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I updated the post with the awesome screenshots provided by Tifa. The website probably triggered an "update" signal for the thread followers. Ugh!


No, version 5.0 is not yet ready. It will take a biiiiit longer. :)


That's good, I have a biiiiit time left until I get back to my real setup (ATM vacation with laptop) :D I hope it's ready until then, *HyperHypetrain*

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I updated the post with the awesome screenshots provided by Tifa. The website probably triggered an "update" signal for the thread followers. Ugh!


No, version 5.0 is not yet ready. It will take a biiiiit longer. :)

no take your time. :) i just wanted to be safe and get it asap to minimize the loss of progress.

sigh i wish i could contribute something to your mod. i feel filthy for not doing anything in return..

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I think i might have found a (partial) conflict with Sexlab Defeat.


I had a character with "Combat Surrender" on, on whom I had apparently activated Defeat as well. This gave me defeat events, and not the Cursed Loot Surrenders. I un-installed the Defeat mod (through the MCM, not removing the mod entirely) and tried to trigger a CL Surrender, but it didn't happen. Just dropped to 0 health and stayed there, invincible. 

I tried another character (fresh out of creation) and had CL surrender on, but had not (ever) activated Defeat. The CL surrender worked on this character. I think it conflicts with Defeat here, even after removing it through MCM.


Also, on the first character, if i ever try to disable the "combat surrender" in CL's MCM, I just die, outright, on the spot. I can disable sex-attacks in general, but if I untick the "Combat Surrender" button, I die on the spot. (did not happen on the fresh character.)

Keep in mind, the first character is relatively new as well, I've just done more on her.


I would recommend turning off Combat Surrender if you're using Defeat. They both provide the same functionality, so they are prone get in each other's way. The famous Godmode bug will get fixed in 5.0.



I made a suggestion last week but it kind of got buried among all the posts; just wondering if its a viable/interesting enough device to maybe see one day



was reading something the other day that involved an item that I thought would work well cursed and devious :D ;


A special new collar that acts like a slut collar in that people will use you regardless but it traps the wearer on the brink of climax; suspending them in a state where they can't orgasm. Every time they do they get no release and instead the orgasm is stored and when the collar is eventually removed every stored orgasm hits at once.


Most of the parts already exist it some way; cursed plugs prevent orgasm; slut collar properties force sex and therefore more climax's.

I reckon it should lock arousal at 100 so everything sets the wearer off in their desperate attempt to orgasms (which of course would never be allowed).


The only thing im not sure about is if you could have some sort of counter or tracker for the orgasms prevented (although sexlab has trackers so i imagine its possible) and I don't know what you would do for the finale release; it would have to be something big not just the usual orgasm.



Haha, yes, the forum was quite active lately! I will put your idea on my list for inspiration. :)




In the city, the way it's currently set up is that rapists are supposed to catch up with the character when possible, but there is a timeout that will make them port to you if they can't reach you in a given timeframe.



A few of my encounters (since I got it working) involved the NPC (in wilderness near edited ETAC city) walking far away from me (perhaps due to pathing issues). If you ever are in that script anyway, shortening the timer would make me personally happy, but regardless it works and is awesome, albeit with some time standing around.


Also, for Requiem - REQ_Stalker (the invisible goat that makes things work for Requiem, good fucking god why do things have to be so goddamn complicated) invisibly takes advantage of you if he's found by the current script (I think he's mostly still around if you're in town or near a place you've exited recently).


I will say for Immerslave people would ask me about this or that for Requiem since it touches EVERYTHING and as a diehard Requiem user I'd betray myself and say "I ain't dealing with that!" even though part of the problem was Requiem-LAL and part was how I was doing things (which I addressed). So I know what it's like for some dumbass to come along and say "what about this random mod!?!?!?!" Because everything's going smoothly for 99% of people and here's this fucking guy. But the stupidass invisible goat "Is Ghost" and has the race "REQ_goatrace" and perhaps other things that make it ill-defined so your script does this:


[08/22/2015 - 12:40:24AM] [DCUR] - Found: REQ_Stalker
[08/22/2015 - 12:40:24AM] [DCUR] - Processing: REQ_Stalker. WARNING: Type cannot be determined.
[08/22/2015 - 12:40:24AM] [DCUR] - Added: REQ_Stalker
And so you get invisible-raped. Which is probably someone's fetish, so fuckit, right? Just a suggestion.
And last of all, I know people tend to kiss ass when criticizing and asking for compatibility and etc., but jesus h. christ this mod replaces like 5 other mods in my order and does a better job all-around. It is, at this point, critical to my experience. And from what I'm looking at when I open the MCM, you've put 100k US Dollars worth of work into this. Thank you Kimy.



I will have a look at whether or not I will be able to fix this with a generic rule that prevents that critter (and things like it) from getting added to scenes. Otherwise it would require a compatibility patch. I have no clue about Requiem, though. Never used it. :)

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Just passing by to say thank you for all the work on this awesome mod!


oh, just a question,  the any way to trigger the events (like the rubber doll quest or the damsel in distress) on your followers?

i like to torment them sometimes and the only mod i found that does that was the Devious traps (but sadly it is on hiatus right now)

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I didn't know i had activated Defeat on that character. I'd prefer to use DCL now, i think, because of more interesting outcomes. But i still got it there as backup i guess, we'll see.

Still, it seems just activating Defeat causes a permanent bug to the file. Maybe find a way around it, for people switching from one to the other?

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There is an option for just that, check the MCM menu for something along the lines of "Override Male check at startup", enable, reload. If it still shuts down afterwards you either got something messing with the children NPCs or something messed up your Cursed Loot installation.



Huh.  Clearly I need to update.  Well, objection/request withdrawn.  I don't actually use male characters except when testing stuff, but it's still a problem I'd probably have run into eventually while doing a test.  Thanks for pointing it out.

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I'm experiencing exactly the same thing. Combat surrender works fantastically when it works (no ctds! unlike every other surrender mod I've tried), but occasionally stops working in the manner described. Planning on keeping it installed anyway, but I'm sure many of us would appreciate a fix. Great job on this mod, one of my absolute favorites!



If anyone is having this same problem mentioned in the two above posts, you may have old DCUR scripts attached to the new DCUR module. Upgrading directly (for me, perhaps not for everyone) is not the best route for way older versions. Before you upgrade remove the old version and save. Then use PDT (the "scalpel" http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/?) to remove unattached script instances from your save game (savetool may work, and is easier to understand, but I didn't use it). You can copy the log of removed scripts and see for yourself that there were DCUR scripts just hanging out (this is not on Kimy, again I updated from a version from like Jan or Feb of this year). Load the new save, save again, then activate DCUR. Everything will work! Yayz. The old script was activating for me regardless of selection or even disabling the whole mod, I was invulnerable and unable to be having fun with hostile friends.


I actually use the PDT cleaner myself, but unfortunately I don't think old scripts in the save are the issue here. This occurs even on new saves where I started off using 4.10. From looking at my papyrus logs, I think its a bug in the code regarding the cooldown, but I'm not 100% sure since I don't really have the time to look into it further. For now, I'm just not using combat surrender and will wait for the new version before doing so, as Kimy has already stated it should be fixed in the new release.

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Love this mod, Kimy.


Any chance you could add a "Lock all options" option in the Event Parameters menu? So, if selected, you'll be unable to modify anything while wearing restraints. ;)


(I also wish there was a way to disable the console menu while restrained for us weak-willed folk >_>)

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I'm experiencing exactly the same thing. Combat surrender works fantastically when it works (no ctds! unlike every other surrender mod I've tried), but occasionally stops working in the manner described. Planning on keeping it installed anyway, but I'm sure many of us would appreciate a fix. Great job on this mod, one of my absolute favorites!

If anyone is having this same problem mentioned in the two above posts, you may have old DCUR scripts attached to the new DCUR module. 


I actually use the PDT cleaner myself, but unfortunately I don't think old scripts in the save are the issue here. This occurs even on new saves where I started off using 4.10. From looking at my papyrus logs, I think its a bug in the code regarding the cooldown, but I'm not 100% sure since I don't really have the time to look into it further. For now, I'm just not using combat surrender and will wait for the new version before doing so, as Kimy has already stated it should be fixed in the new release.



Thanks, I hadn't seen where she had said that. My specific problem was that combat surrender NEVER worked. Ever. And when I disabled the mod with the disable selection there were old scripts still running and I was immortal but would just appear somewhere else a little while later, and when I got rid of them (and confirmed they were in there and running on an older save before my installation) and installed again, combat surrender worked.



I updated the post with the awesome screenshots provided by Tifa. The website probably triggered an "update" signal for the thread followers. Ugh!


No, version 5.0 is not yet ready. It will take a biiiiit longer.  :)

Before I realized this happens when you update the main post I updated the immerslave post like 10 times one night while I was editing and it spammed all my followers, lol. Now i just update the support post and then copy/paste when I do a real update. But it's very aggravating that the forum works this way.


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Looking forward to it Kimy - on one hand I want to ask what's new, on the other I kind of want to be surprised when I go through the changelog!


I posted a lot of the new upcoming features a few pages back.

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Looking forward to it Kimy - on one hand I want to ask what's new, on the other I kind of want to be surprised when I go through the changelog!


I posted a lot of the new upcoming features a few pages back.



Just take your time with the new update :)


Read your feature post for the new update, just one question:

If i remember correctly a while ago you said something about full dragonborn/dawnguard implementation once cursed loot reaches the v0.5 stage. Is this still planned?


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Looking forward to it Kimy - on one hand I want to ask what's new, on the other I kind of want to be surprised when I go through the changelog!


I posted a lot of the new upcoming features a few pages back.



Just take your time with the new update :)


Read your feature post for the new update, just one question:

If i remember correctly a while ago you said something about full dragonborn/dawnguard implementation once cursed loot reaches the v0.5 stage. Is this still planned?




I dropped it for the time being, but it might come at a later time.


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I've looked through 10 search pages and can't find anything like this:


I have it set for 2 followers, and they each get clothing taken off and start being hogtied, then the clothing comes back on (while being hogtied), then they get up and get in a fight again. Is this a known issue or compatibility problem?


Gah, here is part of the problem:


[08/22/2015 - 09:39:56PM] [DCUR] - Rape event triggered.
[08/22/2015 - 09:39:56PM] [DCUR] - Pacified: Vampire
[08/22/2015 - 09:39:56PM] [DCUR] - Rape scene started.
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:09PM] [DCUR] Calling SL Animation with number of actors: 2
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:09PM] [DCUR] Calling SL Animation with tag string: Armbinder
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:09PM] [DCUR] Calling SL Animation with suppress string: Pillory
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:09PM] [DCUR] Calling SL Animation with require all set to: TRUE
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:09PM] [DCUR] Rape event aborted: No fitting animations found.
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:10PM] [DCUR] - Enraged: Vampire
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:10PM] [DCUR] - Enraged: Valia
[08/22/2015 - 09:40:10PM] [DCUR] - Enraged: Jenn Winglow
I safeworded my armbinder off and then it worked (except their clothes went back on while they were hogtied, but they stayed hogtied), then I teleported away to a safe place, but not my npcs, and they started a fight again a few rooms away.
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Anybody encountered some unwanted immortality with Cursed Loot? My redguard has suddenly joined Clan MacLeod and it was suggested that the current build might be a culprit. If so, how do I make her mortal again? 

DD cursed loot MCM menu>follower options>disable "follower support enabled"


Or sex attacks>disable combat surrender


I don't know if normally from vanilla install this is likely to happen, and I'm not sure follower support would do it without combat surrender.

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Anybody encountered some unwanted immortality with Cursed Loot? My redguard has suddenly joined Clan MacLeod and it was suggested that the current build might be a culprit. If so, how do I make her mortal again? 

DD cursed loot MCM menu>follower options>disable "follower support enabled"


Or sex attacks>disable combat surrender


I don't know if normally from vanilla install this is likely to happen, and I'm not sure follower support would do it without combat surrender.



Okay, I disabled Combat Surrender and I died right on the spot. Even when I reloaded and tried God Moding before disabling it. 

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Anybody encountered some unwanted immortality with Cursed Loot? My redguard has suddenly joined Clan MacLeod and it was suggested that the current build might be a culprit. If so, how do I make her mortal again? 

DD cursed loot MCM menu>follower options>disable "follower support enabled"


Or sex attacks>disable combat surrender


I don't know if normally from vanilla install this is likely to happen, and I'm not sure follower support would do it without combat surrender.



Okay, I disabled Combat Surrender and I died right on the spot. Even when I reloaded and tried God Moding before disabling it. 



Yup, known issue, will be fixed next update.

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