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Starfield and Creation Engine 2

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I will make my judgment when i see content for that game. So far i am not even convinced that i will buy it.

It would be great if the mods one day would be better than on any previous game. Especially animations.

Between Skyrim an Fallout, i always coming back to Skyrim. It's just better with way better mods especially if you want to play naughty. Though things improved in the latter years for FO4.


Well, i let my self surprise. So far i dunno. How many previous modder will make mods for that new game?








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12 hours ago, Vader666 said:

Depends on how good the game will be and what interesting new stuff you could do.

Well, their marketing dept. isn't doing them any favors as of yet.. due mainly to the head honchos wanting to keep things quiet about details of the game- which is a mistake imo because they really need to be hyping this as much as possible. The teasers they've released look interesting I guess if not very innovative or exciting. However, they've poured so much development time and money into this new I.P. that it should satisfy most ppl until TESVI I think.



Edited by KoolHndLuke
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3 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Well, their marketing dept. isn't doing them any favors as of yet. But they've poured so much development time and money into this that it should satisfy most ppl until TESVI.


I think the game will seem empty, after maybe 200hrs of play it'll be about base building. Then a DLC will add some new faction and new city. I think it'll be great for a little while but get boring very fast, so modders creating new cities and quests will be important.


The big question is about animations - they have a new system so it'll be a nervous wait to see if animating will even be possible. That will make or break the scene, I guess.

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5 hours ago, RohZima said:

I think the game will seem empty, after maybe 200hrs of play it'll be about base building. Then a DLC will add some new faction and new city. I think it'll be great for a little while but get boring very fast, so modders creating new cities and quests will be important.

From what I've read and seen so far, I tend to agree. Sparking interest isn't something Beth seems to be good at nowadays as their announcements tend to garner as much trepidation/apprehension as cheer/praise, lol. But I think they just haven't shown this game off nearly enough to highlight it's potential. As I said, they really need to let the marketing dept. show this beast off so players can get pumped and modders can start figuring out how to do things with it.

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The only absolute positive coming out of this is the fact that Zenimax only cared about flat sales, period, and shit like lipsync and brawl bug were allowed to not only happen, but just fucking sit there for literal years.


M$ having management tiers about as flat as Jelena Jensen is not going to be putting up with that shit, no matter how much blue is in the hair of people working marketing and QA.


10K+ people got fired after Halo shat itself to death and if Bethesda thinks they're immune because they're 3800 miles away and ESG compliant, they're in for a big ass surprise.

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On 3/3/2023 at 3:48 PM, 27X said:

The only absolute positive coming out of this is the fact that Zenimax only cared about flat sales, period, and shit like lipsync and brawl bug were allowed to not only happen, but just fucking sit there for literal years.


M$ having management tiers about as flat as Jelena Jensen is not going to be putting up with that shit, no matter how much blue is in the hair of people working marketing and QA.


10K+ people got fired after Halo shat itself to death and if Bethesda thinks they're immune because they're 3800 miles away and ESG compliant, they're in for a big ass surprise.

Only that there is no 10K people in Bethsda, Heck, they might not even had 1K people actually be working under BGS by now after outsourcing everything since the shitshow of FO76. BGW is another thing, that is a publisher. So if SF fails, BGS might be gone but the majority of the workers would probably transfer to other wings like id or the other teams instead of an actual layoff, worse case scenario, Todd would be shelved and Pete took over BGW and everything would be heavily monetized like horse armor and paid mods.

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On 8/3/2022 at 6:06 PM, South8028 said:

whatever they say, ck is not suitable for studio because it doesn't allow realtime editing.

Say wut now? :')


Guess you missed the 'hot load plugin into game' button there.

Edited by Reginald_001
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3 hours ago, Clea Strange said:

Then again I don't even know if Elder Scrolls 6 is on the table, if it will actually happen.


It's their trademark I.P. It will happen and we will be gloriously immersed in what should be a stunningly beautiful and brilliantly imagined experience. ;)

Unfortunately we have to wait at least another four years. :'(

Edited by KoolHndLuke
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8 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

Say wut now? :')


Guess you missed the 'hot load plugin into game' button there.

in ck you don't have a realtime renderer. But ce has built-in mechanics that allow you to assemble any elements right in the game. You can see some of this even in workshop. I suggested that bethesda has separate libraries connected to ce that allow you to edit maps, scripts, quests, elements. I don't think that bethesda people are also messing around with ck rendering on one core and agonizingly building the game environment.

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1 hour ago, South8028 said:

in ck you don't have a realtime renderer.

Of course it does. The preview pane can be set to 'game' camera, grid previews, FX previews and full sky-lighting preview. There are no baked lights in Fo4, only baked VIS and baked objects.









Edited by Reginald_001
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1 hour ago, Reginald_001 said:

Of course it does. The preview pane can be set to 'game' camera, grid previews, FX previews and full sky-lighting preview. There are no baked lights in Fo4, only baked VIS and baked objects.









so... CE itself has the mechanics of an editor, and at the same time renders in real time. If I had c ++ programmers and a studio with ce rights, I would add the necessary libraries for this, similar to those used in ck. This would allow elements to be injected and the game to be built directly in the game's renderer. + Naturally, a free camera.

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2 hours ago, South8028 said:

so... CE itself has the mechanics of an editor, and at the same time renders in real time. If I had c ++ programmers and a studio with ce rights, I would add the necessary libraries for this, similar to those used in ck. This would allow elements to be injected and the game to be built directly in the game's renderer. + Naturally, a free camera.

I don't want to disagree or start a discussion, but I just don't see the use for any of that?


With the CK you have the editor open, you have Fo4 open. You edit your work, you hotload it in game to test it out. Then when it's good gameplay wise you do the (pre)vis & precombines and you're done. Being able to edit your game 'in game' is really only for niche-real life scenarios. When it comes to 'brushing out maps' you just want to have an easy to use editor and someone with enough imagination to realize how what they are doing in the editor translates into the game.

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1 hour ago, Reginald_001 said:

I don't want to disagree or start a discussion, but I just don't see the use for any of that?


With the CK you have the editor open, you have Fo4 open. You edit your work, you hotload it in game to test it out. Then when it's good gameplay wise you do the (pre)vis & precombines and you're done. Being able to edit your game 'in game' is really only for niche-real life scenarios. When it comes to 'brushing out maps' you just want to have an easy to use editor and someone with enough imagination to realize how what they are doing in the editor translates 

 This is done to save time, convenience, and overall assembly logistics. Various resources come from different workplaces (or are bought on the side) and are centrally collected on the server, where they are immediately configured and tested in a single game world. Something like a model of a planned economy in technical execution. ) I don't know for sure if bethesda does this or not. I guess it does. Simply because ck has a crutch instead of a renderer that barely works.

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On 7/28/2022 at 1:36 PM, davisev5225 said:


They're still using the ANCIENT Gamebryo engine, refusing to move on to newer, better engines that have come out since.  I'm willing to bet that they're still using 3DSMax 2012 because they licensed it, it's on auto-pay, and it's cheaper than getting newer software and re-training their artists.

You do know that every other in house engine on the AAA market were just updated versions of the same engine form the late 80s (Square's in house Lumi engine and its predecessors) and the 90s (Unreal families/Crytek/EA's in house shitshows), Gamebryo was just one of them.

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3 hours ago, savilianan said:

You do know that every other in house engine on the AAA market were just updated versions of the same engine form the late 80s (Square's in house Lumi engine and its predecessors) and the 90s (Unreal families/Crytek/EA's in house shitshows), Gamebryo was just one of them.


Mostly incorrect.  The branding remains the same and they make efforts to keep the development toolset similar, but most game engines have gone through several total rewrites over the years.  Unreal Engine is a perfect example of this - every major version (such as the jump from UE4 to UE5) is significantly different from its predecessor.


Bethesda is the exception to the rule here.  They keep using the existing codebase and just bolting on more and more code.

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Rewrites are a bad idea.


It's a bit different for game engines, as you have a few years time between releases, but you'll still introduce new bugs (or reintroduce old bugs), and likely the new iteration would be less moddable (even though Bethesda knows how important mods are for their games, the don't need modability for development, so it will be the last feature they add).


Replacing parts, one by one, is a better strategy. Updating the renderer (as they probably do each release). Swapping the physics system (like is rumored for Starfield).

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8 hours ago, savilianan said:

You do know that every other in house engine on the AAA market were just updated versions of the same engine form the late 80s (Square's in house Lumi engine and its predecessors) and the 90s (Unreal families/Crytek/EA's in house shitshows), Gamebryo was just one of them.

They use versions of max that are relevant for hct. Which havok package the game uses, this version of max is used, because all the physics and all the bones in bethesda games are havok. For fo4, versions of 3ds 2013, 2014 were used, relevant for hct2014, those build times of fo4. From the gamebryo tools in ce, probably, only the gamebryo animation manager remained. It doesn't make sense to change it. Because it's so damn simple and convenient. First of all, the renderer changes. It is, as far as I know, an nvidea product. With the development of bethesda games, it supports more technology and more hi-poly geometry.

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I just hope the character editor is robust- like more than one head shape would be nice. Maybe just copy what RM and BS did for Skyrim? Better than the newer editor in FO4 I think since I can make so many unique looking characters in it. Whereas in FO4, I sort of come back to the same look almost every time. Shitload of mods will be ported I'm sure, but I do hope some new stuff comes out.


Big question in my mind is whether they'll allow the same freedom to mod everything (nudity, sex animations, sex scripts, etc.) that they have so far. They seem to be leaning more towards a "modest" approach with each new game with regards to what we like to do here on LL.



Edited by KoolHndLuke
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