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Decided to try this mod, and while I like the idea of it, every time I do come across a trapped chest/body/etc. I keep getting forced into the full set of devices, instead of merely 1 or 2 which I want.


I've changed the settings and this keeps happening regardless. Could you please help?


One more random question: Are the items that start the quests also random in chests/bodies/etc?


Could I please get some help with this?

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Decided to try this mod, and while I like the idea of it, every time I do come across a trapped chest/body/etc. I keep getting forced into the full set of devices, instead of merely 1 or 2 which I want.


I've changed the settings and this keeps happening regardless. Could you please help?


One more random question: Are the items that start the quests also random in chests/bodies/etc?


Could I please get some help with this?



There is a "threshold for full set" or something like that in the settings, change that to 101.

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Decided to try this mod, and while I like the idea of it, every time I do come across a trapped chest/body/etc. I keep getting forced into the full set of devices, instead of merely 1 or 2 which I want.


I've changed the settings and this keeps happening regardless. Could you please help?


One more random question: Are the items that start the quests also random in chests/bodies/etc?


Could I please get some help with this?



There is a "threshold for full set" or something like that in the settings, change that to 101.



I did do that before. Still nada.

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A full suite of UUNP options are now available for Deviously Cursed Loot end-user's.


Create any of the unp, sevenbase, unpb, and many more bodies up to 50 bodies!  Also use any of the Morphs previously only available for CBBE user's.

You can make the body type you need to fit any unp body in mere seconds with Bodyslide or in Racemenu Morphs plug in.


Check my signature for location of downloads.


TY and game on.



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Absolutely love this mod!


For some reason, though, the [sex for keys] option takes an eternity to progress to the next dialogue with the various options. I've actually timed out of dialogues before because of it. :[ Any idea what might be causing that?

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Absolutely love this mod!


For some reason, though, the [sex for keys] option takes an eternity to progress to the next dialogue with the various options. I've actually timed out of dialogues before because of it. :[ Any idea what might be causing that?


Yes, you have way too many script mods all trying to run their stuff at the same time.

I think just about everyone has experienced that.

If you need better performance to play I suggest taking the mods list to the Skyrim Tech Support here on Lovers Lab, your sure to get an in-depth look and some suggestions on which mods to just outright axe.

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Absolutely love this mod!


For some reason, though, the [sex for keys] option takes an eternity to progress to the next dialogue with the various options. I've actually timed out of dialogues before because of it. :[ Any idea what might be causing that?


Yes, you have way too many script mods all trying to run their stuff at the same time.

I think just about everyone has experienced that.

If you need better performance to play I suggest taking the mods list to the Skyrim Tech Support here on Lovers Lab, your sure to get an in-depth look and some suggestions on which mods to just outright axe.



Figured that might be the cause. I really do need to cut down on stuff, but terrified of breaking my game in the process. >,<



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Absolutely love this mod!


For some reason, though, the [sex for keys] option takes an eternity to progress to the next dialogue with the various options. I've actually timed out of dialogues before because of it. :[ Any idea what might be causing that?


Yes, you have way too many script mods all trying to run their stuff at the same time.

I think just about everyone has experienced that.

If you need better performance to play I suggest taking the mods list to the Skyrim Tech Support here on Lovers Lab, your sure to get an in-depth look and some suggestions on which mods to just outright axe.



Dunno about that, I've had it with just dcl.

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Absolutely love this mod!


For some reason, though, the [sex for keys] option takes an eternity to progress to the next dialogue with the various options. I've actually timed out of dialogues before because of it. :[ Any idea what might be causing that?


Yes, you have way too many script mods all trying to run their stuff at the same time.

I think just about everyone has experienced that.

If you need better performance to play I suggest taking the mods list to the Skyrim Tech Support here on Lovers Lab, your sure to get an in-depth look and some suggestions on which mods to just outright axe.



Dunno about that, I've had it with just dcl.



I haven't had real issue with DCL, and I like the mod so much I just released a slider for it this afternoon actually.  Been using DCL since release day.


Mods list issue is what it sounds like to me.  There are also a number of modifications that are good for your game and a lot of aweful harmful ones that people never bother to remove out there as well.   So Tech Support.  Bring your Skyrim and Prefs INI.  A mods list as well.  Prefer them in text or DOC format for download.  Spoilers are fine too but the text document is easier to work with.


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So, I finished the Rubber Doll Quest, I mean i dont have the Collar anymore, but the Quest in already in the Questlog. I need the Quest Code to End it.  :P


I might be wrong...but in MCM debug section the option "free me" usually solves those sort of issues.

It removes all devices and stops all quests.

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So, I finished the Rubber Doll Quest, I mean i dont have the Collar anymore, but the Quest in already in the Questlog. I need the Quest Code to End it.  :P


I might be wrong...but in MCM debug section the option "free me" usually solves those sort of issues.

It removes all devices and stops all quests.


The rubber quest doesn't appear to have been added to the function. I don't think the DiD quest is in there either.


It also seems to have trouble removing corsets, although that seems to have more to do with how apparently complicated they are.

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Is it possible, please, to fix the Braith thing? I mean, some posts ago I have read that there's something here which breaks the little quest of Braith and Lars because she acts as if she is an orphan with the result that their dialogue does not trigger. I have experienced this in game and it's a pity because this little scene has later effects on a bigger quest. Since I can't live without this mod could you please help? Many thanks.

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Is it possible, please, to fix the Braith thing? I mean, some posts ago I have read that there's something here which breaks the little quest of Braith and Lars because she acts as if she is an orphan with the result that their dialogue does not trigger. I have experienced this in game and it's a pity because this little scene has later effects on a bigger quest. Since I can't live without this mod could you please help? Many thanks.

Hearthfires mod adds a couple of links to the "in cell" reference to Braith that DCL loses, they can be added to the DCL mod using TESVEDIT and will not add Hearthfires mod as a requirement and that will probably fix the problem referenced by brokenrose though I wonder why you even needed to update the reference to Braith at all for this mod. Was that an accidental inclusion?


(Reference is easily found in TESVEDIT, just open TESVEDI with DCL type Braith into the "Editor ID" field hit enter and let TESVEDIT find the reference which should only take a few seconds).

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And also, does the breasts growth option work by itself or do I need another mod for it to work?


The function is disabled by default. You have to go into the MCM and enable it there.


That's what I did, but it doesn't seem to change their size in any way, even though I get the messages saying they are.

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Hey Kimy, it seems like the safeword function does not clean up the Damsel in Distress quest all the way.  It removed all the items (except the corset, but I knew that was going to happen).  I was trying to remove the corset with a key, but it kept telling me I could not remove the corset because the hood was still locked on (but the hood had been removed)


I know I cheated (I promise I wont cheat next time!) Is there a way tell it I no longer have the hood?

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Hi there. Although I'm a bit of a lurker, I've been a long-term user and fan of this mod. In fact, at this point Cursed Loot is pretty much the only Sexlab content mod I use because it has so many features and I've lost too many save-files to buggy mods and I don't know how to identify which one(s) are the problems. Anyway I thought now would be a good time to ask some questions and provide some feedback. I have a bunch of things to talk about here. Some will be because I don't understand, other could be bugs, and some could be advice. Take what you will from it.


Solicitation: As far as I can tell, the options to only work whilst in an inn or whilst casually dressed don't work. What I'd *expect* by those two options is for the [solicitation] dialog option to not even show up unless those conditions are fulfilled. I haven't tested it enough to know if you've gone about it another way, but I feel like my suggested way would definitely be the nicest. I *think* it shouldn't be hard to do either, based on my Creation Kit experience.


Sex Attacks: first of all, I've had a bug (?) where the combat surrender didn't pan out and made me immune to death but I could keep on fighting. Much later on I decided that perhaps I should just disable the whole combat surrender aspect, but I die instantly if I do, so that save file is toast.


Secondly, I think it would be quite cool if the unarmed sex attacks thing was adjusted. There are too many good reasons to not have a weapon equipped in contexts where that doesn't make you seem vulnerable (spellcasters, for one). I think it would be cool if there was an option to only auto-surrender if disarmed by a power attack during a fight. Or perhaps only let it check for whether you're unarmed if you're also in combat with the potential attacker.


A Little Bondage Adventure: I probably just don't properly understand this but I've never been able to make it work except as a result of a sex attack. The tool tip says that you just need to talk to a tradesperson when in bondage but I don't get any additional dialog options when I do.


High Security Restraints: The basic Devious Devices mods makes it possible for your key to break in a lock, jamming it permanently. It would be nice if Cursed Loot allowed you to seek out a blacksmith's help to remove these items... Hell, it'd be nice if Cursed Loot allowed you to ask a blacksmith to help you out of *any* (non-special) items. You'd expect that the price they're asking would be unreasonably high and disincentive to bother for a basic set of restraints of course.


Cursed Loot Trap Cooldown: Unless I'm misunderstanding it I think this feature it broken. I'm pretty sure I got several events during a 24 hour period when the cooldown was set to 24 hours. It's possible I'm confusing this because I started out by wearing the Lucky Charm. *If* an event needs to be successful for the cooldown to occur, I think it would be nice if this could be changed. I personally like to make the Lucky Charm extremely rare and also to put a high cooldown on the events, so that I can be fairly sure that I'll be able to clear an entire dungeon safely if I need to.


Probability Formulae & Arousal: I can't understand quite what Arousal Weight and Arousal Modifier do to your chances. I get the gist, but I like to know exactly what my settings do, and since I use very different settings to the defaults I'd like to be sure I know how these work. If someone would show me the formula or explain it to me then that'd be great. The only things I know about this from the tooltips is what happens at the extremes.


Okay, I think that's all I've got. Thanks for all your good work.

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Solicitation: As far as I can tell, the options to only work whilst in an inn or whilst casually dressed don't work. What I'd *expect* by those two options is for the [solicitation] dialog option to not even show up unless those conditions are fulfilled. I haven't tested it enough to know if you've gone about it another way, but I feel like my suggested way would definitely be the nicest. I *think* it shouldn't be hard to do either, based on my Creation Kit experience.


Sex Attacks: first of all, I've had a bug (?) where the combat surrender didn't pan out and made me immune to death but I could keep on fighting. Much later on I decided that perhaps I should just disable the whole combat surrender aspect, but I die instantly if I do, so that save file is toast.


Secondly, I think it would be quite cool if the unarmed sex attacks thing was adjusted. There are too many good reasons to not have a weapon equipped in contexts where that doesn't make you seem vulnerable (spellcasters, for one). I think it would be cool if there was an option to only auto-surrender if disarmed by a power attack during a fight. Or perhaps only let it check for whether you're unarmed if you're also in combat with the potential attacker.

High Security Restraints: The basic Devious Devices mods makes it possible for your key to break in a lock, jamming it permanently. It would be nice if Cursed Loot allowed you to seek out a blacksmith's help to remove these items... Hell, it'd be nice if Cursed Loot allowed you to ask a blacksmith to help you out of *any* (non-special) items. You'd expect that the price they're asking would be unreasonably high and disincentive to bother for a basic set of restraints of course.


Probability Formulae & Arousal: I can't understand quite what Arousal Weight and Arousal Modifier do to your chances. I get the gist, but I like to know exactly what my settings do, and since I use very different settings to the defaults I'd like to be sure I know how these work. If someone would show me the formula or explain it to me then that'd be great. The only things I know about this from the tooltips is what happens at the extremes.



Well, I cant answer all your questions but...


The solicitation settings for working only in an inn or only while not wearing armor do not stop you from trying to solicit sex, only from succeeding if the conditions are not met.


There is a known bug with the sex attacks that is supposed to be fixed in the next version. I'd recommend waiting until the next version to use that feature. You can recover your bugged save too. Load it up, open the console and type "tim". This will make you immortal. Uncheck combat surrender in the DCL MCM and you shouldn't get the instant death issue. Save the game and you should be good to go. (Don't forget to type "tim" again to turn immortality back off!)


For the jammed locks, you could check out the mod captured dreams. It's pretty stable and the master of the shop can remove jammed devices from your character, iirc.


Lastly, and I really hope my math is right on this (somewhat sleep deprived right now :-/),


For the arousal formula, here is an example. Say you have cursed loot chance set to 1%. With no arousal weight, you would get a cursed loot event about 1 every 100 chests. If you added arousal weight, this will obviously change. I typically use low weights, so I'll use that here. Lets say you set .1 for modifier and .1 for weight. If your character is at 50 arousal, the .1 modifier would give you a value of 5%. (10% of 50 out of 100) The .1 weight setting will then take that 5%, and combine it with your normal settings. In this example 1% (from the base chance) would get 90% of the total weight and the 5% (from the arousal modifier) would get 10% (from the arousal weight). 


The formula you would plug the numbers into is (Base Chance * Base Chance Weight) + (Modified Arousal * Arousal Weight) = Total Chance


In this example Base Chance is 1% or .01, Base Chance Weight is 90% or .9, Modified Arousal is 5 (so 5%, or .05), and Arousal Weight is 10% or .1.


That gives us (.01 * .9) + (.05 * .1) = 0.014. That means your modified chance would be 1.4 % for a cursed loot event.


If you use the default weights for arousal, at a 1% base chance and 50 arousal you would get this:


BC = .01

BCW = .5

MA = .25 (50% of 50)

AW = .5


(.01 * .5) + (.25*.5) = .13 or a 13% chance.


Somewhat complicated I know, but I hope that helped explain that a bit more.

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Well, I cant answer all your questions but...


The solicitation settings for working only in an inn or only while not wearing armor do not stop you from trying to solicit sex, only from succeeding if the conditions are not met.



I figured that was a possibility. I definitely still think that my alternative proposal is the better approach just from a game polish perspective, but it might be more effort than it's worth since it's not a core feature.




There is a known bug with the sex attacks that is supposed to be fixed in the next version. I'd recommend waiting until the next version to use that feature. You can recover your bugged save too. Load it up, open the console and type "tim". This will make you immortal. Uncheck combat surrender in the DCL MCM and you shouldn't get the instant death issue. Save the game and you should be good to go. (Don't forget to type "tim" again to turn immortality back off!)


Thanks for that! I'd never heard of tim. I tried tgm and that didn't work. Any idea roughly how far away the next release is? Because the change log isn't dated I don't really know how common updates are.




For the jammed locks, you could check out the mod captured dreams. It's pretty stable and the master of the shop can remove jammed devices from your character, iirc.


Yes, Captured Dreams is the only other content mod I'm using. I was simply highlighting a bit of a missed opportunity within Cursed Loot that would be a cool new feature.




For the arousal formula, here is an example...


Thanks for that example, that has definitely helped a lot. There are a couple of potentially weird or undesirable things about that formula. How sure are you about their accuracy?


1 - Do you know how the arousal stuff interacts with variable probabilities? For example I usually set my base chance very low and the generic container multiplier extremely low, but put the ornate container very high. Let's say for the sake of the example that I put locked doors as the default chance and the default chance at 10%, with AW and AM at 0.5 each. Now, if I'm at 50 arousal then according to your formula I've got a 17.5% chance of an event on the door. What would my Ornate Container chance and my Generic container (sacks, barrels etc) chance be if their multipliers were 5.0x and 0.1x respectively? My hope is that they would be 87.5% and 1.75%, but my fear is that they could be 37.5% and 13% respectively.


2 - The implementation of Arousal Modifier is strange. If you turned all this stuff off by setting AW to zero it's possible to get 100% through various multipliers. Turning AW on at all means that 100% chance is totally impossible except for with 100 arousal and AM set to 1.0. I guess there's nothing strictly wrong with that, but if that's the case I'd propose that perhaps the minimum interval on each of those two variables be reduced for finer tuning than 0.1, and perhaps AM should be able to go higher than 1.0.

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quick question, I've been testing a lot of mods I downloaded AGES ago as I have a backlog of 100+ to go through >.<


I was testing a child companion mod (nothing naughty here lol) but soon as the game started loot was disabled EVEN though I hadn't even found / recruited the follower to test if it works, loot decided I all ready recruited her :/


is that normal?

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quick question, I've been testing a lot of mods I downloaded AGES ago as I have a backlog of 100+ to go through >.<


I was testing a child companion mod (nothing naughty here lol) but soon as the game started loot was disabled EVEN though I hadn't even found / recruited the follower to test if it works, loot decided I all ready recruited her :/


is that normal?


Mine starts disabled every game. I just assume that's because Skyrim probably sets you up as a generic male before you reach the character creation.

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