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Installed this on a clean save, but didn't start a new game. ( I started a completely new playthrough just about a week ago, and don't want to start from scratch just yet.)
I also experienced some issues with the MCM being unresponsive.

Gave another go at installing the mod, also on a clean save. I went to Breezehome, and waited until I got the popup that the new MCM was in place. Then I deactivated the mod in the MCM, and saved. Reloaded, activated the mod, saved again. Reloaded, yet again, and now things seem to be working smoothly.
Although, when I go to the Fame page, the stats aren't displayed correctly. But when I select another hold, and then go back to the previous one, it seems to be updating properly. 
It doesn't seem to detect automatically that I am thane of Whiterun though. (Not sure if it's supposed to.)

Anyway, it's a great mod, and I'm sure it works better on a new game. 

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The fame component seems to be acting up quite a bit then. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't start properly, or malfunctioned somewhere.


If anyone has Debug Notifications enabled, do you get periodic notifications about SLSF? It should look something like:

PW: Fame: received [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] from SLSF

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I play the LE version:
I'm breaking the rules when I start a threesome in forced (collar) mode because sexlab unequips all Items.  The ZBF metal yoke is not counting as collar. And there are no threesome animations when the female is wearing a yoke.

And none of the services (threesome, dog, normal dialogue) gets counted for the quest. I'm in enforced mode but the quest counter doesn't change.

The only way to end the quest is to buy myself free.

Edited by xyzxyz
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5 hours ago, Visio Diaboli said:

The fame component seems to be acting up quite a bit then. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't start properly, or malfunctioned somewhere.


If anyone has Debug Notifications enabled, do you get periodic notifications about SLSF? It should look something like:

PW: Fame: received [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] from SLSF

yeah, I turned it on for a bit, I got that message and eligibility status. But, it reads faster than the notifications appear so it's hard to pinpoint anything.

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4 hours ago, Someone92 said:

Anyone has gotten the 3-some approach to work yet?

For me the initial client loses interest, the second client keeps running after me, and afterwards I can never select the third partner again as there is still one following me.

Yes, I've had the event trigger multiple times without issue.

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5 hours ago, xyzxyz said:

I play the LE version:
I'm breaking the rules when I start a threesome in forced (collar) mode because sexlab unequips all Items.  The ZBF metal yoke is not counting as collar. And there are no threesome animations when the female is wearing a yoke.

And none of the services (threesome, dog, normal dialogue) gets counted for the quest. I'm in enforced mode but the quest counter doesn't change.

The only way to end the quest is to buy myself free.

There is a tab in Sexlab mcm to keep certain clothing slots from being unequipped. It tells you which items you are wearing and the slot they occupy, you have to change that. Otherwise you need Devious devices.


Also, the counter updates for threesome and normal approaches, I can see it change in the top left screen. It just doesn't show progress in the quest journal. The dog also does not count toward progress for me. Threesome counted twice, as it should.

Edited by drunken toad
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1 hour ago, drunken toad said:

Also, the counter updates for threesome and normal approaches, I can see it change in the top left screen. It just doesn't show progress in the quest journal. The dog also does not count toward progress for me. Threesome counted twice, as it should.

I tried all sex options but none counted towards the quest.

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Put a couple hours in today, here's where bugfixes are at (all started in TODO, moved to appropriate category as they were addressed). If an issue could not be fixed/reproduced, I'll require more details about the setup it was experienced in, and the steps to reproduce it, if I'm going to consider looking at it again.


-Threesome requester should follow player to avoid disappearing
-Bandit quest doesn't play nice with enforced mode
-Player should be added to blackblood marauders in addition to bandit ally for bandit quest
-Sadistic clients still stealing items, still no way to get them back
-Alternative sex trigger should be added to third in threesome, in case requester can't be spoken to properly
-Bandit quest, threesome quest should end when duty does
-Actor manager needs a reliability upgrade
-Confiscated items in bandit quest are not returned (potential solution, need to test)
-Whiterun start Belethor bug
-Whiterun start Farengar bug
-PrintQuota shows 0

-Returned items marked stolen
-Hero fame displaying incorrectly, not making me eligible
-Successful intimidation in HF eligibility branch just continues dialogue
-Debuffs only active during sex
-Quest log is not being cleared on duty end

-ZaZ items stripped by SexLab -> not sure how to prevent that
-Torturer whip dealing damage -> the package used does not allow strikes to do damage
-Check ZaP ankle shackle textures -> could not reproduce
-Thane status not tracking -> could not reproduce

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5 hours ago, Visio Diaboli said:

Put a couple hours in today, here's where bugfixes are at (all started in TODO, moved to appropriate category as they were addressed). If an issue could not be fixed/reproduced, I'll require more details about the setup it was experienced in, and the steps to reproduce it, if I'm going to consider looking at it again.


-Threesome requester should follow player to avoid disappearing
-Bandit quest doesn't play nice with enforced mode
-Player should be added to blackblood marauders in addition to bandit ally for bandit quest
-Sadistic clients still stealing items, still no way to get them back
-Alternative sex trigger should be added to third in threesome, in case requester can't be spoken to properly
-Bandit quest, threesome quest should end when duty does
-Actor manager needs a reliability upgrade
-Confiscated items in bandit quest are not returned (potential solution, need to test)
-Whiterun start Belethor bug
-Whiterun start Farengar bug
-PrintQuota shows 0

-Returned items marked stolen
-Hero fame displaying incorrectly, not making me eligible
-Successful intimidation in HF eligibility branch just continues dialogue
-Debuffs only active during sex
-Quest log is not being cleared on duty end

-ZaZ items stripped by SexLab -> not sure how to prevent that
-Torturer whip dealing damage -> the package used does not allow strikes to do damage
-Check ZaP ankle shackle textures -> could not reproduce
-Thane status not tracking -> could not reproduce

a big list.  i miss the "no approacher found" problem

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19 hours ago, Visio Diaboli said:

-ZaZ items stripped by SexLab -> not sure how to prevent that


you could try to exclude items with "SexlabNoStrip" or have the ZazKeyword. 
otherwise sexlab just treats them as normal clothing on some random slot. 


19 hours ago, Visio Diaboli said:

-Torturer whip dealing damage -> the package used does not allow strikes to do damage


you could increase the HP of the Player to 100000 for the duration of the whipping or set Debug.Godmode(true)



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I just installed the new Version of the mod and i`m a little bit confused about one thing:

I don`t know if it`s a bug or just me mishandling/misunderstanding the settings, but some clients (roughly 50% I would guess, this morning) only pay half the amount of gold.

I know there is a chance that they won`t pay at all but I don`t see anything in the settings that`s supposed to hold back half the money.


Also I have to say I only played 2 or 3 hours with the older version of the mod and i didn`t pay attention, maybe I oversaw it if it happened there, but I don`t believe so.


Can someone help me out and tell me if it`s supposed to be that way?


Another question for the users of this mod:


Do you use other mods that make public sex a crime when you play pw?

It is really annoying how much bounty I collect with such settings, but without I think it`s just f...cking around without sense,

Or is it better to uncheck "player can offer sex" for better experience?



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20 minutes ago, rhylo said:

Do you use other mods that make public sex a crime when you play pw?

It is really annoying how much bounty I collect with such settings, but without I think it`s just f...cking around without sense,

Or is it better to uncheck "player can offer sex" for better experience?


that requires user input to configure MCM settings of those mods to work with your general setup.

Most mods to not care for what other mods do or consider it even.


Other than that you have to see if you can circumvent getting caugth. for example with Sexlab Adventures (I guess u use that one) you can set "only guards report" and then just find a spot for sex where there are no guards around. 

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3 hours ago, shiagwen said:

a big list.  i miss the "no approacher found" problem

8 hours ago, Visio Diaboli said:

-Actor manager needs a reliability upgrade



38 minutes ago, rhylo said:

just installed the new Version of the mod and i`m a little bit confused about one thing:

I don`t know if it`s a bug or just me mishandling/misunderstanding the settings, but some clients (roughly 50% I would guess, this morning) only pay half the amount of gold.

I know there is a chance that they won`t pay at all but I don`t see anything in the settings that`s supposed to hold back half the money.

It does it invisibly, if the animation gets tagged as rape, with the notion that the client had to work more


1 hour ago, Nymra said:


you could try to exclude items with "SexlabNoStrip" or have the ZazKeyword. 
otherwise sexlab just treats them as normal clothing on some random slot. 



you could increase the HP of the Player to 100000 for the duration of the whipping or set Debug.Godmode(true)

Well to elaborate on those, the first one is the pre-sex stripping that SexLab does by itself, so I think anything done by PW would be an overreach of responsibility. And then the whipping package actually just shouldn't be able to do damage as is. I replaced their whips with a 0-damage ZaZ crop copy to be safe but otherwise I'm gonna chalk that one up to a save or setup issue.

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7 minutes ago, Visio Diaboli said:



It does it invisibly, if the animation gets tagged as rape, with the notion that the client had to work more


Well to elaborate on those, the first one is the pre-sex stripping that SexLab does by itself, so I think anything done by PW would be an overreach of responsibility. And then the whipping package actually just shouldn't be able to do damage as is. I replaced their whips with a 0-damage ZaZ crop copy to be safe but otherwise I'm gonna chalk that one up to a save or setup issue.


users can set sexlab up to not strip those items in various ways, so yeah, nothing PW can do in that regard. 

While you CAN I think control if stripping takes place in the first place when starting the thread IIRC... then you could just not allow SL to strip and do it via PW. But its been a while.


whipping is so weird. I dont get damage from it in my mod, but some enemies have poison attacks that then still do damage... sigh. 

Also I think some combat mods just outright ignore what weapons do in damage, they just count on hit events I think and then do their stuff. 

Its impossible to cover it all probably

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On 12/22/2021 at 12:51 PM, drm62 said:
  • I dont get my Items back after Defeated, sold to SS++, PW, and fulfilling the quota.
  • Somehow I get my items back after the Public Rape punishment (and while still not done with the quota), but everything is marked as "stolen", which is pretty annoying. Also i have my old Gold in that case, which i could use to immidiately buy my freedom (i use Gold as Quota), otherwise it gets stolen in the next half-Gold-Robbery.


Good job on fixing most of the most annoying bugs :)

Are these two (not getting items back at all and getting them back right after the public rape) known bugs or something wrong with my setup?

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13 minutes ago, drm62 said:

Good job on fixing most of the most annoying bugs :)

Are these two (not getting items back at all and getting them back right after the public rape) known bugs or something wrong with my setup?

What's the timeline of events with this, you got sent in via SS++, items confiscated by PW, and then items given back after public rape (also was Public Rape started from punishment score or the debug option)?


The mod isn't supposed to return your items during enforced mode (SS++) until the end, but there's a chance the logic got jumbled somewhere because it isn't as clean as it could be.

Edited by Visio Diaboli
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Just wanted to hop in and ask that a more robust description get added. It looks like there are a lot of features that don't get disclosed unless you play the mod.


Then my suggestion that may or may not already exist: I looooove the fall from grace, but once it's over the idea of a strong-willed powerful dragonborn putting up with being a public cumdump doesn't make a ton of sense for me. I feel like I would have a difficult time telling myself a narrative where the DB goes back to that hold of their own free will.


What if there was an option to emancipate yourself, so that it could all happen again and your character can have motivation to go back?


I love the idea of the character being allowed to tell the Jarl they want to quit, at which point they're forced to fight guards in the town square in a 1 v many brawl. (Fists only of course.)


If the PC loses they're gang-raped by the guards while being humiliated verbally as well. They're also set to enforced mode for some time.


If they win they're free, and pathways to becoming re-enslaved open back up. If they commit a crime in that hold, are publicly raped a few more times, start whoring themselves out within city limits, etc. Then you could have the Jarl be all "You thought yourself better than a whore?!" and the next fight to become free is made harder.

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1 hour ago, CataclysmRising said:


Then my suggestion that may or may not already exist: I looooove the fall from grace, but once it's over the idea of a strong-willed powerful dragonborn putting up with being a public cumdump doesn't make a ton of sense for me. I feel like I would have a difficult time telling myself a narrative where the DB goes back to that hold of their own free will.

Yeah, I've been trying to think of some lingering positives from becoming public whore, but alot of the stuff I think of is boring, difficult to implement, or potentially adds more conflicts.

  • Discounts
  • Free room and board
  • Housing discounts
  • Free Transportation
  • Stat boosts for collecting tattoos
  • Fans paying gold for autographs
  • Unlocked followers after being pw in the town
  • Talk to innkeepers for "whore bounties" in town

Anyway you slice it though there's going to be some suspension of disbelief around becoming public whore, but any too good to pass up deals for being public whore would be too wildly unbalanced. It's easier just to rp that your Dragonborn has a (hidden?) Cumdump, submissive, masochist, or exhibitionist fetish.

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The quota system should be revised....
Every day you get a quota (1-10) for x days. You have to report the progress every day. (9-10 am)

  punishment,if you are too late
ServiceExtension increases the number of days to work
The endless mode should work like this


My wish list


running is not allowed (i have changed the slowdown from arcadias potion from 5min to 7 days)

Home visits in the guilds or clans
-the player is rented for 1-2 days
 Tasks are cleaning,serving drinks,dancing and sex


bandit quest
-Duration should be 2-3 days

-Torture elements ,spend nights in a cage or torture device (may require a special cell)
-farewell gift handcuffs


Edited by nameless701
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6 hours ago, nameless701 said:

The quota system should be revised....
Every day you get a quota (1-10) for x days. You have to report the progress every day. (9-10 am)

  punishment,if you are too late
ServiceExtension increases the number of days to work
The endless mode should work like this


My wish list


running is not allowed (i have changed the slowdown from arcadias potion from 5min to 7 days)

Home visits in the guilds or clans
-the player is rented for 1-2 days
 Tasks are cleaning,serving drinks,dancing and sex


bandit quest
-Duration should be 2-3 days

-Torture elements ,spend nights in a cage or torture device (may require a special cell)
-farewell gift handcuffs


i hope nothing from this comes into the mod.

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15 hours ago, Visio Diaboli said:

What's the timeline of events with this, you got sent in via SS++, items confiscated by PW, and then items given back after public rape (also was Public Rape started from punishment score or the debug option)?

What happened:


I lost against some bandits and got sexually assaulted (SL Defeat).

After that they sold me into slavery (SS++) - at that time i still had my Inventory and made a Save (just to be sure).


Solitude bought me, and my inventory got cleared. I whored around for a bit, until the known bug (SL unequips the shackles, guard no like) got me in trouble. I got public raped in the winking skeever. After that event, I noticed my whole inventory was back after someone stole a stone of Barenziah from my inventory.

(I used v1.1.0 Beta from a few days ago. My equipment was marked as stolen, and item-thieves were disabled. New Version should fix these two bugs ;) ).


I reloaded the save from the Auction house (SS++) because i didnt want to deal with the lost of my (quest-)items.


After that i played a good whore and collected all the required gold to buy my freedom. I payed the last bit of money to the Thane, asked him to unshackle me, to remove the tattoo and ended the conversation. Checked my inventory and it was still completely empty (exept for the zaz shackels and a bit of extra money from the last client).


No debug options used, and i changed 2 things after the reload - made the Shackles exempt from the SL-strip and changed the item-thieve option to minvalue 350, maxvalue 300 to workaround the bug.


Thanks for your reply! If you need any further Information just ask. Greetings from germany :D

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