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(The following is a hypothetical mod release post and is not an actual mod or WIP)

Sexlab Alchumy

This mod adds a chance after a sex event ends to add a cum sample to the player's inventory.  The sample is an alchemical ingredient with effects varying based on its source (man, mer, beast, creature) that can be used to create potions as normal, or as an ingredient in new food types.  The intent is to add some utility to sex in a vanilla-friendly manner without inventing entire mechanics or fussing with scripted bonuses.  Now your promiscuous alchemist can use her talents to create potions, or your cock-guzzling warrior can cook a delicious cum-spiced soup!



What you get!


Upon completing any sex event, up to three cum samples have a chance to be added to your inventory.  You should get at least one about half the time (adjustable via MCM).  All cum samples have Restore Health as their first effect; other effects vary based on the source.  The full list of Cum Sample types and where they are acquired:

  • Man - Bretons, Redguards, Nords, and Imperials
  • Mer - Bosmer, Dunmer, and Altmer
  • Beast - Argonian, Khajiit, and Orcs
  • Creature - Monsters and animals.  Most give generic creature cum, but there are five distinct creature subtypes as well:
    • Canine (dogs, wolves)
    • Equine
    • Dragon
    • Undead*
    • Falmer

There is a new location added as well - a "special" farm just outside of Rorikstead that offers canine, equine, and generic creature cum.  The player can harvest it manually for free, or buy it directly from the owners for a small amount if they prefer not to engage in bestiality but still want the ingredients.


Male player-characters can harvest themselves up to three times a day.


*Vampires give Undead cum regardless of race.  A male player character that is a vampire will only give undead cum as well.



FAQ you!


Q: Gay?

A: Yes!  Despite my personal distaste for the idea of gay sex, there are absolutely no gender restrictions in place on the player in this mod.  If your effeminate mage-boy loves gobbling max-size SoS dicks before every meal or taking throbbing dog-cock up his ass, you'll get all the same benefits a female character would in those situations.


Q: Futa?

A: Not unless you replaced all the men in your game with them.  Alchumy specifically looks for a male actor to give cum samples.  Unlike gay content, enabling futas to give cum potions is not as simple as leaving out a check for the player's sex, and since I don't enjoy futa at all, I won't go out of my way to make it work here.  HOWEVER.  I fully welcome any third party patch that can include futa content, as I see no reason why it shouldn't be done if someone wants to do it.  It just won't be from me.


Q: Trans-spiritual asexual quasi-cisgendered otherkin Brony?

A: Get the fuck out you pretentious Tumblr-dwelling asshole.   :)




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Just a couple of ideas (ok maybe a little bit more)


Spells/Powers (maybe for Incubus/succubus mod):

       Aroussal increase/decrease :

- function like a stamina drain or heal (Fx green)

- cause arroussal increase/decrease (Cf Sex lab arroussal)

- make penis erected or flacid (Cf SoS )

- add "courage or "humiliate" effect ?


ex : a NPC want to rape your Succubus/Incubus "shazzam !!" booo what a little soft cock mwaaa :P


Alchemy :

  SoS already add several potions (Dragon, Troll and Falmer)


New Race :

Futa/Transgender ?


Multiples Mods :

- 3 prostitutions mods

- 2 combat mods


each have good ideas, quest or other features.... time for merging ?



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I hope this hasn't come up a million times (I googled and found nothing; well I found plenty, as always, but not what I was looking for).


I've installed SexLab framework, played around a bit with Romance and most other mods for the SexLab framework. But I can't find a feature from Animated Prostitution (AP) that I used more than any animations; the "strip" spell, to remove any NPCs clothing, on the spot, instantly... like at Mardi Gras but without having to buy any beads. "Show me your tits!" They show me everything with the AP strip spell and I like that.

(Unequipall doesn't let me forget to save my game and reload, because it doesn't re-equip and AP strip is fairly boring anyway).


I'm not a fan of porn, I have no interest in looking at another guy's ass or anything else male in a sexual situation, and in typical porn (and Skyrim porn) they're always getting in the way of beautiful women. And even when it's woman on woman, I don't want the other woman in the way and vice versa, the woman going down on the other woman might as well have her clothes on. I want to see HER tits, ass, and pussy, her entire body, as well.


This can't be difficult to do, it must be much easier to do than trying to make a porn movie in Skyrim. This mod is a poser/modeling mod suggestion. It gives the player the ability to cast different spells to pick up where AP strip leaves off; not only stripping the clothes off NPCs but making them do a catwalk, making them display themselves, preferably with checkboxes (SKSE MCM) to make them do it proudly (exhibitionists), or unwittingly unaware that the player is watching them (voyeur, should also include making sleeping NPCs do things that they have no idea about), or via total humiliation / threat of death. In time, but a simple poser/modeling mod for starters.


NPCs will catwalk and they will pose and display themselves, after removing their clothing... with a checkbox to not remove clothing so it can be used by clothing/armor modders and fans to make easy and inappropriate screenshots (inappropriate for boring clothing/armore mods, appropriate for sexy clothing/armor mods, with the sexy/slutty poses I have in mind for this mod) of their models. Instead of having to use FNIS spells, with obscure letters and numbers that mean nothing, it should add spells (ultimately a Strike a Pose school of spells, with appropriate quests to get the more interesting spell tomes for more interesting posing/modeling, complete with perk tree) with real names to reflect the modeling the animation or static pose the photographer/director (player) wants the model to perform. Like SkyModel - Spread legs. Those kinds of spells, SkyModel -Show me your asshole and such.


As with all photography, models have to be able to hold still so the photographer can get the lighting right. The mod would require a portable studio, torch stands and the ability to add and move them, to create shadow where it's wanted and the correct level of light where it's wanted. But it could start with a ring or amulet that brightened things up, for those who want to be able to see their dungeon models.


It strikes me as odd that we have BBP and TBBP, plus catwalk, but no ability to make NPCs do actual catwalks, walk away, show us your jiggling ass on the way, turn around, walk towards, show us your jiggling tits, shake it around, etc.


SkyModel could even go on the Nexus. It would be up to each player whether they clicked the option to remove clothing when a model started modeling/posing, or whether they installed a mod to "remove underwear" as well.


Aside from the obvious, it has legit uses to model anything regarding NPCs. If someone creates or has created a daedric torch to give to followers to hold aloft, those modders and fans of the mod need proper ways to get NPCs to model that torch. But also for NPCs to be Hustler sluts. And real models do move, so there should be both static poses and animated modeling.


But never porn, never a hand or anything else in the way of the body parts that matter. If someone can figure out how to do a (self/NPC) tit squeeze or open pussy, then hands or fingers can sort of get in the way, but otherwise they should be out of the way to make it a poser/modeling mod, not a porn mod. They already exist, there are already masturbation animations, so there's no need (other than making them more realistic) to create any more of that, in the poser/modeling mod I'd like to see.


Hoping this is received well and inspiring modding energy.

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Now that creature animations are part of SexLab, here's a small mod idea:


When casting none-AoE Calm type illusion spells on animals (or creatures) capable of a sex animation, they would mount your character and the calm effect will have it's duration increased by 1 minute. Could be interesting to have such a mod with all the normal calm spell restrictions in place for balance reasons (i.e. this will only work if the calm actually worked, if the creature is of a level that would be affected by the spell's level, calming Draugrs will require the illusions affect undead feat, etc).

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So we've got mods that let you get pregnant. I would dearly love to see a mod that would kick in when you give birth that forced you to deal with the reality of having to care for an infant. I don't mean nursing the baby and interacting with it necessarily, though I'd love it if it included that as well. I mean dealing with the reality of having a baby in the context of Skyrim's plot, such as it is. 


I'd want to see such considerations taken into account as: 

 - will you care for the baby yourself? 

 - will you retire from adventuring to do so? (possible game end, though not necessarily)

 - will you try to convince your spouse to retire to take care of the baby? (possibly requiring several conversations and persuade checks, the difficulty of which would vary depending on a variable that you could generate for each spouse that represented their interest in motherhood/fatherhood)

 - will you give the baby up to the orphanage?

 - will you attempt to hire a wet-nurse to live at your home and take care of the child for you? 

 - if you choose to retire from adventuring and the main questline is still an issue, does Alduin send dragons to raze your home? (providing a brand new motivation for you to deal with him)

 - did you pass on the ability to Shout to your child?

 - if you bore the child, does the child's father know? If not, there should be a quest in which he learns of it and (possibly) attempts to take the child, or asks you to marry him, or couldn't care less about the fact that you're the mother of his child and thinks you mad for expecting him to

 - if you're married and your husband doesn't want children, the pregnancy should cause conflict between you (possibly requiring difficult persuade checks depending on how much he doesn't want children) that can lead to the end of your relationship

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Another mod idea: a mod in which the Dragonborn is defeated and raped as an event that is part of a quest, and which explores the consequences of and fallout from this event, and deals with the matter seriously (and actually justifies how a woman or man with the Thuum could possibly be victimized in such a way). This should be what first seems a bog standard "go here and kill the bandits" sort of quest that goes very, very wrong, and delves into extremely dark territory, and turns out to be way more complicated a situation than it seemed when you walked into their lair the first time. 


The dragonborn should then experience things like...

- inability to fall asleep when she attempts to rest, and when she *does* fall asleep, she has nightmares

- long term debuffs representing symptoms of rape trauma syndrome

- possibly STDs and/or pregnancy

- after you track down the people who did this to you, being unable to bring yourself to go into the cave where their hideout is, shaking uncontrollably, and having to track them down all over again after they move their hideout the next day

- being nursed back to health by an NPC who found your ravished body after the fact, with options for that NPC to eventually become a follower

- a final confrontation with the person or people who raped you


In short, a mod that uses rape as a part of its story while treating it as the awful and extremely big deal that it is. Ideally a mod that tells a compelling story, but has more to offer than just 'you get raped, and it's awful.'

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Another mod idea: a mod in which the Dragonborn is defeated and raped as an event that is part of a quest, and which explores the consequences of and fallout from this event, and deals with the matter seriously (and actually justifies how a woman or man with the Thuum could possibly be victimized in such a way). This should be what first seems a bog standard "go here and kill the bandits" sort of quest that goes very, very wrong, and delves into extremely dark territory, and turns out to be way more complicated a situation than it seemed when you walked into their lair the first time. 


The dragonborn should then experience things like...

- inability to fall asleep when she attempts to rest, and when she *does* fall asleep, she has nightmares

- long term debuffs representing symptoms of rape trauma syndrome

- possibly STDs and/or pregnancy

- after you track down the people who did this to you, being unable to bring yourself to go into the cave where their hideout is, shaking uncontrollably, and having to track them down all over again after they move their hideout the next day

- being nursed back to health by an NPC who found your ravished body after the fact, with options for that NPC to eventually become a follower

- a final confrontation with the person or people who raped you


In short, a mod that uses rape as a part of its story while treating it as the awful and extremely big deal that it is. Ideally a mod that tells a compelling story, but has more to offer than just 'you get raped, and it's awful.'


Could be perhaps something along the lines of the heroine (is that a legit word for female hero? name of a drug?) knows into what she is getting herself into?  Something along the lines of "We have rapists in that area." -> Quest added 'Find their lair and end them'.

- The thing is that they would not go after a person in full plate armor (True, a mage gets concealed easier). Also solo, no companion. (perhaps making the heroine go in just with unenchanted clothes and dagger or something).

- Once in area the heroin would hope she would spot the target because of them being careless, thinking she us harmless.

- One of them should approach the heroine to get her attention and someone else attack from hidden spot - paralysis arrows perhaps?

- Paralyzed and unable to even shout the heroine is swiftly bound and gagged ?

- Rest as you indicated, get out of their lair / get nursed by someone.

- Get items, return to the area and fail to enter or find the most of the rapists already changed location (after all one of their would to be sex pet escaped and knows their location)


... something like that?


Edit: corrected the typo, always learning new words :-)

Edited by Jolana_
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Heroin is the drug. Heroine is the gender-specific word for 'female hero,' though it's gradually falling out of favor in modern usage on account of 'hero' being both easier to write and perfectly acceptable for use in reference to both males and females alike.


But yeah, something like that. I like the idea of doing some investigating, first, and finding out that there's a group in the area who are preying on people. That said group is a group of predators looking for victims, not warriors looking for fair fights could also be interesting - if you have a companion with you or look too much like a capable, dangerous fighter (decked out in heavy armor, carrying around a two-handed sword, etc), they wouldn't show themselves at all (but might wait until you'd dropped your guard, or made camp, gone to sleep, etc).


Ideally, they should be up to something beyond just being rapists, though. For all that people with rape fetishes might say otherwise, rape is generally not about sex: it's about power, dominance, and all that jazz. In the context of Skyrim, there are all sorts of disturbing implications and symbolic awful bound up in the act of the Dragonborn (male or female) being raped. The Dragonborn is powerful. Even more, the idea of the Dragonborn in the culture of Skyrim is powerful, and has intensely mythic overtones. They are the same sort of being as Tiber Septim, who went on to become the god, Talos. Raping her (or him), reducing her/him to the status of not just victim but sexual victim isn't just the violation of an individual; it's the violation of the natural order and of everything it means to be a Nord of Skyrim. It would be an act which brings glory to Molag Bal, but his worshipers wouldn't be the only group who might do it. 


An ordinary group of bandits might do it out of ignorance. Here, it's a bog standard dehumanization of femininity (and, in the case of a male dragonborn, an effort to 'feminize' a male) and assertion of power and dominance against someone they managed to corner. 


The Forsworn would be far more interested in the symbolic power of the act. Might even see the act itself as distasteful, but imagine the Dragonborn bound and helpless in the middle of a Forsworn encampment as the whole lot of them gather round to watch the ceremonial rape of a being that is at the heart of the Nord heroic saga.


The Thalmor might also be interested in the symbolism of it, though in this case, escaping becomes an adventure in and of itself, since they're likely going to want to parade a broken, defeated dragonborn through every city in Skyrim to maximize the impact it has on the morale of those who still serve Talos (at the end of which they'd probably have you publicly executed, though they'd do it in a way that would maximize your degradation and minimize any chance of your becoming a martyr).


The Imperials probably wouldn't do it, not even if the Dragonborn sided with the Stormcloaks. They have laws against that sort of thing, and are, by and large, a law-abiding people. 


The Stormcloaks, though... most would be horrified, but Ulfric Stormcloak I can absolutely see doing this, particularly if the Dragonborn has already sided with the Imperials. 

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Ya know the biggest wish I have for any sex mod or system is a better orgasm system for females, for example multiple orgasms, screaming orgasms, something that conveys more emotional involvement and pleasure than flying across the room and collapsing in unconscious pile for 4 seconds. Anything would be better than that, something that leaves a man with a sense of a job well done.

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How about a mod that completely ruins Nazeem's life? I'm talking about taking his wife Alham away from him.


Option 1:

This is the Marriage part of the mod. The Male quest involves wooing her for a while, and slowly making her change her belief that not all men are jerks. After enough wooing, you have a one night stand, and then then she realises exactly what she's been missing.  It's at this point she decides to leave Nazeem, telling him she's had enough of him brown tounguing the Jarl,  before hooking up with the Dovahkiin.. 


The Female quest involves you slowly gaining her friendship by listening to her and being a shoulder for her to cry on.  After a girls night out she let's loose about how he's been treating her like just another possession of his for years.  One thing leads to another and you end up having a one night stand.  It's at this point she realises just why she dislikes men in general and decides to leave him for you.


Option 2:

The Prostitution part of the mod.  After a quick discussion with the Dovahkiin she becomes a whore, telling him that she now has the attention she was craving for all these years, and that it's his fault that everybody else now gets to experience her skill in the bedroom instead of him. She leaves him and moves into the Bannered Mare. (Only avaliable if you have a prostitution mod such as Radiant Prostitution.)

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This is an idea only, but it would work to tie the roleplaying possibilities of the various SexLab Suite together.


Call it.. Sexual Politics.


This wouldn't really add any sexual content to the suite, but rather add a context to everything that occurs.


For instance:


As the Dovahkin, you're a well-renowned person.  Hell, you might be the Master of the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieve's Guild, as well as the Blade and the Arch-Mage of the College plus a Thane in all the Holds.  Needless to say, you're a very powerful, very public guy (or girl).  So.....


(Lover's Comfort) ...if you're married and an adulterer(ess) your spouse is sure to find out.  You lose faction with them and (nop matter what you have it set as) they are more likely to cheat on you. However, if you are loyal and true to them, they are even more loyal, and cook better, sell better, etc.  On the flipside, as such a popular guy, you are more likely to seduce willing partners... and since you are so well traveller with so many lovers....


(Lover's Hook) ...you're even more likely to learn new positions, maybe even some ONLY available to extremely verbose lovers.. and that circles back to getting more lover's since you have a reputation as a lady/man pleaser... of course, you might be just as learned and experienced at sex, but not because you have willing partners...


(SexLab Submit) ...because you take flesh where you find it and when you want it.  You are a sexual marauder and rack up trophies in the form of carnal knowledge and disposable partners.  This reputation ahs a downside, as some followers might not be willing to signup with you, knowing they might get a shiv, sword or.. something else in the dark of night.  And of course, reglar women and men will fear you, making them alternately more conducrtive to your threats but less willing to be persuaded.  This also  can attract like minded people, so you can gather a vicious band of cuthroats and rapists, set upon pillaging all of SKyrim.. hell, all of Tamriel... of course, with such a dangerous crew.. you're also more likely to recruit someone as brutal and monstrous as you...


(Sexlab Defeat & Sanguine's Debauchery) .. making you more likely to be ravaged and enslaved yourself.


The idea would be that someone using all of the suite could have an additional framework where what they do and how they act has positive and negative consequences, above and beyond getting a silly bounty.  Boons or banes that help or hinder their erotic adventure in Skyrim.

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New idea: (Sanity)


- Mainly for rape and enslavement.


- Equipable belt/ring


- Uses soul charge bar to keep track of sanity


- When equipped, your character cannot die, but can lose HP until 1%. Integrated into defeat, submit, etc. I think this works well with the upcoming defeat4.0 that offers rape by 0 stamina, then coupled with losing HP per rape from UtilOne. Each subsequent rape after the first one decreases your 'sanity'. As sanity drops to certain levels your character loses combat stats/regen, until sanity reaches 0. Sanity regen at a set rate (by mod? player?) as long as character is not raped again.


- You can resist after each rape attempt, but it'll get progressively harder as your sanity level drops.


- When sanity reaches 0, you are enslaved but the faction that 'broke' you. (Kinda like SD)


- When enslaved, you lose control of inventory, spells, options, etc. Slave master will make use of you, or share you with his/her friends, at set interval. Your sanity regen slows down significantly (set by player?) during enslavement.


- Once character regen to full again, you regain all function and break enslavement through combat.


- Kind of want the item to be equipable to PC, and also equipable by follower as well as player-chosen victim (pickpocket and place into inventory?).


- Some additional ideas- Sanity can also decrease of character have too much consensual sex continuously as well, but maybe decrease a whole lot slower than rape? Integrated with maybe Arousal/random attack, as character sanity drops the npc around the character will become arouse at an accelerrated rate and likely attack the character, which cause him/her to 'break'.


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[feature/mod suggestion]


A mod or feature that provides an option to automatically trigger a follower or lover to attack/defend against potential rivals. So, when a call is made to SL for sex, and your follower/lover is nearby, they will attack/defend vs the sexual rival/rapist. Prioritize if it is gang rape. If a follower/lover succeeds in fending off rival/rapists [kills or beats to submission a rival], their own passion may be roused and need satisfying: spoils of battle. The rivalry option could be automatic, faction based, or percentage chance, or even 'relationship' based; or a combination of all the above. A follower/lover could also build relationships with other familiar NPC becoming more accepting of infidelity or promiscuity. 
If your follower/lover fails, then they just bleed-out, lament, sob, complain as their lover is shagged/violated by the rival. Could even have a cool-down period where lover is very 'unhappy'. 
would work well with Flight or Fly mod or just us a similar routine. Could also be a plugin for specific 'followers', so that rivalry only happens with unique npc [packaged with a follower mod to be SL compliant].  


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Heroin is the drug. Heroine is the gender-specific word for 'female hero,' though it's gradually falling out of favor in modern usage on account of 'hero' being both easier to write and perfectly acceptable for use in reference to both males and females alike.


But yeah, something like that. I like the idea of doing some investigating, first, and finding out that there's a group in the area who are preying on people. That said group is a group of predators looking for victims, not warriors looking for fair fights could also be interesting - if you have a companion with you or look too much like a capable, dangerous fighter (decked out in heavy armor, carrying around a two-handed sword, etc), they wouldn't show themselves at all (but might wait until you'd dropped your guard, or made camp, gone to sleep, etc).


Ideally, they should be up to something beyond just being rapists, though. For all that people with rape fetishes might say otherwise, rape is generally not about sex: it's about power, dominance, and all that jazz. In the context of Skyrim, there are all sorts of disturbing implications and symbolic awful bound up in the act of the Dragonborn (male or female) being raped. The Dragonborn is powerful. Even more, the idea of the Dragonborn in the culture of Skyrim is powerful, and has intensely mythic overtones. They are the same sort of being as Tiber Septim, who went on to become the god, Talos. Raping her (or him), reducing her/him to the status of not just victim but sexual victim isn't just the violation of an individual; it's the violation of the natural order and of everything it means to be a Nord of Skyrim. It would be an act which brings glory to Molag Bal, but his worshipers wouldn't be the only group who might do it. 


An ordinary group of bandits might do it out of ignorance. Here, it's a bog standard dehumanization of femininity (and, in the case of a male dragonborn, an effort to 'feminize' a male) and assertion of power and dominance against someone they managed to corner. 


The Forsworn would be far more interested in the symbolic power of the act. Might even see the act itself as distasteful, but imagine the Dragonborn bound and helpless in the middle of a Forsworn encampment as the whole lot of them gather round to watch the ceremonial rape of a being that is at the heart of the Nord heroic saga.


The Thalmor might also be interested in the symbolism of it, though in this case, escaping becomes an adventure in and of itself, since they're likely going to want to parade a broken, defeated dragonborn through every city in Skyrim to maximize the impact it has on the morale of those who still serve Talos (at the end of which they'd probably have you publicly executed, though they'd do it in a way that would maximize your degradation and minimize any chance of your becoming a martyr).


The Imperials probably wouldn't do it, not even if the Dragonborn sided with the Stormcloaks. They have laws against that sort of thing, and are, by and large, a law-abiding people. 


The Stormcloaks, though... most would be horrified, but Ulfric Stormcloak I can absolutely see doing this, particularly if the Dragonborn has already sided with the Imperials. 


I like the idea of this, I only do not agree with the last two points. The Imperials are shown throughout the game as people who torture, execute without trial, are very susceptible to bribery and could even have to take the order to imprison/rape/torture the DB by the Thalmor, whichever you want. Surely many of them have become very bitter and maybe even a little insane from what the Empire had to go through in the last years, those might decide that it's better not to give the Stormcloaks an incentive to believe in Talos even more. Not all of them ofc, surely not Tullius, judging from what he says at the end after taking Windhelm, but many and those could be the ones doing whatever the mod would have them do.

I find it hard to believe that Ulfic Stormcloak would raise his hand against the DB, even if he/she sides with the Imperials. He goes to that Season Unending-meeting because you ask him, he takes your every whim there as written law and in the end he even asks to be executed by you because he respects you so. What I could imagine though is people like Skald the Elder seeing you as a threat to Ulfric, whom they regard as their hero and almost god-like, so they could try and get rid of you, maybe even try and torture you into "renouncing" your status as a Dragonborn for all to hear.


Both the Imperials and the Stormcloaks that do this could do so without their respective leaders knowing until it's too late.


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I am not sure if this is the right thread or if this maybe belongs to a thread of another kind, but i do have a little suggestion/request. There are so many animations in SexLab, yet i do not see anything feet related in there - Would it be possible to add foot job animations in one of the updates? :)

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