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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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I want to augment SS's question there. 


I'm doing a sexification of the Immersive Creatures mod. In that mod, the Swamp Trolls work with SL, no problem. The Frost Giants refuse to animate. Looking in the log, I see:

SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Frost Giant) -- FALSE -- They are a creature that is currently not supported (_00GiantFrostRace)
SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Armored Swamp Troll) -- TRUE -- Cache MISS

But this odd because the Swamp Troll race looks to me exactly parallel to the Frost Giant race--I can't see any difference in how they are set up. The Swamp Troll race is defined as: _00DLC1SwampTrollRaceArmored "Troll" [RACE:040D2D03], where 04 indicates the IC mod I'm building on.


So Swamp Trolls should be unrecognized just like Frost Giants, but instead they're being animated like trolls. Why? And what can I do to make the same thing happen on giants?


And failing all else, is there any way to add races to SL?


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I want to augment SS's question there. 


I'm doing a sexification of the Immersive Creatures mod. In that mod, the Swamp Trolls work with SL, no problem. The Frost Giants refuse to animate. Looking in the log, I see:

SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Frost Giant) -- FALSE -- They are a creature that is currently not supported (_00GiantFrostRace)
SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Armored Swamp Troll) -- TRUE -- Cache MISS

But this odd because the Swamp Troll race looks to me exactly parallel to the Frost Giant race--I can't see any difference in how they are set up. The Swamp Troll race is defined as: _00DLC1SwampTrollRaceArmored "Troll" [RACE:040D2D03], where 04 indicates the IC mod I'm building on.


So Swamp Trolls should be unrecognized just like Frost Giants, but instead they're being animated like trolls. Why? And what can I do to make the same thing happen on giants?


And failing all else, is there any way to add races to SL?



The supported Skyrim Immersive Creatures races were given to me by a user, I can't say for sure why _00GiantFrostRace wasn't included, I don't have SIC myself to verify it. If you can verify for me though that _00GiantFrostRace uses the same skeleton as the vanilla GiantRace, I'll add it to be included in SexLab 1.60.



Question; does Sexlab not recognize added races or non-vanilla ones?


Depends on the kind of races you mean.


Any playable humanoid race should work with SexLab just fine if it uses the default character skeleton and isn't a child race.

Any non-vanilla or SIC creature races requires a mod to add support for them to the appropriate creature animations in SexLab. 


SexLab doesn't appear in my "Mod" section but does in the "Plugin" section of my Nexus Mod Manager. is that normal?


FNIS generator ran fine (did say Reading SexLab...)


Read the FAQ.

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@Ashal, yup--I went spelunking in the SL scripts and found where the creatures are registered. Swamp trolls and Ghost Frost Giants are there, but not Frost Giants. Whoever gave the races to you must have missed them. I'm sure they use the same skeleton--they use the default animations. But if you can tell me where to look, I'll double check.


I'm going through the whole freaking mod right now so I'll let you know if anything else is missing. But how hard is it to add a race or two to sslCreatureAnimationDefaults? Can I just do that and compile it and have it work? Can I include the compiled file in my mod and have it overwrite yours and have that work? 


Much better for it all to be in your mod, of course. I'm just considering options.

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@Ashal, yup--I went spelunking in the SL scripts and found where the creatures are registered. Swamp trolls and Ghost Frost Giants are there, but not Frost Giants. Whoever gave the races to you must have missed them. I'm sure they use the same skeleton--they use the default animations. But if you can tell me where to look, I'll double check.


I'm going through the whole freaking mod right now so I'll let you know if anything else is missing. But how hard is it to add a race or two to sslCreatureAnimationDefaults? Can I just do that and compile it and have it work? Can I include the compiled file in my mod and have it overwrite yours and have that work? 


Much better for it all to be in your mod, of course. I'm just considering options.


I'd prefer people not overwrite default SexLab scripts, it just causes headaches with upgrading to newer versions. If it's just for your own personal use, go ahead, all you need to do is add it to the Giants array and reset the animation registry


I'd suggest just waiting for SexLab 1.60 though, the method for adding creatures to animations has completely changed, and I'll include the frost giants by default.

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So after a month (give and take) of experimenting with modding with the help i got from you guys, i finally got all the mods i've downloaded to work! im so excited. THANK YOU, guys! :D


now that i've expressed my joy and gratitude, i have some questions. should i be updating FNIS everytime i installed & activated a mod? cause that's what i do


also, i've realized that sometimes the two characters that are having sex don't allign. i tried the hotkeys (L), (;), and (') but the only go in one direction. how do i get them to allign?


how do i get the BJ givers to open their mouth when they give one?

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So after a month (give and take) of experimenting with modding with the help i got from you guys, i finally got all the mods i've downloaded to work! im so excited. THANK YOU, guys! :D


now that i've expressed my joy and gratitude, i have some questions. should i be updating FNIS everytime i installed & activated a mod? cause that's what i do


also, i've realized that sometimes the two characters that are having sex don't allign. i tried the hotkeys (L), ( ;), and (') but the only go in one direction. how do i get them to allign?


how do i get the BJ givers to open their mouth when they give one?


Should i be updating FNIS everytime i installed & activated a mod? if it uses animations yep your doing good, most mods will tell you if its needed.


i've realized that sometimes the two characters that are having sex don't allign. i tried the hotkeys, they should be working as mine are check your hot-keys in sexlab make sure your using the right ones for the right effect.


How do i get the BJ givers to open their mouth when they give one? best i remember select use facial expressions in sexlab settings.


Hope this helps you out.

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So after a month (give and take) of experimenting with modding with the help i got from you guys, i finally got all the mods i've downloaded to work! im so excited. THANK YOU, guys! :D


now that i've expressed my joy and gratitude, i have some questions. should i be updating FNIS everytime i installed & activated a mod? cause that's what i do


also, i've realized that sometimes the two characters that are having sex don't allign. i tried the hotkeys (L), ( ;), and (') but the only go in one direction. how do i get them to allign?


how do i get the BJ givers to open their mouth when they give one?


Sorry that it took a month, it really should be easier than that.


If the MOD installed or removed has FNIS listed as a requirement then run FNIS again, simple rule.


The hotkeys work in both directions, the Shift key determines which direction each hotkey will shift the actor so adding the Shift key to the "L" key is how you would shift the actor the other way.   Add the CTRL key if you want to make that adjustment specific to that stage of the sex act, otherwise the alteration is applied to all stages of the sex act.


Make sure Facial Expressions are ON and Lip Sync is OFF.  It still may fail with some custom face mods that update the facial files.



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I'd prefer people not overwrite default SexLab scripts, it just causes headaches with upgrading to newer versions. If it's just for your own personal use, go ahead, all you need to do is add it to the Giants array and reset the animation registry



I believe you, and I'm not fiddling with this now. It would be cool if SL could read the arrays from json files the way SNLC does--then any mod built on known skeletons could add their creatures on the fly. 


There may be more missing creatures to come... I know I saw one other at least tho I've lost track of it now.

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I have always experienced a very annoying bug in regards to the facial expressions, the happy expression is almost always the one used for my character in every scene. I have tried turning happy all together, tried changing the way the happy expression looks so that its not "happy", but it still almost always uses that one expression over and over again and I can't seem to fix it. Any ideas?



And while I am here, Id like to suggest some things for the next update. Being able to cycle through expressions/voices like you can with animations, being able to adjust the timing of individual actors (some animations look like one actor is lagging a split second after the other) and being able to have more control over the heights of actors, like being able to normalize heights for some animations but not on others and being able to make it so that all men in the animations are resized to X while all the women are resized to Y.

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A question. I was able to play/preview male and female masturbation animation through Sexlab Animation editor -> play animation. Is there any way to play/preview other animations, such as missionary/cowgirl/etc through same manner? It did not seem to work when I tried to 'change' animation through animation editor while PC and NPC was having sex...

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A question. I was able to play/preview male and female masturbation animation through Sexlab Animation editor -> play animation. Is there any way to play/preview other animations, such as missionary/cowgirl/etc through same manner? It did not seem to work when I tried to 'change' animation through animation editor while PC and NPC was having sex...


Wait for the sex act to complete, THEN try the next one.  It does not "queue" up sex acts and will not start a different one for anyone already performing a sex act.



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A question. I was able to play/preview male and female masturbation animation through Sexlab Animation editor -> play animation. Is there any way to play/preview other animations, such as missionary/cowgirl/etc through same manner? It did not seem to work when I tried to 'change' animation through animation editor while PC and NPC was having sex...


Wait for the sex act to complete, THEN try the next one.  It does not "queue" up sex acts and will not start a different one for anyone already performing a sex act.




"Play Animation        Click Here" remains grey... even after the sex act is complete and both participants dresses up. 


And I mean after the sex act initiated with some other mod, like one of the prostitution mods. 


I guess its because somehow I'm not selecting the... second participant when I'm trying?  Because playing solo animation works fine.


Maybe I'm completely wrong, but if that's the case, how should I select the second (and third) participant? And if I'm wrong, what am I missing?

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hello evrybody,

(non moders wont understand this post i am sorry)

is there somebody experienced with modding who can help me a little with scripting a sexevent, i dont get 100% sure and working with the API.

i have made myself a script but ofc there are errors and things like that.

this is my script for now: (this script i want to have the pc masturbate at activation of the object this script is attached to.)



Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

    function MolagMasturbate()
	 actor[] sexActors = new actor[1] 
	 sexActor[0] = akActionRef
	 sslBaseAnimation[] anims
	 anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
	 Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)



the compiler gives various errors each time 

first a question though: Do i have to script an sexlab animation to start stated in a function or can you just make a if-sentence and post the animation script in there.

second i get 2 erors for now( after thid two i get probably even more errors)

fist error is no viable alternative at input function

second error is missing EOF at endevent.

hope somebody can help me a little here. 

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hello evrybody,

(non moders wont understand this post i am sorry)

is there somebody experienced with modding who can help me a little with scripting a sexevent, i dont get 100% sure and working with the API.

i have made myself a script but ofc there are errors and things like that.

this is my script for now: (this script i want to have the pc masturbate at activation of the object this script is attached to.)



Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MologMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(Actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActor[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)



the compiler gives various errors each time 

first a question though: Do i have to script an sexlab animation to start stated in a function or can you just make a if-sentence and post the animation script in there.

second i get 2 erors for now( after thid two i get probably even more errors)

fist error is no viable alternative at input function

second error is missing EOF at endevent.

hope somebody can help me a little here. 


Functions don't execute as fall-through code.  I corrected your code, and it should work or at least get to the next error.



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hello evrybody,

(non moders wont understand this post i am sorry)

is there somebody experienced with modding who can help me a little with scripting a sexevent, i dont get 100% sure and working with the API.

i have made myself a script but ofc there are errors and things like that.

this is my script for now: (this script i want to have the pc masturbate at activation of the object this script is attached to.)



Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MologMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(Actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActor[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)



the compiler gives various errors each time 

first a question though: Do i have to script an sexlab animation to start stated in a function or can you just make a if-sentence and post the animation script in there.

second i get 2 erors for now( after thid two i get probably even more errors)

fist error is no viable alternative at input function

second error is missing EOF at endevent.

hope somebody can help me a little here. 




Functions don't execute as fall-through code.  I corrected your code, and it should work or at least get to the next error.


ineed a function wont work inside a event.

still ofcourse some errors but first of all could you explain what you mean with the 2 Gotcha's you made in the code.

second of all do you or somebody else knows a sollution to the rest of the issues.

 variable sexActor is undefined
(15,5): only arrays can be indexed
(15,13): type mismatch while assigning to a none (cast missing or types unrelated)
(17,20): argument positions is not specified and has no default value
heres my code again right now

Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script
SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MolagMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActor[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)


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hello evrybody,

(non moders wont understand this post i am sorry)

is there somebody experienced with modding who can help me a little with scripting a sexevent, i dont get 100% sure and working with the API.

i have made myself a script but ofc there are errors and things like that.

this is my script for now: (this script i want to have the pc masturbate at activation of the object this script is attached to.)



Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MologMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(Actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActor[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)



the compiler gives various errors each time 

first a question though: Do i have to script an sexlab animation to start stated in a function or can you just make a if-sentence and post the animation script in there.

second i get 2 erors for now( after thid two i get probably even more errors)

fist error is no viable alternative at input function

second error is missing EOF at endevent.

hope somebody can help me a little here. 




Functions don't execute as fall-through code.  I corrected your code, and it should work or at least get to the next error.


ineed a function wont work inside a event.

still ofcourse some errors but first of all could you explain what you mean with the 2 Gotcha's you made in the code.

second of all do you or somebody else knows a sollution to the rest of the issues.

 variable sexActor is undefined
(15,5): only arrays can be indexed
(15,13): type mismatch while assigning to a none (cast missing or types unrelated)
(17,20): argument positions is not specified and has no default value
heres my code again right now

Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script
SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MolagMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActors[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)





Code corrected again, only added one "s".


Gotcha is an Actor variable defined for the function since by moving the MolagMasturbate function outside of the event it doesn't have access to the akActionRef variable so the new variable takes it's place.


You left off the "s" on sexActors when defining the sexActors variable which is why some of the other errors occurred.


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hello evrybody,

(non moders wont understand this post i am sorry)

is there somebody experienced with modding who can help me a little with scripting a sexevent, i dont get 100% sure and working with the API.

i have made myself a script but ofc there are errors and things like that.

this is my script for now: (this script i want to have the pc masturbate at activation of the object this script is attached to.)



Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MologMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(Actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActor[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)



the compiler gives various errors each time 

first a question though: Do i have to script an sexlab animation to start stated in a function or can you just make a if-sentence and post the animation script in there.

second i get 2 erors for now( after thid two i get probably even more errors)

fist error is no viable alternative at input function

second error is missing EOF at endevent.

hope somebody can help me a little here. 




Functions don't execute as fall-through code.  I corrected your code, and it should work or at least get to the next error.


ineed a function wont work inside a event.

still ofcourse some errors but first of all could you explain what you mean with the 2 Gotcha's you made in the code.

second of all do you or somebody else knows a sollution to the rest of the issues.

 variable sexActor is undefined
(15,5): only arrays can be indexed
(15,13): type mismatch while assigning to a none (cast missing or types unrelated)
(17,20): argument positions is not specified and has no default value
heres my code again right now

Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script
SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MolagMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActors[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)





Code corrected again, only added one "s".


Gotcha is an Actor variable defined for the function since by moving the MolagMasturbate function outside of the event it doesn't have access to the akActionRef variable so the new variable takes it's place.


You left off the "s" on sexActors when defining the sexActors variable which is why some of the other errors occurred.



ooh oops i already corrected one typo in my script, So now the second one.

but so u mean with function MolagMasturbate(actor Gotcha) you define the pc as Gotcha, so you later can name the actor as Gotcha. insted of akActionRef or Game.Getplayer().

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hello evrybody,

(non moders wont understand this post i am sorry)

is there somebody experienced with modding who can help me a little with scripting a sexevent, i dont get 100% sure and working with the API.

i have made myself a script but ofc there are errors and things like that.

this is my script for now: (this script i want to have the pc masturbate at activation of the object this script is attached to.)



Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MologMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(Actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActor[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)



the compiler gives various errors each time 

first a question though: Do i have to script an sexlab animation to start stated in a function or can you just make a if-sentence and post the animation script in there.

second i get 2 erors for now( after thid two i get probably even more errors)

fist error is no viable alternative at input function

second error is missing EOF at endevent.

hope somebody can help me a little here. 




Functions don't execute as fall-through code.  I corrected your code, and it should work or at least get to the next error.


ineed a function wont work inside a event.

still ofcourse some errors but first of all could you explain what you mean with the 2 Gotcha's you made in the code.

second of all do you or somebody else knows a sollution to the rest of the issues.

 variable sexActor is undefined
(15,5): only arrays can be indexed
(15,13): type mismatch while assigning to a none (cast missing or types unrelated)
(17,20): argument positions is not specified and has no default value
heres my code again right now

Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script
SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        MolagMasturbate(akActionRef as Actor)
function MolagMasturbate(actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActors[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
     anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()
     Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)





Code corrected again, only added one "s".


Gotcha is an Actor variable defined for the function since by moving the MolagMasturbate function outside of the event it doesn't have access to the akActionRef variable so the new variable takes it's place.


You left off the "s" on sexActors when defining the sexActors variable which is why some of the other errors occurred.



ooh oops i already corrected one typo in my script, So now the second one.

but so u mean with function MolagMasturbate(actor Gotcha) you define the pc as Gotcha, so you later can name the actor as Gotcha. insted of akActionRef or Game.Getplayer().


i got one error left, of all the errors at the begin.

it says the argument position is not specified but required. 

i think thats crazy as a solo animation has only one posible position though. Do you know how to do this?

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i got one error left, of all the errors at the begin.

it says the argument position is not specified but required. 

i think thats crazy as a solo animation has only one posible position though. Do you know how to do this?


To do a solo animation you only need a single line of code, QuickStart().

Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script
SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        SexLab.QuickStart(akActionRef as Actor)

You're current posted version will work to, you just need to remove the "anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()", what you're trying to do there is more or less pointless, and wrong seeing as you aren't even giving it arguments to pick animations by, you'd have to pass it your sexActors array so it knows what to pick animations for. But this is pointless because it's just going to default to selecting the default solo animations, which SexLab does automatically if you  pass it no animations to begin with.



And make sure you're actually filling th e SexLabFramework property - you should only have the one correct choice of what to fill it with if you loaded the mod with SexLab.esm checked.

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i got one error left, of all the errors at the begin.

it says the argument position is not specified but required. 

i think thats crazy as a solo animation has only one posible position though. Do you know how to do this?


To do a solo animation you only need a single line of code, QuickStart().

Scriptname Sacrifice_adult extends ObjectReference  
{this is the adult script}
; this is the script
SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef
        SexLab.QuickStart(akActionRef as Actor)

You're current posted version will work to, you just need to remove the "anims = Sexlab.PickAnimationsByActors()", what you're trying to do there is more or less pointless, and wrong seeing as you aren't even giving it arguments to pick animations by, you'd have to pass it your sexActors array so it knows what to pick animations for. But this is pointless because it's just going to default to selecting the default solo animations, which SexLab does automatically if you  pass it no animations to begin with.



And make sure you're actually filling th e SexLabFramework property - you should only have the one correct choice of what to fill it with if you loaded the mod with SexLab.esm checked.


Well i thought harder than it would have to be LOL.

Thanks ashal.

didnt kew sexlab would be that smart (im sorry)

G^*&%(*& ugh.. probalby im jsut dumb or papyrus is made to make everybody angry.

got his script right now:



ScriptName MolagSleep extends ObjectReference 

Message Property MolagQuestionSleep  Auto  

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto

int button 

function MolagMasturbate(actor Gotcha)
     actor[] sexActors = new actor[1]
     sexActors[0] = Gotcha
     sslBaseAnimation[] anims
	 Sexlab.StartSex(sexActors, anims)

function Sleep()
 event OnsleepStop (Bool abInterupted) 
 if abInterupted 
     Debug.Notification("You have decide to cancel your sleep")
	 button = MolagQuestionSleep.show() 
	   if button == 1
	     Debug.Notification("You're wake-up is caused by arousal")
		 MolagMasturbate(Gotcha as actor)        ; start solo time
	   if button == 0
         Debug.Notification("you're wake-up is caused by something else")

Debug.Notification("You wake up fully rested and well")
Debug.MessageBox("You're arousal level has raised because of naughty dreams")
MolagMasturbate(Gotcha as actor)






the compiler complains a lot if i use the quicksex command and if i use the expanded version it cries akActionRef is undefinded.

if i use like onactivate its not a problem as you like note OnActivate(objectreference akActionref) 

but here i use OnSleepStop so... objectreference akActionRef doesnt work here. is there another thng here to define akaActionRef or something (without masturbate the script works 100% fine(in the compiler atleast) )

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