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I'm sure this has been asked, but I can't find the proper words to search for it, so I'm sorry beforehand if this is a very common suggestion, I've been here only for days.


What about a mod that allowed you to "buy" items with sex? I suppose this is not an easy thing to pull, since shops are a menu that pops when you talk with someone and it's not like you can tell the NPC "give me this and I'll let you do the naughty". I'm not sure how this could be done, but if I could ask for the best way I can come up with, it would be the following:


A dialogue that would access the items that the shop clerk has for purchase, and list them for you to pick some. The mod would use the original value of those items to scale what the clerk would ask from you in return, this could also be affected by Sexlab Aroused in a positive/negative way (it could be balanced: if the clerk is not aroused enough he/she won't trade items for sex, but if he/she's too aroused he will ask for more favors).


This way, you might want to buy a simple ring and be asked for just a blowjob, but trying to get an expensive piece of armor would require you to please the clerk more thoroughly and maybe wave your ass around beforehand. There should be a cap (I mean that you shouldn't be able to just pick everything and then the clerk would agree if you have lots of sex, there should be a limit), and if you don't satisfy him/her accordingly you could even get ditched after doing all the work (which to me is fine, it's a rough world out there).


So, you go to a clerk and you get some dialog like "hey, that's a pretty thing you got there..." to initiate the dialogue. The clerk would ask what are you talking about, and then you'd have a list of the type of items he/she sells (this to not to overcrowd the menu), something like "that shiny weapon there" would list all available weapons, while "that yummy thing" would list foods, "that pretty dress " would list the armors, etc. Another answer from the clerk to continue the dialogue, and finally you'd get a list of the available items for that category.


So, you pick one and the clerk will ask you "is there anything else you like?" so you can choose more stuff. You can choose a couple items, for example three, or just answer "that's all". The clerk would then say something to keep the dialog, like "I see, so what?" and you'd propose the deal: "What if I pay you with something other than gold... If you understand my words?"


The mod then would check the items you picked and decide on the answer of the clerk. If you asked for too expensive items, or you didn't arouse him/her enough, or he/she have some issue with your race/gender, he/she will say something witty a la "I understand gold better". If he/she accepts he/she will ask for something in a similar way to Radiant Prostitution: "I want a blowjob for that", "I want to fuck you senseless", and any other niceties. Sex would trigger, and afterwards you'd talk with him/her again and ask for your new shinies. If you didn't satisfy the clerk, he/she will tell you something like "That wasn't nearly enough to pay for this, get out of here!", and leave you fucked and itemless, but if you did your job well, you'll get them with a "Glad to make business with you". If you perform very very well, you could even get a present chosen among the cheapset items in the shop: a ring, a crafting item, an apple, whatever.


Yeah, dreaming costs nothing. A more realistic approach could be a dialogue that allowed you to have sex with the clerk for a short buff that would reduce the price of some items, but that wouldn't be that much fun.

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I'm sure this has been asked, but I can't find the proper words to search for it, so I'm sorry beforehand if this is a very common suggestion, I've been here only for days.


What about a mod that allowed you to "buy" items with sex? I suppose this is not an easy thing to pull, since shops are a menu that pops when you talk with someone and it's not like you can tell the NPC "give me this and I'll let you do the naughty". I'm not sure how this could be done, but if I could ask for the best way I can come up with, it would be the following:


A dialogue that would access the items that the shop clerk has for purchase, and list them for you to pick some. The mod would use the original value of those items to scale what the clerk would ask from you in return, this could also be affected by Sexlab Aroused in a positive/negative way (it could be balanced: if the clerk is not aroused enough he/she won't trade items for sex, but if he/she's too aroused he will ask for more favors).


This way, you might want to buy a simple ring and be asked for just a blowjob, but trying to get an expensive piece of armor would require you to please the clerk more thoroughly and maybe wave your ass around beforehand. There should be a cap (I mean that you shouldn't be able to just pick everything and then the clerk would agree if you have lots of sex, there should be a limit), and if you don't satisfy him/her accordingly you could even get ditched after doing all the work (which to me is fine, it's a rough world out there).


So, you go to a clerk and you get some dialog like "hey, that's a pretty thing you got there..." to initiate the dialogue. The clerk would ask what are you talking about, and then you'd have a list of the type of items he/she sells (this to not to overcrowd the menu), something like "that shiny weapon there" would list all available weapons, while "that yummy thing" would list foods, "that pretty dress " would list the armors, etc. Another answer from the clerk to continue the dialogue, and finally you'd get a list of the available items for that category.


So, you pick one and the clerk will ask you "is there anything else you like?" so you can choose more stuff. You can choose a couple items, for example three, or just answer "that's all". The clerk would then say something to keep the dialog, like "I see, so what?" and you'd propose the deal: "What if I pay you with something other than gold... If you understand my words?"


The mod then would check the items you picked and decide on the answer of the clerk. If you asked for too expensive items, or you didn't arouse him/her enough, or he/she have some issue with your race/gender, he/she will say something witty a la "I understand gold better". If he/she accepts he/she will ask for something in a similar way to Radiant Prostitution: "I want a blowjob for that", "I want to fuck you senseless", and any other niceties. Sex would trigger, and afterwards you'd talk with him/her again and ask for your new shinies. If you didn't satisfy the clerk, he/she will tell you something like "That wasn't nearly enough to pay for this, get out of here!", and leave you fucked and itemless, but if you did your job well, you'll get them with a "Glad to make business with you". If you perform very very well, you could even get a present chosen among the cheapset items in the shop: a ring, a crafting item, an apple, whatever.


Yeah, dreaming costs nothing. A more realistic approach could be a dialogue that allowed you to have sex with the clerk for a short buff that would reduce the price of some items, but that wouldn't be that much fun.

I think that is a great idea,plus,I'd like to suggest integrating it with speech skill (either vanilla or fairly used mods such as skyre),and depending of the situation,the player could get a discount for the NPCs shop if PC buys anything under some time (say 2 hours after sex or so),with either a percentual or absolute discount,weak speech players would get a minor discount for one item,but one that is seasoned could get three items for the price of two more or less,all varying depending of the PC skills and perks.


You would be placed as victim and controls would be DISABLED,the time you have sex depends of the price,and you could even get debuffs (that acts as normal deseases,not talking of STDs),I prefer merging my first paragraph with your ideas myself,if I had to choose.




I think someone should make a mod where NPC's will react to and/or take advantage of a player being too horny. Perhaps if a player is at 100 arousal, or 99, or just really high (from Sexlab Aroused) there's a chance an npc will... take advantage of a person who by then would probably look -very- aroused/uncomfortable. Offer to have sex and relieve the 'stress' for you, and if you're -too- high, you don't have the option to say no -- you're too horny to care who it is at that point!


Just a fun little suggestion.


There was a member a week or so ago that was wanting to work on something like this asking some questions in the tech support area. I think it is a great idea and I think it would work well if somehow intergrated into the Random Sex mod and instead of random sex running on timers it would run on the NPC's arousal rate.


Me too,around 90 the player or follower would be somehow tagged,making them more prone to random npcs flirting them or even rape (which depending of the player settings could turn out consensual)

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I would like to see a mod which implements some sort of attractiveness rating: If your character is really beautiful, you gain certain bonuses when it comes to rewards from quests, prices at vendors, and certain dialogue options. But it makes you more susceptible to being stalked, raped in combat, and/or enslaved. It could also result in nightly visits from robbers and rapers.


Being less attractive would be more or less the opposite. Not being given certain quests, being mistakenly arrested, higher prices, and such. But you have a lower risk of being raped. 


But with this... there would have to be some sort of system set in place with standards to score your 'beauty' (since beauty is in the eye of the beholder!)... or would it simply be a mod that you'd add that would allow you to set your character's level of beauty and the npcs would react accordingly?  (hehe, shows what I know about modding)

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A request for all modders:


A way to disable your mod. Sometimes I simply don't want to see 2 or 3 different dialog topics for sex. Other times I do :)


An MCM option to turn off a mod (as random sex does) would really be appreciated.


I'd like to second (or third or fourth that..) but also say that it shouldn't be to remove it. I have a 10 year old son who likes to see what I'm playing. There are things here I love but cannot have active (such as penises for mobs/beasts) because I cannot turn it off and on at will. I certainly get time after he's in bed or while he's in school to have all the the goodies I want to play with but without an easy way to disable/re-enable such mods, (and with me knowing nothing about modding or the technicalities involved in making these operate - hell, my husband installs my mods for me, lol) I have to pass on things that I would love to have otherwise.

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I would like to see a mod which implements some sort of attractiveness rating: If your character is really beautiful, you gain certain bonuses when it comes to rewards from quests, prices at vendors, and certain dialogue options. But it makes you more susceptible to being stalked, raped in combat, and/or enslaved. It could also result in nightly visits from robbers and rapers.


Being less attractive would be more or less the opposite. Not being given certain quests, being mistakenly arrested, higher prices, and such. But you have a lower risk of being raped. 


But with this... there would have to be some sort of system set in place with standards to score your 'beauty' (since beauty is in the eye of the beholder!)... or would it simply be a mod that you'd add that would allow you to set your character's level of beauty and the npcs would react accordingly?  (hehe, shows what I know about modding)



Well, I guess its the downside of the new Skyrim-System that doesn't have Attributes. Pretty easy to "rank" your beauty in game-terms with Morrowind or Oblivion = High Personality means high charisma/beauty. With Skyrim the best I could come up with is the whole speechcraft tree, which is pretty useless without mods anyway (Skyrim redone actually does something with it), and tailor it into some kind of charisma/beauty-tree. Not sure how though...maybe having sex increases your beauty to some degree? :-/


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Well I've just spent my morning drinking my coffee and reading through here to see what's already been said/wanted. There are things I would dearly love to see added but most of them are additions to current mods - such as adding spriggans to the beastiality mod and having their penis being a lovely thick knotty piece of wood with a big ol' burl on the end... or having Argonians with plated/heavily textured cocks... and I think I need to post these ideas/wants/suggestions on specific mods comment sections rather than here. I will look for them and do that after this.


I did see at least one desire posted which is similar/same for something I'd like. - Furniture added where you can insert an NPC or have yourself inserted, a BDSM type situation and have the character used and abused however the dominant one wants. (Whether that is you or an NPC) My husband has a mod, Pain Slut, I think its called where he gets to whip his girl while she's restrained but he can't do anything else with her, such as fuck her in any fashion, etc.


So what I'm wanting is furniture and toys and machines. I can especially see the Dwemer as having created much of this, especially with their bots and machines. I can't help but squirm over the mental imagry playing in my head right now regarding static machines or moveable machines such as the spider bots, etc. I just can't help my reaction to the idea of being raped/fucked while bound to a machine or held helpless while the machine does things to me.


Alas I cannot mod. I'm an artsy type person and would dearly love to create/draw both mechanical and flesh penetrables but have no idea how to make such a thing a skin or a mesh or whatever such items are called. I don't know if it would be best to make a 'dungeon' mod where you'd have such things available if you went there or if it were possible to add such things on a broader scale, where you could access them through the world or buy them, have them in your house and so on. I have several small ideas that would fit within this framework, things about staves, tools, Dwemer artifacts and so on but this is the general idea that really makes my panties wet, if I can just put that out there in public, lol.

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Is it possible for a mod to interrupt the tiner when you use wait or rest?


Since i was thinking of a mod that would interrupt if you happen to rest in a silly place such as a partially cleared bandit dungeon or waiting outside a fort for it to get dark so you can sneak in and then launch into something like submit or defeat (assuming those mod authors were cool with it).


Also could you do the same with fast travel?


older RPG's did use to have the chance of that sort of stuff happening as i recall

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Well I've just spent my morning drinking my coffee and reading through here to see what's already been said/wanted. There are things I would dearly love to see added but most of them are additions to current mods - such as adding spriggans to the beastiality mod and having their penis being a lovely thick knotty piece of wood with a big ol' burl on the end... or having Argonians with plated/heavily textured cocks... and I think I need to post these ideas/wants/suggestions on specific mods comment sections rather than here. I will look for them and do that after this.


I did see at least one desire posted which is similar/same for something I'd like. - Furniture added where you can insert an NPC or have yourself inserted, a BDSM type situation and have the character used and abused however the dominant one wants. (Whether that is you or an NPC) My husband has a mod, Pain Slut, I think its called where he gets to whip his girl while she's restrained but he can't do anything else with her, such as fuck her in any fashion, etc.


So what I'm wanting is furniture and toys and machines. I can especially see the Dwemer as having created much of this, especially with their bots and machines. I can't help but squirm over the mental imagry playing in my head right now regarding static machines or moveable machines such as the spider bots, etc. I just can't help my reaction to the idea of being raped/fucked while bound to a machine or held helpless while the machine does things to me.


Alas I cannot mod. I'm an artsy type person and would dearly love to create/draw both mechanical and flesh penetrables but have no idea how to make such a thing a skin or a mesh or whatever such items are called. I don't know if it would be best to make a 'dungeon' mod where you'd have such things available if you went there or if it were possible to add such things on a broader scale, where you could access them through the world or buy them, have them in your house and so on. I have several small ideas that would fit within this framework, things about staves, tools, Dwemer artifacts and so on but this is the general idea that really makes my panties wet, if I can just put that out there in public, lol.

Just about the Argonian dick model thing. I found a file a while back, I think in one of the bestiality threads, that gave Argonians and Khajits models a la the FavoredSoulMeshes mod. The Agonians aren't far off from "plated", they definitely look more reptilian, and the Khajit models have some barbs added on, much like normal cats. Unfortunately, this also means stripping one of them makes them have a perma-boner, which some people find weird/problematic. Also, if you run Schlongs of Skyrim along with it, they will have two dicks, which would also turn people off... unless you like that kind of thing, I guess.


And I also think the Dwemer machines have been neglected in regards to animations. In a way, it makes sense (they're machines, they don't want sex) but it's canon that the Dwemer were into all kinds of things, with many people's head canon likely being kinky things, as well, so it's not too far off. If anything, it's more lore-friendly than animals raping humans.

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I tried the succubus race off nexus and found not alot of succubus feel to it. Is there a succubus race mod that has sex make her more powerful? Such as rapidly regenerate health, stamina and magika if injured or low and adds a buff to the succubus versus opposite sexes damage for an hour after sex or even better have it stack. Or the last partner, whether consentual or not wont attack the succubus for some seconds after. Anyone know if there is this type mod?

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Well I've just spent my morning drinking my coffee and reading through here to see what's already been said/wanted. There are things I would dearly love to see added but most of them are additions to current mods - such as adding spriggans to the beastiality mod and having their penis being a lovely thick knotty piece of wood with a big ol' burl on the end... or having Argonians with plated/heavily textured cocks... and I think I need to post these ideas/wants/suggestions on specific mods comment sections rather than here. I will look for them and do that after this.


I did see at least one desire posted which is similar/same for something I'd like. - Furniture added where you can insert an NPC or have yourself inserted, a BDSM type situation and have the character used and abused however the dominant one wants. (Whether that is you or an NPC) My husband has a mod, Pain Slut, I think its called where he gets to whip his girl while she's restrained but he can't do anything else with her, such as fuck her in any fashion, etc.


So what I'm wanting is furniture and toys and machines. I can especially see the Dwemer as having created much of this, especially with their bots and machines. I can't help but squirm over the mental imagry playing in my head right now regarding static machines or moveable machines such as the spider bots, etc. I just can't help my reaction to the idea of being raped/fucked while bound to a machine or held helpless while the machine does things to me.


Alas I cannot mod. I'm an artsy type person and would dearly love to create/draw both mechanical and flesh penetrables but have no idea how to make such a thing a skin or a mesh or whatever such items are called. I don't know if it would be best to make a 'dungeon' mod where you'd have such things available if you went there or if it were possible to add such things on a broader scale, where you could access them through the world or buy them, have them in your house and so on. I have several small ideas that would fit within this framework, things about staves, tools, Dwemer artifacts and so on but this is the general idea that really makes my panties wet, if I can just put that out there in public, lol.

Just about the Argonian dick model thing. I found a file a while back, I think in one of the bestiality threads, that gave Argonians and Khajits models a la the FavoredSoulMeshes mod. The Agonians aren't far off from "plated", they definitely look more reptilian, and the Khajit models have some barbs added on, much like normal cats. Unfortunately, this also means stripping one of them makes them have a perma-boner, which some people find weird/problematic. Also, if you run Schlongs of Skyrim along with it, they will have two dicks, which would also turn people off... unless you like that kind of thing, I guess.


And I also think the Dwemer machines have been neglected in regards to animations. In a way, it makes sense (they're machines, they don't want sex) but it's canon that the Dwemer were into all kinds of things, with many people's head canon likely being kinky things, as well, so it's not too far off. If anything, it's more lore-friendly than animals raping humans.


I second that. I'm not sure whether any of you have seen Markydaysaid's web comic, but there's one page which includes dwemer sex bots. The idea that there are these ancient sex bots that you can find in certain dwemer ruins really appeals to me. And it does seem like a more realistic possibility in the world of the Elder Scrolls than, say, Succubi. And the best part would be that lots of similar models are already out there. In any case, I'd absolutely love to see someone take this somewhere.

P.s: I'll attach the small part of that particular webcomic page to show (anyone) what I had in mind. On another note, Vicn Creature Resources has a large variety of curious looking dwemer automatons, some of which could be used as a base.post-181468-0-41157700-1387238997_thumb.png

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I personally think the tentacles from Estrus might stand a little more in the spotlight. Why not have new creatures running through Skyrim that need to have sex to survive and get attacked by normal animals. Some kind of slimy snakes or octopus like beasts that attack ones stamina and when the player falls down they start sex animation and give them afterwards a disease that lasts for an hour making it impossible to dress and making the player over and over again fall due to stamina killing by an attached tentacle. (kind of like in that famous questmod for oblivion where creatures got sucked themselves on players boobs, ass, vagina and mouth.). impregnation would be an option too. i can't be very helpfull cause i've no skill in either animating, coding or modelling,.. :-/

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Got an idea for a new sexlab mod you'd like to pitch or are starting? Discuss it here and I'll keep this post updated with known mods in development and ideas people have.


---- Current known mods in development ------------------------------


SexLab Succubus by ashal

A player addition mod that gives the player the ability to be turned into a succubus/seducer. Functions much like a vampire, only instead of needing blood you need to have sex. As you progress as a succubus you gain sexual related abilities and buffs and the further you get from your last "feeding" the weaker you get with those abilities and start to suffer penalties.


---- Current unused mod ideas --------------------------------------------

  • Pay for inns and bounties with sex
  • Integrate sexual options for progressing various vanilla quests
  • Sex related perk tree
  • STD risk
  • Pregnancy risk


Will be great also if can do a incubus (male succubus ) feeding from milk or something, its kinda bad max rank vampiric and going at cities, belive i really loved the succubus idea, thats great and made the vampires more sexy.

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Well I've just spent my morning drinking my coffee and reading through here to see what's already been said/wanted. There are things I would dearly love to see added but most of them are additions to current mods - such as adding spriggans to the beastiality mod and having their penis being a lovely thick knotty piece of wood with a big ol' burl on the end... or having Argonians with plated/heavily textured cocks... and I think I need to post these ideas/wants/suggestions on specific mods comment sections rather than here. I will look for them and do that after this.


I did see at least one desire posted which is similar/same for something I'd like. - Furniture added where you can insert an NPC or have yourself inserted, a BDSM type situation and have the character used and abused however the dominant one wants. (Whether that is you or an NPC) My husband has a mod, Pain Slut, I think its called where he gets to whip his girl while she's restrained but he can't do anything else with her, such as fuck her in any fashion, etc.


So what I'm wanting is furniture and toys and machines. I can especially see the Dwemer as having created much of this, especially with their bots and machines. I can't help but squirm over the mental imagry playing in my head right now regarding static machines or moveable machines such as the spider bots, etc. I just can't help my reaction to the idea of being raped/fucked while bound to a machine or held helpless while the machine does things to me.


Alas I cannot mod. I'm an artsy type person and would dearly love to create/draw both mechanical and flesh penetrables but have no idea how to make such a thing a skin or a mesh or whatever such items are called. I don't know if it would be best to make a 'dungeon' mod where you'd have such things available if you went there or if it were possible to add such things on a broader scale, where you could access them through the world or buy them, have them in your house and so on. I have several small ideas that would fit within this framework, things about staves, tools, Dwemer artifacts and so on but this is the general idea that really makes my panties wet, if I can just put that out there in public, lol.

Just about the Argonian dick model thing. I found a file a while back, I think in one of the bestiality threads, that gave Argonians and Khajits models a la the FavoredSoulMeshes mod. The Agonians aren't far off from "plated", they definitely look more reptilian, and the Khajit models have some barbs added on, much like normal cats. Unfortunately, this also means stripping one of them makes them have a perma-boner, which some people find weird/problematic. Also, if you run Schlongs of Skyrim along with it, they will have two dicks, which would also turn people off... unless you like that kind of thing, I guess.


And I also think the Dwemer machines have been neglected in regards to animations. In a way, it makes sense (they're machines, they don't want sex) but it's canon that the Dwemer were into all kinds of things, with many people's head canon likely being kinky things, as well, so it's not too far off. If anything, it's more lore-friendly than animals raping humans.


I second that. I'm not sure whether any of you have seen Markydaysaid's web comic, but there's one page which includes dwemer sex bots. The idea that there are these ancient sex bots that you can find in certain dwemer ruins really appeals to me. And it does seem like a more realistic possibility in the world of the Elder Scrolls than, say, Succubi. And the best part would be that lots of similar models are already out there. In any case, I'd absolutely love to see someone take this somewhere.

P.s: I'll attach the small part of that particular webcomic page to show (anyone) what I had in mind. On another note, Vicn Creature Resources has a large variety of curious looking dwemer automatons, some of which could be used as a base.attachicon.gifUntitled.png


Yeah, I've already seen that. Something like that would be pretty neat to add into Skyrim. I would myself, if it wasn't for the fact that I don't know how to create animations, and my life is somewhat busy right now. Oh well, I can hope.

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EDIT: Please, if I'm not posting this in the right place, tell me! It seemed like the right thread, but I didn't read every reply so...

I like Ashal's idea so far. Definitely something I could see myself trying, being a huge fan of games like Corruption of Champions (if you didn'T know that, check it out. cool text based game with TONS of content that would be awesome to have in Skyrim ... anyways, enough advertising lol)

I also have a mod idea for myself, and I'm gonna learn to CK just for that. Thing is, there are already a few mods that do things very similar, but I plan on taking a completely different route, as well as making things separate enough so that they don't conflitc

--Sexlab captured (probably gonna change the title)-


Basically, this makes monsters, as well as vampires, try to capture the player if they manage to take them by surprise, or knock them out, or put them to sleep (there will probably be other triggers, but I want to avoid the "submission" thing since it's already done and it would conflict with other mods... and it doesn't fit anyways). Basically, think of it as a player slavery mod, but without the "become a slave" part, and instead you'd be completely helpless, or hypnotized, or just almost brain dead

Now, some of these woud end up in the player dying, other in them becoming completely unable to escape, so I need to find some creative ways to let the player have some control, and not have it be some long cinematic without any gameplay. I also want to make something else than just a minigame that tell you if you can escape

Features planned so far (those that are 99% sure to be in the mod)

Get captured by
-Spiders, wrapped and made into their brood mother.
-vampires and be used as a blood bag, OR a sex toy
-Some animals like wolves, sabre cats and bears, again made into a mother (although this one won't bind you, they'll just threaten to attack if you try to leave)
-draugr, who will wrap you into a linen wrap and put you in a coffin/on a table/in the "shelves" of draugr ruins. I don'T know what to do from there, but turning you into a draugr yourself seems a pretty good plan so far
-Chaurus, who will do pretty much the same thing spiders did, but with a slightly different flavor.

-Dragon priests, who would sacrifice you for their gods (possibility of higher level draugr also doing that)
-Werewolves, who will make a good meal from you
-Exterior Skeletons, who would tie you to their ruin and sap power from you, probably ending up taking your body while you become a skeleton yourself
-Necromancers, who would obviously raise you to do their bidding
-depraved citizens, during the night, who would take you while no one is looking and keep you locked up inside their house

For now that'S it, but I'm sure there's more to do (Hell I'd love to do s omething with the troll, but I don't know what). Don't hesitate to leave suggestions! :D

Ways of getting captured

-Sneak attack
-Poison that puts you to sleep
-Hypnosis (still wondering how I will do it, but I plan on adding it 100%)
-Fake/trapped loot

If you think of others, again please tell! :D

Other precisions

-I first though of doing this taking female characters only, but I'm pretty sure there's something I could do for males too (just forget the "mother" stuff lol)
-I need some way to make sure you're not just waiting it out, while yet making it obvious that you're trapped. Probably some minigames and tortures will have to do
-I will probably need some new models and animations, although I will ask when I get there. I can model, but animate? I can't
-I plan on adding option in MCM, to disable each encounter separately, or to settle some random options.
-Don't expect the encounters to be super-dynamic. I plan on having some very fixed situations, so, as an example, if you get captured by the spider, don't expect the whole even to happen where you were captured, as it wi take you to its lair. This is to avoid terrain glitches, animation problems and the like. Besides, I personally think it's more immersive, since the "captor" makes sure you can't be rescued so easily.
-The above point also allows me to make "quests" with the encounters, so as not only to tell you what's going on, but also for you to make sure the mod isn't acting up (because let's face it, a 100% Skyrim game doesn't exist)

I will update as soon as there is some progress/I get new ideas. Any support i welcome, and also I will try to support if you ask it.

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hey guys - boy oh boy - i start with sexlab today and working step by step through it LOL - there are so much cute stuff here - respect to all guys here and compliments, great work ! so i would like to ask - can someone tell me a version in which male and female having sex and come close with there heads - like kissing ?? i search for something that shows a kiss... i make my own comic with screenshots and would like to make a pic with "the first kiss" ^^ haaa romantic hm ^^  can someone help or tell me which mod i can take or something like that ??


cheers and hugs :*


EDIT: Please, if I'm not posting this in the right place, tell me! > ups i written the same post in another post - please delete where it is wrong

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Mod Idea


Possibly one I might attempt myself if more experience modders can tell me its practicle for a first attemp.


Basic idea


A combat spell that turns summoned and/or undead into sexfiends with severe benefits and drawbacks.


The spell would be target based (considering area effect for high level attainment) and would transfore target into a creature that has rape and only rape on its very limited mind.


It would have no capability to damage in an attack of any kind but once its target is succesfully "hit" in the manner appropriate for the creature it achieves its aim of rape. at end of rape target suffers heavy damage (initial thoughts are total stamina/half or third of health/half or two thirds of magica) and the sexfiend dies.


The target selection would be totally random amoungst the availiable choices.




In order to cast the spell you must wear one of two rings/amulets (any item that you can only equip one of)


Item one: Ring of protection - excludes you from being a target but limits you to changing your own summonings only


Item two: Ring of ???????? - Allows you to ffect any target but does not protect you from being raped and suffering the subsequent hit.


Possible features to make it a bit more interesting


Spell brings about a random creature (limited by list of availiable animations on SL)


Once School of magic has achieved a fairly high level (50? 70?) you can limit this to a goup of three possibles and when it is at max you hae a choice of creature type.


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hey guys - boy oh boy - i start with sexlab today and working step by step through it LOL - there are so much cute stuff here - respect to all guys here and compliments, great work ! so i would like to ask - can someone tell me a version in which male and female having sex and come close with there heads - like kissing ?? i search for something that shows a kiss... i make my own comic with screenshots and would like to make a pic with "the first kiss" ^^ haaa romantic hm ^^  can someone help or tell me which mod i can take or something like that ??


cheers and hugs :*


EDIT: Please, if I'm not posting this in the right place, tell me! > ups i written the same post in another post - please delete where it is wrong

Try the SexLab option in the MCM Menu to enable Foreplay.

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Sexlab: Sexual Fatigue

A little idea that popped into my mind to add a little bit more of immersion to sex. I'm kind of annoyed how the dragonborn has unlimited stamina when it comes to sex so I thought up of this idea.


Each time you have sex you will build a fatigue level which increases by 1 point each time you have sex.

If you reach the 5th fatigue point with consensual sex you will black out and wake up at the bed in the nearest inn or in your home in a city.

If you reach the 5th fatigue point with non consensual sex you will wake up either in the wilderness, a cave, or a dungeon bound and gagged with gear stolen and gold gone.

To get out of the situation you must escape out of your bindings or try to escape while your captors sleep. If you fail to escape, well you will just be used as a slave until you're able to escape.

Getting your gear and gold back will be a little hard as you have to kill your captors to get your items back.


Fatigue points also fade away each hour or any other configurable amount of time.


Oh yeah the 5th fatigue point with non consensual with a creature will just cause you to black out and wake up in the wilderness, a dungeon, or a cave, with you gold and gear gone. You won't be bound and gagged since well they're creatures.

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The major mod that is missing for now is a "PLAYER defeated Mod" in my opinion. (there is sexlab submit but it is for enemies T_T)


I've read this a few times on here.  I'm not sure if what I'm about to say is even relevant anymore, but I've used 'submit' both ways several times.  My current character has raped 11 NPC's and has been raped by 8 NPC's, two of which were at the same time (they just kept taking turns until I was able to break free). It is a configurable option in MCM on skyUI.

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Well I've just spent my morning drinking my coffee and reading through here to see what's already been said/wanted. There are things I would dearly love to see added but most of them are additions to current mods - such as adding spriggans to the beastiality mod and having their penis being a lovely thick knotty piece of wood with a big ol' burl on the end... or having Argonians with plated/heavily textured cocks... and I think I need to post these ideas/wants/suggestions on specific mods comment sections rather than here. I will look for them and do that after this.


I did see at least one desire posted which is similar/same for something I'd like. - Furniture added where you can insert an NPC or have yourself inserted, a BDSM type situation and have the character used and abused however the dominant one wants. (Whether that is you or an NPC) My husband has a mod, Pain Slut, I think its called where he gets to whip his girl while she's restrained but he can't do anything else with her, such as fuck her in any fashion, etc.


So what I'm wanting is furniture and toys and machines. I can especially see the Dwemer as having created much of this, especially with their bots and machines. I can't help but squirm over the mental imagry playing in my head right now regarding static machines or moveable machines such as the spider bots, etc. I just can't help my reaction to the idea of being raped/fucked while bound to a machine or held helpless while the machine does things to me.


Alas I cannot mod. I'm an artsy type person and would dearly love to create/draw both mechanical and flesh penetrables but have no idea how to make such a thing a skin or a mesh or whatever such items are called. I don't know if it would be best to make a 'dungeon' mod where you'd have such things available if you went there or if it were possible to add such things on a broader scale, where you could access them through the world or buy them, have them in your house and so on. I have several small ideas that would fit within this framework, things about staves, tools, Dwemer artifacts and so on but this is the general idea that really makes my panties wet, if I can just put that out there in public, lol.

Just about the Argonian dick model thing. I found a file a while back, I think in one of the bestiality threads, that gave Argonians and Khajits models a la the FavoredSoulMeshes mod. The Agonians aren't far off from "plated", they definitely look more reptilian, and the Khajit models have some barbs added on, much like normal cats. Unfortunately, this also means stripping one of them makes them have a perma-boner, which some people find weird/problematic. Also, if you run Schlongs of Skyrim along with it, they will have two dicks, which would also turn people off... unless you like that kind of thing, I guess.


And I also think the Dwemer machines have been neglected in regards to animations. In a way, it makes sense (they're machines, they don't want sex) but it's canon that the Dwemer were into all kinds of things, with many people's head canon likely being kinky things, as well, so it's not too far off. If anything, it's more lore-friendly than animals raping humans.



You can actually turn khajit and argonians off in the SOS plugins. Therefore Eternalblacks(thats the creator) dicks for those 2 races will be used only.




Yeah, I've already seen that. Something like that would be pretty neat to add into Skyrim. I would myself, if it wasn't for the fact that I don't know how to create animations, and my life is somewhat busy right now. Oh well, I can hope.



If someone creates the genitals Id be up to get back into animating for it. However sexlab isnt working properly for me in regards to creatures, kind off of a downer for getting back into it |:


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Few ideas here. They may have been suggested before, but I don't feel like reading 27 pages to make sure.


First, we could use a "Lover's Extended" type mod, except for Skyrim. Having you characters actually "finish the act" on their own, based on their stamina/skill was great. We already have a "skill" system implemented (visible in the MCM) that is used by a few mods. Perhaps we could add in an "overall stamina" system to go with that.


For example: My character might specialize in anal (giggity) and be a master of it, as well as stamina level ten. When having it, his stamina will drain slower and the girl's will drop faster. If he tries a different style, he'll still have level ten stamina, but he will be "unskilled" at that style and will tire faster as well as being less efficient with the girl. That way, characters can still "specialize", but can benefit overall by simply having more "overall experience" too. To become good at every style (and have a massive stamina bar), you'll need to try it all. Makes no sense that a female character could give like 90 BJs and build her stamina meter up, but then try a different style for the first time and still last like 15 minutes. Maybe I wouldn't know, but it seems more realistic to me.


Second, I like the idea of the "Romance" mod since it actually means that the player needs to convince someone into an act, rather than just demand it and get it. However, I think that it could be taken a step further by (if it is even possible) making NPCs prefer certain styles/positions over others. (This, in addtion to more of a "dating/ courtship" game, rather than a one-time "Want to do me?" You know, actually have the "romance" part of the mod exist.) Anyways...


Example: My male character goes up to one girl, propositions her, and she accepts. We go to another room and I ask for anal, (and the game runs another speech check) and she shoots me down, saying there is no way she'll do that. I ask another girl for the same thing (despite hypothetically having lower speech skill and therefore an even lower chance) and she actually says yes. Why? She prefers that style and will be much more likely to accept it. Players might have a spell that they could use on NPCs to switch their preferences around and set them manually. Perhaps, rather than be arranged in an order (Most likely-least likely), they could have individual probabilities set. (Guaranteed, Highly Likely, Quite Likely, Neutral, Unlikely, Won't Happen, etc.). I think that it might seem more realistic as well, since real people have preferences too and may be more willing to do certain things than others, and may not be willing to do certain things *at all*. Just an idea.


Anyways, hope that that wasn't "too long; didn't read". For those who did, I hope you like my ideas. :)

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Second, I like the idea of the "Romance" mod since it actually means that the player needs to convince someone into an act, rather than just demand it and get it. However, I think that it could be taken a step further by (if it is even possible) making NPCs prefer certain styles/positions over others. (This, in addtion to more of a "dating/ courtship" game, rather than a one-time "Want to do me?" You know, actually have the "romance" part of the mod exist.) Anyways...


Example: My male character goes up to one girl, propositions her, and she accepts. We go to another room and I ask for anal, (and the game runs another speech check) and she shoots me down, saying there is no way she'll do that. I ask another girl for the same thing (despite hypothetically having lower speech skill and therefore an even lower chance) and she actually says yes. Why? She prefers that style and will be much more likely to accept it. Players might have a spell that they could use on NPCs to switch their preferences around and set them manually. Perhaps, rather than be arranged in an order (Most likely-least likely), they could have individual probabilities set. (Guaranteed, Highly Likely, Quite Likely, Neutral, Unlikely, Won't Happen, etc.). I think that it might seem more realistic as well, since real people have preferences too and may be more willing to do certain things than others, and may not be willing to do certain things *at all*. Just an idea.



I actually like that idea, although I believe that just because you propose something they don't agree with, doesn'T mean they should dump you. In fact, I'd rather this thing go both ways, and have some NPCs have some special kinks too, that you'd be able to accept or refuse. But yeah, taking this thing as far and realistic as possible would make for a much better Lov- I mean Skyrim experience, so long as we don'T take real statistics into account lol

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Second, I like the idea of the "Romance" mod since it actually means that the player needs to convince someone into an act, rather than just demand it and get it. However, I think that it could be taken a step further by (if it is even possible) making NPCs prefer certain styles/positions over others. (This, in addtion to more of a "dating/ courtship" game, rather than a one-time "Want to do me?" You know, actually have the "romance" part of the mod exist.) Anyways...


Example: My male character goes up to one girl, propositions her, and she accepts. We go to another room and I ask for anal, (and the game runs another speech check) and she shoots me down, saying there is no way she'll do that. I ask another girl for the same thing (despite hypothetically having lower speech skill and therefore an even lower chance) and she actually says yes. Why? She prefers that style and will be much more likely to accept it. Players might have a spell that they could use on NPCs to switch their preferences around and set them manually. Perhaps, rather than be arranged in an order (Most likely-least likely), they could have individual probabilities set. (Guaranteed, Highly Likely, Quite Likely, Neutral, Unlikely, Won't Happen, etc.). I think that it might seem more realistic as well, since real people have preferences too and may be more willing to do certain things than others, and may not be willing to do certain things *at all*. Just an idea.


Anyways, hope that that wasn't "too long; didn't read". For those who did, I hope you like my ideas. :)


Since we're talking "Romance" here, might I suggest that the first several consensual acts be limited to "foreplay" behaviors. Then can advance to the "normal" sex styles, and finally after so many times with same NPC unlock consensual "rough" animations if that particular NPC gets flagged as "liking it rough". Could then choose which style based on partners arousal level at the time. Something like Arousal <15 not interested right now  Arousal 15-35 foreplay animations Arousal 35-75 normal sex animations Arousal >75 rough animations. Just an idea that I believe would be possible though I have nowhere near enough knowledge to pull it off myself yet.

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