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I solved property initialization errors by installing Estrus V103 instead of the latest V120.

zzEstrus.esp was disabled, and clean save was loaded. But I have the same issue after resave and reload:

[03/15/2015 - 08:14:54PM] ERROR: zzestruschaurusevents.OnECStartAnimation() being called on an invalid object, aborting function call
	[zzEstrusChaurusMCM (0F00EF8A)].zzestruschaurusae.ChaurusSpitAttack() - "zzestruschaurusae.psc" Line 210
	[Active effect 1 on  (00000014)].zzEstrusSpitEffect.OnEffectStart() - "zzEstrusSpitEffect.psc" Line 7
[03/15/2015 - 08:14:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp57"
	[zzEstrusChaurusMCM (0F00EF8A)].zzestruschaurusae.ChaurusSpitAttack() - "zzestruschaurusae.psc" Line 210
	[Active effect 1 on  (00000014)].zzEstrusSpitEffect.OnEffectStart() - "zzEstrusSpitEffect.psc" Line 7

There is some more errors connected with zzestruschaurus

[03/15/2015 - 08:14:31PM] ERROR: zzestruschaurusplayer.OnPlayerLoadGame() being called on an invalid object, aborting function call

And content of OnPlayerLoadGame is

event OnPlayerLoadGame()
	Quest me = self.GetOwningQuest()

	( me as zzEstrusChaurusMCMScript ).registerMenus()
	( me as zzEstrusChaurusevents ).InitModEvents()

And ( me as zzEstrusChaurusevents ).InitModEvents() is

function InitModEvents()

	RegisterForModEvent("ECStartAnimation", "OnECStartAnimation")
	dDLoaded = (mcm.kwDeviousDevices != None)
	if dDLoaded
		dDlibs = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000F624, "Devious Devices - Integration.esm") as Zadlibs


So event ECStartAnimation was not registered.


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Just to make sure somebody mentioned it, I am not sure how it is for you using the newest version of EC -


but when I start a new game everything will register but EC will not show any messages.


After a while or after loading a save it finally gives me initialization messages.


Maybe thats something to be curious about?

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Just to make sure somebody mentioned it, I am not sure how it is for you using the newest version of EC -


but when I start a new game everything will register but EC will not show any messages.


After a while or after loading a save it finally gives me initialization messages.


Maybe thats something to be curious about?


It's always done that. When you first install you save. You then load the save and the mod initialises.


There's a similar process for the events in DDi and DH as well


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This isn't really related to EC+, but I am having this issue with the original Estrus for Skyrim mod:






Khajiit also bring a CTD too, though the game crashes at the end of the animation.


If the same animations are used through a different mod however, there is no CTD.


I was just wondering if perhaps the author knew why this happens to khajiit, and if anything could be done to fix it? It's kind of a bummer when one is playing a khajiit pc.






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I solved my problem.

EC+ uses zadlib script from DD:Integration. So you have to install DD:A and DD:I to make it work.

2 Bane_Master, plz add DD to requirments, or fix this dependency.





  • V3.93a
  • Removed dD dependencies (yet again!)

Haha :D nice joke.


yeah, that does the trick.

Installed just the scripts from these 2 mods and it works now.

Mhh.. I wonder why it worked the first time, since I have no DD installed. However, good job hunting the issue down! ;) 

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I solved my problem.

EC+ uses zadlib script from DD:Integration. So you have to install DD:A and DD:I to make it work.

2 Bane_Master, plz add DD to requirments, or fix this dependency.





  • V3.93a
  • Removed dD dependencies (yet again!)

Haha :D nice joke.


yeah, that does the trick.

Installed just the scripts from these 2 mods and it works now.

Mhh.. I wonder why it worked the first time, since I have no DD installed. However, good job hunting the issue down! ;)



Strange - the dD item checks are based on soft (getformfromfile) dependencies so it should not be a problem...


I'll double check & maybe recompile...


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There's three Estrus machines, two tentacles and one Dwemer. Is Enchanted Chests or Cursed Loot the one which has the chance to spawn the three in dungeons?


I thought it was the Devious Enchanted Chests but I'm not sure. It's because I used to get the Estrus spawns when I increased the chances in Enchanted. Then after I decreased them and increased the chances in Cursed Loot, I get the devices but the Estrus attacks stopped. I wonder if the two mods are substitutes for each other?


I also have a problem with a recent update of mods that Estrus does not register the animations.


I click the 'x' but it disappears right after clicking. I see the "EC is checking registered animations' when I close MCM, but no other confirmation messages pop up after, and the animations remain unchecked.


The only recently added mods were the SLA monitor widget, GetStripped and Immersive Plugs. So I'm confused as to why Estrus would work before these but not after; I wouldn't have thought these would conflict. 

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Gonna start like Carlgc and say I love this mod. Wish there were more machines! However that being said I ran into an odd bug that seems to only happen when I have this mod and/or milk mod economy activated. All the bandits in game become non hostile. If I turn both milk mod and this mod off everything is back to normal. turn either one on and bandits stop being hostile to me. I don't think it is just this mod but I can't find any other mod other then milk mod that does it but that seems to maybe be affected by the same issue maybe?


I have this exact same issue! Did you ever find a solution? It seems to happen mostly with bandits and wolves, and it doesn't happen consistently. But it happens exlusively when Estrus Chaurus+ and Milk Mod Economy are enabled at the same time.


I can't find anything in the papyrus logs to indicate what the problem might be, other than a bunch of errors from Chaurus and Nude Creatures. For the record, this is from a brand new game that I started an hour ago using LAL, no mods have been changed since starting it (so no mods have been removed or updated).


I really like Milk Mod Economy and Estrus Chaurus+... I'd rather not have to give one up to make the game function!



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so i finally got around to updating this yesterday. sad to see your choice of birthing animation gone . what animation does it use now? my pc just lays on her side and the eggs come out. she gets stuck there for like 5min too. is that whats supposed to happen?


Same here.


I would prefer the kneeling down birth animation over the laying down, unless it's there and I'm missing something?

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I cant seem to get this to work at all. I have the animations, they work through the spells or even through things like sexlab matchmaker but the spit attack has no estrus effect.  Perhaps there is a console command or something that I need to disable/enable I am not sure.  Do I need to disable estrus? 


*update*  I disabled estrus and it works fine.  I did run into 2 issues.  1 the birthing starts a continual loop and never ends.  I have to actually quit and reload. 2 sometimes there is a glitch where the back piece of the tentacles remain on the character.


*update 2*  Ok everything seems to be working ok but my character gets stuck for an obscene amount of time giving birth, and to sooooo many eggs that they are falling through the map.  Is there anyway to tone down the birthing time / amount?  or maybe make it advancable through a button?

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I cant seem to get this to work at all. I have the animations, they work through the spells or even through things like sexlab matchmaker but the spit attack has no estrus effect.  Perhaps there is a console command or something that I need to disable/enable I am not sure.  Do I need to disable estrus? 


*update*  I disabled estrus and it works fine.  I did run into 2 issues.  1 the birthing starts a continual loop and never ends.  I have to actually quit and reload. 2 sometimes there is a glitch where the back piece of the tentacles remain on the character.


*update 2*  Ok everything seems to be working ok but my character gets stuck for an obscene amount of time giving birth, and to sooooo many eggs that they are falling through the map.  Is there anyway to tone down the birthing time / amount?  or maybe make it advancable through a button?


Birthing time is linked to belly size so very large belly sizes cause long birthing times - also if any mod is trying to maintain/increase belly size whilst birth takes place this can cause extremely long or even possibly infinite birthing loops - I am planning to look at this issue in the next update.

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EDIT : Okay, I'm an idiot ... I just saw this post :



The menu will only appear once you save your game after install and reload - the original author put this in as a safety measure to try and prevent papyrus from choking on install...


So it's work now.

Sorry for my useless post.  :s


I have a problem with this mod. It don't appear in list of the MCM.

Until now, I've never had this issue (with other mods), I not sure to understand what cause this problem.


Apparently there is an issue with "zzEstrusChaurusMCM", but I don't know if it's linked with my problem :

[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusVibrate on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property SexLab on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusDwemerBelt on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property DwemerExhaustion on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property ECVictimfaction on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property SpectatorControl on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property ECTentaclefaction on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusBreederFaction on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusTentacleFX on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusExclusionFaction on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusDwemerBinders on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusParasite on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusArmor on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property MCM on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property zzEstrusChaurusBreederAbility on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property tentacleExplosion on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/21/2015 - 09:20:45AM] warning: Property crChaurusParasite on script zzestruschaurusevents attached to zzEstrusChaurusMCM (DB00EF8A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

I can post my load order if needed. (I use LOOT, so I don't think there is a problem with my load order, but we never know ...)

So if someone have a solution, I'm all ears. 

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I cant seem to get this to work at all. I have the animations, they work through the spells or even through things like sexlab matchmaker but the spit attack has no estrus effect.  Perhaps there is a console command or something that I need to disable/enable I am not sure.  Do I need to disable estrus? 


*update*  I disabled estrus and it works fine.  I did run into 2 issues.  1 the birthing starts a continual loop and never ends.  I have to actually quit and reload. 2 sometimes there is a glitch where the back piece of the tentacles remain on the character.


*update 2*  Ok everything seems to be working ok but my character gets stuck for an obscene amount of time giving birth, and to sooooo many eggs that they are falling through the map.  Is there anyway to tone down the birthing time / amount?  or maybe make it advancable through a button?


Birthing time is linked to belly size so very large belly sizes cause long birthing times - also if any mod is trying to maintain/increase belly size whilst birth takes place this can cause extremely long or even possibly infinite birthing loops - I am planning to look at this issue in the next update.



I am not using any pregnancy or body growth mods.  I was a little too overwhelmed to try any of those.  Ill look into one though.


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Asked about this earlier and I'm not sure if I got a response-

I really enjoy the mod, but I don't exactly favor the chaurus eggs. Don't fancy them as much. Is there any way that someone or myself could replace the eggs with Chicken/Bird/Slaughterfish/etc eggs from the game? I just prefer those more than chaurus. I honestly don't even care that it's chicken eggs coming from a chaurus, I just prefer them more. Many thaks to anyone willing to address my preferences. 

Also wondering now if anyone can link me to what they use to get the belly growth- mine isn't working atm.


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Serious problem again. Hatchlings never hatch their eggs. Already enabled Chaurus Infestation.

It says 'The eggs hatch! Now you know personally what the Dwemer needed the Snow Elves for'

But eggs no hatch even I waited 10 days.

Besides, I saw MCM option 'hatchery' but cannot change. it's just 'None'.


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Serious problem again. Hatchlings never hatch their eggs. Already enabled Chaurus Infestation.

It says 'The eggs hatch! Now you know personally what the Dwemer needed the Snow Elves for'

But eggs no hatch even I waited 10 days.

Besides, I saw MCM option 'hatchery' but cannot change. it's just 'None'.


You may want to bump up the fertilization chance option and try getting infested again.  Once the eggs have been placed if any are fertile with the option to hatch selected you should see entries under the hatchery window showing how long before eggs turn into tiny chauri.




Also @ Bane_Master, thanks for the update adding an additional machine.  If I may make a request, I would love to see the estrus horse animation added to Estrus Chaurus + (my personal favorite of the estrus animations).  I ask this mostly because while I do love that animation, I don't love it enough to actually leave the estrus .esp active and all its related problems, and it would be great to have the horse as an option for things like the EC+ integration in DCL.  


Of course, it's not really your mod's intended purpose to allow all the estrus animations to be registered, so I would understand if this isn't something you'd want to do  :P

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Serious problem again. Hatchlings never hatch their eggs. Already enabled Chaurus Infestation.

It says 'The eggs hatch! Now you know personally what the Dwemer needed the Snow Elves for'

But eggs no hatch even I waited 10 days.

Besides, I saw MCM option 'hatchery' but cannot change. it's just 'None'.


You may want to bump up the fertilization chance option and try getting infested again.  Once the eggs have been placed if any are fertile with the option to hatch selected you should see entries under the hatchery window showing how long before eggs turn into tiny chauri.




Also @ Bane_Master, thanks for the update adding an additional machine.  If I may make a request, I would love to see the estrus horse animation added to Estrus Chaurus + (my personal favorite of the estrus animations).  I ask this mostly because while I do love that animation, I don't love it enough to actually leave the estrus .esp active and all its related problems, and it would be great to have the horse as an option for things like the EC+ integration in DCL.  


Of course, it's not really your mod's intended purpose to allow all the estrus animations to be registered, so I would understand if this isn't something you'd want to do  :P



Never mind. Fount out first pregnancy do nothing. Second thing makes hatchlings

Anyway they attack their breed mother... Now I have to find out what mod makes hostile creatures to my follower.

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I have major issues with this mod (but no conflict) :


-When enabling breast scaling its just warp between pre pregnancy and pregnancy size every 8 seconds


-Random game freez forcing me to close skyrim.exe the hard way


-When my cam is stuck in 3rd person, crouching and using the estrus shout cause CTD after my character stands up


-Save files after installing this mod are constatly CTD when loaded, I have to load a save before the mod was installed in order to load the save file without crashing


-Estrus shout sometime prevent me to use any weapon/unsheat weapon after animation not even magic is avaiable, reloading the save where it occurs doesn't fix it nor restarting the game does


-If being a chaurus breeder without having any eggs (still have the message your breast aches/are sore/are swelling), cause an animation after while (no eggs = no chaurus eggs laying animation) then it cause CTD


-If you ask I run LOOT for load order and FNIS for user, I deactivated any other pregnancy mod but it still does bugs like hell (using beeing female)

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I don't use this mod much, but let me try to help:


I have major issues with this mod (but no conflict) :


-When enabling breast scaling its just warp between pre pregnancy and pregnancy size every 8 seconds

That sounds like some other mod is trying to wrest control over the nodes. Are you using any other pregnancy mod (sorry, didn't see below) or node-scaling mod such as Soulgem Oven, or Mana Tanks, or Simple Pregnancy, or Fill Her Up? Beeing Female too, I believe (though there's a compatibility patch... I could be wrong about Beeing Female, it might be conflict-free right out of the box).


-Random game freez forcing me to close skyrim.exe the hard way

Are you sure that's this mod, and not, for example, just Skyrim being Skyrim? How many script-heavy mods are you using? Everyone experiences this issue from time to time... some more than others, depending on your computer (is it a potato by chance?) and your mod list.


-When my cam is stuck in 3rd person, crouching and using the estrus shout cause CTD after my character stands up


-Save files after installing this mod are constatly CTD when loaded, I have to load a save before the mod was installed in order to load the save file without crashing

A lot of people also have this issue. Try this - from the main menu, before you load a game, enter the console and type "coc qasmoke". Then when you get teleported to the test cell with a default character, try loading your game. *Should* load up fine. In the future, to avoid the problem, try to save your game in small interior cells (like breezehome or something like that) when there are few or no NPCs around.


-Estrus shout sometime prevent me to use any weapon/unsheat weapon after animation not even magic is avaiable, reloading the save where it occurs doesn't fix it nor restarting the game does


-If being a chaurus breeder without having any eggs (still have the message your breast aches/are sore/are swelling), cause an animation after while (no eggs = no chaurus eggs laying animation) then it cause CTD


-If you ask I run LOOT for load order and FNIS for user, I deactivated any other pregnancy mod but it still does bugs like hell (using beeing female)



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I have major issues with this mod (but no conflict) :


-When enabling breast scaling its just warp between pre pregnancy and pregnancy size every 8 seconds


-Random game freez forcing me to close skyrim.exe the hard way


-When my cam is stuck in 3rd person, crouching and using the estrus shout cause CTD after my character stands up


-Save files after installing this mod are constatly CTD when loaded, I have to load a save before the mod was installed in order to load the save file without crashing


-Estrus shout sometime prevent me to use any weapon/unsheat weapon after animation not even magic is avaiable, reloading the save where it occurs doesn't fix it nor restarting the game does


-If being a chaurus breeder without having any eggs (still have the message your breast aches/are sore/are swelling), cause an animation after while (no eggs = no chaurus eggs laying animation) then it cause CTD


-If you ask I run LOOT for load order and FNIS for user, I deactivated any other pregnancy mod but it still does bugs like hell (using beeing female)


If you can use Estrus Shouts then you must have Estrus for Skyrim activated - I suspect that is the cause of many of your problems, unfortunately Estrus for Skyrim does not play nicely with EC+


Ok I have tried a few different pregnancy mods, I have scaled the belly down but no matter what happens my character is laying eggs for like 5 minutes.  Is there any way to fix this?


Working on a fix for this - essentially a bail out after x birth cycles option....  Coding time is limited but it is in progress!


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Just found an issue (caused not by he EC+). Seems that there is a limit on the amount of animations in game, so when installing estrus chaurus with latest non sl animations (and activating all of its anims) all estrus' anims became unchecked and cant be used by the mod.

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