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I noticed that if you manage to raise Tzollaman's disposition towards you, he won't attack you after he says he will have to kill you. You can open dialogue again and go through it another time but he will just stand there and not attack. You can still kill him and loot the key (and I assume he will get aggressive as normal if you hit him 4 times, but I had him down in 3 in this case) so it doesn't block the quest, but it takes away the challenge a bit :D. As far as I know I had raised his disposition by 1 point when this happened.


Because of Skyrim's non-linearity he could be hanging in the Inn for a long time and lots could happen to him in the meantime (caused by other mods). It might be a good idea to call SetRelationshipRank to reset his disposition to default just before you let him attack.

Aqqh has rewritten this entire quest, so it will be different, but the setrelationshiprank is a good suggestion.


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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.

The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?

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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.


The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?


You went into this mod blind did you? You should have read the instructions. You need at least one female follower with you.

Anyways make sure you read ALL of the info at the mod's page.

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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.


The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?


The reason you couldn't talk to the Khajit is the same reason you can't get through the trap.  You need at least one female follower.


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As cool as that scene is it's caused nothing but trouble, Tzollman you can get around by killing him, but the Captured thing is the MAIN thing that's always causing problems for players of this mod. I highly suggest that you just take it out at this point, it's not really needed for what comes next, put a journal in Archeronne's belongings that explains his whole raping and raising corpses thing (maybe even better than it is now, what's he doing in the dungeon anyway?), then just get past it up to Jenn instead. If you'd done that to begin with you probably could have shaved 20 pages off this thread, and likely never would have needed the troubleshooting thread at all.

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As cool as that scene is it's caused nothing but trouble, Tzollman you can get around by killing him,

dont get used to it - tzollaman would be essential until CRP scene from next update on.



a lot of things would be added / changed in that starting quest. For example you wont be allowed to bring any kind of followers at all.

its already implemented - only voice act is missing.

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Fish, is there a script that tells them(Jenn and Sasha) to say the "please oh please" line when they get over about 75 arousal? I have put a "random =>80" on the dialogue topic but it does nothing. It's on a continual loop with about 2 secs between after about 75 arousal and it wears thin. If it's scripted or called from a script can you point me at it? I either have to find a way to lessen the frequency or make a silent sound file for it which I would rather not do but it's driving me bonkers.


There is an MCM menu setting to turn it off "Sex Slaves are lore friendly".  You can also just fuck them more often or use Sexlab Arouse puppet master to change how they get aroused.


The line in question gets triggered by dialog AND an arousal check in SexSlFramework.checkArrousal() which happens when you change cells.



Thanks Fishburger, sorted.

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i think we will get working on that seriously next month.


Based on the Tabitha quest, virgins are more valuable and you can't do the normal sex slave training method if you want her to stay a virgin, right? So, that's why I'm suggesting that there should be a different method for turning virgins into sex slaves. Maybe using some form of hypnosis or drugs/potions. There should also be a special scene/sex dialogue for the first time you fuck Tabitha since she's a virgin. These are just some ideas to make Tabitha's quest more unique but you can also just fuck her and then once she's not a virgin anymore, do the normal training method to turn her into a sex slave.

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Tabitha would still consider you as her hero in shining armor.

Very likely you would have an options to act as her knight which would lead to her having a crush on you...

... or you will corrupt her crushing her naive fantasies with a brutal reality.



Either way it's unlikely that she would ever end up hanging at Volkar place.

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Tabitha would still consider you as her hero in shining armor.

Very likely you would have an options to act as her knight which would lead to her having a crush on you...

... or you will corrupt her crushing her naive fantasies with a brutal reality.



Either way it's unlikely that she would ever end up hanging at Volkar place.


cant i have both?^^

some girl getting exited by watching all the slavestuff and wants to become one of them?

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I have finished the Dark possession and done  "save the virgin" quest. Is there more quests? Sorry for asking but it is a bit hard to read 206 pages of the forum.:)


Wondering if there is anywhere a walk through or a list with all the quests to help the new ones not to ask the same questions again and again..

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That information really should be provided in the quest objective.


Perhaps if it could be in the quest headlight "bring with you one companion" as it is in Rigmor of Bruma when informs you "do not fast travel". (if someone has played it and remembers it.)

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Not sure if this is the right place and apologies if already posted.


My wish list for future updates:


1. Interactions with Sanguine Lord (after completion of Virgin Quest AND A Night to remember). After all, Sanguine helped the player to free Tabhita. I'm pretty sure that Sanguine would be pleased to have some "favour" from the female player in return.


1A. IF the player has choosen to be free from Volkar, a complete change of dialogues. No more BSDM but simply: "Hey, Volkar. I liked the time with you. Want fuck me?".


2. Even if it should be in the MCM, it seems to not work very well, so ... an option to completely toggle off the continuos asks from slaves companions (like Lydia) like "Will you be my new master please?". It happens every few seconds if they are nearby the player.


3. I'm a female and I play as female. Please, more Males to satisfy my "dark side".


4. Option always available to ask to the male slaver(s) to fuck my current female companion(s).


Please ...

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Well, that didn't go quite as planned...


I was running 43a and decided to try converting it to a master so that I can make plugins against it. BTW, I've been running with MiasLair.esp as the first plugin for some time now with no issues, and the esm is in the same spot in the load order. The conversion went fine, but all my girls are gone, my teleport spells are gone, and the courier just came up to me with the note from Ravencrone. Looks like I'm starting over.


I went ahead and upgraded to 43b, but am not looking forward to replaying the start again.


Can I just setstage for various quests and get back to having rescued Jenny and defeated / enslaved Mia?


Alternatively, is the new start quest ready for alpha testing, and do you need a tester? I might as well do something constructive if I have to play through it again.

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I'd kind of like a chance to enslave Volkar.

As long as he's there and invincible, it's not really your house. It's Volkar's house, and you're a figure head like Mia until Sanguine thinks it's funny to order Volkar to kill or enslave you. You can take the "Good" path and just leave, but that kills future stories that don't involve a courier tracking you down. Killing Volkar (even if it were possible without mods) also stops you from getting future quests. 

If the Player Character could enslave Volkar, either through the Sex Slave system or by binding him like other Dremora, Volkar could still be available for future quests, and it would really feel like the Player's castle. There would probably have to be a quest chain to explain it (after all, Volkar isn't just another dremora), but it could add quite a bit to the mod, especially for players who wanted to take a dominant role. 

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That's basically my whole issue with Volkar and why I'm putting him through so much shit and why I will NEVER make the pleasure palace my home while he's invincible. If I can't be supreme overlord of my own home without an invincible NPC that can slam me around effortlessly when I just killed a god, then that is not a home I will be using, and that is an NPC I will think up time and time again new ways to torment.

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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.


The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?


You went into this mod blind did you? You should have read the instructions. You need at least one female follower with you.

Anyways make sure you read ALL of the info at the mod's page.


Ok, right, it works fine now. The scene after trap occurs when (great scene, by the way).

But now, when i across the room i get trapped again, but the message says "now you will die". How to continue here?

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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.


The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?


You went into this mod blind did you? You should have read the instructions. You need at least one female follower with you.

Anyways make sure you read ALL of the info at the mod's page.


Ok, right, it works fine now. The scene after trap occurs when (great scene, by the way).

But now, when i across the room i get trapped again, but the message says "now you will die". How to continue here?



There is a lever in the room where the scene takes place to disable the trap.


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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.


The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?


You went into this mod blind did you? You should have read the instructions. You need at least one female follower with you.

Anyways make sure you read ALL of the info at the mod's page.


Ok, right, it works fine now. The scene after trap occurs when (great scene, by the way).

But now, when i across the room i get trapped again, but the message says "now you will die". How to continue here?



Tried that to... you went the wrong way, follow the map marker

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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.


The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?


You went into this mod blind did you? You should have read the instructions. You need at least one female follower with you.

Anyways make sure you read ALL of the info at the mod's page.


Ok, right, it works fine now. The scene after trap occurs when (great scene, by the way).

But now, when i across the room i get trapped again, but the message says "now you will die". How to continue here?



Tried that to... you went the wrong way, follow the map marker


Where is the lever? I can't find that. Only these 4 located in the room before the scene.


And there is no map marker about this. Only one leading to mias lair through the dungeon.

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Ok, i'm found the Khajiit in Morthal with the quest arrow above him. The quest says to talk with him, but he says nothing useful. So i kill, and took the key and the quest continues in the cave through the mountains.


The second problem is, I arrived in a room locked by a apprentice Lock, and when i get through it, shows the message "gas trap" not enough followers, you will die. Ok, normally i couldn't find a way to pass through, so I use the moveto command to get access to other room. There was an NPC lvl 50, very strong. What I must to do at this point? Kill him? All the things that I repport is a bug or normal?


You went into this mod blind did you? You should have read the instructions. You need at least one female follower with you.

Anyways make sure you read ALL of the info at the mod's page.


Ok, right, it works fine now. The scene after trap occurs when (great scene, by the way).

But now, when i across the room i get trapped again, but the message says "now you will die". How to continue here?



Tried that to... you went the wrong way, follow the map marker


Where is the lever? I can't find that. Only these 4 located in the room before the scene.


And there is no map marker about this. Only one leading to mias lair through the dungeon.



sorry quest mark  ....floating arrow? no?



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