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20 hours ago, Tenri said:

It does also fire a "DeviceActorOrgasm" modevent when an actor orgasms from vibrations.

There are also events for vibrate start, vibrate end, and edging the actor.


Here is a patch for device orgasms.


This isn't installer compatible - you need to replace the _fwb_modifiers.pex file in your Data\scripts folder by hand.

If you don't know how to do that, don't bother.


This will be rolled into V14.5, which will also have a minimum movement speed feature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the mod Lupine00.


I like the new worn item mechanics, I know how to make taking damage while naked detrimental, but is there any way to make a SLSO player orgasm reset that counter back to zero? I like the idea of my character being forced to go have sex to get over damage while nude (and Mortal Weapons and Armor to make staying clothed in combat expensive).


I am also using sexlabutil, so firing off a mod event to do so can work.

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8 hours ago, the8one said:

I like the new worn item mechanics, I know how to make taking damage while naked detrimental, but is there any way to make a SLSO player orgasm reset that counter back to zero? I like the idea of my character being forced to go have sex to get over damage while nude (and Mortal Weapons and Armor to make staying clothed in combat expensive).

To reset the damage taken stats in code?


There is, and it doesn't require any dependencies, but there are quite a few stats to manage.

All the tracked worn states are in StorageUtil on the mcm quest object.


Each StorageUtil key identifies a list of Float values, one per item, matching up to the (currently) 46 worn items in the drop-down.


There is a key that allows you to retrieve a list of the mode names: "fwb_wornModeNames"

This list of strings contains mode names that you add to a key-base to retrieve the matching mode states, per-item, as described above.


There is a key that allows you to retrieve a list of the item names: "fwb_wornItemNames"

This list of strings contains item names - you don't need this, but reading it can give you a list of item names to "Find" into to get the index of the item you want to update.


The base key for mode values is "fwb_modeValuesPerItem_"


Add the mode name to this to make the full key for the mode "values per item"


There is another base key "fwb_modeBasesPerItem_" to which you can add mode names 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12 to create keys to retrieve the "base"values for certain derived modes


So, to get the damage mode data, use modeNames[11], and to get the beatings mode data, you need modeNames[12].


These are derived values, so to properly reset them, you need to modify the base and the current value.


Let's say you want to reset damage...


Access the list with the key "fwb_modeBasesPerItem_damageOn", and set the entries to zero for item indicies that you want to reset.

To reset "beltOpen" access index 24 of the list and set it to 0.0

To reset all items, set all 46 indices to 0.0


Then do the exact same thing for "fwb_modeValuesPerItem_damageOn" for any items you are currently wearing that you want to update.


Values is "what is being applied right now", and Bases is how those values are remembered if you aren't wearing the item.

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On 6/10/2019 at 3:22 AM, Lupine00 said:

I will likely make it possible to assign a numerical value to slootiness of a clothing item, and you can imagine how that will be used.

One value seems a bit limiting though, so there will probably be at least something like a "style" value, that will drive a different modifier set.

That will allow people to set up items that have more complex pros and cons.


I admit, it's not designed at the moment. I need to think about it more carefully. Maybe I want a numeric value for each of the item types?

That would imply I need a "Stylish" item type, for classy items that impress the locals.


Allow me to copypaste the mechanics I am considering for my mod. It is kind of math intensive, but greatly simplifies subsequent dialog conditions coding.




We rate every item on a number of independent axes with 0 meaning "inconclusive/not applicable/indifferent". Negative and positive values are interpreted as scores on the respective side of the axis, i.e. negative Establishment value reads "Respectable" (see below).

All the items currently worn by the PC are tallied up (visibility conditions apply). Empty slot means 0 on every axis, except slot 32 (naked condition) which gives some (but not huge) scores in "Humiliating", "Vulnerable" and "Inviting".


The axes are:

-Establishment: Respectable / Corrupt
-- "Respectable" means just that. There can be a respectable jarl, a respectable housewife or a respectable baker.
-- "Corrupt" types should be treated like scum by us, respectable townfolks... except, you know, they might be packing a shiv.

-Virtue: Honorable / Humiliating
-- "Honorable" means either high standing or some sort of decoration/trophy. Good examples would be dragonbone items, Greybeard robe, Ancient Shrouded Armour.
-- "Humiliating" covers various ridicule and debasement options, as well as tar and feathers stuff.

-Imposition: Dangerous / Vulnerable
-- "Dangerous" refers to the immediate physical danger, from a punch to the face to a shiv in the kidney to wiping out the entire city with fire ("Wanna have some fun with that chick with the Archmage Staff, anyone?"). Possibility of remote social consequences ("Officer, I have your Jarl on my speed dial") should be judged by a combination of other axes.
-- "Vulnerable" is, again, immediate physical incapacity - from usual gender disparity weakness to tied hands and similar conditions.

-Affluence: Wealthy / Poor
-- Self-explanatory.

-Conceit: Posh / Pathetic
-- "Posh" covers "in your face" kind of clothes, a textile embodyment of lighting a cigar with $100 bill. E.g. you're not simply rich, you flaunt your wealth. Or whatever it is that you flaunt.
-- "Pathetic" - a kind passer-by will toss you a coin every now and then. Even when you weren't begging.

-Allure: Inviting / Repulsive
-- "Inviting" - as in "but Your Lordship, her skirt was entirely too short!"
-- "Repulsive" covers everything from dirty lice-ridden beggar rags to Hermaeus Mora themed outfits. It is conceivable, of course, that some NPCs will be turned on by any combination of filth, parasites and tentacles.

Okay, where is the Slutness axis??? Well, there is no such thing per se. Any distinctly femenine item will have some small scores in "Inviting" and "Vulnerable". So take both to their extremes and bam! - instaslut. But now we can tell slutty clothes apart from kinky dominatrix armor that covers even less skin than a typical whore's dress, yet doesn't look at all vulnerable. We can also tell an honest bimbo who simlpy cannot hold her legs together from a dirty debased whore: check "Corrupt" and "Humiliating" scores. Oh, and dont forget "Affluence" axis: you normally don't want to mistake a jet set call girl for a cheap motel hooker.

There might be additional modifiers that are not even related to clothes. Completion of the main quest line may give you premanent "Honorable" bonus. Or MME boobs may migrate from "Inviting" to "Vulnerable" and then to "Humilating" as they grow.



Now, if we disregard all the big SAT words (don't pay too much attention to them, English is not my first language) the idea boils down to the following. Every possible combination of worn items is represented by a point in N-dimensional feature space, which point we classify (according to the needs of particular case at hand) by building a decision surface in M-dimensional subspace of the most relevant axes.


Suppose a particular scenario requires that NPC choose between the following greeting lines:

- It's a pleasure to meet you, milady.
- Sup, sis!
- The soup kitchen is next door.


So, for each of these lines we form a sort of desired feature vector (which scores we want high and which ones low, but skip the ones we do no care about). Then we calculate PC's tally on the respective axes and choose the line that gives us the best fit under some measure (the shortest Euclidean distance as a simple example).  
Of course, NPCs will misjudge you every now and then, but it's your own fault for sending mixed signals :)


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3 hours ago, cat013 said:

So, for each of these lines we form a sort of desired feature vector (which scores we want high and which ones low, but skip the ones we do no care about). Then we calculate PC's tally on the respective axes and choose the line that gives us the best fit under some measure (the shortest Euclidean distance as a simple example).  

How will you finally drive that from dialog conditions?


I have something quite different in SLAX, and it makes it easy for a mod-author to write the conditions they want that relate to their mod without worrying about things they don't know or care about. In any condition it's fairly clear how to set up your dialog.


As you ultimately have to assign conditions to each dialog response you write, this is key to productivity.

Having to put your intended outcome into an offline calculator that generates a set of ranges to test a set of globals (that contain the vector) sounds tedious for modders, difficult to mod, and even harder to maintain.

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Oh, there are no condition ranges to test (as in Purity > 3 AND Bling < 5 AND Ridicule >0 etc ). Instead to each of the competing lines you assign "ideal profile" of a PC that is supposed to receive this line. These profiles will be some points in multidimensional space - as opposed to volumes defined by set of ranges. Everything that PC factually wears is also a point in the same space. Now you measure distances between the factual point and each of the ideal profiles, and choose the closest one (best fit).


BTW, can you elaborate on your arousal mechanics? You mentioned in another topic that it will allow some sort of training (some kind of Pavlovian model?) It is something I'm going to need as well.

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Slave training mechanics will enable if you select the "Slave" arousal model for an NPC or the player.


In many cases this model may seem exactly like the "Responsive" model, but underneath it tracks a lot more events.


The events lead to modifications in how the character gets aroused (or turned off), based on arousal level, orgasms, beatings, who or what you have sex with, and so on.


For example, the outcome is that a trained "anal slave" getting arousal during anal sex, and not losing much to anal orgasms.

And a slave becomes a trained anal slave due to sufficient anal sex + orgasms + arousal, possibly amplified by other effects, such as bondage. masochism or beatings.


This will also set the anal slave and anal sex addict faction plus StorageUtil tags on the character.


This will allow mods that care to handle this change. I will then provide a mod that cares :) What anyone else does is a bonus.

In practice, the additional mod will be mainly dialog, though it will likely trigger sex events of various sorts too, possibly impact vendors and some other things.


SLD will also read the states, allowing you to impose whatever buffs or debuffs you like from them.



So, with all this in a Slaverun game, the PC will naturally become trained, as the scenarios progress, making it more challenging to rebel or defy your masters, let alone lead a rebellion. It will be up to the player how easy they want to make it to recover from training and addictions.

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Hi Lupine.


Been playing with your mod installed for a good number of weeks now and love it, i kinda finally figured out why i never got a buff in Alchemy, stumbled upon it by accident.

I put my girl into some DD items, restrictive boots and gloves, in the worn section i gave a buff of 50 points to both Archery and One handed skills if the gloves were worn for 24 hours, when i checked the buffs after a few mins of playing the one handed skill was there, but no archery, instead i had an Alchemy buff! ( i hadn't added an alchemy buff to any section anywhere ).

So i removed that buff an instead gave a 50 points Alchemy buff to see if it gave me an Archery one, but the buff vanished completely and no again no Archery buff appeared.

I suspect you've used a copy/paste system for the scripts for each category?  if so this bug will have been repeated through most if not all of them.

Once again It's an awesome mod, so thank you for all the work you've been doing with this.

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1 hour ago, slygothmog said:

I suspect you've used a copy/paste system for the scripts for each category?  if so this bug will have been repeated through most if not all of them.

Probably not a copy-paste bug in the sense you're thinking of, as SLD is mostly data driven.

Could also be a mistake in the spell effect, as they were made by duplication, because that's the best workflow in the CK.

I'll look into it.

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So I've been having a bit of time to toy around with the Wear, and I'm really liking the system. It's giving me a lot of incentives to use devices for my characters.


However, I've noticed a problem with the contributing factors. Under the effect menu, I cannot seem to change Arousal contribution factor with decimals, only whole numbers. (Default is 0.05, any change puts it to either 0.0 or 1.0+). I've pressed around a bit to see if there's a modifier key to allow smaller gaps, but so far I haven't found them. Is this intentional?

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16 minutes ago, slicksly said:

However, I've noticed a problem with the contributing factors. Under the effect menu, I cannot seem to change Arousal contribution factor with decimals, only whole numbers. (Default is 0.05, any change puts it to either 0.0 or 1.0+). I've pressed around a bit to see if there's a modifier key to allow smaller gaps, but so far I haven't found them. Is this intentional?

There is a toggle in the main page that lets you flip between high-resolution, standard, and coarse-resolution for sliders.


You should find that changing this allows you to do what you want. Let me know if it does not. I should also check that this slider is working as intended. Personally, I use the default, so I'm not completely sure it's correct without opening up Skyrim and checking.



I'm currently setting my own devices up with various penalties for worn mode that trigger if worn at all.

I add addiction bonuses for devices that give good, useful bonuses, that more than offset the penalties for the basic worn mode.

And I add withdrawal bonuses for devices that are really quite nasty.


However, I avoid major penalties to movement speed, as these tend to cause bother when other mods also debuff movement speed.


I wish I could stop DD doing it entirely, and just use SLD.

From a code perspective, I can, but the restrictive my-way-or-the-highway rules for DD say I can't create a patch that does that for everyone. The best I can do is remove its changes with a high-frequency, so that will be a feature in the next point-release.


Meanwhile, I'm working mainly on SLAX. More accurately, I've been spread-sheet modelling arousal and slave-training systems for the last two weeks. Once I have that right, the code itself is just busywork and boilerplate.

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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

There is a toggle in the main page that lets you flip between high-resolution, standard, and coarse-resolution for sliders.


You should find that changing this allows you to do what you want. Let me know if it does not. I should also check that this slider is working as intended. Personally, I use the default, so I'm not completely sure it's correct without opening up Skyrim and checking.

Thanks, the 'fine' setting works fine, reducing the slider to tenths of one.

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18 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

How will SLAX work?  Will it extend SLA(R) (I assume that's what the X is for) without replacing it, to maintain compatibility with mods that require it? 

It replaces SLA(R) completely, it's an ESM that is API call (and in many other details) compatible with SLA(R) as a replacement.

In fact, it seems so alike to other mods that you can swap out SLA(R) and put in SLAX, in a running game, and those mods will still work just fine.


Unless that mod is SLSO :) in which case it will work better :)  :) 


You can use it to replicate the old arousal model.

And it will let you edit all your clothes with a lot more keywords and tags, including all the things that SLS likes.


Also has C++ performance improvements, and I fixed quite a lot of bugs and quirks in SLA(R).

I'm surprised how wrong a few parts of it are; nobody has noticed all this time.


SLSO integration is built-in, and you should not use the patch.

Improved some things and fixed some bugs and quirks in the SLSO patch for SLA(R).


But it also adds new arousal modes. Actually, at this point it's really looking like one new mode, with some variations.

You can set these modes on any character, including the PC.


Responsive mode makes arousal more realistic, based on immediate excitement and gratification rather than an urge that gets carried around for days, slowly building.


Slavery mode puts the target much more at the mercy of their arousal, easily trained in sexual addictions and perversions, and able to become practically insatiable.


Denial mode adds some extra frustration handling around chastity, so that long term chastity has long term arousal impact.


Addiction system for a lot of sexual kinks.


Faction system for describing all kinds of things about sex life and reputation.


Currently improving the design for training and addiction.

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11 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

It replaces SLA(R) completely, it's an ESM that is API call (and in many other details) compatible with SLA(R) as a replacement....

All of this sounds great!  I'm cheering for you. 


While you're in there, could you please look at why the SLA Gender Preference is not being set in SLA(R) and hopefully make it work in SLAX?  I've tried checking the faction in dialogues, but it's always -2 unless I force the setting with the SLA(R) puppet master page, which is very awkward.  I wanted/expected it to set the faction according to SexLab's random seeding.  I left a question on the SLA(R) forum but there was no response. 


Will there be a way for SLAX to recognize prostitution sex?  My thought is that servicing sweaty guys too ugly or crude to get girls on their own (or servicing a gender you don't find attractive) should have a negative effect on desire for sex, or at least not pump it up, but the current model assumes that if you're having lots of sex of any kind then you must want it all the time. 

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11 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

While you're in there, could you please look at why the SLA Gender Preference is not being set in SLA(R)

SLA(R) uses a system of heuristics to establish gender preference.

First it looks at the faction, and if it's 0, 1, or 2 it uses that.

Failing that, it estimates based on who you'd have sex with.

If it's -2, then it doesn't have a faction "set" in the proper sense, and is using the sex partners ratio.


11 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

Will there be a way for SLAX to recognize prostitution sex?  My thought is that servicing sweaty guys too ugly or crude to get girls on their own (or servicing a gender you don't find attractive) should have a negative effect on desire for sex, or at least not pump it up, but the current model assumes that if you're having lots of sex of any kind then you must want it all the time. 

I guess the key is orgasms. With SLSO you can have a lot of sex, but not many orgasms.

There's no way to make this consider everyone's idea of what should happen, especially in complex scenarios, but the idea that a character might not enjoy things is something I considered. If you don't want to end up sex addicted easily, don't choose the slavery mode, as that's intended to be perilous (but not inevitable).

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Incredible work, thanks for making this mod and sharing it!


I have a question, a suggestion, and a request. My apologies if any of them are obvious or dumb. I really have read the whole thread, but so far I've put over 10 hours into downloading and installing mods (and many, many more hours researching and reading) for a from-scratch prettified, sexified, and kinky-but-playable Skyrim game after a three-year hiatus and not only am I still not ready to play yet, but I'm seriously dazed and confused!


First, regarding your previous post (not sure if this is about SLAX or SLD), is the slavery-induced sex addiction reversible? Can you do something like go live as a hermit on a mountain or wear chastity gear for a year to deprogram yourself? Or is that an adventuring game over bad end?


Second, rather than (or in addition to) publishing a complete config file with dozens of various settings the combination of which will not match exactly what anyone else wants, what would be really useful is a library of specific effects, where you describe a single mechanic (like your slave boots from hell described up thread) and then detail exactly what values to put for each relevant setting and any external mod requirements/interactions. Others could post alternate configurations for the same type of results, as well as for different effects. Sure, everyone will have to tweak some settings to fit their own preferences and bodyslide and such, but having a known working set to start with would be a huge help in overcoming the panic-induced freeze that can come from facing a zillion options with no clue where to even start. With enough contributions we could have a virtual smorgasbord of kinky mechanics/effects/solutions to pick from to tailor our games to individual taste as well as see new ideas we'd never even imagined or thought possible.


Third, would you mind postng your latest playtime load order? Again, this would be a huge help to those like me who are trying to start from scratch but facing so many options it's inducing both confusion and paralysis. I already know some stuff you like that I would exclude and there's probably some of the reverse as well, but just having a complete and tested example to start from that isn't a known CTD/corrupted save generator would be a great help! LOL

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3 hours ago, Bound said:

First, regarding your previous post (not sure if this is about SLAX or SLD), is the slavery-induced sex addiction reversible? Can you do something like go live as a hermit on a mountain or wear chastity gear for a year to deprogram yourself? Or is that an adventuring game over bad end?

When SLAX is finished - and I haven't made a release yet, and that will just be a phase 1 - yes, you will be able to reverse sex-addiction, if you enable that setup.


The idea of being able to factor out a setup for a single worn item isn't something I designed in. It's feasible - as JSON - but not really practical right now. I'd have to write something explicit to make that happen. I like the idea, but it's probably not going to get done. Just getting the SLAX stuff done at the moment is a challenge in terms of time.


I've spent several weekends working on the SLAX addiction/training design, modelling numbers and mechanics, and trying to get something that will deliver on what most people want. I've simplified repeatedly, but it remains quite complex. What I need to do now is deliver a prototype people can use, and we'll see how it goes, iterate, improve.



Options may not be framed as you expect though... For example, recovery from addiction isn't just something you enable or disable.

Rather, it depends on:

a) your character's personal arousal mode

b) options for that arousal mode, such as 'enhanced slavery and addiction', or 'denial effects'

c) detailed options like 'aversion reversal' and 'addiction decay' and 'prayer strength', or 'integrity recovery rate'.


So, you can pray to shrines to help shed addiction, or tune the decay rate of addiction (defaults to 0).

Integrity is a like a resistance stat, and you use it up resisting addictive events, and recover it through sleep, prayer, eating, drinking, and over time at a slower rate.

Some integrity recovery features will not be in phase-1, for sure, it will just be time and sleep.


If you have enable addiction decay, recovering integrity when it's already maxed will allow your addictions to reduce by the configured scale; the least recently triggered addiction will decay, others will not.


But there isn't just an addiction mechanic, there's also an aversion mechanic. So, for example, you can develop an extreme aversion to falmer, or rapes, or bondage, or other things ... and that will kill your arousal, and exposure to those things that doesn't result in orgasms will cause increased aversion.


With aversion reversal (if enabled), there's a chance that if you max out aversion in an area, exposures can suddenly 'flip' into addiction. I can see a lot of people might not want this feature, but for slave training situations, it's a way to "fix" a case where you punished a slave with something and now they hate it. Remember, this has to support NPCs, not just the player, so if the player isn't enabled for slave training, they won't flip anyway.


These are just a few examples of what I'm doing. Real implementation should start at the weekend, as I have a design, and a release plan now.


In the first release I'm aiming for:

a) keyword and storage util tagging for armor types, such as sexy, bikini etc. Yes, you can set the keywords on armor in real time. I wrote a C++ plugin to do this, and it works nicely.

b) legacy arousal mode

c) extremely extensive factions for sexual reputation and preference

d) responsive arousal mode with support for...

1) sexual preference

2) bondage fetish (heavy bondage only for phase 1)

3) monster fetish

4) creature fetish

5) boob fetish

6) ass fetish

7) foot fetish

8 ) limited configuration of various personality preferences on actors - not just the player

9) slave trainable (per actor, or global switch)

10) denial mode (per actor, or global switch)


The fetish system is fundamental to arousal generation. Sexual Preference is just a special case of the fetish mechanics.



A while back, I tried saving out my LO to help others, and decided it was not that helpful. It has some big merges in it, that hide a lot, and it has mods in it I don't use, that I put in at the start of the playthrough and basically disabled later on. Also, I use Mator Smash, which hides a multitude of sins. You could pick just about any LO and Smash would fix most of it :) 


In terms of LO, SLD is extremely forgiving. Other mods less so, SD+ and SexLab Stories are mods that need to go late or last in your LO.

SexLab Stories is a particularly conflict-prone mod, and if you have problems, or a lot of vanilla NPC and town mods, it's probably better if you don't use it.


The front page for SexLab Sex Slaves has some good notes on other mods that cause problems.


Devious Followers should always go late too - must be after your follower mods - but before SD+.


And then in MO, there's left-pane sorting, which is reflected as overwrites in NMM/Vortex. This is mostly relevant to assets. I unpack most of my BSA files so my left pane really does what I think, and MO will show me fine-grained conflict information.


I don't use MO2 for LE. I found it didn't work any better, and was slower, but for SE you would need it.

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On 8/20/2019 at 9:01 PM, Lupine00 said:

The idea of being able to factor out a setup for a single worn item isn't something I designed in. It's feasible - as JSON - but not really practical right now. I'd have to write something explicit to make that happen. I like the idea, but it's probably not going to get done.

Oh no, I wasn't thinking in terms of an export/import mechanism for sunsets of controls. Just the thought of how much work that would take to deal with merge conflicts makes me break out in hives! I meant documentation. Collecting a list of written guides to how to set up individual effects. Like what you wrote for the slave boots that I'm going to have to dig through the thread to try to find again when it comes time to set this up.


For example, I found a fun little mod called Aroused Nips which does exactly what it says and I was thinking maybe I could get the same effect without yet another mod by using SLD, but no clue how.


SLAX is sounding verrrry interesting. I'm all for having to work to keep/regain control, as long as it's possible to do so. Not a fan of game ending bad ends.


And yeah, it's selfish of me but the load order request was really just a request for a list of mods you have working together. I'm hoping to skip at least a little of the trial and error pain of narrowing the hundreds of cool mods available down to a playable set that all work together and don't result in broken saves. Which is what eventually led to my quitting Skyrim years ago. I came back expecting to just set up STEP and add on DCL and everything it needs and be ready to play. But instead I find that you and Monoman and Code Serpent and Verstort and Inte and Teutonic and MTB and a bunch of others I can't remember have gone and made life difficult by adding all these cool mods I just don't think I can live without!  ?

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2 hours ago, Bound said:

I came back expecting to just set up STEP and add on DCL and everything it needs and be ready to play. But instead I find that you and Monoman and Code Serpent and Verstort and Inte and Teutonic and MTB and a bunch of others I can't remember have gone and made life difficult by adding all these cool mods I just don't think I can live without!

Things have moved on a bit. Old mods are obsoleted (mostly by DD) and new mods have arrived. Some new mods have almost come and gone. SL Adventures was a favourite for me a while ago, but now it's less supported, and SLS does a lot of what it does in a way that is more interesting, though less customisable. The per-hold setups for SLAdv are great. I still use it, but it's much less central to my build now.


I'm currently trying to do Sex Slaves Andrew to completion, so my games vary a lot. Take a look at this thread ... on and off there are a posts by me ... a lot of posts, some very long ... about what mods to use, and how to use them to get different kinds of outcomes. 



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On 8/13/2019 at 9:58 AM, HexBolt8 said:

Will there be a way for SLAX to recognize prostitution sex?

I guess that's a luxury feature. I'd like to do it, but it's time intensive, so it would probably be added late, or not at all.


I've figured a way to do the accumulating view arousal without changing much. Configure the view accumulating rate globally. It will be relative to fetishes.



On a non-SLAX related topic, as a tip for those who want to set a rape threshold based on arousal in SLD...


Set up an arousal modifier column ranged from T to T, where T is your threshold. Alternatively, T to T + 1 or something like that.

Set the column scale to 100%.

Now values below T will have 0% modifier from that column, and values over T will have a 100% modifier.


Set your rape value to -100, or whatever you think is enough to make it likely enough.

Remember to uncap the rape chance -ve limit if you set a really high chance.

Negative values are more likely for events. Positive ones, less likely.


Rape is thus enabled on a threshold, rather than becoming gradually more likely.

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On 8/23/2019 at 8:42 PM, Lupine00 said:

Take a look at this thread ...

Oh great, more reading and research before I'll be able to play! LOL


But seriously, thanks for the link, I was looking for that thread but couldn't find it for some reason.


And now I have to figure out what this "Sex Slaves Andrew" mod is too! ;-)

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2 hours ago, Bound said:

Oh great, more reading and research before I'll be able to play! LOL


But seriously, thanks for the link, I was looking for that thread but couldn't find it for some reason.


And now I have to figure out what this "Sex Slaves Andrew" mod is too! ?

Sex slaves and Dominant Andrew  


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OK, I can't find a specific SLAX thread, so I'll dump my thoughts on how I might have (tried) to build an Arousal mod if I wasn't lazy and if I could have figured out how to do it here.  Not sure all of it is even possible!


Arousal mechanics: 



States Tracked: Arousal, Frustration, Kinks. Value ranges divided into Stages.



Events tracked: Triggers, Stimulations, Orgasms. 



Arousal is a measure of how horny you are at that moment. Arousal tends to fluctuate over short time periods (minutes to hours) and decreases naturally quite rapidly (check every few minutes). External mods can directly modify Arousal (potions or Speecraft or magic or dancing), or use Events that do so indirectly.



Frustration is gained from having Arousal without Orgasm. Frustration tends to fluctuate over medium timeframes (hours to days) and degrades over time, moreso the lower your Arousal. Higher Frustration reduces/limits non-orgasmic decreases in Arousal (but should not block completely). The higher the Arousal the faster Frustration increases. Should external mods be able to modify Frustration? Magic?) 



Kinks are things that turn you on (or off) measured by "how much" in a range from negative (turn-off) to positive (turn-on). Extremely high or low values in a Kink represent addictions or revulsions. Kinks affect how quickly Arousal decreases (which ideally would feed back in to SLSO to make orgasms easier), are affected by Orgasms (and time), and determine how the Actor is affected by Triggers. 


Kinks could include bondage dominant, bondage submissive, wearing rubber, partner wearing rubber, pain(sadist), pain(masochist), anal top, anal bottom, seeing cum, having cum on you, giving oral, receiving oral, being raped, rapeing, giving rough, receiving rough, having high Frustration (Chastity), wearing high heels, seeing (gender) in high heels, homosexual, beastial, heteroracial, wearing armor, partner wearing armor, being naked, being seen naked, seeing (gender) naked, seeing someone die, seeing a dragon, cage/device (dominant), cage/device (submissive), etc. 

Sex is a special case Kink representing how addicted/revolted the Actor is to sex in general and is affected by all Orgasms. 

Kinks fluctuate over much longer terms (weeks) and naturally tend back towards zero very slowly (check daily) and only in the absence of related Orgasms, with a chance of instant reset to a higher Stage up to the maximum achieved in some long period like a month or year) with each orgasm. External mods can add instant adjustments in the form of potions, blessings, quests or whatnot.

Kinks can be selected by the player for RP purposes, but might also be increased (blockable by player) by other mods (like MME or SD+ if the authors were so inclined).


Orgasms increase the Sex Kink, and also any other Kink(s) "in effect" during the sex event leading to the orgasm.


Orgasm while Frustrated = multiplier to Kink gains. 

Orgasm reduces Frustration a lot if a matching Kink is in effect or if Actor has no Kinks other than Sex, but only moderately if none of their Kinks is being satisfied. 

Orgasm reduces Arousal a fair amount unless one of their Kinks is in effect  in which case it may increase Arousal if their Kink is high enough (with diminishing returns within a period of time). Yes, there is the potential for a positive feedback loop between Arousal and Orgasm here, use diminishing returns to clamp it.

External mods can signal when an orgasm has occurred.

An Orgasm can "flip" any "in effect" Kink with a negative value into the equivalent positive value. Chance starts low but is increased for each subsequent matching Orgasm within an hour, and is higher with higher Frustration and Arousal? values.


Triggers are events that tickle one or more Kinks and adjust Arousal based on the recipients score in that/those Kink/s. Things like being naked/dressed in slutty clothes, seeing a (gender) naked/dressed in slutty clothes, wearing erogenous piercings, seeing (gender) in erogenous piercings, being bound (per item), seeing a (gender) bound (per item), wearing rubber, seeing a (gender) wearing rubber, being put in a cage/on a device, putting someone in a cage/on a device, seeing (gender) in a cage/on a device, seeing (gender)x(gender) sex, seeing someone die, seeing a dragon, being sick or wounded, being extremely hungry or thirsty, being extremely tired, etc. Triggers for events that last a while fire every few minutes but yield diminishing Arousal changes for each identical Trigger (type and actor) within the same hour.


The amount of Arousal change is higher for a participant than for an observer. eg binding someone would increase your arousal a lot more than seeing someone bound if you have the bondage dominant Kink.

Triggers are tracked for an hour, both to control diminishing returns and to determine what Kinks are "in effect" for an Orgasm.


Stimulations bypass Triggers to directly increase Arousal ignoring any Kinks. Things like soul-gem piercings being active, vaginal penetration, penile insertion, nipple play, etc.


Stimulations and weights can be selected by player for RP purposes and also enabled/modified by Addiction Stage. Stimulations continue to add their full affect every time they are sampled.




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