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I posted a little while ago about the tentacle attacks not showing for me. I figured mine out. In my case I never marked the register with sexlab animations thing.

Currently I am running EC+ and estrus and they both seem to be working fine now. Before I did this, I would get no animations or just the masturbation animation.


Don't know if that is everyones problems, but it seemed to be mine.

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Followers are still resetting upon changing cells, despite being registered in MCM menu.


Yeah, this problem never seems to go away. No matter what I do, chaurus pregnancies always vanish when changing cells. I'd like to see that NPCs (no matter where they are, I seem to have acquired a long list of registered followers even though only one is actively following) stay impregnated up to the end, where a text notification might announce that eggs have been birthed. After that it'd be up to the player to keep track of eggs bfore they hatch.


I HAVE noticed that Beeing Female seems to recognize when the player is impregnated by a chaurus through this mod, but I don't know if that applies to NPCs as well.

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Let me just start off by saying I got this installing and running great first try, great job, thanks so much, etc...

THAT said, I'm wondering how to tweak this so it works better with my usual playthroughs.


Super Edit: Nevermind, I'm not into the chaurus pregnancy side and it isn't compatible with males anyway, so I'm just going to use regular ol' EoS and modify it myself. Thank you for your time orz

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm having a problem with followers forgetting they're pregnant when I or they leave a cell even though I've registered them on the mcm menu, can somebody please help?


This has been happening for a long time no fix in sight yet.



It's top of the list now - no promises, but I am working on a solution....

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I'm having a problem with followers forgetting they're pregnant when I or they leave a cell even though I've registered them on the mcm menu, can somebody please help?


This has been happening for a long time no fix in sight yet.



It's top of the list now - no promises, but I am working on a solution....



Good luck on fixing that problem.


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this might not be the best place to ask love the mod everything works fine but the spit attacks do not trigger tentacle attacks no matter how high i have the chance rate set at i stand there on purpose and let them hit me with it and nothing everything checks out in mcm menu as far as mod check list and body check altho under animation check tentacle and double tentacle are grayed out if this is my problem where do i go to get those animations i curently have estrus latest version non sex lab animation set installed

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How do you get rid of the little baby Chaurus after they are born?  I see them running around, but cannot kill them or interact with them.  Are they going to grow into full size? 


These suckers are running around my house, and I suspect I'll come home and be mobbed by fully grown up beasties!


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How do you get rid of the little baby Chaurus after they are born?  I see them running around, but cannot kill them or interact with them.  Are they going to grow into full size? 


These suckers are running around my house, and I suspect I'll come home and be mobbed by fully grown up beasties!


When the little buggers start spitting, I've seen people in taverns attack them, so maybe wait till then and then....









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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone using this with the Sexlab Framework 1.60a3? The MCM register animations doesn't seem to work, and it looks like Sexlab 1.60 isn't recognized as a valid version?


Current EC+ support is for SL1.59c - 1.60 won't be supported by EC+ until its official release...

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Does this mod support health treshhold ?? i tried looking in the mcm menu but all i see is chance.


It does not. The dependency that ran by health was removed for far greater effect.


If you have Defeat (and subsequently DAYMOYL), your character can use that mod's health threshold. When your character is knocked down with that, the Chaurus attacking your character will rape and EC+ will be triggered through that.

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Hey how is everyone? I have a question which has probable been answered but i cant find it. how do I get the spit attacks/tentical to work on my male characters? I can teleport lydia into the room and it works fine but the spider just look at my guys. or was this a change in a previous versions. 


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Got spat at while wearing a chastity belt and got the following attached :-








I haven't seen it before so I'm assuming it was added by EC+, (or is it something else I've installed but totally forgotten about?). Also is there a way of getting rid of it? (other than console). Actually only want a Yes/No answer. If 'Yes' at least I can hunt a solution down. If 'No' I'll just live with it.

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Got spat at while wearing a chastity belt and got the following attached :-








I haven't seen it before so I'm assuming it was added by EC+, (or is it something else I've installed but totally forgotten about?). Also is there a way of getting rid of it? (other than console). Actually only want a Yes/No answer. If 'Yes' at least I can hunt a solution down. If 'No' I'll just live with it.

It's a parasite that should be removed at the end of the event.  If you search this thread it is referenced.  It appears to be the result of skipping or failed animations such as using the spacebar.  There is a reference for removing it via console, but I've had it happen a couple of times and found that it usually corrects itself after the next attack (assuming no animation fails etc) - I kin of liked it for the immersion lol - would be even more cool if it could continue to impregnate the PC/NPC for the duration lol!

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Got spat at while wearing a chastity belt and got the following attached :-








I haven't seen it before so I'm assuming it was added by EC+, (or is it something else I've installed but totally forgotten about?). Also is there a way of getting rid of it? (other than console). Actually only want a Yes/No answer. If 'Yes' at least I can hunt a solution down. If 'No' I'll just live with it.

It's a parasite that should be removed at the end of the event.  If you search this thread it is referenced.  It appears to be the result of skipping or failed animations such as using the spacebar.  There is a reference for removing it via console, but I've had it happen a couple of times and found that it usually corrects itself after the next attack (assuming no animation fails etc) - I kin of liked it for the immersion lol - would be even more cool if it could continue to impregnate the PC/NPC for the duration lol!



Cheers. I was actually thinking that it was going to burst into life once I had removed the chastity belt. Was kind of disappointed when it didn't. Will probably keep it there until I need a knapsack.


Actually it would actually make quite a good knapsack if anybody feels the urge to mod something like that. Say +100(*) carry weight, random occasional estrus attack and/or dribble effects, only removable with a large quantity of salt).



(*) I use limited carry weight, and Bretons only get 85 for that, so a +100 extra carry capacity would be tempting.



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Question! I appreciate any advice if possible please! How difficult would it be to add another animation to this mod yourself? I am very new to modding and I use Deviously Enchanted Chests, since that uses animations from this mod, I was wondering if it would be possible to add an animation to this mod from the original Estrus the blob like attack so it could also proc on spit from Chaurus or from opening a chest, anyone know if this is possible and a rough idea how to do it? I would appreciate any feed-back very much!

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Hi all, sorry for my bad english ...hope it´s ok. I run into a problem between Estrus Chaurus+ (also the Spider add on) and Non Sexlab Animations. EC+ works fine, the aninmations are registered, tentacles and pregnancy works, and when i refresh the animations in Sexlab 1.59c i can register the animations in EC+ and ES+ again. It works as long NSAL is not activated. When i check the animations in NSLA and refresh the animations in SexLab, what i need to do to make NSLA work, the EC+ and ES+ animations are not and can´t be registered anymore. I check the box to register but it disapears. After closing MCM i get the message that ist registering but ist not registered after opening MCM again. So no tentacles anymore :/

Took me 1 day of headache, coffee and nicotine to find out where the problem is. Is this a known issue and is there by any chance a solution to play both? All 3 Mods are great.


Please help :)

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Hi all, sorry for my bad english ...hope it´s ok. I run into a problem between Estrus Chaurus+ (also the Spider add on) and Non Sexlab Animations. EC+ works fine, the aninmations are registered, tentacles and pregnancy works, and when i refresh the animations in Sexlab 1.59c i can register the animations in EC+ and ES+ again. It works as long NSAL is not activated. When i check the animations in NSLA and refresh the animations in SexLab, what i need to do to make NSLA work, the EC+ and ES+ animations are not and can´t be registered anymore. I check the box to register but it disapears. After closing MCM i get the message that ist registering but ist not registered after opening MCM again. So no tentacles anymore :/

Took me 1 day of headache, coffee and nicotine to find out where the problem is. Is this a known issue and is there by any chance a solution to play both? All 3 Mods are great.


Please help :)


Don't check all the animations in NSLA. There is a limit that Sexlab can use. Choose the ones you want. For an easy life I do all 3j's, 4udik's, Leitos. Then select some from Mitos and unsorted but no more than five, (but that's down to taste, and totally unscientific). My usual procedure on a new run is RaceMenu->Wait for MCM's->Setup NSLA -> register ZAZ-> Import Sexlab settings & register new animations. Then save. Exit to desktop. Start game. Load the start you, erm, just started. Wait for EC+ to register, then go and check that it's animations have registered. If they have registered, everything is usually hunkydorey. If not I know I've checked too many animations in NSLA.


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Cool...thank you for the quick answer. It´s realy like you say. You saved my day. But the way to find out when it´s to much is hard. Is there by any Chance a way to see how many animations more i can Register at the Framework? Wold make it much easyer.

And mabey i´m a noob but how can i test the NSL Animations to find out witch one is nice?


Best Regards, Gav

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