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Paradise Halls - Home Sweet Home (SE/LE)

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5 hours ago, Musje said:


The real reason is that for the way PAHE and HSH handle slaves, you manually have to create a ReferenceAlias (a "slot") to hold each slave, and assign them behavioural packages.  Adding slaves means creating additional slots and changing the code to accommodate them, which is tedious.


Aygas can in theory hold an infinite number of slaves.  It has a limited number of slots as well, but it will remove slaves from slots when you leave the zone, and find new slaves to put in the slots when you enter another zone.  It works... except that the game will eventually release NPCs from memory when they are not slotted.  That is why Aygas sometimes reports your slaves as "not in loaded area" instead of giving the slave's name; the slave was released from memory and its info is no longer available.


So it wasn't just my Alzheimers! 


\sighs with relief

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19 minutes ago, t.ara said:

who in "hell" needs 85 slaves??? LOL


Peeps with lots of houses





I originally noticed when there was a PAH version upgrade where it advised to move the slaves out which i was doing (had a shed load of them in the Temple of Molag Bal for sacrificing) and it got the point where it wouldn't let me move any more to HSH

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39 minutes ago, t.ara said:

who in "hell" needs 85 slaves??? LOL


17 minutes ago, pinky6225 said:


Peeps with lots of houses


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I originally noticed when there was a PAH version upgrade where it advised to move the slaves out which i was doing (had a shed load of them in the Temple of Molag Bal for sacrificing) and it got the point where it wouldn't let me move any more to HSH

And she doesn't have two of my favorites (each with about 10): Dragonsreach and Vlindrel Hall.


And for those of us into bestiality:


Place a Permanent Slave Camp at a farm and watch the show. (Don't forget the necessary mods to make bestiality work).


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30 minutes ago, bnub345 said:


HDT chains don't work well with SE physics, nothing Musje can do about it. 


Yas I tried.  The chains connected to only 1 end work, like dangling from a collar.  But the SE HDT system does not allow a chain to be connected to 2 points like the ankles.  It can be sort of tricked but it's not reliable and the result usually looks silly.

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26 minutes ago, Kalysto said:

@Musje one thing that I loved about AYGAS was the feature perks that you unlock thru playing it. Are you going to implement those that were unfinished? Maybe even expand that?


I will at some point... I want to expand the perks as well as the kind of jobs you can set your slaves to.  ATM I'm focusing on cleaning up some of the long standing bugs and requested features in HSH, but I'm also working on Aygas in the background.  Mostly fixes though.

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11 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

probaly the only viable way to do hdt chains is ot have it a equipable  like the box around the leash spell but it  it achored in middle

No, smp is for mostly gravitaton-oriented material with a single bone end at the skeleton-connections onto other bones were never a plan as this technique has been created mostly to consume paywalled SMP clothing. HDT-PE is a totally different thing and it is a real integration of HAVOK, which is used by skyrim also for the animation-system of characters. It uses serious havok-code and can be handled by using official tools for export. That ´s absolutly not the same. Havok physics to compare with SMP is funny.


You can create only weightpainting-dependent assets by using rope-but this only can used straight between bones. Such stuff is also working inside of SSE.

Anyway has SKYRIM with all this side-integrations massive problems, that ´s why bethesda did not care too much about this movable stuff. All the havok stuff is reacting unserious ingame and can cause lot of confusion. It ´s simply NOT WORKING with the engine well enough. The same is for collision-behaviors.

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On 1/4/2023 at 7:44 PM, Musje said:


Yas I tried.  The chains connected to only 1 end work, like dangling from a collar.  But the SE HDT system does not allow a chain to be connected to 2 points like the ankles.  It can be sort of tricked but it's not reliable and the result usually looks silly.

It might be possible to get it working, if you rework the whole model from scratch with the limitations in mind. It was far beyond my skills... Nice to see you back!

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@Musje Hey, so got a new issue I've never had happen before. On PAHE 8.2.0 fixed2, and HSH 1.30 for SE 1.5.97, after moving 10 slaves into Restless Hunter and telling Palo I wanted to have another auction, then waiting the right amount of time for the auction to start, all slaves disappeared from the Restless Hunter section of the MCM, looked everywhere inside the building even clipped thru the floor/walls to see if they were outside the cell. They vanished completely and Palo tells me there are no slaves to be auctioned off and to go get some. I had 52 slaves in PAHE, moved 10 of them out into HSH Restless Hunter, leaving 42 in PAHE, and those 10 I moved have completely vanished without actually being sold at auction. I've never ever had that happen before. I'll include the papyrus log but I couldn't find anything that would tell what happened honestly. Lots of PAH errors, and some HSHStorage errors that I saw. I've got plenty of saves I can roll back too since I've been testing out the new versions so it won't be a big deal for me to rollback to PAHE 8.1.6 and HSH 1.26/1.27, but I wanted to let you know what happened as it was pretty major. Had to put the log in a zip file cause it kept failing to upload as a normal text file.



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12 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

traning combat is still bad. they start real fighting and can cause others to join in. told taskmstress to not train it so hopely now that i removed that slave it takes effect.


I never was able to reproduce this, but I will add an option to the MCM settings to disable actual combat during combat training.

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15 hours ago, Martok73 said:

@Musje Hey, so got a new issue I've never had happen before. On PAHE 8.2.0 fixed2, and HSH 1.30 for SE 1.5.97, after moving 10 slaves into Restless Hunter and telling Palo I wanted to have another auction, then waiting the right amount of time for the auction to start, all slaves disappeared from the Restless Hunter section of the MCM, looked everywhere inside the building even clipped thru the floor/walls to see if they were outside the cell. They vanished completely and Palo tells me there are no slaves to be auctioned off and to go get some. I had 52 slaves in PAHE, moved 10 of them out into HSH Restless Hunter, leaving 42 in PAHE, and those 10 I moved have completely vanished without actually being sold at auction. I've never ever had that happen before. I'll include the papyrus log but I couldn't find anything that would tell what happened honestly. Lots of PAH errors, and some HSHStorage errors that I saw. I've got plenty of saves I can roll back too since I've been testing out the new versions so it won't be a big deal for me to rollback to PAHE 8.1.6 and HSH 1.26/1.27, but I wanted to let you know what happened as it was pretty major. Had to put the log in a zip file cause it kept failing to upload as a normal text file.


Papyrus.0.log.zip 248.34 kB · 1 download


If you still have an appropriate save, could you try and reproduce the error with HSH logging enabled?

It sounds like the auction was skipped for whatever reason.  That happens if you are not inside the inn at midnight (when the auction starts), but can also happen if you are inside the in and wait a few hours, skipping the time between 00:00 and 01:00

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3 hours ago, Musje said:


If you still have an appropriate save, could you try and reproduce the error with HSH logging enabled?

It sounds like the auction was skipped for whatever reason.  That happens if you are not inside the inn at midnight (when the auction starts), but can also happen if you are inside the in and wait a few hours, skipping the time between 00:00 and 01:00

Yep, I still have the save so I can for sure try to reproduce it with the HSH debug logging option turned on in the MCM, I'm assuming that is what you're referring to. I was inside the inn and told Palo to have an auction, he said come back at midnight, and it was around 2am at the time. So I waited long enough for it to be around 11pm or so when the glitch/bug occurred and they all disappeared. So it may be possible what you explained happened I guess, even tho I made a point to not wait past midnight and stopped at like 11 or so. Anyway I will load up that save file, and turn on debug logging and try to recreate the vanishing act and let ya know what happens.

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5 hours ago, Musje said:

I never was able to reproduce this, but I will add an option to the MCM settings to disable actual combat during combat training.

the way that it was described before it might be a faction issue.
in my game for some reaosn whenver they go to train combat they pull out dwarven daggers and go at each other. they start off fine but then become hostile after so many hits to each other. this hostil can stay tilll you remove the slave from traning.

i wonder if its NFF my follower framework cause it or anothe rmod messing with how manby hits before neutrals become hostile./

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3 hours ago, Gizzlembos03 said:

When i remove a placed torture device trough the spell a very annoying red light stays on the ground


Yas it happens when you stand close to the device, the game is afraid to remove the X marker.  If you exit the house and come back, it will be gone.

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I'm having trouble advancing the "Learning the Ropes" quest and I'm unsure why. I got to the part where I confirmed with Pardo that I have a captive to sell and he tells me to go to the forced-labour camps to sell them. The camps are marked and everything and I can find the slavers (those in Imperial gear) in each camp. I can initiate the dialogue with each of them to sell a slave, and I sucessfully sell them (I point them out, I go back to him and confirm the selection, and they leave my PH list). However the quest is not advancing. I've tried selling at 3 different camps, tried sellling different slaves, none of it's worked.


I have though collected like ~25 slaves up to this point. Do I need to sell all the slaves to trigger the quest to continue? There were some unique NPCs in there so I'd rather not if I don't have to.

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13 hours ago, ozmatico said:

I'm having trouble advancing the "Learning the Ropes" quest and I'm unsure why. I got to the part where I confirmed with Pardo that I have a captive to sell and he tells me to go to the forced-labour camps to sell them. The camps are marked and everything and I can find the slavers (those in Imperial gear) in each camp. I can initiate the dialogue with each of them to sell a slave, and I sucessfully sell them (I point them out, I go back to him and confirm the selection, and they leave my PH list). However the quest is not advancing. I've tried selling at 3 different camps, tried sellling different slaves, none of it's worked.


I have though collected like ~25 slaves up to this point. Do I need to sell all the slaves to trigger the quest to continue? There were some unique NPCs in there so I'd rather not if I don't have to.


After the first slave you need to sell 3 more.  I don't know why the quest wouldn't advance, I did it the other day and it worked fine.

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