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6 hours ago, VseTmirykS said:

Hi can someone explain in greater detail what exactly this mod does? The original file was deleted...


It does a lot, but I'll try to summarize it.  It makes Skyrim a misogynistic hellhole (in a fun way!) for female pcs.  There's a whole license system that requires you to hold licenses in order to carry weapons, use magic, wear armor, own property and even be outside in towns/cities after curfew.  If you're caught out without the proper licenses your stuff will be confiscated, you can be locked in a cursed collar that suppresses your magic and thrown in the kennel for a night.  If you want to leave town, you have to pay a toll and be accompanied by an escort as well.


NPCs catcall you and make derogatory comments as well as slap you on the ass as you walk by.  Your female character is debuffed in stamina, magicka and health.  Even skill gain, walking speed and carry capacity is reduced.  There's cum addiction, an amputation mechanic for combat, a horny internal voice that compels you to have sex with npcs and a compulsive sex mechanic as well if your arousal is too high. 


It's a survival mod as well, so there are mechanics that fit in with other survival mods like Frostfall, like a built-in map/compass requirement.  It adds weight to gold and you can set the price of inn stays and horses as well.


I'm just pulling this all from memory, so I'm probably forgetting other features, but it's all highly customizable in the MCM and most features can be turned off or tweaked to your liking.  It's a great mod and it really changes the overall dynamic of the game.

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8 hours ago, VseTmirykS said:

Hi can someone explain in greater detail what exactly this mod does? The original file was deleted...

The original file can be found in the file dump linked in the author's signature, though the loss of the features page will definitely steepen the learning curve for newcomers.


The mod creates a highly configurable difficulty system revolving around misogyny, which is introduced into the world in a number of ingenious and immersive ways. To go into detail over most/all of its features would take pages, but many of us who use it now consider it an integral part of our load order.

Edited by vladeemer
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1 hour ago, CommunistNinja said:

Given that this mod is dead and I've added its "sls bikini" keyword to over a thousand pieces of armor. If I remove sl survival, would a simple dummy plugin (one named after sl survival) suffice to make all those armors (the ones that now have sl survival as a master) be able to load without issue?

You would need the SLS Bikini keyword record in your dummy plugin, and it would need to have the same FormID.

But easier - You can just continue using this mod. Monoman1 did make all his mods available again on his blog.

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On 11/18/2023 at 12:11 AM, CommunistNinja said:

 If I remove sl survival, would a simple dummy plugin (one named after sl survival) suffice to make all those armors (the ones that now have sl survival as a master) be able to load without issue?


Yes, make sure the keyword _SLS_BikiniArmor is XX049867.  (Technically, the keyword can be any name as long is a keyword with that specific formid).  XX is the mod index position in the load order.  You can also flag it as an ESL plugin and save a slot position in the primary load index.  You already got the right idea that the proxy plugin holding the keyword need to be named the same as SL survival.


*****added on NOV-19-2023:  Just be aware creating a dummy proxy of a complex mod could trigger issues in other mods that have some kind of soft awareness of it.  For example, FactoryClose's babodialogue has awareness of SL Survival if a plugin with the same name is found in the load list.  The soft integration looks for the _SLS_BikiniArmor formid and the licenses "book" items formids. The keyword is used similarly as the SLAX\Baka keywords in updated SL aroused, but only for experience calculations and not quest triggers.  The licenses tracking looks like is for future, but could cause problems if not part of the dummy mod.  Babodialogue integration snippet in spoiler.


Function CD_SLS()
    if BaboSexlabSurvivalGlobal.getvalue() == 1
        _SLS_BikiniArmor = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x049867, "SL Survival.esp") as Keyword
        _SLS_LicenceMagic = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x041B54, "SL Survival.esp") as Book
        _SLS_LicenceArmor = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x043BAE, "SL Survival.esp") as Book
        _SLS_LicenceWeapon = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x043BAF, "SL Survival.esp") as Book
        _SLS_LicenceBikini = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0492C7, "SL Survival.esp") as Book
        _SLS_LicenceClothes = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0492CB, "SL Survival.esp") as Book


A properly working mod is not a dead mod.  Every feature works in my game, and the debug features to fix ragdoll glitch or camera lock are priceless to me. The mod is still available in Mono's "treasure chest" repository blog. Click in his profile and go to blog tab.


Edited by safado
Extra Note
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12 hours ago, safado said:

A properly working mod is not a dead mod.  Every feature works in my game, and the debug features to fix ragdoll glitch or camera lock are priceless to me. The mod is still available in Mono's "treasure chest" repository blog. Click in his profile and go to blog tab.

This is why I love Mono's mods, the most wonky feature is steep fall... because skyrim physics are wonky BUT its a really fun feature and normally you'd just kinda accept that it's wonky and not use it at all. But the ragdoll debug saved me from every mishap that ever happened with it, and honestly from other mods as well.
Edit: to be precise I don't get stuck constantly, it's just when it happens you might not be able to move at all. Debug features that aren't just for testing are a godsend for heavily modded games.

Edited by Karkhel
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/20/2023 at 10:52 PM, R34x said:



Monoman, just wanted to say, I've frequented this site for nearly a decade, maybe not as long as some, but we're 12 years into ESV now, so we've all had time to get some years on this site. This is a new(er) account (tried to quit LL like 3x now I think, lol) so it doesn't show, but I remember when SLS first released pretty well.


Now, maybe it's not good that I'm into dark stuff in the game, but from the first time I tried out the mod when the feature set was just getting started, it was and has remained since my idea of a near perfect mod. The tone of the writing, including it's dark humor, were perfection. I think every LL frequenter has a small list of mods they are stoked to see show up as newly updated, SLS was part of a very short list of those mods for me.


I used to enjoy frequenting your development thread as well and discuss new ideas and see the behind the scenes brainstorming, and then you'd never fail to take the best ideas and put your own spin on them to improve SLS and your other mods. It was always great to see.


SLS was one of few mods that would get me to reinstall ESV or simply update my load order and get it working smoothly again.


Then there's the support you offered. It's sad to see what a drain that was, but perfectly understandable. Still, your tireless effort to interact with players, sometimes even when they were rude about it, was commendable. I always tried to show gratitude when you gave hints for my customization efforts or just tips and help you provided to everyone in general.


SLS was a legendary mod, and tbh as is, I don't see it leaving my load order anytime soon. Your contributions to making ESV a Conan-esque dark fantasy game harking back to 80s sword and sorcery were huge. Thanks for the excellent content, it's unfortunate the compliments and thanks didn't drown out the trolls and ingrates, but sadly the internet has a way of being that way.


Anyway, hope to see you around the site, or Discords, or other circles whatever that may be. Should you ever decide to give modding another try, should that be ESV in 4-5 years, or ES6 whenever that releases, you'd be one mod author I'd always look forward to see twist up the world with your wicked ideas and lewd game loops.


Cheers mate, hope your endeavors become a fun hobby again, and thanks again!

I agree with you, only been here for a short amount of time and I came to enjoy this mod. It makes the game harder and much more involving in my opinion. I personally hope it returns soon, I didn't get to play much of it before this last update

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Hey was wondering if someone could help me out, I’m using the se version and I’m currently on 1.6.640 ae, (wondering if that has anything to do with it and why it would be causing issues) 

and the mod features seem to be working a-okay aside from one hiccup,

when speaking to the kennel master about the kennel and agreeing to sleep the night, the devices can equipped properly but getting put into locked area doesn’t occur, nor does the system for that door unlocking at 6AM doesn’t happen either, not making it possible to talk to him about leaving.

oh also one more thing I noticed for me was that the kennel exit has all doors to all cities active at once, all layered into each other. Just want to know if my version has anything to do with it and why it would be wonky as a non dll related mod?

thanks in advance! 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/26/2023 at 1:02 PM, Monoman1 said:

Right. First off. Not having a mental breakdown or anything so dramatic. Not having 'a fit'. Been removing files over a couple of weeks now. I've been asking nicely. Not been asking admins to do anything. Mostly via PM. Some people's inboxes are full.


It has been... interesting to see the reactions. Some people get it. Others are annoyed that they've been inconvenienced.




And I'm sorry but when you've contributed a fraction of what I have then you'll have an opinion that I'd actually consider. It's been a bit of an eye-opener. There's some real 'pieces of work' on this site. Some genuinely nice people too. 


- Dependencies - I'm not aware of any mods that have a hard dependency on any of my mods. Soft dependency, sure. You simply lose access to this content. 

- I got paid for these mods. Ah... No. I've never paywalled files or badgered people about it. The only reason I even had a patreon account was because I was asked about it. And I'm grateful to anyone that helped me out but if I were getting paid by the hour it'd be .0x cents per hour. In any case, I didn't mod to get paid. 


Now, I can't point to any one thing that's lead me to this but there are a number of factors as I see it: 


1. I've a strange OCD where I feel compelled to support the stuff I've created. I find it very difficult to 'disconnect'. It's my responsibility. 7000 posts, mostly support. It's exhausting on it's own. Combine this with trouble sleeping and it leads to late nights reading/refreshing threads. Unhealthy. Perhaps if there wasn't any file then maybe I could disconnect?


2. Someone mentioned modpacks. Yea, maybe a factor. Not a big one though. Handy of course for users but I think possibly damaging for long term for modding in general. Positive reinforcement/engagement is definitely down around here since it's advent. And it's not like us modders get much else for our work. I think SLS beta had ~83000 downloads. 53 'endorsements'. Nearly 1600 DLs per endorsement. Obviously a lot of auto downloading going on. The only people showing up in threads are people with problems. Problems that either A) are well known or B) are completely off the mark due to the users complete lack of knowledge. I'd also point out that a necessity to be knowledgeable about mods is what lead me to modding in the first place. Less knowledgeable people around would probably indicate less modders and less mods going forward. 


3. Attitudes such as: 

May not be intended but from my POV there's a serious bang of entitlement and ungratefulness about this post. Maybe you wouldn't have these alternatives if I hadn't put in the initial effort so... you're welcome I guess? I don't know why you felt to need to say this. And to say it in this thread...


4. People shitting all over 'old' mods when 'newer' ones come out utterly baffles me. I've got news for people out there. Papyrus hasn't improved since Skyrim's release. Sure SE has a couple of extra (not particularly useful) functions but if you want compatibility (which most modders do) then you're stuck with basic papyrus. PO3 extender and the like - very useful. Not game changing. My point? - The 'best' mod for something may have been made years ago. Even if this was not the case they likely served as a foundation for your newer and better mod. So... show a little respect?


5. Large mods bad. Small mods good! - Yea... Sometimes. There are efficiencies to be gained in larger mods. If you were to chop up SLS and reinstall a lot of it in parts then I'd say you are actually making things worse. Now instead of one mod tracking your cell changes you've got multiple. Congratulations, you've double/tripled the background workload (which is usually the 'heaviest' work). And if anyone doesn't know how cell change tracking works, it involves adding a permanent magic effect to the player and an invisible object following you around forever. Imagine all that invisible junk following you around. Entering/exiting combat - same sort of thing. Load game events - probably a whole lot of duplication going on. 


6. Scripters are not well regarded in the Skyrim community. At least not as well as modelers/animators. Can't really do much of interest with a model/animation without some good situations to provide context. Situations provided by a quest/script. A model/animation can be finished. Script mods require constant updates/maintenance/support. I don't really understand it. Maybe because scripts = bad is the general perception? I don't know. Maybe my perception is off. 


7. Probably the biggest. I'm feeling the walls close in on me lately (modding wise). Pretty much all of my mods have some equivalent or equivalent parts now. Sure, my mods haven't been updated in some time but I was actively working on them. Anyone paying attention to the threads would know this. It's just difficult when you're spinning 3/4 plates at the same time, including 1 complete rewrite. They don't intend it but I feel like I'm 'under siege', for want of a better expression, by these modders. And since they are many and I am one, they are capable of doing things much faster than I. I'm being 'pushed out'.


So this is the crux. Modding has become a competition and is not a fun hobby anymore. If I am to 'compete' then I'd have to give up my day job which obviously isn't an option. And if my mods or new features are to be chopped up and rehashed anyway then I really don't see the point in continuing. Or at least... continuing publicly. It's possible at this point that I would continue modding since I still have an interest in playing Skyrim and many of the things I've been working on are practically finished or close to it anyway. But then I would be modding for personal use only. That may seem selfish on the surface. And it is. But not for the reasons you're probably thinking. 


Taking modding back to being a personal thing makes modding a hobby again. No competition. No watching my mods be very publicly dissected. No endless hours of support. No adding options I'm not particularly interested in. Less compatibility issues. No aggro. No chasing people for permissions to use meshes etc. Sounds great...


A lot of the problems above are from the community itself. Something to ponder...


Just to reiterate, all this isn't against any one modder in particular. 


Taking down my files was a silent protest of the above cumulative points. This community needs to work on :

  • Respect - Respect modders work. Even if you don't like it. It took time and effort and should not be shat on by anyone. Unless it's deliberately setting PCs on fire. 
  • Gratitude - Don't want to write a review or post a positive comment? Then just click the like button. Take you one second. Otherwise the vitriol of this place will drown out the positive feedback and modding will suffer. 
  • Understanding - Develop understanding of how mods work so that you're not a part of the scripts = bad sheeple. And therefore not disrespecting modders with your lack of understanding. If you don't know something then don't state it as fact...
  • Self help - respect mod authors free time. Try to figure it out yourself. See how much time modding takes (above). Maybe you'll learn something along the way and save a modder a headache. 
  • Collaboration - Maybe instead of forking off a mod, submit changes that can be implemented. Stuff is beginning to be splintered all over the place. 



So what now? 


Got to admit, I've made a bit of a mess of things. Should have just hidden files rather than delete them. Probably will reupload them somewhere, sometime. But possibly just to a locked blog post or something. Public development is likely to stop. Permission to carry on my work is not given. Yet. Need to figure out some things. 



Just came back to Skyrim once a gain a few days ago. Sad to see you go.


You said you might be able to continue modding privately. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully it brings back the joy for creating and figuring out things.

Like some model train builders building away at their smaller or bigger worlds in their basements or attics. By themselves, for themselves.


Thank you for all your great mods and all the time you invested in the community.



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On 5/24/2023 at 10:38 AM, DisarmingSnail said:

The scripts don't function out of the box, you need to attach them to quests by editing the esp. I have re-uploaded the files in the original post to include a plugin file (ESL-flagged) which contains the necessary edits. If everything is functioning as intended, you can run "player.sqv _SLS_NeedsQuest" and the script state should state "Shs".

Refer to screenshot below.


  Hide contents



my script state is "" how can I fix it.Thank you

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I want to like this mod, I really do, but it just doesn't work.  I've tried both the LE and the SE variant, and they both generally have the exact same bugs.

  1. I don't want to be escorted in towns.  This option is off.  The enforcers keep grabbing me and telling me that I need to be escorted.
    Someone said that I need to turn off tolls or curfew for this.  Same issue happens even with these off.
  2. This mod completely breaks Sexlab Fame.  With Survival installed, Fame gives an error every time I load a save, saying it's broken.
  3. (LE Only) - It doesn't detect bikini armor properly.  I installed just TAWOBA (for LE), since that's all I found initially for LE.  The Bikini curse triggering off of a non-shoe item as if my heels are not tall enough.  Yes, I've built the bikini lists - twice.  They're dropping in chests too, so clearly it's detecting them properly.
  4. Most bikini armor doesn't have the 5" heels that the mod is looking for, and this mod doesn't modify bikini armor to have heels, and the mods that do are obscure, and hard to find.
  5. Enforcers keep accosting me when I enter a town just because I have items in my inventory.  Items I came into town explicitly to either break down into Bikini armor, or sell.  I have this option disabled too.
  6. (LE Only) - While wearing 'heavy' Bikini armor, with the starter license for both Bikini armor and normal armor, I was accosted by an enforcer because my armor was too heavy.
  7. (SE Only - Untested in LE) - When I walk into town, I'm told that you're a mage, and that's bad, so we have to collar you.  No collar is equipped.  I don't have the option enabled to use tats instead of collars.
  8. Even with maxed out blacksmithing, breaking down non-bikini armor to bikini armor frequently fails because some unknown skill isn't high enough.
  9. A lot of standard armors can't be broken down into bikini armor.

If the options in this game worked, it would be a great mod, and I would love to use it in my playthroughs, but the options just don't work.

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On 11/13/2023 at 10:08 AM, vladeemer said:


Since you changed it while already in a game, you may need to stay away from Riverwood for a few days until it refreshes. The license and toll system work fine--I have the escorts disabled in my game and have zero issues with it.


Edit--for the record, I do not have the Followers Required box checked, just the number set to zero. Unchecking that may work better for you.


This doesn't work, either in LE or SE.  I've never turned this option on, and even after not visiting a city for a few days, they insist on escorting me.

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11 hours ago, ChandraArgentis said:

I want to like this mod, I really do, but it just doesn't work.  I've tried both the LE and the SE variant, and they both generally have the exact same bugs.

  1. I don't want to be escorted in towns.  This option is off.  The enforcers keep grabbing me and telling me that I need to be escorted.
    Someone said that I need to turn off tolls or curfew for this.  Same issue happens even with these off.
  2. This mod completely breaks Sexlab Fame.  With Survival installed, Fame gives an error every time I load a save, saying it's broken.
  3. (LE Only) - It doesn't detect bikini armor properly.  I installed just TAWOBA (for LE), since that's all I found initially for LE.  The Bikini curse triggering off of a non-shoe item as if my heels are not tall enough.  Yes, I've built the bikini lists - twice.  They're dropping in chests too, so clearly it's detecting them properly.
  4. Most bikini armor doesn't have the 5" heels that the mod is looking for, and this mod doesn't modify bikini armor to have heels, and the mods that do are obscure, and hard to find.
  5. Enforcers keep accosting me when I enter a town just because I have items in my inventory.  Items I came into town explicitly to either break down into Bikini armor, or sell.  I have this option disabled too.
  6. (LE Only) - While wearing 'heavy' Bikini armor, with the starter license for both Bikini armor and normal armor, I was accosted by an enforcer because my armor was too heavy.
  7. (SE Only - Untested in LE) - When I walk into town, I'm told that you're a mage, and that's bad, so we have to collar you.  No collar is equipped.  I don't have the option enabled to use tats instead of collars.
  8. Even with maxed out blacksmithing, breaking down non-bikini armor to bikini armor frequently fails because some unknown skill isn't high enough.
  9. A lot of standard armors can't be broken down into bikini armor.

If the options in this game worked, it would be a great mod, and I would love to use it in my playthroughs, but the options just don't work.


hmm something you can try if you want is to make a hard save somewhere outside all town/cities where you can safely wait for a time.

some place like Lakeview Manor (or similar) so that you can safely wait for 7 day stretches and if you have a needs mod installed that

you will not starve to death.  this save should not have this mod installed on it at all previously (to avoid baked in problems).


1 - what you can try is turn off escorts needed (set escorts needed to 0), tolls, curfews.  go to town and see if that works.  if it does not work

     try the combinations of turning one of those three settings on and the others off, try again.  what does work for me is to have escorts

     on (set at 0), tolls on, and curfews on, but that does not work for everyone.

2 - i do not use currently, but it should be version 0.99.  other versions may work. just not sure though.

3 - the first post (on page 1) has a link to TWOBA that should work out of the box.  the version you have linked may or may not work "out of the box".

     what SLS is looking for is specific keywords (either of 2), and the armors in that mod may or may not have the right keywords.  you can make a patch

     to give them the right keyword ( _sls_bikiniarmor ) and if you make a patch you can add that keyword to any armor you want.

4 - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36213  will let you add custom high heel heights to any shoes in game by using it's MCM.

5 - odd do not remember the enforcers having a setting to not approach and check for contraband (i could just not use or recognize it).

     the hardest area to avoid enforcers when entering are the walled cities.  any city/town (Falkreath, Riverwood, etc) that does not require a loading screen

     you should be able to avoid the enforcers to get to a shop/workbench.  just have to plan ahead and watch carefully.

6 - if you had both the Bikini Armor and the Regular Armor license (and they are valid) something definitely went wrong, but what i do not know.

     as far as i know the Regular Armor license covers both light and heavy armor so they should not have accosted you. 

     see point 3 about patch, and i am not sure that will be enough as heavy bikini armor may have the heavyarmor keyword on it which makes it list 

     as heavy armor which in turn needs the regular armor license.

7 - you might try enabling the use tats instead option, exit MCM, wait a couple minutes, disable use tats option, waiting a couple more minutes to see if that fixes it.

8 - i do not remember SLS ever letting me break down other armors into Bikini Armor (could be wrong here), so if i am correct on this point

     it means some other mod is doing it and that mod is where the issue is at.

9 - see point 8


important note Monoman1 (creator of the mod) is on hiatus from all modding and will not be giving any support until when/if he decides to come back.

he was kind enough to leave some of his mods available for those that want to sue them though.


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On 1/7/2024 at 3:23 AM, ChandraArgentis said:

I want to like this mod, I really do, but it just doesn't work.  I've tried both the LE and the SE variant, and they both generally have the exact same bugs.

If the options in this game worked, it would be a great mod, and I would love to use it in my playthroughs, but the options just don't work.



Have not played\changed with SLS features and Skyrim in general in a while, this is from memory with some mod first page review refresh. 


  1. I don't want to be escorted in towns.  This option is off.  The enforcers keep grabbing me and telling me that I need to be escorted.
    Someone said that I need to turn off tolls or curfew for this.  Same issue happens even with these off.
    • What Valcon767 posted, Monoman1 also answered this a couple of times somewhere in the 500+ pages.   Here is one of those, but from the SLS SE pages. It has some hint to what can be tried to disable it if locked.  Make sure you are not confusing the Devious Followers forced-start feature with SLS.  I did once, I was long ago a mod\feature happy-enabling noobie(newbie) breaking Skyrim.
  2. This mod completely breaks Sexlab Fame.  With Survival installed, Fame gives an error every time I load a save, saying it's broken.
    • Sorry, do not know because I stop using fame a while ago.  Forgot why, maybe was a CTD thing.
  3. (LE Only) - It doesn't detect bikini armor properly.  I installed just TAWOBA (for LE), since that's all I found initially for LE.  The Bikini curse triggering off of a non-shoe item as if my heels are not tall enough.  Yes, I've built the bikini lists - twice.  They're dropping in chests too, so clearly it's detecting them properly.
    • Each item that requires to be detected as bikini by SLS needs the keyword "_SLS_BikiniArmor" assigned.  There are a couple of patches from the community spread in loverslab forums, make sure the patch is specific for the TAWOBA version you are using, normally those are combined with SLAX\SLAR-BAKA keywords.
    • TAWOBA Remastered is the better version of Tawoba without the extra Male assets and non-slot32 assets, that TAWOBA extended has.  Corsayr's Patch in SLS SE front page, near bottom. You also need the "BikiniArmors.7z" that has the custom compatible list for the deployment to chest system. Sadly, does not include the armorbreak feature, that is currently original TAWOBA only until someone recreates all the necessary json files to reference a different version of TAWOBA. 
    • Check second post in first page intro for keyword patching.
  4. Most bikini armor doesn't have the 5" heels that the mod is looking for, and this mod doesn't modify bikini armor to have heels, and the mods that do are obscure, and hard to find.
    • You can use another mod that adds the "RaceMenu Heels" to the game.  The feature looks if the Racemenu(NIO) heels feature is used by mesh asset in the "boot\feet" slots, do not matter from what mod.  Sample of a good Racemenu Heels mod...
    • I do not think is a HDT High Heel feature compatible, I may be wrong because only used Racemenu Heel.
  5. Enforcers keep accosting me when I enter a town just because I have items in my inventory.  Items I came into town explicitly to either break down into Bikini armor, or sell.  I have this option disabled too.
    • You disabled the licensing system? I do not remember if it disables enforcers forcegreets. Maybe is a bug or some script delay.  Current last version of SLS is 0.685.  I think some features need to offload the assets to disabled properly, you may need to exit the town before disabling it and may need to wait a couple of internal game-time hours to do some kind of AI reset\refresh.
  6. (LE Only) - While wearing 'heavy' Bikini armor, with the starter license for both Bikini armor and normal armor, I was accosted by an enforcer because my armor was too heavy.
    • All visual stuff in NPC is an armor for Skyrim, The difference is based on Slot ID and keywords.  If the armor\body\cloth asset has the keyword "ArmorCuirass" it will be considered an "Armor" by the SLS licensing system.  It needs the extra manually added SLS keyword "_SLS_ArmorBikini" to be considered a bikini\armored-bikini by SLS.
  7. (SE Only - Untested in LE) - When I walk into town, I'm told that you're a mage, and that's bad, so we have to collar you.  No collar is equipped.  I don't have the option enabled to use tats instead of collars.
    • I think the dialogue is hard-coded, no multiple "flavors".   The effects are applied, but the visuals depend on feature enabled and mod detected. The collar is only used DD is detected installed and the "tattoo" texture overlay is used if slavetats is detected.
  8. Even with maxed out blacksmithing, breaking down non-bikini armor to bikini armor frequently fails because some unknown skill isn't high enough.
    • The skill requirements are set in the json files for the builtin system that follow SkyrimLE original TAWOBA formid. Folder: (MOD or GAME\SKSE\Plugins\StorageUtilData\SL Survival\BikBreak\BuiltIn).  There's some kind of waste calculation in the armorbreak scripts during fails, and reference fails messages.  Do not know if it has to do with that. The listed folder has the files that are used to inject the references to the game, based on original TAWOBA.  Different TAWOBA may incur in reference not found fails.
  9. A lot of standard armors can't be broken down into bikini armor.
    • Limited bikini mod selection from original LE version relative to vanilla armor selection.  The breakdown feature with it reference reassignment to available bikini or armor mod using JSON files has 100 custom placeholders for anybody to play with. Sadly, the instructions got nuked with the mod blog removal.  There's an example using Nordic Carved as a reference to some assets in original TAWOBA. Check the folder (MOD or GAME\SKSE\Plugins\StorageUtilData\SL Survival\BikBreak\Custom) if interested.  Could be a waste if you are having issues with the standard features, fix or understand better the mod first.  It is a behemoth (lots of advanced scripts features) of a mod for loverslab.



Edited by safado
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On 1/7/2024 at 12:23 AM, ChandraArgentis said:

I want to like this mod, I really do, but it just doesn't work.  I've tried both the LE and the SE variant, and they both generally have the exact same bugs.

  1. I don't want to be escorted in towns.  This option is off.  The enforcers keep grabbing me and telling me that I need to be escorted.
    Someone said that I need to turn off tolls or curfew for this.  Same issue happens even with these off.

I can guarantee you have not done this correctly

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Go to a cooking pot.

There you cook herb tea which comes with skooma whore so you already have it installed. Gold printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.

Also there you cook vegetable soup (vanilla skyrim, so you have that too) - this is your godmode in 1v1. It regens 1 stamina as long as you have non-zero stamina from various effects. You eat it and spam sheild bash, stun-locking and killing mighty male warriors that can 1 shot you.

Now you know why the guards tell you to go back to the kitchen.

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On 1/7/2024 at 3:23 AM, ChandraArgentis said:

I want to like this mod, I really do, but it just doesn't work.  I've tried both the LE and the SE variant, and they both generally have the exact same bugs.

  1. I don't want to be escorted in towns.  This option is off.  The enforcers keep grabbing me and telling me that I need to be escorted.
    Someone said that I need to turn off tolls or curfew for this.  Same issue happens even with these off.
  2. This mod completely breaks Sexlab Fame.  With Survival installed, Fame gives an error every time I load a save, saying it's broken.
  3. (LE Only) - It doesn't detect bikini armor properly.  I installed just TAWOBA (for LE), since that's all I found initially for LE.  The Bikini curse triggering off of a non-shoe item as if my heels are not tall enough.  Yes, I've built the bikini lists - twice.  They're dropping in chests too, so clearly it's detecting them properly.
  4. Most bikini armor doesn't have the 5" heels that the mod is looking for, and this mod doesn't modify bikini armor to have heels, and the mods that do are obscure, and hard to find.
  5. Enforcers keep accosting me when I enter a town just because I have items in my inventory.  Items I came into town explicitly to either break down into Bikini armor, or sell.  I have this option disabled too.
  6. (LE Only) - While wearing 'heavy' Bikini armor, with the starter license for both Bikini armor and normal armor, I was accosted by an enforcer because my armor was too heavy.
  7. (SE Only - Untested in LE) - When I walk into town, I'm told that you're a mage, and that's bad, so we have to collar you.  No collar is equipped.  I don't have the option enabled to use tats instead of collars.
  8. Even with maxed out blacksmithing, breaking down non-bikini armor to bikini armor frequently fails because some unknown skill isn't high enough.
  9. A lot of standard armors can't be broken down into bikini armor.

If the options in this game worked, it would be a great mod, and I would love to use it in my playthroughs, but the options just don't work.

6. You need theamazingworldofbikiniarmor 1.8d - with bikini keyword.7z and theamazingworldofbikiniarmor_slot_patch.7z. Slot patch should be loaded after sls in mom then the keywords will apply. The guards say that because there's no keyword and they recognize bikini as armor and confiscate it because you don't have an armor license. Has nothing to do with heavy or light.

Edited by 2Grwjk52FF
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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone knows if there is a way to disable anything tongue related in the mod, like tongue appearing during sex scenes for both male and female? I disable ahegao thing, but that wasn't it, any other option somewhere I'm missing?

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On 1/22/2024 at 9:19 AM, Abbendis said:

Anyone knows if there is a way to disable anything tongue related in the mod, like tongue appearing during sex scenes for both male and female? I disable ahegao thing, but that wasn't it, any other option somewhere I'm missing?

There is a tongue fix patch floating around in one of the Survival threads, though I'm not 100% sure where it is at the moment. If you can find that it should clear up your issue.

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Hey guys, not sure if I should ask this here or in the SLSF thread, but anyway: Id like SLSF to register only the SL Survival half naked cover as covering. The problem is, when I add the bikini top Im wearing to the SLSF excluded wears list, Im already registered as naked by the mod, even if the half naked cover isnt excluded. Is there a way to change that? To make it clear (I hope), Id like to have every individual part of bikini armor registered as not covering, except when top and bottom are worn together, so only the half naked cover is actually covering.

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new game and the cry for help ( z shout button) doesn't work, must go to the wheel of options and choose it manually. is there a specific circumstances for it to work?


many thanks in advance, @Monoman1 you created one of the heaviest & most Stable mods for Skyrim.

Edited by aspirine2
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