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Cyberpunk 2077 Mod Creation Thread

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On 9/29/2022 at 12:21 AM, Spiritseer said:


I wouldn't trust those documents because they're put together to manipulate data for the benefit of investors, i.e. they might not count staff currently training on Unreal Engine as being part of any specific team or studios onboarding that don't have a project as part of this. This is incredibly common; feel free to google this, or honestly and more broadly, statistical manipulation. It's why you can jokingly say that, statistically, one in 5 every children born is Asian because it's statistically true, but wouldn't be the case in the vast majority of individual places in the world. Regardless, I don't know why it matters. I'm zero problems saying I was wrong about them mostly working on other projects, it's completely irrevelant to any of the points being made at hand regardless.



I'm not a hater, way to be ironically hateful though, lmao. Edgerunners was fantastic, the unfortunate part was that it's the only reason people went back to Cyberpunk.. instead of because Cyberpunk drew them in. They wanted to relive the anime. Sadly, the anime does a better job of capturing the setting, as I said.

Yeah, okay, go ahead and link that big d, because it'd be all over the news not just the leaker community, and I haven't heard shit about it. I don't think you understand what that would entail. Even porting Unreal Engine 4 games to 5 is a huge pain in the ass, straight from the mouth of developers, that many have given up and will instead simply start fresh with Unreal 5 next time.




Read above, I guess. I'll admit I was wrong that the majority of them are currently working on Witcher 4, but what I was getting at is that once Phantom Liberty is done, it's going to be all hands on deck for Witcher 4, which is why they bothered announcing it at all in the first place instead of any other project. It's what CDPR is known for, it's continuing that legacy by being the 4th instead of a different name, so the idea that any substantial amount of staff will be left on Cyberpunk after the xpac they literally said would be it is silly. They also said the xpac would be their last project on redengine, and I'm like 99.9% they ain't porting Cyberpunk to Unreal Engine lmao.


I think you guys need to step out of your basement churches and get some sunlight. The sole point I'm making is that you guys are literally trying to compare Cyberpunk's modding scene to Skyrim or others while missing a lot of key points. For instance, even now, Cyberpunk's mod count may be high but most of it is junk compared to, say, games with smaller communities that have far more high quality mods/content, or mega-mod games like Skyrim that have a massive variety of high-quality mods at every level.


Cyberpunk just isn't there and just doesn't have much of a game foundation to support it well. There are a ton of rough problems to handle too like the lack of third person that might get in the way of certain experiences.


The modding community is also somewhat finite and most modders stick to games they play/enjoy and games where their mods will be appreciated. With Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield releasing sometime soon, as well as Avowed, GT6, Fable, and Witcher 4 eventually, I just have a hard time seeing people continue to struggle modding Cyberpunk when there will be bigger, more popular, and easier to mod games.


Like, some of the best mods for Cyberpunk 2077 right now are kind of pathetic in scope.


I hope I'm wrong, but the modding scene so far has been lukewarm as hell and modders apparently aren't all that estatic about redmod from what I'm hearing, so those of you trying to claim it's poised to be the next Skyrim are, as I said, just flatly delusional.

Elder Scrolls 6 isn't releasing "sometime soon". It's years and years away. 

The modding scene has been impressive as of late for CP2077. Likely due to the excellent anime and the game simply being in a much better shape compared to over a year ago. I obviously don't know if it will continue but so far, so good. The future is looking much better for CP77.

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On 10/2/2022 at 3:49 AM, fishburger67 said:

Who gives a flying fuck about your opinions concerning the game engine quality?  And, do you have access to the source so you can offer a qualified opinion?


Cyberpunk is a blast to play.  THAT is all that matters.

Agreed. Too many unqualified opinions simply don't know what they are talking about. Entitled to their opinions of course.

I rarely experience any problems playing it anymore. Far better than many other engines I've played on and one of the most beautiful games atm. Shame it had a janky start.

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12 hours ago, MilfSimmer said:

The anime is a recycled version of a previous movie the same creators did before, they just changed few things and copy pasted them in the Cyberpunk story.

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Have you even seen Promare or are you going off the strange coincidence that Studio Trigger art looks like Studio Trigger art? 

Give me a synopsis of the movie and explain how it maps onto Edgerunners, ‘cos I can’t see it and I’ve watched Promare a couple of times since it came out and I don’t see it.

The stories are nothing alike… and the green-haired person? That’s a dude. Those characters from Promare aren’t romantically involved, nor a mirror of David and Lucy in any sense.


sounds like uninformed conspiracy bullshit to me.

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On 10/2/2022 at 12:10 PM, libertyordeath said:

I give a fuck, and that's enough for me fanboy.  As for my "qualifications": 30 years programming experience, sucker. But anyways, sounds like hit a nerve and hurt your feefees. Sorry about that.


And now that we're done comparing dicksizes, let's take a closer look at your "Wah, you don't have sourcecode, so you don't know anything" argument. After all you keep repeating this over and over throughout this topic. Anytime someone doubts the engine's capabilities, your only argument is "you don't have sourcecode". And the reason you keep spamming this over and over is, because you think it's a bulletproof argument.


In reality it shows how little you know about development or testing. Here, lemme break it down in terms a child can understand:


A ? B ? C = X


Now if you paid attention in maths class, then you know if know enough parts in the above formula, then you can calculate the missing pieces. In this case we have all the variables and the result, but the operators (marked as ?) are missing.


How do we know A, B and C? Simple: They're system parameters (like monitor refreshrate), or documented settings in configfiles.


How do we know X (the result)? Reproducable measurements! En masse: System ressource monitors (like drive access, ram, etc), and we can even attach debuggers to the game at see exactly what it's spending time on at any given moment.


Therefore we know all the values and the result, so we can compute what the operators (which represent how the engine works) must look like. 


In this case, when a game is highly framesynced like an 80's arcade game, then it's very easy to test and verify this. After all we literarily just need to keep raising the refreshrate and see the engine going nuts in our debugger, by spending time on things like streaming, that should have nothing to do with framerate.


You're welcome. I'm not gonna charge for teaching development 101 this one time.


You missed the "How to make friends and influence people" class in your education. 


You have nothing on me concerning software development.  I have done it for the biggest software companies in the world.  The credit card you are using is processed by software I wrote.  If you use any of the big three database managers, my compiler code handles your queries.    My software is still powering deep water robots even 20 years later.


Finally, you missed the biggest thing.


Cyberpunk is a blast to play.  THAT is all that matters. 


I don't care how fucked up the code or engine is or isn't.   You ever took the time to go back and look at the code you wrote 30 years ago?  I personally am embarrassed at some of the shit I wrote 30 years ago.  But, even fucked up and 30 years old, it works and still is used 30 years on.



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On 10/2/2022 at 11:39 PM, Xaleya said:

Funnily you didn't researched well...

Because "Trigger's incredibly bleak take on the setting" was reusing "CDPR's writting", they reused what was supposed to be the original story of the game, before Keanu wanting more screen time. CDPR was very hesistant that Trigger wanted to add new characters (Rebecca) and if you see the anime properly, Rebecca sometimes seems a bit lackluster, while she's a great character, she didn't had enough screentime to develop itself... The original story wasn't meant to have Smasher as final boss, but some "force" preventing you from reaching your path, perse escaping from him rather than fighting (Like Vader from Fallen Order)... Basically the Plaza Heist was meant to be the "beginning of the end" rather than the beginning we got. It's all known at this point that we didn't got the original script for the game, and that's what Trigger used for it.

Even David's design was taken from the original V's Concept art / alpha designs, which had the exact same outfit and looked more like Miles Morales

A vague idea of a player character joining a tabletop party of different people with different skillsets and going on missions together only to eventually fail isn't "writing an anime" it's just how every single tabletop game plays out eventually. If you've played the tabletop you know Smasher shows up in literally everyone's game.


If you think the character design came from CDPR and not Trigger then you should their other shows as Trigger re-use their character designs over and over and over in their works. David in Cyberpunk isn't new he's the 4th iteration of Kamina. His design history started with Kamina in Gurren Lagann (when Trigger's staff were called Gainax), Tenga in Kiznaiver, Galo in Promare. Heck, Cyberpunk's relationship is basically "what if we made Lio from Promare into a woman and then they fucked?" which fanartists very much picked up on.

CDPR gave it to Trigger with a very rough idea and what got made is extremely obviously almost entirely Trigger's work. It is a Trigger show with Trigger's writing and Trigger's animation and absolutely all the hallmarks of Trigger, it even ends up in fucking space which is literally a Trigger meme. Just about the only difference between this work and any of their other works is that there is absolutely no attempt to challenge the status quo, no attempt to change society, it is just the bleak outcome of someone whose entire life is controlled by Night City instead of by themselves, and it comes to the same logical outcome that comes to everyone in Night City.

This is all painfully obvious stuff to anyone that's actually watched Trigger's other shows. I recommend you do.


Not sure what to make of the comment about Rebecca being "underdeveloped" like every single character in every single show needs to be gone into in immense and completely unnecessary detail diverting away from the actual story being told. This is an aspect of TV Series writing that does not and should not exist in good story writing, the story is about David. Rebecca exists as a narrative tool to make scenes get the fuck on with it when they otherwise would have lagged, her job is to be Doom Slayer in a scene where every other character would stand around gawping or being emotional so that scenes don't unnecessarily drag on for completely unnecessary and annoying lengths of time. Do you complain that Doom Slayer is underdeveloped? Nah. It is the way it is in order to get the fuck on with it and everyone understands that "developing" his character would be detrimental rather than beneficial, same thing with Rebecca. She's a gremlin, that's it, that's all you need, she's the human equivalent of a literary device.

Trigger's shtick is not being verbose, unlike my forum post writing. Luluco's episodes are 5 minutes long with stories that would typically be 24 minute episodes. Trigger have got trimming the fat down to an art form. It's their thing.

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5 hours ago, Alexi-0 said:

CDPR gave it to Trigger with a very rough idea and what got made is extremely obviously almost entirely Trigger's work. It is a Trigger show with Trigger's writing...


Incorrect. It was CDPR's script. The showrunner Rafal Jaki and his team at CDPR wrote it and sent it to Trigger. Trigger had suggestions and their own ideas. Rebecca for example is completely Trigger's idea. But the writing and script otherwise is Rafal Jaki and his people at CDPR.


If you actually are interested in the show' creation process, you can listen to his interview here:



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1 hour ago, JoeMesh said:

Jesus I've seen threads closed for less than this one. This is a clusterfuck.


Agreed, the literal title of this thread is, "...mod creation...," and yet we're being inundated with theories, conjectures and STRONG opinions aplenty. I don't want the thread locked but I would like a moderator to clean up this mess and put some people in "time out in the corner" so that we can get back to the whole point of this thread. It's going to suck balls if in the future, when people post mods, we will have to wade through page after page after page after... just to find 'content'. 

Edited by Demonwise
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On 10/3/2022 at 6:10 AM, libertyordeath said:

I give a fuck, and that's enough for me fanboy.  As for my "qualifications": 30 years programming experience, sucker. But anyways, sounds like hit a nerve and hurt your feefees. Sorry about that.


And now that we're done comparing dicksizes, let's take a closer look at your "Wah, you don't have sourcecode, so you don't know anything" argument. After all you keep repeating this over and over throughout this topic. Anytime someone doubts the engine's capabilities, your only argument is "you don't have sourcecode". And the reason you keep spamming this over and over is, because you think it's a bulletproof argument.


In reality it shows how little you know about development or testing. Here, lemme break it down in terms a child can understand:


A ? B ? C = X


Now if you paid attention in maths class, then you know if know enough parts in the above formula, then you can calculate the missing pieces. In this case we have all the variables and the result, but the operators (marked as ?) are missing.


How do we know A, B and C? Simple: They're system parameters (like monitor refreshrate), or documented settings in configfiles.


How do we know X (the result)? Reproducable measurements! En masse: System ressource monitors (like drive access, ram, etc), and we can even attach debuggers to the game at see exactly what it's spending time on at any given moment.


Therefore we know all the values and the result, so we can compute what the operators (which represent how the engine works) must look like. 


In this case, when a game is highly framesynced like an 80's arcade game, then it's very easy to test and verify this. After all we literarily just need to keep raising the refreshrate and see the engine going nuts in our debugger, by spending time on things like streaming, that should have nothing to do with framerate.


You're welcome. I'm not gonna charge for teaching development 101 this one time.


can u please not share your opinion with the rest of us, software development is influence by money period, idk has 30 or 50 years in software development taught u nothing... the game pretty much when overbudget which explains why it has to move to consoles, but release game was pretty good as i enjoyed the production value u might differ but really who cares everyone has different taste, game is immersive enough storywise ofc there are problems but this is partly due to having to try tailor the game to even weak hardwares as anyone with half a brain can see, so refrain from sharing your 2 cents which means really nothing in a pure business world i.e. money decides everything!!!!



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3 hours ago, MintBerryCrunch! said:


Incorrect. It was CDPR's script. The showrunner Rafal Jaki and his team at CDPR wrote it and sent it to Trigger. Trigger had suggestions and their own ideas. Rebecca for example is completely Trigger's idea. But the writing and script otherwise is Rafal Jaki and his people at CDPR.


If you actually are interested in the show' creation process, you can listen to his interview here:



I really think you should rewatch the video that you just linked.

You should watch 1:00:20 where he admits that Trigger were insanely difficult to work with and "creatively opinionated", if you read between the lines at this point and have worked in any creative company ever you would understand what this means. He's saying "Yeah they basically gave us tonnes of shit for our work being trash and did it themselves".

But we don't even have to read between the lines. Rewatch 1:04:00 to 1:09:00 where he literally says that they produced a script and Trigger told them it was trash, 4 times, until they gave up entirely and gave it to them (in his words) to "rewrite, 100%". He then goes on to talk about just how much the two clashed over how everything should look and be and how super opinionated and creatively assertive they were.

Risking mod wrath here. I don't really want to but I just completely in good-faith think you might have forgotten that they say pretty much what I said - they gave a story outline to Trigger in the end and Trigger turned that story outline into an anime, they clashed in every single way otherwise and all the script writing was completely redone by Trigger because CDPR have no idea about animation. They made the right decisions by simply trusting Trigger, because they know exactly what they're doing.

orry mods, exiting the thread until I've got actual mods to post.

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On 10/8/2022 at 10:07 PM, Algene said:

Not to be some contrarian, but wasn't this one of the animations on the game that was cut?

Really? I did not know that. Since they mentioned custom animation

 I thought  it was made by them. Thanks for the correction


Then let's keep on waiting to see if someone can make the first new animation (lewd or not) for the game

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On 10/2/2022 at 3:39 PM, Xaleya said:

Funnily you didn't researched well...

Because "Trigger's incredibly bleak take on the setting" was reusing "CDPR's writting", they reused what was supposed to be the original story of the game, before Keanu wanting more screen time. CDPR was very hesistant that Trigger wanted to add new characters (Rebecca) and if you see the anime properly, Rebecca sometimes seems a bit lackluster, while she's a great character, she didn't had enough screentime to develop itself... The original story wasn't meant to have Smasher as final boss, but some "force" preventing you from reaching your path, perse escaping from him rather than fighting (Like Vader from Fallen Order)... Basically the Plaza Heist was meant to be the "beginning of the end" rather than the beginning we got. It's all known at this point that we didn't got the original script for the game, and that's what Trigger used for it.

Even David's design was taken from the original V's Concept art / alpha designs, which had the exact same outfit and looked more like Miles Morales


Even more funnily, it seems like YOU didn't research well. CDPR wasn't "very hesitant" about trigging wanting to add new characters, they specifically said (publicaly) that they just don't want Trigger to add anything to the script but IMMEDIATELY okayed Rebecca the moment they saw her artwork. Nothing else, just her character designs... straight from CDPR themselves. The entire series is 10 episode, which is pretty darn short. Even "major" characters don't get all that much screen time in the grand sceme of things. David is probably the only one you could realistically call a main character traditionally, as even Lucy is kind of shoved in there hard to check boxes (love interesting, plot motivation, arasaka worldbuilding, etc, netrunner/broken net worldbuilding).


As for the rest, yes, it's true, but your point about Trigger's incredibly "bleak" take is moot. This isn't a take, this is how the actual setting was supposed to be like. CDPR is the one that coward'ed out of portraying it realistically and really toned down the apathetic sexuality and cheapness of life. We're talking Warhammer 40k hive city levels of dystopia, where you're "happy" to work 80 hours min in a job that will probably kill you just so you can live in a tiny box with your family in a single city that has a higher population than all of earth right now.


That kind of dystopia. A lot went wrong with Cyberpunk 2077, but that's a different argument from the anime. There are a lot of characters people were confused about not seeing, like morgan blackhand, and though I frankly felt the main story was pretty good, the game overall really shied hard from many of the moral whorlpools that make Cyberpunk so interesting. When they do touch them, they make them either black and white or one color with a light splatter of the other...


Very few (of the real side) quests have moral implications that go beyond the quest, and few of them really fit night city. Generally speaking, trying to make something better in night city usually just makes it a whole lot worst.


Remember that perv scroller? An actual cyberpunk game would have nudged you into killing those monsters, only to remove kids from spawning as often in the street and bombard you for the rest of the game how their biggest competitor now got all their business and is snatching up kiddies to torture and rape on demand since maelstrome is now protecting him because you killed the 'sane' guy and they shrugged.


THAT is what the setting is like.



On 10/3/2022 at 8:06 PM, Keldin said:

So like we actually got any Adult Mods going in here with C77 aside from circle jerks


I meant I pointed it out already, lol... the toolkit really ain't do much to open up the modding world outside of given a bit more leeway. A lot of the current mods don't need it, a few have swapped to it for shits and giggles, and many others are meh about it since it requires installing redmod and we already have pretty established ways of installing mods and their reqs.


The NSFW mods "we have" are the ones that have been out there for a while already. Billboards, nude patches, and better bodies, and that's about it.

Edited by Spiritseer
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13 hours ago, Spiritseer said:

I meant I pointed it out already, lol... the toolkit really ain't do much to open up the modding world outside of given a bit more leeway.

Their tool kit is really powerful.  Way more so than what we have with Beth.  However, it is completely undocumented and will require skill programmers to go beyond the replacements that dominate the Nexus today.

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20 hours ago, darthnoldor said:

 Hi Chummer :D

can someone point me to a guide for installing mods for Cyberpunk 2077 in order to improve it, even with nude / sex mods but not only, such as those I found here for Skyrim?
Thanks a lot and kiss ? 

Read the mod page.  It is usually just putting it in the .../mod or .../mods folder.  If you are using a redmod mod, follow their instructions.

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On 10/3/2022 at 8:06 PM, Keldin said:

So like we actually got any Adult Mods going in here with C77 aside from circle jerks

There is something like it in Cyberscript where you can work for the Mox and get a repeatable prostitution quest. It's kind of annoying though, you have to walk up to the bouncer and grab the quest in your journal. Then you take a randomly spawned client to a random location, which should be their job. There's also no scene, just text and panting and blackscreen. I remember looking through their discord and one of the devs said it'd be easy to trigger a cutscene, however it has yet to be added. Link to github as they've hidden it on nexus to release again around halloween. Probably wouldn't bother grabbing it now for the prostitution mod, but there are others (non-adult) in it that you might like + might want to learn to use it now since it's kind of a hassle. Discord link is somewhere on the bottom right https://github.com/cyberscript77/wiki

Edited by jei991
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