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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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Have you tried not using MO? Manual installation is the surest way of avoiding most installation related problems.


No I have not, I suppose I could however I never do manual installs for nothing more than if I want to uninstall the particular mod things could go south real quick.


one note which solved everything at me: install fnis outside MO so as manual installation and add the generatefnisforusers in MO.


With the sole exceptions of SKSE and ENB mods, there has never been a legit case where installing a mod outside of mod organizer has been the correct thing to do it.


STOP DOING THIS PEOPLE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TALOS. A simple Google search will tell you how to correctly use and install FNIS with MO, and by extent, SexLab.


yes skse trough Mo would indeed be a cfrazy thing to do.. but fnis is another mod on that list, i installed fnis in mo at first and nothing worked, (no new animations exept sexlab) then in installed fnis manually in the skyrim folder like the instructions on the fnis page and made a exucutable in mo(generatefnisforusers) and everything works totallly fine, i got no problems. exept wehn i want to upgrade fnis to a other version though, i am still using 5.1 while 5.2 is up some time ago, i dont see a good reasson to upgrade fnis now as it changes nothing for me, maybe for modders though.



 FNIS is 100% absolutely NOT a mod on that list. You are fucking up by installing it normally, it may work "fine" but it's completely unnecessary and entirely against the entire point of using MO to begin with.


There is MO specific install instructions if necessary: http://wiki.step-project.com/Fores_New_Idles_in_Skyrim

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Have you tried not using MO? Manual installation is the surest way of avoiding most installation related problems.

Don't advise people to do STUPID stuff.


The POINT of using MO is to NOT place all that files into the main install because you WILL eventually fail to remove one and it WILL cause a problem.


What you are suggesting is exactly what causes installation related problems. Very few people are capable of handling a manually installed set of mods, that's why we have tools like MO in the first place.

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Have you tried not using MO? Manual installation is the surest way of avoiding most installation related problems.

Don't advise people to do STUPID stuff.


The POINT of using MO is to NOT place all that files into the main install because you WILL eventually fail to remove one and it WILL cause a problem.


What you are suggesting is exactly what causes installation related problems. Very few people are capable of handling a manually installed set of mods, that's why we have tools like MO in the first place.


I've been manually installing mods since Morrowind and never had these problems ^^


But it doesn't really matter. The only way to avoid issues is to understand what you're doing and what your mod manager is doing too. I'm wary of MO because it doesn't involve the users brain in the installation process. I will always recommend learning manual installation first before moving on to automated installers.


Actually if it didn't involve reorganising all my mods I'd probablish switch to MO too! But only because I know how it works and can trust myself to use it correctly. If I didn't I would be (rightfully) scared of it n_n

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and as we all know: the human error rate is always quite low  :lol:


what are you doing if updating a mod that contains hundreds of files? go through every folder, searching for every file and delete them manually(and wasting at least a hour)? or just throw the new files into the data and hope for the best?


never give this typ of modding advise again.

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It's not that hard. Keep a copy of the original and look at the folders. For folders with hundreds of files, save time by copying over the files again, let them overwrite and delete. Of course, you might delete something important this way, but try to remember what's used by what, skim through them and whatever. I haven't had any issues that way. Plus some people are using .bsa's and most put files in several subfolders - although sometimes you still get cases where someone decided it was a good idea to stick every texture in data/textures without a specific folder. In short, I've heard of people having more problems using NMM and whatever else than learning to manually install.


Maybe it's easier because I started out with things you always had to manually install and set up yourself, but don't write off manual install that easily.

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I've been manually installing mods since Morrowind and never had these problems ^^


But it doesn't really matter. The only way to avoid issues is to understand what you're doing and what your mod manager is doing too. I'm wary of MO because it doesn't involve the users brain in the installation process. I will always recommend learning manual installation first before moving on to automated installers.


Actually if it didn't involve reorganising all my mods I'd probablish switch to MO too! But only because I know how it works and can trust myself to use it correctly. If I didn't I would be (rightfully) scared of it n_n


You are a rare bird then, most people here can't be bothered to read the simplest of directions much less follow them. Trying to move people to manual installs would make their heads explode.

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I'm guessing the people who can't get FNIS to work with MO aren't properly copying the FNIS output to a loaded "mod". 


true but even if they installed it right, there could still be problem if not run MO in admin mode. so there could be other factors playing to get fnis to work correctly.

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I've never manually installed a mod, I came in at the end of Oblivion modding when tools were already in place, and by now I know pretty damn well how the various installers works simply through trial, error and observation of the Data folder as it got changed. If I can offer any advice it's to not use the damn Nexus Mod Manager, it's just going to cause problems for you, use Mod Organizer and under every install click the manual option then drag and drop files when they are in the wrong folders, this is basically the same benefit you have with a manual install but you can uncheck the mod at any time and remove it completely and install a new version. Nexus Mod Manager basically requires you to unpackage them manually package a badly packaged mod instead in a way that NMM will understand, and do it again if the mod is updated. Plus it's buggy as hell last I tried it, and MO just have so many other options, especially the Profiles, I can switch from a fully modded skyrim with 255 active esps to one with just the unoffical patches in 2 seconds, or switch from one profile using Perkus Maximus to another using SPERG and keep the characters made in those systems saved only on those profiles. It's just a lot easier to use on a heavy load order.


I don't know how many times I've used a mod that has the author going "no use of installers; manual install only!" when it turns out the reason he posted that was just because he couldn't be bothered to bundle the mod in a way that installers will understand, when it takes 2 minutes. That or they just do that to scare away newbs, fucking elitist snobs is what I say.

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This mod does not add anything in-game by itself and is only used to make other mods possible, correct?  I ask because so far, I just want to get Zaz bondage poses working without adding anything else "porn-like".  This is also the reason that I don't use SoS because it adds a lot more than male nudity.

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If you only want the bondage poses then don't even download the framework; download ZAZ (it doesn't require Sexlab), FNIS, and the addon for spells with FNIS, and use the MCM menu and the spells to put the poses out. Sexlab Framework is for when you want to add sex, not poses.

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Is it possible to remove a active "Cum Effect"? Somehow it seems these effects are stuck (they don't disappear after 120 seconds) and every new applied effect is just added (at the moment my Warrior Girl looks like she was "Victim" of a Gang Bang instead of having sex with 4 men in 2 days).

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How do you use the animations included? Sorry for asking.


For starters, try Sexlab Romance.


Sexlab by itself does nothing, you need plugin mods like Romance, Defeat, Estrus Chaurus, Aroused Creatures, etc to react to conditions and tell SL to play the animations it has registered.

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Every time a sex animation   has ended with my character i can no longer draw out any weapon or attack anything. i have l to like exit the game and restart it. 


Have you try to unequip and reequip the weapon?


I use to have this kind of problem if I reequip the weapon as soon as Sexlab unequip it before sex.  After sex finish I have to unequip and reequip again to be able to use the weapon.


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With the MCM option, you can quickly undress/redress your character.


Also, a bug in the original files, prevents you having the enhancements on your gear working on equip after, that you added from reactivating, so it's good practice to remove and put them back on.


Also, if you are using rape scenes, where you are getting raped, from the Defeat mod, or similar, you have a period of time that prevents you from using a weapon, even if you redress, making unequip and re-equip all items a requirement.

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Ashal and All other modders who made this mod should make a An Adult game I am searching web for the same. Skyrim game is best in non sexual way but This mod makes it even gr8. Hats off.


Its more of request cum suggestion from me when the animation is begin it should be actor focused I mean to say when scene will start it will lead to in any choice of terrain could be cave, room, top of the hill, anything just as we can select the animation to be played.

It will help to minimize the ctd and have more focus on scene. or at least background should be change like white or black screen.  


Please vote guys if agree. Or put some other suggestions. 

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Sorry if this has been asked before but.... when I go to load this I am asked to overwrite a number of files, mostly SKSE files but also a few others. Not sure if I should allow this or not..???? Makes me nervous that something will get messed up.

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Sorry if this has been asked before but.... when I go to load this I am asked to overwrite a number of files, mostly SKSE files but also a few others. Not sure if I should allow this or not..???? Makes me nervous that something will get messed up.


Normally - Yes, allow it.  The only thing it would normally overwrite is the papyrus utils that can be installed by SOS, and SexLab has the more recent version of Papyrusutils included.




Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Oh yeah, and...

Use Mod Organizer.



And this answers his question how?

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Sorry if this has been asked before but.... when I go to load this I am asked to overwrite a number of files, mostly SKSE files but also a few others. Not sure if I should allow this or not..???? Makes me nervous that something will get messed up.


Normally - Yes, allow it.  The only thing it would normally overwrite is the papyrus utils that can be installed by SOS, and SexLab has the more recent version of Papyrusutils included.




Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Oh yeah, and...

Use Mod Organizer.



And this answers his question how?



True, SexLab must be installed after SoS due to the version of Papyrusutils, but I just realized, today, that if I install SexLab AFTER Skse I have immediate CTD. I was testin this with only Fnis, SkyUi, SoS, SexLab and Skse v. 1.07.02, nothing more.


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Sorry if this has been asked before but.... when I go to load this I am asked to overwrite a number of files, mostly SKSE files but also a few others. Not sure if I should allow this or not..???? Makes me nervous that something will get messed up.


Normally - Yes, allow it.  The only thing it would normally overwrite is the papyrus utils that can be installed by SOS, and SexLab has the more recent version of Papyrusutils included.




Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Use Mod Organizer.

Oh yeah, and...

Use Mod Organizer.



And this answers his question how?



True, SexLab must be installed after SoS due to the version of Papyrusutils, but I just realized, today, that if I install SexLab AFTER Skse I have immediate CTD. I was testin this with only Fnis, SkyUi, SoS, SexLab and Skse v. 1.07.02, nothing more.




Hmmm, well I have not loaded SoS yet. I was installing Sexlab and then planning on adding some mods that use it. The overwriting of Skse files is what put me off. Will Sexlab function properly if I say no to the overwrites?



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