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2 hours ago, rf3sta said:

My character's "Sex Level" never increases. Does this mean anything and if so, what should I do to fix it?


Are you only having aggressive/non-consensual sex, e.g. from things like combat surrender mods or Harassment approachers forcing themselves on you, or when your health is below the "treat as aggressive" limit in MCM? If so, that doesn't increase your sex level initially, you need to have consensual sex for a while before you'll be able to also gain points from being raped.

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15 hours ago, vaultbait said:


Are you only having aggressive/non-consensual sex, e.g. from things like combat surrender mods or Harassment approachers forcing themselves on you, or when your health is below the "treat as aggressive" limit in MCM? If so, that doesn't increase your sex level initially, you need to have consensual sex for a while before you'll be able to also gain points from being raped.

Ok thanks! I made a few adjustments based on your input.

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Just a small thing, but is it possible to change the icon for arousal in the UI?


I play on survival mode, and the arousal icon is a bed. The same icon used to let me know I need sleep. So I never know if my character just needs sleep, or is aroused (unless I check the pip-boy of course).


Like I said, it's a small thing, but kind of annoying is all. Would be nice if arousal had a different icon instead of the sleep icon so they can be differentiated on the UI.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the current version (2.6.8), in the FPA_Main script, the variable "currentSexHuman" is never set. Presumably it should be set in the queueDynamicArousal function along with the other currentSex... variables.


As a result of this, sex with humans will always use the Other Wear Value instead of the Human Wear Value, and sex reputation increases from gossip will never occur.


It looks like this should also cause sex reputation increases from observation to always use the non-human value, but I haven't been seeing sex reputation increases from observation happen at all in my game, which is a separate issue I see no obvious reason for in the script.


Update: I tried a new game instead of my old updated game and sex reputation increases from observation do seem to be mostly working. And, as expected, it is using the non-human value for sex with humans being observed.

Edited by edinburg
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On 9/9/2022 at 9:48 PM, Spyder Arachnid said:

Just a small thing, but is it possible to change the icon for arousal in the UI?


I play on survival mode, and the arousal icon is a bed. The same icon used to let me know I need sleep. So I never know if my character just needs sleep, or is aroused (unless I check the pip-boy of course).


Like I said, it's a small thing, but kind of annoying is all. Would be nice if arousal had a different icon instead of the sleep icon so they can be differentiated on the UI.

Maybe change it to a heart? Is that possible? Or why not to an icon comprised of "SEX" whose colour could be changed in function of desperation? White*=thinking about it, Blue*=Very Aroused, and Red*=Desperate. *Don't use Red and Green as some people are colour blind.

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15 hours ago, RenFL2 said:

Is there a way to get multiple of the bitch perks? Got a few lover perks and raider bitch but cannot trigger the animal bitch perk.


If you manage to regain spirit points, then lose them to a new aggressor, that should "just work."

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8 hours ago, RenFL2 said:

Ohhhh, thought it was the same system. Just reread the description and saw the difference.


If you're in a hurry, you can also set FPSA_Value_Spirit to 1 in the console and then get yourself raped (or perhaps even just set it back to 0 during the scene, I don't recall if that works too). Or just use addperk directly if you don't care about seeing the flavor text pop-up.

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Hi, i've been using this mod for a few days but i can't seem to get arousal to work at all, and now it seems like spirit is not decreasing as well. The only thing that increases arousal is events triggered by aaf harassment, and my self-esteem has been at 0 for a while with no reduction in spirit rating. I've been looking through this thread but i haven't been able to find any solution to my problem, though I may simply have missed it. I would greatly appreciate any assistance!

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I've been wanting to role play a different character with different personalities, with each personality type having its pros and consequences. 


So this is my attempt to make that into a reality. Permanent character traits. May be expanded on as new ideas come that make sense



  • New mechanic: permanent player traits. When loading the mod or during character creation, you can customize 9 different traits that give your character a bit of a personality. These traits don't give any buffs/debuffs but instead affect how attributes gains/loss are calculated. Each trait is supposed to have its benefits and penalties:
    • Bondage fetish vs neutral
      • Fetish: Having sex wearing restraints gives you greater stimulation (faster arousal gain). But you lose less self esteem when being raped.
      • neutral: no changes
    • People pleaser vs indifferent
      • Pleaser: You gain a bonus to self esteem gained from expererience if your sex reputation is good. But if it's bad, then you gain self esteem slower.
      • indifferent: no changes
    • Sexually conservative vs sexually liberal vs neutral
      • Convervative: You are more reserved about expressing sexual desires. Gain less stimulation from sex and more self esteem lost from being raped. But if you are a slut and have sex while being drunk or drugged, you let go and release all the pent up desires, and gain a massive increase to stimulation gained. In other words, alcohol/drug brings down your guard and unleashes your primal desires.
      • Liberal: You have no problem with casual sex. Sex is merely for pleasure. Gain more stimulation from sex and less self esteem lost from being raped.
      • neutral: no changes
    • Attraction to or aversion to men/women/feral/mutant/animal/giant
      • Attraction: More stimulation when having sex with one, and less self esteem lost from rape
      • neutal: no changes
      • Aversion: less timulation when having sex with one, but more self esteem lost from rape
  • Changed: Being intoxicated (alcohol) while having sex will increase stimulation gained, up to 30%
  • Changed: Willpower drain event during combat with an enemy with active perversion effect now has a distance check. If the enemy is greater than 2000 units away, the drain event does not happen. Intended to help with vanilla game bug where you can sometimes get stuck in combat forever even though the enemy is on the other side of the map.
  • Changed: Being dominant and wearing restraints no longer drain self esteem. This now happens when player does not have bondage fetish trait
  • Changed: Being submissive and wearing restraints no longer increase arousal. This now happens when player has bondage fetish trait
  • Fixed: Wear and tear for sex with human not being calculated correctly

Note that the trait selection menu only shows during new save (or fresh mod install). But if you really wanted to try some of these on an existing save, you can use console to add the perks. They all have the prefix: FPA_Trait
help FPA_Trait 3

Edited by twistedtrebla
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My recommendation: to offset "Sexually Liberal" maybe the character should be easier for NPCs to persuade if they have that trait, whereas Sexually Conservative should make them harder to persuade?  Likewise, maybe tie People Pleaser/Indifferent into the Blackmail Approach from Sexual Harassment?  (ie, People Pleaser has more trouble refusing/threatening blackmailers.)


Maybe a "Socialite" vs. "Wallflower" set of traits.  Socialite regains attributes quicker while above the drunk/drugged threshold for trauma, but has more trouble turning down Fan Approach drinks and is easier to persuade while drunk.  Wallflower regains attributes slower from being drunk/drugged, but is harder to persuade to take drinks or to do things while drunk.


I think a "Proud" vs. "Practical" dichotomy could also be interesting, where a Proud character regains Self-Esteem faster but is more likely to receive negative reactions from NPCs when choosing prideful responses (such as confronting butt-slappers, threatening blackmailers, etc.), whereas a Practical character regains Self-Esteem more slowly but doesn't lose as much from choosing "polite"/submissive options, even when things go bad (letting butt-slappers walk all over you, taking help from fans, submitting to blackmailers, etc.).

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First of all, thanks for yet another update! However, it doesn't seem to work on my end.


I updated the mod to the latest version (2.7.0) but did not receive the option to set permanent traits added in the latest version.


I loaded the mod on existing save (I'd hate to start a new one since I've progressed quite a bit in the game), and the mod is working properly; only I don't see/can't set those traits. Isn't there some other way to force it to update? I don't mind using console if I have to.


Any help on this? Cheers and keep up the great work!

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52 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

First of all, thanks for yet another update! However, it doesn't seem to work on my end.


I updated the mod to the latest version (2.7.0) but did not receive the option to set permanent traits added in the latest version.


I loaded the mod on existing save (I'd hate to start a new one since I've progressed quite a bit in the game), and the mod is working properly; only I don't see/can't set those traits. Isn't there some other way to force it to update? I don't mind using console if I have to.


Any help on this? Cheers and keep up the great work!

Its in the patch notes on how to work around that

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54 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:


I've seen it just as I posted. Sorry, ignore my previous post.


Entering 'help FPA_Trait 3' in console doesn't show anything. Literally nothing.


Anything I can do?


No matter what I try, I cannot get these new traits to work on my existing save.


I tried reinstalling the mod and it just doesn't display anything. When I enter 'help FPA_Trait 3' I get nothing. Other than that, the mod functions properly.

As far as I can tell, the traits added by 2.7.0 don't exist in my game.


Would it be possible to add 'Add perk x' in debug section of MCM (where x displays the name of the trait)?


Any help on this? I'd really like to try these new traits, but I'd hate to start a new save since I've invested a lot of time into my current one.

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29 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:


No matter what I try, I cannot get these new traits to work on my existing save.


I tried reinstalling the mod and it just doesn't display anything. When I enter 'help FPA_Trait 3' I get nothing. Other than that, the mod functions properly.

As far as I can tell, the traits added by 2.7.0 don't exist in my game.


Would it be possible to add 'Add perk x' in debug section of MCM (where x displays the name of the trait)?


Any help on this? I'd really like to try these new traits, but I'd hate to start a new save since I've invested a lot of time into my current one.


What do you get when typing "help FPA_Trait 0"?  Using "help XX 3" will only return global variables, not perks.

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5 minutes ago, spicydoritos said:


What do you get when typing "help FPA_Trait 0"?  Using "help XX 3" will only return global variables, not perks.


Tried that as well, but I get nothing. Like I said, it's like the perks don't exist.


I opened the plugin in xEdit and I can see the new perks there, but I have no clue why the game doesn't recognize them.

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48 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

Any help on this? I'd really like to try these new traits, but I'd hate to start a new save since I've invested a lot of time into my current one.

You can't search perks in the console. And 3 is for Globals, which they're perks not Globals.

player.addperk or player.removeperk

XX = SA load order


If you use Better Console you can see what perks you currently have. Hint: hit the Ctrl key.


People Pleaser = XX0399EA

Mutant Fetish = XX0399F1

Giant Fetish = XX0399F2

Feral Fetish = XX0399F0

Bestiality Fetish = XX0399EF

Sexually Liberal = XX0399EC

Sexually Conservative = XX0399EB

Bondage Fetish = XX0399E9

Mutant Aversion = XX0399F5

Aversion to Men = XX0399F8

Giant Aversion = XX0399F6

Feral Aversion = XX0399F4

Aversion to Women = XX0399F7

Bestiality Aversion = XX0399F3

Attracted to Men = XX0399ED

Attracted to Women = XX0399EE

Edited by izzyknows
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48 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

You can't search perks in the console. And 3 is for Globals, which they're perks not Globals.

player.addperk or player.removeperk

XX = SA load order


If you use Better Console you can see what perks you currently have. Hint: hit the Ctrl key.


People Pleaser = XX0399EA

Mutant Fetish = XX0399F1

Giant Fetish = XX0399F2

Feral Fetish = XX0399F0

Bestiality Fetish = XX0399EF

Sexually Liberal = XX0399EC

Sexually Conservative = XX0399EB

Bondage Fetish = XX0399E9

Mutant Aversion = XX0399F5

Aversion to Men = XX0399F8

Giant Aversion = XX0399F6

Feral Aversion = XX0399F4

Aversion to Women = XX0399F7

Bestiality Aversion = XX0399F3

Attracted to Men = XX0399ED

Attracted to Women = XX0399EE

I had the same Problem as @rubber_duck. The Perks were not listed in the console, but they could be applied manually, thanks to your FormIDs

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