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Paid mods for skyrim.

Guest Suited Prawns

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Oh guys, it gets better. Check this out:





JCDenton 36 minutes ago 
wow really pop up ads for mods... i was happy to donate in the past but this just leaves a bad taste. GL anyway I understand your position.
xilverbulet  [author] 7 hours ago 
@Mister Nobody. Yes, if you have the Paid Mod, unsubscribe from this one. It has all the content of this and removes the "please buy the paid mod" annoyance. And yes, the Pop-ups are too annoying. Right now, they're set to 4% chance of displaying per cast of the 5 most awesome new spells. I'll reduce that hopefully this weekend to once per game load.

Best to unsubscribe from this one and remove the MidasSkyrim.esp to be sure you download the correct one at next launch.

I had to use the same name to make sure that all progress towards earning the spells was saved for the Donating customers.



Yes that's right. Now if you use a non-paid version of a mod, you get popup advertisements ingame telling you to buy the paid version. Nice huh?


Now imagine using SkyUI 4.1, and you start getting ads blocking your different windows, telling you to upgrade to the paid version.

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I wont be buying any mods, i'd rather Pirate mods than pay for it.


The only mod im super excited for is SKYUI which is going paid only and is getting an update soon  ;)


Well as i said as long as there will be no DRM on mods there will be still plenty of badass free mod, alot of talented and popular modders clearly said that they will still developed their mods for free :)

There will always be bros that will just want to mod to simply add more stuff to their games and what not..


Edit: welp to the guy above me, this is really shitty, this is too low... these mods i will never buy or even download for free.. 

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Oh guys, it gets better. Check this out:





JCDenton 36 minutes ago 
wow really pop up ads for mods... i was happy to donate in the past but this just leaves a bad taste. GL anyway I understand your position.
xilverbulet  [author] 7 hours ago 
@Mister Nobody. Yes, if you have the Paid Mod, unsubscribe from this one. It has all the content of this and removes the "please buy the paid mod" annoyance. And yes, the Pop-ups are too annoying. Right now, they're set to 4% chance of displaying per cast of the 5 most awesome new spells. I'll reduce that hopefully this weekend to once per game load.


Best to unsubscribe from this one and remove the MidasSkyrim.esp to be sure you download the correct one at next launch.


I had to use the same name to make sure that all progress towards earning the spells was saved for the Donating customers.



Yes that's right. Now if you use a non-paid version of a mod, you get popup advertisements ingame telling you to buy the paid version. Nice huh?


Now imagine using SkyUI 4.1, and you start getting ads blocking your different windows, telling you to upgrade to the paid version.


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I would simply like to point out two big-big-big loopholes of the whole system.


1. No one prevents you from downloading a mod from Nexus or LoversLab, and then uploading it to SteamWorkshop, claiming you made it. It has already been done when mods were free, and now thieves can profit from this too. Indeed, many people on Nexus have already hid their mods and modders resources because of this.


2. No one prevents you from buying a mod, copying the data files to an other folder, "unbuying the mod" (asking for refund), then copying the data files back. Hell, that same person could even upload that mod to a pirate site! As a matter of fact, it's already happening. Hell, someone might as well make physical copies of these pirated mods, and sell them for money on CDs and such. Who is going to prevent such an abuse? No one!


The fact I heavily oppose the idea of paying for mods (because I'm a greedy cheapskate) is one thing, but this... This system is completely broken. I just presented you two of the many potential loopholes within this broken mockery of a "system". Who is going to prevent people from abusing these two loopholes again? No one!


The problem with point 2 it that you get your money back in your steam-wallet and not as real money. At the time you realize a mod it crap or conflicting the money is already valves and you only take the 25% cut of the modder when refunding.


I'm outraged about how bold valve is (ab)using the modders. They draw small modders with the promise of quick and easy money which will never get over the 400$ hurdle and basically leave them with nothing.


I have spent over 1000 hours in the Creation Kit myself and can partially understand that some modders want to earn a compensation for their work, but I'm completly adhered by the huge cut valve is taking and their shady refund and payout policy.


Modding is an amateur hobby which shouldn't be corrupted by money. That's basically like every hobby: you put effort in it to gain fun not money.

I mean you can't really price it correcly. If you subtract the time a person needs to learn papyrus and the CK, the work time of most mods is a couple of hours. Therefore every payment over 1 cent is too much imho. You can't compare a mod made by an amateur with a game or DLC made by an experienced, skilled and employed team.

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have you ever made you thoughts, why it happened just now. ;)

I have an opinion and is rock solid, Bethesda and ZeniMax Online Studios have with TESO a billion loss done, on 17 March 2015 was TESO Free to Play,

you have to buy the game just yet!
even now remained of the desired success, almost all Skyrim players (20 million) remained faithful to skyrim.
exactly one month later, paid mods irgentwie they have their losses "compensate" again and this is a poverty certificate !!

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This is just more reason to pirate the games.


You can pretty much bet your sweet ass some Russian sites and probably most public trackers like kickass will have all of the steam workshop paid mods ups for grabs.


I don't mind paid mods. The problem is the pricing. People are insane thinking their weapon models are worth $2.50, or their fishing overhauls are worth $5. Fully fledged, professionally voice acted DLC is usually 10-15 dollars.



I wouldn't mind shelling out 5 or 10 cents for some decent remodels / new weapons armor, or a dollar or two for really well made mods like immersive NPC's / Sky UI etc... But the prices these people are asking is insane. Just look at the skins for CSGO/DotA 2 and compare the prices.

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it is the same thing.

you provide something for someone and you have the right to ask to be compensated for it.


Modder is not your servant which is obliged to deliver just because you want it.


If he would choose to deliver for free then its great. But you have no right to demand him to do so.



It isn't really. It more like football(soccer) was a hobby for him which he hold very dearly and was very passionate about it to a point where he was good enough to be signed by real madrid. This is pretty much like people getting employed by (to be on topic) valve because of their great mods. Not everybody's gonna get into real madrid, and have the (jesus, i hate this word) "privilege" to do what he wishes and get to be recognized for his unique talents, yet how many in the world hope and try their utmost best? Theres a sharp distinction between industry grade and "common" grade things. And before it somehow get's twisted, i'm not saying that modders shouldn't get "paid", but just like lower sponsores, We are the ones paying the modders by either patreon and/or through donations, yet they threw us away for a "better bigger deal" which isn't even favourable to the modders themselfes. They have a right to ask for money, but the moment it's behind a paywall, and they do not ask, they demand for money, Which is (to stay with our theme) like as if they charged to look for the football matches which take place in a public football ground. Not to mention the ficky fucky laws, or any other idiotic shit valve pressed.

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This is just more reason to pirate the games.


You can pretty much bet your sweet ass some Russian sites and probably most public trackers like kickass will have all of the steam workshop paid mods ups for grabs.


I don't mind paid mods. The problem is the pricing. People are insane thinking their weapon models are worth $2.50, or their fishing overhauls are worth $5. Fully fledged, professionally voice acted DLC is usually 10-15 dollars.



I wouldn't mind shelling out 5 or 10 cents for some decent remodels / new weapons armor, or a dollar or two for really well made mods like immersive NPC's / Sky UI etc... But the prices these people are asking is insane. Just look at the skins for CSGO/DotA 2 and compare the prices.

Oy Vey!! 5 to 10 cents!!! what are you some kind of Anti-Semite!

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This is just more reason to pirate the games.


You can pretty much bet your sweet ass some Russian sites and probably most public trackers like kickass will have all of the steam workshop paid mods ups for grabs.


I don't mind paid mods. The problem is the pricing. People are insane thinking their weapon models are worth $2.50, or their fishing overhauls are worth $5. Fully fledged, professionally voice acted DLC is usually 10-15 dollars.



I wouldn't mind shelling out 5 or 10 cents for some decent remodels / new weapons armor, or a dollar or two for really well made mods like immersive NPC's / Sky UI etc... But the prices these people are asking is insane. Just look at the skins for CSGO/DotA 2 and compare the prices.


The thing is that CSGO skins show status, its a multiplayer game and expensive skins give you some respect (as sad and terrible as it sounds), i don't see how it is justifiable to ask 2.5$ on an armor set for a single player game like Skyrim.. 

I think modders feel the impact of the 75% cut to ValveThesda and set higher prices due to that reason..

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This is where the problems starts, Bethesda will eventually notice it and without any hesitation they will ask the so called retired Skyrim development team to create a new "update" aka encryption DRM for the Creation kit and the game.


If this really happens then those mods that is updated with the new creation kit will be encrypted! and the mods will only work to those who has downloaded the mods on Workshop with his or her PC only. Say goodbye on sharing free mods =.= And secondly all of the future mods of future Bethesda games are pretty much confirmed Steam Workshop exclusive if it really happens.



Coming from someone who hates DRM with a passion: Even that is not -really- a problem as long as the modder can switch on and off the DRM crap on their own end and isn't -forced- to use it.


The one really big danger to what we do here (and that isn't even strictly connected to paid mods at all) is indeed them enforcing mods to be published on Workshop only. Many games already do that and since Steam can freely decide what and what not to allow, modding would effectively be censored. You can bet on THAT being the end of the sort of mods we're making here, since I am not aware of any major corporation on the planet tolerating adult content on their systems. We'd be suddenly living in an Apple-like "ecosystem" where a handful suits decide what software people can develop and what features it can and cannot have.


I guess that will be the time when we won't only have to make mods but the games that run them as well. Oh well...not that we couldn't...*cough* https://openmw.org/en/*cough*

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Sadly :( i doubt Valve will remove this paid mods Workshop i mean just look at those paid mods that has passed through! 




It looks like there are people who supports this kind of crap =.= just look at the current "subscribers" buyers


Does "subscribers" really mean buyers?


That would mean they (Valve) made 2627*0.75 = ~1970 on one armor replacer mod?


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upddate your anti virus software often.

you will need it on these chinese sites...

and if paying 50 cents for someones hard work is outrageous for you then hell if i care if your pc get infected...




hard work?










so much hard work indeed^^


but what make you think they will get some $ for that?

they get nothing until they made 100$, and they only get 25%, so they have to sell for 400$


few will get there, but if one make it, will he really get 100%

or won't he just be able to get 100$ of steam products?


as i said, those $ for your mod are just an excuse to make you generate $ for steam



Boy that grass, what pc setup do you think will run that grass + enb dayum..

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Boy, that debut pack for only 22,37€ sure looks tempting lol The prices for some new models, bit of retexture and stuff like that, it's almost like we're buying vanilla game again. So dozens of hours of gameplay, hundreds of quests and all work put into creating the world of Skyrim = debut pack bundle? Sounds legit!

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In my country its pretty much a foundation of society that everyone have a right to ask for reward after doing some work.

If you would write that on the wall of a toilet stall, or put that under the title of a book, i think everyone from capitalists to communists would agree.


However, modding was never done in the perspective of paid work.

I'll just copy and paste this post by the Steam user The Spartan<TWM> which is a very good read on the subject, and might open the eyes of a few people:

On Modding & Money, an Argument Against


So now modders can be paid for their work in Skyrim, and I think we can all agree it's a little controversial. I've seen a lot of people flinging ♥♥♥♥ and using ad hominem on both sides of the discussion, but it seems like the most common argument I see used against those who don't want modding monetized in this way (or maybe anyway at all, who am I to say?) is that they're either entitled, or angry because they're too poor to pay for them. Neither of those apply to me, and I don't want my opinion to be discounted with a broad generalization. But the practical concerns (compatibility, reliability, pricing, copyright infringement, DRM, etc.) have already been touched on. The ethics haven't. So here's why monetizing mods is bad.


Modding started in earnest with id in the early 90s. Mods had been made earlier, but Wolfenstein and Doom were the first games to really bring modding to the forefront. Other developers had spurned or entirely ignored modding, going so far as to prevent modifications to their whenever possible and in many cases make it a violation of the EULA. id, namely Carmack, were however strong proponents of the Hacker Ethic[en.wikipedia.org], and added tools and concessions to their games to making modding not just possible, but practicable. "If the players can make their own levels, they won't buy our sequel(s)" was used against modding, but at a potentially great risk to their bottom line they added a development kit and modding tools to their game. In keeping with the hacker ethic, information could be free, and people had the power to make something amazing with limited experience or expertise. More than two decades on, Doom what is perhaps the most vibrant modding community in the history of videogames, and people are to this day making amazing things in it.


This idea of freedom and creation for its own sake has been the central tenet of modding ever since, and we've all benefit. I'm firmly of the opinion that without that freedom to explore and create we'll all suffer. Modding has always been considered something of a public service, spending the time and effort to make something great so everyone (you included!) can benefit. I think that's incredible, but what's more incredible is how long the modding community has persisted. And in that time they've creating everything from tiny game edits to full conversions that rival[www.thedarkmod.com] and even surpass[ja2v113.pbworks.com] the original product. Some even[www.killingfloorthegame.com] become[blog.counter-strike.net] retail[www.teamfortress.com] games[blog.dota2.com]! That's only a small fraction of what's been made, but it was built on the principle of making something you enjoy, and sharing for others to enjoy and maybe even make better!


But somewhere down the line modding turned from a public service into labour, to work. No longer is the bliss of creating something great and sharing it sufficient. And here we are. Modding doesn't exist without the freedom to create and share, which is why it cannot exist behind a paywall. The Workshop's well... shop is an existential threat to the future of modding. Make no mistake, VALVe has a near monopoly on the world of computer games and if this cash shop becomes the norm I fear that modding as it is may disappear forever. Instead of modders, we'll have unemployed labourers, handling the task of fixing an unfinished or broken game that the dev left behind, paid only a mercenary sum of whatever the publisher thinks they're deserving after the Gabe Tax (they get 25% now before local tax, how much lower can it sink?)


I think modding is the single greatest part of videogames, a veritable secret garden in an otherwise shamelessly commercialized enterprise, and if we allow the Workshop's shop to take root it'll be gone forever. Thank you, and if you agree with me please consider signing this petition[www.change.org] to show your opposition. If not, I would love to hear your rebuttal!






Rules 12: We are a free and open community; members requiring payment for mods, support, or putting anything behind a paywall will be removed without warning. Donation buttons/links to support an author is fine, so long as nothing is promised, given, or rewarded other than a sense of satisfaction for supporting an author or owner of content.

Do we have a heading of Ashal view on the new steam paywall system ?? This could clash with mods being hosted here mainly racemenu or other mods. So how this effect this site now ??


Yes we definitely need an official clarification. Sooner or later, SexLab will depend on a mod that is only available on the paid workshop (or depend on a mod that depends on a paid mod).

This seems like a conflict with the forum rules and ethics.

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Potential mod users, potential customers? They want to use it for free. LOL

You have a twisted logic. It's like a fat moron who does nothing but play videogames all day long saying those American soldiers fight to earn cash, what a bunch of greedy bastard.


Okay this bugs me personally as someone who tried to get into the Army but was discharged from BCT due to a genetic defect.



Sure, some recruits do indeed join up for the money, but other join because they want to do something for their country, to try and make the world a less shitty place.


Now, to bring my post back on topic, I personally believe that people who can't afford to donate shouldn't be treated as lesser people because you honestly don't know if they aren't donating because they don't want to, or because that money could be better spent on their electric bill that's past due. Bringing down someone without knowing their reason for having the opinion that they have is an inexcusable and unpleasant thing to do.


Those who can donate should also not feel compelled to do so, unless they want to. It takes all kinds to build a community, sectioning it off behind gates just takes a good thing and drags it through a pile of shit, face-first. People should donate to a mod author if they like their work, and their work is good. I mean personally, I would donate to 2/3 of the mod authors I've used mods from, but it is financially beyond me, since I am unemployed, and my rib defect makes it hard to find a job.


And to the thread in general, shitting on the mod authors isn't the best way to go about it. I mean sure people call them sellouts, but when you get pennies while Bethesda and Valve rake in the cash, who's the real sellout here? Furthermore, Valve takes a flat 30% of the profit - which I believe is the same as their cut for Greenlit games - whereas Bethesda sets their cut, and what the Creator gets. So, in general its Bethesda itself that is the source of the asshattery here, not so much Valve, and definitely not the creator. Sure, I can see the point of frustration of a new mod version only being released in a paid format, because that's an asshole thing to do when previous versions have been free. However, an acceptable alternative would be a delayed free release. A sort of "shell out cash for it nowor wait a month and get it for free", or a "pay what you want, from a penny to thirty grand" sort of deal.


I've wanted to be a part of the games industry since I was six years old. I've made some small games of my own that I've never released publicly as practice, I've applied to schools but could not financially make it in. And nowadays, with all this shit going on in the industry, I'm rapidly losing faith in the career path I've dreamed about for around fifteen years.



This post went on far longer than I expected but at one point I just figured I might as well get everything on my mind out there somewhere before it drives me insane.


TL;DR: Bethesda is the whole reason the mod author gets a shit percent and the whole system is a horrible, greedy take on an okay idea.

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Yes we definitely need an official clarification. Sooner or later, SexLab will depend on a mod that is only available on the paid workshop (or depend on a mod that depends on a paid mod).

This seems like a conflict with the forum rules and ethics.



SexLab needs SKSE (which is licensed under an open source license) and FNIS (which has been announced by its creator to always remain free), so the major components are safe. Replacing MCM with a free version wouldn't be THAT hard if it comes down to that. And the notion to charge for the unofficial patches is ludicrous, so that will not happen either.


No reason to worry about SexLab, and none to introduce more doom and gloom to this discussion than is already there. ;)

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Yes we definitely need an official clarification. Sooner or later, SexLab will depend on a mod that is only available on the paid workshop (or depend on a mod that depends on a paid mod).

This seems like a conflict with the forum rules and ethics.



SexLab needs SKSE (which is licensed under an open source license) and FNIS (which has been announced by its creator to always remain free), so the major components are safe. Replacing MCM with a free version wouldn't be THAT hard if it comes down to that. And the notion to charge for the unofficial patches is ludicrous, so that will not happen either.


No reason to worry about SexLab, and none to introduce more doom and gloom to this discussion than is already there. ;)



not bad, and if these are set modder from Valve under pressure?

and all of a sudden their mods disappear!

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SexLab needs SKSE (which is licensed under an open source license) and FNIS (which has been announced by its creator to always remain free), so the major components are safe. Replacing MCM with a free version wouldn't be THAT hard if it comes down to that. And the notion to charge for the unofficial patches is ludicrous, so that will not happen either.


No reason to worry about SexLab, and none to introduce more doom and gloom to this discussion than is already there. ;)

We'll see about that. SKSE developers already said they're working with Valve on a solution to make an SWS version of SKSE. This will further push authors into making "premium" versions of their mods, which SkyUI has already done.


Suddenly confronted with the choice "no money" or "get money", even the most respected mod authors like expired6978 are jumping on the cash train:






So we clearly haven't heard the end of the story.

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This situation at hand:
1. It sucks - fact is, businesses will always make business decisions.
2. Yes, it's actually happening - A quote from a former professor, "When changes happen, you either accept it (doesn't mean you like or agree with it) or get run over by it."
3. There's nothing that change this*
*Except for the underlying reason behind it all, MONEY. Screaming and yelling because you're pissed off or upset won't do anything. Don't misunderstand me, I'm just as angered and upset as other users are, I'm just trying to think rationally not emotionally.
There are only two things that could perhaps possibly change the "paying" for downloading mods but only one of which will make an impact:
1. Traffic (Users playing) - Skyrim is on its 3rd year and still is among the top games played on Steam, the reason for that is of course the FREE mods that users have done knowing that money was not involved. It makes business sense that Valve/Beth would want to use this for profit, as after all, it's Bethesda's game and tools(mostly) that are being used and hosted on the Valve run Steam site. Just like investing though, would you invest in a company that was declining? I wouldn't, thus if the number of players plummets to abysmal numbers, then it doesn't make sense to invest in something that is declining.
This doesn't protect future games at all (especially after the success of Skyrim and even Oblivion), but if Skyrim were to rapidly fall in the number of players then using resources to try and make money off it would be a waste of time.
Obviously this is almost 100% impossible that such a thing would happen, we're here because we enjoy playing Skyrim and don't want to stop and also 80-90% of the players aren't even aware of what's really happening. So a boycott is out of the picture.
2. Money (The only voice you have) - You don't speak with words or grammatically incorrect sentences, like the ones I write, for yourself to be heard, you speak with your wallet.
Money says everything, do not purchase any and I mean ANY mod from the workshop, do NOT BUY ANY Game that has mods you need to pay for.
The one and absolutely only chance in our wildest dreams for modding to become 100% free again, is to close your wallet.
Businesses make business decisions, but when businesses start to lose customers(don't care about) and their money(only care about) because of said business decision then, changes will happen. Doesn't mean that the changes will be better, could be worse, but if future Beth games like Fallout 4 and TES VI, come with "for sale" mods only then not buying/playing games those is the only way that changes might possibly occur.
This whole situation sucks, it really does and all that I can think of is why do have to be so greedy? Aren't you satisfied with what you have? But of course that never EVER true in business. I do think that Valve/Beth are playing too aggressive here, they're jeopardising the reason behind Skyrim's 3+ years of success, the mods. Without mods Skyrim would be no where near as big as it is now. Sure some would still be playing it, but not in the 30,000-50,000+ range every day. If mods cost money then it destroys the modders desire to make what they would like, instead now they're forced to make whatever brings in more money (boobs, boobs and more boobs).
I know, I did the whole YouTube thing for almost 3 years, did decent with it and once money became a part of making videos, things changed from what I enjoyed making, to what will get me more views. The same will happen with mods, not immediately though but before too long you'll see what I mean.  
I do applaud the modders against the "pay for download" mods, as in reality they have more of a say in how this situation unfolds than the rest of us put together.



Agree on most.


I think only a small group like me will boycot rest just go with flow whatever crap shove up there ass they take it like nice cookie.


I dont say its end of Modding but im sure we get sinds yesterday a separate community greedy steam and free mod sites with severe restrictions because of stealing.


And maybe even group into hiding making mods for the real trust worthty peeps.


Valve/Bethesda as EA/UBISOFT and many others before Destroying the generous and free mod community.


They all probably also look at facebook google and ms how to make money be GREEDY.



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In my country its pretty much a foundation of society that everyone have a right to ask for reward after doing some work.

If you would write that on the wall of a toilet stall, or put that under the title of a book, i think everyone from capitalists to communists would agree.


However, modding was never done in the perspective of paid work.

I'll just copy and paste this post by the Steam user The Spartan<TWM> which is a very good read on the subject, and might open the eyes of a few people:

On Modding & Money, an Argument Against


So now modders can be paid for their work in Skyrim, and I think we can all agree it's a little controversial. I've seen a lot of people flinging ♥♥♥♥ and using ad hominem on both sides of the discussion, but it seems like the most common argument I see used against those who don't want modding monetized in this way (or maybe anyway at all, who am I to say?) is that they're either entitled, or angry because they're too poor to pay for them. Neither of those apply to me, and I don't want my opinion to be discounted with a broad generalization. But the practical concerns (compatibility, reliability, pricing, copyright infringement, DRM, etc.) have already been touched on. The ethics haven't. So here's why monetizing mods is bad.


Modding started in earnest with id in the early 90s. Mods had been made earlier, but Wolfenstein and Doom were the first games to really bring modding to the forefront. Other developers had spurned or entirely ignored modding, going so far as to prevent modifications to their whenever possible and in many cases make it a violation of the EULA. id, namely Carmack, were however strong proponents of the Hacker Ethic[en.wikipedia.org], and added tools and concessions to their games to making modding not just possible, but practicable. "If the players can make their own levels, they won't buy our sequel(s)" was used against modding, but at a potentially great risk to their bottom line they added a development kit and modding tools to their game. In keeping with the hacker ethic, information could be free, and people had the power to make something amazing with limited experience or expertise. More than two decades on, Doom what is perhaps the most vibrant modding community in the history of videogames, and people are to this day making amazing things in it.


This idea of freedom and creation for its own sake has been the central tenet of modding ever since, and we've all benefit. I'm firmly of the opinion that without that freedom to explore and create we'll all suffer. Modding has always been considered something of a public service, spending the time and effort to make something great so everyone (you included!) can benefit. I think that's incredible, but what's more incredible is how long the modding community has persisted. And in that time they've creating everything from tiny game edits to full conversions that rival[www.thedarkmod.com] and even surpass[ja2v113.pbworks.com] the original product. Some even[www.killingfloorthegame.com] become[blog.counter-strike.net] retail[www.teamfortress.com] games[blog.dota2.com]! That's only a small fraction of what's been made, but it was built on the principle of making something you enjoy, and sharing for others to enjoy and maybe even make better!


But somewhere down the line modding turned from a public service into labour, to work. No longer is the bliss of creating something great and sharing it sufficient. And here we are. Modding doesn't exist without the freedom to create and share, which is why it cannot exist behind a paywall. The Workshop's well... shop is an existential threat to the future of modding. Make no mistake, VALVe has a near monopoly on the world of computer games and if this cash shop becomes the norm I fear that modding as it is may disappear forever. Instead of modders, we'll have unemployed labourers, handling the task of fixing an unfinished or broken game that the dev left behind, paid only a mercenary sum of whatever the publisher thinks they're deserving after the Gabe Tax (they get 25% now before local tax, how much lower can it sink?)


I think modding is the single greatest part of videogames, a veritable secret garden in an otherwise shamelessly commercialized enterprise, and if we allow the Workshop's shop to take root it'll be gone forever. Thank you, and if you agree with me please consider signing this petition[www.change.org] to show your opposition. If not, I would love to hear your rebuttal!






Rules 12: We are a free and open community; members requiring payment for mods, support, or putting anything behind a paywall will be removed without warning. Donation buttons/links to support an author is fine, so long as nothing is promised, given, or rewarded other than a sense of satisfaction for supporting an author or owner of content.

Do we have a heading of Ashal view on the new steam paywall system ?? This could clash with mods being hosted here mainly racemenu or other mods. So how this effect this site now ??


Yes we definitely need an official clarification. Sooner or later, SexLab will depend on a mod that is only available on the paid workshop (or depend on a mod that depends on a paid mod).

This seems like a conflict with the forum rules and ethics.



A very good write up of this SPARTAN and i agree completely.



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Worst decision ever :'(


In the long-run, paid mods will be the death of TES franchise. Without mods, I wouldn't even bother to grab a copy of Skyrim for 5 bucks. And with a mod list of 100+ mods, I will most definitely not bother buying them. Over the years, how many mods did I try until I found a setup that I liked? 500+ mods at least. Insane. Gaming industry is going worse and worse. I guess I will go back to play Lego :P

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