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21 hours ago, Dawndrake said:

I keep getting this message "You are carrying too much to be able to run" even though I am underweight. I have this mod, Devious Followers and Cursed loot installed recently. Does this mod cause that?

I belive I remember an slider in the MCM which modifies the weight of gold you carry, default 1/10g and depending how much gild you have it can slow you down. even if your inventory is nearly emty.

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6 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Innkeepers will remove most gags for a fee. The fee is not in gold, but in ... work. Needs Radiant Prostitution or something though (or DCL?).

They remove the gag up front, so you can do your work better.

Maybe they could remove chastity bras too? On similar terms.

Or even regular belts? But not the guard belt.

I like this one, too. :classic_happy:

Though some considerations:

  • RP/G would need to be better aware of DDs first, or the dialogues will look stupid. E.g. being belted but not gagged leaves just one job "opportunity" and the dialogues should make use of that.
  • I agree: guard restraints should only be removable by that faction.
  • Temporary(!) ungagging in an inn ... very useful! I like that, too! But I feel this belongs somehow in some other mod. Either we create a RP/G DD-addon to handle that within the prostitution job. Or It could become part of DF, DD Helpers and similar .... The survival mod seems to me not like the best place to put this feature.
  • If we allow any of the default DDs (belts, bras, ..)  to be removed by innkeepers, I feel, it MUST be done with the whole purpose to sell the PCs body. => this adds even more weight to the RP/G+DD addon or to a debt system like in DF with the innkeeper.
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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

It's really impressive and so detailed. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm totally in love with it!

Thanks :)

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I found that the merchants in Winterhold Improvements do not impose license restrictions - which is perfect - I don't think they should. I don't believe The College would ever implement a magic license. Ever. Armor and weapons .... maaaybe. Clothes ... possibly in Slaverun, but not otherwise.

You're right. I completely forgot the college lol ?

But I guess they only really have clothes (very expensive clothes) and magic items. You can still add them via the mcm though I'd imagine. 

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

What happens with keys on followers now?

Nothing I'm afraid. It's not something I've touched yet. 

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I find Spank that Ass spanking very rapidly spanks my willpower down to 0. Usually one, or two spank sessions are enough to take it from 10 to 0.

It might be a bit too quick. My character seems to be getting spanked almost non-stop too, so it drops to zero, then gets stuck there.
And with the slut deal, almost every conversation brings more sex and more spanks.

You can change the number of spanks to decrease willpower in the mcm (can't you? I'd have to double check)

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

But, if you haven't slept in two days, you have a max willpower that is very low... 2, 4, something like that?

I think DF has some kind of handling of willpower on sleep. I don't fully understand it though. I know you need 6 hours continuous sleep but that doesn't always restore all willpower (I think). There must be other factors involved and I'm not sure I want to go messing around with it unless I understand it. 

5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Random feature idea:

It might be easy enough to add but without a hard dependency to DD all I can do is add regular devious devices. I obviously can't create a new devious device. So a lot of rape mods have "Oh it's a good thing I have this key" -> removes chastity belt and rapes you anyway.

1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

Probably adding more to the kennel would have a very narrow impact, so not the best result for effort.

I would agree. 




1 hour ago, Kaisser said:

Any plans for more content for the "Kennel"? im a big fan of the idea of the PC getting turned into the kennel master's bitch/slave consensual or not ?

There aren't any plans to expand the existing whiterun kennel but there are plans to add more 'kennel like' cells to other walled cities. I don't think they'll be anything like the kennel though. I'd rather they had different themes. But they should always be very undesirable places to sleep. You know, the whole: player home > inn > camping > sleeping on the ground > kennel. 


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4 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

You can change the number of spanks to decrease willpower in the mcm (can't you? I'd have to double check)

Possibly. I may have forgotten about that.


4 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

I think DF has some kind of handling of willpower on sleep. I don't fully understand it though. I know you need 6 hours continuous sleep but that doesn't always restore all willpower (I think). There must be other factors involved and I'm not sure I want to go messing around with it unless I understand it. 

Since 2.X it restores all willpower on sleep, though there are some options to reduce the max, and to reduce resistance (which is distinct from willpower).

The willpower code is not very complicated, but it is spread all over the place in little fragments here and there, to some extent.


Presumably, if you have logic in SLS that determines a max willpower, if the DF will is more than that, it just sets the DF will global to lower, and that's it?

StA is already reducing willpower, so if you believe that mechanic is OK, then the same approach in SLS would be ok?


DF should be fine with it. You might have a wrongish resistance value, I don't think it matters - it's only wrong if you believe it's wrong.


One of the options now is how resistance is capped by low willpower, or isn't ... in practice resistance seems to amount to a heap of nothing, because only StA is reducing willpower much. If sometimes resistance is higher than DF intended, I don't think the world will end, especially if it got you to a lower willpower anyway.



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12 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

It might be easy enough to add but without a hard dependency to DD all I can do is add regular devious devices. I obviously can't create a new devious device. So a lot of rape mods have "Oh it's a good thing I have this key" -> removes chastity belt and rapes you anyway.

You raise a good point. It can't work properly without a custom item. DCL might have a belt in it that would do the job without obviously being from some other quest.

Maybe the DF chastity deal belt would do? It really ought to be DCL rapist-proof. If it isn't, it needs fixing.


I suppose if you have some mod of your own that just happens to have a hard DD dependency already - I can't think of one though.


But if there is a belt that can be found in another mod, then you could use that, and only enable the dialog when that mod is present.

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40 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

StA is already reducing willpower, so if you believe that mechanic is OK, then the same approach in SLS would be ok?

Well I'm just saying that it's a little more involved. STA just modifies willpower AFTER you've slept and DF has done it's willpower calculations. What you're suggesting would override DFs sleep system. Don't get me wrong it is interesting and immersive that willpower would be affected by sleep deprivation. 

34 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I suppose if you have some mod of your own that just happens to have a hard DD dependency already - I can't think of one though.

It'd be much easier to implement in survival though which is 'aware' of city limits and entering/exiting cities already. 

36 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

But if there is a belt that can be found in another mod, then you could use that, and only enable the dialog when that mod is present.

True enough. I can't think of one off the top of my head. At least one that isn't tied to a quest. 


56 minutes ago, worik said:


I'm a little lost on the acronyms. RP = radiant prostitution and /g = ?

1 hour ago, frhghz said:

I belive I remember an slider in the MCM which modifies the weight of gold you carry, default 1/10g and depending how much gild you have it can slow you down. even if your inventory is nearly emty.

That should count towards your inventory weight though. Unless it's part of that fast travel bug (or maybe when loading a game). 

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19 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

I'm a little lost on the acronyms. RP = radiant prostitution and /g = ?

RP = radiant prostitution, verious well known variants from various authors who picked up where a previous author left the stage

RP/G = radiant prostitution/gigolo - the newest branch that added gender/race options+dialogues for almost every vanilla character build


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Tested pickpocket stuff seems to work fine although i would love to see if we set 1 device on pickpocket failure it will be always hands restraint(armbinder,elbowbinder etc) i think it will fits better like punishment to make sure player wont steal again it also could be connected with SD enslavement just like knock mechanics. 

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10 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

Tested pickpocket stuff seems to work fine although i would love to see if we set 1 device on pickpocket failure it will be always hands restraint(armbinder,elbowbinder etc) i think it will fits better like punishment to make sure player wont steal again it also could be connected with SD enslavement just like knock mechanics. 

Yea I suppose armbinder/elbowbinder would make sense. Particularly with devious effects set to impossible. But I think the chance of getting it should be low. Maybe the condition should be that you've already been covered in restraints - ie. there are no free slots remaining = equip armbinder (you screwed up for the last time). Enslavement would be a bit harsh though. I'm kind of trying to encourage you to become a criminal in the last update with extra loot and pickpocket chance etc. And with being able to buy/sell from fences without restrictions. 


Speaking of integrating with existing factions. I know someone brought this up before about not needing a licence if you're a member of a particular guild. I think that would be a bit easy so what I'm thinking right now is to add discounts to licences based on your faction rank. And the discount would increase as you gain ranks/complete quests etc. Just pulling figures out of the sky but something like

Mages guild - Magic licence discount - New member 5% discount - Arch mage - 50% discount

Companions - Weapon licence discount - new 5% - Harbinger - 50%

Stormcloaks/Imperials - armor licence discount etc. 


I'm not sure if these factions actually have ranks I can check though. 

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I get the impression that the follower always says "I'm not carrying your contraband" after any trade, regardless of whether contraband was handed over.


When the follower drops items, I see them coming out of the follower (objects literally emerging from them) but then they just vanish.


It's super brutal when your female follower is stripped of all her combat gear and you're locked in a magic draining collar and stripped of yours in the middle of some empty hole like Dawnstar. It's not even a town you can whore around in, because there's nobody there.


This is where we need:


"Please sir, I need help getting to civilisation."


And they wrap you up in devices and dump you in the nearest walled town's skooma den with a thousand gold transport debt.



Yes, that's the feature that goes hand in hand with licenses ... money lenders!


Nothing could ... possibly ... go wrong when you borrow 1500 to buy a license.  Only to discover that the interest is 50% a day.

And sometimes the lender hides from you, so you can't repay him the same day (randomly, so you never know if it will happen).


When you bottom out, they sell you to SS or SD+, or send the PoP bounty hunters after you.

Or all of the above.


Or you could gain a devious follower who has a matching debt.



Now my female follower is no good. I need Andrew! He knows how to look after a girl...

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The new possibilities are very well.

Only have some small "problems", maybe incompatibility.

- Have installed the very old slaverun 1.04 in my load order. And this mod is detected and shown up in MCM. But with this version the interface shows errors in papyrus log and not everythig works as intended. On the otherside it is not possible to deselect the interface in the MCM, as somebody - like me - would think (Toggle options !)

Maybe the easiest way is to fix it in the mod description, just mention which versions 2.x or 3.x are allowed. :)

- When the player has no licenses for armor or weapons, it is not possible to give these items to skyrim follower RAYA, while it is still possible to do this with a custom follower (from nexus) or teammate 'Serana'. What is checked there ? If currentfollwerfaction it should work or ? Maybe i will try with an other custom made follower.

- If the player is detected carrying armor by an enforcer, than my custom follower is stripped, but not the teammate 'Serana'.


Nevertheless it is already a realy great improvement !


Regarding my plans with MWA i still do not know, if i should continue this plan, or continue my own old idea with some small modifications.  -With my idea, it was simply impossible to equip something that is taken from a container and was onla a "base form", only armor that was prepared by radiant rainment or at a handloom  (and was an objectreference with a special name) could be equipped by the player. In detail this means generating objectreferences happens very seldom and under a very defined situation.

MWA is really much bigger than I've expected compared to "Loot and degradation".  (In my unfinished light version only 9 very small scripts are remaining)



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Damn, there is something wrong with newest version atleast for me i need test it a little bit more since my game is quite a mess right now, basically armor licence keep "expiring" itself just after i buy it, never happened before update need to test it a little bit more and maybe i will have some more information. 


@Looks like its nothing important just small bug had to buy another armor licence and its fine now. 

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51 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I get the impression that the follower always says "I'm not carrying your contraband" after any trade, regardless of whether contraband was handed over.

Yea. There was... something... about not wanting to set a bool everytime a contraband object was found. I guess it's not a big deal but needed to keep things as quick as possible. 

1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

When the follower drops items, I see them coming out of the follower (objects literally emerging from them) but then they just vanish.

That's MWA initializing an object I'd imagine. Only way to get an object reference in Skyrim is to drop an object or place a new one. Most of the time, objects should be initialized before you get them. 

1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

Yes, that's the feature that goes hand in hand with licenses ... money lenders!

DF has a pretty good money lending system doesn't it? :P

49 minutes ago, Adetu said:

On the otherside it is not possible to deselect the interface in the MCM, as somebody - like me - would think

The toggle only indicates whether the interface is in the 'active' state or not. Clicking it will restart the associated quest which will rerun the OnInt() portion again. This is useful if I ever add more keywords to be detected for example. 

51 minutes ago, Adetu said:

Maybe the easiest way is to fix it in the mod description, just mention which versions 2.x or 3.x are allowed

You're right. Only the latest version is supported as the functions SLS hooks into simply don't exist in previous versions. I would have though most people would be using the latest version but I will add this info to the page. 

53 minutes ago, Adetu said:

while it is still possible to do this with a custom follower (from nexus) or teammate 'Serana'.

Faction issue probably. Super custom followers are a pain in the ass. I mostly stopped using them due to incompatiblities. Either that or just converted them to vanilla. Sorry to say I probably won't support them. Serana is one I want to do but obviously she is completely different from vanilla also....

54 minutes ago, Adetu said:

If the player is detected carrying armor by an enforcer, than my custom follower is stripped, but not the teammate 'Serana'.

Same as above. Serana is not handled by most follower managers either which is why it fails for SLS.

55 minutes ago, Adetu said:

Regarding my plans with MWA i still do not know, if i should continue this plan, or continue my own old idea with some small modifications.

Whatever works for you. The system you suggest obviously wouldn't work for MWA as you couldn't pick up a sword from a dead bandit and tell the player you can't use it because.... ahh, "the grip is wrong"

24 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

Damn, there is something wrong with newest version atleast for me i need test it a little bit more since my game is quite a mess right now, basically armor licence keep "expiring" itself just after i buy it, never happened before update need to test it a little bit more and maybe i will have some more information. 

There hasn't been many changes to the core licence system at all. 

I'd suggest start a new game and see if it works. If not check the new games log (it has to be the new games log with no quiting the game) for 'unable to link type' errors. 

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26 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

Damn, there is something wrong with newest version atleast for me i need test it a little bit more since my game is quite a mess right now, basically armor licence keep "expiring" itself just after i buy it, never happened before update need to test it a little bit more and maybe i will have some more information. 

Yeah something like this used to happen to me as well.

I wasnt able to renew any lic.

I just did a clean install of the mod and it works again.


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Ok, regarding the bartermenu with no license.

I do not expect that the mod would try to track all restriced armor and weapons when trading.

Just an idea:

In my own mod the restrictions exactly works the other way, if you want to buy something from the trader or you want to have something from your follower and it is not allowed

I close the bartermenu or containermenu immediately. If SKYUI is installed you can do that with the papyrus command

               UI.InvokeString("ContainerMenu", "_global.skse.CloseMenu", "ContainerMenu")


            UI.InvokeString("BarterMenu", "_root.Menu_mc.onExitButtonPress", "")   ; Close menu asap

(Takes me a long time to figure it out)


Maybe it can make things more easy.


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5 minutes ago, Adetu said:

In my own mod the restrictions exactly works the other way, if you want to buy something from the trader or you want to have something from your follower and it is not allowed

I'm not sure I understand you. 


For SLS a single trader can trade armor, clothes or weapons. And if say you have a weapon licence but not an armor licence then buying a sword would be fine -> do nothing. Buying some steel boots though = close menu and reverse transaction (Move steel boots back to the trader and gold back to the player). 

I use a different method to close the window though. I just read whatever the 'back' control is and use Input.Tapkey()

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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

I'm not sure I understand you. 


For SLS a single trader can trade armor, clothes or weapons. And if say you have a weapon licence but not an armor licence then buying a sword would be fine -> do nothing. Buying some steel boots though = close menu and reverse transaction (Move steel boots back to the trader and gold back to the player). 

I use a different method to close the window though. I just read whatever the 'back' control is and use Input.Tapkey()

Bartermenu did not close in my game, I can continue trading ! Maybe some scripts/solutions only work with a keyboard, but me I am playing with a gamepad !

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11 minutes ago, Adetu said:

Bartermenu did not close in my game, I can continue trading ! Maybe some scripts do not work when you're using a gamepad ?

Hmm yea, gamepad might be the problem alright. I'll try your method and see what happens. 


Edit: what's with all the spam bots lately. 

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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

DF has a pretty good money lending system doesn't it?

Not really. There's the gambling system, but it's not quite the same thing.


You can owe debts, but you never had the cash in hand - unless you use gold control, which is a bit buggy, and may, or may not give you the cash in hand.



New bug:

When designating escorts in the MCM, it causes the current follower to be de-followed, leaving DF in a very confused state.


It's unclear whether each time you use it you are selecting one possible escort, or adding to a list. From the front page, I think adding to a list, but it doesn't seem like that in the MCM.


I seem to be seeing problems with vendor cash just setting to zero and not recovering. Seems related to licenses somehow, possibly.

This is tricky. I now have all licenses, but can't sell anything to anyone because they have no cash, and had zero cash when I arrived in town.


On a load and re-play, different vendors are broken.

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On 7/6/2019 at 5:26 AM, Dawndrake said:

I keep getting this message "You are carrying too much to be able to run" even though I am underweight. I have this mod, Devious Followers and Cursed loot installed recently. Does this mod cause that?

Are you still able to run as normal? If you have Arousal above a certain level, you could gain an extra 100 carring weight capacity. So one possibility is that your weight is above your "normal capacity" but below the added capacity which is your normal capacity + 100 (probably depends on Sexlab Arousal Redux setting). At least this is what happened to me. I was able to run as normal but kept getting the message as well before. The best solution is to keep you weight under "normal capacity", which is the unaroused capacity

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24 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

When designating escorts in the MCM, it causes the current follower to be de-followed, leaving DF in a very confused state.

I don't see how that's possible. This is all that happens when you click that button:

Actor Escort = Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor
JsonUtil.FormListAdd("SL Survival/EscortList.json", "Escorts", Escort, allowDuplicate = false)
JsonUtil.Save("SL Survival/EscortList.json")


26 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I seem to be seeing problems with vendor cash just setting to zero and not recovering. Seems related to licenses somehow, possibly.

Hunh. I HAD this problem with the khajiit trader Ri'sad but it only ever affected him and I never did find a root cause. (I couldn't even say for certain that it was survival). 

What resets trader gold? Leveled lists? I've no idea how the problem would even happen tbh. 

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10 minutes ago, tuxagent7 said:

Fantastic update Monoman !


Will you add a save/load menu for the settings in a later version ?


Thank you for the great additions to skyrim

Yes. It is on my (long) list of things to do ;)

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On 7/6/2019 at 12:39 PM, Monoman1 said:

Edit: I'm not trying to plug mwa here, it's just that I sometimes forget you can wear anything in vanilla. 

Well, plug away. Been playing a bit today with MWA and I think it's here to stay. Took me about four dungeons just to find something else that fit (and determine my dress size (I'm a size 0)). ? I will definitely be playing with it some more. Thanks for the heads up about another fun mod.



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