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Devious Devices - Laura's Bondage Shop (11-dec-2023) V3.43

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8 hours ago, valcon767 said:

first of all THANK YOU for the great mod!!!!


1 - there are already enough mods that do random enslavement and enough that do the hardcore stuff.  it's great to have a light stuff mod and i really like the 

     "sort of enslaved" quest that you have already done. i would love to see more along lines like that one.


2 - for some reason on the "Seeking the Curse" quest i seem to get blindfolded about 80% of the time (if its just me that's fine).  possibly a slightly less chance of blindfolds?

     not sure if these type restraints are used by the mod yet or not , but the restraints i would like to see used more often (by any mod) are the body suit of chains,

     the hobble dresses, the pet suit, and the rope suit of restraints (for some reason i just don't see those often used, might be just me).


3 - i also absolutely hate skyrim's mannequins.  to the point any house i own i either don't build them or just disable them in game.  another mod that i use for 

     "living mannequins" is "I'll Take the Display Model" by placing furniture from it in various places, then sticking NPCs in them.   one thing about skyrim's mannequins

     that some people do not realize is they are technically NPCs (which is why i get rid of the default mannequins as i have mods that can cause even more issues with 

     mannequins due to them being NPCs).


again thanks for the great mod.



Thank you. :)

About the blindfold, there's a 50% chance to get a blindfold. Which may be too high, so I'll probably lower that.




5 hours ago, llokii70 said:

I think they're are enough slavery mods so to speak.....Laura your mod works so well and is so amazing because of how it all flows...your storytelling is amazing. Part of the draw on yours is that there are a bunch of stories within a story and I think you become really interested in what is going to happen next. It puts you on your seat and is also exciting. There are unexpected twists and turns to the story like with the hood and the cell (trying not give away parts of the story for people who haven't played through). You do it really well. You can tell you have thought this through. You cover the bdsm side, you have the psychological aspect where you wonder whats going to happen next which is a huge part of it. Your mod is definitely one of the top tier mods.

Thank you so much. :blush::heart:

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11 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I don't want the player to get enslaved by random bandits.

I'm also not sure about actual enslavement. It's a nightmare to keep something interesting when the player so limited in the things he/she can do.

If I do it it'll be consentual light slavery with a set NPCs.

I agree. We have other mods for that and they struggle with the same issue.

In general, it wouldn't fit Laura's devious theme anyway. :classic_happy:

But I'd be delighted to see what your basement will bring :classic_laugh:


By the way: Laura needs some kind of workshop or laboratory! And maybe a storeroom.


Further job/servant/lightslavery idea:


We already had discussed a bit of them. e.g. the "modelling" job. I'm buildng a bit on that.


1. Selling stuff to customers, shop assistant, radiant task, need to be completed for one business day 9-17, including lunch break

  • Random NPC customers to enter the shop at random times during business hours => we need the anyway for flavor
  • Laura is busy with some other work on her own
  • The PC is selling stuff to the customer
  • all dialogue based, nothing with "action"
  • random"difficulty" level with unknown outcome for the PC, depending on
    • the hidden desire
    • the dialogue choices
    • and a bit the usual skills
  • variation: show the merchandise ... a.k.a wear the device to convince the buyer
  • variation of variation: apply the device to the customer and release them when they are convinced to buy it
  • variation of variation of variation: the customer has her/his own bondage bunny and wishes the bunny to wear the devices
  • PC either gets a share of the sales or a fixed salary for the day
  • must not leave the shop
  • further sexual variations, slippery slope to prostitution but not there yet: convince the customer by
    • level 1 strip
    • level 2 masturbate ( if possible in the DD )
    • level 3 have sex with the customers bondage doll
    • level 4 have sex with the customer

2. traveling merchant

same as above, just at a randomly chosen place in Skyrim, similar like the CD jobs.

But no need to be bound all the way. It's just the modelling. Well, as for the release part? Accidents may happen :classic_angel:


3. travelling merchant

same as both above but you have to follow Laura on a sales trip. Laura sets the pace, the PC follows.

Maybe has to defend her.


4. chores => playing with the BDSM "maid" theme here

  • the customers NPC leave randomly generated dirt behind, the PC has to keep the shop clean.
  • same as ^ above, but rented for a few hours to Hulda, the temple, Jorrvask or Dragonsreach
  • same as ^ above for rented to the stables or a nearby farm with animals
  • same as ^ above but rented by the Jarl to keep the streets of Whiterun tidy (groping incuded?)
  • buy food at the market, buy tools from the smithies, buy from the nearby farms (while being a bit bound)
  • prepare food, snacks or drinks for Laura or the shop's customers => "serving" theme

5. chores in the shop with the merchandise, devious "accidents" may happen

  • helping Laura to clean all the merchandise
  • if we have a workshop: help her repair it
    • take from storage
    • repair it, failure might happen => we could start a "dept" counter here, or a "displease Laura" counter
    • tools would be needed (see 4.chores) and consumed
    • put it in the shop for sale or back to storage
  • take parcel from the courier, open them, store and sort them away => we would need shelves and crates somewhere (another basement room?)
  • retrieve letters from customers (add a mailbox outside), retrieve items, make a package, call the courier, pay him, hand  over the parcel
  • paying the courier => pay him sexually may lower the delivery price (slippery slope again)
  • take broken equipment to Eorlund or Arienne to get it fixed, pay them for their work, return. Payment might again include sexual favors to lower the price :classic_angel:
  • take broken equipment to a courtmage, otherwise same as ^ above

6. a "vernissage"

Nobody uses the Honningbrew meadery for anything. Use it.

  • basically a blend of all jobs above
  • NPC customers added to the meadery,
  • a bard plays music,
  • drinks are served,
  • merchandise is displayed,
  • Laura sells stuff,
  • the PC has to model, help selling, serve food and drinks
  • maybe some other merchants as well, fine clothes, jewellery


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8 hours ago, SirCrazy said:

Since everyone is talking about mannequins perhaps you can use them in a scary quest example below.  


The dragon born is given the location of an old abandoned bondage store and is sent by Laura to see if it still has any devices hidden somewhere in it.  When the dragon born arrives it appears that the place is already looted. After looking around a bit the player hears strange noises coming from behind a bookcase. 

The dragon born finds a switch and it opens into a hidden hallway. 


The hallway is still lit with lanterns and leads into a good size room. As the dragon born reaches the room, the bookcase quietly closes locking the dragon born inside. Along the walls in the room are tables covered in bondage devices and between the tables are mannequins. In the center of the room is a woman bound and gagged in metal restraints on an altar of some type.


When the dragon born reaches the woman, she mumbles though her gag "Mmof mif a map!" and the dragon born replies "Let’s get that gag off so I can understand you." When the dragon born touches the bound woman a trap goes off and the dragon born is now bound in a yoke and gag. The mannequins then come to life and attack the dragon born.  A mannequin is just a naked NPC so with bound combat the player should be able to defeat the mannequins.


Once the mannequins are defeated another hidden passage is revealed.  The dragon born cannot escape the bindings and can't leave the way she came, nor can she free the woman from the alter.  With no choice the dragon born follows the passage to another room.  In this room is one mannequin mage that must be defeated.  Once the mannequin mage is defeated, the dragon born looks around and sees an alchemy lab, an enchanter, a pedestal with a journal on it and a lever at the back of the room.


If the dragon born pulls the lever it opens the bookcase and releases the bound woman from the alter but she is still bound in her metal restraints.  The dragon born is now able to lead the woman back to Laura's Bondage Shop to be released.


The journal says:  
“1st entry: I can’t sell my creations if no one sees them. Paying the local girls to model for me is costing too much and I’ll be broke by the end of the year if I can’t find a way to lower my costs.”  


“2nd entry: I whipped up a paralyze potion today and used it on a bandit girl. I brought her back in metal restraints and used her as a display. The only problem was that her constant struggling was causing the customers to get nervous and ask if she was here willingly.  I managed to convince them is was just a realistic demonstration, but I will need to come up with a better solution.”


“3rd entry: Today I learned a calm spell from a local mage, and it’s worked wonders in keeping my new model in line.  I think I will add a few more bandit girls to my collection. The sales are really starting to pick up.”


“4th entry: I’m an idiot. While two of the local girls were in the store, my first model suddenly fell over and stopped moving.  The two girls ran over to help her and saw that she was dead. I knew they would get the guards to investigate, so I used a calm spell on them and forced them to drink my paralyze potion.  My two new models are now bound and ready to serve. It seems that I forgot that my models are still living things that require food and water. Perhaps it’s what they were moaning about so much.”


“5th entry: Feeding the models is a risky and time-consuming task. They won’t eat while calmed or paralyzed. Even when near death they will often try to scream for help or try to bite me.  Some refuse to eat at all. Hiding the bodies is becoming more difficult as the guards have stepped up their patrols. The older I get the harder it is to drag the bodies into the forest and the local hunters are finding the them before the animals are. I recently read in a book that Daedric Princes like to make deals in exchange for souls. Bandit souls are not hard for me to come by. Perhaps I’ll visit one of their shrines and see what they are willing to offer.”


“6th entry: I’m set for life! I spoke with Clavicus Vile and we made a deal. I am to build a secret shrine and to offer souls to him and in exchange my new models no longer require food, water or calm spells. “


“7th entry: That bastard!  After a few months the models started to turn to wood so I went back to Clavicus Vile to see what went wrong. He said ‘I never promised eternal beauty, only that your new mannequins would require no care. If you want more models, send me more souls.’ He thinks he tricked me, but I’ll get the better of him! Wooden mannequins are easy to burn, and the models last for months before turning so I’m still better off.”


“8th entry: No this can’t be happening! I went to burn the latest batch of mannequins and they turned on me! I removed the restraints so that I could reuse them later and before I got the fire started, I was bound up tight. They dragged me to the alter and offered Clavicus Vile my soul in exchange for theirs. He said mine alone was not good enough and that if they kept bringing him more, then maybe one day he would return theirs. My new captors kept me in the store forcing me to make and sell devices. Every time I would try to run, they would cast a calm spell on me and force me back. I couldn’t go to the guard, they would hang me for what I have done.  For two months they kept me a prisoner in my own shop while they collected my customers and offered them to Clavicus Vile. Then I started to turn to wood as well. They tried to burn me as I had done to their friends, but I escaped into my study room. Without me to run the store there will be no more customers and no more souls for Clavicus Vile”.


“9th entry: It feels like I have been here for years and I’ve learned a few new spells from my books. Looters and adventures wander into the shop occasionally, and the mannequins bind them up using traps and offer them to Clavicus Vile. I can’t defeat the mannequins alone but if some adventurer were to take them out, I would be able to escape. I may be made from wood, but I am also immortal if I’m careful. It’s only a matter of time... “


“10th entry: Yes! Some fool killed them all and she’s still bound up tight! I’ll kill her with magic to stop her from talking to anyone. I will be unstoppable when I find some enchantable armor.”


There's potential, I like it.


18 minutes ago, worik said:

I agree. We have other mods for that and they struggle with the same issue.

In general, it wouldn't fit Laura's devious theme anyway. :classic_happy:

But I'd be delighted to see what your basement will bring :classic_laugh:


By the way: Laura needs some kind of workshop or laboratory! And maybe a storeroom.


Further job/servant/lightslavery idea:

  Reveal hidden contents

We already had discussed a bit of them. e.g. the "modelling" job. I'm buildng a bit on that.


1. Selling stuff to customers, shop assistant, radiant task, need to be completed for one business day 9-17, including lunch break

  • Random NPC customers to enter the shop at random times during business hours => we need the anyway for flavor
  • Laura is busy with some other work on her own
  • The PC is selling stuff to the customer
  • all dialogue based, nothing with "action"
  • random"difficulty" level with unknown outcome for the PC, depending on
    • the hidden desire
    • the dialogue choices
    • and a bit the usual skills
  • variation: show the merchandise ... a.k.a wear the device to convince the buyer
  • variation of variation: apply the device to the customer and release them when they are convinced to buy it
  • variation of variation of variation: the customer has her/his own bondage bunny and wishes the bunny to wear the devices
  • PC either gets a share of the sales or a fixed salary for the day
  • must not leave the shop
  • further sexual variations, slippery slope to prostitution but not there yet: convince the customer by
    • level 1 strip
    • level 2 masturbate ( if possible in the DD )
    • level 3 have sex with the customers bondage doll
    • level 4 have sex with the customer

2. traveling merchant

same as above, just at a randomly chosen place in Skyrim, similar like the CD jobs.

But no need to be bound all the way. It's just the modelling. Well, as for the release part? Accidents may happen :classic_angel:


3. travelling merchant

same as both above but you have to follow Laura on a sales trip. Laura sets the pace, the PC follows.

Maybe has to defend her.


4. chores => playing with the BDSM "maid" theme here

  • the customers NPC leave randomly generated dirt behind, the PC has to keep the shop clean.
  • same as ^ above, but rented for a few hours to Hulda, the temple, Jorrvask or Dragonsreach
  • same as ^ above for rented to the stables or a nearby farm with animals
  • same as ^ above but rented by the Jarl to keep the streets of Whiterun tidy (groping incuded?)
  • buy food at the market, buy tools from the smithies, buy from the nearby farms (while being a bit bound)
  • prepare food, snacks or drinks for Laura or the shop's customers => "serving" theme

5. chores in the shop with the merchandise, devious "accidents" may happen

  • helping Laura to clean all the merchandise
  • if we have a workshop: help her repair it
    • take from storage
    • repair it, failure might happen => we could start a "dept" counter here, or a "displease Laura" counter
    • tools would be needed (see 4.chores) and consumed
    • put it in the shop for sale or back to storage
  • take parcel from the courier, open them, store and sort them away => we would need shelves and crates somewhere (another basement room?)
  • retrieve letters from customers (add a mailbox outside), retrieve items, make a package, call the courier, pay him, hand  over the parcel
  • paying the courier => pay him sexually may lower the delivery price (slippery slope again)
  • take broken equipment to Eorlund or Arienne to get it fixed, pay them for their work, return. Payment might again include sexual favors to lower the price :classic_angel:
  • take broken equipment to a courtmage, otherwise same as ^ above

6. a "vernissage"

Nobody uses the Honningbrew meadery for anything. Use it.

  • basically a blend of all jobs above
  • NPC customers added to the meadery,
  • a bard plays music,
  • drinks are served,
  • merchandise is displayed,
  • Laura sells stuff,
  • the PC has to model, help selling, serve food and drinks
  • maybe some other merchants as well, fine clothes, jewellery


Thanks for the suggestions.

I like the chores idea. Maybe there could be simple chores in the shop that unlock rewards if you do them enough. Maybe something like earning keys or special restraints. ?

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2 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

There's potential, I like it.


Thanks for the suggestions.

I like the chores idea. Maybe there could be simple chores in the shop that unlock rewards if you do them enough. Maybe something like earning keys or special restraints. ?

Laura, sharing my Idea:


Because in Whiterun there are two Blacksmiths. Eorlund and Adrianne. You normally would think that there would be some competition between them. Maybe there is like a hidden one that we never seen. And also wearing restraint is not an end of the world. It requires both, man to know what a woman like and don't likes.  So it is kinda cooperational. There surely is some kind of telepathic connection here going on.


Which one of them will prepare better restraint for a Dragonborn? Or they will togheter do it? I suggest:


Strange Rock Gag - "A strange rock is a ball! Allows your thoughts to become very loud sounds."   Yet still eating is impossible like in a ball gag. Just unlocks shouting to be possible when wearing it.


I don't know if it is possible. Just an idea here. If you think it's cool - that's cool. If not - keep doing whatever you doing already. Because you already has plans for your mod and i'm interested to see the continuations. ? 


EDIT: Reason: Adrianne and Eorlund both were not able to do anything with it. They were putting it in high fire of the forge, hammering it to make something else from it. Yet it didn't bend to their will. Maybe it should be just like that. And maybe it requires not to change it - but use it as it is already in it's own rounded shape. Using different approach how to find a potential dreaming in a strange rock stone... ( -> Farengar Secret-Fire will give advise to Dragonborn <- )


EDIT2: Long quest given by Farengar - to touch every single Standing Stone in Skyrim - while having Strange Rock in inventory. To unlock magic potential with it. After stones are touched - from solid rock it becomes an indestructible rubber rock/ball! Ending by talking to Laura in her shop.

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i have al little suggestion for the "blending in" quest.

Just for the immersion i think, that the pc should store all of her belongings in a safe chest in the bondage store. 

Could help to feel more vulnerable and helpless.


and i hope for a little punishment if the pc is catched snooping around - a chastity belt for example. And maybe no key for it at the end of the quest.


And, by the way: great mod. love it.

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15 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

You're right, it's not really fun that the restraints are always in the chest. But I have a few things planned to improve Seeking The Curse and that's something I want to address.

I had a thought, and I've not looked, but could I command a follower to open the box?  And they get trapped instead?  Or is that completely not an option?  The whole finding someone else got to it first really does sound like a bonus, because it could be someone good and someone bad (and if that is the case, would you ever let them out).



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Just thought I'd say something here, someone can interject and scream or whatever you want.  I have this mod, which has been fun and "different", have "Sexlab Sex Slaves" and I found it's intro alright (buggier than anything), but the two are the only "adult" themed locations in my entire game and aside from knowing they're there, Skyrim looks 100% regular.  Paradise Halls seems to have updated on the Nexus but not here, it is somewhat overboard from what I was looking for, what other mods do people here have that accompany these type of mods that make day to day Skyrim travels aware that these are present?



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Talking of mannequins scaring you half to death - a mod on Fallout 4 called Xander's Aid had me genuinely jump away from my pc and stop playing until my heart stopped pounding. There is a scripted moment in that DLC that just played out perfectly, so much so that I now *hate* the mannequins in Fallout 4




Basically an underground chamber where you need to go all the way to the top to get a key for the locked room at the bottom which unlocks the exit at the top. The place is EMPTY as you go up through the rooms to the top. You get the key and look around... there are odd mannequins dotted about - only a few... You're thinking "hang about did I miss them? I must've missed them"
You go all the way back down, face the door and unlock it... turn around.

The place IS FULL OF MANNEQUINS. Fecking hundreds of them. All looking right at you. In your god-damned face. You have to walk back through this tiny open path through the middle of them - ALL THE WAY BACK UP AGAIN. I was near to filling me shorts.




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23 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I don't trust Skyrim's mannequins. The biggest jumpscare I ever had was because of a mannequin in Windhelm's player home. They creep me out ever since. :sweat_smile:

Haha, yeah, those damn things remind me way to much of Weeping Angels. They always end up moving just a little. One time, I think it was when I loaded into the game, I was standing right next to the mannequins and when I panned my camera in their direction, I noticed they both had their heads turned, looking right at me. Scared the crap out of me. Didn't go back to Breeze Home for a while after that (TNF Breeze Home mod).


On another note, I was thinking, and feel free to shoot this one down. I have no idea how much work adding this would even take. I'm streaming Lewdrim on my discord channel, since there aren't any real censorship or overall guidelines, such as Twitch, that would prohibit LL content on this stream. Long story short, I'm playing a male character for this, my main being a girl, so I can do the Laura's Bondage Shop content correctly. I was thinking about how Katarina and Laura team up to go gather cursed loot. Would it be possible to do the same with a follower? Say, Lydia or Brelyna? I know with the main quest that would be harder, you'd probably need puppet master style controls so you could remote control your slave/spy. This however is probably way outside the scope of your mod, so I totally understand if you give a strait "No" in that regard. Sometimes my mind just starts thinking about something and wont friggen stop!

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15 hours ago, piotsze said:
  Reveal hidden contents

The Ordinary Women v1.9 UNP, Hott Vampires 2 Standard Version 2.2a, Beautiful Healers UNP HDT v1.0, Bijin NPCs v1.2, Bijin Wives v1.1, Bijin Warmaidens v3.1.2, Recruitable Valerica - Wrath of a Mother, Seranaholic v1.8, Valerica v1.7, Sofia Follower v.2.51 (BSA), Teleportation Spell with Menu and Mark and Recall with Menu, Elisif Makeover Version v1.0, Amorous Adventures-SexLab v3.4, The Erotic Adventures of Misty Skye v5.3b, Maormer ZirraLia v1.0b, Hott Ildari 3.0, All-in-One UUNP HDT Animated Pussy 4.0, Queen of the Damned v1.4 - Patch for Seranaholic v1.8, Dwarven Luggage v1.16 - Default Chest Version, Dimes QuickStart3 v1.6, Atlas Map Markers v1.7 Complete + Legendary Update v2.0, Fantasy Soundtrack Project v4.1, Real Flying (with Gliding and Collisions), Sexlab Release Redux v2.2.2, The College of Winterhold - NPC Improvement, JNPC Sorine Jurard, Jiubs Opus Quest Markers, Unread Books Glow v2.2, CS Tag and Track NPCs v2.5, D13 Faster Get up Stand up animation, PetCollar v5.2.5, Dibella's Blessings - Naked Gameplay 1.4.0, FSS - Better Bards, RS Children Overhaul v1.2.0, DisplayEnemyLevel v1.3.1, BWitch 0.6.0, The Choice is Yours v2.0, Run For Your Lives, Miraak - Dragonborn Follower v1.7, The Paarthurnax Dilemma v1.2.9, Marriable Serana, Increased Follower Limit (no EFF/AFT/UFO needed), BD-UUNP Armor and Clothes Replacer, BD UUNP Dawnguard armor and clothes, BD UUNP Dragonborn armor, BarenziahQuestMarkers v1.3, Better MessageBox Controls, Faces - GeonoxFaces v1.2, Mature Skin - UNP v2.15, Termor's Notification Mod, Mark Books Unread v1.0, Smoke and Dust Remover v1.0, Egg Factory v3.5a, Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version v1.3, Get On With It (door and gates - no opening animation), Speed Rings v1.1


Also using couple SKSE plugins. And have used Ordenador to compress all textures to 2K if there were any 4K inside mods. Reason:  i don't have 4K monitor to see any difference from between: 2K & 4K. So it would be a waste of my graphics card memory to load bigger size textures.


EDIT: Also playin DCUR 8.3 with it. However i don't recommend to play Shout Like a Virgin & DCUR - unless you freeze all functions of DCUR. But that makes no sense as most of SLaV quests are repeatable, also long after objectives are done. It can spam your journal too much from repeatable quests still being added and added to journal entries... Because of that i have stopped to play SLaV.


Actually, keep them at 4k, your graphics card isn't being used that way, the game only creates a DirectX Canvas (2d surface) to draw into, since the XBox's built in hardware is incapable of any fast 3d rendering (well not with that bloat called "C" running things) and they sure didn't make a new engine for the PC.


I just installed and haven't even done the BodySlide for it yet (it's going in the background now), so I was wondering what mods tie this stuff together, as in there are no traveling traders for this stuff?  No "town" places, where this is normal?  Just 1 store near Whiterun and an unused castle up in the mountains, not very immersive.



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6 hours ago, GuruSR said:


Actually, keep them at 4k, your graphics card isn't being used that way, the game only creates a DirectX Canvas (2d surface) to draw into, since the XBox's built in hardware is incapable of any fast 3d rendering (well not with that bloat called "C" running things) and they sure didn't make a new engine for the PC.


I just installed and haven't even done the BodySlide for it yet (it's going in the background now), so I was wondering what mods tie this stuff together, as in there are no traveling traders for this stuff?  No "town" places, where this is normal?  Just 1 store near Whiterun and an unused castle up in the mountains, not very immersive.



Ok. I will explain more why i have done this - because what you have write is true. I also did research about dds format. To be clear - textures are loaded into graphics card VRAM - in full size. If it's compressed by DXT, graphics card will uncrompress it while loading into VRAM. If they have mipmaps - than it will show according mipmap resolution to condition - different mipmap will be used when close to the object or away from an object. Game decides which one to show.

Imagine very big zoom to character face - it will try to use best possible mipmap or full texture to display best one. You can bypass using bigger resolution textures, when setting up in SKSE.ini:


But above setting will not prevent full size load to VRAM texture which have got 4K resolution. It will only prevent to display any bigger mipmap than 2K (2048). While the textures 4K is still loaded into VRAM. And this exact way i have run out of VRAM - when using too much 4K textures. So now i use Ordenador.


Now, i have 2GB of VRAM and my graphics card is a multimedia card which wasn't meant to be used for games. (geforce 940mx) It has low memory bandwtih with 64-bit bus.

Loading 4K textures which are four times bigger in size than 2K - was a waste of my VRAM - which is limitted. And i will not see the difference - becouse i don't use high zoom in the game.


Here is a pretty good explanation, what should you use:





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21 hours ago, GuruSR said:

Just thought I'd say something here, someone can interject and scream or whatever you want.  I have this mod, which has been fun and "different", have "Sexlab Sex Slaves" and I found it's intro alright (buggier than anything), but the two are the only "adult" themed locations in my entire game and aside from knowing they're there, Skyrim looks 100% regular.  Paradise Halls seems to have updated on the Nexus but not here, it is somewhat overboard from what I was looking for, what other mods do people here have that accompany these type of mods that make day to day Skyrim travels aware that these are present?



a list of mods you might want to check out (consider them all NSFW until you check them individually), i think they are all hosted here on LL (iirc).

Glev's  Sexy Skyrim

Amarous Adventures

Sexlab Solutions

Hydragorgon's Slave Girls

Deviously Cursed Loot

Captured Dreams Shop (i think not being updated any more)

Get Stripped (very heavy animations count, so add to game and play thru then revert to a save prior to adding.  locations you should open first are just Whiterun and RIften..)

Sexy Bandit Captives (has links to the extra bandit camps you will need)


happy modding


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A couple of questions...

Will you ever implement choosing a favorite binds style (latex, leather, ropes, chains...)?

Will you ever consider addind Zaz furnitures to the shop? Could be interesting being challanged to escape from it (something simple enough, like the minigame to escape from Defeat captures) and being rewarded/puished for success/failures. I'm sure you don't need further suggestions about the possibilities...


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1 hour ago, valcon767 said:

a list of mods you might want to check out (consider them all NSFW until you check them individually), i think they are all hosted here on LL (iirc).

Glev's  Sexy Skyrim

Amarous Adventures

Sexlab Solutions

Hydragorgon's Slave Girls

Deviously Cursed Loot

Captured Dreams Shop (i think not being updated any more)

Get Stripped (very heavy animations count, so add to game and play thru then revert to a save prior to adding.  locations you should open first are just Whiterun and RIften..)

Sexy Bandit Captives (has links to the extra bandit camps you will need)


happy modding


@GuruSR just a head’s up, Captured Dreams has been taken down by it’s creator for whatever reason and is no longer an option. I do recommend Deviously Cursed Loot and, of course, Laura’s Bondage shop. DCL is good for getting yourself into various snags, finding yourself a master or mistress, and has a couple quest lines. Laura’s Bondage Shop will allow you to purchase just about anything in the Devious Devices line and has a decent 4 hour mini-campaign. If you like your slavery dark and heavy, you could give Slaverun a try. Fair warning though, it is VERY heavy on the dialogue, sex scenes, and occasional gore. I had to uninstall it because it was breaking immersion for me. I’m also not sure it’s being updated anymore either.

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6 minutes ago, whatto51 said:

A couple of questions...

Will you ever implement choosing a favorite binds style (latex, leather, ropes, chains...)?

Will you ever consider addind Zaz furnitures to the shop? Could be interesting being challanged to escape from it (something simple enough, like the minigame to escape from Defeat captures) and being rewarded/puished for success/failures. I'm sure you don't need further suggestions about the possibilities...


@Laura 'Lokomootje' to follow up on Whatto51’s post, if you do decide to venture into the Zaz furniture/poses, might I request doing something with the chains dangling from the second floor balcony? I noticed those this morning and thought it might be neato to secure the Godzilla-Born’s hands above their head, suspend them from the ceiling, or dangle them upside-down. Also I look forward to reading the new dialogue in the update. ?

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29 minutes ago, llokii70 said:

my concern with zaz would be whether or not it would introduce more bugs

We will see in upcoming version 9.0 . Tara is working on that. Definitly i'm going to check one thing and i will compare 8.0+ papyrous source code scripts with new 9.0 when it comes (by using program WinMerge).

I'm aware of only one "bug" for today, which was not intended, but due to some technical difficulties what author had with PC, was also not corrected. This is only with one wrong animation stages in doggystyle sex scenes in ZaZ, inside script named "zbfSexLab".

I would be more affraid to see some drastic changes in DDi script to "zadBQ00" . As to my understanding it is exact script which handles animation registrations from defined in ZaZ's script "zbfSexLab".

While zadBQ00 doesn't start immidietly after installing SexLab, it required almost everytime i start a new game - to make a save, load this save - than only after loading save zadBQ00 start its job to register animations. Probably it "sees" SexLab as installed - only after reload.

Now, if you don't let to do its job 100% with registrations - you can end up with broken animations, or some animations even not registered - like struggle ones with devices or simply iddle ones when player character is doing nothing - just waiting.

If somebody knows the way how to trigger zadBQ00 from the skyrim console - i'm willing to listen and learn. And by triggering script i mean execute it from console - not by removing SexLab entirely, and installing SexLab again.

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On 9/26/2019 at 1:13 PM, mogon said:

i have al little suggestion for the "blending in" quest.

Just for the immersion i think, that the pc should store all of her belongings in a safe chest in the bondage store. 

Could help to feel more vulnerable and helpless.


and i hope for a little punishment if the pc is catched snooping around - a chastity belt for example. And maybe no key for it at the end of the quest.


And, by the way: great mod. love it.

I never like it when a mod takes my whole inventory. I'm always worried that it's lost forever. ?

I also wanted to add a punishment in Blending In, but I couldn't find anything that was not too harsh and didn't mess with the puzzle.




On 9/26/2019 at 12:41 PM, piotsze said:

Laura, sharing my Idea:


Because in Whiterun there are two Blacksmiths. Eorlund and Adrianne. You normally would think that there would be some competition between them. Maybe there is like a hidden one that we never seen. And also wearing restraint is not an end of the world. It requires both, man to know what a woman like and don't likes.  So it is kinda cooperational. There surely is some kind of telepathic connection here going on.


Which one of them will prepare better restraint for a Dragonborn? Or they will togheter do it? I suggest:

  Reveal hidden contents

Strange Rock Gag - "A strange rock is a ball! Allows your thoughts to become very loud sounds."   Yet still eating is impossible like in a ball gag. Just unlocks shouting to be possible when wearing it.


I don't know if it is possible. Just an idea here. If you think it's cool - that's cool. If not - keep doing whatever you doing already. Because you already has plans for your mod and i'm interested to see the continuations. ? 


EDIT: Reason: Adrianne and Eorlund both were not able to do anything with it. They were putting it in high fire of the forge, hammering it to make something else from it. Yet it didn't bend to their will. Maybe it should be just like that. And maybe it requires not to change it - but use it as it is already in it's own rounded shape. Using different approach how to find a potential dreaming in a strange rock stone... ( -> Farengar Secret-Fire will give advise to Dragonborn <- )


EDIT2: Long quest given by Farengar - to touch every single Standing Stone in Skyrim - while having Strange Rock in inventory. To unlock magic potential with it. After stones are touched - from solid rock it becomes an indestructible rubber rock/ball! Ending by talking to Laura in her shop.

I don't want to involve existing characters too much because I don't want to run the risk of making them say something they wouldn't.

But a special gag that has to be activated sounds cool.




On 9/26/2019 at 2:20 PM, GuruSR said:

I had a thought, and I've not looked, but could I command a follower to open the box?  And they get trapped instead?  Or is that completely not an option?  The whole finding someone else got to it first really does sound like a bonus, because it could be someone good and someone bad (and if that is the case, would you ever let them out).



Being able to let the follower take the restraints would make the quest too easy because you can just walk back and forth while the follower takes all the risk.




2 hours ago, whatto51 said:

A couple of questions...

Will you ever implement choosing a favorite binds style (latex, leather, ropes, chains...)?

Are there restraints that you'd want to disable?


2 hours ago, whatto51 said:

Will you ever consider addind Zaz furnitures to the shop? Could be interesting being challanged to escape from it (something simple enough, like the minigame to escape from Defeat captures) and being rewarded/puished for success/failures. I'm sure you don't need further suggestions about the possibilities...


I don't use ZAP because I'm waiting for DDf, but it's taking longer than I hoped. I also remember ZAP having some annoying issues.

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8 minutes ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I don't use ZAP because I'm waiting for DDf, but it's taking longer than I hoped. I also remember ZAP having some annoying issues.

Truth, IMO it would be awesome to see this mod be an early adopter of DDf, but first it needs to be an actual thing.:classic_tongue:


I still run the old ZAP (mostly for a few mods that have it as a master) but it certainly shows its age and has a few issues.  I've tried Tara's newer versions as well, but 8.0/8.0+ were pretty extreme overkill without at least a few mods actually taking good advantage of the variety they add.  Plus the FNIS limit makes those decisions harder (which will probably be a thing with DDf, I expect I may finally need to weed old ZAP out of my load order at that point).

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Hey all,


I have a question and I would like some feedback.

I want to know what you think about disabling fast travel in repeatable quests. Those kind of quests can be too easy if you can just fast travel back. Seeking The Curse doesn't really make you feel helpless if you can get back to the shop in 5 secs.


Do you want me to disable fast travel in repeatable quests like STC to keep it from becoming too easy?

Or do you always want to have fast travel available?


Let me know what you think.


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18 minutes ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I don't use ZAP because I'm waiting for DDf, but it's taking longer than I hoped. I also remember ZAP having some annoying issues.

At this point, adding ZAP to be weeded out if and when DDf comes around will be more trouble later than it's worth now. There is plenty that can be done without it until then.


Plus that thing is archaic. Since DD moved away from it, it wouldn't be a wise design choice to mandate its use either.

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2 minutes ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

Hey all,


I have a question and I would like some feedback.

I want to know what you think about disabling fast travel in repeatable quests. Those kind of quests can be too easy if you can just fast travel back. Seeking The Curse doesn't really make you feel helpless if you can get back to the shop in 5 secs.


Do you want me to disable fast travel in repeatable quests like STC to keep it from becoming too easy?

Or do you always want to have fast travel available?


Let me know what you think.


IMO the ideal would be for it to be an MCM menu toggle, but otherwise I would vote to disable fast travel.  This is assuming the player is never stuck in heavily slowing bondage on the return trip (I've only done the curse quest a few times).


Players always have the option of console commands if they really can't take the time to find a non-fast travel route back (coc whiterunstables).  That was my go-to if I accidentally triggered a cursed loot quest that drops you in the middle of nowhere and did not want to spend the time to get back legitimately.

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36 minutes ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

Hey all,


Do you want me to disable fast travel in repeatable quests like STC to keep it from becoming too easy?

Or do you always want to have fast travel available?


Let me know what you think.


Laura, fast reply - please don't do this... You will make me to use Speed Rings mod. Which even Kimy's mod Deviously Cursed Loot - is not resistant to this mod. Because of the way it was created - it bypasses solution to reduce player character speeds. You also need to think about DCL Chloe quest - when Nazeem puts devices on Chloe and PC. It could stuck alltogheter and immobilize player character - when both quests will be run - from yours, and from DCL's. Take a consideration.

I mean: it would require a very serious programming scripts and many checks... Which probably could slow things in papyrus on many mods user setups.

Also after introducing Chloe in DCL - people started to spam DCL thread very seriously. 


Technical honesty here! Peace. ✌️?


EDIT: Oh... -> Fast Travel <- ?! Who uses it while you can Teleport in Skyrim... Nyahaha! ? 


EDIT2: Ok, alright... I just have forgot about Fast Travel - because i don't use it like for two years or maybe more... Was thinking about reducing speed. ?

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