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Just a question on the DDE version, as I only ever use DDE for the jailer to remove and replace standard DD items does it actually matter to POP which version of DDE I use?




Just did some testing on the new fine system and it's looking really good so far. This was tested on a dirty update from 8g to 8h with the fine period set to 1 day.


As each day clicked by I got a fine which looks to be a total of the violent and non violent fines added together in the Skyrim crime stats.


It's pretty much perfect as it stands but to tidy it up it might be worth doing the following:


1/ It looks like it always applies a fine rather than having a chance of a fine slider. It might be worth adding a chance slider though of course it is possible (if unlikely) to get a 0 septim fine as it stands. With a chance slider the player never knows for sure if a fine will be applied or not rather than knowing there will pretty much always be a fine.


2/ Needs some dialogue at the bottom of the info screen to explain the difference between a fine for a violent crime and a non violent crime. From memory guards wont actively arrest for non-violent fines under 1000 (you get the "Wait I know you") but I'm not sure of the exact details. Great idea separating them out though as it gives players a choice.


3/ Spotted a typo (naughty Inte :P:) ) I think the word should be "below" rather than "bellow" - don't want the prisoners making too much noise now do we :D (see screenie)


BTW were you able to fix Dawnstar, iirc the problem was PO remembering the last jail and walking the pc there for a pillory scene?


Anyway, a really great piece of work, well done






One last thought on fines and BH's in general. I can foresee two possible problems with "No One Escapes from Cidhna Mine" (same for Devious Cidhna as well). If the player has BH's follow player inside toggled on it would cause some problems.


If a violent fine was added to the pc while in Cidhna would that cause a problem when the pc escapes into the end scene where Madanach confronts Thonar. Would that break the scene if a guard tries to arrest the pc before the battle plays out.


I doubt much can be done about either except to warn players to switch off fines and BH's before doing Cidhna perhaps

Yes, the latest DDe is required, although I suppose you can try an older version of DDe and see what breaks.


For E1

Yes the system menu does display the sum of violent and non-violent crime bounties however, POP tracks them separately. E.g. the cuffs are left on during the night only if VCB > 0.


1. Chance of a fine is a good idea. Let me see,


iBountyChance = the MCM slider value from 0 to 100


The crime bounty will be applied if,

(random number between 1 and 99) <= iBountyChance


0 - disables the feature.

100 - always applied.

2. Ok, I'll add something.

3. :blush:


Yes, I did add a function that should clear the previous pillory array. Did not test it though, as it does not seem to happen for me in the first place.


For E2

If arrested by POP the random bounties will be stored and not applied until release. So there is not need to disable them while in POP jail.


As for Cidhna not sure if there is a vanilla variable set while in the mine. If there is I could easily add it as a condition.

​Could just be a strange issue for me, but my Dragonborn and Dawnguard expansions are in a different order in my load vs how they are in this plugin, so I typically use TESVEdit to sort masters in the plugin after an update.  On 8H, I get an "assertion failure" when sorting.  If I try a 2nd time without reloading TESVEdit, it appears to work without error, but breaks the plugin (Skyrim CTD at menu).  I manually edited the load order with TESVEdit vs selecting the "sort masters" option and didn't get any errors when saving, so it doesn't appear to be a file permission issue.  It's the first time I've had this problem.  I've been doing this process regularly after every update of POP patches.

​Here is the error message, in case it might mean something.


​date/time          : 2016-09-14, 01:08:04, 856ms

computer name      : QUANTUM

user name          : ctzen

operating system   : Windows 10 x64 build 14393

system language    : English

system up time     : 27 minutes 7 seconds

program up time    : 46 seconds

processors         : 8x Intel® Core i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz

physical memory    : 45396/49143 MB (free/total)

free disk space    : (C:) 295.53 GB (D:) 404.59 GB

display mode       : 3840x2160, 32 bit

process id         : $16a8

allocated memory   : 741.31 MB

largest free block : 1.99 GB

executable         : TES5Edit.exe

exec. date/time    : 2016-03-22 03:17

version            :

compiled with      : Delphi XE

madExcept version  : 4.0.12

callstack crc      : $f8e5698c, $19c0da1a, $0c1a02c3

exception number   : 1

exception class    : EAssertionFailed

exception message  : Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbDefinitionsTES5.pas, line 2212).

main thread ($ff8):

00a46288 +1f8 TES5Edit.exe wbDefinitionsTES5  2213 +32 wbNVNMParentDecider

00775603 +013 TES5Edit.exe wbInterface       12880  +1 TwbUnionDef.Decide

007bfd66 +04a TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation  14173  +4 UnionDoInit

007c006a +036 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation  14231  +7 TwbUnion.Init

00796aa7 +08b TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   3961 +12 TwbContainer.DoInit

007c0184 +038 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation  14257  +3 TwbUnion.MasterIndicesUpdated

0079831b +083 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   4499  +6 TwbContainer.MasterIndicesUpdated

007af7fa +04a TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   9927  +8 TwbSubRecord.MasterIndicesUpdated

0079831b +083 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   4499  +6 TwbContainer.MasterIndicesUpdated

007a5c8a +132 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   7682 +33 TwbMainRecord.MasterIndicesUpdated

0079831b +083 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   4499  +6 TwbContainer.MasterIndicesUpdated

007b6baf +013 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation  11148  +1 TwbGroupRecord.MasterIndicesUpdated

0079831b +083 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   4499  +6 TwbContainer.MasterIndicesUpdated

00795254 +3c8 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation   3445 +41 TwbFile.SortMasters

00bdc29f +093 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain        8966  +8 TfrmMain.mniNavSortMastersClick

0052825b +0a7 TES5Edit.exe Menus                       TMenuItem.Click

00529757 +013 TES5Edit.exe Menus                       TMenu.DispatchCommand

0052a936 +082 TES5Edit.exe Menus                       TPopupList.WndProc

0050cf88 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls                    TWinControl.MainWndProc

0052a885 +01d TES5Edit.exe Menus                       TPopupList.MainWndProc

004c71cc +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes                     StdWndProc

7504df5b +00b user32.dll                               DispatchMessageW

005b44f7 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms                       TApplication.ProcessMessage

005b453a +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms                       TApplication.HandleMessage

005b4865 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms                       TApplication.Run

00c08268 +068 TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit             86  +8 initialization

77a062c2 +022 KERNEL32.DLL                             BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $f9c:

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $c48:

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $fa8:

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $fb4 (TWorkerThread):

7580ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll                      WaitForSingleObjectEx

7580abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll                      WaitForSingleObject

005d45ad +19 TES5Edit.exe   VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute

00474e47 +2b TES5Edit.exe   madExcept            HookedTThreadExecute

004c4506 +42 TES5Edit.exe   Classes              ThreadProc

00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe   System       1044 +0 ThreadWrapper

00474d29 +0d TES5Edit.exe   madExcept            CallThreadProcSafe

00474d93 +37 TES5Edit.exe   madExcept            ThreadExceptFrame

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL                        BaseThreadInitThunk

>> created by main thread ($ff8) at:

005d4495 +19 TES5Edit.exe   VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $1b5c:

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $22e8:

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $a0c:

75811a2a +ea KERNELBASE.dll           WaitForMultipleObjectsEx

00474d29 +0d TES5Edit.exe   madExcept CallThreadProcSafe

00474d93 +37 TES5Edit.exe   madExcept ThreadExceptFrame

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL             BaseThreadInitThunk

>> created by main thread ($ff8) at:

763ed523 +00 combase.dll

thread $63c:

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $940:

77a062c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk



I blame CK. It orders the masters in order they were added. I don't think there is a way to change that. :-/


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I blame CK. It orders the masters in order they were added. I don't think there is a way to change that. :-/



​It's not that your order is wrong, but that there appears to be some quality to the most recent patch that makes it fail when I re-order the masters.  I've been doing this process on your patch releases for as far back as you've been producing them.  Or it's a conspiracy by Oliver Stone.

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Main page says you need DDe 2.36 for the newest patch. How do I get that, when DDe is only at 2.33? Or was it just a typo?

I like your avatar pic, can I see more?


Sure. It's a commission I bought from Hizzacked (hizzacked.xxx)






Just a question on the DDE version, as I only ever use DDE for the jailer to remove and replace standard DD items does it actually matter to POP which version of DDE I use?




Just did some testing on the new fine system and it's looking really good so far. This was tested on a dirty update from 8g to 8h with the fine period set to 1 day.


As each day clicked by I got a fine which looks to be a total of the violent and non violent fines added together in the Skyrim crime stats.


It's pretty much perfect as it stands but to tidy it up it might be worth doing the following:


1/ It looks like it always applies a fine rather than having a chance of a fine slider. It might be worth adding a chance slider though of course it is possible (if unlikely) to get a 0 septim fine as it stands. With a chance slider the player never knows for sure if a fine will be applied or not rather than knowing there will pretty much always be a fine.


2/ Needs some dialogue at the bottom of the info screen to explain the difference between a fine for a violent crime and a non violent crime. From memory guards wont actively arrest for non-violent fines under 1000 (you get the "Wait I know you") but I'm not sure of the exact details. Great idea separating them out though as it gives players a choice.


3/ Spotted a typo (naughty Inte :P:) ) I think the word should be "below" rather than "bellow" - don't want the prisoners making too much noise now do we :D (see screenie)


BTW were you able to fix Dawnstar, iirc the problem was PO remembering the last jail and walking the pc there for a pillory scene?


Anyway, a really great piece of work, well done






One last thought on fines and BH's in general. I can foresee two possible problems with "No One Escapes from Cidhna Mine" (same for Devious Cidhna as well). If the player has BH's follow player inside toggled on it would cause some problems.


If a violent fine was added to the pc while in Cidhna would that cause a problem when the pc escapes into the end scene where Madanach confronts Thonar. Would that break the scene if a guard tries to arrest the pc before the battle plays out.


I doubt much can be done about either except to warn players to switch off fines and BH's before doing Cidhna perhaps

Yes, the latest DDe is required, although I suppose you can try an older version of DDe and see what breaks.


For E1

Yes the system menu does display the sum of violent and non-violent crime bounties however, POP tracks them separately. E.g. the cuffs are left on during the night only if VCB > 0.


1. Chance of a fine is a good idea. Let me see,



iBountyChance = the MCM slider value from 0 to 100


The crime bounty will be applied if,

(random number between 1 and 99) <= iBountyChance


0 - disables the feature.

100 - always applied.

2. Ok, I'll add something.

3. :blush:


Yes, I did add a function that should clear the previous pillory array. Did not test it though, as it does not seem to happen for me in the first place.


For E2

If arrested by POP the random bounties will be stored and not applied until release. So there is not need to disable them while in POP jail.


As for Cidhna not sure if there is a vanilla variable set while in the mine. If there is I could easily add it as a condition.

Yes, implement this.


EDiT: Please. :P

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Yes, the latest DDe is required, although I suppose you can try an older version of DDe and see what breaks.


For E1

Yes the system menu does display the sum of violent and non-violent crime bounties however, POP tracks them separately. E.g. the cuffs are left on during the night only if VCB > 0.


1. Chance of a fine is a good idea. Let me see,


iBountyChance = the MCM slider value from 0 to 100


The crime bounty will be applied if,

(random number between 1 and 99) <= iBountyChance


0 - disables the feature.

100 - always applied.

2. Ok, I'll add something.

3. :blush:


Yes, I did add a function that should clear the previous pillory array. Did not test it though, as it does not seem to happen for me in the first place.




That's brilliant, thanks Inte the chance slider will be a great addition.


On DDE I was more curious than anything else as I only use it for removal and re-application of standard items in POP.


Just so you understand, I use mods that apply DD devices for the item's side effects, which puts the pc in a compromising situation at awkward times. Bondage for it's own sake doesn't interest me and I find latex about as erotic as a polythene shopping bag. Good luck to those that find it a turn on but it's something that doesn't work for me. I find the humiliation aspect far more arousing myself.




Did some testing in Whiterun:


1/ It sort of works with DDE231 but definitely has some problems refitting stuff. Works perfectly in 236, so yes you can say "I told you so" while I stand in the naughty corner :)


2/ The fast forward timer is taking a lot longer than 5 seconds real time. I didn't time it exactly but it seemed more like 10 seconds maybe a little more. I'm not quite sure of the purpose of it but maybe chop it down to 2 or 3. Pretty minor issue though.


Everything else seems to work :D


It's a great update, does what it says on the tin :)


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Aw, I am completely into bondage, but not humiliation. The tighter the bondage, the better. RL rubber is hard to take. Vac beds are pretty good though.


So I take it you never played Trapped In Rubber by @greyspammer? It's a very well done mod and it has a very good story line. I am not into rubber myself, but this mod is worth playing.


Slider is already in. I just need to test it.


The timer is to allow scripts to settle down after an arrest, especially on slower computers. It is counting down from 5 every 6.6 sec., too long? My computer is kinda fast and its tricky to estimate.

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had invisible pillories before, emptied out entire MO profile of mods excluding those relevant to PO, and found pillories to be no longer invisible. seems there is a mod(s) conflict that's causing the issue.

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Aw, I am completely into bondage, but not humiliation. The tighter the bondage, the better. RL rubber is hard to take. Vac beds are pretty good though.


So I take it you never played Trapped In Rubber by @greyspammer? It's a very well done mod and it has a very good story line. I am not into rubber myself, but this mod is worth playing.


Slider is already in. I just need to test it.


The timer is to allow scripts to settle down after an arrest, especially on slower computers. It is counting down from 5 every 6.6 sec., too long? My computer is kinda fast and its tricky to estimate.


I did try Trapped in Rubber and it is a very good mod particularly if you're into rubber.


It's fascinating that what excites one person leaves another cold. Humiliation I would define in the sense I mean is submissive, that is being made to do something you don't want to do but secretly really do (if that makes sense). It's quite delicious.


Anyway, enough gossiping. On the timer, I'm running on an i7 Haswell. To give you an idea of the time, in Whiterun jail when the jailer takes to prisoner to the pillory the jailer has actually gone through the jailhouse door into Whiterun so the teleport fires at the same time as the pc follows through the door, so it could probably do with turning down a little.


I'm not that bothered myself as I only use the fast forward for testing, or if the BH's get stuck or look like they'll get into a long fight at Robbers Gorge or Valtheim Towers




Just checked the timings (Whiterun Market) and it took nearly 20 seconds for the teleport to kick in

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Slider is already in. I just need to test it.


The timer is to allow scripts to settle down after an arrest, especially on slower computers. It is counting down from 5 every 6.6 sec., too long? My computer is kinda fast and its tricky to estimate.

That's great. Can't wait to try the new slider.

Say, why don't you post it as POP 8i? I mean there are plenty of letters left in the alphabet. That way Slorm and I get to try the new slider.


Timer takes more than 30 sec for me.

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Slider is already in. I just need to test it.


The timer is to allow scripts to settle down after an arrest, especially on slower computers. It is counting down from 5 every 6.6 sec., too long? My computer is kinda fast and its tricky to estimate.

That's great. Can't wait to try the new slider.

Say, why don't you post it as POP 8i? I mean there are plenty of letters left in the alphabet. That way Slorm and I get to try the new slider.


Timer takes more than 30 sec for me.



Ooh, yes please, let's have 8i, I'm really looking forward to that slider as it will really put some added surprise in

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so in been my troubleshooting the invisible pillory, i've learned two things.

1. having frostfall/campfire enabled in MO and with their respective esps disabled in the other pane, POP seems to repeatedly try to update and fail to work. it seems all of MCM becomes bugged too. enabling the frostfall/campfire esps makes this issue go away and i think thats the extent of compatibility problems that is concerned.

2. disabling the SLALanimobjects.esp from anubs animation pack makes pillories appear again. poking inside the esp i saw inside that it changes the nif location of  AOZaZPunishmentPillory from 

ZaZ-UltimateDataPack\ZaZ - Obejcts  Static\PunishmentPillory\PunishmentPillory-Static.nif - from zaz animation pack



this wouldn't be a problem (aside from i think the latter mesh has different texures) had anub included that pillory mesh with his files, but he didn't, i think assuming the end user would also have funnybiz's animation files installed.

so a solution to invisible pillories is to either

- disable slalanimobjects

- copy zaz's pillory into that directory,

- install funnybiz's mod or just his meshes.


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Something I failed to notice before, related to trying to sort masters, was in the Message tab of TES5Edit:  Parent of a NVNM is not identified as a CELL


No other output, other than what I've already posted of the debug output from TES5Edit.

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so in been my troubleshooting the invisible pillory, i've learned two things.


1. having frostfall/campfire enabled in MO and with their respective esps disabled in the other pane, POP seems to repeatedly try to update and fail to work. it seems all of MCM becomes bugged too. enabling the frostfall/campfire esps makes this issue go away and i think thats the extent of compatibility problems that is concerned.


2. disabling the SLALanimobjects.esp from anubs animation pack makes pillories appear again. poking inside the esp i saw inside that it changes the nif location of  AOZaZPunishmentPillory from 


ZaZ-UltimateDataPack\ZaZ - Obejcts  Static\PunishmentPillory\PunishmentPillory-Static.nif - from zaz animation pack






this wouldn't be a problem (aside from i think the latter mesh has different texures) had anub included that pillory mesh with his files, but he didn't, i think assuming the end user would also have funnybiz's animation files installed.


so a solution to invisible pillories is to either


- disable slalanimobjects


- copy zaz's pillory into that directory,


- install funnybiz's mod or just his meshes.

Good to know, thanks. ^_^

I couldn't duplicate the problem, but since I am not running any of those mods I can now see why.

Something I failed to notice before, related to trying to sort masters, was in the Message tab of TES5Edit:  Parent of a NVNM is not identified as a CELL


No other output, other than what I've already posted of the debug output from TES5Edit.


All navmeshes are attached to their parent cells, otherwise CK would implode.

Still, no idea why that would show up in TES5, maybe it needs an update?


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Hey inte, love the work so far, really enjoying the new features!
If I could come up with a request though -- Could there be an option (MCM toggle if necessary, if people don't like the option i guess) that when the character is are taken as a prisoner they can be shaved by the jail master? Or at least have a racemenu prompt with the jailer proclaiming that they are going to cut their hair for humiliation/induction? I think that would add another level of prisoner humiliation :P

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