg

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Okay guys here is a patch for Indarello and Ulfbearth's patch users. It's the same as the existing scripts with the only differences being a few times that it points directly at animations. This hasn't been thoroughly tested and I'm just putting this here because I am going to rewrite all the sex fragment scripts as Topic Infos soon.


If you use this You need to have CORRECTLY INSTALLED Indarello and/or UAP and all their requirements (see a few posts up). You should uninstall Polistros patches, and there is no need to delete any XMLs.


If you do uninstall Polistros patches you may need to reinstall Leito's animations... as it may remove the esp. (Not an issue if you use MO2... just make sure you still have the original Leito esp.) You'll probably need to do this before you install Indarello (If not using MO2).


On the next full release I will HOPEFULLY be able to write a definitive installation guide.



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46 minutes ago, Tentacus said:

In the sense that it contains the same positions. The problem is that Themes was never updated to support the One Patch and Indarello Naming convention. This makes One Patch not work at all with Leito out of the box (except for aggressive anims having the aggressive tag in Leitos own XMLs, so they work... a little), but since Indarello has it's own tags it doesn't really need themes (except as a legacy One Patch requirement). The few times I call a Leito animation directly I use the polistro names, which is why Hardship is only PARTIALLY compatible with Indarello/UAP at the moment. ?:tired: ?

That makes a lot of sense, because I have noticed I too only get a select few animations thru Hardship with Leito thru Indarello. But personally, I don't mind and never paid attention to it because I get a lot out of SC anims and Rufgt's anims as well. Since you mentioned it though, Polisitiro's patch sounds useful still for that interaction. I'm just afraid to use it nowadays because all the patches combined wind up screwing my install.

12 minutes ago, Tentacus said:


They go to your DC house or Rexford if you work there, and sandbox there. You then can go up and talk to them and tell them when it's their turn as well as make a little small talk, but yes it's one at a time for now


.20190819192655_1.jpg.a1338be576c0e878ce14950e72f4cf68.jpg   20190904161405_1.jpg.290256bb54c30e3a20fd2d2a57d78bab.jpg

Would love to see this expanded to multiples and gangbangs though, hope that is the direction one day. Love the concept so far. Is this included in 1.5.8?

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Ah the spaghetti bowl that is AAF Animations...

When you folks get done - can you please put out a recommended list of animation mods, and the order they go in.

I really don't care about content - no special kinks - I just want something that works reliably.

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1 hour ago, DremoraDream said:

That makes a lot of sense, because I have noticed I too only get a select few animations thru Hardship with Leito thru Indarello. But personally, I don't mind and never paid attention to it because I get a lot out of SC anims and Rufgt's anims as well. Since you mentioned it though, Polisitiro's patch sounds useful still for that interaction. I'm just afraid to use it nowadays because all the patches combined wind up screwing my install.

If you have Indarello and the patch I just posted 2 posts up, You should be good to go. There would be no benefit to having Polistro's patches then.


1 hour ago, DremoraDream said:

Would love to see this expanded to multiples and gangbangs though, hope that is the direction one day. Love the concept so far. Is this included in 1.5.8?

That is on the to do list. I'm not just gonna make it a free for all, but I will add scenarios.

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1 hour ago, fred200 said:

Ah the spaghetti bowl that is AAF Animations...

When you folks get done - can you please put out a recommended list of animation mods, and the order they go in.

I really don't care about content - no special kinks - I just want something that works reliably.

In addition to Leito and Rufgt's old anims... I like: BP70, Savage Cabbage and Atomic Lust. All have Caveats though.


Both BP70 and Atomic Lust have some animations without sound, and IMO the quality of the BP70 anims is inconsistent, some are amazing some are distractingly... not.  (That super fast BJ anim)


Savage Cabbage is a matter of taste... IMO again the animations are pretty cartoony, compared to the above packs, but some of them are great. Since they are mostly (originally) furniture anims they add a huge amount of variety compared to the other packs. The other big Caveat with Savage Cabbage is that it has Sounds, but a lot of them are WEIRD AS FUCK, and they are heavily layered. You hear shit like dogs growling and baby gurgles at random... WEEEEEIRD. You will maybe want to go in and delete a LOT of the sounds.


If you do use Indarello use this:  


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