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Not sure if someone has raised this problem up before, but I seem to get the devices constantly added to my character so that the messages "It's impossible to wear more than one belt/plug/etc" and they clog up my inventory.


Any fixes?


The messages are caused by a bug that is exposed by For The Masses, and is a known issue: for now, just disable NPC messages, as tryguy suggested. The duplication issue is likewise caused by FTM, and will be fixed next patch. Incidentally, sweet, sweet weekend. Time to code up 2.5.4.

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ok so I haven't been on skyrim or ll for a while cuza workin overtime but I tried switching polling to 0.5 and vibration to 100 with everything else at 1 and still no vibration by polling, here my papyrus log, I was playin for a while and at the end I was trying to get it to work so I cast magic, it worked, polling didn't so I tried adding different plugs I have (cursed soulgem and edging) with no success


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ok so I haven't been on skyrim or ll for a while cuza workin overtime but I tried switching polling to 0.5 and vibration to 100 with everything else at 1 and still no vibration by polling, here my papyrus log, I was playin for a while and at the end I was trying to get it to work so I cast magic, it worked, polling didn't so I tried adding different plugs I have (cursed soulgem and edging) with no success


I can certainly relate to that: Been working quite a bit of overtime myself lately :P


[12/07/2013 - 10:27:10AM] Error: Cannot call log() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadBQ00.ProcessEffects() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 712

    [None].zadBQ00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 685

[12/07/2013 - 10:27:10AM] Error: Cannot call Config() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadBQ00.ProcessEffects() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 717

    [None].zadBQ00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 685


In this part of your log, the libs property in zadBQ00 is none, which obviously would lead to related scripts not working.




[12/07/2013 - 10:35:14AM] [Zad]: OnUpdateGameTime()

[12/07/2013 - 10:35:15AM] [Zad]: ProcessEffects()

[12/07/2013 - 10:35:15AM] [Zad]: VibrateEffect(50)


[12/07/2013 - 10:41:44AM] [Zad]: OnUpdateGameTime()

[12/07/2013 - 10:41:44AM] [Zad]: ProcessEffects()

[12/07/2013 - 10:41:44AM] [Zad]: VibrateEffect(50)


[12/07/2013 - 10:48:06AM] [Zad]: OnUpdateGameTime()

[12/07/2013 - 10:48:07AM] [Zad]: ProcessEvents()

[12/07/2013 - 10:48:07AM] [Zad]: Config Interval:0.500000. Total number of events: 2. Next staggered update in 0.250000

[12/07/2013 - 10:48:07AM] [Zad]: PlayThirdPersonAnimation()

[12/07/2013 - 10:48:14AM] [Zad]: ProcessEffects()

[12/07/2013 - 10:48:14AM] [Zad]: VibrateEffect(100)


Looks like it was working fine here (And for the majority of the log)


[12/07/2013 - 11:26:15AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"


    [None].angrimbeltquestscript.OnUpdateGameTime() - "AngrimBeltQuestScript.psc" Line 56

[12/07/2013 - 11:26:15AM] Error: Cannot call PlayerRef() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadBQ00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 657

[12/07/2013 - 11:26:15AM] Error: Cannot call log() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadBaseDeviceQuest.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBaseDeviceQuest.psc" Line 18

    [None].zadBQ00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 658

[12/07/2013 - 11:26:15AM] Error: Cannot call Config() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadBaseDeviceQuest.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBaseDeviceQuest.psc" Line 19

    [None].zadBQ00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 658



But later in your log, libs is none again. Hmm. I've no idea what would cause that property to intermittently be none in your game.

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I was using flames and set timescale to 100 to speed things up, only message that came up with polling was the wander effect (and chafing and lubrication) but only when I used magic would the vibrate message come up, when I get home I plan on trying it without angrim's apprentice installed to see if that is interfering with it or not, I'll upload a log without using magic to see what's going on

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I was using flames and set timescale to 100 to speed things up, only message that came up with polling was the wander effect (and chafing and lubrication) but only when I used magic would the vibrate message come up, when I get home I plan on trying it without angrim's apprentice installed to see if that is interfering with it or not, I'll upload a log without using magic to see what's going on


Angrim's Apprentice won't interfere with this mod (Beyond potential inconsistencies when starting quests: Something that soon won't be a problem!)


If it is the ruin off the eastern coast you have to start on the Dragonborn questline to get in.


Yeah, this is correct. Should you wish to not start dragonborn just yet, you can skip that stage of the quest. I posted instructions on how to do so elsewhere in this thread (Can be found using the Search feature)

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I think ima need a video capture program to show u wat happens with the log -_- it may say it works in papyrus but no mcm message and no anim/vibration in the controller (yes I play with a controller, shun me lol)


The oddities relating to the libs property being none at two distinct points in your log are probably the cause of your issue with event polling: I've no idea what would be causing that, though.

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well idk if it will help u help me but heres another log, I didn't use magic, I did set timescale to 200 and dropped the multi colored plugs I had plus potions from sexlab std, I also made integration the last in my load order to see if that would fix it, im gonna uninstall angrim's apprentice because I kno it has its own polling that just does mcm notifications but maybe it does interfere with integration somehow, idk.

and is there any way for me to make the libs property just stay on there on my end? (sorry, haven't made a mod before but I have edited some mods before, just haven't done anything with scripts)



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Ummm..... I need some help. I ve downloaded latest version of this mod and assest for body type. I can craft them but nothing happens, i can free remove them and wear again with no effect, and devices not appearing on pc.



1st: make sure you downloaded the correct assets for your body type

2nd: is assets first in the load order? if not, make it before integration manually or in step 3, if it is 1st already then..

3rd: update fnis for animations, run boss for load order correction, run tessedit to check for errors, if this is good then...

4th: post your load order in a spoiler and upload your papyrus log just in case scripting also isn't working


min is good about helping ppl out, he is currently trying to figure out my issue with me but idk if it can be fixed, I have 120 items in my load order, but some of my mods put more than 1 esp or esm in there, and the 120 is including the update and add-ons on top of my mods

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Ummm..... I need some help. I ve downloaded latest version of this mod and assest for body type. I can craft them but nothing happens, i can free remove them and wear again with no effect, and devices not appearing on pc.


It sounds like the scripts are not running. Try reinstalling the Integration mod and see if that works. If not then post a papyrus log and your load order here. Min's scripts have been pretty bulletproof for me.

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It seems my Skyrim game likes extremes. I have used the soulgem plugs before and they never gave my character a climax (had them in for several levels worth of play time). I try them again, put them in Ustengrav getting the horn of Jurgen Windcaller in the first room (arousal at a 2). Was at 100 arousal by the time I made it to the point you have to use the Whirlwind sprint to get past the gates. First attempt through the plugs stop me before I get through the gates and have 1 orgasm. Once the plugs stopped I tried it again and was able to make it through but the plugs gave my character 4 orgasms before they stopped.

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Min, in my experiments with integrating this into Angrim, I've had a couple of instances where equipping a belt failed to alter the arousal rate; this seems to be an intermittent problem for me.  Here's a snippet from my script that does the equip:

	if ( bHasPlugs )
		deviceRendered = DeviousLibs.plugSoulgemRendered
		deviceKeyword = DeviousLibs.zad_DeviousPlug
		DeviousLibs.EquipDevice( PlayerRef, Plugs, deviceRendered, deviceKeyword, true )
	deviceRendered = DeviousLibs.beltPaddedRendered
	deviceKeyword = DeviousLibs.zad_DeviousBelt
	DeviousLibs.EquipDevice( PlayerRef, BeltPadded, deviceRendered, deviceKeyword, true )
	DeviousLibs.Aroused.SetActorExposureAccumulationRate(PlayerRef, DeviousLibs.GetModifiedRate(PlayerRef))
	;; This one is flagged as 'internal', should I be using something else instead?
	DeviousLibs.StoreExposureRate( PlayerRef )

It is possible that I'm missing some API call that ought to be there.  But it does work most of the time.  When it fails, it is typically the first time the belt is equipped - subsequent calls seem to work fine.


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Min, in my experiments with integrating this into Angrim, I've had a couple of instances where equipping a belt failed to alter the arousal rate; this seems to be an intermittent problem for me.  Here's a snippet from my script that does the equip:

	if ( bHasPlugs )
		deviceRendered = DeviousLibs.plugSoulgemRendered
		deviceKeyword = DeviousLibs.zad_DeviousPlug
		DeviousLibs.EquipDevice( PlayerRef, Plugs, deviceRendered, deviceKeyword, true )
	deviceRendered = DeviousLibs.beltPaddedRendered
	deviceKeyword = DeviousLibs.zad_DeviousBelt
	DeviousLibs.EquipDevice( PlayerRef, BeltPadded, deviceRendered, deviceKeyword, true )
	DeviousLibs.Aroused.SetActorExposureAccumulationRate(PlayerRef, DeviousLibs.GetModifiedRate(PlayerRef))
	;; This one is flagged as 'internal', should I be using something else instead?
	DeviousLibs.StoreExposureRate( PlayerRef )

It is possible that I'm missing some API call that ought to be there.  But it does work most of the time.  When it fails, it is typically the first time the belt is equipped - subsequent calls seem to work fine.


Hey Stobor. You shouldn't need to manually call StoreExposureRate, the API should be taking care of that automatically (Specifically, OnEquipped from zadBeltScript should be handling that). StoreExposureRate stores the actor's original exposure rate, so that it can be restored after the belt is removed. Calling it in this manner would likely result in nothing but a warning printed to your log. Reproduce the issue, and upload a log for me to look at? If it's a bug with 2.5.3 and we figure out what's causing it, I'll include a fix in 2.5.4 (Due out tomorrow (Assuming I don't get called in to work), since I've finally had time to work on this over the weekend ^_^)


Actually, the problem you've reported is almost certainly caused by you having skipEvents=true in your calls. If that option is set, OnEquipped / OnUnequipped events won't be processed. That option is mostly useful for swapping belts / etc, without completing / restarting the belt quest, and such. Which OnEquipped / OnUnequipped events were you wishing to avoid by having that flag set? The "Chastity Belt" quest?


The problem with your snippet, is that StoreExposureRate isn't being called before GetModifiedRate. StoreExposureRate needs to be called before the belt is actually equipped on the actor. Both of these are typically handled automatically in OnEquippedPre / OnEquippedPost, when skipEvents=false.


The following function from zadBeltScript is responsible for setting modified exposure rate, and is called automatically (via polymorphism) when an OnEquipped event occurs:

Function OnEquippedPost(actor akActor)
    int modRate = libs.GetModifiedRate(akActor)
        libs.Log("original exposure rate was " + libs.GetOriginalRate(akActor) + ". Setting to " + modRate + ".")
        Aroused.SetActorExposureAccumulationRate(akActor, modRate)
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It seems my Skyrim game likes extremes. I have used the soulgem plugs before and they never gave my character a climax (had them in for several levels worth of play time). I try them again, put them in Ustengrav getting the horn of Jurgen Windcaller in the first room (arousal at a 2). Was at 100 arousal by the time I made it to the point you have to use the Whirlwind sprint to get past the gates. First attempt through the plugs stop me before I get through the gates and have 1 orgasm. Once the plugs stopped I tried it again and was able to make it through but the plugs gave my character 4 orgasms before they stopped.


Yeah, the Whirlwind Sprint shout is odd, and returns a very high mana cost when queried, unlike every other shout, which returns 0-1. That issue is fixed for 2.5.4, as shouts are now handled differently.

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Ummm..... I need some help. I ve downloaded latest version of this mod and assest for body type. I can craft them but nothing happens, i can free remove them and wear again with no effect, and devices not appearing on pc.


Post your load order / Papyrus.0.log, and I'll take a look. Nice name, by the way: Loved that anime.

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well idk if it will help u help me but heres another log, I didn't use magic, I did set timescale to 200 and dropped the multi colored plugs I had plus potions from sexlab std, I also made integration the last in my load order to see if that would fix it, im gonna uninstall angrim's apprentice because I kno it has its own polling that just does mcm notifications but maybe it does interfere with integration somehow, idk.

and is there any way for me to make the libs property just stay on there on my end? (sorry, haven't made a mod before but I have edited some mods before, just haven't done anything with scripts)


The messages from Angrim's Apprentice won't interfere with this mod's events: They're two distinctly different systems.


[12/01/2013 - 11:36:49PM] [Zad]: OnUpdateGameTime()

[12/01/2013 - 11:36:49PM] [Zad]: VibrateEffect(25)

[12/01/2013 - 11:36:49PM] [Zad]: VibrateEffect(4 for 18)


Hmm! So far as I can tell, everything is working properly in the first log. The log indicates that a strength 4 (Strong) effect was started for 18 seconds (Though, it'll likely take a bit longer than 18 seconds to complete: Particularly with animations / etc).


In the second log, I see the VibrateEffect function being polled with a 100% chance, though it's not starting the actual effect. That should only happen if:

You're not wearing a belt.

You're not wearing plugs.

The plugs you're wearing don't have one of the periodic vibration flags set.


I assume you're wearing one of the soulgem plugs (Cursed or not) in this log, with a belt?


[12/08/2013 - 11:14:50AM] [Zad]: OnUpdateGameTime()

[12/08/2013 - 11:14:51AM] [Zad]: ProcessEffects()

[12/08/2013 - 11:14:51AM] [Zad]: VibrateEffect(100)


Later in the log, that odd error pops up again:



[12/08/2013 - 11:17:44AM] Error: Cannot call PlayerRef() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadbq00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 657

[12/08/2013 - 11:17:44AM] Error: Cannot call log() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadBaseDeviceQuest.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBaseDeviceQuest.psc" Line 18

    [None].zadbq00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 658

[12/08/2013 - 11:17:44AM] Error: Cannot call Config() on a None object, aborting function call


    [None].zadBaseDeviceQuest.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBaseDeviceQuest.psc" Line 19

    [None].zadbq00.OnUpdateGameTime() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 658


Can you try testing on a fresh character?

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Actually, the problem you've reported is almost certainly caused by you having skipEvents=true in your calls. If that option is set, OnEquipped / OnUnequipped events won't be processed. That option is mostly useful for swapping belts / etc, without completing / restarting the belt quest, and such. Which OnEquipped / OnUnequipped events were you wishing to avoid by having that flag set? The "Chastity Belt" quest?



What I was attempting to avoid is having the "Chastity Belt" quest start/stop each time the PC interacts with Angrim.  Too intrusive.  Not quite the same case as swapping belts in Zed's quest, since there's a fair amount of time (and dialogue, and animations) between unequip/equip events.


Thanks for the explanation, I should be able to fix my issues with that.  If I still have a reproducible bug after that, I'll try to capture a relevant log snippet.

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I'll second what Min already wrote: there's no way that simply having Angrim's Apprentice loaded could break Devious Devices.  The only potential problem is having both quests attempt to equip the character at the same time - obviously, that wouldn't work.  But these flaky intermittent problems are almost certainly due to something else entirely.

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Actually, the problem you've reported is almost certainly caused by you having skipEvents=true in your calls. If that option is set, OnEquipped / OnUnequipped events won't be processed. That option is mostly useful for swapping belts / etc, without completing / restarting the belt quest, and such. Which OnEquipped / OnUnequipped events were you wishing to avoid by having that flag set? The "Chastity Belt" quest?



What I was attempting to avoid is having the "Chastity Belt" quest start/stop each time the PC interacts with Angrim.  Too intrusive.  Not quite the same case as swapping belts in Zed's quest, since there's a fair amount of time (and dialogue, and animations) between unequip/equip events.


Thanks for the explanation, I should be able to fix my issues with that.  If I still have a reproducible bug after that, I'll try to capture a relevant log snippet.



Makes sense. I still can't message you (Something about not this user being unable to use the messaging system, which is odd: I do use the messaging system on a regular basis with other users), so I'll just post this here.


A better approach (That doesn't skip existing logic) would be to simply extend the zadBeltScript. In the following, I've removed messages / quest startup / shutdown from the appropriate functions. If your belt uses this script, it will keep normal belt behavior, with the exception of not using the "Chastity Belt" quest / displaying equip messages (though, it's trivial to add those back if you want them :P)

Scriptname angrimBeltScript extends zadBeltScript

Function OnEquippedPre(actor akActor, bool silent=false)

Function OnRemoveDevice(actor akActor)
    int originalExposureRate = libs.GetOriginalRate(akActor)
    libs.Log("Restoring original exposure rate to " + originalExposureRate)
    Aroused.SetActorExposureAccumulationRate(akActor, originalExposureRate)
    Aroused.SetActorArousalLocked(akActor, false)
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