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Just now, SexDwarf2250 said:

Loving the mod so far. Could there be an MCM for prices? I would like to reduce profits at least for early level stuff. Also, I would love a dialogue for freshly captured slaves that gives you all their inventory and puts rags, a steel dagger and those hdt shackles on them. I do something like that every time and it gets tedious. Or maybe a tavern wench dress. In fact, some choices including bondage gear and stuff based on slave roles would be nice, but I'm probably dreaming now...

Good suggestions. I'd want something like a default outfit as well. Should be possible, after all AddItemMenu is also able to pull items from installed mods.


Prices still need some tweaking, you can get silly rich just by having a few prostitutes or selling a few slaves.

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While I haven't used the functionality of AYGAS yest I can confirm what Slayden2019 said about the MCM menus. I have a whip and intend to use it. I'll let you know what I find (unless I get too wrapped up in it)! ?

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Just now, xyzxyz said:

How can i get the mod to find ZAZ 8? I have ZAZ and other mods find it, only AYGAS not. Does ZAZ need a special position in the mod loading list or something? I use the newest AYGAS.

Did you get the latest ZAZ? There's a version called 8+. But don't worry, if you only have 8, Aygas will still work with all the BDSM assets in tehre

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24 minutes ago, Musje said:

Did you get the latest ZAZ? There's a version called 8+. But don't worry, if you only have 8, Aygas will still work with all the BDSM assets in tehre

That could be the problem ^^ I just hope that ZAZ 8+ isn't to big for my animation list.

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17 hours ago, SexDwarf2250 said:

HAH. Narrowing this down: Lively Inns and Taverns seems to be involved somehow. It populates taverns with crowds during "busy" hours, and is a really nice mod overall.


I installed LIAT. The "good" news is that I get the exact same crash, when I enslave one of those NPCs and then zone back in when their master is awake.


The bad news is that I'm not sure what to do about it. I examined the LIAT mod and it;s really basic, standard predefined NPCs with a few packages and having a simple script. I suspect the script is the problem: it turns NPCs off during the daytime by disabling them, at the same time that Aygas does some processing.


Even if I can manage Aygas from not crashing the game, the script from LIAT will still turn off your slaves during the day, and I don't think there is a way to remove those scripts dynamically. The only way this is going to work is if the author of LIAT attached his scripts using a permanent spell / magic effect, I think these can be removed by papyrus.


I'll list LIAT as incompatible for now.

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On 5/29/2018 at 7:42 PM, Musje said:

A lot of errors in there.  It's clear that Aygas is not loading correctly. Did you select the Interactive BDSM patch during installation without having that mod installed?

Sounds like we are both done for today, are we?

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Been enjoying the mod and am up to Handler.

I forgot that TDF Prostitution was installed and wondering about compatibility?

I had the dialogue "your body is going to make us some coin" thinking it was this mod kicking in. That's when I remembered TDF was installed and her reply of "just get me some jobs"

So, I disabled TDF and cleaned my save. Just didn't want issue later on.

At what slave level does she have to be for "your body is going to make me some coin" to kick in?

I'm a Handler and Slavery is 70, with Whiterun active.

Should I just keep training and enjoying my slave? ( be patient ) ;)


Sorry for the rambling, thanks.



Just went back and there it was at the bottom.

I know be patient.


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1 hour ago, Musje said:

I installed LIAT. The "good" news is that I get the exact same crash, when I enslave one of those NPCs and then zone back in when their master is awake.


The bad news is that I'm not sure what to do about it. I examined the LIAT mod and it;s really basic, standard predefined NPCs with a few packages and having a simple script. I suspect the script is the problem: it turns NPCs off during the daytime by disabling them, at the same time that Aygas does some processing.


Even if I can manage Aygas from not crashing the game, the script from LIAT will still turn off your slaves during the day, and I don't think there is a way to remove those scripts dynamically. The only way this is going to work is if the author of LIAT attached his scripts using a permanent spell / magic effect, I think these can be removed by papyrus.


I'll list LIAT as incompatible for now.


Thank you for figuring that out! Paradise Halls has an alternate slave-generating process that I never used because "it might have issues" and Jebus knows I don't need more of those... I wonder if that could help in this case. Incompatibility listing is fine, yeah, just glad I know I don't have other problems. If it were lazy me "fixing" the problem I would probably just make it so LIAT NPCs can't become slaves in the first place.


"I'm too pretty to go to prison! *does himself a seppuku* ...now I wish that were an animation. ?

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On 5/28/2018 at 5:33 AM, valcon767 said:

have you tried Home Sweet Home ???

IIRC if you train a slave far enough using that mod it can train another slave up to the same level as it was trained to.

there were 5 "stats" that could be trained the last time i used that mod - Sex, Submission, Pose, Respect, and Combat.

the restriction (IIRC) was the the slave being trained could only be trained up to the same level in the skill as the slave doing the training, and it took longer, but

you did not have to be present for it to work.


Yes, I use it, but partly it takes very long to get a slave trained up to a level of the trainer. If you want to start really with a business you need several trainer to get the trained slaves to sell. Therefore I thought it could be a good idea to have already skilled follower or a mod to rise the values.

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Think I'm going to be removing TDF from my load order if I'm running AYGAS, what Musje has given us is more immersive and makes more sense.  Given time to keep developing this and iBDSM I think its going to be quite the nice set of addons.


Plus its a pretty entertaining way to plant trees around Skyrim.  What you call a environmentally friendly mod. ?

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okey for users that are a bit slow, like me:

- AYGAS comes with his own prostitution option now?

- TDF isnt needed anymore => ergo the PAHE TDF Patch isnt needed anymore => if AYGAS is installed?

- pimping the PC out via TDF wont produce compatibility issues with AYGAS

- if TDF + AYGAS are installed => pimping slaves out with TDF is a NONO if the AYGAS prostitution function will be used


(okey okey i will read the AYGAS description, again, for real this time, i promise)

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Yes, AYGAS has its own prostitution options.  Takes a bit more work to get it going, but its also more immersive.  There are also more options, eventually you can not only have slaves turning tricks in the street or at an inn, but you can eventually set up your home as a brothel.


You can still use TDF but I don't see the point personally.  Also the dialog lines might get confusing, easy mistake to make.  TDF was never fully compatible with PAHE anyway where as what Musje has done works very well.


Pimping your own character out, no, won't produce any compatibility issues, completely separate so if you still want to do that you can use TDF for that and AYGAS for slaves.  Hell you could still pimp out followers who are not slaves if you wanted.


Mixing the two functions on the same slave could likely cause problems, so yeah, I'd call that a no-no.

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I've come across an issue that happens after my Slave Prostitute gets auto approached by a NPC. The NPC comes to me and asks if the prostitute is available for a tumble or something like that and I click yes and they go through with the scene. When the scene ends, the NPC starts walking away and if I try to talk to the NPC, no dialog window at all appears. They just say "my friend!" or any of the other usual audio lines and keep walking away. I tried recycle actor on them and that did not work. Saving and reloading also did not work. Leaving the area and coming back also did not work. Papyrus in a spoiler.


[06/01/2018 - 03:56:56AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[06/01/2018 - 03:56:56AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[06/01/2018 - 03:56:56AM] Update budget: 1.800000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.800000ms, Load screen budget: 2000.000000ms)
[06/01/2018 - 03:56:56AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:02AM] Cannot open store for class "ZazOnTriggerEnterBindingsTMG", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:02AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LeashedMEScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:02AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LooseHavokChainScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:02AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_DisableHeadTrack", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:02AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_ChainConnector", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:02AM] Cannot open store for class "slattractionmainscript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:03AM] Cannot open store for class "hdtHighHeelShoes", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:03AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:04AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property slave_stub on script pahactoralias attached to alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) cannot be bound because alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] VM is frozen
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Reverting game...
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:31AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:57:32AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:10AM] Loading game...
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] VM is thawing...
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] --- HSH soft requirements check: ignore any errors following ---
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] error: Native static function TESTScanCellNPCsByFaction could find no matching static function on linked type MiscUtil. Function will not be bound.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [SerialStripper] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [SerialStrip] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] FNIS AA started (load)
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Checking For Mods ---------- Ignore Errors About Missing Files
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Error: File "Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.RDO_ModCheck() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 873
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.OnGameReload() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 1050
    [alias PlayerAlias on quest aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Immersive Citizens]     Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or       
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Immersive Citizens]             unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.                               
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.IsPluginLoaded() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 163
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.Compatibility() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 148
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 102
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Immersive Citizens]                            Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete.                           
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #2
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #0
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #14
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #16
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #23
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #25
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #6
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Registered. Event #5
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Loaded: 5%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Registered. Event #22
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #9
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #7
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Registered. Event #17
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Registered. Event #24
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #20
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #15
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #13
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #11
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #12
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #8
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Registered. Event #18
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #21
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #19
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Registered. Event #3
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Loaded: 20%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Registered. Event #4
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Registered. Event #10
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #1
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] FNISSM started.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Done Checking For Mods ---------- Any Errors Reported Are Harmless
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] =================PAHE7.2.4 mpsd -nords are back, where's the sultry women!!- test 1: Startup Process.==================================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] ====================PAHExtension: Checking for soft dependencies.====================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] user has PAH_HomeSweetHome.esp loaded
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:13AM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] Dawnguard successfully loaded
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] user has Devious Devices - Assets loaded
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] user has SexLabAroused loaded
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] ====================PAHExtension: End of soft dependencies.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab version: 16200
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal:                 SlaveTats version: 1.0.0
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal:                  RaceMenu version: 7
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal:                   Overlay support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal:      Non SexLab Animation support: False
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] InitWidgetLoader()
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating bound animations.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbBoobjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary02): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary03): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeBlowjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeForeplay01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeHolding): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeDoggy): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBMolagStandingYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01ArmbYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01YokeArmb): Get
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp83"
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] --- HSH soft requirements check ends ---
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] ====================PAHExtension: Startup Process finished.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.447388)
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:14AM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [338165760]: 338165760
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:15AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:15AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 4 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:15AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: If I drop my weapon I'm not sure I could bend down to pick it up again!
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:15AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:15AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp85"
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2 (10021) is initialising
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [CF][Framework] JContainers 3.3 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab Aroused 20140124 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: DDi version [8.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: assets version [3.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: Events arrays already initialized - skipping.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:16AM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:17AM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:17AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:17AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:19AM] [CF][Framework] Sending register event
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Beginning JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Found 4 JSON files in creatures.d
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNC.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCClassic.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCLurkerAlt.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCRescale.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Finished JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:21AM] [CF][Framework] Forcing active actor restart
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:23AM] [CF][Main Quest] Skipping cloak application; API is restarting active actors
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:24AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]:Defered maintenance...
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:24AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: found Devious Devices - Assets.esm
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:24AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: Enabled Desire spell
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:24AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: Updated notification key to 49
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:24AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: finished maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:25AM] [CF][Framework] Cleared log Form DB
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:25AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework is done initialising
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:25AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:25AM] [CF][Main Quest] The cloak is being applied for the first time since game load
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:25AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Breton slave" [Actor < (FF0009AC)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race <BretonRace (00013741)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:26AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA6)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:26AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C17)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:51AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:51AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:51AM] SLKR: 0 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:51AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -30%
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Joric" [Actor < (0001AA6A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRaceChild (0002C65B)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:57AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:57AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:58AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Ivy" [lalawench_ressnecro < (470638B5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:58:58AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Auction Master" [Actor < (4C01981D)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:05AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:05AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:07AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:07AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:07AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:07AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:07AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:07AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C25)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C24)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suanne" [Actor < (47031957)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Lulanne" [Actor < (4703191B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nils" [RentRoomScript < (0001B11A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race <ElderRace (00067CD8)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Silda the Unseen" [TrainerGoldScript < (0001B122)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nilsine Shatter-Shield" [CarryActorManualScript < (0001B12A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Torbjorn Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Tova Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C11)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Haru" [Actor < (470140DF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:09AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C13)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:09AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Helgird" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B11E)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race <ElderRace (00067CD8)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:09AM] SLKR: 3 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:09AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -45%
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:14AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001411C)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 5
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE8B)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703190A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014121)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014123)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470319CD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 0
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4700C3C3)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 1
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:17AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:20AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 1 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:20AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: I can tell the gems I carry have hit their max potential.
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:22AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:22AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:25AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C12)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:25AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Lortheim" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B120)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:26AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 1 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:26AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: If my breasts get any fuller they might pop!
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:31AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Breton slave) -- TRUE -- HIT
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave] SetActor([Actor < (FF0009AC)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (0C061EEF)>]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Torbjorn Shatter-Shield) -- TRUE -- MISS
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Torbjorn Shatter-Shield Seeded Stats: [51.368378, 115.306793, 71.167137, 91.374298, 45.747395, 2.951565, 0.000000, 8.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 8.000000, 0.000000, 67.000000, 196.181458, 591.150757, 437.315247]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield] SetActor([WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12B)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias003 on quest SexLabThread00 (0C061EEF)>]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - GetByDefault(Males=1, Females=1, IsAggressive=False, UsingBed=False, RestrictAggressive=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=2, Tags=LeadIn, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - adultF.adultM
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:47AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:47AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield]  - Equipment: [[Armor < (00086991)>], [WEAPON < (0001397E)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield]  - Scales[0.999100/1.030000/0.970000] BaseEnjoyment[1]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Scales[0.997500/0.997500/1.000000] Voice[Young Loli (Female)] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(prepare) - Lag Timer: 28.102005
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStart
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInStart
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:48AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationStart()
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:49AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:49AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(startUp) - Lag Timer: 9.584000
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:49AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.765991
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:50AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Voldsea Giryon" [Actor < (000A17A5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:50AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:50AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Kjar" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A9)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:50AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Dalan Merchad" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race <BretonRace (00013741)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:50AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:50AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Torbjorn Shatter-Shield got 3 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:50AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:51AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:52AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:57AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 03:59:57AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:00AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:00AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.832993
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:00AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:00AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:00AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Torbjorn Shatter-Shield got 3 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:01AM] Found 2 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:01AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Windhelm Guard got 2 exposure for  watching sex of Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:02AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C18)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:02AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Herna" [Actor < (470319CF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:07AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Mery" [Actor < (4700CF15)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:08AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Niranye" [TGAssaultFenceScript < (0001B11C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["High Elf" [Race <HighElfRace (00013743)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.833008
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:11AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:11AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Torbjorn Shatter-Shield got 3 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:11AM] Found 0 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:21AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:21AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:21AM] [Zad]: OnLeadInEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:21AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:21AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:21AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:22AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:22AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield]  - Equipment: [[Armor < (00086991)>], [WEAPON < (0001397E)>], [Armor < (00086993)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:22AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 8.884003
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:22AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:22AM] Found 0 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:27AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:27AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:32AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:32AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:43AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:52AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.750992
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:53AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]:Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating.
[06/01/2018 - 04:00:53AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:03AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:03AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:08AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:08AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:13AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:14AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.700012
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:14AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:14AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:19AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:29AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Niranye
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.717010
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:33AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:33AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C20)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:38AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:39AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:43AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:43AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.766998
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:45AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [13] BaseEnjoyment[-89] FullEnjoyment[102]
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:45AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [18] BaseEnjoyment[-90] FullEnjoyment[108]
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:45AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Vaginal:TRUE-1 Oral:False-0 Anal:False-0
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:46AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:54AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got -56 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnding
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Torbjorn Shatter-Shield]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Torbjorn Shatter-Shield got -84 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - SyncLock(2)
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Reset) - Lag Timer: 29.429016
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:55AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:01:59AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:04AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:04AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:05AM] SLKR: 1 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:05AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -35%
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:06AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:13AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:15AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:18AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:18AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:19AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:19AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:21AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 5 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:21AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: Ding! Oven's done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:22AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:27AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 3 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:27AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: I bet I could get some great deals flashing these milkshakes around.
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Niranye
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:32AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:49AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:52AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:53AM] Found 1 nakedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:53AM] slaScanner start time is ....366.242004
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:54AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:54AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:54AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:54AM] slaScanner After getting actors is ....367.223999, player is naked False, Actor Count 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:54AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:54AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:55AM] slaScanner end time is ....367.740997
[06/01/2018 - 04:02:55AM] Next update in 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:08AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:24AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:28AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Niranye
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:35AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:35AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:35AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:36AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:42AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suvaris Atheron" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B126)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:44AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:48AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014122)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:48AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014123)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:48AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470140DD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:49AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Oengul War-Anvil" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B135)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:49AM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].zbfEffectBondage.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].zbfEffectBondage.OnUpdate() - "zbfEffectBondage.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:49AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Igmund" [Actor < (00019903)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:49AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Hermir Strong-Heart" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B136)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:03:59AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001412D)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:00AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:04AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:05AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:07AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:07AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Breton slave) -- TRUE -- HIT
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:07AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave] SetActor([Actor < (FF0009AC)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (0C061EEF)>]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Auction Master) -- TRUE -- MISS
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Auction Master Seeded Stats: [8.061704, 3.949807, 7.679929, 7.294348, 4.990312, 2.419545, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 50.000000, 0.000000, 319.639130, 118.673904]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:08AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master] SetActor([Actor < (4C01981D)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias003 on quest SexLabThread00 (0C061EEF)>]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:08AM] SEXLAB - GetByDefault(Males=1, Females=1, IsAggressive=False, UsingBed=False, RestrictAggressive=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:08AM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=2, Tags=LeadIn, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - adultF.adultM
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Waited [1] cycles for MarkerRef[[ObjectReference < (FF000E33)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Waited [1] cycles for MarkerRef[[ObjectReference < (FF00176B)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Scales[0.997500/0.997500/1.000000] Voice[Young Loli (Female)] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Scales[1.030000/1.030000/1.000000] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(prepare) - Lag Timer: 28.108002
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationStart()
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:10AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(startUp) - Lag Timer: 9.584015
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.773010
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:12AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:12AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Auction Master got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:12AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:18AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Luaffyn" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (00047CB2)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:18AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Gorm" [Actor < (0001AA69)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:20AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:21AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00047CAD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:22AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:22AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.802002
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:22AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:22AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:23AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Auction Master got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:23AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:32AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:32AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.782990
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:33AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:33AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:33AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Auction Master got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:34AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:36AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:40AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:41AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:41AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:43AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:43AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.817017
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:43AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:43AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:44AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Auction Master got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:44AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:51AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:52AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.766998
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:52AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Stage has timer: 7.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:52AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:52AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:52AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Auction Master got 2 exposure for Foreplay
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:53AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:55AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]:Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating.
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:57AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:59AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:59AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:59AM] [Zad]: OnLeadInEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:59AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:59AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:04:59AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:00AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>], [Armor < (00086993)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:00AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.049988
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:00AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:00AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:01AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:02AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:02AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:02AM] SLKR: 0 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:02AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -30%
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:11AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:16AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:16AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:17AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:23AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 2 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:23AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: My belly feels like it is about to burst.
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:28AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 3 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:28AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: I bet I could get some great deals flashing these milkshakes around.
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.651001
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:32AM] Found 0 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:33AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:37AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4700C3C3)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 1
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:46AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:51AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:51AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:52AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:52AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.766052
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:52AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:53AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:53AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:54AM] [CF][Framework] Cleared log Form DB
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:54AM] [CF][Framework] Form DB clear timer reset for 15 minutes from now
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:54AM] [CF][Framework] All override genders cleared; sending event to re-save
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:54AM] [CF][Framework] Gender clear timer reset for 15 minutes from now
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:56AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C11)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:05:56AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C12)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:07AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.765991
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:08AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:09AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:14AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Joric" [Actor < (0001AA6A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRaceChild (0002C65B)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:14AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Auction Master" [Actor < (4C01981D)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:14AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Breton slave" [Actor < (FF0009AC)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race <BretonRace (00013741)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:14AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C13)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:20AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Herna" [Actor < (470319CF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:21AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470319CD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 0
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:21AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.737000
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:24AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:26AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:26AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:26AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:29AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:38AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:38AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:38AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C20)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.714966
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Rosie" [Actor < (76005CAB)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRaceVampire (00088794)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (76000D6B)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [12] BaseEnjoyment[-77] FullEnjoyment[89]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [10] BaseEnjoyment[-70] FullEnjoyment[80]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Vaginal:TRUE-1 Oral:False-0 Anal:False-0
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:39AM] Found 0 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:45AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Niranye" [TGAssaultFenceScript < (0001B11C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["High Elf" [Race <HighElfRace (00013743)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:46AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:48AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:49AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got -66 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:49AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnding
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:49AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:49AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:49AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Auction Master got -66 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:50AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Reset) - Lag Timer: 29.416992
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:50AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:50AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:51AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Hermir Strong-Heart" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B136)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:51AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Oengul War-Anvil" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B135)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:51AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Igmund" [Actor < (00019903)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:55AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]:Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating within the last 10 seconds.
[06/01/2018 - 04:06:56AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:00AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:01AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:01AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:06AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:09AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C25)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:09AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C24)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:15AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C18)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:15AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE8A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 4
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:22AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:31AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:32AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:37AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:37AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:50AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:07:50AM] VM is frozen

Link to comment
20 minutes ago, Sladen2019 said:

I've come across an issue that happens after my Slave Prostitute gets auto approached by a NPC. The NPC comes to me and asks if the prostitute is available for a tumble or something like that and I click yes and they go through with the scene. When the scene ends, the NPC starts walking away and if I try to talk to the NPC, no dialog window at all appears. They just say "my friend!" or any of the other usual audio lines and keep walking away. I tried recycle actor on them and that did not work. Saving and reloading also did not work. Leaving the area and coming back also did not work. Papyrus in a spoiler.


When you click the NPC, do you see a message in the top left corner: "This person is busy"?


The prostitution scene shouldn't mess with the dialogue of the NPC except block it during the scene, and the scenes are automatically ended when you leave the area.


Couple of things to check:

- Does the prostitute have any dialogue lines, or is she also stuck?

- Can you reproduce this bug? And if so, please do so with logging enabled in Aygas.

- Has this happened on any other NPCs?


This thing has me worried:


[06/01/2018 - 03:59:57AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12


It may not have anything to do with your problem, but that definitely should not be there. Do you have an older (pre 1.17) version of Home Sweet Home installed?

Link to comment
2 minutes ago, Musje said:

When you click the NPC, do you see a message in the top left corner: "This person is busy"?


The prostitution scene shouldn't mess with the dialogue of the NPC except block it during the scene, and the scenes are automatically ended when you leave the area.


Couple of things to check:

- Does the prostitute have any dialogue lines, or is she also stuck?

- Can you reproduce this bug? And if so, please do so with logging enabled in Aygas.

- Has this happened on any other NPCs?


This thing has me worried:

  Hide contents

[06/01/2018 - 03:59:57AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12


It may not have anything to do with your problem, but that definitely should not be there. Do you have an older (pre 1.17) version of Home Sweet Home installed?

The message "This person is busy" does not appear. The prostitute herself still has dialogs, as do all other NPCs. I can reproduce it. I forgot I should have had Aygas Debugging on so I enabled it and got another papyrus log. This has happened with other NPCs who have auto approaced me for sex with my prostitute. In this newest log I will attach. its the Auction Master who approached me. My HSH version is 1.17 and its a new profile and character made in Mod Organizer about 6-8 weeks ago. 

[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Update budget: 1.800000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.800000ms, Load screen budget: 2000.000000ms)
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "ZazOnTriggerEnterBindingsTMG", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LeashedMEScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LooseHavokChainScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_DisableHeadTrack", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_ChainConnector", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:18AM] Cannot open store for class "slattractionmainscript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:19AM] Cannot open store for class "hdtHighHeelShoes", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:19AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:20AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property slave_stub on script pahactoralias attached to alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) cannot be bound because alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] VM is frozen
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Reverting game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:37AM] Loading game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] VM is thawing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] --- HSH soft requirements check: ignore any errors following ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] error: Native static function TESTScanCellNPCsByFaction could find no matching static function on linked type MiscUtil. Function will not be bound.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [SerialStripper] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [SerialStrip] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] FNIS AA started (load)
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Checking For Mods ---------- Ignore Errors About Missing Files
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.RDO_ModCheck() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 873
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.OnGameReload() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 1050
    [alias PlayerAlias on quest aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]     Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or       
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]             unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.                               
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.IsPluginLoaded() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 163
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.Compatibility() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 148
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 102
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]                            Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete.                           
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Registered. Event #24
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #7
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Registered. Event #4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #12
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Registered. Event #18
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #1
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #21
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Registered. Event #10
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Registered. Event #22
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #11
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Registered. Event #5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Loaded: 5%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #9
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #2
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #14
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #15
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #19
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #23
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Registered. Event #3
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Loaded: 20%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #13
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Registered. Event #17
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #8
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #20
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #25
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #16
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] FNISSM started.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Done Checking For Mods ---------- Any Errors Reported Are Harmless
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] =================PAHE7.2.4 mpsd -nords are back, where's the sultry women!!- test 1: Startup Process.==================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] ====================PAHExtension: Checking for soft dependencies.====================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] user has PAH_HomeSweetHome.esp loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] Dawnguard successfully loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] user has Devious Devices - Assets loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] user has SexLabAroused loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] ====================PAHExtension: End of soft dependencies.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab version: 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                 SlaveTats version: 1.0.0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                  RaceMenu version: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                   Overlay support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:      Non SexLab Animation support: False
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] InitWidgetLoader()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp83"
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating bound animations.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbBoobjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary02): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary03): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeBlowjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeForeplay01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeHolding): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeDoggy): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBMolagStandingYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01ArmbYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01YokeArmb): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] --- HSH soft requirements check ends ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] ====================PAHExtension: Startup Process finished.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.447388)
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [338165760]: 338165760
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 3 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: Ugh some of these gems have sharp corners.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp85"
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on <NULL actor> (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2 (10021) is initialising
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] JContainers 3.3 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab Aroused 20140124 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: DDi version [8.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: assets version [3.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Events arrays already initialized - skipping.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:44AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:44AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:40:50AM] --- HSH soft requirements check: ignore any errors following ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:40:50AM] --- HSH soft requirements check ends ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:26AM] [CF][Framework] Sending register event
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Beginning JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Found 4 JSON files in creatures.d
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNC.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCClassic.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCLurkerAlt.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCRescale.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Finished JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Forcing active actor restart
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:33AM] [CF][Main Quest] Skipping cloak application; API is restarting active actors
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]:Defered maintenance...
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: found Devious Devices - Assets.esm
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: Enabled Desire spell
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: Updated notification key to 49
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]: finished maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Framework] Cleared log Form DB
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework is done initialising
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Main Quest] The cloak is being applied for the first time since game load
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA6)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Breton slave" [Actor < (FF0009AC)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race <BretonRace (00013741)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C17)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:45AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:45AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:51AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:51AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] SLKR: 3 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -45%
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C24)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Joric" [Actor < (0001AA6A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRaceChild (0002C65B)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C13)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Helgird" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B11E)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race <ElderRace (00067CD8)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Haru" [Actor < (470140DF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nils" [RentRoomScript < (0001B11A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race <ElderRace (00067CD8)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Tova Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Lulanne" [Actor < (4703191B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suanne" [Actor < (47031957)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C25)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Auction Master" [Actor < (4C01981D)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Torbjorn Shatter-Shield" [TrainerGoldScript < (0001B12B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Silda the Unseen" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B122)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nilsine Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnUnload() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 53
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnUnload() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 53
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] SLKR: 2 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -40%
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470319CD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 0
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470140DD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE8B)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014123)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4700C3C3)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 1
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:05AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C20)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C12)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C11)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:12AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:13AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:16AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:19AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 2 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:19AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: My belly feels like it is about to burst.
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:25AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 5 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:25AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: These things are so full they are dribbling milk.
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Mery" [Actor < (4700CF15)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Herna" [Actor < (470319CF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:36AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Niranye" [TGAssaultFenceScript < (0001B11C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["High Elf" [Race <HighElfRace (00013743)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:48AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:50AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:51AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Dalan Merchad" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race <BretonRace (00013741)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Voldsea Giryon" [Actor < (000A17A5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Kjar" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A9)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:59AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001411C)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:06AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:29AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:30AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:35AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:35AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:45AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014122)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:45AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:46AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suvaris Atheron" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B126)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Igmund" [Actor < (00019903)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Oengul War-Anvil" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B135)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Hermir Strong-Heart" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B136)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:55AM] Found 1 nakedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:55AM] slaScanner start time is ....532.945984
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001412D)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014121)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] slaScanner After getting actors is ....533.895996, player is naked False, Actor Count 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Lulanne got 6 exposure for  seeing naked Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Skylar got 8 exposure for  seeing naked Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] slaScanner end time is ....534.463013
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] Next update in 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:05AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:05AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Breton slave) -- TRUE -- HIT
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave] SetActor([Actor < (FF0009AC)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (0C061EEF)>]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Auction Master) -- TRUE -- MISS
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Auction Master Seeded Stats: [2.754126, 9.287244, 7.495358, 2.992839, 5.938440, 2.879243, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 83.000000, 0.000000, 156.172241, 2.356637]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master] SetActor([Actor < (4C01981D)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias003 on quest SexLabThread00 (0C061EEF)>]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - GetByDefault(Males=1, Females=1, IsAggressive=False, UsingBed=False, RestrictAggressive=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=2, Tags=LeadIn, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - adultF.adultM
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Waited [1] cycles for MarkerRef[[ObjectReference < (FF000E33)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Scales[0.997500/0.997500/1.000000] Voice[Young Loli (Female)] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Scales[1.030000/1.030000/1.000000] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(prepare) - Lag Timer: 28.199951
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationStart()
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(startUp) - Lag Timer: 9.200012
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:12AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.475037
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:12AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:13AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:21AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Luaffyn" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (00047CB2)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race <DarkElfRace (00013742)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Gorm" [Actor < (0001AA69)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRace (00013746)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.434021
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:24AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:28AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470140DD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:28AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00047CAD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.497986
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:39AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:41AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:41AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:44AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.447998
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Lulanne got 3 exposure for  watching sex of Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] [Zad]: OnLeadInEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>], [Armor < (00086993)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 8.983948
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:57AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: 0 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -30%
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:16AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:17AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:21AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:23AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 0 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:23AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: It feels like all my gems are ready.
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.681946
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:26AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:29AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 0 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:29AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: My breasts are sore and ready to burst.
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:34AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:42AM] HSH: Auction script spawn timer
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Auction spawn check
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Delete auction slave to make room
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: New slave Imperial slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Store outfit for:Imperial slave  TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: > 
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Recall outfit for:Imperial slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Recall outfit for:Imperial slave done
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Current sex stat for Imperial slave  s:-2  A:-2  O:-2  V:-2
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Sex stats for Imperial slave up to date: -2
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] HSH: Store outfit for:Imperial slave  False
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.767029
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] HSH: > 2:Barkeeper's Clothes
5:Slave Auction Medaillon
15:zbf Collar Black
22:Barkeeper's Clothes
23:zbf Ankle Iron HDT
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:47AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:51AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:54AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:56AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:57AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0D042D62)>]:Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating.
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:01AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.749023
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:10AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.633972
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [12] BaseEnjoyment[-73] FullEnjoyment[85]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [10] BaseEnjoyment[-64] FullEnjoyment[74]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Vaginal:TRUE-1 Oral:False-0 Anal:TRUE-1
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:19AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:27AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:27AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnding
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Breton slave got -60 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [slainternalscr <sla_Internal (0D083137)>]: Auction Master got -60 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Reset) - Lag Timer: 29.467041
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:39AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:43AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Rosie" [Actor < (76005CAB)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race <NordRaceVampire (00088794)>]] skin=["" [Armor < (76000D6B)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:47AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] VM is frozen
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] Saving game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:56AM] VM is thawing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:06AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:15AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:15AM] VM is frozen

Link to comment

That's sounding a bit like what I was experiencing with NPCs not having any of their usual dialog options (Vignar, Jurgens, and a few others) in my previous play through.  I had not noticed the connection with them interacting with the slave prostitute.  I should be at a point where I can test this again by tonight, will try to reproduce in my own game.

Link to comment
2 hours ago, Sladen2019 said:

The message "This person is busy" does not appear. The prostitute herself still has dialogs, as do all other NPCs. I can reproduce it. I forgot I should have had Aygas Debugging on so I enabled it and got another papyrus log. This has happened with other NPCs who have auto approaced me for sex with my prostitute. In this newest log I will attach. its the Auction Master who approached me. My HSH version is 1.17 and its a new profile and character made in Mod Organizer about 6-8 weeks ago. 


  Reveal hidden contents

[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Update budget: 1.800000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.800000ms, Load screen budget: 2000.000000ms)
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "ZazOnTriggerEnterBindingsTMG", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LeashedMEScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LooseHavokChainScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_DisableHeadTrack", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_ChainConnector", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:18AM] Cannot open store for class "slattractionmainscript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:19AM] Cannot open store for class "hdtHighHeelShoes", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:19AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:20AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property slave_stub on script pahactoralias attached to alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) cannot be bound because alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] VM is frozen
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Reverting game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:37AM] Loading game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] VM is thawing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] --- HSH soft requirements check: ignore any errors following ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] error: Native static function TESTScanCellNPCsByFaction could find no matching static function on linked type MiscUtil. Function will not be bound.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [SerialStripper] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [SerialStrip] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] FNIS AA started (load)
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Checking For Mods ---------- Ignore Errors About Missing Files
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.RDO_ModCheck() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 873
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.OnGameReload() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 1050
    [alias PlayerAlias on quest aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]     Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or       
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]             unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.                               
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.IsPluginLoaded() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 163
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.Compatibility() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 148
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 102
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]                            Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete.                           
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Registered. Event #24
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #7
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Registered. Event #4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #12
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Registered. Event #18
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #1
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #21
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Registered. Event #10
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Registered. Event #22
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #11
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Registered. Event #5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Loaded: 5%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #9
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #2
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #14
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #15
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #19
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #23
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Registered. Event #3
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Loaded: 20%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #13
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Registered. Event #17
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #8
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #20
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #25
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #16
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [slamainscr ]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] FNISSM started.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Done Checking For Mods ---------- Any Errors Reported Are Harmless
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] =================PAHE7.2.4 mpsd -nords are back, where's the sultry women!!- test 1: Startup Process.==================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] ====================PAHExtension: Checking for soft dependencies.====================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] user has PAH_HomeSweetHome.esp loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] Dawnguard successfully loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] user has Devious Devices - Assets loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] user has SexLabAroused loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] ====================PAHExtension: End of soft dependencies.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab version: 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                 SlaveTats version: 1.0.0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                  RaceMenu version: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                   Overlay support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:      Non SexLab Animation support: False
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr ]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] InitWidgetLoader()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [ (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp83"
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr ]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating bound animations.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbBoobjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary02): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary03): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeBlowjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeForeplay01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeHolding): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeDoggy): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBMolagStandingYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01ArmbYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01YokeArmb): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr ]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] --- HSH soft requirements check ends ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] ====================PAHExtension: Startup Process finished.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.447388)
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [338165760]: 338165760
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "" Line ?
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 3 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: Ugh some of these gems have sharp corners.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [ (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp85"
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2 (10021) is initialising
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] JContainers 3.3 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab Aroused 20140124 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: DDi version [8.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: assets version [3.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Events arrays already initialized - skipping.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:44AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:44AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:40:50AM] --- HSH soft requirements check: ignore any errors following ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:40:50AM] --- HSH soft requirements check ends ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:26AM] [CF][Framework] Sending register event
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Beginning JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Found 4 JSON files in creatures.d
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNC.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCClassic.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCLurkerAlt.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCRescale.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Finished JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Forcing active actor restart
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:33AM] [CF][Main Quest] Skipping cloak application; API is restarting active actors
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]:Defered maintenance...
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: found Devious Devices - Assets.esm
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: Enabled Desire spell
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: Updated notification key to 49
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: finished maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Framework] Cleared log Form DB
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework is done initialising
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Main Quest] The cloak is being applied for the first time since game load
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA6)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Breton slave" [Actor < (FF0009AC)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C17)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:45AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:45AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:51AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:51AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] SLKR: 3 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -45%
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C24)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Joric" [Actor < (0001AA6A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C13)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Helgird" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B11E)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Haru" [Actor < (470140DF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nils" [RentRoomScript < (0001B11A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Tova Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Lulanne" [Actor < (4703191B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suanne" [Actor < (47031957)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C25)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Auction Master" [Actor < (4C01981D)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Torbjorn Shatter-Shield" [TrainerGoldScript < (0001B12B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Silda the Unseen" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B122)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nilsine Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnUnload() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 53
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnUnload() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 53
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] SLKR: 2 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -40%
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470319CD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 0
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470140DD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE8B)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014123)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4700C3C3)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 1
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:05AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C20)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C12)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C11)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:12AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:13AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:16AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:19AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 2 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:19AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: My belly feels like it is about to burst.
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:25AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 5 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:25AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: These things are so full they are dribbling milk.
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Mery" [Actor < (4700CF15)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Herna" [Actor < (470319CF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:36AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Niranye" [TGAssaultFenceScript < (0001B11C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["High Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:48AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:50AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:51AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Dalan Merchad" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Voldsea Giryon" [Actor < (000A17A5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Kjar" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A9)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:59AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001411C)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:06AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:29AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:30AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:35AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:35AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:45AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014122)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:45AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:46AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suvaris Atheron" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B126)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Igmund" [Actor < (00019903)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Oengul War-Anvil" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B135)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Hermir Strong-Heart" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B136)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:55AM] Found 1 nakedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:55AM] slaScanner start time is ....532.945984
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001412D)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014121)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] slaScanner After getting actors is ....533.895996, player is naked False, Actor Count 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] [slainternalscr ]: Lulanne got 6 exposure for  seeing naked Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] [slainternalscr ]: Skylar got 8 exposure for  seeing naked Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] slaScanner end time is ....534.463013
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] Next update in 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:05AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:05AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Breton slave) -- TRUE -- HIT
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave] SetActor([Actor < (FF0009AC)>]) - [sslActorAlias ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Auction Master) -- TRUE -- MISS
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Auction Master Seeded Stats: [2.754126, 9.287244, 7.495358, 2.992839, 5.938440, 2.879243, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 83.000000, 0.000000, 156.172241, 2.356637]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master] SetActor([Actor < (4C01981D)>]) - [sslActorAlias ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - GetByDefault(Males=1, Females=1, IsAggressive=False, UsingBed=False, RestrictAggressive=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=2, Tags=LeadIn, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - adultF.adultM
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Waited [1] cycles for MarkerRef[[ObjectReference < (FF000E33)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Scales[0.997500/0.997500/1.000000] Voice[Young Loli (Female)] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Scales[1.030000/1.030000/1.000000] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(prepare) - Lag Timer: 28.199951
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationStart()
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(startUp) - Lag Timer: 9.200012
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:12AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.475037
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:12AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:13AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:21AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Luaffyn" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (00047CB2)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Gorm" [Actor < (0001AA69)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.434021
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:24AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:28AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470140DD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:28AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00047CAD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.497986
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:39AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:41AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:41AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:44AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.447998
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] [slainternalscr ]: Lulanne got 3 exposure for  watching sex of Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] [Zad]: OnLeadInEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>], [Armor < (00086993)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 8.983948
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:57AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: 0 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -30%
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:16AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:17AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:21AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:23AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 0 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:23AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: It feels like all my gems are ready.
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.681946
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:26AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:29AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 0 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:29AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: My breasts are sore and ready to burst.
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:34AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:42AM] HSH: Auction script spawn timer
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Auction spawn check
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Delete auction slave to make room
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: New slave Imperial slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Store outfit for:Imperial slave  TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: > 
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Recall outfit for:Imperial slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Recall outfit for:Imperial slave done
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Current sex stat for Imperial slave  s:-2  A:-2  O:-2  V:-2
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Sex stats for Imperial slave up to date: -2
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] HSH: Store outfit for:Imperial slave  False
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.767029
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] HSH: > 2:Barkeeper's Clothes
5:Slave Auction Medaillon
15:zbf Collar Black
22:Barkeeper's Clothes
23:zbf Ankle Iron HDT
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:47AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:51AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:54AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:56AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:57AM] [slamainscr ]:Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating.
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:01AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.749023
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:10AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.633972
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [12] BaseEnjoyment[-73] FullEnjoyment[85]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [10] BaseEnjoyment[-64] FullEnjoyment[74]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Vaginal:TRUE-1 Oral:False-0 Anal:TRUE-1
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:19AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:27AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:27AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnding
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [slainternalscr ]: Breton slave got -60 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [slainternalscr ]: Auction Master got -60 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Reset) - Lag Timer: 29.467041
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:39AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:43AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Rosie" [Actor < (76005CAB)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (76000D6B)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:47AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] VM is frozen
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] Saving game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:56AM] VM is thawing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:06AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:15AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:15AM] VM is frozen


The log is inconclusive but here's my take on it:

- The client NPC got forced into the scene with the prostitute, killing his dialogue.

- For whatever reason, the scene did not end correctly and the client is stuck in the scene.

- When you left the area, the scenes did not get cleared.


The scenes not being cleared is due to the bug I showed above: the script detecting the player zoning makes that failing function call, terminating the function before it clears the scene.


Not 100% sure, but if the above bug can be solved, maybe things will start working again. I would recommend that you uninstall Home Sweet Home, then reinstall that. Maybe install version 1.18 of HSH that I posted in the thread there.

Link to comment
3 hours ago, Sladen2019 said:

The message "This person is busy" does not appear. The prostitute herself still has dialogs, as do all other NPCs. I can reproduce it. I forgot I should have had Aygas Debugging on so I enabled it and got another papyrus log. This has happened with other NPCs who have auto approaced me for sex with my prostitute. In this newest log I will attach. its the Auction Master who approached me. My HSH version is 1.17 and its a new profile and character made in Mod Organizer about 6-8 weeks ago. 


  Reveal hidden contents

[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Update budget: 1.800000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.800000ms, Load screen budget: 2000.000000ms)
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:11AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "ZazOnTriggerEnterBindingsTMG", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LeashedMEScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_LooseHavokChainScript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_DisableHeadTrack", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:17AM] Cannot open store for class "HR_ChainConnector", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:18AM] Cannot open store for class "slattractionmainscript", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:19AM] Cannot open store for class "hdtHighHeelShoes", missing file?
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:19AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:35:20AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer01 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer02 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer03 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer04 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property MyTorturer on script itfvictimcontrolscript attached to alias Victim05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) cannot be bound because alias Torturer05 on quest itfCoreQuest (18003519) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property slave_stub on script pahactoralias attached to alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) cannot be bound because alias slave_stub on quest PAH (1301FAEF) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:00AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] VM is frozen
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Reverting game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script SahraDialogueQuestAliasScript to SahraDialogueQuest (770115A1) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script PlayerHorseScript to  (4611E521) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script sslExtraVoicesAlias to SexLabExtraVoices (3100189E) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaValdmireBossDeathScript to alias LordValdmireDead on quest aaaValdmireBossQuest (461B6CD6) because their base types do not match
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because (0A0D79CE) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property City on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property Town on script mf_simplejob_locationchance attached to alias ThePlayer on quest mf_Prostitute_SimpleJob (52001D9C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property testarray on script phhshtaskmaster attached to PHHSHStorage (45008402) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] warning: Property thisquest on script mf_solicitprostitute attached to mf_SoliciteProstitute (5200BA71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:01AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property ExiledFaction on script aygasevents attached to aygasEvents (4C00AF65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because (0A08ACC2) is not the right type
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property PAHRebootSpell on script pahbootstrapscript attached to PAHBootStrap0_7_3 (1300CF32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPDriftshadeSanctuaryReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property Alias_USKPGlenmorilCovenReservation on script QF_C00_0004B2D9 attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:02AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:37AM] Loading game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] VM is thawing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] --- HSH soft requirements check: ignore any errors following ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] error: Native static function TESTScanCellNPCsByFaction could find no matching static function on linked type MiscUtil. Function will not be bound.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [SerialStripper] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [SerialStrip] v1.1.4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] FNIS AA started (load)
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Checking For Mods ---------- Ignore Errors About Missing Files
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.RDO_ModCheck() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 873
    [aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].RDO_MCMConfig.OnGameReload() - "RDO_MCMConfig.psc" Line 1050
    [alias PlayerAlias on quest aaa_RDO_MCMConfig (7F00AA0E)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]     Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or       
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]             unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.                               
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.IsPluginLoaded() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 163
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.Compatibility() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 148
    [alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (7EF10B52)].npco_update.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 102
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]                            Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete.                           
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Registered. Event #24
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #7
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Registered. Event #4
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #12
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Registered. Event #18
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #1
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #21
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Registered. Event #10
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Registered. Event #22
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #11
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Registered. Event #5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Horny] Loaded: 5%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #9
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #2
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #14
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #15
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #19
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #23
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Registered. Event #3
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Loaded: 20%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #13
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Registered. Event #17
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #8
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #20
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #25
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #16
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [slamainscr ]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    .Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] FNISSM started.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul : Done Checking For Mods ---------- Any Errors Reported Are Harmless
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] =================PAHE7.2.4 mpsd -nords are back, where's the sultry women!!- test 1: Startup Process.==================================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] ====================PAHExtension: Checking for soft dependencies.====================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] user has PAH_HomeSweetHome.esp loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:39AM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] Dawnguard successfully loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] user has Devious Devices - Assets loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] user has SexLabAroused loaded
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] ====================PAHExtension: End of soft dependencies.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab version: 16200
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                 SlaveTats version: 1.0.0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                  RaceMenu version: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:                   Overlay support: TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal:      Non SexLab Animation support: False
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr ]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] InitWidgetLoader()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [ (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp83"
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 326
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr ]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating bound animations.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbBoobjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary02): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary03): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeSkullFuck01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01Both): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeBlowjob01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeKissing01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeForeplay01): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeHolding): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeDoggy): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBMolagStandingYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01ArmbYoke): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01YokeArmb): Get
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [slamainscr ]: registered for maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] --- HSH soft requirements check ends ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] ====================PAHExtension: Startup Process finished.==========================
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.447388)
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:40AM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [338165760]: 338165760
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "" Line ?
    [Item 4 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 3 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: Ugh some of these gems have sharp corners.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [ (00037075)].Actor.Is3DLoaded() - "" Line ?
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:41AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp85"
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.ReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line 329
    [Active effect 4 on (00037075)].SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.OnReSchlongify() - "SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc" Line ?
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2 (10021) is initialising
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] JContainers 3.3 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:42AM] [CF][Framework] SexLab Aroused 20140124 is installed
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: DDi version [8.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: assets version [3.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Events arrays already initialized - skipping.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:43AM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:44AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:36:44AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:40:50AM] --- HSH soft requirements check: ignore any errors following ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:40:50AM] --- HSH soft requirements check ends ---
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:26AM] [CF][Framework] Sending register event
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Beginning JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Found 4 JSON files in creatures.d
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNC.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCClassic.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCLurkerAlt.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file MNCRescale.json; skipping
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Finished JSON registration
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:28AM] [CF][Framework] Forcing active actor restart
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:33AM] [CF][Main Quest] Skipping cloak application; API is restarting active actors
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]:Defered maintenance...
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: found Devious Devices - Assets.esm
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: Enabled Desire spell
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: Updated notification key to 49
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:34AM] [slamainscr ]: finished maintenance
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Framework] Cleared log Form DB
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework is done initialising
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Main Quest] The cloak is being applied for the first time since game load
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA6)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Breton slave" [Actor < (FF0009AC)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:35AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C17)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:44AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:45AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:45AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:51AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:51AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:52AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] SLKR: 3 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -45%
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C24)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Joric" [Actor < (0001AA6A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C13)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Helgird" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B11E)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Haru" [Actor < (470140DF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nils" [RentRoomScript < (0001B11A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Old People Race" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Tova Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Lulanne" [Actor < (4703191B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suanne" [Actor < (47031957)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C25)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Auction Master" [Actor < (4C01981D)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Torbjorn Shatter-Shield" [TrainerGoldScript < (0001B12B)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Silda the Unseen" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B122)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Nilsine Shatter-Shield" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B12A)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnUnload() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 53
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnDetachedFromCell() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 61
[06/01/2018 - 04:41:58AM] Error: Unable to call Dispel - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.Dispel() - "" Line ?
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.RemoveEffect() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 81
    [None].NIOVHHScaleEffect.OnUnload() - "NIOVHHScaleEffect.psc" Line 53
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:00AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] SLKR: 2 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -40%
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:01AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470319CD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 0
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470140DD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE89)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (000FCE8B)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014123)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:04AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4700C3C3)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 1
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:05AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C20)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C12)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:06AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (00045C11)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:12AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Windhelm Guard" [Actor < (000FCEA5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:13AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:16AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:19AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 2 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:19AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: My belly feels like it is about to burst.
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:25AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 5 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:25AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: These things are so full they are dribbling milk.
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:28AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:29AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Mery" [Actor < (4700CF15)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Herna" [Actor < (470319CF)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:30AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:36AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Niranye" [TGAssaultFenceScript < (0001B11C)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["High Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:48AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:50AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:51AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Dalan Merchad" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A7)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Breton" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Voldsea Giryon" [Actor < (000A17A5)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:54AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Kjar" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000A17A9)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] Error: Cannot call GetDisplayName() on a None object, aborting function call
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 23
[06/01/2018 - 04:42:59AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001411C)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:06AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:29AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:30AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Hermir Strong-Heart
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:32AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:35AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:35AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:45AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014122)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:45AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:46AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Suvaris Atheron" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B126)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Igmund" [Actor < (00019903)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Oengul War-Anvil" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B135)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:53AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Hermir Strong-Heart" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (0001B136)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:55AM] Found 1 nakedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:55AM] slaScanner start time is ....532.945984
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (0001412D)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 8
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00014121)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 6
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:56AM] slaScanner After getting actors is ....533.895996, player is naked False, Actor Count 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] [slainternalscr ]: Lulanne got 6 exposure for  seeing naked Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] [slainternalscr ]: Skylar got 8 exposure for  seeing naked Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] slaScanner end time is ....534.463013
[06/01/2018 - 04:43:57AM] Next update in 120.000000
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:05AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:05AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Breton slave) -- TRUE -- HIT
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave] SetActor([Actor < (FF0009AC)>]) - [sslActorAlias ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Auction Master) -- TRUE -- MISS
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Auction Master Seeded Stats: [2.754126, 9.287244, 7.495358, 2.992839, 5.938440, 2.879243, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 83.000000, 0.000000, 156.172241, 2.356637]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master] SetActor([Actor < (4C01981D)>]) - [sslActorAlias ]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:08AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - GetByDefault(Males=1, Females=1, IsAggressive=False, UsingBed=False, RestrictAggressive=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=2, Tags=LeadIn, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - adultF.adultM
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Waited [1] cycles for MarkerRef[[ObjectReference < (FF000E33)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:09AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Scales[0.997500/0.997500/1.000000] Voice[Young Loli (Female)] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Scales[1.030000/1.030000/1.000000] BaseEnjoyment[0]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:10AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(prepare) - Lag Timer: 28.199951
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationStart()
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:11AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(startUp) - Lag Timer: 9.200012
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:12AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.475037
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:12AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:13AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:21AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Luaffyn" [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (00047CB2)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Dark Elf" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Gorm" [Actor < (0001AA69)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (00000D64)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.434021
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:23AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:24AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:28AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (470140DD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:28AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (00047CAD)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:33AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.497986
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:34AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:39AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: FNIS Sexy Move Actor: [ActorBase < (4703191A)>] group: _mt base: 12 number: 3
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:41AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:41AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:44AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.447998
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:45AM] Found 5 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] [slainternalscr ]: Lulanne got 3 exposure for  watching sex of Breton slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:46AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:53AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - LeadInEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] [Zad]: OnLeadInEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Strip: [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, True]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] [Zad]: Animation should not be replaced. Done.
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Equipment: [[Form < (000F8713)>], [Armor < (00086993)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:54AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Equipment: []
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 8.983948
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:55AM] Found 4 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:57AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: One hour passes. Checking ...
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: Walled city
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: 0 nearby NPCs
[06/01/2018 - 04:44:59AM] SLKR: Calculated chance is -30%
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:16AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:17AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:21AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:23AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 0 of 5
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:23AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: It feels like all my gems are ready.
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.681946
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:25AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:26AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:29AM] [SGO] Choosing Random String 0 of 7
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:29AM] [SGO] Printing Random String: My breasts are sore and ready to burst.
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:34AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:42AM] HSH: Auction script spawn timer
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Auction spawn check
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Delete auction slave to make room
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: New slave Imperial slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: Store outfit for:Imperial slave  TRUE
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:43AM] HSH: > 
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Recall outfit for:Imperial slave
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Recall outfit for:Imperial slave done
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Current sex stat for Imperial slave  s:-2  A:-2  O:-2  V:-2
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:44AM] HSH: Sex stats for Imperial slave up to date: -2
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] HSH: Store outfit for:Imperial slave  False
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.767029
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] HSH: > 2:Barkeeper's Clothes
5:Slave Auction Medaillon
15:zbf Collar Black
22:Barkeeper's Clothes
23:zbf Ankle Iron HDT
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:46AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:47AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:51AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:54AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:56AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:56AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:45:57AM] [slamainscr ]:Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating.
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:01AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.749023
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:02AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:10AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Sync) - Lag Timer: 9.633972
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [12] BaseEnjoyment[-73] FullEnjoyment[85]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Orgasms[1] Enjoyment [10] BaseEnjoyment[-64] FullEnjoyment[74]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:18AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Vaginal:TRUE-1 Oral:False-0 Anal:TRUE-1
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:19AM] Found 3 arousedActors
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:27AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:27AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - OrgasmEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnding
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [slainternalscr ]: Breton slave got -60 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Breton slave]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Auction Master]  - Resetting!
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [slainternalscr ]: Auction Master got -60 exposure for having orgasm
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] SyncDone(Reset) - Lag Timer: 29.467041
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationEnd
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:28AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationEnd()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::OnUpdateGameTime()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: CheckAllEvents()
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:30AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Anirne
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:31AM] aygas:    process offline:Orthus Endario
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Arivanya
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] Error: Method IsInPermaCell not found on phhshstoragefunctions. Aborting call and returning None
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygashshfunctions.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasHSHFunctions.psc" Line 44
    [aygasCore (4C00182B)].aygascorescript.IsPlayerHouse() - "aygasCoreScript.psc" Line 912
    [aygasScenes (4C00F09A)].aygasscenesscript.OnUpdate() - "aygasScenesScript.psc" Line 12
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Captain Lonely-Gale
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Luaffyn
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Brunwulf Free-WInter
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:32AM] aygas:    process offline:Sifnar Ironkettle
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Ambarys Rendar
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Revyn Sadri
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] aygas:    process offline:Elda Early-Dawn
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:33AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:39AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Returning to thread pool...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:43AM] [CF][Creature Apply] Not activating ["Rosie" [Actor < (76005CAB)>]]; creature isn't registered; race=["Nord" [Race ]] skin=["" [Armor < (76000D6B)>]]
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:47AM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] VM is frozen
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:55AM] Saving game...
[06/01/2018 - 04:46:56AM] VM is thawing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:06AM] warning: Property PatronRef1 on script aygasworkdetectorscript attached to aygasWorkDetector (4C012726) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:15AM] VM is freezing...
[06/01/2018 - 04:47:15AM] VM is frozen


I've experienced something similar.  Once I got the Pimp, I think its the pimp, trait, dialogues would just disappear from some NPCs.  Talking to these NPCs would have the NPC turn towards you, but no dialog shows up, and they turn away and continue on with their lives.  These are all NPCs that should have some type of dialog options.  It's also happened to every Innkeeper I've run into...  I can't talk to innkeepers now...  I'm sad.

Link to comment
2 minutes ago, babanathie said:

I've experienced something similar.  Once I got the Pimp, I think its the pimp, trait, dialogues would just disappear from some NPCs.  Talking to these NPCs would have the NPC turn towards you, but no dialog shows up, and they turn away and continue on with their lives.  These are all NPCs that should have some type of dialog options.  It's also happened to every Innkeeper I've run into...  I can't talk to innkeepers now...  I'm sad.

Can you post a papyrus log please? And are you running Dhovakin Infamy?

Link to comment

For me, the problem only happens with the NPCs who do the approaching to me. After those NPCs have sex with her, they get the dialog window missing completely bug.

It may have something to do with the Pimp perk, like Babanathie said. I don't have it yet, but I was in the process of clearing the 15/15 to unlock it. 

If I sell her service to a NPC by having myself initiate the dialog with a NPC, the bug does not happen. They have sex and afterwards, the dialog window appears normally.

If I initiate sex with either my character and other NPCs, with any other mods, the bug does not happen. I also dont use Dhovakin Infamy and never have. I'll post my Load Order but I highly doubt there is anything in it to help in this case.

# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Havok Breast Physic.esm
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Heels Sound.esm
Heretical Resources.esm
Devious Devices - Assets.esm
Devious Devices - Integration.esm
Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
Cutting Room Floor.esp
Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
Havok Breast Physic Dawnguard.esp
Havok Breast Physic Dragonborn.esp
Havok Breast Physic.esp
SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
Vivid Weathers.esp
Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp
SexLab Extra Voices.esp
Race Scale Remover.esp
SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
Breast Size Scaling for NPCs.esp
Darkwater Crossing.esp
Immersive Wenches.esp
Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp
Shor's Stone.esp
SOS - Shop.esp
Jinxxed Followers - Cattleya.esp
Aria Bal Follower.esp
BSHeartland - Meshes.esp
BSHeartland - Textures.esp
CausticWitch - Rae.esp
Fachry Ilfhild Stormcloak.esp
FallenMoon Set 4.esp
female maid2 smp.esp
KS Hairdo's.esp
Immersive Wenches -KS hairs- Patch.esp
Jill Valentine Outfit.esp
Kokoro Halloween.esp
Liquid Onyx Collection.esp
Marie A Redhead Follower 0.9.esp
ProType - Domino.esp
RE5 Excella Gionne Follower and Armor.esp
Sweet Rebel.esp
Vivid Weathers - Bruma.esp
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp
RDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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