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32 minutes ago, JBpy said:

Ouch, now I see on the YPS page that there is a vendor on Solitude .

There's a vendor upstairs in Arcadias. I wouldn't expect you to go to solitude every day for lipstick. That would be madness. Though the one in solitude is the only one that'll do piercings for you for some reason. 


35 minutes ago, JBpy said:

Father has given me the money to buy those makeup. Since he was hungry, I talked to give him the food before going out to shop. But from each dialogue I had 7 points subtracted for not having the lipstick that he had just requested (Father? Do you want something to eat? Father? About your food. Here's your food). In seconds I finished with -57 points lol.

Yes. I've now capped favour loss max to -5/-10. He's dead serious about that lipstick ;)


But the whole massive favour loss is to place much more importance on the apology/ punishment mechanic. I've no idea if its balanced as I haven't truly played it yet but the idea is that punishments will push your 'lewd boundaries' out more/faster so that you can recover that favour. I pulled 80% recovery out of my ass. I'm sure it'll be a slider in the end so you can set it to whatever you want. 

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Hello, I wanted to try this mod but I'm getting some troubles if anyone knows what can cause that I'd be grateful !

I'll give all information I can to help you out :)


To start:

- LE Edition and all Vanilla DLCs

- I have all download requirements (ZaZ 8.0+, Alternate Start (+Death Alt), Amputator Framework 0.7, SDenhanced+ (SDPlus20210131 + SDResources20201225), Simple Slavery Plus Plus 6.3.3 (not last which is 6.3.10, will DL soon/later), Display Model v206, SD Cages 361 (last is 381), Devious Devices 5.1, SkyUI 5.1, Beeing Females 

- I disabled many plugins to see if there is conflicts (for instance Laura's Bondage Shop, I don't know if there is compatibility issues but seeing that house cell close to the pchsHouse, I wondered)

- I have the latest version of Wartimes (20200920) installed from the Download section (I saw Monoman1 has made a Tweak version, not installed yet as the base mod seems to not working correctly)

- I made 5 same attempts in order to get the same route in a new game



Judging by the flow chart provided, it seems something is not working well or at least I am doing something wrong or not playing correctly the enslavement part from Sanguine Debauchery.

Once I give back the golds to my Father where I learn Mother is no longer there, I pass out, end up in the cellar with Father looking at me in the dark.

After the conversation ends, I get a collar and SD's quest "Enslaved" begins.

At this moment, Father just instantly disappears/teleports and go back to the living room where all furnitures are replaced by ZaZ ones.

At this point, I can only do two things:

-1: Talk to Father engaging with the "Father ?" line: From there, I can say to whip me (well this is odd, my character get stuck, animations of whipping visually not showing (this might be an issue with SD call I guess ?) but after the whipping ends (which I don't see) I get all the whips marks all over my body and can move again.

I can ask to punish me by adding devices: I always get "[SD] equipdeviceby STRING failed: Clamps" and trying to add something I don't remember right now in the _sdxx_ queue punishment.

I can engage sex, relieve devices and the last one tell "What will happen to me ?".

No matter what I choose, I don't think this progress to the next stage of the quest. Not 100% sure, maybe 95% but the sqs [quest] doesn't change. I guess I should have some changes in values right ? I can see pchsFatherRep in the flow but I don't see any. 

What should I normally have at this point ? I can use pose from Wartimes's MCM like Cooking Pot or hands behind back but I think it doesn't change a thing expect visually.


-2: Talk to Mother engaging with "Mama ?" line: First time speaking I can ask what happened to her arms (she's correctly amputated and always in the house once enslaved and leave the cellar which is empty) and after that I can just tell you what will happen to us and tell her Father do "things" with me.


Annnd that's it. I don't know what should be the correct behaviour, what went wrong, any help is appreciated ! I can move out of the house, the collar vibrates but Father still stays in the house.


One more thing: I'm not experienced with SD enslavement so when I'm trying the mod I just pass time to the following next day where my score is in negative until 3-4 days where my "Owner" (that's what Father is called) get enough and get rid of me. (Go to auction)

Should I do something to trigger or move on to the next stage ? 


Thanks for reading, I'll be glad to get some helps and even if you don't have the answer, I'd like you to tell me what am I supposed to get once I leave the cellar after enslavement. (Father teleports out ? SD+ slave starting ? Mom always in the house ?)



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So am I right that you are to use the SLS function "collet cum" to fill the empty cumtainer ? because when I do it still leaves the empty one and when i try to give one I've filled it does not show up in the pop up screen for father and he just gets pissed.

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21 minutes ago, matt66 said:

So am I right that you are to use the SLS function "collet cum" to fill the empty cumtainer ? because when I do it still leaves the empty one and when i try to give one I've filled it does not show up in the pop up screen for father and he just gets pissed.

Ah crap. Your cum potions are all missing a keyword I only added in my Dev version so far. I'm still in the middle of working on it so I can't post an update.


How good are you with TesEdit? 

If you add keyword with FormID 1179C5 named '_SLS_CumPotion' to SL Survival,esp. And then attach that keyword to all the full cum potions (not the empty one or the spent one). Then it should start working for you. 

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4 hours ago, Monoman1 said:


How good are you with TesEdit? 



Well I guess I'll find out in the next few hours lol, Thanks for the reply


Update : well did that but still did not work for me, but maybe I did something wrong

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2 hours ago, matt66 said:

when i try to give one I've filled it does not show up in the pop up screen for father and he just gets pissed.


1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

If you add keyword with FormID 1179C5 named '_SLS_CumPotion' to SL Survival,esp. And then attach that keyword to all the full cum potions (not the empty one or the spent one). Then it should start working for you.


I had the same problem and looking through the scripts to find out why it doesn't detect cumtainers I found that it is indeed looking for a keyword that doesn't exist in the latest version of SexLab Survival. Creating the _SLS_CumPotion keyword with FormID xx1179C5 and adding it to every cum potion did make the cumtainers appear in the gift menu. However, Giving father what was requested always end up with him being disappointed for some reason. Setting the variable pchsMetCumQuota to the same value of pchsRequiredCumQuota before giving him the cum seems to fix this.


Here are some other bugs I have found as well:

  • After completing Brumbar's task for the first time and going back to do it again, The pop-up to choose in what way you want to accomplish the task (take them on a walk or be the hounds bitch) won't appear when interacting with the door until the 2nd option (be their bitch) is unlocked.
  • In the western watchtower task, giving Gerald a blowjob after having offered him vaginal sex at least once will make the task not go on cooldown and will never be available again. Setting the variable pchsTaskSoldiers to -1 after the deed is done will make it go on cooldown.
  • Sometimes, I get the "I am disappointed. Why are you not complying with my request?" forcegreet even when complying with the request. For example, He will say he is disappointed the player is not wearing heels even though she is wearing heels.
  • Father will never forcegreet the player to ask her to serve him naked from now after she helped him relieve some tension using her cunnie. This is because the variable pchsPCGaveVaginal is not set to 1 after having vaginal sex with father. Setting the variable to 1 manually through console will make the forcegreet available.
  • Since version 2.5 and 2.6, it is possible to have to relieve father's tension before he first forcegreet the player to ask her to. This is because now the party task gives depravity points and for the "Girl, your Mother is gone so long already, I am getting a bit...*tense*." forcegreet to happen, depravity must be equal to 0 and Favor must be equal or greater than 20. If the party task is completed before the player has at least 20 favor and father forcegreet, it will never happen and player will have to relieve father's tension without knowing she has to (well the notification and dialogue will appear, but it's not immersive).
  • Sometimes the player's idle is changed during dialogue and is not then reset which makes the player unable to move until idle is reset (can be done manually by using the mod's "carry meal pot" or "carry drink tray" hotkey twice). This happens during the forcegreet while player is giving birth when agreeing to become father's slave wife and when asking for forgiveness.
  • Not a bug, but a pop-up debug message appears everytime sex is triggered for NPCs in the house. I think there is also one that appears when the timer to ask for forgiveness expires.


Some comments and ideas:

  • The SexLabNoStrip keyword should be added to YPS stockings.
  • Player can ask father for license from his friend at the kennel, but if she has never been to the kennel or father never talked about him, how can she know he has a friend at the kennel? A new task could be added involving the kennel which could then unlock asking for licenses.
  • During the third fashion forcegreet, father could acknowledge the player's body hair. If father has seen player naked and shaved, instead of saying "Up to now you just been letting that little bush of yours grow wild. That's going to change. From now on you'll keep it tidy, you hear me?" he could say something like "I see you've been taking care of yourself down there. This is good. Keep it that way." This forcegreet could also only happen if player had sex with father or has been seen naked in some other way.
  • As it is right now during the dog task when going in and submit, the same thing will always happen. The first two dogs will mount the player (implied vaginal) and then the last one will go for the butthole (implied anal). Maybe after the first time, the player could actually choose how she wants to please the dogs. Animations should also be correctly filtered for the appropriate act (it is not the case right now, same thing for the horse task).
  • The dialogue tree appears during some forcegreet when it should not. For example, when father forcegreet to say he is disappointed because the player has not been complying with his request, the player can appologise before the second half of the dialogue where father says the reason he is disappointed in the first place. Player should only be able to reply after.
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11 hours ago, tholos said:

Hello, I wanted to try this mod but I'm getting some troubles if anyone knows what can cause that I'd be grateful !

I'll give all information I can to help you out :)


To start:

- LE Edition and all Vanilla DLCs

- I have all download requirements (ZaZ 8.0+, Alternate Start (+Death Alt), Amputator Framework 0.7, SDenhanced+ (SDPlus20210131 + SDResources20201225), Simple Slavery Plus Plus 6.3.3 (not last which is 6.3.10, will DL soon/later), Display Model v206, SD Cages 361 (last is 381), Devious Devices 5.1, SkyUI 5.1, Beeing Females 

- I disabled many plugins to see if there is conflicts (for instance Laura's Bondage Shop, I don't know if there is compatibility issues but seeing that house cell close to the pchsHouse, I wondered)

- I have the latest version of Wartimes (20200920) installed from the Download section (I saw Monoman1 has made a Tweak version, not installed yet as the base mod seems to not working correctly)

- I made 5 same attempts in order to get the same route in a new game



Judging by the flow chart provided, it seems something is not working well or at least I am doing something wrong or not playing correctly the enslavement part from Sanguine Debauchery.

Once I give back the golds to my Father where I learn Mother is no longer there, I pass out, end up in the cellar with Father looking at me in the dark.

After the conversation ends, I get a collar and SD's quest "Enslaved" begins.

At this moment, Father just instantly disappears/teleports and go back to the living room where all furnitures are replaced by ZaZ ones.

At this point, I can only do two things:

-1: Talk to Father engaging with the "Father ?" line: From there, I can say to whip me (well this is odd, my character get stuck, animations of whipping visually not showing (this might be an issue with SD call I guess ?) but after the whipping ends (which I don't see) I get all the whips marks all over my body and can move again.

I can ask to punish me by adding devices: I always get "[SD] equipdeviceby STRING failed: Clamps" and trying to add something I don't remember right now in the _sdxx_ queue punishment.

I can engage sex, relieve devices and the last one tell "What will happen to me ?".

No matter what I choose, I don't think this progress to the next stage of the quest. Not 100% sure, maybe 95% but the sqs [quest] doesn't change. I guess I should have some changes in values right ? I can see pchsFatherRep in the flow but I don't see any. 

What should I normally have at this point ? I can use pose from Wartimes's MCM like Cooking Pot or hands behind back but I think it doesn't change a thing expect visually.


-2: Talk to Mother engaging with "Mama ?" line: First time speaking I can ask what happened to her arms (she's correctly amputated and always in the house once enslaved and leave the cellar which is empty) and after that I can just tell you what will happen to us and tell her Father do "things" with me.


Annnd that's it. I don't know what should be the correct behaviour, what went wrong, any help is appreciated ! I can move out of the house, the collar vibrates but Father still stays in the house.


One more thing: I'm not experienced with SD enslavement so when I'm trying the mod I just pass time to the following next day where my score is in negative until 3-4 days where my "Owner" (that's what Father is called) get enough and get rid of me. (Go to auction)

Should I do something to trigger or move on to the next stage ? 


Thanks for reading, I'll be glad to get some helps and even if you don't have the answer, I'd like you to tell me what am I supposed to get once I leave the cellar after enslavement. (Father teleports out ? SD+ slave starting ? Mom always in the house ?)



That all seems to be working the SD functions for whipping and adding devices aren't working but the Wartimes functions themselves seem to be, you reached the forced slavery ending for the mod.

On the flowchart that would be one of the red endings off of Get stage = 190.

At this point in the mod is should work like normal SD+ enslavement to Father.

There are the few dialogue options added by wartimes but other than attempting to trigger SD+ events they don't do anything.


If you want to get the bulk of the mod you have to be a good girl during the opening quests.

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1 hour ago, Antaufein said:

Here are some other bugs I have found as well:

Great feedback :)


Buuut the thing is. I literally just put a fork in v2.9. It has a lot of tweaks, improvements and fixes. So much so that it's just one line of the changelog - I didn't really keep track of everything. After updating if you can keep an eye out for the same bugs and post again if they still happening (Just copy and paste). I would have already posted 2.9 but I need to bring SLS beta up with that missing keyword. Spinning plates job.... 


I'll keep an eye out for these things myself. I'm pushing to get back to playing the game. Agreed on the NoStrip for stockings. 


@Anyone interested. 

I'm still interested in seeing if we can do the same for bra's/panties as is done for stockings in YPS tweak 1.5 - Underwear applied as race menu overlays. If anyone is interested in trying to make textures for this, get in touch. 


Because the textures are basically painted onto the skin - I reckon panties would be the easier. Bras often have straps or whatnot that are sometimes not flat against the skin. 

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20 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Actually no. I've reconsidered that. 

If you add the nostrip keyword then SLS won't confiscate them. Might be better to make slot 54 not strip in sexlab instead....


But why would you want to confiscate them with SLS? ? Anyway, I added the keyword to them myself, but if you don't plan on adding it in future versions, I guess I'll just setup sexlab to not strip slot 54.

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6 minutes ago, Antaufein said:


But why would you want to confiscate them with SLS? ? Anyway, I added the keyword to them myself, but if you don't plan on adding it in future versions, I guess I'll just setup sexlab to not strip slot 54.

Why not I suppose. They are clothes after all. Every other piece of clothes can be confiscated, so why not stockings.

+ if we ever do get bra/panty overlays they'll definitely need to be confiscated ;)


I've no problem if you want to play another way. This is just my thoughts. 

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While I the improvements and changes I strongly feel like it's way too easy to completely loose your father's favor without you being able to do anything about it. The penalties for not complying with his fashion demands are too high and stack so quickly. Directly after he asked me to put on lipstick and gave me money to buy it he became disappointed that I am not wearing it and I lost 4 X 6 favor. Same with his other requests and cum request. This, while I think it can be easily fixed, currently completely breaks this mod.

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4 minutes ago, CommitNoBreath said:

While I the improvements and changes I strongly feel like it's way too easy to completely loose your father's favor without you being able to do anything about it. The penalties for not complying with his fashion demands are too high and stack so quickly. Directly after he asked me to put on lipstick and gave me money to buy it he became disappointed that I am not wearing it and I lost 4 X 6 favor. Same with his other requests and cum request. This, while I think it can be easily fixed, currently completely breaks this mod.

Did you apologize?


All the balance is up in the air atm. I might squash all the fashion failures into one single failure. We'll see. 

It IS intended however to put a lot of weight to the apology system. Which in turn pushes you into further depravity. Currently, the only increasing depravity is increased depravity of sex acts with the father. Next update includes Aldo. 

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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

Great feedback :)


Buuut the thing is. I literally just put a fork in v2.9. It has a lot of tweaks, improvements and fixes. So much so that it's just one line of the changelog - I didn't really keep track of everything. After updating if you can keep an eye out for the same bugs and post again if they still happening (Just copy and paste). I would have already posted 2.9 but I need to bring SLS beta up with that missing keyword. Spinning plates job.... 


I'll keep an eye out for these things myself. I'm pushing to get back to playing the game. Agreed on the NoStrip for stockings. 


@Anyone interested. 

I'm still interested in seeing if we can do the same for bra's/panties as is done for stockings in YPS tweak 1.5 - Underwear applied as race menu overlays. If anyone is interested in trying to make textures for this, get in touch. 


Because the textures are basically painted onto the skin - I reckon panties would be the easier. Bras often have straps or whatnot that are sometimes not flat against the skin. 

About the textures, overlays don't seem to work well with seperate vagina meshes found on pretty much all modern bodies.

They are all but ignored even if they share the same texture as the main body, meaning the crotch will be covered while the labia will not be.

I'm not 100% certain that this is true for just plain RM Overlays too, but it is for Slavetats which relies on NIOverride aswell, so it probably is.

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33 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Did you apologize?


All the balance is up in the air atm. I might squash all the fashion failures into one single failure. We'll see. 

It IS intended however to put a lot of weight to the apology system. Which in turn pushes you into further depravity. Currently, the only increasing depravity is increased depravity of sex acts with the father. Next update includes Aldo. 

Damn, can't wait to play with Aldo!

Hmm, I think I was stuck in a dialogue when he got dissapointed 4 times. But if I apologize directly there is a timout when it comes to him being disappointed?

Thanks for your great work?

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8 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Why not I suppose. They are clothes after all. Every other piece of clothes can be confiscated, so why not stockings.

+ if we ever do get bra/panty overlays they'll definitely need to be confiscated ;)


I've no problem if you want to play another way. This is just my thoughts. 


Aaaah yes the clothes license... ? I play with it disabled, so that's why it didn't come to mind quickly. ? I don't play with Slaverun, so I disable it because I think there must be a more immersive way of requiring a clothes license than just existing and happening to be female (I disable most of the mysoginistic stuff too for that reason). It's bloody Skyrim too, so it's cold outside. Walking around naked in subzero temperatures wouldn't be very smart.


34 minutes ago, CommitNoBreath said:

Directly after he asked me to put on lipstick and gave me money to buy it he became disappointed that I am not wearing it and I lost 4 X 6 favor. Same with his other requests and cum request.


I agree with this, there should be some kind of time limit before father is disappointed with the player for not meeting the fashion requirements. As it is right now, as soon as you get the forcegreet, you have to run to the store and get whatever you have to get and do whatever you have to do, otherwise next time you talk to father you lose favor. That means that if the players is asked to improve her look while the store is close, there isn't anything you can do about it and you are guaranteed to lose favor. I think even father is smart enough to know that the player can't comply to his request yet because she can't go get what she need. And even if the store is open, maybe the player has to serve father before going to the store.

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26 minutes ago, Ruffled Pigeon said:

About the textures,

Dang. I did not think about that. I guess I'm one of the few that's still not using one of those new bodies. I'm just not that bothered about a CPU eating physics aspect that you'll see only if you pause and 'zoom in and enhance'. Can the genitals be dismembered similar to SOS do you know?

22 minutes ago, CommitNoBreath said:

But if I apologize directly there is a timout when it comes to him being disappointed?

The mod saves a history of favour lost between apology begin and apology fail/success. So even though you had 4 separate disappointments. They should all be saved and you should regain around 80% on successful apology. 


And yes. You have 60 seconds to apologise. Otherwise it's automatic fail. 

21 minutes ago, Antaufein said:

That means that if the players is asked to improve her look while the store is close, there isn't anything you can do about it and you are guaranteed to lose favor.

Technically, the initial force greets should happen during store opening hours. So there's no excuse there :P

After that I think it'd be prudent to have a decent supply of makeup should the situation demand it.

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2 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Technically, the initial force greets should happen during store opening hours. So there's no excuse there

I didn't know that. Only the first one of the three though?


3 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

After that I think it'd be prudent to have a decent supply of makeup should the situation demand it.

Well how are you supposed to know you have to spend money to buy more stuff that isn't required for the time being? The player comes from a poor farming family that did not have enough money for luxury like makeup.

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1 minute ago, Antaufein said:

I didn't know that. Only the first one of the three though?

All of them I think. GameHour must be between something like 8:00 to 18:00 for the FG to start. 

2 minutes ago, Antaufein said:

I didn't know that. Only the first one of the three though?


Well how are you supposed to know you have to spend money to buy more stuff that isn't required for the time being? The player comes from a poor farming family that did not have enough money for luxury like makeup.

Preparation is key :P


But yea. It's a fair point. 

I have at least added exceptions for when you're stuck in DDs and can't actually apply makeup at all. 

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13 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

But yea. It's a fair point. 

I have at least added exceptions for when you're stuck in DDs and can't actually apply makeup at all. 

So I guess it wouldn't be too hard to add a time limit before father is disappointed either ?

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9 hours ago, matt66 said:


Well I guess I'll find out in the next few hours lol, Thanks for the reply


Update : well did that but still did not work for me, but maybe I did something wrong


2nd update : Yes I did something wrong, works now but father is still disapointed.

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39 minutes ago, matt66 said:

2nd update : Yes I did something wrong, works now but father is still disapointed.


happens to me too, it's a bug. Open console and type "GetGlobalValue pchsRequiredCumQuota" look at what value is returned (probably 2) then type "set pchsMetCumQuota to x" (x being the value of pchsRequiredCumQuota). Do that BEFORE talking to father.

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2 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Dang. I did not think about that. I guess I'm one of the few that's still not using one of those new bodies. I'm just not that bothered about a CPU eating physics aspect that you'll see only if you pause and 'zoom in and enhance'. Can the genitals be dismembered similar to SOS do you know?

Monogramps1 ?

SOS Schlongs work differently from vaginas I'm afraid. Schlongs are Armors while the actual body mesh has a hole in the crotch. CBBE actually has the vagina inside the body nif, it is however a separate NiTriShape / BSTriShape. I've looked at the source code on expireds Github really quick, and while my understanding of C++ is limited, the Overlay methods seem to work on predefined areas which hold information such as the NiTriShape name. Quickly swapping the names of the labia and the body in NifSkope confirms that, no overlays on the body but on the labia. Nothing can be done here I'm afraid, other than forking NiOverride lol

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9 hours ago, Tenri said:

That all seems to be working the SD functions for whipping and adding devices aren't working but the Wartimes functions themselves seem to be, you reached the forced slavery ending for the mod.

On the flowchart that would be one of the red endings off of Get stage = 190.

At this point in the mod is should work like normal SD+ enslavement to Father.

There are the few dialogue options added by wartimes but other than attempting to trigger SD+ events they don't do anything.


If you want to get the bulk of the mod you have to be a good girl during the opening quests.

Damn it I misread that flow so badly and always thought I was on a different branch... Lost so much time for nothing due to my misunderstanding of pchsFatherRep on my own. Thank you for your answer.. that makes much more sense :D 

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8 hours ago, Antaufein said:

happens to me too, it's a bug. Open console and type "GetGlobalValue pchsRequiredCumQuota" look at what value is returned (probably 2) then type "set pchsMetCumQuota to x" (x being the value of pchsRequiredCumQuota). Do that BEFORE talking to father.


9 hours ago, matt66 said:

2nd update : Yes I did something wrong, works now but father is still disapointed.

Can't seem to reproduce this issue but it might be something I've fixed already.

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