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The voice system is being updated on this version of SLU+ to also allow the usual Skyrim dialogues that have the lips synchronized for real with the mouth.


I downloaded one mod that add dialogues to the SexLab scenes, (that by the way, i don't recommend) and I'm planing to do a SexLab Voice Mod with it as example.


The new voice system is fully compatible with the previous one so the old voices are 100% compatible and any new voice exploiting the new system will work without errors on the old system too. That's because I just recycle something that was there already.



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3 minutes ago, sadrain said:

Thanks for the update. Some problems in AE- not detected PapyrusUtil.dll, in the previous version don't have that problem

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The setup now comes with my PapyrusUtil for SE. Seems like is getting installed by mistake on the AE too.


Is not big deal... Just make sure that your PapyrusUtil for AE be overwriting my SLU+ or wait until I be able to upload a new setup for the SLU+.

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On 2/7/2023 at 11:44 AM, OsmelMC said:

I wasn't able to work on the Mods since new year because almost all my new saved games was truncated. A couple of days ago checking the files with the ReSaver I finally noticed that was because my saved game files was bigger than 64mb uncompressed and remember read about a experimental fix on the "Engine Fix" that extend the limit to 128mb. 


So i should be able to start with that soon.


Nice! Hopefully updating to the newest Aroused Creatures will end that weirdness I have where creature animations simply stop being detected unless I de-spawn the creature and respawn it again. But I still want my werewolf on werewolf stuff, so I'll wait for your tweak.

Edited by Blake81
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58 minutes ago, D3vilizeR said:

I'm playing Skyrim SE.
In the latest version of Sexlab Utility Plus, Mouth Expressions do not work properly. I reset it, reinstalled it, but the characters don't open their mouths properly during the animations. This problem was not present in the 2022-12-29 version.

Send me the "papyrus.0.log". And what open mouth you are talking? There are at least 3 types of mouth open effects.


1. The phonemes and mood of the expression.

2. The Lips Sync of the moans in the voice.

3. The Open Mouth of the oral animations.


Each one have it's own configuration that you should check in case of problem.


The only change related on this version is on the lips sync of the voice.


The other recent change was on the previous version, the same that you are saying, is fine. In that version was changed the scripts of the Mood to use the MFG when is installed, because the vanilla function have problems with some values.



In the expressions intervening the mod "MFG console" (MFG Fix) and the TRI files that are specific for each race. You can find more than one MFG Mods and most of them are incompatible. So make sure of avoid those MFG that comes with some Ahegao Mods.

The TRI files are specific for each race and face type so if you have face replacement's for the NPC's probably the face used is incompatible with the TRI file. In that case you should find a matching version of the Mod "Expressive Facial Animations".




Edited by OsmelMC
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18 hours ago, OsmelMC said:

The setup now comes with my PapyrusUtil for SE. Seems like is getting installed by mistake on the AE too.


Is not big deal... Just make sure that your PapyrusUtil for AE be overwriting my SLU+ or wait until I be able to upload a new setup for the SLU+.

It is working now with the new papyrus but the detection radius is very small I have to be really close to the furnitures and the other issue is that it does sometimes spawn furniture on top of the used furniture.

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23 minutes ago, OsmelMC said:

Send me the "papyrus.0.log". And what open mouth you are talking? There are at least 3 types of mouth open effects.


1. The phonemes and mood of the expression.

2. The Lips Sync of the moans in the voice.

3. The Open Mouth of the oral animations.


Each one have it's own configuration that you should check in case of problem.


The only change related on this version is on the lips sync of the voice.


The other recent change was on the previous version, the same that you are saying, is fine. In that version was changed the scripts of the Mood to use the MFG when is installed, because the vanilla function have problems with some values.



In the expressions intervening the mod "MFG console" (MFG Fix) and the TRI files that are specific for each race. You can find more than one MFG Mods and most of them are incompatible. So make sure of avoid those MFG that comes with some Ahegao Mods.

The TRI files are specific for each race and face type so if you have face replacement's for the NPC's probably the face used is incompatible with the TRI file. In that case you should find a matching version of the Mod "Expressive Facial Animations".





I show the problem.

OpenMouth 85% [2022-12-29 Version]



OpenMouth 85% [2023-02-18 Version]


I didn't change the settings, I didn't update any mode other than this. Everything else works (Lyp Sync), this problem only appears during oral animations. I don't use Ahegao.

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41 minutes ago, hakimm3i said:

It is working now with the new papyrus but the detection radius is very small I have to be really close to the furnitures and the other issue is that it does sometimes spawn furniture on top of the used furniture.

The radio is based on the scene parameters. In your case you probably are using a dialogue to start the scene that says something like "Here is fine". Dialogues like that where the other actor follow you, usually means that the player will be used as CenterRef.


When the CenterRef is forced to one of the actors by the mod triggering the scene, SexLab is supposed to respect that decision of the author and don't use any furniture, but instead I do a search in a small radio around the actor to detect near furnitures.


The case is very different when you scene is made just for Furnitures or when the Hidden Places option is enabled, because the radio can be even of 3000.



So the radio isn't small, is the way you use to start the scene what is restricting the radio and in most of the cases is intentionally but in other cases the author's force the CenterRef for none reason .



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1 hour ago, D3vilizeR said:

As you can see, when I reinstalled the previous version, everything works fine again.


After compare my old and new scripts, seems like the fix that use the MFG for the Mood is in fact new on this version.


So isn't a bug or something different on the configuration or the installed Mods. 

Is just that the new function behaves different with the same values and you will have to set a bigger OpenMouth %, that by the way is in fact the value of the Mood for the OpenMouth expression.



The previous versions of SLU+ and SexLab, use the function "SetExpressionPhoneme" that comes with the "SKSE" by default. But apparently is broken at least on SE so I had to use the alternative function that comes with the MFG to prevent the errors caused by the old function that by the way is fatal for the scene.


But this change also allow me set values bigger than 100% so the next version will allow way bigger OpenMouth than previous versions. At least when you be using the MFG.





For now just change the advanced configuration of the Open Mouth. Because this is not a bug.

Edited by OsmelMC
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7 minutes ago, OsmelMC said:


A régi és az új szkriptjeim összehasonlítása után úgy tűnik, hogy az MFG for the Mood-t használó javítás valójában új ezen a verzión.


Tehát nem hiba vagy valami más a konfigurációban vagy a telepített modokban. 

Csak annyi, hogy az új függvény ugyanazokkal az értékekkel másképp viselkedik, és nagyobb OpenMouth%-ot kell beállítani, ez egyébként valójában a Mood értéke az OpenMouth kifejezéshez.



Az SLU+ és a SexLab korábbi verziói a "SetExpressionPhoneme" funkciót használják, amely alapértelmezés szerint az "SKSE"-hez tartozik. De úgy tűnik, legalább SE-n elromlott, így az MFG-hez mellékelt alternatív funkciót kellett használnom, hogy megelőzzem a régi, a jelenetre egyébként végzetes funkció okozta hibákat.


De ez a változtatás lehetővé teszi, hogy 100%-nál nagyobb értékeket állítsak be, így a következő verzió sokkal nagyobb OpenMouth-ot tesz lehetővé, mint az előző verziók. Legalábbis ha az MFG-t használja.





Egyelőre csak módosítsa az Open Mouth speciális konfigurációját. Mert ez nem hiba.


Thanks for the answer and the help. :)

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I'm planning to make the Open Mouth of the next version more intuitive in a way that smaller actors get a bigger OpenMouth when are with bigger actors as partners.


This isn't required for the vanilla Skyrim because the actors have more or less the same scale. But I'm using "FK's Diverse Racial Skeletons" that changes the actor scales in some cases very extreme so a Blowjob scene between a Female Breton and the "Sanguine" of "Sanguines Debauchery" is now impossible :)




Edited by OsmelMC
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22 hours ago, OsmelMC said:




If you are worry about the speed of the scene start up, I'm using "Papyrus Tweak NG" and my start up is almost instantaneous.


And I have to test the grass patch, because the function use there is known to cause misalignment. I just had to roll back a change on the Necro treatment for a similar problem with the alignment.

Interesting, well, grass patch from Alex works perfectly for me, there were slight misalignment at the start, however if you start from NG and reset all the positions in SexLab, it fixes that, however once animation start, if any left, resetting to stage 1 (actors try to re-align) fixes it completely and with 3BAv2 almost perfect alignments can be achieved with newer animations. Leito's and Baka Factory's are mostly misaligned, but it was always the case with or without a mod. One thing grass patch broke for me is a facial expressions, well, actors do have expressions however only on eyes and brows, mouth is always the same (except blowjob scenes).


P.S idk if you have fixed that, but furniture animations were pretty messed up and rotated incorrectly also was not filtered out and can be triggered in non-furniture situations.


I hope my info can help in any way, amazing mod !

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45 minutes ago, Neitiri said:

idk if you have fixed that, but furniture animations were pretty messed up and rotated incorrectly also was not filtered out and can be triggered in non-furniture situations.

The furniture system is fine. If you find any issue, send me the "papyrus.0.log".

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3 hours ago, D3vilizeR said:

Is it also normal that OpenMouth is the same at 40% and 100%? The slider doesn't seem to work at all right now. All values look like the 85% I linked yesterday.


I'm checking that. Seems like the Mood isn't working for some reason. I remember check it with the Console after made the changes and was working. But now isn't working anywhere.


I will release a hotfix on the next 24 hours. In the worse of the cases is enough with roll back to the vanilla function.

Edited by OsmelMC
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Ever since updating from the 1229 to 0218 version I have the problem that often (but not always) tongues will get equipped despite all my settings being "None". Anything I can do, those monster tongues creep me out, they might befit an ant-eater, but certainly not a human (or mer). Already did a "Clean System" (actually did one right after upgrading), but to no avail.

Edited by Talesien
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11 hours ago, Talesien said:

Ever since updating from the 1229 to 0218 version I have the problem that often (but not always) tongues will get equipped despite all my settings being "None". Anything I can do, those monster tongues creep me out, they might befit an ant-eater, but certainly not a human (or mer). Already did a "Clean System" (actually did one right after upgrading), but to no avail.

The tongues won't be placed on the inventory if you disable the "Use Face Items" option on the "Animations Settings" page.


When some Mod is forcing one of the items to stay equipped, the system will trigger a redress event each time some equippable item be added to the inventory. That can force the tongues to get equipped. Except my Mods, almost all the Ahegao Tongues and Wardrobes or Outfit Managers use the function to prevent the unstriped of the item.


The only monster tongues are the ones of the Argonians and seems to me that fit very well for that race. You can't set the monster tongues to another race unless you change the meshes.

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2 hours ago, OsmelMC said:

This is the fix for the expressions. Probably need restart the expression registry, since one of the bugs disable all the options that keep the lips open while the tongue is showed.



SexLab Utility Plus Expression_Hotfix (20230105).7z 12.31 kB · 9 downloads


Thank you for the fix, now everything works perfectly and the mouth opening is correct.


Edited by D3vilizeR
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Howdy OsmelMC I hope this post finds you well and in good spirits. Thanks for the recent updates. I have a question if its not to much trouble. 

When I have lip sync enabled the only moans I get are on Orgasm. Is there some setting or slider I am not seeing in the lip sync part of expressions?

If I do not enable lip sync the moans play as normal. 


I do use slso and its not an slso voice pack . I also use sexlab extra voices.


Thanks in advance.

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53 minutes ago, Ragsinn said:

Howdy OsmelMC I hope this post finds you well and in good spirits. Thanks for the recent updates. I have a question if its not to much trouble. 

When I have lip sync enabled the only moans I get are on Orgasm. Is there some setting or slider I am not seeing in the lip sync part of expressions?

If I do not enable lip sync the moans play as normal. 


I do use slso and its not an slso voice pack . I also use sexlab extra voices.


Thanks in advance.

If you hear the moans, you should be able to see the lips movements.


Few things to take in consideration:

1. The Lips Sync is basically a lot of different sounds played randomly and a small lips movements for each sound file.


2. All the sound Files have different durations and some times are more than one moan in the same file. So the lip sync isn't synchronized at all .


3. On the "Expression Editor" page you can find the option "Advanced OpenMouth & Lips Sync configuration" that will show you the options to configure the lips sync. The you can configure the duration of the movement and how much will be open the mouth for the moans.


4. The voices have the moaning sounds grouped by types and the types are basically "normal, victim and orgasm" so one voice can come just with the moans for the orgasm and is also different for each gender so one gender can have have only orgasm while the other have all the types or none. This means that you should check what voice is being used for the actor, because the actor can be using the same voice always and that voice probably have just orgasms.







Send me the "papyrus.0.log" if you need more specific help.

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4 hours ago, OsmelMC said:

If you hear the moans, you should be able to see the lips movements.


Few things to take in consideration:

1. The Lips Sync is basically a lot of different sounds played randomly and a small lips movements for each sound file.


2. All the sound Files have different durations and some times are more than one moan in the same file. So the lip sync isn't synchronized at all .


3. On the "Expression Editor" page you can find the option "Advanced OpenMouth & Lips Sync configuration" that will show you the options to configure the lips sync. The you can configure the duration of the movement and how much will be open the mouth for the moans.


4. The voices have the moaning sounds grouped by types and the types are basically "normal, victim and orgasm" so one voice can come just with the moans for the orgasm and is also different for each gender so one gender can have have only orgasm while the other have all the types or none. This means that you should check what voice is being used for the actor, because the actor can be using the same voice always and that voice probably have just orgasms.







Send me the "papyrus.0.log" if you need more specific help.

For what ever reason I can not create the log ..its enabled in the ini ..but just not showing up . Have restarted the game several times. Sorry to have wasted your time.


Doh ..The papyrus settings were in skyrim.ini and skyrimcustom.in had to fix that . Also lips move fine not hearing the moans is the trouble. Only moan has been on orgasim.



Edited by Ragsinn
added log
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