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I have had the same thing happen. Mine was caused by another mods popup being present while the fade to black transition happens. In my case, it is usually Sex Attributes popups.

I hit the enter key, and everything clears, however I don't get to see what information I am acknowledging.

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15 hours ago, Karna5 said:

Hello. I'm asking the following here not because I think there's a problem with AAF Violate but because I think it's most likely someone here will know the answer :)


Ever since upgrading from AAF version 154 to 170 a few weeks ago, sometimes AAF Violate hangs when wrapping up the normal surrender phase and moving it to a secondary phase like Bad End. After waiting a couple of minutes without anything happening, holding down the surrender key in AAF Violate does not return control of player to me.


Please note sometimes the bad end works. And sometimes passing Violate to CSA works as well. But sometimes it does not.


Resetting AAF main quest also does not return control. Saving and reloading (to fully reset AAF) does not return control.


Does anyone know if there's a console command I can type to get control of my character back if holding down the AAF Violate surrender key doesn't work and if resetting AAF doesn't work?


This has happened to me three times, and I always end up having to restore to a save from before the surrender. Thanks :)

Are you stuck in a black screen ? or you just can't move the PC ? Violate should disable player control via "InputEnableLayer" functions and give them back at the end of the scene. You can try "EnablePlayerControls" in console or "DisablePlayerControls 0 0 0 0 0" but those are for skyrim (could work on FO4 too).
You can also post a papyrus log here when the bug happens so @Ego can look into it.

Edited by lee3310
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12 minutes ago, lee3310 said:

Are you stuck in a black screen ? or you just can't move the PC ?

When it happens the symptom is simply that I can't move. But I can use console, escape menu, and the world goes on around me with the aggressors continuing to clap and point.


As far as I can tell, the main surrender sequence completes all the way, and then NPC says something like, "Oh we're not done with you" or "we have something bad for you" or the like. And then nothing happens. I can't move from the spot, and AAF Violate doesn't think it's got hold of me because holding down the surrender key does nothing. And I've tried resetting CSA in case it was sent there, but CSA says it doesn't have me.


So honestly I don't really care about a fix so long as there's a console command that can restore control of my character. I'll try that EnablePlayerControls command next time it happens. I didn't know about that command and appreciate the suggestion :)


Thanks a ton, lee :)

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1 hour ago, Karna5 said:

So honestly I don't really care about a fix

Turn the bad end option off in the MCM and see if the issue goes away. If it does, then reinstall bad end, just for good measure, and the animations which is where the issue probably is.


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28 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

Turn the bad end option off in the MCM and see if the issue goes away. If it does, then reinstall bad end, just for good measure, and the animations which is where the issue probably is.

Come to think of it, that's very possible. Those worked perfectly when I was version 153 of AAF, but a few weeks ago when I upgraded to the newest is when the problem started. But Bad End animations are very, very old. I wonder if they're slightly incompatible, or at least in some of the animations. I'll try that, thanks, though I'm dubious reinstalling would help if that's really the problem since the animations are simply old.

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5 hours ago, Karna5 said:

I wonder if they're slightly incompatible, or at least in some of the animations.

Don't think so, as they're still working for me after upgrading from 81 to 171. But, I had disabled all the AAF mods and had to actually reinstall some of them to get them to work correctly.

For a week or so I had some weird tom fuckery going on that took a little ass slapping to straighten out. But generally, was fixed by deleting a mod or 2 then installing them again. I think Bad End animations was one that got redid as it might have been an older version... 1.03 maybe.. I think.

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6 hours ago, Parmesanfanatic said:

Mongrels just freeze for me, everything else seems to work fine, is this a common issue or did i just fuck something up?


It's not a common issue.  Can't say for sure if you messed something up without knowing which animation packs / patches / etc you installed or how you installed them.  It's not an issue with violate per se though.

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15 hours ago, Parmesanfanatic said:

Mongrels just freeze for me, everything else seems to work fine, is this a common issue or did i just fuck something up?


Sounds like you're missing registered animations to me. Check to make sure you have animations available for any and all you enable in violate...  and always Run AAF XML Scanner to see that your xml's to register animations are clean.

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14 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:


It's not a common issue.  Can't say for sure if you messed something up without knowing which animation packs / patches / etc you installed or how you installed them.  It's not an issue with violate per se though.

I have mostly everything but UAP, which im going to install today to see if that fixes the problem.

5 hours ago, eflat01 said:


Sounds like you're missing registered animations to me. Check to make sure you have animations available for any and all you enable in violate...  and always Run AAF XML Scanner to see that your xml's to register animations are clean.

I have canine animations but I bet its like the problem I have in skyrim where canines and wolves arent interchangeable for some reason, the AAF Scanner only brought up 3 significant problems, only one was related to my problem with the creature pack 2 but I dont think thats it.


EDIT: Its was not having UAP, my bad, im just an idiot.


Edited by Parmesanfanatic
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2 hours ago, DrDieGore said:

I have no idea if this is the place to ask this. But how do I remove the shock collar? I really do not want to go through all the combinations. Please help.


The NPC who put the shock collar on you will have a note in his inventory with the passcode.


If you can't find him you can use the Real Handcuffs debug menu to remove it.  Or install DD Armorbench Unlocker which can remove RH devices in game.

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6 hours ago, DrDieGore said:

I have no idea if this is the place to ask this. But how do I remove the shock collar? I really do not want to go through all the combinations. Please help.

In addition to what EgoBallistic said, the following mod has a perk called "abandoned property" which allows you to get codes that way, not all of em will be right, but with the settings set to max you only need 4 notes at most to find the right code, if you want to try that way:


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3 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

Or install DD Armorbench Unlocker which can remove RH devices in game.


Minor correction: the RH shock collar is specifically excluded from bench unlocking.  That's because it's used as a plot element by other mods, while simultaneously not impeding character actions.


There are other alternatives, though.  Sexual Harassment has an NPC in Dugout Inn who will remove it for a (hefty) price.  Or the "Abandoned Property" perk in Provocative Perks can eventually net you the right collar code.  Sex Attributes has the willpower system of restraint removal, but I'm not sure it works on shock collars. 

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18 hours ago, Parmesanfanatic said:

I have mostly everything but UAP, which im going to install today to see if that fixes the problem.

I have canine animations but I bet its like the problem I have in skyrim where canines and wolves arent interchangeable for some reason, the AAF Scanner only brought up 3 significant problems, only one was related to my problem with the creature pack 2 but I dont think thats it.


EDIT: Its was not having UAP, my bad, im just an idiot.



UAP is both good and bad. Oh, We're all prone to mistakes and oversight, that's not being idiotic ... I'm rather good at breaking everything.

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10 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:


The NPC who put the shock collar on you will have a note in his inventory with the passcode.


If you can't find him you can use the Real Handcuffs debug menu to remove it.  Or install DD Armorbench Unlocker which can remove RH devices in game.

Did not even think to look in the MCM. Lol. Feel dumb now. Thanks for the help.

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Hi, this is just to give a follow up to my question above on whether there's a console command to recover player control (or movement) when we're stuck after a violate.


It just happened to m e a few minutes ago, but I'm sure it's not aaf violate's fault so won't specify what lead to it. The main thing is after a violate I couldn't move. I was rooted and couldn't even crouch, but the game moved on normall, and I could see myself, and people were walking around.


The console command "enableplayercontrol 1" (which can be abbreviated to "epc 1") did not work.


However, forceenableplayercontrol (fepc) did work.


So if any of you ever find yourselves stuck and unable to move when you should be able to move, just try the fepc command :)


Thanks again for the help above. lee's suggestion to type "help enable 1" in console gave me a list of commands to try :)

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On 10/17/2023 at 11:14 AM, spicydoritos said:

Sex Attributes has the willpower system of restraint removal, but I'm not sure it works on shock collars.

The S.A. willpower system refuses to unlock Robco shock and throbbing collars and also refuses to unlock Real Handcuffs, though it will unlock Devious Devices handcuffs if you don't have Real Handcuffs over them. I'm guessing the Sex Attributes system sticks only to Devious Devices on what it lets you remove for willpower.


On a note related to the discussion, today I had a Robco collar on my character and hadn't yet gotten a good collar code from Provocative Perks, and I lost a fight to raiders and got sent by AAF Violate to a Combat Surrender Capture after the violate. While I was trying to escape the capture I noticed my collar had been removed. So another way to remove a collar, albeit a super hard method, is to lose an AAF Violate and get sent into CSA afterward *laughs*.  Not three minutes after escaping the first CSA I lost another fight, and then AAF Violate sent me right into another CSA, haha.


Fun mods :)


p.s. I should probably mention I have my game modded so that enemies do 10x damage (20x if they hit my head) while I do only half damage. I also don't use armor. It's a really fun way to play for those who haven't tried it. Try going into an area wit no weapons or gear (such as a CSA capture) and fight your way out It's fun, and the AAF Violate's Essential status for player makes it possible.


Edited by Karna5
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5 hours ago, Karna5 said:

Hi, this is just to give a follow up to my question above on whether there's a console command to recover player control (or movement) when we're stuck after a violate.


It just happened to m e a few minutes ago, but I'm sure it's not aaf violate's fault so won't specify what lead to it. The main thing is after a violate I couldn't move. I was rooted and couldn't even crouch, but the game moved on normall, and I could see myself, and people were walking around.


The console command "enableplayercontrol 1" (which can be abbreviated to "epc 1") did not work.


However, forceenableplayercontrol (fepc) did work.


So if any of you ever find yourselves stuck and unable to move when you should be able to move, just try the fepc command :)


Thanks again for the help above. lee's suggestion to type "help enable 1" in console gave me a list of commands to try :)


You can also you "DIEL" to find what input layers are active - to reset the layer it is "RIEL Layer#" to clear.

Edited by MrCruelJohn
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14 hours ago, Karna5 said:

It just happened to m e a few minutes ago, but I'm sure it's not aaf violate's fault so won't specify what lead to it. The main thing is after a violate I couldn't move. I was rooted and couldn't even crouch, but the game moved on normall, and I could see myself, and people were walking around.


Upload your Papyrus script log if it happens again.  The only time I've seen anything like you are describing was when Sex Attributes put up a MessageBox at the same time as Violate faded the screen to black, causing the game to seem to hang until I hit Enter to make the message go away.  But if it's something else maybe I can spot it in your Papyrus log.

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1 hour ago, EgoBallistic said:


Upload your Papyrus script log if it happens again.  The only time I've seen anything like you are describing was when Sex Attributes put up a MessageBox at the same time as Violate faded the screen to black, causing the game to seem to hang until I hit Enter to make the message go away.  But if it's something else maybe I can spot it in your Papyrus log.


I'm certain that lockup wasn't AAF Violate's fault. I'd been captured by AAF Violate and sent to CSA fine, then three minutes after I escaped CSA I got defeated and sent by AAF Violate to another CSA *laughs* And then I got caught and didn't want to risk a third CSA so foolishly tried to do an MCG surrender, but I'm playing with 10x damage against me, so I was killed just as MCG's surrender kicked off. So there were two surrenders at the same time. AAF Violate completed, but the MCG was stuck hanging and couldn't get reset through MCM *laughs*


It's no biggie. That lockup was my fault, but I simply posted because that fepc command worked super well. So I just wanted to share that information in case anyone else gets rooted and can't get out of it.


But seriously this isn't AAF Violate's fault. I should not have attempted an MCG surrender while being attacked :) Thanks!


p.s. as for the previous several mysterious lockups, I took the advice above and reinstalled Bad End, and I haven't had a mysterious lockup again with AAF Violate.


Edited by Karna5
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Are there any more unspecified features for players who want to be the aggressor? Skyrim's SexLab Defeat featured a plethora of options for NPCs surrendering, which the player could bound, gag, tie up, rape while asleep and kidnap. From what I'm seeing, the only feature I see is that you can only combat rape (and knockout with Knockout framework) said enemy. Could this have some compatibility with Human Resources and/or Just Business? 


Many thanks if you respond ?

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