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No, you don't need them for version 4.9.0 (and future versions).


From version 4.9.0, all required collar resources are included in the mod package. I hesitated to put them there from the beginning because I could not find the author of these files and get the explicit permission to include it. But the modified resources were there for quite a long time, I've received no complaints, so I suppose it's OK... :unsure:

Now everything is one package, and you don't need to overwrite / reuse anything.


I left the files in the download section in case someone would like to downgrade for some reason.

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I just upgraded to the new version and both collars could just be removed without any prompt to unlock. I even did a clean save and still the same issue. Arousal was at 31 so I doubt it was to low (this occurred with multiple tries of the keyless collar).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Yurik,


I've run into a problem with pet collar.


I reset the sexlab animation registry (wanted to remove some animation packs) - after doing so, pet service with npcs remained normal, but pet service with dogs completely broke. Kept getting the message I didn't know how to have sex with the dog - but creature animations were enabled and were worked fine with other mods. Only pet collar had the problem.


Tried removing petcollar, used save cleaner, reinstalled petcollar. Problem persisted.


If I reverted back to a save before resetting the registry, things were normal.


Edit: Thank you for your mod. Hope you can assist with this - seems a major bug if pet collar breaks irrepearably when one resets the sexlab animation registry.


Edit 2: I tried deactivating creature animations, then reset the registry. This time, pet collar's functions appeared intact. Unsure if deactivating creature animations was actually the fix though - I'm certain I've reset the registry in the past without breaking pet collar. Perhaps it was just Skyrim being characteristically buggy as always.

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Please overwrite your existing script with this one: \Data\scripts\attachicon.gifPetCollarFollowersSearchScript.pex and see if it helps.

This is absolutely safe to replace on an existing game. All I did was adding "sexActors = None" in a certain place in the script body.


If this was to address the looping sex (no matter the arousal of a follower, my service was needed at every "after sex check" interval), it did not fix it for me - it actually made it so my service was simply never needed again.


I was using 4.8.4 with settings of checking every 1800 seconds, but checking 30 seconds after a check resulting in sex, with arousal condition of 99.  Once the first 1800 check passed (my service was needed), from that point forward - until I closed the game - my service was needed 30 seconds after every act - even with all followers at below 10 arousal. 


I installed this script and my service is simply no longer every needed - even with arousal condition of 1 and all followers at 100 arousal.


Tried 4.9 and get the same issue (service never needed).


Great mod - always have it installed - but the last two versions simply don't work for me.


Edit - last 4 versions.


Tried 483 and 482 and same issue.


It seems to get stuck looping the last actor no matter their arousal.


So if I have 3 followers, let's call them A, B and C, all at 100 arousal, the first check will work properly (A, then B, then C need service).  But from that point on, after the "check after sex" interval passes, C (or whoever was the most recent, if nobody meets the arousal minimum) will "need service" no matter their arousal.  This goes on a nearly infinite loop, and is only broken (briefly) if A or B suddenly meets the minimum (C won't, as they've been getting serviced for quite some time and are now at 0 arousal).  So if A reaches the minimum, they are now in the loop until B or C reaches the minimum, and so on.


4.8.2 is the oldest version for download, and the next newest one I have on my hard drive is 4.7.3, and I remember that one being the one where animations to service would try to start while animations were already happening - so didn't test that one.  I'm not a programmer, but logically it seems the scripts never reach a point where if it checks arousal, and no one meets the minimum, it just stops.  It's just going back to the most recent NPC and looping.


No idea why 4.9 is having no one every needing serviced, though.

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I just upgraded to the new version and both collars could just be removed without any prompt to unlock. I even did a clean save and still the same issue. Arousal was at 31 so I doubt it was to low (this occurred with multiple tries of the keyless collar).


I had the same issue recently. Turns out re-adding the collar fixes this.

Skyrim never ceases to surprise me, seems like attached scripts can become 'stale' after a mod with its parent script is updated (I haven't changed the related script at all...).



Edit 2: I tried deactivating creature animations, then reset the registry. This time, pet collar's functions appeared intact. Unsure if deactivating creature animations was actually the fix though - I'm certain I've reset the registry in the past without breaking pet collar. Perhaps it was just Skyrim being characteristically buggy as always.


Thanks for the update info! It will go to the 'Issues' section when I create it.


Has this mod been integrated into any of the loot mods or does it integrate well?


There should not be any issues, it's basically just a piece of armor (which is not even required if you go the 'Pet Ability' way).



Please overwrite your existing script with this one: \Data\scripts\attachicon.gifPetCollarFollowersSearchScript.pex and see if it helps.

This is absolutely safe to replace on an existing game. All I did was adding "sexActors = None" in a certain place in the script body.


If this was to address the looping sex (no matter the arousal of a follower, my service was needed at every "after sex check" interval), it did not fix it for me - it actually made it so my service was simply never needed again.




I haven't used this feature in a while, so I'm not even sure it still works after all the dependencies got updated. The @chipstick's comment above though looks reassuring... I'll try to reproduce it in my game.

Meanwhile, have you tried deleting the PetCollar scripts with the SaveTool? It may help.



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Buying things suggestion:

The reason:
As I play as mage, I find myself unable to buy the spell books to cast fireballs or conjure fire atronachs. Also buying a home is a bit difficult. Temporary suspending the gold limit or using the console is an option, but that means you are using pet collar, except when it is too inconvenient.


The idea:
The player earns money, but money more than a certain limit is removed from the player. However, after three days the player is allowed to ask a follower if the player is allowed to buy something expensive. The answer could be no, and that would mean the player has to wait three days again. The answer could be yes, and at that point the player has some of her money back, till the first time the amount of money changes again. Note: when the player buys or sells something, the amount changes, just like when the player picks up a coin.

The money:
When the player has more money than the limit, that money does not disappear, but is transferred to the owner (or some sort of reserve) for safe keeping. And the player can only ask for a limited percentage of that money. And asking more money will also increases the chance that the owner refuses the request. Thus this system allows to temporary raise the limit for only one interaction and only for the amount of money the player has asked for.

The calculation (a proposal)
Chance of failure is 25% plus 5 times the percentage of the money the player wish to spend. Lets say the player wishes to buy a spell book worth 300 coins. The player's 'owner' has gathered 6000 coins. As 300 is 5% of 6000, the player asks for 5% of the money that is in reserve. Thus there is a chance of 25% + (5 x 5% = 25%) = 50% chance on failure. Below is a small summary of the result of this calculation.

The player is never able to spend 15% of the money.
The player has 25% chance of spending 10% of the gathered money.
The player has 50% chance of spending 5% of the gathered money.
The player has 70% chance of spending 1% of the gathered money.


Of course a nice addition would be that when the player asks for 300 coins, 5 times of that amount will be removed from the reserve. Even when the player does not get the money. Even when a pet cannot spent money, he/she should not get too rich.

Asking permission:
The time when the collar was equipped, or the last time the pet asked for money will be stored. As the player has to ask a follower for some gold, you could also add that the follower should be with the player for at least 3 days. Anyway, when the pet asks for money in less then 72 hours, the answer will always be no (thus not even the question how much the pet wishes to get will be asked). In the meantime the timer gets reset, thus the player has to wait for at least three days. You might even add a spanking animation scene as punishment for asking too soon.


The stash:

Not certain how it should work is I do not get that option on any follower, NPC or conjured familiar. I only use the stash excessive gold option (no items), perhaps that is the reason. I also am uncertain if a pet should steal stuff.



I hope you like this idea. I however can understand that this might be a bit hard (or much) to implement even when you like this idea.

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I haven't used this feature in a while, so I'm not even sure it still works after all the dependencies got updated. The @chipstick's comment above though looks reassuring... I'll try to reproduce it in my game.

Meanwhile, have you tried deleting the PetCollar scripts with the SaveTool? It may help.





Yeah, I deleted scripts between each test.


Not sure about versions, either.   I may have not updated my Aroused in a while.  Will check on that.

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I've been thinking about how you could be in servitude in other ways...


Being forced to dance when in a tavern (result: people get more aroused, people might require your servitude)

What if when you talk to someone in a tavern, there is a chance that they give you 2 gold coins to dance a bit (naked)? You cannot disobey and will be dancing for half a minute. In the meantime, the arousal of the people in the tavern will be increased by 5 to 25 points. This could result in triggering the fucktoy event.


Licking boots

What if when you talk to people in a village or town, they could order you to lick their boots? When you are finished, you are to remain on all four for a certain period of time, or until you have crawled a specific distance. There are mods that implement the crawling animation. If not mistaken, they (temporary) replace the regular walking and/or sneaking animation.


In the meantime I am using the console to get the spell tomes I require. It would however be nice if one way or another a collared pet is able to get his/her hands on some tomes without breaking the lore.

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when the message window comes "fuck the pet" it never works for me... why dont you add dialogue to the pet so i could fuck the pet whenever i want???


Also is it compatible with further lovers comfort and adc sexlife?

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Only things lovers comfort should conflict with is anything that alters the same thing it does. Lovers comfort activates when you go to sleep so anything that does the same thing will conflict with it examples are sexlab dangerous nights/sexlab dangerous nights 2 both of these will conflict with lovers comfort because they both activate at the same time lovers comfort does so you will have lovers comfort animations going at the same time dangerous nights are playing.


No clue on abc sexlife as I have never used it. One way to check if something is compatible is to read what it does and then read what the next one does if they do the same thing or some things are done the same by both then you will know what will conflict or not. If you are using MO you can look and see if there are any conflicts listed.

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Only things lovers comfort should conflict with is anything that alters the same thing it does. Lovers comfort activates when you go to sleep so anything that does the same thing will conflict with it examples are sexlab dangerous nights/sexlab dangerous nights 2 both of these will conflict with lovers comfort because they both activate at the same time lovers comfort does so you will have lovers comfort animations going at the same time dangerous nights are playing.


No clue on abc sexlife as I have never used it. One way to check if something is compatible is to read what it does and then read what the next one does if they do the same thing or some things are done the same by both then you will know what will conflict or not. If you are using MO you can look and see if there are any conflicts listed.


ok thank you

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I haven't used this feature in a while, so I'm not even sure it still works after all the dependencies got updated. The @chipstick's comment above though looks reassuring... I'll try to reproduce it in my game.

Meanwhile, have you tried deleting the PetCollar scripts with the SaveTool? It may help.





I did a little more checking on this, and all along I had unchecked "teammates allow public service" and checked "allow horses".


I swapped those and with the latest version my service is now needed appropriately - though I am unsure which change altered things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey. I dunno if I've said this before, but this mod doesn't recognize creature companions from Untamed as companions. Just thought I'd mention it, not complaining.


It throws some errors, I think I have them in this papyrus. It throws some errors, but will only detect those pets to make the player serve them when 'teammates allow public service' is checked.


Figured you'd wanna know. Ignore the part at the very top -- to get my files to load, I have to COC to riverwood at the start, THEN load my file, because I have too much high-res shit installed.


Have a papyrus. First error of note is at line 2297 (Search [05/17/2016 - 07:43:52PM] )




I'm also having an issue where every sex scene makes my character refuse to draw their weapons anymore, but it's not related to TFC (happens even when I don't use flying camera) and I don't know what mod is causing it (probably not yours), so I might be starting this bugged early file over anyways. So it is possible this file is just shot for some reason. (Just to put the errors in context, in case it's relevant)


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Hi Yuni! Thanks for the report!


For the Untamed, I haven't tested it yet but by your description (I assumed that there are no other companions except the Untamed's creatures) it should solve this: PetCollar.esp - I added isPlayerTeammate condition to creature teammates. Maybe there is a reason for which I didn't add this condition initially, so keep the back-up... This is safe to apply and remove, it's just one more quest condition.


For the Papyrus spam, it is caused by my fix for the issue where some followers were always requiring Fucktoy service. Apparently Papyrus doesn't like when I assign a typed array a Null value. This should not affect the game though... I'll fix it as soon as I get the Papyrus Compiler work on my new hardware, just need to re-install all the script dependencies.


For the no-weapons after sex - I cannot help you with that, it's definitely not PetCollar.

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Okay, so I will test this now. I came back to the thread to check on it just now, and I was going to throw another papyrus at you for that error, because it's doing it on the person too, but thank you! ^_^ I will test this, and if you already know about the error, it's not a big deal, as long as I know the errors aren't quietly stabbing my game in the ankle, I'm fine. <3


I fixed the no weapons thing. It was just a bugged save file somehow, I reverted about an hour of play time and that problem went poof.

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Test report: Apparently it was not merely untamed creatures not being recognized. A forced follower from EFF is not being recognized either, and they're a human. It recognized him the minute I used 'teammates allow public service' however. I tried installing the new esp AFTER taking off the pet collar, and putting the collar back on upon the update being done. It still doesn't think the khajiit is a human.


Moving to test it with another follower... poofing to riften to hire the one dude.


Nope, even vanilla follower Mercurio is not detected. I jacked his arousal to 100 first, the threshold is 50, no dice without Teammates Allow Public Service on. Huh...

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ive never used this mod is there a better implementation on getting the collar placed on you? Also how do you get it off? Would be nice if there was a Death Alternative event for it maybe.

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ive never used this mod is there a better implementation on getting the collar placed on you? Also how do you get it off? Would be nice if there was a Death Alternative event for it maybe.


Deviously Enslaved Continued has an option for ingame event to add Pet Collar to character. See reply #1 for list of mods that connect with it.




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ive never used this mod is there a better implementation on getting the collar placed on you? Also how do you get it off? Would be nice if there was a Death Alternative event for it maybe.


Deviously Enslaved Continued has an option for ingame event to add Pet Collar to character. See reply #1 for list of mods that connect with it.






Am I missing something?


I can't find a reference to Pet Collar on the download page of Deviously Enslaved Continued.


In general, it would be very useful if Pet Collar supported a mod event to equip and to remove the collar.

I would definitely make use of it in SD+ if there was such a mod event.

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