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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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11 hours ago, Darkpig said:

Valentines day is coming so why not shit on love but I won't shit on Valentines day no.


Love songs are what piss me off, especially songs about breakups. What your boyfriend cheated on you so now you're going to make a song about it. Get a life you piece of s*2313^&*(^)($# I'd rather listen to Beethoven or something. I get that love is nice but some people think it is as magical as old Disney cartoons which come on is just silly. If You have a problem even a love problem get over it or talk to somebody if you have to.


preach it.


the problem with the last century-ish love song is that eiher they have exausted all realistic (and a crapton uf unrealistic) aproaches, or are flat out reash of even antecedent songs



and why, in the name of the multi-angled-ones there's the need to put it on damned LOOP?

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I dislike watching people drink milk out of the bowl they ate cereal in.

I dislike it when I write a really long statement, essay, story, etc. and there's only one sentence on the last page. It compels me to write more just so I don't waste that entire sheet of paper for the final sentence.
I don't like closed minded people who tell me who I am supposed to be.

I don't like boys. As in males who are attention seekers, beggars, repeatedly apologize for no reason, and are all around emotionally weak.

I dislike tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, and kale.

I don't like when there's no food in the house.

I don't like people who force me to participate in things only they like, and that I barely tolerate. (like inflation. that's weird)
I don't like how people are forced to go into college in order to do anything. Even the jobs that shouldn't require college.
I don't like that you need experience in order to get a job, but in order to get experience, you must already be working.

But most of all. I TRULY HATE (and yes this is the thing I hate most) 
I HATE when people withhold information from me when they were originally going to tell me what it was. 
I do not take "Nevermind" as an answer. Ever. I will personally hunt down anyone who tells me this and haunt their lives until they tell me what they were going to say, or until they forget. No matter how useless the information was.
It's like that "Secret Box" episode of SpongeBob. Don't be a Patrick around me if you know what's good for you. Either tell me what it was or don't even mention anything that results in you saying "Nevermind" If I ask what it is.

Thanks for this thread.

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Im killing dozens of Dragons, tough fights till death ends it (Deadly Dragons).

But I (almost) never manage to get any good screenshots from the battle :classic_sad: ... only afterwards :classic_sad:???


My latest "trophy". A dying Blood Dragon, giving up his soul in the next second. Again not a single useful picture while we were fightling. :classic_angry:



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On 2/4/2019 at 7:30 PM, Ernest Lemmingway said:

Oh, yeah! People who play the race card on something that has nothing to do with race. Like SouljaBoy and his Chinese knockoff consoles getting sued by Nintendo, Sega, etc. That's not about race, it's about copyright laws. He claims he has permission. So show me the proof! :classic_biggrin:

Intellectual laziness, and reliance upon current "woke" trends and the like.


Call something racist, and it's supposed to shut it down immediately. I believe they call this, a thought terminating cliché.


I try to avoid politics while I'm here, but this sort of thing happens all over the spectrum.

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6 hours ago, Mr. Trigun said:

The success of Apex Legends. From what I've read and seen it may have saved EA from a very, VERY hard fall on their greedy ass.?


More like the fact that, despite all that success, they haven't offered any support at all since its release, failing to fix critical issues in their game and servers (as always). And it's a shame, because the game is surprisingly really enjoyable, if you can actually play it.

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14 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

The cool kids are moving to SubscribeStar.

The Silly Cone Valley cartel is doing everything they can to shut that shit down.


They can yap on and on, all day long about "Opposing Hate," "Opposing Hate" my ass. They're a cartel.


They don't care about the socio-political damage being caused by froth-mouthed Lefties. They only care about the Brand power they currently wield.

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>make a comment on FB on how Germans deserved Drezno for all they did to other people

>10 minutes later im banned for another 30 days plus they removed two of my other posts from almost a year ago because muh hate speech 

>criticising actual Nazis is hate speech now 


Get fucked leftist facists, each ban like this only drives me closer to going full on "white power extreme right wing nationalist" and is doing nothing to actually change my mind. 

Day of the rope soon. 

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On 2/11/2019 at 12:50 PM, nonusnomeni said:

i must get that

i deserve that


i cannot keep my dick in the pants because my wife have flue for almost two weeks and i must have sex







and that jerk was rise a son to be same idiotic egoist

yesterday kid was devastate his car (what beautiful sight of neurotic rage) cuz pa didnt want to give him money to get gf on lunch today




looks like that new neighbors will amuse me a lot

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Everything Activision has been up to for the past eleven years just pisses me off. They drive away the designers who helped make the most popular MMO in history and drive said MMO into near ruination, their execs steal files and try to pass it off as hiding a porn stash, they get nailed for fraud, and then they lay off 800 people when they make record profits. Other companies are pulling the same thing and their excuses don't make any sort of sense, either. They aren't trimming unnecessary fat or tossing out deadwood, they're cutting off limbs to lose a few extra pounds.


I now have more conviction that I will never play their Classic servers. I just can't stand the idea of supporting a company that openly greedy.

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What pisses me off?  MY WHITE TRASH NEIGHBORS.  They moved in maybe six months ago.  The 'husband' (in quotations because he's a sorry excuse for one) is a white wanna-be ghetto gansta and a Xanex-popping pill head.  The wife has three kids from three different fathers and the husband isn't one of them.  They aren't taking care of the house.  The youngest daughter (maybe 6 yrs old) doesn't live with them and only comes on weekends.  The two sons (about 10 yr old) are mean little fuckers; they teamed up on a polite little neighbor girl and beat the shit out of her because they can AND I've seen them knock the shit out of their two dogs with a baseball bat.  Speaking of the dogs, no one in the family really pays them attention and they only get fed every other day, sometimes not for three days.  The dogs constantly bark and it got to the point where I had to install sonic no-bark emitters just so I can sleep through the night.  It's also to the point where I AM the only human interaction the dogs have; I pet them over the fence, baby talk to them and give them MilkBones treats.  The dogs are actually happy to see me when I come home from work, and they're not my fucking dogs.


About an hour ago (that's 2 muther-fucking AM) the husband comes home high as a kite and they have a knock-down-drag-out fight.  Things smashing inside the house and lots of yelling.  Her: "You're off fucking that bitch!"  Him: "NO!  You duh bitch!"  Back and forth, back and forth.  After about 30 min of that bullshit the husband goes into the backyard, kicks the closest dog (because he's mad and he's a douche) and then he gets on his phone and has a 'conversation' that sounds like a cross between Eminem and a cat in heat.  Once that mess was over with he went back inside for round two with his professional single mom wife.


I've called the cops before about the dogs and they refuse to do anything.  Evidently the inbred rednecks think animal neglect is legal.  My sister was visiting and she was one who saw the little boys beat up the neighbor girl and SHE went outside with a belt.  They ran like the coward bullies they are.  Good thing too since my sister would have torn their mean little asses up.  My sister walked the little girl home and told her parents what happened.  Since they're 30-something weaklings they didn't do anything.  Now the little girl plays in their back yard by herself.


I really want them to move but the lady renting them the house says "Oh, they're fine."  She's another product of inbreeding.  And I guess she told them that I complained because their rotten kids stay out of my flower beds and the parents shoot me dirty looks.  They're still noisy and trashy scumbags, no cure for that I guess.


OKAY, I'm done.

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1 hour ago, RavinBeast said:

Wow! If I Was There Neighbor And Saw That Shit I Would Probably Bust Into There Home With A Shotgun, Shoot Both Parents In The Fucking Face Then Chop'em Up & Feed'em To There Own Dogs!

that would poison the dogs.?

feed them to the kids instead.

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Ouroboros of Modern Stupidity


The primary representation of opposing opinions has reached an elementary schoolyard level.  The "Great Leaders of Our Time", have basically reached a point of leadership of "we are know what is best and we'll keep doing it regardless of the results.".  The two primary "leadership" organizations follow this philosophy and when one opposes the other;  it turns into nothing more than a "nuh uh, yuh huh" argument.


So it goes..


Group L believes in creating an area that will auto-magically stop gun violence.  Group R laughs and only replies with "NUH UH!".  Group L angrily replies with "YUH HUH!".

Group R believes in creating a wall the will auto-magically stop "bad" people and their drugs from coming in.  Group L laughs and only replies with "NUH UH!".  Group R angrily replies with "YUH HUH!".


Neither group addresses a logical and practical solution to either problem; nor, do either one addresses going after the core source of the problems.  All they basically do is fight over who is right and who is wrong.


And so on...



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The one thing that really gets my blood boiling is people and corporations who insist on trying to force feed geo-politics and PC culture on some of my favorite games.  Take for example the whole Apex Legends debacle; I could care less if my favorite characters are LGBTQ+ so long as the game is stable and runs well.  Stop trying to make me care when its irrelevant in a damn computer game!


But I have to say the one that makes my temper really flare up is Activision purposefully trying to milk people for every dime they have just to meet their shareholders expectations.  They don't care about customers anymore, they care more about their investors.  That's why I've gone into full boycott mode of ANY Activision products, that includes Blizzard Entertainment which is not only rage inducing but heart breaking ?.


Original Diablo was what initially got me hooked on Blizzard games.  To see them completely eviscerated by Act-whore-vision just makes me want to launch a thermal nuclear ICBM at Activisions main HQ.  When Activision finally dies I'll be there at the grave site to take a nice long piss.?

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On 2/10/2019 at 5:54 AM, Mr. Trigun said:

The success of Apex Legends. From what I've read and seen it may have saved EA from a very, VERY hard fall on their greedy ass.?

Yeah I hear you.  Sad thing Apex Legends is actually a good game but the fact it has EA attached to it.  It's like seeing your favorite pizza but with a side order of slimy piles of shit next to it.  Granted said slimy piles of shit are optional but you can still smell the stench.?


I just ignore the in-game cash grab and focus on the game.  Screw EA. 

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