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An idea for a cursed loot quest:


Have you ever wondered how it would feel to pump up an inflatable plug, while that plug is locked inside an unfortunate gal? With this cursed loot event, now you can! Actually,... when I say “you”, I actually mean every citizen of Skyrim except you.


Short version, you are locked in a chastity device with special inflatable plugs. The pump is enchanted wiht a sort of attraction spell, thus npc's around you will sometimes give the plug a squeeze. And as air fills the plugs, negative effects start occurring.


The spoiler is pretty long and contains a lot of details of the possible cursed loot event. I hope you like this idea.





The device(s)


You will be locked in chastity with two inflatable plugs. If possible, both will share one pump. Thus one pump to fill both plugs.


The pump however is enchanted. Nearby npc’s will be drawn to the pump to just give it a squeeze. Sometimes the player will receive a warning like “Ysolda seems mesmerized by the pump”. At that point the player can walk two steps away (or stay and receive a squeeze of the pump). Other times, the npc might give a squeeze without a warning.


Also, these plugs will not lose their air as quickly as the regular inflatable plug.


Inflate and deflate


As mentioned, in contradiction to the regular inflatable plugs, these plugs will not lose their pressure quickly. In game time it requires 3 hours for the pressure to drop a level. After a squeeze, there will be a five minutes cool down time before a npc might give the pump another squeeze. Here are a couple of regular effects

  • The player won’t be able to do horse riding, receiving the message “You seem unable to sit on the horse without the risk of squeezing the pumps”.
  • When using the carriage, the pressure will not drop (or increase). At the destination the player will receive a message like “While during the ride some air escaped the plugs over time, the vibrations of the cart also played with the pump enough to compensate.”
  • At the moment I am not sure what to do about fast travel. Fast travel should not lead to a decrease in pressure. Thus I would suggest a message like “Being less careful while fast traveling, the plugs seem to have the same amount of air in them”.
  • The same goes for resting or sleeping. Resting or sleeping should not be a shortcut to decrease the pressure inside the plugs.
  • A squeeze will reset the lose-pressure timer. At some point, the plugs are filled to the max. The npc’s will still try to squeeze the pump. A squeeze will still reset the lose-pressure timer and give the regular effects.


The effects


There are certain levels. The player will not see a level, only a text like “There is a little bit of air in the plugs”. Here is a list of the different levels and its effect. Some effects are long term. Other temporary effects will occur during the squeeze event to emphasize the distress on the body. The flashing of the stamina bar and/or health bar will give the impression that the squeezing will start to hurt the player and her body. One of the temporary effects that will always occur is of course a moan from the player.

  1. The plugs are empty

    - no effect

  2. The plugs are almost empty

    - no effect

  3. There is a bit of air in the plugs

    - no effect

  4. There is some air in the plugs

    - no effect

  5. The plugs are filled up nicely

    - when sprinting (alt-running) the player loses stamina more quickly

  6. The plugs are filled up a bit too nice

    - when sprinting (alt-running) the player loses stamina more quickly

    - the player loses 10 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 10%

  7. The plugs are starting to feel large

    - when sprinting (alt-running) the player loses stamina more quickly

    - when sprinting (alt-running) the player loses 1 point of health each second

    - the player loses 20 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 20%

  8. The plugs are starting to feel uncomfortable

    - sprinting (alt-running) is disabled

    - the player loses 30 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - the player loses 5 points of health when the plugs are squeezed

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 30%

  9. The plugs are starting to feel really uncomfortable

    - sprinting (alt-running) is disabled

    - running speed is lowered

    - sneaking skill is lowered by 5 points

    - the player loses 40 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - the player loses 10 points of health when the plugs are squeezed

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 40%

    - health regeneration lowered by 10%

  10. The plugs are starting to hurt

    - sprinting (alt-running) is disabled

    - running is disabled

    - sneaking skill is lowered by 10 points

    - the player loses 50 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - the player loses 15 points of health when the plugs are squeezed

    - the player loses 5 points of health when entering sneak-mode (a message will appear)

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 50%

    - health regeneration lowered by 20%

  11. The plugs are starting to hurt badly

    - sprinting (alt-running) is disabled

    - running is disabled

    - sneaking is disabled

    - sneaking skill is lowered by 10 points (even though sneaking is disabled)

    - the player loses 60 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - the player loses 20 points of health when the plugs are squeezed

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 60%

    - health regeneration lowered by 30%

    - a stagger effect might occur, the player will lose 10 stamina during the staggering

  12. The plugs are painfully large

    - sprinting (alt-running) is disabled

    - running is disabled

    - sneaking is disabled

    - walking speed is lowered

    - sneaking skill is lowered by 10 points (even though sneaking is disabled)

    - the player loses 70 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - the player loses 25 points of health when the plugs are squeezed

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 70%

    - health regeneration lowered by 40%

    - a stagger effect might occur, the player will lose 20 stamina and 10 health during the staggering

  13. The plugs are painfully large

    - sprinting (alt-running) is disabled

    - running is disabled

    - sneaking is disabled

    - combat is disabled (you can’t get into combat position)

    - walking speed is lowered (a bit more)

    - sneaking skill is lowered by 10 points (even though sneaking is disabled)

    - the player loses 80 stamina when the plugs are squeezed

    - the player loses 30 points of health when the plugs are squeezed

    - stamina regeneration lowered by 80%

    - health regeneration lowered by 50%

    - a stagger effect might occur, the player will lose 30 stamina and 20 health during the staggering

With these negative effects, the player of course should try to avoid the populated areas. Thus the quest to get free will of course force to player to visit bars around Skyrim.


The quest


When getting locked into the chastity belt with the plugs, you will also receive a letter in your inventory. The letter will read…

Hello Arenwen. I knew a filthy wood elf like you would be walking around in these parts. I hope you enjoy my little gift for you. With not very kind regards, Brelda Quintella


The first entry in your quest log will be to read the letter in your inventory. After reading this letter, a message will appear, telling that it is obvious that you are wearing a belt that was meant for someone else. Unfortunately you do not know who either Arenwen or Brelda are. Thus you have no other choice than to ask around, starting with the inns of the five major holds. Thus the second entry in your quest log will be to ask around for either the wood elf called Arenwen or someone named Brelda Quintella. Or more specific, to ask the innkeepers, starting with the innkeepers of the five major holds.


The first innkeeper you speak (no matter which hold) will mention that a dunmer with the name Brelda Quintella.

I remember her, hard to forget. She had a fuss with one of the locals. And I am sure he still remembers her as well, he only have to look in the mirror. She did however decided to leave early. I’ve been told she headed to Dawnstar.


When visiting Dawnstar, Thorin will inform you that someone matching the description visited a couple of weeks ago, but found a boot to take her to either Farrun or Northpoint. With other words, a dead end. The player should return to asking the innkeepers of the four other major holds.


At random, the second, third, fourth or fifth innkeeper will recall a Bosmer named Arenwen.

I know a Bosmer by that name. She stayed here for a couple of weeks. She left just two days ago to Falkreath.


And finally in Dead Man’s Drink you meet Arenwen.

  • Yes, I am Arenwen,… ah I see, you have upset our little vengeful dark elf friend?
  • Hand over the note addressed to Arenwen.
  • Ah, I see. Brelda knows I often explore the wild and dungeons and hoped for me to find the cursed items. I guess I should be thankful that you found the belt instead of me. You probably wish to get out?
  • YES
  • "Brelda usually resides in Daggerfall and would like me to visit her, crawling on my knees. But that will never happen, certainly not because it is you who is locked up. And I doubt if she would help you, she is known to hold a grudge easily."
  • But can’t perhaps you help me?
  • "Sure, I recognize the magic that is used, sometimes Altmer use this type of magic for their vaults. Four soulgems for the four corners of the world are bound together, and one of them is inside the chastity belt. The other soulgems are probably somewhere in Skyrim. That is because if the distance between the gems get too big, they start losing power rapidly."
  • "You mean I could just leave Skyrim and I will soon be free?"
  • "Absolutely, just a few months, or a few years and you are free. I can personally tell you that the southern part of Valenwood is lovely this time of year. Although you might prefer visiting Lilmoth in the Black Marsh, just a little further does wonders."
  • A couple of months to a couple of years?
  • Well, either that or wait a couple of centuries when you stay in Skyrim.
  • Is there no other way?
  • Sure, bring the gems together. When the gems are in each other proximity, all four of them will chance shape. That is how they are used as keys."
  • But how could I ever find these gems if all I know that they are somewhere in Skyrim?
  • I can help you with that, although I have to make some expenses.
  • You mean, I have to pay you to get out of a trap that was left behind for you because some dunmer has a grudge against you?
  • A girl has got to make a living. And that I can make a living because of Brelda has a nice touch to it.

Anyway, the other three gems are of course hidden in public places across Skyrim. To keep the speed up, I suspect that Arenwen won’t let you return with a gem before revealing the location of the location of the next gem. You do of course have to pay for each location separately.


The distribution should probably require a random factor. First three hold will be selected. Each hold will have a couple of possible hiding places, and one of them will be chosen. Arenwen will place the markers on your map.


The quest part 2

Being locked up once, does not prevent being locked up a second time. The second time however, you know where to find Arenwen. Thus the second (and third, fourth,..) time, this quest will take less time to complete. Although the (level based) payment won’t decrease.

  • You again? How nice to see you again. And I see you have another letter from our friend.
  • I just want to get this over with.
  • As you wish, I guess Brelda made some precautions to be sure that I would get locked.
  • Yeah, I noticed. Just tell me how much it’s going to cost me this time.

Unlike the first time, the second (or third) time the plugs will probably be relative empty as you have not visited a couple of inns. However, this time Arenwen will give the pump two or three squeezes herself just as you are about to leave.





I love the idea. 


1.  it sounds like a really fun effect and,

2.  I always love to see new devious quests



Add an abdominal inflation effect to that and I would be all for that.


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Does this affect areas added by mods? Like yourenotsupposedtobeinhere's Summerset Isle?


Not quite sure if I understand your question right, but yes, the traps will trigger in -any- area using vanilla assets (chests, doors, mobs). If a modder made a custom area and put regular chests in there, Cursed Loot will work just fine there. If they made custom containers or custom NPCs, it will not as Cursed Loot has no knowledge of these assets.



Hmm... good to know. 


Was thinking of making a maze to go with this mod - light on enemies, heavy on puzzles requiring the opening of doors and chests (to put things in a la Klimmek's request) and similar. Y'know, things that one can (if not realistically) do with an armbinder, gag, and blindfold. 


Totally new to modding; the thought was to use custom chests (read: temporary door openers) to avoid confusion on what to attach the inevitable scripts to; will clearly have to rethink that. 

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So, I've encountered a problem over the last two days.  When I have a gag equiped, my character keeps her mouth closed with the gag just clipping through her lips.  I've gone back and uninstalled everything from my last download binge(this happens sometimes... I just can't help myself... I'm such a mod whore...) and the glitch still remains.  The only thing I can think, is that it may be the Fnis V5_5 updates I recently installed.  It's the only possible thing I can think of that could still be causing the issue.  So, has anyone else had this problem and can you advise if my theory is correct or if I've missed something?


Thanks so much,




btw:  Love that maze idea too hehe.

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Not sure this is the best place to post this, but seeing as you said you were open to suggestions, I have two words for you: bondage mitts. At least two varieties already spring to mind: one with thumbs and spherical. The former would have the same functionality you get with most of the gloves, perhaps with a slight dexterity penalty. The latter, however, would inhibit the equipping of any weapons (possibly impeding spellcasting as well), and reducing the subject to unarmed combat until they're off. Either option may or may not be compatible with armbinders (open-ended sleeve for the ball mitts?).


Edit: Eh, and as long as I'm here, spherical inflatable bondage hood and inflatable straitjacket :P

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Not sure this is the best place to post this, but seeing as you said you were open to suggestions, I have two words for you: bondage mitts. At least two varieties already spring to mind: one with thumbs and spherical. The former would have the same functionality you get with most of the gloves, perhaps with a slight dexterity penalty. The latter, however, would inhibit the equipping of any weapons (possibly impeding spellcasting as well), and reducing the subject to unarmed combat until they're off. Either option may or may not be compatible with armbinders (open-ended sleeve for the ball mitts?).


Edit: Eh, and as long as I'm here, spherical inflatable bondage hood and inflatable straitjacket :P


I believe Dasha is already working on most of this.  I don't know about the inflatable part, but the mits, and a straight jacket are in the works.  Also,  Kimy just recently posted that Dasha's devices will be implemented.


I'm also really, really, looking forward to Dasha's hobble skirt *big smiles*

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Dasha's mod will -absolutely- be integrated. Sooner rather than later. :) Very likely it will become a hard requirement for Cursed Loot.

Please, don't put a hard requirement for any non-bodyslidable device. :(


Bodyslide support is a hard requirement for anything that goes into Cursed Loot. This will NOT change. So far no item in Dasha's mod needs Bodyslide support, though (gags and plugs don't get scaled and work with any body). I already asked Dasha for Bodyslide support for the upcoming straightjacket, and she said she'd look into it. :)
> and work with any body


Once again the cats and lizards of Skyrim get no love. Sadness!

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Hi every one


back to work after a few weeks of holidays :


I'm still stuck in the "Damsel in distress" quest : I can't free my hands. I know I should the TAB key should allow me to struggle, but it seems the TAB key doesn't work : I keep pressing it and I never got the "Struggle" message. Has it ever happened to anyone ? Any idea ?



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Does this affect areas added by mods? Like yourenotsupposedtobeinhere's Summerset Isle?


Not quite sure if I understand your question right, but yes, the traps will trigger in -any- area using vanilla assets (chests, doors, mobs). If a modder made a custom area and put regular chests in there, Cursed Loot will work just fine there. If they made custom containers or custom NPCs, it will not as Cursed Loot has no knowledge of these assets.



Hmm... good to know. 


Was thinking of making a maze to go with this mod - light on enemies, heavy on puzzles requiring the opening of doors and chests (to put things in a la Klimmek's request) and similar. Y'know, things that one can (if not realistically) do with an armbinder, gag, and blindfold. 


Totally new to modding; the thought was to use custom chests (read: temporary door openers) to avoid confusion on what to attach the inevitable scripts to; will clearly have to rethink that. 



You can still use custom chests and other items, just use a script to add them to the appropriate Form Lists in the DCL mod so DCL can make them dangerous.  I'd bet if you asked Kimy which lists to add them to, she'd be happy enough to tell you.



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I am quite curious what mod was used to make the game look so good in those screenshot, they are just fantastic to look at. Really want my devious device to shine like that.

Rlo, bleak enb + imaginator :)



That question cause me to look at those images.  You did a great job (yes, I saw you credited for them ;)).





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I am quite curious what mod was used to make the game look so good in those screenshot, they are just fantastic to look at. Really want my devious device to shine like that.

Rlo, bleak enb + imaginator :)

That question cause me to look at those images. You did a great job (yes, I saw you credited for them ;)).

Nawh thanks :3 I have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with screenshotting, I swear I spend more time taking pictures than I do actually playing :3

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There are some places that are entirely too safe, when doing the Meridias Beacon quest not a single one of those numerous dead Imperials or Stormcloak bodies are deviously cursed. They are cursed yes, but not deviously so.


There are other dead bodies in the game that also don't carry any possible penalties for looting and I did some work to find them and add the to the list of dead bodies which I put into a miniscule mod so Kimy can easily use it with TESVEDIT to update the list in the mod.


Just open this in TESVEDIT and copy it's expanded list into the main mod and Kilkreath Ruins will be a much more dangerous place and a number of other lootable dead bodies in other locations will also take on a new risk.

You are an evil man, WaxenFigure!

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You can still use custom chests and other items, just use a script to add them to the appropriate Form Lists in the DCL mod so DCL can make them dangerous.  I'd bet if you asked Kimy which lists to add them to, she'd be happy enough to tell you.



Also good to know; I haven't even started to get to the scripts, mind you; early days yet. 


Granted, I do know what I want the scripts to do: namely, close (and maybe re-lock) doors behind you. Fun coming and going!  :lol:

Well, that, and a procedurally-generated section or two (I have no idea even how to begin that, but I'll be thinking about it, and probably consulting Google) to keep people coming back. As the delectable plethora of options in this mod demonstrates, after all, there's something to be said for variety. 

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So, I've encountered a problem over the last two days.  When I have a gag equiped, my character keeps her mouth closed with the gag just clipping through her lips.  I've gone back and uninstalled everything from my last download binge(this happens sometimes... I just can't help myself... I'm such a mod whore...) and the glitch still remains.  The only thing I can think, is that it may be the Fnis V5_5 updates I recently installed.  It's the only possible thing I can think of that could still be causing the issue.  So, has anyone else had this problem and can you advise if my theory is correct or if I've missed something?


Thanks so much,




btw:  Love that maze idea too hehe.


I had this problem when I updated to Sexlab 1.6. To fix it I had to install Mfg Console from Nexus.

Apparently, it used to come with Sexlab 1.59 but is no longer in 1.6. The Zaz animation pack uses it to control the character's mouth when gagged.

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So, I've encountered a problem over the last two days.  When I have a gag equiped, my character keeps her mouth closed with the gag just clipping through her lips.  I've gone back and uninstalled everything from my last download binge(this happens sometimes... I just can't help myself... I'm such a mod whore...) and the glitch still remains.  The only thing I can think, is that it may be the Fnis V5_5 updates I recently installed.  It's the only possible thing I can think of that could still be causing the issue.  So, has anyone else had this problem and can you advise if my theory is correct or if I've missed something?


Thanks so much,




btw:  Love that maze idea too hehe.


I had this problem when I updated to Sexlab 1.6. To fix it I had to install Mfg Console from Nexus.

Apparently, it used to come with Sexlab 1.59 but is no longer in 1.6. The Zaz animation pack uses it to control the character's mouth when gagged.



That didn't fix it... Thank you for trying though.

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Decided to try this mod, and while I like the idea of it, every time I do come across a trapped chest/body/etc. I keep getting forced into the full set of devices, instead of merely 1 or 2 which I want.

I've changed the settings and this keeps happening regardless. Could you please help?

One more random question: Are the items that start the quests also random in chests/bodies/etc?

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And now a few questions: is the Aradia Rogue Armor included in the droplist? Or just the standard armor and the Living one? And is it possible to fully disable the Living Armor from appearing? Because I get it even setting the chance to 0%,


Kimy, I'm reposting this question because I'm not sure if you have seen it and I haven't found any info about what I was asking in this thread. I also would like to add one more question :angel:


Serana is not affected by this mod. That's because she uses an independent follower system so to speak, right? WIll you add support for that kind of followers?



Ok, I must admit that I asked about the issue with Serana without doing a previous search in the thread. After doing that search I found this:



Yeah, it seems Serana doesn't have the default follower faction set for some reason (Skyrim being Skyrim I guess), which is why Cursed Loot and other mods don't recognize her. Shame that she's a DLC character, otherwise I'd just add support for her.



And this:



Version 3.4

- Added: Revamped solicitation. You now have to collect your payment after servicing your customers and there is now a (customizable) chance that they won't pay up. You can insist, but they might find your nagging annoying...

- Added: Toggle for allowing solicitation in inns only.

- Added: (Customizable) chance that a customer wants a threesome on successful solicitation.

- Added: Some customers will force drug you with Skooma when soliciting (you will receive a 50% higher tip for it!). Yes, that's meant as a (very light) tie-in with Skooma Whore.

- Added: Soliciting in inns will increase your success chances by a fair bit, but the innkeeper will keep a portion of your tip.

- Added: Soliciting while wearing light or heavy armor will...not work.

- Added: Support for some popular custom followers not using the standard follower tagging system for some (silly) reason. Currently the list includes Sofia, Vilja and Selene Kate. Oh and Bethesda's own Serana. Don't even ask me why Bethesda isn't using their very own built-in follower system for her.

- Changed: If a Yoke is rolled while arm cuffs are worn, the game now tries to unequip any generic arm cuffs instead of immediately falling back to conventional armbinders.

- Fixed: Botched evaluation of NPC arousal that led to only unaroused NPCs agreeing to your solicitation efforts. Gah!

- Fixed: Collar rape events now make the player dismount when an event triggers to prevent animation issues.

- Fixed: The slut collar effects now properly terminate upon removal.




So, did you add support for those followers and dropped it again at some point? or the mod works perfectly fine with them and the problem is at my end?



And about the Aradia items... from what you wrote in the mod description:


This mod can use items from Aradia DD Integration and Captured Dreams (version 2.76 or higher!) if they are installed.



I understand that any of the items in the mod can be dropped by DCL (i.e. Devious Outfit, Snake Rogue Outfit and Parasite Armor) but I want to be sure because, so far, I only got Devious Outfit parts and the Parasite Armor. I don't like the Parasite Armor very much and it has the healrate bug; so, if those are the only Aradia items I can get I'll consider disabling that mod from the DCL MCM. BUT, if the Snake Rogue is included I would like to disable only the Parasite Armor, and that's why I asked about the 0% chance (I seem to recall from an MCM help that 0% doesn't mean never, but I don't know if it applies in this case).



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Hello, and thanks for this great mod and keeping it up to date.

I have a question;I've recently gone from 4.8 to 4.10 and it seems the dialogue with shopkeepers and blacksmiths to remove restraints other than the yoke has disappeared ("I've been locked in restraints, can you help me?" I think). Is it intentional? 

And also, does the breasts growth option work by itself or do I need another mod for it to work?

Thanks a lot!

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Hello, and thanks for this great mod and keeping it up to date.

I have a question;I've recently gone from 4.8 to 4.10 and it seems the dialogue with shopkeepers and blacksmiths to remove restraints other than the yoke has disappeared ("I've been locked in restraints, can you help me?" I think). Is it intentional?


The dialogue for begging shopkeepers to unlock you doesn't work in 4.10. It's a known bug and so hopefully to be fixed in future releases :)

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This has been asked and answered before im sure but, my char has been fitted with some RD-custom blindfold and its now stuck on my char. I dont even get the message box if i try to unequip the blindfold. I get the unequip sound in inventory and it looks like its unequiped in inventory but its still visible on my char. I get the message about unable to equip two blindfolds if i try to equipp another one so its clearly that something is wrong. Safeword dont do anything.

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This has been asked and answered before im sure but, my char has been fitted with some RD-custom blindfold and its now stuck on my char. I dont even get the message box if i try to unequip the blindfold. I get the unequip sound in inventory and it looks like its unequiped in inventory but its still visible on my char. I get the message about unable to equip two blindfolds if i try to equipp another one so its clearly that something is wrong. Safeword dont do anything.


This happen sometimes.


The best way I found to fix it is to find an empty container, open the console, note the container id and then type "player.removeallitems <container ID>". All your equipment will be moved to the container and you'll be able to pick it up again. It doesn't always work but it's worth trying

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This has been asked and answered before im sure but, my char has been fitted with some RD-custom blindfold and its now stuck on my char. I dont even get the message box if i try to unequip the blindfold. I get the unequip sound in inventory and it looks like its unequiped in inventory but its still visible on my char. I get the message about unable to equip two blindfolds if i try to equipp another one so its clearly that something is wrong. Safeword dont do anything.


This happen sometimes.


The best way I found to fix it is to find an empty container, open the console, note the container id and then type "player.removeallitems <container ID>". All your equipment will be moved to the container and you'll be able to pick it up again. It doesn't always work but it's worth trying


Thank you. Will try and get back to this. :-)

Edit: Thanks Disposable, that worked.

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This has been asked and answered before im sure but, my char has been fitted with some RD-custom blindfold and its now stuck on my char. I dont even get the message box if i try to unequip the blindfold. I get the unequip sound in inventory and it looks like its unequiped in inventory but its still visible on my char. I get the message about unable to equip two blindfolds if i try to equipp another one so its clearly that something is wrong. Safeword dont do anything.


This happen sometimes.


The best way I found to fix it is to find an empty container, open the console, note the container id and then type "player.removeallitems <container ID>". All your equipment will be moved to the container and you'll be able to pick it up again. It doesn't always work but it's worth trying


This is incredibly useful information. I've always emptied my inventory to a container and used just 'player.removeallitems', but that is obviously a huge hassle with no 'dump all' button.


One question, though. Is there an easy way to get the container ID? Do you just click on it with the console open?


(In other news, I might go back to digging through your code again, Kimy. I hope you don't mind. :P)

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