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Ah, but see there's actually quite a few who want to be raped, I've talked to a few, I've had about five close female friends who actually talked about their rape fantasies, and what they talked about was the real thing against their will, not arranged faux-rape. But there's a big difference between fatasizing about rape including to the point of actually wanting it on some level, and actually being raped, including going out and seeking it, only a sucicdal woman would do that. Most of these women's fantasies about rape are more heavy bdsm/rough sex than what would happen in reality. If you get into the mind of the scary man who actually want to rape for the sake of the rape and not just for need of sex or impulse, you'll find someone with a lot darker desires than any but the suicidal women would want, but even so many would fantasize about it.


And I think quite a lot of credence can be put into one's choice of porn, however form it takes. Someone's porn collection (not the stuff you pull out to share with people, I'm talking the private shit you're embarrased about) is like a fingerprint of the soul, there's little else that tells what goes on in your twisted mind as well as that. It may not reflect well on what your personal life is like (sex or otherwise), but which of these two is the act and which hints towards the truth? And everyone's got their fetishes.


The porn industry is also an interesting view of how society slowly changes, if you look back to the 90s, 80s, 70s and compare the underground porn to what was happening in the world in general, then you get an interesting picture, just like you do with mainstream hollywood. As unemployment and disatisfaction goes up, so goes the violence in hollywood movies (look at the 80s), and porn follows along on a slightly off-kilter direction but pretty much based on the same evolving social group mind. Porn today is turning interesting, if you go to big commercial porn studios you'll see them doing things like incest, fisting, pissing, group rapes and more, it's showing up on venues where there was no chance in hell of it occurring even 2-3 years ago. Also note that ultraviolent hollywood movies with extreme amounts of gore and over the top action are also cropping up more often. I don't know what that could say about that social mind and the way society is turning, but it's as always, fascinating.

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Up thread, there's a console command to skip this sequence if it's not working. But, the sequnce should be:

Fight your way through to the trap.

"Get paralyzed and captured.

Scene plays out.

Free yourself, then free your companions and get any equipment (can mess up if you have too many companions, or for other reasons).

Quest updates. New lever appears, with map marker pointing to it, to turn off trap. New lever is in Vampire Cage room.

Pull lever. Trap turned off. Continue through. "


Sorry for visiting old topics but just cant get this working. The new lever does not appear, nor does it get a quest marker.  (Or if it does i really cannot find it) It just says to continue throught the dungeon to the castle.  Im thinking Lydia is also getting really tired of hanging around but i cant seem to find out how to free her. Maybe im just an idiot but anyone wanna help a fool out?

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I recruited Sylvia, her dialog seems to need a little work.


She gave no option to make the bond, she was just already a slave, I guess. Better to give her one of the other girls' voices for those lines than to skip the functionality.

I set her up in Lakeview and the option for her to become a steward was there and she gave the proper response, but then none of the steward options appeared - buy me a chicken, hire me a bard, where can I buy straw.

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For the first time in many years, I agree with Zippy.


As female, I could like to be "hard fucked" but I caanot like to be raped. Be raped is fucked against my willings. It hurts, physically and much more psicologically.

Even if I'm not guilty, it gives me the "whore infamy". Maybe inconscious but is it.


About BSDM, I could like some sort of whips on me or I could like to whip my partner. But, normally, I prefer consensual, romantic sex. Ever.


Yes, this is a game. It's only a little and subtle line between a game and a perversion. Important is to not pass other that line.

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I recruited Sylvia, her dialog seems to need a little work.


She gave no option to make the bond, she was just already a slave, I guess. Better to give her one of the other girls' voices for those lines than to skip the functionality.

I set her up in Lakeview and the option for her to become a steward was there and she gave the proper response, but then none of the steward options appeared - buy me a chicken, hire me a bard, where can I buy straw.

Well sylvia is still waiting for some Voice Actress to make her awesome.

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there's actually quite a few who want to be raped

No one can willingly be raped because rape and willing are opposites.



Classic example of someone not reading enough of the post to understand my meaning. I forgive you however, because I can often be dense, over-wordy and hard to understand.


I said there's quite a few who want to be raped, yes, but as a fantasy, fatasizing about that rape. If you masturbate to the idea of a brutal rape (and I've talked to women who admitted as much), yes you want it to some degree, and a lot of these fantasies are the whole "unwillingness" thing, I talked to some of them about fake rape, but they made it pretty clear that 1) their fantasies had it be the real thing, they didn't have a choice about it, it was a fantasy about something happening unexpected and against their will and brutally, and 2) as darkminxi said before when this was brought up, there's a big difference between wanting something and actually going out to do it. Your fantasies can go quite a bit beyond what most of you seem to believe. Plenty of people fantasize about death and killing themselves, some to the point of actually wanting to die just to see what it's like, but thankfully very few are willing to go through with it, and usually not to indulge in their morbid fantasies. Same goes with rape.


Darkminxi revealed last time I went on these (and we continued it in quite a few PMs after) that she had actually been raped when she was young, and it was not pleasant or anything someone would want. Despite this, she still had fantasies about rape. Fantasies and our imagination is a twisted, mysterious thing, odds are most of us have dreamt about to the point of almost wanting things that you'd never actually do in real life. I fantasize about murder, rape, torture and mutilation, complete and utter destruction of another human being in short, but I would never harm anothter person in real life, I haven't raised my had against someone even in about 20 years, but the twisted ideas and fantasies are still there.

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Up thread, there's a console command to skip this sequence if it's not working. But, the sequnce should be:


Fight your way through to the trap.


"Get paralyzed and captured.


Scene plays out.


Free yourself, then free your companions and get any equipment (can mess up if you have too many companions, or for other reasons).


Quest updates. New lever appears, with map marker pointing to it, to turn off trap. New lever is in Vampire Cage room.


Pull lever. Trap turned off. Continue through. "


Sorry for visiting old topics but just cant get this working. The new lever does not appear, nor does it get a quest marker.  (Or if it does i really cannot find it) It just says to continue throught the dungeon to the castle.  Im thinking Lydia is also getting really tired of hanging around but i cant seem to find out how to free her. Maybe im just an idiot but anyone wanna help a fool out?



The command is


setstage MiaDungeonCapture 60


You must do this BEFORE going into the gas trap. 


Lydia works fine, I have used her on at least 50 playthroughs of this during debug testing.


I suspect you have a mod conflict or papyrus overload.  Suggest you make a papyrus log and look for issues because this will be only the first of several problems you will have.


For the first time in many years, I agree with Zippy.


As female, I could like to be "hard fucked" but I caanot like to be raped. Be raped is fucked against my willings. It hurts, physically and much more psicologically.

Even if I'm not guilty, it gives me the "whore infamy". Maybe inconscious but is it.


About BSDM, I could like some sort of whips on me or I could like to whip my partner. But, normally, I prefer consensual, romantic sex. Ever.


Yes, this is a game. It's only a little and subtle line between a game and a perversion. Important is to not pass other that line.


Your views on this topic are exactly identical to all the women I have ever met, so you are not alone.


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I thought that women and men weren't that dissimilar, there should be the same amount of women that enjoys being on top with the whip as there are women enjoying being whipped. But for Christmas I got a Kindle reader, and I was browsing erotic books today, and I noticed two things; with the exception of the gay porn (and a big portion of that as well) ....


I had one final thing to say on this topic.  I for one appreciate all your thought provoking posts.  It always leads to some interesting discussion and while I may not agree with all your views, it is still very much appreciated.


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The thing about fantasy rape, or the fantasy of having no control over what happens to you, is that you actually have control over it. Your fantasy goes the way you want it to, consciously or subconsciously. You choose who has you, and how they have you. You choose the limits they won't stretch to or go beyond. In a fantasy of having no control, you have control. Just because a woman fantasises about being raped or enslaved does not mean that she wants it to happen for real, to some or any degree. I'm sure that's not what you meant, Sacremas, but I just wanted to say it.


I took a long time to come to terms with my own fantasies about these kinds of things - the strongest ones I have - and it took me a while before I could even admit to myself that I liked thinking about that stuff. Yes, the thought of it is arousing, but the reality of it, if it were to ever happen to me, would be beyond horrific. I wouldn't find it sexy in the slightest bit.


Oh, and one thing to bear in mind about erotic fiction: as someone who has read her fair share of kindle erotica, has written a bit and has spoken to some people who publish and edit it, I can say that many male erotica authors publish under a female pseudonym. Apparently lots of readers get an extra kick out of the idea that what they're reading was written by a woman, so they sometimes cheat a bit and pretend. There are, of course, lots of female erotica writers, but - perhaps especially in the hard BDSM genre - not as many as it would seem at first glance ;)

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setstage MiaDungeonCapture 60


You must do this BEFORE going into the gas trap. 


Lydia works fine, I have used her on at least 50 playthroughs of this during debug testing.





I had to use the console this time through. I freed my two girls, they said their lines, we all got equipped and ... nothing. The mage sleeping in the room did not agro, and the switch did not appear. I had to use the console.


I had a summon (coldharbour dremora, so humanoid) active when I walked into the gas trap. I wonder if it was looking for three followers to be freed? The summon, of course, expired during the long Archeron scene. Or perhaps my install is just borked.


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setstage MiaDungeonCapture 60


You must do this BEFORE going into the gas trap. 


Lydia works fine, I have used her on at least 50 playthroughs of this during debug testing.





I had to use the console this time through. I freed my two girls, they said their lines, we all got equipped and ... nothing. The mage sleeping in the room did not agro, and the switch did not appear. I had to use the console.


I had a summon (coldharbour dremora, so humanoid) active when I walked into the gas trap. I wonder if it was looking for three followers to be freed? The summon, of course, expired during the long Archeron scene. Or perhaps my install is just borked.




Your summon was indeed the issue.  When you walk into the gas trap, everyone with you get chained up and a counter of them is kept.  When you free them, the counter goes down by 1.  If one had simply disappeared, the counter would never get to zero and the quest would never progress.


In this case, you were at stage 50, so setstage 60 is the correct choice and should have worked.


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¿How can I get the spells?


First of all, congratulations for one of he better Mods I've ever played, I it has been a lot. You have done a great work.


I´ve played the Return the Jarl's Daughter quest, (Choosing to keeps Mia as a sexlave) and Dark Possesions (Choosing to keep in contract with Volkar), so I have the stage of "returning to Volkar once a week" but I think I'm missing something you mentioned in the Dark Possesions description:


"two new dungeon areas, teleport spells to keep you from walking as well as improved and refined methods of slave training"


How do I finish The quest?, how I get the spells?, Wich one is the " improved and refined methods of slave training"?


Thanks in advance and sorry for my English (I'm Spanish)

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I thought that women and men weren't that dissimilar, there should be the same amount of women that enjoys being on top with the whip as there are women enjoying being whipped. But for Christmas I got a Kindle reader, and I was browsing erotic books today, and I noticed two things; with the exception of the gay porn (and a big portion of that as well) ....


I had one final thing to say on this topic.  I for one appreciate all your thought provoking posts.  It always leads to some interesting discussion and while I may not agree with all your views, it is still very much appreciated.




Well thanks Fish, I love debating, sorry for pulling your thread off kilter occasionally. And apologies also as always if anything made anyone uncomfortable.



The thing about fantasy rape, or the fantasy of having no control over what happens to you, is that you actually have control over it. Your fantasy goes the way you want it to, consciously or subconsciously. You choose who has you, and how they have you. You choose the limits they won't stretch to or go beyond. In a fantasy of having no control, you have control. Just because a woman fantasises about being raped or enslaved does not mean that she wants it to happen for real, to some or any degree. I'm sure that's not what you meant, Sacremas, but I just wanted to say it.


I took a long time to come to terms with my own fantasies about these kinds of things - the strongest ones I have - and it took me a while before I could even admit to myself that I liked thinking about that stuff. Yes, the thought of it is arousing, but the reality of it, if it were to ever happen to me, would be beyond horrific. I wouldn't find it sexy in the slightest bit.


Oh, and one thing to bear in mind about erotic fiction: as someone who has read her fair share of kindle erotica, has written a bit and has spoken to some people who publish and edit it, I can say that many male erotica authors publish under a female pseudonym. Apparently lots of readers get an extra kick out of the idea that what they're reading was written by a woman, so they sometimes cheat a bit and pretend. There are, of course, lots of female erotica writers, but - perhaps especially in the hard BDSM genre - not as many as it would seem at first glance ;)


That's precisely it. It's the same thing with consensual Femdom BDSM with a man paying a woman to beat the shit out of him, the dominatrix may act very up high and refer to him as all kinds of degrading things, but if you were to ask her at any time for an honest answer of who really has the power in that situation, it's always going to be the client. You get what you pay for. It's one thing to fantasize about being degraded, humiliated and tormented, another thing to pay someone to do these things to you, but it's something else entirely actually having someone do it of their own free will, without you ultimately controlling the situation and how far they go. It's these sort of boundaries that many people just don't get. That's what separates the fantasies from realities. Doesn't mean that the only thing you fantasize about are faux rape where you're in full control, you fantasize about the real thing and in a way want it to be done just like that guy in the gimp costume fantasizes about his wiife doing it to him, chuckholding him with a basketball team while he's forced to watch, and all kinds of shit, but you never want to actually put it into reality beyond the faux.


LIke I said darkminxi who is one of the voice actors in this mod said here that she got raped at a young age, in a way that no one wants, yet both before and after she still fantasizes about rape, and probably not of the faux play-acting kind (do correct me if I'm wrong!). Human minds are complicated mysteries it's taken us thousands of years to try to understand and will probably take us thousands more.


Thanks for the other insights, the one about the pseudonyms especially was valuable for me. It's always so much more rewarding to hear from people a bit more in touch with their dark sides. After all if you don't know that side, you have less control of it. ;)

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Here is the entire log file.



Hopefully you can see the cause of the issue from this.  I couldn't find anything.


Save solution though.  If i delete the item in the npc's hand every thing proceeds fine.


You have a LOT of errors from what look like orphaned scripts to me.  I would run SaveTool.exe on this save and see if a lot of these errors go away.  You have hundreds of errors related to zEstrus, Dragon Combat Overhaul, and Civil War overhaul.  If you are still running these, I would consider removing zEstrus at least and Dragon Combat Overhaul and Civil War overhaul unless you really want them and then run SaveTool.exe on a new save after the removal (make sure you follow the mod authors recommended removal procedures).


I did not understand the " If i delete the item in the npc's hand every thing proceeds fine." comment.  If this is Alicia Painslut, that is a known issue.  You should remove ALL her inventory items to avoid issues.

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Dragon Combat Overhaul is safe to remove but NOT Civil War Overhaul, if you remove that you should start a new game.


These Epic Gameplay Overhauls are very cool, but they are resource demanding hogs, and if you do not have the resources to run them, they leave traces in your save that kills it eventually. They are perfectly safe when running on a virgin Skyrim and nothing taking up tons of resources, but when the hell are you ever doing that? You basically need to be a miser with your resources to be able to run them, mods like Dual Sheath Redux, Wet & Cold and SOS applied to NPCs (yourself is fine, as is manually assigning them to NPCs) can kill these mods and cause them to kill your save.


HOWEVER; one important thing, the author has said that most of the papyrus errors from these mods are not dangerous, there's some things you need to watch for, read up on his page for more, but in particular make sure none of his mods never stack dump or run while another mod is stack dumping.

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¿How can I get the spells?


First of all, congratulations for one of he better Mods I've ever played, I it has been a lot. You have done a great work.


I´ve played the Return the Jarl's Daughter quest, (Choosing to keeps Mia as a sexlave) and Dark Possesions (Choosing to keep in contract with Volkar), so I have the stage of "returning to Volkar once a week" but I think I'm missing something you mentioned in the Dark Possesions description:


"two new dungeon areas, teleport spells to keep you from walking as well as improved and refined methods of slave training"


How do I finish The quest?, how I get the spells?, Wich one is the " improved and refined methods of slave training"?


Thanks in advance and sorry for my English (I'm Spanish)


The spells are in books.  Two of them are on a table near Vernor and the third is on a table at the top of the stairs in the palace.


If you chose to keep the contract with Volkar, the "quest" never officially "finishes".  That however may change in the future based on popular demand.


The more you train with Volkar, the higher your SexSlSlaveTrainerLevel gets (up to 100).  Currently that value is unused, but as we get deeper into slave training, that value will be used to determine how long it takes to train a new slave.


Your English is nearly perfect, way better than my Spanish.



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Also the item that you need to remove from the NPCs, can you get a ref number on them, and figure out which mod it comes from? It may be something like the HDT havok object or FNIS Sexy Move token, something like that which mods dynamically add to NPCs.

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Dragon Combat Overhaul is safe to remove but NOT Civil War Overhaul, if you remove that you should start a new game.


These Epic Gameplay Overhauls are very cool, but they are resource demanding hogs, and if you do not have the resources to run them, they leave traces in your save that kills it eventually. They are perfectly safe when running on a virgin Skyrim and nothing taking up tons of resources, but when the hell are you ever doing that? You basically need to be a miser with your resources to be able to run them, mods like Dual Sheath Redux, Wet & Cold and SOS applied to NPCs (yourself is fine, as is manually assigning them to NPCs) can kill these mods and cause them to kill your save.


HOWEVER; one important thing, the author has said that most of the papyrus errors from these mods are not dangerous, there's some things you need to watch for, read up on his page for more, but in particular make sure none of his mods never stack dump or run while another mod is stack dumping.

My own Skyrim games have crashed far less since I turned Wet & Cold down to its minimal settings and eliminated as many of my other script intensive mods as possible, particularly OBIS and Way of the Dragonborn. Great mods, but they'll conflict with anything else that needs that memory. 


I haven't had any problems with SexLab Sex Slaves after cleaning up my install, but the first time I tried to run it I was crashing all the time in the lair. 

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¿How can I get the spells?


First of all, congratulations for one of he better Mods I've ever played, I it has been a lot. You have done a great work.


I´ve played the Return the Jarl's Daughter quest, (Choosing to keeps Mia as a sexlave) and Dark Possesions (Choosing to keep in contract with Volkar), so I have the stage of "returning to Volkar once a week" but I think I'm missing something you mentioned in the Dark Possesions description:


"two new dungeon areas, teleport spells to keep you from walking as well as improved and refined methods of slave training"


How do I finish The quest?, how I get the spells?, Wich one is the " improved and refined methods of slave training"?


Thanks in advance and sorry for my English (I'm Spanish)


The spells are in books.  Two of them are on a table near Vernor and the third is on a table at the top of the stairs in the palace.


If you chose to keep the contract with Volkar, the "quest" never officially "finishes".  That however may change in the future based on popular demand.


The more you train with Volkar, the higher your SexSlSlaveTrainerLevel gets (up to 100).  Currently that value is unused, but as we get deeper into slave training, that value will be used to determine how long it takes to train a new slave.


Your English is nearly perfect, way better than my Spanish.



Thanks for your quick answer and congratulations again for your work. :-)

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The item is not from alicia.  It appears to be the same whip thing he uses later.


I'll figure out which mod tonight probably.


Haven't had any stability issue with my game so far on this setup, but not to say its not coming.  When I'm running and doing your content the script lag is 40 or less.  That would indicate things are not overloading.



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The item is not from alicia.  It appears to be the same whip thing he uses later.


I'll figure out which mod tonight probably.


Haven't had any stability issue with my game so far on this setup, but not to say its not coming.  When I'm running and doing your content the script lag is 40 or less.  That would indicate things are not overloading.


If you will take the time to run SaveTool.exe, I think you will be happier.  If by the thing in his hand, you are referring to his whip, I can't see how deleting it will do you any good because he needs that whip.


Even though your script lag is 40 or less, you have things confusing the Skyrim game engine.  I have been through this same drill at least two dozen times and every time it is fixed by cleaning up the save game.  Trust me on this.


There is currently a single minor bug in All of Sex Slaves and you likely will not see it.  The issue you are having now is with your save and mod load and has nothing to do with Sex Slaves.


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But for Christmas I got a Kindle reader, and I was browsing erotic books today, and I noticed two things; with the exception of the gay porn (and a big portion of that as well) there were almost entirely female authors of erotic novels, the few male authors got utterly swallowed by the horde.

Supposedly male authors of (straight) erotic novels typically use a female pseudonym because the buyers are predominantly female and more likely to buy an erotic novel from a female author. I have no idea of the actual numbers of male vs female writers but going by name and the "about the author" blurb is probably not very reliable.

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Human minds are complicated mysteries



They certainly are! Sometimes I think mine especially. If I ever end up seeing a psychiatrist, heaven help the poor sod :P



Supposedly male authors of (straight) erotic novels typically use a female pseudonym because the buyers are predominantly female and more likely to buy an erotic novel from a female author. I have no idea of the actual numbers of male vs female writers but going by name and the "about the author" blurb is probably not very reliable.



This too. Women are generally thought to be more likely to buy erotica written by another woman, because it's more likely to hit the spot, and men are generally thought to get off on the idea they're reading erotica written by a woman because... I don't know really, but it seems to give an extra thrill. An insight into the secret kinky fantasies of the fairer sex or something? So quite a few guys publish under women's names.


I don't know how accurate all that is, but it's a theory some writers and publishers subscribe to.

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