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8 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

That usually does nothing unless you clean the save after uninstalling.

I thought that went without saying. Suffice to say, the save file has been cleaned.

8 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Try installing NFF (humor me) and see if it fixes your problem?

If that doesn't help, try AFT.


You don't have to keep them in your game, just test what happens with them in. Don't keep any saves with them if you don't want them.


I'm suspicious that I have rebuilt dependencies against the vanilla follower quest script when that script's source was overwritten by NFF's version, so it wasn't *really* the vanilla follower quest script that some people would have in their games. This might cause some properties to fail to be set in DF if you didn't already have them set.


This is a sticky area, because USLEEP also modifies that script. It's not a quest you want to suddenly shed properties mid-game, which your revert may have resulted in.


However, if I'd done this and it really did cause a problem, I'd expect to see a lot more people with it, so it's really a tentative guess.

Neither NFF or AFT had any positive effect.


And no, I don't use USLEEP.

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hello i like the idea and work about u on this mod,but i dont know how to start it sometimes it go sometime doesnt i started new game as patron in winkin skeever solitude,and theres a guy belrand i think... he dont show any option about hire him but the room rent is 100 septim or gold whatever it call,and if i reload the same save the option pop up...and then disappear ,this happen only to me or it is a know bug,sry i am asking cos firt time using this mod... i have to say i do not use any new follower mod in game neither follower overhaul like eef amt for example lets say vanilla 100%

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4 hours ago, HermausMoron said:

And no, I don't use USLEEP.

You really should use that. It fixes hundreds of serious quest break, play blocking bugs, corrupt files that CTD, etc.


Not saying that will fix your problem here, but it fixes a lot of vanilla problems. Downside, mods keep reverting the changes with their overwrites.


If follower framework doesn't fix your problem, it's probably not part of DF follower handling causing your problem.


Does your log have a lot of spam about unfilled properties, particularly in DF?


Stuff about types being different?


Complaints about trying to do impossible things with a None value?

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6 hours ago, Hanshurtig11 said:

Big thx for all your work on this mod!! Thou i have a question. I know it is ok to update from 2. 6...7...8 to 2.09 without new game or clean save, but do i need to dismiss the follower before i update ? or can i just update in the run ?. Thx again, regards


Probably, it would be safer from 2.07 to 2.08, but I didn't and it was ok. 2.08 to 2.09 there's no reason to.

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I'm using EFF, and although it seems like Dflow knows there might be a follower, I get no custom dialog or anything.  Just a regular follower who can't be dismissed.  Not the mod way of not dismissed, just, they say the dismissal dialog but never actually are dismissed without forcing it in EFF debug.  The custom dialog debug for adding a follower doesn't work either, it just, doesn't show up.


Could it be just an edge case, or issue with EFF, or a script dying, but I don't know.  Is there a way to just add an ID via console to recognize a follower in devious followers, or such?

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2 hours ago, Punkin' said:

I'm using EFF, and although it seems like Dflow knows there might be a follower, I get no custom dialog or anything.  Just a regular follower who can't be dismissed.  Not the mod way of not dismissed, just, they say the dismissal dialog but never actually are dismissed without forcing it in EFF debug.  The custom dialog debug for adding a follower doesn't work either, it just, doesn't show up.

If you use the Repair Follower option in Debug, does it say something about follower not in factions?


Also, you need to make sure that DF is late enough in the LO.

But if the Debug add follower doesn't work, then your dialog is broken basically, because that has no conditions on it.

If it doesn't show, the DF quest isn't running.


Try the Reset option in Debug to fix that.

What do you have in your log file?


Is it a lot of stuff about None properties and types that don't match?


I really wish there was somebody who could tell me why your game doesn't work, but with almost no information to go on, and a problem that sounds like a basic failure of the mod to start, I  have no way to know why. In some cases, mods just don't start, and making a new game can fix it, and sometimes there are actual reasons. No way to know which unless you find that out for yourself. If you can use Tes5Edit, load your whole game and see if DF is overwritten by something. Or you could check to be sure you don't have some old scripts left from some other mod. Likely if you use NMM, less likely in MO, but again, depends.

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11 hours ago, macnchz said:

any chance of being able to set our PC's resistance as an MCM function - like starting out at 4 instead of 10  (setting whatever value to resistance)

Could you put that question another way?


There are several sliders for resistance in the MCM, and a debug button for it now too.

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Really appreciate the fast response (and the work you do on the mod!)

So I actually found the error was a lot less technical than expected.  The mod was paused and just not showing it or giving any indication in the MCM.  Guess it's a case of Skyrim being Skyrim.


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18 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

You really should use that. It fixes hundreds of serious quest break, play blocking bugs, corrupt files that CTD, etc.


Not saying that will fix your problem here, but it fixes a lot of vanilla problems. Downside, mods keep reverting the changes with their overwrites.


If follower framework doesn't fix your problem, it's probably not part of DF follower handling causing your problem.


Does your log have a lot of spam about unfilled properties, particularly in DF?


Stuff about types being different?


Complaints about trying to do impossible things with a None value?

Moot at this point. The debug add function started working when I upgraded to 2.09. Thanks, btw.

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1 hour ago, HermausMoron said:

Moot at this point. The debug add function started working when I upgraded to 2.09. Thanks, btw.

  Hey I don't use Usleep as a rule either. I find it more intrusive than helpful ( My personal choice ). I do actually have it on about 2 profiles but both of those will not let me buy any of the default player homes (and this happens for me even on a fully default game with no mods), and I really miss the barrels around skyrim not being free to use to dispose of my junk DDI armor, and other things I have no need for that. I do not actually find that as even a fix.  I really hate just flinging the armor and unwanted items around in the open world or out in the wild. 


   It does not for me actually fix things that need fixing like "Blood on the Ice" for example.  I have no problem with a few floating tree's, and the console has for me always fixed anything I truly find disturbing anyway.


  I do run a few of the individual fixes for certain quests that like to log spam, but most of those Usleep does not fix anyway, which are things I want fixed.


So don't feel like your alone on not running Usleep. It is sort of a mixed bag as to was what it fixed really a bug or there personal preference of theres. [As I said I do run it on a couple of Profiles but not as a rule]


>>> By the way I don't see 2.09 in the download spot.. I will go back and try a refresh maybe Lupine00 is updating..

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On 1/19/2020 at 1:47 PM, Lupine00 said:

You really should use that. It fixes hundreds of serious quest break, play blocking bugs, corrupt files that CTD, etc.


Not saying that will fix your problem here, but it fixes a lot of vanilla problems. Downside, mods keep reverting the changes with their overwrites.



I really really like the fixes in the unofficial patches, so for every new mod I  want to use I first load it, the game esms and USLEEP/USSEP into xEdit to see what the new mod overwrites in the game and USLEEP/USSEP. If necessary I create a patch that preserves the unofficial fixes, and then create a modgroup for all the above with the patch marked as optional. The patch is marked as optional in case I use LE Wrye to merge the patch into the bashed patch.


(Modgroups and the liberal use of manual patches, once you get the hang of them, really simplify managing a lot of mods.)


Edit: I do the above because if you have a lot of mods that make changes to the game world, if you don't forward the unofficial patches you might as well not use them at all.

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15 hours ago, galgat said:

 I don't use Usleep as a rule either. I find it more intrusive than helpful ( My personal choice ).

You might want to read the complete list of what it fixes.


Some of the things you describe, I do not believe to be part of USLEEP at all. Can't buy player homes?

That's definitely not USLEEP - I've never seen that.

I still have barrels in towns.


It does fix my Blood on the Ice, but even Arthmoor admits that was so poorly designed it can't be 100% reliably fixed without completely re-creating it.


Stuff like the broken assets that are fixed seem like a no brainer to include, though other mods may render them moot. If you've replaced just about every model and texture in Skyrim, and replaced all your towns with completely new towns, USLEEP won't fix any problems with that environment any more, except perhaps a bad climate setup. OTOH, problems you have with such environments won't come from USLEEP either.

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1 hour ago, DisarmingSnail said:

Hey Lupine, when I was trying to build a bashed patch, I encountered the following error. I was still able to build the patch and run the game but is this error safe to ignore?

I looked at that item in my game, and it has no errors.


Do you have some version of SLA installed?

I notice that it has a reference to SLA on it, which is normal for a lot of DD items.

Also, is your DD an old one? That could also cause problems.


It's possible that Wrye bash is just so old and pointless that its ESP loader code is out of date and wrong.

I've seen in throw errors on other mods that are (apparently) fine too.


I stopped bothering with bashed patches. They fix so few things as to be not worth the bother.

Make a merged patch in Tes5Edit and check that you fixed up any conflicting lists by hand.



Mator Smash also solves a lot of problems. It requires a lot more work, and some people can't get good results with it, but it knows a lot more about merging stuff than bash does. Despite being picky about some things, and getting some armor properties wrong, it knows how to merge a ton of different record kinds, and how to resolve various conflicts correctly.


I stopped using it because it seems not to like SLS at all, and SLS is a mod that I particularly need to merge lists on.

Also, Mator seems to have given up supporting it, but it's still years newer than Wrye.



There's really no replacement for a hand-crafted merge patch once your game gets past a certain point of complexity.

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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

You might want to read the complete list of what it fixes.


  Your choice, as it is a top level fix.  Like you said most everything you install as a mod will Ultimately over write it depending on many things but it does happen.  Not wanting a "ford is better then Chevy" discussion, but I personally just don't use it as a rule. I find it rather intrusive. [ But do have 2 profiles with it installed] and they are very troubling profiles with the largest and most cluttered log files.


   With Usleep not in the game profile, my Log file is one tenth the size that it gets with Usleep installed. I just personally feel better with out it.

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@Lupine00 There's currently a localisation (translation) issue with the options to save and load settings in the MCM. Currently when go to the appropriate part of the MCM the options have a "$" before the option label and/or in the following requester (message box). I'm running The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (with the English release) and version 2.09 of this mod.

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7 hours ago, Zagzaguel said:

I also found out that the reason why my prisoner chains were invisible seems to be because I had a necklace equipped - the one you get as a reward for completing the thieves guild. After unequipping it the chains were visible and did what they were supposed to do

Likely caused by the DD device hider. You can disable it, or configure so the item isn't hidden. Probably.

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7 hours ago, Zagzaguel said:

Based on this it seems like reset doesnt decrease debt to 0 and debt got carried over to the next follower 

Reset isn't trying to reset your debt, it's trying to reset the DF quest states.

The way debt is managed means this can be done and debt maintained.


It's very easy to reset debt in the console, or simply give yourself money and pay it. So the Reset tries to fix things without messing up your debt on the premise that you are trying to keep playing.


7 hours ago, KLongad Sirtup said:

@Lupine00 There's currently a localisation (translation) issue with the options to save and load settings in the MCM. Currently when go to the appropriate part of the MCM the options have a "$" before the option label and/or in the following requester (message box). I'm running The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (with the English release) and version 2.09 of this mod.


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Idea for an option in the MCM and DF generally to enable the possibility of the enslaved player being branded utilising the API of SlaveTats. Possibly with an option or by default of it be locked on (persistent) in the API call. This during the enslavement performed by the Devious Follower.


Use a call to the SerialStrip API for the player to be stripped naked piece by piece of garment.

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