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Version 2.0
Disclaimer: This will be a collection of all further repacks I get the Permission to upload here. At the Moment there is only 1 collection, consisting of 4 downloads here, but this might be expanded in the future depending if I get more permissions. If you like the Packs please take the time to visit the original Authors pages to download & endorse their original mods, to thank them for their great work and their permission that I may redistribute them as a SlaveTats package. Big file size warning! Some of those overlays are in a 4096x4096 resolution. They will take a fair bit of HDD once extracted. If your system can't handle this high res textures, you can reduce quality with tools like Optimizer Textures. You will loose quality, especially in the finer details, though. I recommend using lower res textures in less noticable places than Tattoos, though. Description: This will (hopefully) be a collection of repacks of various Racemenu Overlay Plugins for SlaveTats. I always advocate that you use the original mod instead of mine, but there might be a couple of reasons why you might want to use these repacks additionally to or instead of the original mod: 1. Using them for NPCs. Note that I've been told that future versions of EFF might also offer that Feature. So if you can use that, I advocate using the original mod instead. 2. cutting back on esp usage, as SlaveTats addons don't use an extra esp. 3. Not using RaceMenu (You only need NiOverride) Note: I personally do use Racemenu, and I strongly suggest supporting them for their work, as without them this wouldn't be possible 4. I have a CBBE Body + UNP Follower (or vice versa) Note that I have packed them in a way that you can install all versions of a collection, without overwriting anything, so that you can use all of them, if you like to. Also note that, unless written elsewhere, I didn't upload any Screenshots. This is intentional. All the Repacks I provide have Screenshots on their original Mod page, and I want you to go and visit that site. Requirements: Slavetats and all its Requirements Currently available Packs: AncientKanes Pubic Hairstyles CBBE/UNP (4 downloads) A collection of 5+10 really nice high quality Pubic Hairstyles. Full credits for the Artwork go to AncientKane. I didn't alter his original Textures in any way, I just repacked them for SlaveTats. ElaNeith's The Neith Team Warpaints Set (1 download) A collection of 50 nice Warpaints. Full Credits for the original artwork go to ElaNeith Important Note: I had to convert these, because the Skyrim engine handles warpaints different than overlays. I used a method, that should have preserved all the details and transparencies and they should look exactly the same ingame, but still these are technically not unmodified. Installing: Use Mod Organizer or NMM or extract the contents of the Zip files to your Skyrim/Data folder Uninstalling: Use Mod Organizer or NMM or Delete the Files and Folders listed in the Pack Description Credits: All the original Authors for their mods and allowing me to redistribute them! murfk for Slavetats Ethatron for BSAopt Notepad++ for making editing text files that easy Permission: All of the artwork belongs to the respective Authors. You may not redistribute them without their explicit Permission. All the *.json files are made by me. I allow to use them for educational purposes or as basis for your own mod, but don't redistribute them, as it may lead to complications with possible future versions. -
Version v0.65
Description Using the excellent additions made by Expired6978's RaceMenu mod, this plugin adds a new overlay tattoo set consisting of: 1 body paint, 1 hands paint, and 1 feet paint. They're of tribal design (or at least I think they are). Currently, these tattoos are female only, but I might change that if enough people request it. Requirements A UNP-compatible body such as UNPB, UNPC, TopModel body, Dream Girl, 7Base and all of its derivatives. RaceMenu v2.5.1 or better (and all of its requirements, check Nexus page for details) A mouse & keyboard. Installation & Usage Extract the packaged files and copy-paste/drag n' drop them into your Skyrim data folder. Make sure you also check on the appropriate .esp file if you're not installing it via Wrye Bash or any other mod organizer. To apply the tattoos themselves, look for the ones named "[body part here] Tribal Tattoos [Design # here]" and color them via sliders. To upgrade version, simply extract new files over the old ones. CBBE users: Download the CBBE textures and extract over the UNP ones. Other Stuff Feel free to leave feedback, I like hearing everyone's opinion. If something doesn't work or is broken, please leave a comment and I will get on it as soon as I can. Have a request or a burning question you must ask? Leave those as well and I will try to answer them as best I can. Also, the warpaint is not included in the set, that's from another mod. I will also be adding more sets and variations of each set periodically. Pics -
Version 1.01
Very Sleazy Tattoo's I made these sometime back when Slave Tattoo's first came out, and just re discovered them, and thought well, there pretty sleazy, but hey some of you all might like them. I can not on my system get the face one's to pop up, not sure what I am doing wrong. Anyway I thought I would post them if anyone wanted to look at them, and then throw them away..LOL ***************************************************************************************** Required >>> Need to have SlaveTats Installed with all its requirementa ***************************************************************************************** *****************Installing************************************************************* I would use MO, or NMM, so I could junk the damn stuff if I did not like it. But I guess you could drop the Textures folder from the zip into your Skyrim\Data folder. -
Version v1.1
Latest Update:10-30-2016 Description: This a a pack of most of the SlaveTats that were available when I made it all scaled down to 2048x2048 if they were larger. I did this to help conserve hard drive space and maybe even speed things up in game if they were in fact doing so (not that I noticed it happening). It just seemed kind of strange to me that a large number of the slavetats were larger than 2048x2048 when most armor or follower mods seem to at the very least provide an option to use 2k textures instead of 4k. testing in game they seem to work fine still as far as I can tell, however if there are any problems that are somehow from reducing the textures please let me know. If It was not already obvious I did not make the tattoos myself I simply reduced the textures. Inside the zip there is a folder called source credits(featured in the display image for this download) that shows the name of the original download packs. Also, if a pack is missing it is either because I haven't bothered adding it yet or I may not plan on ever adding it. At a a later date I may add a separate file to the download section that includes the ones I don't plan on adding to the main pack. Note: the reason they would not be added to the main pack is not that I am deeming them "bad" or "unworthy" simply that they are either mainly something like numbers or symbols or contain mainly a fetish or fetishes that are violent(such as apropos wear&tear) or related to waste(pee&Poo). Lastly, Do not expect frequent updates as I have other priorities and really, after I finish adding those I missed further updates would not be needed until the original packs updated. Warning: File Sizes are still pretty large when unzipped! Currently 10.9GB/4.57GB About the Plus Version: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q&A: -
Version 3.5
THIS MOD USES THE DEPRECIATED UNIQUE Female NPC's MOD NOT THE UPDATED BSA2 VERSION Titled Unique NPC Bodies however you can still use any single texture in it for which ever body you Please if you have cbbe. This Mod Replaces both male and female skin textures. PM_BOD Mod Requirements: CBBE for just you Optional (needed to use the hole pack) Unique Female NPC's (depreciated) Unique Followers Unique Player Super Hero bodies PHD Large Bonus: looks menu presets Requirements to use and have look right: The Eyes of beauity Looksmenu costomization compendium TH Brows Oni asian face wet Oni Face Parts (if i dont keep this botom of the load order it seems not to work) choose your own hair and hair color i have like 7 packs and not sure which one this hair stylere came from if you have it great if not you'll have to search for one or choose a new one Instructions: Install last There are a few ways we can do this and the choise is yours You can install the hole pack by after having the depreciated npc's loaded extracting the 7zip file to your data folder (this also adds my looks menu presets You can pick and choose the textures you would like to use by renaming them to match the body d type you want to replace and doing so. You can contact me with requests and i will do the best i can to accommodate. also i love positive feedback and constructive criticism but if you cant find a way to say something that builds me up to want to improve upon it keep it in. troll's are cool for 7 to 10 year old girls since the movie made them more popular but i just find them boring and unoriginal. Q&A Is there going to be a release for the updated Unique NPC's body? Unfortunately now that it is in a bsa i woul;d need my own esp so while i can build it as an add on once i can learn how to make an esp to guide my mod... Hitting a wall here And cant seem to find any tutorials that can show me how to link my own content to an esp and the proper files in game. yeah... it will happen just not till i can figure it out im gonna see what i can do to see if the unique npc's maker is willing to leave the depreciated mod up or if theres a wayi could just borrow his esp till i can figure it out. Where Can i Find the Depreciated Unique NPC's? is its current URL. Its made by Thirdstorm and he is GOOD. Right now he has an updated version of his mod out that uses a BSA2 file this mod wont effect the npc's bodies on this version though if you have the unique player version that will be released soon it will still effect the player and followers from unique followers... till they change to a bsa2 and im boned till i can learn the esp. Is there a way i can contribute to your effort? All the usual ways ill keep working on it either way as i can but i like money i can buy food and mabie put in to the rent instead of feeling useless. most important leave a compliment if your a fan it helps motivate me i care about those that care for my work. find me a good way to learn how to write an esp for the body files for each faction companion and the unique player. or jump on board and use your technical skills with my artistic design methods. -
Version 2.5
Requires CBBE Body There are three ways you can do this and the choice is yours. 1 (Just Me please). Before starting open your fallout 4 player texture directory located in the directory you installed the game at fallout 4/Data/Textures/Actors/Charicter/ and either Basehumanfemale if you are just useing cbbe and/or unique npc bodies or playerhumanfemale if useing unique player as well. then make a copy of femalebody_d and put it somewhere in case you want to go back till i get the hands and head textures. open the folder in the 7zip file you want to use the body from if usieing it for your body rename the texture file to femalebody_d and replace the file in your texture folder 2 (Not all of them, thankyou). Before starting open your fallout 4 player texture directory located in the directory you installed the game at fallout 4/Data/Textures/Actors/Charicter/ and either Basehumanfemale if you are just useing cbbe and/or unique npc bodies or playerhumanfemale if useing unique player as well. rename and replace the textured in your directory you would like to see useing the new body you choose 3(What you got goin on over here) Before starting open your fallout 4 player texture directory located in the directory you installed the game at fallout 4/Data/Textures/Actors/Charicter/ and either Basehumanfemale if you are just useing cbbe and/or unique npc bodies or playerhumanfemale if useing unique player as well. replace the bodies in your texture folder as named this works for most other texture mods as well. once i finish the full d body set ill do the heads still really hoping someone jumps on board and helps me on this project its gonna be a pretty large overhaul including more then bodys when done. -
View File THIS MOD USES THE DEPRECIATED UNIQUE Female NPC's MOD NOT THE UPDATED BSA2 VERSION Titled Unique NPC Bodies however you can still use any single texture in it for which ever body you Please if you have cbbe. This Mod Replaces both male and female skin textures. PM_BOD Mod Requirements: CBBE for just you Optional (needed to use the hole pack) Unique Female NPC's (depreciated) Unique Followers Unique Player Super Hero bodies PHD Large Bonus: looks menu presets Requirements to use and have look right: The Eyes of beauity Looksmenu costomization compendium TH Brows Oni asian face wet Oni Face Parts (if i dont keep this botom of the load order it seems not to work) choose your own hair and hair color i have like 7 packs and not sure which one this hair stylere came from if you have it great if not you'll have to search for one or choose a new one Instructions: Install last There are a few ways we can do this and the choise is yours You can install the hole pack by after having the depreciated npc's loaded extracting the 7zip file to your data folder (this also adds my looks menu presets You can pick and choose the textures you would like to use by renaming them to match the body d type you want to replace and doing so. You can contact me with requests and i will do the best i can to accommodate. also i love positive feedback and constructive criticism but if you cant find a way to say something that builds me up to want to improve upon it keep it in. troll's are cool for 7 to 10 year old girls since the movie made them more popular but i just find them boring and unoriginal. Q&A Is there going to be a release for the updated Unique NPC's body? Unfortunately now that it is in a bsa i woul;d need my own esp so while i can build it as an add on once i can learn how to make an esp to guide my mod... Hitting a wall here And cant seem to find any tutorials that can show me how to link my own content to an esp and the proper files in game. yeah... it will happen just not till i can figure it out im gonna see what i can do to see if the unique npc's maker is willing to leave the depreciated mod up or if theres a wayi could just borrow his esp till i can figure it out. Where Can i Find the Depreciated Unique NPC's? is its current URL. Its made by Thirdstorm and he is GOOD. Right now he has an updated version of his mod out that uses a BSA2 file this mod wont effect the npc's bodies on this version though if you have the unique player version that will be released soon it will still effect the player and followers from unique followers... till they change to a bsa2 and im boned till i can learn the esp. Is there a way i can contribute to your effort? All the usual ways ill keep working on it either way as i can but i like money i can buy food and mabie put in to the rent instead of feeling useless. most important leave a compliment if your a fan it helps motivate me i care about those that care for my work. find me a good way to learn how to write an esp for the body files for each faction companion and the unique player. or jump on board and use your technical skills with my artistic design methods. Submitter patricknshirley Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Body Replacers Requires CBBE, optional Unique Female NPC Bodies Unique Player Unique Follower
View File Requires CBBE Body There are three ways you can do this and the choice is yours. 1 (Just Me please). Before starting open your fallout 4 player texture directory located in the directory you installed the game at fallout 4/Data/Textures/Actors/Charicter/ and either Basehumanfemale if you are just useing cbbe and/or unique npc bodies or playerhumanfemale if useing unique player as well. then make a copy of femalebody_d and put it somewhere in case you want to go back till i get the hands and head textures. open the folder in the 7zip file you want to use the body from if usieing it for your body rename the texture file to femalebody_d and replace the file in your texture folder 2 (Not all of them, thankyou). Before starting open your fallout 4 player texture directory located in the directory you installed the game at fallout 4/Data/Textures/Actors/Charicter/ and either Basehumanfemale if you are just useing cbbe and/or unique npc bodies or playerhumanfemale if useing unique player as well. rename and replace the textured in your directory you would like to see useing the new body you choose 3(What you got goin on over here) Before starting open your fallout 4 player texture directory located in the directory you installed the game at fallout 4/Data/Textures/Actors/Charicter/ and either Basehumanfemale if you are just useing cbbe and/or unique npc bodies or playerhumanfemale if useing unique player as well. replace the bodies in your texture folder as named this works for most other texture mods as well. once i finish the full d body set ill do the heads still really hoping someone jumps on board and helps me on this project its gonna be a pretty large overhaul including more then bodys when done. Submitter patricknshirley Submitted 04/29/2017 Category Models & Textures Requires CBBE, optional Unique NPC Bodies Unique Player
View File Very Sleazy Tattoo's I made these sometime back when Slave Tattoo's first came out, and just re discovered them, and thought well, there pretty sleazy, but hey some of you all might like them. I can not on my system get the face one's to pop up, not sure what I am doing wrong. Anyway I thought I would post them if anyone wanted to look at them, and then throw them away..LOL ***************************************************************************************** Required >>> Need to have SlaveTats Installed with all its requirementa ***************************************************************************************** *****************Installing************************************************************* I would use MO, or NMM, so I could junk the damn stuff if I did not like it. But I guess you could drop the Textures folder from the zip into your Skyrim\Data folder. Submitter galgat Submitted 11/02/2016 Category Models & Textures Requires SlaveTats and its requirements Special Edition Compatible
View File Latest Update:10-30-2016 Description: This a a pack of most of the SlaveTats that were available when I made it all scaled down to 2048x2048 if they were larger. I did this to help conserve hard drive space and maybe even speed things up in game if they were in fact doing so (not that I noticed it happening). It just seemed kind of strange to me that a large number of the slavetats were larger than 2048x2048 when most armor or follower mods seem to at the very least provide an option to use 2k textures instead of 4k. testing in game they seem to work fine still as far as I can tell, however if there are any problems that are somehow from reducing the textures please let me know. If It was not already obvious I did not make the tattoos myself I simply reduced the textures. Inside the zip there is a folder called source credits(featured in the display image for this download) that shows the name of the original download packs. Also, if a pack is missing it is either because I haven't bothered adding it yet or I may not plan on ever adding it. At a a later date I may add a separate file to the download section that includes the ones I don't plan on adding to the main pack. Note: the reason they would not be added to the main pack is not that I am deeming them "bad" or "unworthy" simply that they are either mainly something like numbers or symbols or contain mainly a fetish or fetishes that are violent(such as apropos wear&tear) or related to waste(pee&Poo). Lastly, Do not expect frequent updates as I have other priorities and really, after I finish adding those I missed further updates would not be needed until the original packs updated. Warning: File Sizes are still pretty large when unzipped! Currently 10.9GB/4.57GB About the Plus Version: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q&A: Submitter sjaybird Submitted 10/25/2016 Category Models & Textures Requires Slavetats and all of it's prerequisites Special Edition Compatible
View File Disclaimer: This will be a collection of all further repacks I get the Permission to upload here. At the Moment there is only 1 collection, consisting of 4 downloads here, but this might be expanded in the future depending if I get more permissions. If you like the Packs please take the time to visit the original Authors pages to download & endorse their original mods, to thank them for their great work and their permission that I may redistribute them as a SlaveTats package. Big file size warning! Some of those overlays are in a 4096x4096 resolution. They will take a fair bit of HDD once extracted. If your system can't handle this high res textures, you can reduce quality with tools like Optimizer Textures. You will loose quality, especially in the finer details, though. I recommend using lower res textures in less noticable places than Tattoos, though. Description: This will (hopefully) be a collection of repacks of various Racemenu Overlay Plugins for SlaveTats. I always advocate that you use the original mod instead of mine, but there might be a couple of reasons why you might want to use these repacks additionally to or instead of the original mod: 1. Using them for NPCs. Note that I've been told that future versions of EFF might also offer that Feature. So if you can use that, I advocate using the original mod instead. 2. cutting back on esp usage, as SlaveTats addons don't use an extra esp. 3. Not using RaceMenu (You only need NiOverride) Note: I personally do use Racemenu, and I strongly suggest supporting them for their work, as without them this wouldn't be possible 4. I have a CBBE Body + UNP Follower (or vice versa) Note that I have packed them in a way that you can install all versions of a collection, without overwriting anything, so that you can use all of them, if you like to. Also note that, unless written elsewhere, I didn't upload any Screenshots. This is intentional. All the Repacks I provide have Screenshots on their original Mod page, and I want you to go and visit that site. Requirements: Slavetats and all its Requirements Currently available Packs: AncientKanes Pubic Hairstyles CBBE/UNP (4 downloads) A collection of 5+10 really nice high quality Pubic Hairstyles. Full credits for the Artwork go to AncientKane. I didn't alter his original Textures in any way, I just repacked them for SlaveTats. ElaNeith's The Neith Team Warpaints Set (1 download) A collection of 50 nice Warpaints. Full Credits for the original artwork go to ElaNeith Important Note: I had to convert these, because the Skyrim engine handles warpaints different than overlays. I used a method, that should have preserved all the details and transparencies and they should look exactly the same ingame, but still these are technically not unmodified. Installing: Use Mod Organizer or NMM or extract the contents of the Zip files to your Skyrim/Data folder Uninstalling: Use Mod Organizer or NMM or Delete the Files and Folders listed in the Pack Description Credits: All the original Authors for their mods and allowing me to redistribute them! murfk for Slavetats Ethatron for BSAopt Notepad++ for making editing text files that easy Permission: All of the artwork belongs to the respective Authors. You may not redistribute them without their explicit Permission. All the *.json files are made by me. I allow to use them for educational purposes or as basis for your own mod, but don't redistribute them, as it may lead to complications with possible future versions. Submitter RustyXXL Submitted 08/04/2014 Category Models & Textures Requires SlaveTats and all its requirements Special Edition Compatible
hey I found this pic and I was told it was an oblivion mod by another user on LL, and they told me to come to the oblivion section, so I was wondering if 1. anyone can identify this mod for me, 2. if anyone can give me the link, and 3. if I could have some help converting it to work with skyrim. I'm only looking for the tattoos.
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View File Description Using the excellent additions made by Expired6978's RaceMenu mod, this plugin adds a new overlay tattoo set consisting of: 1 body paint, 1 hands paint, and 1 feet paint. They're of tribal design (or at least I think they are). Currently, these tattoos are female only, but I might change that if enough people request it. Requirements A UNP-compatible body such as UNPB, UNPC, TopModel body, Dream Girl, 7Base and all of its derivatives. RaceMenu v2.5.1 or better (and all of its requirements, check Nexus page for details) A mouse & keyboard. Installation & Usage Extract the packaged files and copy-paste/drag n' drop them into your Skyrim data folder. Make sure you also check on the appropriate .esp file if you're not installing it via Wrye Bash or any other mod organizer. To apply the tattoos themselves, look for the ones named "[body part here] Tribal Tattoos [Design # here]" and color them via sliders. To upgrade version, simply extract new files over the old ones. CBBE users: Download the CBBE textures and extract over the UNP ones. Other Stuff Feel free to leave feedback, I like hearing everyone's opinion. If something doesn't work or is broken, please leave a comment and I will get on it as soon as I can. Have a request or a burning question you must ask? Leave those as well and I will try to answer them as best I can. Also, the warpaint is not included in the set, that's from another mod. I will also be adding more sets and variations of each set periodically. Pics Submitter Johnnyred Submitted 09/20/2013 Category Models & Textures Requires RaceMenu v2.5.1 or better, a UNP-compatible body (UNPB, 7B or similar)) Special Edition Compatible