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Fish, is there a script that tells them(Jenn and Sasha) to say the "please oh please" line when they get over about 75 arousal? I have put a "random =>80" on the dialogue topic but it does nothing. It's on a continual loop with about 2 secs between after about 75 arousal and it wears thin. If it's scripted or called from a script can you point me at it? I either have to find a way to lessen the frequency or make a silent sound file for it which I would rather not do but it's driving me bonkers.


There is an MCM menu setting to turn it off "Sex Slaves are lore friendly".  You can also just fuck them more often or use Sexlab Arouse puppet master to change how they get aroused.


The line in question gets triggered by dialog AND an arousal check in SexSlFramework.checkArrousal() which happens when you change cells.

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Does the UNPB version of newmillers piercings actually work with the mod or is it there just because? File names seem to differ from the other two packs and theres also a lot less of em. If so, just renaming nif/s should work or is the .esp required aswell?


Yes, UNPB version works.  It's what I use with CBBE body.


The esp itself is not required.  I use the textures and meshes.  But, because it is a requirement, I am pretty sure CTDs will happen without the esp.  Some experimentation would be appreciated.




Odd. Im not seeing any piercings and when I checked with tes5edit, ground object filepath was something that does not exist in unpb package so I thought maybe actual model paths were something similar. Gonna dig some more...

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Does the UNPB version of newmillers piercings actually work with the mod or is it there just because? File names seem to differ from the other two packs and theres also a lot less of em. If so, just renaming nif/s should work or is the .esp required aswell?


Yes, UNPB version works.  It's what I use with CBBE body.


The esp itself is not required.  I use the textures and meshes.  But, because it is a requirement, I am pretty sure CTDs will happen without the esp.  Some experimentation would be appreciated.


The first time I tried the mod I got at least as far as freeing Jenny and looting a labia exciter off another slave's body before I realised it was invisible. There was one shown as worn in Jenny's inventory, and I could equip the looted exciter on myself and get the one-handed boost, but they weren't showing up. I went into Mod Organizer to see if I could work out what was wrong and realised I didn't actually have newmiller's piercings loaded in at all - I had it in MO but had forgotten to activate it. So in my experience not having it wouldn't cause CTDs - though I didn't get to the stage where you get Volkar's version of it.

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Uploading Version 44 Beta 1


Beta version of the Dominant Andrew.  If you wish to have a look, you must be playing a female character and check the new MCM menu option "Andrew is Dominant".  If you want to play the beta, we will make every attempt to make sure that saves made with 44 Beta 1 work with all future versions. 


Note that if you are not using KS Hairs, you also need the MiasLairHairPack44.


If you are playing Alpha 2 now, this version fixes half a dozen missing voice files and makes the player submission scene work as designed.  If you upgrade to the beta version from the alpha, you must load a save from version 4.3 or earlier or use the command prompt to start things.

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Great mod, too bad that is not compatible with UFO :(

Should work with UFO just fine, even though UFO sucks the big one.

Just to confirm, I ran through all the quests using UFO and had absolutely no problems. And I always liked UFO... Changed to EFF just to try something different - and I like that also.

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But Andrew is my butt boy, I have him with a ballgag and eyebinder hanging from the ceiling most of the time when I'm not using him. :P


At some point you are going to have to include dominant female material as well.


Wouldn't have the foggiest idea how to write that dialog, but I know someone who does.


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 Should work with UFO just fine, even though UFO sucks the big one.


...works fine with UFO and MHYH ... for me at least.Even some of the "heavily" scripted companions work just fine (Tanya,Sofia etc) haven't tried Vilja...tho i think it ll be a bit much for her scripting.


Edit: Tanya even gets to keep her own (japanese) voice on sl dialogues which is v funny.

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No mod, the spell 'candlelight'.  The shiny orb floating above you.  I got this to repeat both fixed and broke multiple times.  As long as I let the spell fade or cancel it by crouching before starting your scenes, everything works great.  Otherwise, the actors hang up before whipping my toon.

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maybe spoken to soon.  The 3rd time I'm trained on the big cross he never gets his whip out.


Took a look at his inventory and it was bugged, he had bad item in it.  Removed that and then his inventory reset to good stuff.  Trying to test it again now to see if i get good result.


I keep having to remove item 65000d77

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Can't figure out what it is though.  If i add it to my inventory its blank.


But things work if i remove it at the start of the scene where he is to hit me.  Otherwise he just sits there trying to draw it.

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Can't figure out what it is though.  If i add it to my inventory its blank.


But things work if i remove it at the start of the scene where he is to hit me.  Otherwise he just sits there trying to draw it.


Sounds like you are missing some of the Xaz stuff.  You need all three of these on this page http://www.loverslab.com/files/go/e863ac6e6daf94df071aa07028c504b4/zaz-animation-pack-2015-02-10


The only thing he would be carrying, depending on how far into that series you are would be the zaz stuff.


The 65 is a clue.  It is the load order of the mod that has the item.

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No mod, the spell 'candlelight'.  The shiny orb floating above you.  I got this to repeat both fixed and broke multiple times.  As long as I let the spell fade or cancel it by crouching before starting your scenes, everything works great.  Otherwise, the actors hang up before whipping my toon.

would try it because i cant see why spell like that could be relevant in any way.

All it does is to spawn a new source of light.

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No mod, the spell 'candlelight'.  The shiny orb floating above you.  I got this to repeat both fixed and broke multiple times.  As long as I let the spell fade or cancel it by crouching before starting your scenes, everything works great.  Otherwise, the actors hang up before whipping my toon.


You almost certainly have a papyrus issue.  That has always been the case in the past.  Make a papyrus log and look at if after.  If you don't see the issue, post the log as an attachment.  Make sure you are not running Wet and Cold or Dual Sheath.  They are papyrus engine killers.

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I checked and all the ZAZ files are there.  I'll go back and see if i have a save to load to try this again for the log.  If not, the next time he summons me, I'll grab it.

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No mod, the spell 'candlelight'.  The shiny orb floating above you.  I got this to repeat both fixed and broke multiple times.  As long as I let the spell fade or cancel it by crouching before starting your scenes, everything works great.  Otherwise, the actors hang up before whipping my toon.


Candlelight doesn't get cancelled by crouching (in the unmodded game), so you definitely have a mod installed that changes the spell or adds a dispell. Try it without that mod, it may be doing something weird.


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I noticed that if you manage to raise Tzollaman's disposition towards you, he won't attack you after he says he will have to kill you. You can open dialogue again and go through it another time but he will just stand there and not attack. You can still kill him and loot the key (and I assume he will get aggressive as normal if you hit him 4 times, but I had him down in 3 in this case) so it doesn't block the quest, but it takes away the challenge a bit :D. As far as I know I had raised his disposition by 1 point when this happened.


Because of Skyrim's non-linearity he could be hanging in the Inn for a long time and lots could happen to him in the meantime (caused by other mods). It might be a good idea to call SetRelationshipRank to reset his disposition to default just before you let him attack.


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