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could you make extra furniture?would like to see leg/ankle pillory to force the actor to kneel [in doggy style or for bj] ,these things existed theres some near me in whipping post lane

Look again at the original post for the list of "Things I can and can't do".


oops missed that ,excuse me......however anyone can sing


True, but not everyone can sing well. I know I can't so I just sing loud :).

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could you make extra furniture?would like to see leg/ankle pillory to force the actor to kneel [in doggy style or for bj] ,these things existed theres some near me in whipping post lane

Look again at the original post for the list of "Things I can and can't do".


oops missed that ,excuse me......however anyone can sing


True, but not everyone can sing well. I know I can't so I just sing loud :).


shirly bassey made a career out of that

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Im just wonder what options are out there that adds quests or more interactions for the "Milk Economy" mod?

You want the "What mod is this?" Or Milk Mod Economy threads for those answers, not this one.

was talking with a guy called nosdregamon and it looks like he is gonna try to do the same thing I asked of you, he's made some excellent furniture just gotta get some npcs to "chop some wood" on em ,coincidence or zeitgeist.....

DarkConsole also seems to have figured out the more complicated parts of the mod with the latest release of Display Model. I'm gonna call it coincidence and pernabebtly recuse myself from the "lets make more bondage furniture" thing because I still cannot model, texture, or animate.

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you look pretty busy anyhow , and mentioned something about a release.....hope I didn't come across as pushy there shall probably be asking advice from you in a few months [when I get my shit together] still a bit new to this and tend to go on a bit,display model eh....close but to complicated to many options , they should only have an option about what room is left around the victim to fill with other aggressors but I'm going on again ..sorry..

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Hello Feliks !



First of all, thank you for this thread, for your time and to put your skills for the public xD


I have a little idea going around in my head for quite a while but I don't know how to code so... yeah, your topic is truely  a blessing.


I would like to know if it would be possible to create something like a Gameplay Overhaul but using already existing mods ? (like unifing some mods to create a story line or something).


Inspire by some load screen from  Sextreme, my idea is to create a character which is a beggar :


- Using An Alternate Start, you could start in Riften as a beggar : abandonned at birth, you grown in the orphanage and at 18 years old, you were kick out whitout any ressources.

- Using Realistic Needs and Deases, you will have to beg for some food or a little gold in order to buy food. Of course, NPC could refuse, give freely or rape you in exchange. If you sleep outside, some drunk dudes could decide to rape you during the night.

- Using Skooma Whore, maybe some vicious character would like to keep you around, giving you a small amount of drug in exchange of sex.

- Using Prison Overhaul, if you are being imprisonned to often in one city, you will be kicked for some time (like guards becoming aggressive one week in the hold if you stay around to much afteer being caught more than 5 times pickpocketing/stealing).


Theses are some ideas passing through my mind. Would this be possible to code ? 



Also, I have an other request : could you make that blowjob count as food and drink for Realistic Needs and Deceases  ? I mean, it's full of protein... 

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Hello Feliks !



First of all, thank you for this thread, for your time and to put your skills for the public xD


I have a little idea going around in my head for quite a while but I don't know how to code so... yeah, your topic is truely  a blessing.


I would like to know if it would be possible to create something like a Gameplay Overhaul but using already existing mods ? (like unifing some mods to create a story line or something).


Inspire by some load screen from  Sextreme, my idea is to create a character which is a beggar :


- Using An Alternate Start, you could start in Riften as a beggar : abandonned at birth, you grown in the orphanage and at 18 years old, you were kick out whitout any ressources.

- Using Realistic Needs and Deases, you will have to beg for some food or a little gold in order to buy food. Of course, NPC could refuse, give freely or rape you in exchange. If you sleep outside, some drunk dudes could decide to rape you during the night.

- Using Skooma Whore, maybe some vicious character would like to keep you around, giving you a small amount of drug in exchange of sex.

- Using Prison Overhaul, if you are being imprisonned to often in one city, you will be kicked for some time (like guards becoming aggressive one week in the hold if you stay around to much afteer being caught more than 5 times pickpocketing/stealing).


Theses are some ideas passing through my mind. Would this be possible to code ? 



Also, I have an other request : could you make that blowjob count as food and drink for Realistic Needs and Deceases  ? I mean, it's full of protein...

Skyrim Unbound allows you to start up as a penniless person wearing nothing but rags and having no possessions except those rags.


No need for another mod to do this.

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Hi, I recently just discover a mod developed by Russian modder Dogma call, Dogma Theft. From the pictures of mod, it looks very interesting and allow player to have several choices with different consequences. If you make the right choices, it is possible to avoid being sexually violated completely. However, there is no English version of this mod, so I wonder is it possible to make a similar mod or asking permission from Dogma to translate his mod in here?

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Here is one mod that I expected to have existed by now: a Cuckold theme/NTR themed/cheating themed mod.

Sexlab Sexlife had something like that on it's released but it seems like they took it out cuz it didnt work for some reason.
I really can't thank you enough If you can make a mod with this theme.

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I've got an idea for a bestiality-mod/story, it was posted long ago on a idea thread that i once had.


The Stablegirl


The player receives from a courier that a hold is searching for a new stablemaster.

Experienced as you are with horses, you apply for the job at the jarls' steward and get hired immediately.
you get your contract in which states that you must take "care" of the horses, what the steward forgot to mention was in what way that care is given.

The player arrives at the stables and the previous stablemaster (it would be fun if she would have a big pregnant belly, assumeably filled up be the horses;) ) gives the player a pair of gloves and a bucket. she tells the player that she must milk the horses before nightfall. the player a bit confused by "milking the horses" walks towards the first horse and sees what may be the problem. The horses are all stallions!


The player returns to the old stablemaster and tells her that the horses are all male, milking would not be logical. The old stablemaster laughs and tells the player that a good horse must be taken "care" of in more ways than their coats and hooves. She shows the player how to milk a stallion (probably groping until climax) and tells the player that the next horse is waiting.


The stallions are a greedy bunch and after a few days groping doesn't cut it anymore, the player gets jumped from behind and raped by one of the stallions.

To the players' suprise, it felt pretty damn good.


Days go by and the player may find books around the stables of skyrim in how to best take care the stallions she likes so much, adding new animations and increase the horses' happiness with their new breeding mare.


The story may go in any way you want to imagine it, you could get a apprentice and share what you know about taking care of your

stallions or you may want to add new mechanics.




So goes a story of a girl riding her horses.... if you catch my meaning.

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One mod that I would like is a mod where our main character starts the game being captured to become a sex slave.


The slavers decide to amputate our arms, so we can't attack them. After getting our arms amputated, some things happen (we are used as a ponygirl / ponyboy, for example), until an old mage manages to rescue us.


They train us to use magic (and only magic, since we can't hold weapons), do quests to help him as a thanks (and he will help us enhance out magical abilities) and later on we try to use all we learned to take revenge upon the slavers.



This could use the amputation framework for the amputations, but I don't know if there's a mod that disables the ability yo equip weapons. Would be nice, though.

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One mod that I would like is a mod where our main character starts the game being captured to become a sex slave.


The slavers decide to amputate our arms, so we can't attack them. After getting our arms amputated, some things happen (we are used as a ponygirl / ponyboy, for example), until an old mage manages to rescue us.


They train us to use magic (and only magic, since we can't hold weapons), do quests to help him as a thanks (and he will help us enhance out magical abilities) and later on we try to use all we learned to take revenge upon the slavers.



This could use the amputation framework for the amputations, but I don't know if there's a mod that disables the ability yo equip weapons. Would be nice, though.




the amputation framework can in fact disable equipping weapons, ability to engage in combat, hamper sneak ability, and can make you crawl on all fours (depending on settings).


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how about a mod that scales size realisticly so the yarls and thanes are fat and the people in rags are emaciated [fat barpersons cos they don't go anywhere ] dragging that chef in the dark brotherhood quest would be harder [cos chefs have to test the food] that kinda thing

also what about a mod to give all patrolling town gaurds dogs

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Okay so here's another quick status update on a handful of things:


  1. Assuming all goes well with the latest internal build on the secret project there's about to be a little alpha release just to prove it's not dead. 
  2. I've got another thing that's almost entirely done being rebuilt from the ground up (again) just sorting out a few more kinks, and then adding some dialogue for testing and you guys will have definitive proof that am actually working on things and not just saying it.
  3. Shortly after there should be another thing, fine tuning a few stats, but then that's going into a very early Alpha for suggestions/feedback/etcetera before it gets rolled out in full.
  4. I've then got a hand-full of smaller mods from this thread (some way early, some more recent) that shouldn't take long to make/release so expect a little burst of those while I reorganize the itinerary of Doom (which I've just now emptied and intend to refill with EVERYTHING over the next couple of days. Just working on sorting it all again.

So yeah. Also, if anyone wants to help make/complete some models and textures for a more unique piece of bondage gear, shoot me a PM so I can get you in touch with the other guys on the secret project, cause we're pretty sure another modeler (this will be the third) has jumped ship without word and left us half finished.


Edit: First dozen or so mods added to the itinerary (sorry if you've been bumped down or haven't yet been readded, these are the ones I've got actual plans for written down. I still intend to get to as many of the requests in this thread as possible).

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Sooo there are a few more things to do in the bigger projects but I had a couple of hours of down time and wanted to take a break from those and ripped out a basic version of what I'm going to call Devious Visibility (Taking suggestions for names, please help)


Based off of the request by @grenadenpizza in post 777


Get (and test) the first version here: Devious Visibility


Stay tuned, the time is now.

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Hello, I'm really not good at modding and scripting and everything in fact. I'd like to know if it would be possible to make a (new) Necrophilia mod. I know there's already one existing (hence the "new") but the (magic) way it's working is not my favorite.


Title : Something about Necrophilia (I'm really sorry but I'm not good at finding titles), "Necrophilia : How to crack open a cold one" (that's nasty...) ? Your call if you have a better idea


Ideas :

  • This mod wouldn't include spells, just a toggle key that would work only on dead NPCs.
  • The animations used would be by default the ones tagged "NECRO" (which would be easy to add via SLATE mod) registered in the SEXLAB framework. But there would be the possibility to choose anoter tag (or multiple tags ?)
  • The triggered animations would be with the dead NPCs only, no ghost or zombie replacement.
  • There would be an option to make the dead NPCs silent during the animations.
  • And maybe an option to make it law forbidden so guards will arrest you if you try something funny(Biz :D) even with this dead vampire that's been rotting ont the streets for one week
  • Define the position of the PC : active, passive or random
  • The basis are decided via the Sexlab framework of course : state of undressing, sounds, voices of the PC/NPCs, etc.

Possibilities :

  • Should it work with creatures framework ?
  • Option for gendered animations based on the TAGS ? (again, with the possibility of choosing altered by SLATE tags so you can use gay, lesbian, straight tags)
  • To be able to actually see a list of the animations concerned by the mod ? (more like a check list, to be sure about the "NECRO" tagged animations)
  • "Deadly sexy" option : PC is litterally excited by the vision of corpses (but maybe it should be linked with other mods like "aroused redux" or even "squirt" or "squirt reborn" ?)

I first wrote "no need to PM me"... But now I'm not that sure. The thing is, I only have a basis idea for this mod, I'm not even sure there will be someone interested in using it (apart from me). But I'm craving for a simple approach for Necrophilia, that doesn't imply magic and spells.


I think that's all and that's probably a lot already :angel:


At least I hope it'll give ideas to someone ? (please ?)


(and sorry for the mistakes, english is not my mother tongue)

how about Rotten Bitch

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So I released this last night and forgot to announce it here:


Simple Masochism


Requested by @Yuni and @bathoz


Which simply increases arousal as you take damage, with quite a few options for configuration.



In other news: Work is going in full swing on another larger release that will be as soon as I can humanly make it, but I'm not sure what the release is going to look like for that, might be a beta, might just wait to sort out the larger bugs, we'll see. Then another mod will definitely hit beta for feedback and suggestions.


Of course, some smaller/older ideas are going to come out here and there.


The itinerary is not currently update as some of you may have noticed, but I'm working on it. I'm compiling a separate list off all the requests so far, including who requested it and when so I can find the info and link it in the finished itinerary. I'm about a third of the way through the thread and finding some older ideas I really should have done at the time, but after I get all of them listed out I still need to remove the ones I cannot (or will not) do and sort them into the itinerary.


Oh and if you sent me PM a while back (or more recently) and the last message was you expecting a reply that never came: I'm super sorry, I liked most of those ideas, I'm just kind of garbage. If you still want me to take a crack at it when I get a chance just send a new PM, because I'm working on mods much harder and more frequently than I ever used to. There are a few larger apologies I owe (two people, well, one person and one team, in specific) but if everything works out in the next two weeks or so I think you'll have no trouble forgiving me.

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would love to see a simple stalker mod based on morality like LSMN from oblivion in the oblvion section here in Loverslab




toggleable on off in a MCM


scan time:

set scan time between seconds for potential stalkers


crowd responsibility:

the max maedian responsibility of the surround crowd that will allow someone to start a rape (wont happen in guards barracks but more likely in thieves guild type thing)


gangrape possibility and toggle in MCM


block essential and companion toggles


gender toggles

male>female/female>male ect ect












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