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Submit + Devious Devices Progression DAYMOYL Mod

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Hey guys, trying to compile a script (any script) that is working within submit + Devious Devices PB 1.53c and I've gotten down to 3 files failing to play nice.


and ZadArmbinderQuestScript.psc


I can't figure out what I've missed, they're in place, Skyui sdk is installed, skse too. I've hunted around but I'm confused as to why just these three files are failing, is there a dependancy or another set of scripts I'm missing? (possible wrong version maybe??)

The script in question is _slsubmitboundeffect.psc - I can get other scripts in the mod to compile just fine (I'm assuming) as long as they don't call on those three scripts.
*** Always the way, I'm pretty sure I got it now, I had to unpack the aroused .bsa and place the scripts where they needed to be.
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There is a new update for the original submit, maybe this version fixes some of the player still in combat issues, at least the changelog mentions changes in this area. Haven't tested it yet since i am finally trying to play the game through once before starting it over for checking new mods :D.


I've just tried it and I just can't get it to work. Attacked a bandit, submitted and then nothing happened. Tried again and just got "your attackers are not finished yet..." and still nothing :(


I think I'll just stick to the version that I have working...it seems to be working for most other people too.

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Definitely looking forward to seeing this updated, along with Devious Devices.  These (and Captured Dreams) are sorely missing from my setup, and really the only things that I'm waiting on before starting a new playthrough.


Thanks again for all the hard work!

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There is a new update for the original submit, maybe this version fixes some of the player still in combat issues, at least the changelog mentions changes in this area. Haven't tested it yet since i am finally trying to play the game through once before starting it over for checking new mods :D.


I've just tried it and I just can't get it to work. Attacked a bandit, submitted and then nothing happened. Tried again and just got "your attackers are not finished yet..." and still nothing :(


I think I'll just stick to the version that I have working...it seems to be working for most other people too.



Yes please do this one is working great, the only annoying thing to deal with is not being able to die when there is no submit necessary.

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There is a new update for the original submit, maybe this version fixes some of the player still in combat issues, at least the changelog mentions changes in this area. Haven't tested it yet since i am finally trying to play the game through once before starting it over for checking new mods :D.


I've just tried it and I just can't get it to work. Attacked a bandit, submitted and then nothing happened. Tried again and just got "your attackers are not finished yet..." and still nothing :(


I think I'll just stick to the version that I have working...it seems to be working for most other people too.



So you don't plan on updating this for sl 1.5x?

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There is a new update for the original submit, maybe this version fixes some of the player still in combat issues, at least the changelog mentions changes in this area. Haven't tested it yet since i am finally trying to play the game through once before starting it over for checking new mods :D.


I've just tried it and I just can't get it to work. Attacked a bandit, submitted and then nothing happened. Tried again and just got "your attackers are not finished yet..." and still nothing :(


I think I'll just stick to the version that I have working...it seems to be working for most other people too.



So you don't plan on updating this for sl 1.5x?



I highly doubt it since devious devices hasn't gone around to SL 1.5x

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the modified Submit version which comes with SexLab Submit Progressive Bondage V1.53c doesnt have the "multiple assault" options in the MCM menu, but I still get the "dead attacker" bug.


Im confused because people are talking about this options to be turned off ???

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First off, thank you for an excellent mod. It integrates very well with its dependencies (to the point I can't really recall who to thank for what!) and the modularity of it all makes for an experience that is pretty easy to customise.


Now, I had a couple of questions, and let me apologise beforehand if it doesn't belong in this thread specifically (it might be related to Submit itself) but I'm sure I'd be able to get an answer here :) I am not particularly interested in the sex part of the mods (I'm glad in fact I could tick most of that off in the MCM) but I feel a capture mechanic was much needed in Skyrim for immersion purposes. This mod / series of mods does it remarkably well, but there are two things I am wondering.


Firstly, would it be possible to make the capturing faction send the PC to a more appropriate place, rather than just leave him / her on the spot? Having the player (and perhaps the follower) appear in a random lair or camp belonging to that faction would make for a much more interesting escape scenario.


Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I think the takedown mechanics for NPCs are really well implemented (particularly like the stealth takedown, that belongs to Submit I believe?) but there seem to be no options other than turn the NPC in for a reward or just leave them wandering. Now, I am wondering why no mod so far has succeeded (or survived long enough after initial success) in giving you the option to restrain or transport the captured NPC. Is it due to technical limitations? Lack of interest?


With the way submit + devious devices + progression currently work, giving the player the option to tie up a captured NPC and prevent them from calling for help would add endless possibilities for stealth gameplay, thief characters, non-violent playthroughs and the like (not to mention a bit of lighthearted fun with some selected NPCs of course, if that's your thing  :D  )


Please not this is not an open feature request, I was just wondering whether it was planned or even feasible.


And again, thanks for keeping this alive!

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Firstly, would it be possible to make the capturing faction send the PC to a more appropriate place, rather than just leave him / her on the spot? Having the player (and perhaps the follower) appear in a random lair or camp belonging to that faction would make for a much more interesting escape scenario.


Defeat + Devious Captures has the feature you're describing, but unfortunately you don't get bound like in Submit+DD. If you know your way around the Creation Kit you might be able to implement it using Devious Captures scripts as a guide.



Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I think the takedown mechanics for NPCs are really well implemented (particularly like the stealth takedown, that belongs to Submit I believe?) but there seem to be no options other than turn the NPC in for a reward or just leave them wandering. Now, I am wondering why no mod so far has succeeded (or survived long enough after initial success) in giving you the option to restrain or transport the captured NPC. Is it due to technical limitations? Lack of interest?



What happens when you take down a bandit camp, you just have a small army of prisoners following you around? :P

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the modified Submit version which comes with SexLab Submit Progressive Bondage V1.53c doesnt have the "multiple assault" options in the MCM menu, but I still get the "dead attacker" bug.


Im confused because people are talking about this options to be turned off ???


I believe its called "Random Assault" or something of that nature that needs to be turned off, also make sure you load a save that hasn't utilized Submits scripts yet.

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It kind of looks like the author of submit might have made some recent changes that may fix some submitting issues might take a look at it. Because as much as I do like Submit + DD and it being more reliable during the submitting process I really like being able to capture people and take them prisoner which seems to be omitted after downgrading to early versions of submit.

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the modified Submit version which comes with SexLab Submit Progressive Bondage V1.53c doesnt have the "multiple assault" options in the MCM menu, but I still get the "dead attacker" bug.


Im confused because people are talking about this options to be turned off ???


I believe its called "Random Assault" or something of that nature that needs to be turned off, also make sure you load a save that hasn't utilized Submits scripts yet.


"Can be randomly assaulted while bound" ?

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Quick update today.


I've tried to fix the weird issues when submitting and dead people coming back to get you etc. At the moment I've done as much as I can to limit it happening...unfortunately it looks like it might just be an oddity of Skyrim. It rarely seems to happen when using the submit hotkey and is more likely to happen with creatures than humans. I did have an issue with a wolf constantly coming back but it did clear itself eventually ( I had to submit to a human character then change cells)


New additions.


1. You should find you get a wider variation of bound poses. I've now grouped all the different hogties/frogties etc into one group as you were basically getting a 50% chance to get one of those poses and they are all very similar.


2. Reworked the Binding Difficulty setting. This actually had no effect on your escape chance and was only used to decide if you were detected while escaping and triggering the Random Assault option. Now that this mod really requires that you have Can Be Randomly Assaulted While Bound set to OFF I thought the difficulty should actually make it more difficult to escape. The easiest setting remains unchanged but it will get progressively more difficult to get free the higher the level you choose. Level 5 is pretty tough :) This goes hand in hand with....


3. Punishment for failing an escape attempt! You character will no receive an electric shock (with visual and sound effects!) when they try to escape. There is no permanent damage done at the moment so have fun torturing your character. I'll try to expand this in the future with more effects.


4. Frost trolls are back as valid creature types


5. A few more lines of dialogue added (suggestions always welcome :) )

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It kind of looks like the author of submit might have made some recent changes that may fix some submitting issues might take a look at it. Because as much as I do like Submit + DD and it being more reliable during the submitting process I really like being able to capture people and take them prisoner which seems to be omitted after downgrading to early versions of submit.


I tried the new version and it just didn't work at all :(


If you want to capture people then try using Defeat in conjunction with Submit. Just turn the Player as Victim stuff off and enjoy :)


I use it for all the wonderful NPC fighting and raping :)




Actually just noticed there was another new version of submit. Will have to try that later

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Firstly, would it be possible to make the capturing faction send the PC to a more appropriate place, rather than just leave him / her on the spot? Having the player (and perhaps the follower) appear in a random lair or camp belonging to that faction would make for a much more interesting escape scenario.


Defeat + Devious Captures has the feature you're describing, but unfortunately you don't get bound like in Submit+DD. If you know your way around the Creation Kit you might be able to implement it using Devious Captures scripts as a guide.




I will try, but the truth is that I find the Creation Kit a bit overwhelming. I just thought leaving the PC bound wherever the capture happened made less sense (and escape less interesting) than a change of locale. It would also make rescuing followers a lot more dramatic I suppose.





Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I think the takedown mechanics for NPCs are really well implemented (particularly like the stealth takedown, that belongs to Submit I believe?) but there seem to be no options other than turn the NPC in for a reward or just leave them wandering. Now, I am wondering why no mod so far has succeeded (or survived long enough after initial success) in giving you the option to restrain or transport the captured NPC. Is it due to technical limitations? Lack of interest?



What happens when you take down a bandit camp, you just have a small army of prisoners following you around?  :P



Hah! That's a bit exaggerated perhaps  :D


Technically you can already do that with the way Submit works, but that wasn't the point.


The thing is, the stealth takedown works as expected (you can do it and attract no attention whatsoever) but the victim is then left to wander around with a blank stare as if nothing at all had happened, which makes the scenario you describe even weirder (dozens of wandering bandits with severe memory loss).


What I wondered was whether one could bind / gag NPCs without the game glitching something fierce (that's why I asked if it was a technical limitation, since I had seen nothing of the sort in a non-cancelled mod). More than for bandit camps, I was thinking thievery actually: sneak into a house, do a stealth / sleeping takedown without triggering an alert (which you can already do) but leave the victim bound while you loot the place. Or do the same while infiltrating a bandit camp if you don't actually want to kill anyone immediately. A similar mechanic could be used for rescue quests too I suppose, especially since companions can be bound by enemies in Submit (go rescue your follower from this or this other lair, random villager has disappeared, et cetera).


As for relocating captured NPCs, it could also be integrated in quests, such as "capture X bandit leader" or "turn in Y Imperial / Stormcloak prisoners" and the like. SSG I think planned a similar feature, but I have never seen it updated.


Hence my questions: I have seen many mods scratching the surface of NPC capturing, but none really integrating it into the game as much as PC capturing, in spite of a great number of possible applications, so I couldn't help but wonder whether it was some engine limitation.

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Are you planning on making this mod compatible with the new version of sexlab 1.5X and the updated DD?


That's my next task....hopefully it won't need much changing. Has anyone tried it yet...it might work out of the box?


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Are you planning on making this mod compatible with the new version of sexlab 1.5X and the updated DD?


That's my next task....hopefully it won't need much changing. Has anyone tried it yet...it might work out of the box?


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Firstly, would it be possible to make the capturing faction send the PC to a more appropriate place, rather than just leave him / her on the spot? Having the player (and perhaps the follower) appear in a random lair or camp belonging to that faction would make for a much more interesting escape scenario.


Defeat + Devious Captures has the feature you're describing, but unfortunately you don't get bound like in Submit+DD. If you know your way around the Creation Kit you might be able to implement it using Devious Captures scripts as a guide.




I will try, but the truth is that I find the Creation Kit a bit overwhelming. I just thought leaving the PC bound wherever the capture happened made less sense (and escape less interesting) than a change of locale. It would also make rescuing followers a lot more dramatic I suppose.





Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I think the takedown mechanics for NPCs are really well implemented (particularly like the stealth takedown, that belongs to Submit I believe?) but there seem to be no options other than turn the NPC in for a reward or just leave them wandering. Now, I am wondering why no mod so far has succeeded (or survived long enough after initial success) in giving you the option to restrain or transport the captured NPC. Is it due to technical limitations? Lack of interest?



What happens when you take down a bandit camp, you just have a small army of prisoners following you around?  :P



Hah! That's a bit exaggerated perhaps  :D


Technically you can already do that with the way Submit works, but that wasn't the point.


The thing is, the stealth takedown works as expected (you can do it and attract no attention whatsoever) but the victim is then left to wander around with a blank stare as if nothing at all had happened, which makes the scenario you describe even weirder (dozens of wandering bandits with severe memory loss).


What I wondered was whether one could bind / gag NPCs without the game glitching something fierce (that's why I asked if it was a technical limitation, since I had seen nothing of the sort in a non-cancelled mod). More than for bandit camps, I was thinking thievery actually: sneak into a house, do a stealth / sleeping takedown without triggering an alert (which you can already do) but leave the victim bound while you loot the place. Or do the same while infiltrating a bandit camp if you don't actually want to kill anyone immediately. A similar mechanic could be used for rescue quests too I suppose, especially since companions can be bound by enemies in Submit (go rescue your follower from this or this other lair, random villager has disappeared, et cetera).


As for relocating captured NPCs, it could also be integrated in quests, such as "capture X bandit leader" or "turn in Y Imperial / Stormcloak prisoners" and the like. SSG I think planned a similar feature, but I have never seen it updated.



Hence my questions: I have seen many mods scratching the surface of NPC capturing, but none really integrating it into the game as much as PC capturing, in spite of a great number of possible applications, so I couldn't help but wonder whether it was some engine limitation.



Turn an eye toward Goubo's Defeat mod.  He's working on a "Hideout" alternately from Defeat which might be just what you're looking for.


Also, you can sort of do it already with the base Submit -- which is actually why I can't install this mod on a current playthrough.  My warrior character beat down Rigel Strongarm, a bandit chief target in one of the early quests, tied her up and went through her stuff.  Upon reading a letter from Rigel's father and an unsent response from Rigel (quite a nice touch from Bethesda), the warrior sexed Rigel into a better life as a follower of the Dragonborn.  (Along with a little bit of console tinkering.)


Just... don't tell any previously hostile followers to Wait or otherwise let them leave your immediate supervision.


@MixedupJim: Would it be easy enough to change the line of code that dkatryl changed, with regard to multiple followers?  He found that the code he was using was doing something programmy that programmied something in the program and ... stuff.  Anyway, he changed one line and fixed it so followers get included in all the fun.


EDIT to add:



Are you planning on making this mod compatible with the new version of sexlab 1.5X and the updated DD?


That's my next task....hopefully it won't need much changing. Has anyone tried it yet...it might work out of the box?




It might.  Ashal added some backwards compatibility scripts back into the newest builds, but as I understand, the intent of those scripts is so that existing mods don't get broken while the mod authors work on updates.  I doubt any significant builds going forward will continue to support what will then be outdated mods.  Also, I think it writes a warning to the log that deprecated scripts or functions or programmy thingies are being called.

Edited by Gen-Dex
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@MixedupJim: Would it be easy enough to change the line of code that dkatryl changed, with regard to multiple followers?  He found that the code he was using was doing something programmy that programmied something in the program and ... stuff.  Anyway, he changed one line and fixed it so followers get included in all the fun.



I'll certainly take a look :)

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@MixedupJim: Would it be easy enough to change the line of code that dkatryl changed, with regard to multiple followers?  He found that the code he was using was doing something programmy that programmied something in the program and ... stuff.  Anyway, he changed one line and fixed it so followers get included in all the fun.



I'll certainly take a look :)



You're quick!  I just edited my last post to respond to your last last post so I wouldn't double post.  Postception.

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I tried it, but it does not work with sex lab 1.5X. :( But, I will wait patiently for you next release. :) As i already upgraded to 1.54 :)  Can't wait to see all your new features.

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