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Toys Poll  

868 members have voted

  1. 1. The most important feature in Toys is...

    • The toys themselves
    • Toys Effects & Buffs, incl. transformation & unique escape methods
    • Toys "Love" features... Rousing, Fondle, Denial, Oversexed, Spontaneous Orgasm
    • Animations... Bound, Blind Fall, Spontaneous Orgasm, Signing, & Other
  2. 2. When using Toys, I normally have...

    • Only Toys Framework installed
    • Toys + DD installed
    • Toys + ZAP installed
    • Toys + ZAP + DD installed

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50 minutes ago, sfeile said:

They were both installed on a new save made in the live another life prison cell that I made after getting my sexlab, slal, character looks, etc... all set up. So not straight from the beginning new, but before actually entering the game world outside of the mod's cell.

Nothing was changed between making the save and adding the toys mods.


I did not get the orgasm, so that explains why no quest advance, and that was the only word wall I had gotten to after re-trying the toy story part. I will try the mcm tests when I get a chance to get back in game and see what they say.


Ok good we can rule out an issue with the save.


Both fails seem related to animations.


If the MCM tests are not successful, they give you the Troubleshooting steps to follow.

If they run clean, then next step is to grab me a papyrus log, that covers a recreation of at least one of the two fail points. If you need info on how to get the log, its in the FAQs.

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Toys V1.1 Has Released 20210808095332_1.jpg


TlogoTiny.png What's New 


Denial / Oversexed

Thermal Toys


and more. See Change Log


About FreeCam with Voice In My Head (the Dialogue messages)...

With this release, there's lots more Dialogue that occurs during scenes, thus if FreeCam is on, you get transitions as Dialogue won't display unless FreeCam is taken off briefly. I've decided this is annoying and for this release, have set FreeCam default to OFF. You may want to make that change too (default won't kick in for existing game). The alternative if you love FreeCam more than Voice In My Head is to turn the VIMH way down (slider in MCM).


Updates from The Toys Team:

  • a new mod... HoT&WeT - SE  LE
  • Toy Story - requires updating if you have it 
  • Classic Toy Box - minor update 
  • SLaVE update - requires updating if you have it
Edited by VirginMarie
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On 8/8/2021 at 6:06 PM, VirginMarie said:

If the MCM tests are not successful, they give you the Troubleshooting steps to follow.

So I went back to a save after I had got my weapons and stuff sorted but had not yet started any of the quests. Ran both tests and they ran successfully.

I decided to try the toy story again and this time everything went through. Got the quest to go to the college then stopped by bleak falls and went to the word wall. That worked fine as well.... So I'm going to chalk it up to skyrim being skyrim.


So far I am liking this. Between a full time job, 2 year old grandbaby I babysit, and trying to forge knives as a side job, my time to play is definitely not vast. Despite the game being as old as it is and as many times as I've been through it, I just still really enjoy escaping for a bit and playing it.

I really liked the devices and some of the things about DCL. I appreciate the work that was put into it, but it just got so busy it felt like I had to play it instead of skyrim. So far, this is playing very well with skyrim instead of keeping me from playing it.


The devices (especially the bratty ones) look really cool. The things I have encountered aren't play breaking. Probably my only real complaint at this point is having to choose between equipping plugs or being able to wear my chesko bug lantern as they use the same slot.

I know you should most likely be able to change the slot number, but I can't. I don't know if you remember but some time ago you tried to help me with an outfit in OS and I just couldn't get it. Still have no clue beyond basic building to my body shape.


Looking forward to exploring this more and getting back into SLAV. Haven't played that one through since well before the change away from DD so I'm interested to see where that goes as well.


Thanks for this and your other works. I know people often jump in to tell you everything wrong, but don't often tell you when you have it right. So far, these seem right.

Edited by sfeile
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59 minutes ago, sfeile said:

I know you should most likely be able to change the slot number, but I can't. 


Thanks for this and your other works. I know people often jump in to tell you everything wrong, but don't often tell you when you have it right. So far, these seem right.


Glad you are having fun with it. Do appreciate hearing the things people like.


When you play SLaVE, since you want to play Skyrim too, it does help with that as it sends you off to many locations and uses vanilla quests. To keep it from being the single focus, I suggest you turn some of the settings down, to slow things down. The most important one is "Per Week Instead of Day" on the Encounters tab.


As for slot, I'm half expecting this to come up more now that we have the HoT&WeT mod that uses Frostfall. I have not checked but I think there could be other slot conflicts too as Frostfall is of course from the same author as your bug light. Now that said, HoT&WeT does give you an entirely different approach to lighting your way and warming at the same time (so does SLaVE), if you don't mind walking backwards into dark places. I won't spoil it if you don't know what I mean yet :P.


About slots... they became a community standard back before my time. Toys has done many things differently than DD, but what it has not done is stray from the standard for slots. There will be always conflicts with something. If I did move plugs, I'd be moving them to another slot that will conflict, and it would likely be worse. Slot assignments are in the pic below, and this, although using terminology for Toys, is identical to what other mods on LL have done. Bottom line... can't change the slot, my hands are tied, using unchangeable slot number 46  :D.



Edited by VirginMarie
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This thing seems very interesting.  cl.gif.1100454a2ebd01af14f7735217b26410.gif

I'd like to know .... this thing only applies to the Skyrim area or does it affect other parts of the game? Gray Fox Cowl, SummersetIsle, Bruma... or Enderal...?

What if I install it in the Enderal area. This works there?




Ez a dolog nagyon érdekesnek tűnik.

Arra volnék kíváncsi.... csak a Skyrim területre vonatkozik ez a dolog vagy a játék egyéb részeit is érintheti? 

Mi van, ha Enderal terülletre telepítem. Ez ott Dolgozik?

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7 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

Bottom line... can't change the slot, my hands are tied,

Oh i wasn't meaning for you to change. I was thinking more of me changing the lantern slot. But as I said, its beyond my knowledge so I will just deal with it.

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7 hours ago, Sampon said:

This thing seems very interesting.  cl.gif.1100454a2ebd01af14f7735217b26410.gif

I'd like to know .... this thing only applies to the Skyrim area or does it affect other parts of the game? Gray Fox Cowl, SummersetIsle, Bruma... or Enderal...?

What if I install it in the Enderal area. This works there?


In general, any mod that uses specifically, or modifies, Skyrim Locations or NPCs, will not work in mod added areas, or only partly work.


Toys, being a framework, does not use those things, thus I'd expect it to work 99% in those areas, but I've not tested or had feedback. The question is... does that 1% break it, or you don't even notice it? Will be the question to answer for each area.


Toys content mods are another story. If they have non-location/NPC specific mechanics and features, those will work but not their quests. For example the HoT&WeT quest is a no-go, but it's warming/wetness/overheating will work.... IF Frostfall works there (which I have no idea about), plus its toy assets will work. With SLaVE you'd have to turn off the quests, and use the skip story, then you could still have Nocturnal encounters and Love Shout, and Nocturnal will show up looking even more ghostly.


Bottom-line, Toys will be fine I think, and it has lots to offer on its own, but content mods will range from limited to useless. Same story goes for any mods on LL/Nexus, if not written specifically for the new area.

Edited by VirginMarie
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1 hour ago, VirginMarie said:

In general

Yes, yes ... of course. Obviously. My question was because the "gift box" could in principle appear anywhere and / or be purchased from anyone. I do not know. It doesn’t do what this game chapter does or doesn’t do. Just a little ... what you should do. That's why I asked.

It looked interesting and the thought stuck. If there is no spatial fit that is essential to the toy, that is a good thing. I am thinking of a store or a specific, so pre-determined place.

And what if there was a truly independent version for the experience? The movie captured a lot of seemingly independent attractions and ... really ... Huge!

I wore out the movie, I saw so much ....

The gift box is interesting. The games.

But maybe I realized ... just a comprehensive description of the many spells that can happen anywhere anywhere by chance ?!

With naked dungeons, this seems kind of a rumble ...




Igen, igen... persze. Nyilván. A kérdésem azért született mert az "ajándékdoboz" elvileg akárhol megjelenhetne és/vagy akárkitől megvásárolható lehet. Én nem tudom. Azt se, mit tesz vagy nem tesz ez a játék fejezet.  Csak azt egy kicsit... mit kellene csinálnia. Ezért kérdeztem.

Érdekesnek látszott és a gondolat megragadt. Ha nincs olyan területi illesztés ami a játékocska szempontjából nélkülözhetetlen, akkor jó dolog. Gondolok boltra vagy konkrét, tehát előre meghatározott szereplő helyre. 

És mi lenne hogyha volna egy ténylegesen független változat az élményért? A filmből megragadt a sok látszólag önálló attrakció és .. tényleg... Hatalmas!

A filmet elkoptattam, annyit láttam.... 

Az ajándékdoboz érdekes. A ...játékok. 

De talán rájöttem... csak egy átfogó jellemzés a sok varázslathoz ami véletlenszerűen akárhol megtörténhet?! 

A meztelen kazamatákkal ez valami dübörgés félének tűnik...

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On 7/10/2021 at 2:18 PM, VirginMarie said:


No worries. But don't stop reporting things if you see something that even could be connected with Toys or any of the Toys Family of Mods. Its not always easy, or even possible, to know for sure.

It is time consuming, that much is certain. And I'm chasing a lot of glitches with other mods, and unfortunately I'm not as savvy as I would like to be. Thanks again for your help. 

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For "Spontaneous Orgasm" and "Fondle Thyself" I think there needs to be a "Only when wearing Toys" check & enable/disable checkbox.


Untimely I think DD keywords need to be checked. Toys would get adopted faster if it could work better along side the established DD framework and supporting mods.

Edited by jbezorg
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1 hour ago, jbezorg said:

For "Spontaneous Orgasm" and "Fondle Thyself" I think there needs to be a "Only when wearing Toys" check & enable/disable checkbox.


You can disable them (chance set to 0). I realize that's not nearly as convenient for if you want the feature but only when wearing toys. What I'd like to understand, is why would you want this? What's the reasoning? My counter reasoning is as follows.


Spontaneous orgasm and Fondle, are both features that help manage arousal level. Spontaneous Orgasm, is there to lower arousal, instead of the only means being getting into love scenes that will lower it. Its helps with "not being stuck at 100 arousal". Since these features are about arousal, and arousal comes from sources other than toys, they are independent of the toys themselves.


You could argue that either these features don't belong in a framework that is about toys (they should be in a content mod?), or you could argue that Toys is taking a growing role in the "love scene" business. Now that Toys most recent release also does denial and oversexed, I'm going to argue the later :P, and you can expect there is maybe more coming in that department.


I'm interested to hear thoughts from anyone on this topic.


1 hour ago, jbezorg said:

Untimely I think DD keywords need to be checked. Toys would get adopted faster if it could work better along side the established DD framework and supporting mods.


Currently Toys does check for DD keywords. Its built into the API that Toys Content mods call. This is to "play nice". The checks are treating DD occupied slots as slots that cannot be touched.


Beyond that functionality that does exist, in what other ways should Toys be DD aware? What feature do you have in mind? What example of "work better along side"?

Edited by VirginMarie
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hey virginMarie, quick question, let's say I remove one mod from my mod list mid-playthrough, then I load my last save when that mod was on, and save again after the mod is removed. Clean the new save using resaver, then install mod again such that both the installation and load order of the mod is unchanged and continue playing with the cleaned new save. Would that count as breaking the golden rule of modding and corrupt my save?

Edited by FredOof
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1 hour ago, VirginMarie said:


You can disable them (chance set to 0). I realize that's not nearly as convenient for if you want the feature but only when wearing toys. What I'd like to understand, is why would you want this? What's the reasoning? My counter reasoning is as follows.


Spontaneous orgasm and Fondle, are both features that help manage arousal level. Spontaneous Orgasm, is there to lower arousal, instead of the only means being getting into love scenes that will lower it. Its helps with "not being stuck at 100 arousal". Since these features are about arousal, and arousal comes from sources other than toys, they are independent of the toys themselves.


You could argue that either these features don't belong in a framework that is about toys (they should be in a content mod?), or you could argue that Toys is taking a growing role in the "love scene" business. Now that Toys most recent release also does denial and oversexed, I'm going to argue the later :P, and you can expect there is maybe more coming in that department.


I'm interested to hear thoughts from anyone on this topic.



Currently Toys does check for DD keywords. Its built into the API that Toys Content mods call. This is to "play nice". The checks are treating DD occupied slots as slots that cannot be touched.


Beyond that functionality that does exist, in what other ways should Toys be DD aware? What feature do you have in mind? What example of "work better along side"?

The entire line of though started with "Spontaneous Orgasm" and "Fondle Thyself" triggering with DD armbinders, yokes, etc.. with an animation that ignores the presence of the device.

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45 minutes ago, FredOof said:

hey virginMarie, quick question, let's say I remove one mod from my mod list mid-playthrough, then I load my last save when that mod was on, and save again after the mod is removed. Clean the new save using resaver, then install mod again such that both the installation and load order of the mod is unchanged and continue playing with the cleaned new save. Would that count as breaking the golden rule of modding and corrupt my save?


Yes you have broken the golden rule in that scenario. The save is now corrupt. It will just take longer for symptoms to show up because you "cleaned it". The problem is, there is no such thing as safe cleaning of a save. You mention the resaver tool... just scroll down on that main page (linked) and read what the author of the tool says under "Excerpt from a conversation on the subject of whether cleaning savefiles actually works:".  The author of that very tool, says the same.

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16 minutes ago, jbezorg said:

The entire line of though started with "Spontaneous Orgasm" and "Fondle Thyself" triggering with DD armbinders, yokes, etc.. with an animation that ignores the presence of the device.


Which entire line? But no matter, I agree.


I do have that on my wish list. It looks dumb when "Spontaneous Orgasm" and "Fondle Thyself" play when DD armbinders/yokes are present, and do plan to improve that.

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1 hour ago, VirginMarie said:


Yes you have broken the golden rule in that scenario. The save is now corrupt. It will just take longer for symptoms to show up because you "cleaned it". The problem is, there is no such thing as safe cleaning of a save. You mention the resaver tool... just scroll down on that main page (linked) and read what the author of the tool says under "Excerpt from a conversation on the subject of whether cleaning savefiles actually works:".  The author of that very tool, says the same.

Thank you for your reply, so even if the removed mod was reinstalled back into where it was both in installation and load order, the save would still be corrupted correct?

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I have to admit that I found one huge disappointment in the mod so far. Toy story isn't finished!! It is looking so good so far and then just stops. What are you waiting for madam?????


Just kidding of course, but I am anxious to see where it goes.

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29 minutes ago, FredOof said:

Thank you for your reply, so even if the removed mod was reinstalled back into where it was both in installation and load order, the save would still be corrupted correct?


Yes, but only if the you did a "cleaning" as in your previous description.


If you do no cleaning the save will be fine... this exactly how you upgrade a mod, either by uninstall/reinstall, or overwrite. Most often you will see for Toys and other Toys Team mods, that upgrading is fine.


When instructions say you DO need new game to upgrade, this is for changes in the mod itself, not for sake of load order/golden rule.


Uninstall/reinstall is better than overwrite, because in some cases files need to be removed that are not getting replaced, but other than that minor detail, the result is the same, and it does not break the golden rule.

Edited by VirginMarie
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21 minutes ago, sfeile said:

I have to admit that I found one huge disappointment in the mod so far. Toy story isn't finished!! It is looking so good so far and then just stops. What are you waiting for madam?????


Just kidding of course, but I am anxious to see where it goes.


Originally the goal was to complete Toy Story at the same time as Toys, but priorities changed when we decided to bring it all over to SE long before exiting beta. Delivering for both LE and SE added much time, but it's worth it because it clear now that 2/3rds of our users are on SE. So Toy Story took a back seat to finishing Toys and bringing SLaVE to Toys and SE. Then we decided that some attention to love scenes (denial/oversexed) in Toys was important, along with more toys, so HoT&WeT got priority. 


Next up... 1) refinements/bug fixes for what was just released 2) take SLaVE out of Beta, then finally 3) Finish Toy Story

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24 minutes ago, VirginMarie said:


Yes, but only if the you did a "cleaning" as in your previous description.


If you do no cleaning the save will be fine... this exactly how you upgrade a mod, either by uninstall/reinstall, or overwrite. Most often you will see for Toys and other Toys Team mods, that upgrading is fine.


When instructions say you DO need new game to upgrade, this is for changes in the mod itself, not for sake of load order/golden rule.


Uninstall/reinstall is better than overwrite, because in some cases files need to be removed that are not getting replaced, but other than that minor detail, the result is the same, and it does not break the golden rule.

Again thanks for replying, I am asking because after upgrading the sexlab framework in my current save, the battle fuck! Mod that I used stopped working, and the only way that I found for it to start working again is to uninstall - clean save - reinstall. 

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15 minutes ago, FredOof said:

Again thanks for replying, I am asking because after upgrading the sexlab framework in my current save, the battle fuck! Mod that I used stopped working, and the only way that I found for it to start working again is to uninstall - clean save - reinstall. 


Sexlab's latest beta has no clear instructions on upgrading, far as I know, but I'd not upgrade any framework that has not had attention for years till finally now, without starting a new game. A cleaning save tool WILL have that effect, its a temporary relief, but your save is corrupt, and symptoms will creep in eventually, its just a question of time. The Resaver author tells you that.


Just the fact that you had to do the cleaning, to get it to work, tells you it needs a new game.

Edited by VirginMarie
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