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I have a little bit of an issue with the slave gear. I am using the Trepleen HDT body, and when I have the havok item equipped, the slave gear picks it up as clothing and I get zapped. 


Is this a known thing? Or just something else I screwed up on my end?

The Havok Objekt has the ArmorBoots keyword. You would need to open the .esp in tes5edit and remove it from the HDTHavokObject Armor entry. While you are at it, you could also remove the whole Outfit category from it, as distributing the havok object to many NPC can be rather detrimental to performance. After that, only give it by console to selected NPC you want to have collision.



Ugh. Thought it may end up being something like that. I have enough trouble just installing things correctly. I have less than no clue how to edit them safely. Or at all for that matter. :blush:

Thank you for answering and explaining however.

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I have a little bit of an issue with the slave gear. I am using the Trepleen HDT body, and when I have the havok item equipped, the slave gear picks it up as clothing and I get zapped. 


Is this a known thing? Or just something else I screwed up on my end?

The Havok Objekt has the ArmorBoots keyword. You would need to open the .esp in tes5edit and remove it from the HDTHavokObject Armor entry. While you are at it, you could also remove the whole Outfit category from it, as distributing the havok object to many NPC can be rather detrimental to performance. After that, only give it by console to selected NPC you want to have collision.



Ugh. Thought it may end up being something like that. I have enough trouble just installing things correctly. I have less than no clue how to edit them safely. Or at all for that matter. :blush:

Thank you for answering and explaining however.


Try this. I made this recently for own use. Stripped everything out of the esp that was not necessary. So no NPC will get it, unless you do the player.additem ID thing and give it to them. It should work with cursed loot, but i have not tested that.



Awesome! Thank you. I will try it soon. Thank you!


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Solved my problem with this mod not loading I didn't install the "CalienteTools" folder didn't think I'd need it as I use unp body.


Anyhow found a conflict... this conflicts with Skyrim Unbound, when starting a new game, Deviously Cursed Loot becomes disabled saying a male body is being used, (this is before you even get to choose a body type). If you continue and choose a female body Deviously Cursed Loot does not enable itself, even after you check off to ignore the male check.


Don't know if this is incompatible with other alternate start mods, but thought I'd mention it.

You need to reload the game for that option to have any effect. However, if you have picked a female a simple reload (without activating that option) should also do the trick, as Cursed Loot should check on every start up.






Well that narrowed it down to which mods. Thank you.


well i am sorry that i can't be more accurate. i am not all knowing :(



That wasn't sarcasm. I'm just stating thank you that I now know which mods are causing that pop up. Which unfortunately means that it is Sexlab Eager NPCs which is likely causing that pop up since it can set gender flags for Sexlab mods.



You can get Cursed Loot to work with that, just set your character to female in Sexlab Eager NPCs, save the game, reload, done.

These other mods mean well by setting the gender automatically when they detect SOS for females, but sometimes it causes some serious incompatibilities or just generally strange behavior.

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Solved my problem with this mod not loading I didn't install the "CalienteTools" folder didn't think I'd need it as I use unp body.


Anyhow found a conflict... this conflicts with Skyrim Unbound, when starting a new game, Deviously Cursed Loot becomes disabled saying a male body is being used, (this is before you even get to choose a body type). If you continue and choose a female body Deviously Cursed Loot does not enable itself, even after you check off to ignore the male check.


Don't know if this is incompatible with other alternate start mods, but thought I'd mention it.

You need to reload the game for that option to have any effect. However, if you have picked a female a simple reload (without activating that option) should also do the trick, as Cursed Loot should check on every start up.






Well that narrowed it down to which mods. Thank you.


well i am sorry that i can't be more accurate. i am not all knowing :(



That wasn't sarcasm. I'm just stating thank you that I now know which mods are causing that pop up. Which unfortunately means that it is Sexlab Eager NPCs which is likely causing that pop up since it can set gender flags for Sexlab mods.



You can get Cursed Loot to work with that, just set your character to female in Sexlab Eager NPCs, save the game, reload, done.

These other mods mean well by setting the gender automatically when they detect SOS for females, but sometimes it causes some serious incompatibilities or just generally strange behavior.




It still shut itself off afterwords and to my knowledge I don't have any mods that remove tags from children npcs.


Edit: Once I get home tomorrow I can put my mod list in up if someone wants to take a gander to see which is causing it.

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Basically. . . while I certainly understand and respect the idea the male check runs far too great a risk of tripping when other mods start messing with expected gender behaviors, not for entirely sound reasons from a technical perspective.  (For example, over in Sexlab Hormones one can end up with a female-compatible body and the male gender still used.)


I would suggest adding an MCM control to re-enable function with a male character (with a big 'ol "use at your own risk" flag.)  The child tag check can probably remain.

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Basically. . . while I certainly understand and respect the idea the male check runs far too great a risk of tripping when other mods start messing with expected gender behaviors, not for entirely sound reasons from a technical perspective.  (For example, over in Sexlab Hormones one can end up with a female-compatible body and the male gender still used.)


I would suggest adding an MCM control to re-enable function with a male character (with a big 'ol "use at your own risk" flag.)  The child tag check can probably remain.

There is an option for just that, check the MCM menu for something along the lines of "Override Male check at startup", enable, reload. If it still shuts down afterwards you either got something messing with the children NPCs or something messed up your Cursed Loot installation.

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Having a weird issue with Cursed Loot. Most functions of the mod work fine, but a few inexplicably don't.


1: Bondage Adventure (asking people for help) doesn't work at all, the dialogue options don't appear. I do have it enabled in MCM.


2: Solicitation semi works. The dialogue options are there, I can get paid, but no animations play. No dancing, no sex, and no Devices are equipped even if the "let me get my toys" dialogue happens.


3: Estrus integration doesn't work at all. All estrus animations and effects work fine through the original mod's shouts and spells, but cursed loot won't trigger estrus on loot or plants, even with all other possibilities disabled and cursed loot chance at 100%


Other than these things, Cursed Loot is functioning excellently, and considering that basically everything else in this playthrough actually seems stable for once, I'm hesitant to risk destroying everything by troubleshooting. I'm linking my load order, so if there are any glaringly obvious issues that could be causing these problems, please point them out.


Anyone else have problems similar to this?


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Solved my problem with this mod not loading I didn't install the "CalienteTools" folder didn't think I'd need it as I use unp body.


Anyhow found a conflict... this conflicts with Skyrim Unbound, when starting a new game, Deviously Cursed Loot becomes disabled saying a male body is being used, (this is before you even get to choose a body type). If you continue and choose a female body Deviously Cursed Loot does not enable itself, even after you check off to ignore the male check.


Don't know if this is incompatible with other alternate start mods, but thought I'd mention it.

You need to reload the game for that option to have any effect. However, if you have picked a female a simple reload (without activating that option) should also do the trick, as Cursed Loot should check on every start up.




Well that narrowed it down to which mods. Thank you.

well i am sorry that i can't be more accurate. i am not all knowing :(



That wasn't sarcasm. I'm just stating thank you that I now know which mods are causing that pop up. Which unfortunately means that it is Sexlab Eager NPCs which is likely causing that pop up since it can set gender flags for Sexlab mods.



You can get Cursed Loot to work with that, just set your character to female in Sexlab Eager NPCs, save the game, reload, done.

These other mods mean well by setting the gender automatically when they detect SOS for females, but sometimes it causes some serious incompatibilities or just generally strange behavior.



It still shut itself off afterwords and to my knowledge I don't have any mods that remove tags from children npcs.


Edit: Once I get home tomorrow I can put my mod list in up if someone wants to take a gander to see which is causing it.


You can open all your mods in TESVEDIT and then drill down to a child and see exactly which mod you have does it. However any mod that makes children killable, playable or into possible followers will be a mod that turns of the child flags and would therefore be considered incompatible with any Sexlab mods.

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Having a weird issue with Cursed Loot. Most functions of the mod work fine, but a few inexplicably don't.


1: Bondage Adventure (asking people for help) doesn't work at all, the dialogue options don't appear. I do have it enabled in MCM.


2: Solicitation semi works. The dialogue options are there, I can get paid, but no animations play. No dancing, no sex, and no Devices are equipped even if the "let me get my toys" dialogue happens.


3: Estrus integration doesn't work at all. All estrus animations and effects work fine through the original mod's shouts and spells, but cursed loot won't trigger estrus on loot or plants, even with all other possibilities disabled and cursed loot chance at 100%


Other than these things, Cursed Loot is functioning excellently, and considering that basically everything else in this playthrough actually seems stable for once, I'm hesitant to risk destroying everything by troubleshooting. I'm linking my load order, so if there are any glaringly obvious issues that could be causing these problems, please point them out.


Anyone else have problems similar to this?



Can't help you on 2 and 3. But 1 is a bug in 4.10 (and maybe 4.9)? Bondage adventure dialogue options when bound are bugged and do not show. Dialogue options for help when yoked still do (just to avoid possible confusion).


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I broke my transparent suit too :') skills right there, tbh I gave up a day ago :3 I figure EC can do it instead whilst I go do fractals on gw2 and eat ice cream haha :)


Edit: I mostly take screenshots and stuff these days and just push and push and push the game engine till my pc cries potato and goes slow (which it hasn't done yet) xD


wait is your transparent suit just purple in game (aka the missing textures colour) if so that might be a bug as the only edit i made was swaping the meshes to unp ones and those aren't missing. I mean i do have the textures in my files but they never appear to have been made textures in the creation kit and the texture path seems to be to the original mod but i'm not 100% on that (i'd assumed i'd broke it at some point but if i'm not the only 1 it might be a bug i'm gona re-download and test it tonight to double check anyway).


gw2 not played that game in ages i think scarlett was still around when i last played XD, still i can never shake my skyrim itch for long game always drags me back. 



yeeeah i changed my meshes an that too, all ive got left on gw2 to get done is fractals really, something to kill the time whilst frequenting here and waiting for DCL 5.0 ,i tend to keep my devious / normal playthrough's reeeeaaaaalllly seperate , attachments will say it all :P bit of a random selection of this an that out of like 1500 screenies o.o


Edit : see ! i do actually get into crypts and stuff :')



Your characters are absolutely gorgeous - I'm fully jealous.  Particularly love the brunette/redhead (?) in the first several pics - can't tell her hair colour with your ENB. Also, which ENB are you using?


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PS: Just a fair advance warning: Due to substantial changes, Version 5.0 will again require a new game.


Just curious: Was there already a hint about the schedule for 5.0?

I ask, because I'm starting a new game right now. And I have to decide, to leave DCL out of it and wait for the new version ... with the disadvantage to miss a lot of fun until then :P


If possible, a cleanup/update procedure 4.10 -> 5.0 without the need to start a new game  would really be great!

(Note to myself: how on earth did it come to my mind - that a devious mod like this - would ever do something nice to the player?)

Nevermind, please ignore that I ever asked :angel:



I don't ever commit to deadlines, so there will be no schedule other than "when it's done" ;)


But here is the current progress of the implementation work (main new features only):


- Leon quest: Finished, tested.

- Yet unannounced new major feature: implementation 50% finished, Skyrim being Skyrim gives me headaches. Arp!

- Prison Overhaul integration: Finished, tested.

- ZaZ Ankle chains: Finished, tested

- MCM Export: Finished, tested.

- Slavetats integration: Apply/Remove implemented. Lacking actual tattoos at the moment. Feature might get pushed to later version for that reason.

- Public indecency quest: Finished, preliminary tests done.

- New item selector with separate material/colour choice: Canceled (DDI/DDX framework development has been halted indefinitely, so I can't see a compelling need for this feature anymore)

- Enhanced API for modders: Not started

- Solicitation enhancements: Finished, somewhat tested.


There are a few other things on my list I am pondering putting in 5.0, but haven't made a final decision about yet.



Looks heaps promising. Drooling. Also, sad kitten because I have like 1 week free to play then out of time for the next 3 months... and doesn't look like it'll be out by then.


First world woes! ( Still make me sad  ;_; )



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Your characters are absolutely gorgeous - I'm fully jealous.  Particularly love the brunette/redhead (?) in the first several pics - can't tell her hair colour with your ENB. Also, which ENB are you using?



http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24828/?  - that's the last enb Tifa uses from what she told me. Bleak.  very basic type and yet effective.


probably the most impressive lightning/depth effect ever achieved through a vanilla preset :D

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Your characters are absolutely gorgeous - I'm fully jealous.  Particularly love the brunette/redhead (?) in the first several pics - can't tell her hair colour with your ENB. Also, which ENB are you using?



http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24828/?  - that's the last enb Tifa uses from what she told me. Bleak.  very basic type and yet effective.


probably the most impressive lightning/depth effect ever achieved through a vanilla preset :D



I'll have to give it a go, thanks EC.


Also, I just spammed the thread with like 4 posts in 5 minutes. Sorry everyone.

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[DCUR] - Rejected: Ange the Song-Bearer for combat rape. Reason: Actor is friendly.

When the surrender triggered, it stopped combat and a as the log says became friendly even though I attacked them. After 4 or so attempts I got teleported into the wilderness and tied up. After freed myself from the ropes, armbinder changed from black to white.


It would be nice if being defeated by city guard or when they are involved trigger an arrest and hopefully prison overhaul would manage to take it from there.





I'm experiencing exactly the same thing. Combat surrender works fantastically when it works (no ctds! unlike every other surrender mod I've tried), but occasionally stops working in the manner described. Planning on keeping it installed anyway, but I'm sure many of us would appreciate a fix. Great job on this mod, one of my absolute favorites!



If anyone is having this same problem mentioned in the two above posts, you may have old DCUR scripts attached to the new DCUR module. Upgrading directly (for me, perhaps not for everyone) is not the best route for way older versions. Before you upgrade remove the old version and save. Then use PDT (the "scalpel" http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/?) to remove unattached script instances from your save game (savetool may work, and is easier to understand, but I didn't use it). You can copy the log of removed scripts and see for yourself that there were DCUR scripts just hanging out (this is not on Kimy, again I updated from a version from like Jan or Feb of this year). Load the new save, save again, then activate DCUR. Everything will work! Yayz. The old script was activating for me regardless of selection or even disabling the whole mod, I was invulnerable and unable to be having fun with hostile friends.
Another issue (I believe, from conjecture with relatively little evidence!) is that guards in the city will become friendly when you give up IF YOU HAVE THE STATUS OF THANE. I don't know this for fact. I had the guard setting (in DCUR) correct, they still wouldn't do it. I don't blame them. Don't rape a powerful politician - good policy.


In the city, the way it's currently set up is that rapists are supposed to catch up with the character when possible, but there is a timeout that will make them port to you if they can't reach you in a given timeframe.



A few of my encounters (since I got it working) involved the NPC (in wilderness near edited ETAC city) walking far away from me (perhaps due to pathing issues). If you ever are in that script anyway, shortening the timer would make me personally happy, but regardless it works and is awesome, albeit with some time standing around.


Also, for Requiem - REQ_Stalker (the invisible goat that makes things work for Requiem, good fucking god why do things have to be so goddamn complicated) invisibly takes advantage of you if he's found by the current script (I think he's mostly still around if you're in town or near a place you've exited recently).


I will say for Immerslave people would ask me about this or that for Requiem since it touches EVERYTHING and as a diehard Requiem user I'd betray myself and say "I ain't dealing with that!" even though part of the problem was Requiem-LAL and part was how I was doing things (which I addressed). So I know what it's like for some dumbass to come along and say "what about this random mod!?!?!?!" Because everything's going smoothly for 99% of people and here's this fucking guy. But the stupidass invisible goat "Is Ghost" and has the race "REQ_goatrace" and perhaps other things that make it ill-defined so your script does this:


[08/22/2015 - 12:40:24AM] [DCUR] - Found: REQ_Stalker
[08/22/2015 - 12:40:24AM] [DCUR] - Processing: REQ_Stalker. WARNING: Type cannot be determined.
[08/22/2015 - 12:40:24AM] [DCUR] - Added: REQ_Stalker
And so you get invisible-raped. Which is probably someone's fetish, so fuckit, right? Just a suggestion.
And last of all, I know people tend to kiss ass when criticizing and asking for compatibility and etc., but jesus h. christ this mod replaces like 5 other mods in my order and does a better job all-around. It is, at this point, critical to my experience. And from what I'm looking at when I open the MCM, you've put 100k US Dollars worth of work into this. Thank you Kimy.
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Solved my problem with this mod not loading I didn't install the "CalienteTools" folder didn't think I'd need it as I use unp body.


Anyhow found a conflict... this conflicts with Skyrim Unbound, when starting a new game, Deviously Cursed Loot becomes disabled saying a male body is being used, (this is before you even get to choose a body type). If you continue and choose a female body Deviously Cursed Loot does not enable itself, even after you check off to ignore the male check.


Don't know if this is incompatible with other alternate start mods, but thought I'd mention it.

You need to reload the game for that option to have any effect. However, if you have picked a female a simple reload (without activating that option) should also do the trick, as Cursed Loot should check on every start up.




Well that narrowed it down to which mods. Thank you.

well i am sorry that i can't be more accurate. i am not all knowing :(



That wasn't sarcasm. I'm just stating thank you that I now know which mods are causing that pop up. Which unfortunately means that it is Sexlab Eager NPCs which is likely causing that pop up since it can set gender flags for Sexlab mods.



You can get Cursed Loot to work with that, just set your character to female in Sexlab Eager NPCs, save the game, reload, done.

These other mods mean well by setting the gender automatically when they detect SOS for females, but sometimes it causes some serious incompatibilities or just generally strange behavior.



It still shut itself off afterwords and to my knowledge I don't have any mods that remove tags from children npcs.


Edit: Once I get home tomorrow I can put my mod list in up if someone wants to take a gander to see which is causing it.


You can open all your mods in TESVEDIT and then drill down to a child and see exactly which mod you have does it. However any mod that makes children killable, playable or into possible followers will be a mod that turns of the child flags and would therefore be considered incompatible with any Sexlab mods.



Looks like only mods that affected children on my mod list was PCEA and Patchus Maximus. Guess I'll try removing it when I start a new game and add this to see if it works.

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I made a suggestion last week but it kind of got buried among all the posts; just wondering if its a viable/interesting enough device to maybe see one day



was reading something the other day that involved an item that I thought would work well cursed and devious :D ;


A special new collar that acts like a slut collar in that people will use you regardless but it traps the wearer on the brink of climax; suspending them in a state where they can't orgasm. Every time they do they get no release and instead the orgasm is stored and when the collar is eventually removed every stored orgasm hits at once.


Most of the parts already exist it some way; cursed plugs prevent orgasm; slut collar properties force sex and therefore more climax's.

I reckon it should lock arousal at 100 so everything sets the wearer off in their desperate attempt to orgasms (which of course would never be allowed).


The only thing im not sure about is if you could have some sort of counter or tracker for the orgasms prevented (although sexlab has trackers so i imagine its possible) and I don't know what you would do for the finale release; it would have to be something big not just the usual orgasm.


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I think i might have found a (partial) conflict with Sexlab Defeat.


I had a character with "Combat Surrender" on, on whom I had apparently activated Defeat as well. This gave me defeat events, and not the Cursed Loot Surrenders. I un-installed the Defeat mod (through the MCM, not removing the mod entirely) and tried to trigger a CL Surrender, but it didn't happen. Just dropped to 0 health and stayed there, invincible. 

I tried another character (fresh out of creation) and had CL surrender on, but had not (ever) activated Defeat. The CL surrender worked on this character. I think it conflicts with Defeat here, even after removing it through MCM.


Also, on the first character, if i ever try to disable the "combat surrender" in CL's MCM, I just die, outright, on the spot. I can disable sex-attacks in general, but if I untick the "Combat Surrender" button, I die on the spot. (did not happen on the fresh character.)

Keep in mind, the first character is relatively new as well, I've just done more on her.

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Solved my problem with this mod not loading I didn't install the "CalienteTools" folder didn't think I'd need it as I use unp body.


Anyhow found a conflict... this conflicts with Skyrim Unbound, when starting a new game, Deviously Cursed Loot becomes disabled saying a male body is being used, (this is before you even get to choose a body type). If you continue and choose a female body Deviously Cursed Loot does not enable itself, even after you check off to ignore the male check.


Don't know if this is incompatible with other alternate start mods, but thought I'd mention it.

You need to reload the game for that option to have any effect. However, if you have picked a female a simple reload (without activating that option) should also do the trick, as Cursed Loot should check on every start up.




Well that narrowed it down to which mods. Thank you.

well i am sorry that i can't be more accurate. i am not all knowing :(



That wasn't sarcasm. I'm just stating thank you that I now know which mods are causing that pop up. Which unfortunately means that it is Sexlab Eager NPCs which is likely causing that pop up since it can set gender flags for Sexlab mods.



You can get Cursed Loot to work with that, just set your character to female in Sexlab Eager NPCs, save the game, reload, done.

These other mods mean well by setting the gender automatically when they detect SOS for females, but sometimes it causes some serious incompatibilities or just generally strange behavior.



It still shut itself off afterwords and to my knowledge I don't have any mods that remove tags from children npcs.


Edit: Once I get home tomorrow I can put my mod list in up if someone wants to take a gander to see which is causing it.


You can open all your mods in TESVEDIT and then drill down to a child and see exactly which mod you have does it. However any mod that makes children killable, playable or into possible followers will be a mod that turns of the child flags and would therefore be considered incompatible with any Sexlab mods.



Looks like only mods that affected children on my mod list was PCEA and Patchus Maximus. Guess I'll try removing it when I start a new game and add this to see if it works.


One of them probably turned off the child flags on the children directly or on their race for some reason. If you like those mods you can undo the change in TESVEDIT by simply dragging and dropping the original record value onto the changed value.

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Solved my problem with this mod not loading I didn't install the "CalienteTools" folder didn't think I'd need it as I use unp body.
Anyhow found a conflict... this conflicts with Skyrim Unbound, when starting a new game, Deviously Cursed Loot becomes disabled saying a male body is being used, (this is before you even get to choose a body type). If you continue and choose a female body Deviously Cursed Loot does not enable itself, even after you check off to ignore the male check.
Don't know if this is incompatible with other alternate start mods, but thought I'd mention it.

You need to reload the game for that option to have any effect. However, if you have picked a female a simple reload (without activating that option) should also do the trick, as Cursed Loot should check on every start up.



Well that narrowed it down to which mods. Thank you.

well i am sorry that i can't be more accurate. i am not all knowing :(


That wasn't sarcasm. I'm just stating thank you that I now know which mods are causing that pop up. Which unfortunately means that it is Sexlab Eager NPCs which is likely causing that pop up since it can set gender flags for Sexlab mods.


You can get Cursed Loot to work with that, just set your character to female in Sexlab Eager NPCs, save the game, reload, done.
These other mods mean well by setting the gender automatically when they detect SOS for females, but sometimes it causes some serious incompatibilities or just generally strange behavior.


It still shut itself off afterwords and to my knowledge I don't have any mods that remove tags from children npcs.
Edit: Once I get home tomorrow I can put my mod list in up if someone wants to take a gander to see which is causing it.


You can open all your mods in TESVEDIT and then drill down to a child and see exactly which mod you have does it. However any mod that makes children killable, playable or into possible followers will be a mod that turns of the child flags and would therefore be considered incompatible with any Sexlab mods.


Looks like only mods that affected children on my mod list was PCEA and Patchus Maximus. Guess I'll try removing it when I start a new game and add this to see if it works.


One of them probably turned off the child flags on the children directly or on their race for some reason. If you like those mods you can undo the change in TESVEDIT by simply dragging and dropping the original record value onto the changed value.





I looked at child race. Wonder if Inconsequentual NPC's children aren't flagged as children.

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I updated the post with the awesome screenshots provided by Tifa. The website probably triggered an "update" signal for the thread followers. Ugh!


No, version 5.0 is not yet ready. It will take a biiiiit longer. :)

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