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i have a weird issue with slave tats not working on the Nails of feet. It's really weird cuz it's just the nails. everything on the feet is tattooable except for nails. 


Anyone know what may be wrong?

Had the exactly the same issue some time ago, funny thing is I have been using Slavetats for a very long time and it worked perfectly, then the nails polish suddenly stopped working. I tried to uninstall/reinstall Slavetats, on a different profile in MO, even on a new character, to no avail.


Turned out the problem was caused by the UUNP feet meshes generated by Bodyslide, I replaced them with high poly feet meshes by Halo, then it works again.

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i have a weird issue with slave tats not working on the Nails of feet. It's really weird cuz it's just the nails. everything on the feet is tattooable except for nails. 


Anyone know what may be wrong?

Had the exactly the same issue some time ago, funny thing is I have been using Slavetats for a very long time and it worked perfectly, then the nails polish suddenly stopped working. I tried to uninstall/reinstall Slavetats, on a different profile in MO, even on a new character, to no avail.


Turned out the problem was caused by the UUNP feet meshes generated by Bodyslide, I replaced them with high poly feet meshes by Halo, then it works again.


but i fear that if i replace those feet meshes with halo's it'll ruin my HDT havok/animated pussy mod from All In One Animated pussy mod....

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Made a few custom warpaint and i believe i've set them right in order but i dont know why my slavetat section just wouldn't show in slavetat mcm. 

my json registry :

    {"name": "Warpaint 01", "section":"Warpaints", "texture":"anubis\\Fpaint_01.dds", "area":"Face"},
    {"name": "Warpaint 02", "section":"Warpaints", "texture":"anubis\\Fpaint_02.dds", "area":"Face"},
    {"name": "Warpaint 03", "section":"Warpaints", "texture":"anubis\\Fpaint_03.dds", "area":"Face"},


I've try with any slavetats pack that i got and they all there in slavetats mcm, so what am i missing here ?



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Try losing that last comma after the third definition. JSON can be a bit anal about things like that.


Didn't work i'm afraid. But thanks 


Anyway i decided to alter/replace and old slavetats pack and it works perfectly. Though i'm still curious why it wouldn't work with a new one that i made, guess it has something to do with the way i made the json registry (create a new text document, manually change extension to json and write the registry with notepad++).  

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{"name": "Warpaint 01", "section":"Warpaints", "texture":"anubis\\Fpaint_01.dds", "area":"Face"},

{"name": "Warpaint 02", "section":"Warpaints", "texture":"anubis\\Fpaint_02.dds", "area":"Face"},

{"name": "Warpaint 03", "section":"Warpaints", "texture":"anubis\\Fpaint_03.dds", "area":"Face"},




I just want to re-iterate what DocClox said: even if you had other problems that also prevent it from working, that comma (which I've highlighted in red above) all by itself is enough to break your tat pack.

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I just want to re-iterate what DocClox said: even if you had other problems that also prevent it from working, that comma (which I've highlighted in red above) all by itself is enough to break your tat pack.


Ahh crap, completely misinterpret what doc saying. Thanks for clarifying that, feel completely dumb right now. And sorry Doc, my bad.      


Also to add on: there's tools that will check your formatting, like JSONLint. They won't be able to check the actual contents, but if the formatting is wrong you'll get info on what line has the error.


Thanks, will check it out.

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Hello, I'm having an absolute bitch of a time getting this mod to work, I've reloaded all the required files multiple times, in different orders. tomorrow I'm going to do a full reload of every mod, unless someone has a killer tip/foresight into what my conflict is. I've done fresh starts old saves u name it, I'm out of ideas and not too kean to spend a few hours reinstalling everything =( I've gone through most of this forum looking at troubleshooting ideas tried the ones I could find, still to no avail.

yes I have tried hitting "T" ;) 


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Hello, I'm having an absolute bitch of a time getting this mod to work, I've reloaded all the required files multiple times, in different orders. tomorrow I'm going to do a full reload of every mod, unless someone has a killer tip/foresight into what my conflict is. I've done fresh starts old saves u name it, I'm out of ideas and not too kean to spend a few hours reinstalling everything =( I've gone through most of this forum looking at troubleshooting ideas tried the ones I could find, still to no avail.

yes I have tried hitting "T" ;)

WTF is that thumbnail from? Is that the Racemenu screen?


This mod doesn't run through Racemenu.


It uses the MCM Menu so if you were looking for the tats in the Racemenu that might explain why you can't find them.

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I'm not sure it wasn't asked before, but my question is... How can I edit color/glow settings in json files? I mean, with what variables?

     "name":"Example Tattoo",

I know "0" means black color and "16777215" is white, but what about other codes for colors?

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Hi guys. I have an issue that when i apply any tat from the" Denial" category on an NPC that is only visible if i am standing directly in front  of the NPC. If i move away by a few steps the tats sort of fade away and are not visible . The weird thing is that it occurs only for the tats in the Denial category and nothing else. Has anyone experienced this before?

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I'm not sure it wasn't asked before, but my question is... How can I edit color/glow settings in json files? I mean, with what variables?

     "name":"Example Tattoo",
I know "0" means black color and "16777215" is white, but what about other codes for colors?


Open the Windows calculator, set it to the "Programmer" setting. Click on the "HEX" so you can enter a hex value, enter the hex value of the color you want then press DEC to get the equivalent decimal value.


It's that easy.

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Hi guys. I have an issue that when i apply any tat from the" Denial" category on an NPC that is only visible if i am standing directly in front  of the NPC. If i move away by a few steps the tats sort of fade away and are not visible . The weird thing is that it occurs only for the tats in the Denial category and nothing else. Has anyone experienced this before?


i've encountered this on occasion (not recently), no idea what causes it. usually safest to reload a save prior to applying tats, and then re-order the tats. ie. but the upper back one after the lower back one instead of before it. 

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I have began to create a few tats and wanted to make a simple one first as a test. I created it along with the Json file. It appears in the MCM and I can select it but it does not show up in my PC or on any NPC. I used the default body textures in Data\textures\actors\character\female\ that my PC uses. Can anyone please help me to resolve this?

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I have began to create a few tats and wanted to make a simple one first as a test. I created it along with the Json file. It appears in the MCM and I can select it but it does not show up in my PC or on any NPC. I used the default body textures in Data\textures\actors\character\female\ that my PC uses. Can anyone please help me to resolve this?

Start by making sure you didn't screw up the JSON. It must be perfect or it fails entirely so paste it into this web page and check it http://jsonlint.com/

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I have began to create a few tats and wanted to make a simple one first as a test. I created it along with the Json file. It appears in the MCM and I can select it but it does not show up in my PC or on any NPC. I used the default body textures in Data\textures\actors\character\female\ that my PC uses. Can anyone please help me to resolve this?

Start by making sure you didn't screw up the JSON. It must be perfect or it fails entirely so paste it into this web page and check it http://jsonlint.com/


Thanks for the link !  :)  as it turns out the there was a comma where it shouldnt be . works fine now


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Does anyone knows why by changing Nioverride iAlphaFlags to 4844 and iAlphaThreshold to 128 makes slavetats show under the character normal skin?

(In my case I can only see it by approaching the camera really close to the character legs). This happens independent of what my PC is wearing.

This does not happen with the default values (4845 and 0)


I was trying to make a tattoo appear while wearing the transparent suit, without flickering.

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Something very strange is happening with these mods when I download them, when I downloaded the Rutah tattoo's and others, they worked perfectly, then I think I started a new game or something and found out later when I was looking in my Nexus mod manager that all the names of the tat packs I got from here had changed into something called DE Necro, upon clicking to see what this was, it said it was a texture replacer for the Necromancers amulet...dafuk?! lol


I tried deleting them all and re-downloading them from this download page, the computer would say that it was downloading them by the correct name, but when I checked NMM, they were still transforming into the DE Necro thing, I don't understand what on earth would cause such a thing, I've never even used a mod called DE Necro before so shouldn't have any...I dunno...residual data from said mod causing glitches in my mod manager.


Any clues as to what's happening? By the way, it doesn't happen with any other mod I've tried to download, only all these Slavetat packs. :s


P:S in NMM the author name of this DE Necro mod is apparently "Dark_elf" when I click on the version number it takes me to a nexus page for his mod and his name is apparently "Darkelf71"


I don't know what's going on here but I'm feeling as tho one of us has been hacked by this person, I'm guessing ur mod has, as this weirdness doesn't happen when I download anything else as I said, the Elf/Orc pack seems to be fine...god this is spinning me out.



I think NMM has an "issue" that sometimes it will assign Nexus IDs to non nexus mods based on similar name or some other file evaluation. It doesn't mean anything nefarious has happened, just a bit of mistaken identity on NMMs part, because it wants to link everything back to the Nexus.


Probably not in this thread but likely other threads here at LL and potentially some Nexus forums would have more information about this behavior.



It's not really a bug with NMM, it's that when a mod is downloaded through Nexus, NMM has an id that it matches up to and stores that in your local NMM.  If a mod is manually added, NMM will look at the name of the mod to decipher the id.  A lot of times, the name of the mod (the zipped file name) contains either a version number or a date.  It uses that version/date to match up to Nexus ids.  If I remember correctly it was the date included in the name of the zipped folder for the slave tat packs (I ran into this eons ago).  The simplest way to "fix" it is rename the zipped file removing any numbers from the name before adding it to NMM.



Ah ha! that worked thank you. :)

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Hi, I have a major problem: Since I uptated to the recent version of the mod, it does not appear in the mod menu any more.

My characters still have their tatoos, so I think the mod works somehow, but I cannot enter a menu. 

I deinstallend and installed the mod, but it did not help. I even installed the older version - which worked quite well - no success.

Any Idea?

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  • 4 weeks later...

hello just installed this mod yesterday it works okay but dunno what happened, but it seems SOS is no longer assigning schlongs to npcs, new npcs are just wearing the boxers things and old npcs before mod update have schlongs generated, but when I dezactivate mod and go back to new npcs they get schlongs normaly. :/ help?

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hello just installed this mod yesterday it works okay but dunno what happened, but it seems SOS is no longer assigning schlongs to npcs, new npcs are just wearing the boxers things and old npcs before mod update have schlongs generated, but when I dezactivate mod and go back to new npcs they get schlongs normaly. :/ help?

This mod has nothing at all to do with SOS, whatever you have going on has nothing to do with this mod.

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hello just installed this mod yesterday it works okay but dunno what happened, but it seems SOS is no longer assigning schlongs to npcs, new npcs are just wearing the boxers things and old npcs before mod update have schlongs generated, but when I dezactivate mod and go back to new npcs they get schlongs normaly. :/ help?

This mod has nothing at all to do with SOS, whatever you have going on has nothing to do with this mod.



yeah I know it shouldn't since they modify different stuff but it still happen after I install this mod.

but it doesn't matter anymore it might have been my load order I think, after I messed with it a bit and reseted SOS a few times it looks like it's working perfectly now I think xD.

thx for the help though

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