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Did a complete reset of prison overhaul and am still having issues with the in cell whipping scenario with a companion. Just dialogue for myself and my companion and then it ends. Whipping time is set to 120 seconds with cell punishment set to 60 seconds. Maybe an issue with whip time being > cell punish time?

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Wait, this is when you are supposed to whip your companion?


The whipping scene ends when the timer is up, or health bellow threshold.


No, when you AND your companion get whipped by a guard. And like I said, timer is set to 60 seconds / 120 seconds.


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If someone could be so kind to suggest me a skeleton (exact version) that works with CBBE hdt would make me a favour.


I Installed latest groovetama skeleton but its totally misaligned with PO pillory :( (also it changes character size each time hdt boots are equipped... and i even try size does matter mod all other animation even zaz furnitores are OK).


I used an older version that didn t have this problem but i had to reinstall everything and i lost it.

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If someone could be so kind to suggest me a skeleton (exact version) that works with CBBE hdt would make me a favour.


I Installed latest groovetama skeleton but its totally misaligned with PO pillory sad.png (also it changes character size each time hdt boots are equipped... and i even try size does matter mod all other animation even zaz furnitores are OK).


I used an older version that didn t have this problem but i had to reinstall everything and i lost it.


Strange. I have up to date version of XPMSE, but I have not noticed any problem with pillories. Does someone else experience this problem with furniture?


What comes to HDT boots, I do not recommend using them anyway. NiO supported high heels do not stress Papyrus as HDT HH does and NiO HH Fixes removes the height offset for furniture.


I know that too many mod authors in Nexus are still using HDT HH for their new mods. I do not understand why they keep doing so. It does not make any sense.

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If someone could be so kind to suggest me a skeleton (exact version) that works with CBBE hdt would make me a favour.


I Installed latest groovetama skeleton but its totally misaligned with PO pillory sad.png (also it changes character size each time hdt boots are equipped... and i even try size does matter mod all other animation even zaz furnitores are OK).


I used an older version that didn t have this problem but i had to reinstall everything and i lost it.


Strange. I have up to date version of XPMSE, but I have not noticed any problem with pillories. Does someone else experience this problem with furniture?


What comes to HDT boots, I do not recommend using them anyway. NiO supported high heels do not stress Papyrus as HDT HH does and NiO HH Fixes removes the height offset for furniture.


I know that too many mod authors in Nexus are still using HDT HH for their new mods. I do not understand why they keep doing so. It does not make any sense.


I use CBBE  bodyslide with HDT


I had the same problem in the past then disappeared and now i have it again after a fresh new reinstall :(


The thing with DD boots changing height is new instead

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Had Karliah as follower via AFT and had outfit management on and she lost everything and didn't get it back except for an ebony dagger. Don't know if that's part of the mod feature about the guards/jailer keeping your stuff on occasion or not. When I first recruited her, I had to give her a duplicate of all my Nightingale gear and weapons since hers doesn't show up in her inventory with AFT. I didn't feel like going back to a save before the arrest or going on with her no longer having Nightingale gear so I was like f**k it, just dupe my stuff for her again. Karliah is really cute in a pillory too so it was worth the trouble.

AFT has a gear management thing that should have let you manage her default outfit. You have to activate it first for each new follower.


I'd like to side with "against removal of unique armor" crowd here.

Same. Not a feature I'd want active.


I am trying to find a way to stop the spinning screen on idle 'feature' but there does not seem to be an easy way to do it.

I don't think anyone's ever found a way to disable it entirely but the timer can be changed with an ini entry.


You could include a xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.ini with just that entry and set the number of seconds to some ridiculously large value. If there's some way to edit ini files from within a mod or skse plugin, you could change it on arrest and then reset it to default after the prison sentence is over.


What comes to HDT boots, I do not recommend using them anyway. NiO supported high heels do not stress Papyrus as HDT HH does and NiO HH Fixes removes the height offset for furniture.


I know that too many mod authors in Nexus are still using HDT HH for their new mods. I do not understand why they keep doing so. It does not make any sense.

That really is a frustrating fact. ZerofrostSatyr and nsk13 make some damn fine armors over there, but I can't use but a few of the older ones because they absolutely gdamn insist on requiring hdt heels on all their latest and I just don't want it.

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Hi Inte,


I've just started trying out POP, and its actually really good :o Love the variety of things that can happen while one is in prison. And lovely level of customisation possible.


Would it be possible to request that the mcm sliders allow a shorter minimum time between punishments? I know that's why theres a timescale modification between punishment events, but I'd like to be able to set for more frequent punishments if possible (e.g. minimum 5-10 minutes between punishments).

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I was sorting masters of my plugins and when it came to your patch I got this in Tes5Edit.





[01:07] Background Loader: [xazPrisonOverhaul.esp] Building reference info.
[01:07] Background Loader: [xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp] Building reference info.
[01:07] Background Loader: Parent of a NVNM is not identified as a CELL
[01:07] Background Loader: Fatal: <EAssertionFailed: Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbDefinitionsTES5.pas, line 2264)>


I am unsure how to fix this. 

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I was sorting masters of my plugins and when it came to your patch I got this in Tes5Edit.


[01:07] Background Loader: [xazPrisonOverhaul.esp] Building reference info.

[01:07] Background Loader: [xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp] Building reference info.

[01:07] Background Loader: Parent of a NVNM is not identified as a CELL

[01:07] Background Loader: Fatal: <EAssertionFailed: Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbDefinitionsTES5.pas, line 2264)>


I am unsure how to fix this.


You can do one of two things.

  • In TES5 you can remove all navmesh modifications POP makes for Raven Rock. Downside of course, is that all the NPCs will try to walk right through the POP pillories, and whoever is in them. Upside, you can sort POP masters, which makes no difference whatsoever when running the game or in CK.
  • You leave it as is. Downside, can't sort POP masters. Upside, everything works properly in Raven Rock.

It's either a failure of CK or TES5 limitation, because if I move even one navmesh vertex in Raven Rock, TES5 will throw that error. Whereas, it will not do that on any Skyrim cell no matter how much I change the navmesh.


It's probably CK tho, because it orders the masters in order they were added.

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I was sorting masters of my plugins and when it came to your patch I got this in Tes5Edit.


[01:07] Background Loader: [xazPrisonOverhaul.esp] Building reference info.

[01:07] Background Loader: [xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp] Building reference info.

[01:07] Background Loader: Parent of a NVNM is not identified as a CELL

[01:07] Background Loader: Fatal: <EAssertionFailed: Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbDefinitionsTES5.pas, line 2264)>


I am unsure how to fix this.


You can do one of two things.

  • In TES5 you can remove all navmesh modifications POP makes for Raven Rock. Downside of course, is that all the NPCs will try to walk right through the POP pillories, and whoever is in them. Upside, you can sort POP masters, which makes no difference whatsoever when running the game or in CK.
  • You leave it as is. Downside, can't sort POP masters. Upside, everything works properly in Raven Rock.

It's either a failure of CK or TES5 limitation, because if I move even one navmesh vertex in Raven Rock, TES5 will throw that error. Whereas, it will not do that on any Skyrim cell no matter how much I change the navmesh.


It's probably CK tho, because it orders the masters in order they were added.


Hhhmmmm...let me think......I'll take door number 3 Bob.


Leave as is - - -  it is.


And thank you for the detailed information Inte.

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I seem to be having an issue with Bounty Hunters. I've managed to finally pay off my bounty after killing them four or five times, however even then, the bounty hunter keeps following me, then he greets me with his weapon unsheathed, but no PO dialogue. I can just quit the dialogue normally until he starts chasing me again and does the same thing.


What could be wrong? Also, while I figure out what's wrong, would using 'disable' on the guard be a problem?

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Hello there,  I always get CTDs during the process of arresting, sex scene (in Prison), and also the animations did not worked well sometimes like both actors are just standing only with sex sounds after being positioned. Not everytime as I tried to reload again, but it is annoying to encounter these CTDs out of sudden while I am really enjoying. I really like this mod and please help me to fix this...

If I am not mistaken this mod does arrest the follower right? The guards aren't doing anything to my follower (Sofia).

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Hello there,  I always get CTDs during the process of arresting, sex scene (in Prison), and also the animations did not worked well sometimes like both actors are just standing only with sex sounds after being positioned. Not everytime as I tried to reload again, but it is annoying to encounter these CTDs out of sudden while I am really enjoying. I really like this mod and please help me to fix this...

If I am not mistaken this mod does arrest the follower right? The guards aren't doing anything to my follower (Sofia).


Try resetting the animation registry in SL MCM.

Followers have to be tagged as such.


Any ideas on how to fix my cell whipping punishment with companion problem?


In the POP MCM make sure 'Utility Tasks' is set to none.


Found the fix for the misalignment issue.

Had to install a really old legacy version of XPMS :(


dunno why prison overhaul doesn t work for me with latest version


I am using 1.96 so idk.  


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Found the fix for the misalignment issue.

Had to install a really old legacy version of XPMS :(


dunno why prison overhaul doesn t work for me with latest version


I am using 1.96 so idk.  




Yes i installed 1.93 i had somewhere... but latest version is 3.9 its just a little outdated...


At least now i know wich the problem was.

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Hello there,  I always get CTDs during the process of arresting, sex scene (in Prison), and also the animations did not worked well sometimes like both actors are just standing only with sex sounds after being positioned. Not everytime as I tried to reload again, but it is annoying to encounter these CTDs out of sudden while I am really enjoying. I really like this mod and please help me to fix this...

If I am not mistaken this mod does arrest the follower right? The guards aren't doing anything to my follower (Sofia).


Try resetting the animation registry in SL MCM.

Followers have to be tagged as such.


Any ideas on how to fix my cell whipping punishment with companion problem?


In the POP MCM make sure 'Utility Tasks' is set to none.


Found the fix for the misalignment issue.

Had to install a really old legacy version of XPMS :(


dunno why prison overhaul doesn t work for me with latest version


I am using 1.96 so idk.  




It is set to no tasks. Maybe an issue with POP animations for punishments (though their is no animation for whipping...) ?


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Now this kind of discussion, I like. ;)



  1. When that ScanLocation function is called the quest is stopped.
  2. Then, it is started again using SendStoryEvent with the location as an option.  
  3. Next, the while loop waits to make sure the quest has started if it can. (The quest only starts if all its aliases have been filled, since they are not 'Optional' in the CK.) (So, yes the while loop does measure time.)
  4. Finally, it displays the results, and returns whether the quest has started or not.


For 3 above I can kind of see how that while function might jump the gun a little (on script heavy games), and decide that 10 seconds would be enough and proceed to the results stage, even though the quest might not have finished starting yet.   


Proposed Solution,

I can change the SendStoryEvent to SendStoryEventAndWait and eliminate that while loop.


Proposed Solution Concerns,

The SendStoryEvent will start a quest with the given options and that is it. Whereas, SendStoryEventAndWait does just that, will start the quest and wait for it to finish (or not) . Since all this is happening at arrest time my concern is, what if SendStoryEventAndWait will take say 2 min. or more?



Since this is one of many such situations in PO adding a MCM option just for this would be an overkill, no? So, I will try my proposed solution and see how it plays.




As far as handling PC's stuff, that is just a simple RemoveAll function.


@ Inte


Hi there.  I've now managed to find some time and have tried testing my game again against 8i, to see if that had fixed the issues I seemed to be having with the Location Scan not completing on arrest. 


So far I have had a mixed result, but before I start posting potentially naff explanations of observed weirdness and the like, and adding interminably boring logs for info, can you tell me if you did add anything in that might have changed the location scanning behaviour? 


One log I have, where there was a successful arrest, indicates you may well have, but I'm not too sure, and overall, as it's almost still as hit and miss in getting successful arrests as before, I really don't want to waste your time with a load of stuff if nothing was changed in the first place, other than where you think that it may be useful in narrowing down the issues involved


I have read through the entire thread since 8i went live, and that's not of any real help, as I can't see much that is really similar to what I'm getting


Look forward to hearing from you







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Yes, I did change the ScanLocation function just like in my proposed solution* above. Everything worked perfectly in all of my tests.**


* - Did I forget to mention that in the OP? I knew I was forgetting something. :-/

** - Everything did work perfectly before the changes for me as well, so I did not see any positive/detrimental effects.    

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