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Paid mods for skyrim.

Guest Suited Prawns

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What's your problem with my attitude? Can't I be the pessimist?


Is it even being a pessimist or is it just being a realist?

The reality of the situation is that average mod users are now customers and mod makers are just underpaid labor for companies to bilk.


The hands off, "buy at your own risk" stance that EA valve and beth have taken means that if anything breaks... too fucking bad.

Meanwhile they limit the rights of content creators while paying them literal pennies on the dollar.

Creators currently have the ability to shut down any and all dissent it seems (though to be fair it is also being used to clean out loads of spam atm).

Inflation (even with a pseudo pay what you want system) will be an issue with do measuring stick in sight.

Quality control is non existent.

Theft both before and after uploading a mod is also an issue.


And thats just a few issues that we can already see rearing their ugly heads.

But all that is chump change to where the real danger or problems come form in all this.


Think about the future... fallout 4, TES6 or any game with mods for that matter. Valve and beth have made money off of this ordeal already, they would be stupid to stop now.

People, whatever their motive (greed, entitlement, anger, sense of justice or whatever), will seek to steal the mods that people make.

That will force these companies to protect their profit margins by working drm into the mix (mark my words, they will find a way).

Legal precedents will be set and laws will change to protect companies from "evil" modders/hackers/pirates/GG/whatever.


I have absolutely no doubt that the next beth game to come out will have steam workshop exclusive somewhere in its eula.


Its not being defeatist or even pessimistic... its just seeing the way things are for what they really are.





All of this will happen only if  "pcmasterrace" gamers it allow it to happen. Which probably will because it seems like a lot of people lack an actual backbone.I've been seeing this pattern since dlc,microtransactions and pay to win crap reared it's ugly head. There's always people who are not even trying to put up a fight and don't  even realize by default you're already setting the stage for ridiculous things like this becoming a reality.



So like i said the first time it's a defeatist attitude. 



Agree or Disagree it makes no difference to me.

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Does anyone else think something fishy might be going on with the amount of subscribers on the new payed mods?

Maybe I'm just paranoid here but I wouldn't put it passed valve to have insiders supporting the early payed mods, to make them seem appealing.


So I've decided to run a little test of sorts.

I've uploaded my mod to to skyrim workshop, for free.

It's a quest dungeon mod and offers

Main quest
Side quests
Huge dungeons
Lots of npc's (most voice acted)
New spells
Places to explore
Challenging enemies
Original soundtrack

It's already on nexus and currently has 130 endorsements and the feedback has been fairly strong, with only minor bugs/issues here and there.

Steam status - 12 Current Subscribers


Ok so I'm going to be doing a comparison to another recently uploaded mod, that is a pay mod.

The only one currently under the quest tab

This mod offers

a very short two step story quest inspired by the game Half-Life. The quest includes custom voice acting, and on completion of the quest you are rewarded with a story book and the Crowbar

It costs £0.33 currently has 469 Current Subscribers


Which mod is more appealing?

Mine offers more content, but it doesn't have the half-life fandom appeal, but it also doesn't have a price tag.

Which mod will end up with the most subscribers, time will tell


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Does anyone else think something fishy might be going on with the amount of subscribers on the new payed mods?

Maybe I'm just paranoid here but I wouldn't put it passed valve to have insiders supporting the early payed mods, to make them seem appealing.


So I've decided to run a little test of sorts.

I've uploaded my mod to to skyrim workshop, for free.

It's a quest dungeon mod and offers

Main quest

Side quests

Huge dungeons

Lots of npc's (most voice acted)

New spells

Places to explore

Challenging enemies

Original soundtrack

It's already on nexus and currently has 130 endorsements and the feedback has been fairly strong, with only minor bugs/issues here and there.

Steam status - 12 Current Subscribers


Ok so I'm going to be doing a comparison to another recently uploaded mod, that is a pay mod.

The only one currently under the quest tab

This mod offers

a very short two step story quest inspired by the game Half-Life. The quest includes custom voice acting, and on completion of the quest you are rewarded with a story book and the Crowbar

It costs £0.33 currently has 469 Current Subscribers


Which mod is more appealing?

Mine offers more content, but it doesn't have the half-life fandom appeal, but it also doesn't have a price tag.

Which mod will end up with the most subscribers, time will tell


Quite interesting, I certainly wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.

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A "no paying for mods" protest sign mod has 4000+ subscribers already, mind... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=431467621&searchtext=

In other news, from FNIS



The FNIS Behavior can only be downloaded and used in the described way. Without my express permission you are NOT ALLOWED

  • to upload FNIS Behavior TO ANY OTHER SITE
  • to distribute FNIS Behavior as part of another mod
  • to distribute modified versions of FNIS Behavior
  • to make money with files which are part of FNIS Behavior, or which are created with the help of FNIS Behavior
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Does anyone else think something fishy might be going on with the amount of subscribers on the new payed mods?

Maybe I'm just paranoid here but I wouldn't put it passed valve to have insiders supporting the early payed mods, to make them seem appealing.


So I've decided to run a little test of sorts.

I've uploaded my mod to to skyrim workshop, for free.

It's a quest dungeon mod and offers

Main quest

Side quests

Huge dungeons

Lots of npc's (most voice acted)

New spells

Places to explore

Challenging enemies

Original soundtrack

It's already on nexus and currently has 130 endorsements and the feedback has been fairly strong, with only minor bugs/issues here and there.

Steam status - 12 Current Subscribers


Ok so I'm going to be doing a comparison to another recently uploaded mod, that is a pay mod.

The only one currently under the quest tab

This mod offers

a very short two step story quest inspired by the game Half-Life. The quest includes custom voice acting, and on completion of the quest you are rewarded with a story book and the Crowbar

It costs £0.33 currently has 469 Current Subscribers


Which mod is more appealing?

Mine offers more content, but it doesn't have the half-life fandom appeal, but it also doesn't have a price tag.

Which mod will end up with the most subscribers, time will tell


Advertising. Having a price tag nets the half-life mod advertising that your mod doesn't have. Do random stuff like look for mods without logging in from your browser and what not. You'd see the half life mod 75% more than your mod.


Plus Steam Workshop is fueled by fandom mods. Looks at all of the joke mod subscribers and subscribers from mods like KH and Bleach mods. Serious mods are found on the Nexus and joke mods and sketchy license mods are found on the Steam workshop. It's been that way for so long that it's going to be a while before it changes.


A lot with people who download mods as hobbyists are generally against the Workshops restricting installation process and would get your mod from the Nexus instead.


You'd lose in subs even if your mod had the same advertising advantages. Your target audience isn't on the Workshop.

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Does anyone else think something fishy might be going on with the amount of subscribers on the new payed mods?

Maybe I'm just paranoid here but I wouldn't put it passed valve to have insiders supporting the early payed mods, to make them seem appealing.


So I've decided to run a little test of sorts.

I've uploaded my mod to to skyrim workshop, for free.

It's a quest dungeon mod and offers

Main quest

Side quests

Huge dungeons

Lots of npc's (most voice acted)

New spells

Places to explore

Challenging enemies

Original soundtrack

It's already on nexus and currently has 130 endorsements and the feedback has been fairly strong, with only minor bugs/issues here and there.

Steam status - 12 Current Subscribers


Ok so I'm going to be doing a comparison to another recently uploaded mod, that is a pay mod.

The only one currently under the quest tab

This mod offers

a very short two step story quest inspired by the game Half-Life. The quest includes custom voice acting, and on completion of the quest you are rewarded with a story book and the Crowbar

It costs £0.33 currently has 469 Current Subscribers


Which mod is more appealing?

Mine offers more content, but it doesn't have the half-life fandom appeal, but it also doesn't have a price tag.

Which mod will end up with the most subscribers, time will tell


Advertising. Having a price tag nets the half-life mod advertising that your mod doesn't have. Do random stuff like look for mods without logging in from your browser and what not. You'd see the half life mod 75% more than your mod.


Plus Steam Workshop is fueled by fandom mods. Looks at all of the joke mod subscribers and subscribers from mods like KH and Bleach mods. Serious mods are found on the Nexus and joke mods and sketchy license mods are found on the Steam workshop. It's been that way for so long that it's going to be a while before it changes.


A lot with people who download mods as hobbyists are generally against the Workshops restricting installation process and would get your mod from the Nexus instead.


You'd lose in subs even if your mod had the same advertising advantages. Your target audience isn't on the Workshop.



Good points.

I still think the free>pay should give some advantage my way though.

Or perhaps the majorty of steam users are really cool with the micro-transaction gaming and future of paying for mods


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Sadly  :( i doubt Valve will remove this paid mods Workshop i mean just look at those paid mods that has passed through! 




It looks like there are people who supports this kind of crap =.= just look at the current "subscribers" buyers


Does "subscribers" really mean buyers?


That would mean they (Valve) made 2627*0.75 = ~1970€ on one armor replacer mod?


Yeah you cannot subscribe to a mod that is behind a paywall now you will need the $$$$$ to "subscribe" test it/buy it. But for some reason i suspect Bethesda and Valve employers are buying it so they can say "See people there's a market for this kind of thing!"

Coming from someone who hates DRM with a passion: Even that is not -really- a problem as long as the modder can switch on and off the DRM crap on their own end and isn't -forced- to use it.




The one really big danger to what we do here (and that isn't even strictly connected to paid mods at all) is indeed them enforcing mods to be published on Workshop only. Many games already do that and since Steam can freely decide what and what not to allow, modding would effectively be censored. You can bet on THAT being the end of the sort of mods we're making here, since I am not aware of any major corporation on the planet tolerating adult content on their systems. We'd be suddenly living in an Apple-like "ecosystem" where a handful suits decide what software people can develop and what features it can and cannot have.


I guess that will be the time when we won't only have to make mods but the games that run them as well. Oh well...not that we couldn't...*cough* https://openmw.org/en/*cough*


Just imagine that the whole paid Workshop mods scenario being really successful enough for Bethesda.

At that point there's no doubt that they will pretty much implemented the DRM for mods to ensure the maximum profits!


Example the DRM for mods is already being up


Bethesda will force modders to remove their untainted with DRM free version of their mods > and then baiting them into selling their mods on the Workshop just to make it the only place to get the mods as well as the latest version with features packed > And then desperate users will eventually have no choice but to submit to it by buying the mod.


Sadly :( I really have low expectations on the situation of having Valve removing paid mods system out of the Workshop. You may ask why am i feeling this? it's quite simple actually since through out the years we have seen shitty stuff like DLC Disc Locked Content pay $ to unlock the locked content on the disc, Cutting up the finished product contents into little tiny bits of DLCs just to sell aka scam for additional profit. Baiting people with ingame Pre Order Bonuses. Early Access paying the developer for beta testing. Cheats Codes made into paid DLCs. Microtransactions in full priced AAA product buying keys from the cash shop to unlock ingame loot chests. Paid demos, Season Pass, Online Pass.


And now it's 2015 and all of that shit is still in the recently released games =.= so yeah it shows that there are people out there are willing to accept and pay all of it. If you're reading this then you should know why i am getting the feeling now....


The 25% isn't going to affect the modder much as he/her might know that Steam has over 9M users and based on the data posted on the neogaf forum by a person i couldn't remember stated it that there's at least 8M to 12M? copies of Skyrim sold. So there's millions of potential customers.



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Does anyone else think something fishy might be going on with the amount of subscribers on the new payed mods?

Maybe I'm just paranoid here but I wouldn't put it passed valve to have insiders supporting the early payed mods, to make them seem appealing.


So I've decided to run a little test of sorts.

I've uploaded my mod to to skyrim workshop, for free.

It's a quest dungeon mod and offers

Main quest

Side quests

Huge dungeons

Lots of npc's (most voice acted)

New spells

Places to explore

Challenging enemies

Original soundtrack

It's already on nexus and currently has 130 endorsements and the feedback has been fairly strong, with only minor bugs/issues here and there.

Steam status - 12 Current Subscribers


Ok so I'm going to be doing a comparison to another recently uploaded mod, that is a pay mod.

The only one currently under the quest tab

This mod offers

a very short two step story quest inspired by the game Half-Life. The quest includes custom voice acting, and on completion of the quest you are rewarded with a story book and the Crowbar

It costs £0.33 currently has 469 Current Subscribers


Which mod is more appealing?

Mine offers more content, but it doesn't have the half-life fandom appeal, but it also doesn't have a price tag.

Which mod will end up with the most subscribers, time will tell

I'm not saying this isn't appreciated, because an actual test is very much so, but I figured the moment I clicked a link and that Shadowscale armor that has to be consoled in had over 1k subs? In less than 48 hours? Something is very clearly wrong with that picture.


Also, thank you for the mod. I didn't even know about it until now. I've been meaning to hunt down/jot down good quest/adventure/new areas/lands mods lately for the rec. guide.





He only picks questions that are easy, and even there dodges proper answers.


And he openly bribes the Nexus site owner (who already gets 1-5% of each sale).


Yeah, I skimmed that myself since it's hard to miss his posts. SO many of the posts are getting ignored and his answers are pretty much one liner "yes or no" type responses with little or no explanation of things.


Edit: Okay SOME at first. refreshed...it seems he's taking time with some of these. Okay, let's see how it goes.

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He only picks questions that are easy, and even there dodges proper answers.


And he openly bribes the Nexus site owner (who already gets 1-5% of each sale).



Nexus doesn't get 1-5% of each sale. Nexus only gets a cut if the author of the mod that is being uploaded to the paid section picks them as a service provider.

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Alright all the petitions, forum posts and ESPECIALLY this ridiculous reddit "dialogue" are useless and will never change a thing.


But besides a financial Steam boycott, you can also hurt Bethesda by writing a negative review for Skyrim, and giving thumbs up to other negative reviews.

That review section is being entirely flooded right now.

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Boy, oh boy did this blew up like no one has expected. Its really sad, but beautiful in its own twisted way. I kinda like to watch when internet explodes like, Im just really saddened by the fact it hit so close to hear. I always loved modding games.

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Negative reviews for Skyrim? Why? :blink: If I thought it was a bad game I wouldn't have played it as much. Boycotting paid mods on Steam is 1 thing, but bad reviews for game that gave us so much is completely... what's the word... dumb? If they screw up with their next game I won't buy it and that's it. Same with paid mods -  I won't buy them. Voting with wallet. That's it. But a full scale crusade? Come on...

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Negative reviews for Skyrim? Why? :blink: If I thought it was a bad game I wouldn't have played it as much. Boycotting paid mods on Steam is 1 thing, but bad reviews for game that gave us so much is completely... what's the word... dumb? If they screw up with their next game I won't buy it and that's it. Same with paid mods -  I won't buy them. Voting with wallet. That's it. But a full scale crusade? Come on...


It's called doing everything you can in order to win.

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