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6 minutes ago, Stryker1177 said:

Curious if you might take a look at this mod and maybe adding integration for it as well?

I guess possibilities are open, but one thing at a time...


First make SLAX work in a way that is useful and genuinely better than SLA.


For sake of argument, I'll refer to SLA and SLA(R) together as SLA, because they are functionally equivalent. SLA(R) didn't try to change how SLA arousal worked, it just made a different scanner and made the behaviour of some functions better - it retains fundamental oddities of SLA.



What would you prefer from arousal in gameplay terms to make it better?

I don't mean what simulation would you use. I mean what outcomes do you believe would be most fun?


I currently have an approach that (usually) results in brief spikes of arousal, which can be dangerous times, but which do not persist almost indefinitely

Excessive arousal persistence is an issue with as SLA once you have a high time rate or any meaningful source of exposure.


So the (current) intended play experience in SLAX is about being aware of those vulnerable times and handling them.


Also, it's about dealing with addiction/fetish development. If you play a slave PC (or want to train slave NPCs) you can make some choices that will determine how fast addiction develops - and addictions that do arise will have long-term consequences.


You shouldn't end up with persistent high arousal unless you have a fetish for denial and are stuck in belt, or a fetish for rubber and are stuck in a rubber suit, etc.

Once you get out of those situations, you can lose arousal quickly again, and not just pile it back on almost immediately (unless you recreate the situation).


No matter how aroused you get, excessive sexual fatigue will start to impact your arousal levels.


But what do people want? What is missing? What would make arousal an interesting game?



In SLA, lots of sex creates energizer sex-bunnies really fast. All a character needs is a plug up their bum and they will want sex non-stop, forever.


This wasn't something I wanted.

It spoiled/stopped arousal management gameplay in mods like DCL by making arousal management largely impossible.

It spoiled/stopped arousal management gameplay in other mods too, like MME, DiD, etc.

It made wearing a belt with plugs a fast route to being stuck at 100 arousal forever.

It made wearing a belt without plugs a fast route to sexual freeze, with 0 arousal and 0 time rate.

SLA's built-in buffs make arousal mostly beneficial; you need some other mod to add any downside to it (vlkSexLife tried to fix this).


The Frigid Wash potion or whatever it's called offset this a bit, allowing you to dump arousal reliably, but I think that comes from Sex Slaves, a mod that's become a bit old and a poor fit with where sex mods went afterwards.


vlkSexLife was a nice try at fixing some SLA problems, but it lacked SLSO support and didn't interact properly with some other mods.

Without fetishes or addictions, arousal could often be too easy to manage in vlk.

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11 minutes ago, macnchz said:

Install question - do you need any of previous versions loaded or just SLAX?

It's self-contained.

You don't need an old install of SLA or SLA(R).


When I tested it, using MO, I dropped out SLA(R) and put in SLAX, and the game knew no difference.

There were no files from SLA(R) in my game, because the mod was removed entirely by MO.


I've also tested it with NMM in a system where SLA(R) doesn't exist at all.


I think the current upload might lack some translated strings though, so if you're not using English, it may be messed up, or at least lack translations. Keeping an old SLA(R) won't help at all with that, as the missing strings would all be new ones.

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Something that would help with INEED or REAL NEEDS (RND) . Being very tried would lower your arousal by a small percent or at lease a energy bonus at thebeginning of sex based on how high your aroused.  AKA (EXCITEMENT BONUS) Using SLSO being very aroused but not having enough energy to complete a sex act is sad. Perhaps stamina regenerates faster doing a positive experience and slower doing a negative experience (AkA RAPE)

That sayed :


 PS does this pause doing combat if not is that possible ? I usually pause AROSUAL REDUX before a large combat with all the npc that are being kill off so arousal redux does not try to track a bandit and then they die. So a way to manually clear dead npcs would be extremely helpful.









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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

I guess possibilities are open, but one thing at a time...


First make SLAX work in a way that is useful and genuinely better than SLA.


For sake of argument, I'll refer to SLA and SLA(R) together as SLA, because they are functionally equivalent. SLA(R) didn't try to change how SLA arousal worked, it just made a different scanner and made the behaviour of some functions better - it retains fundamental oddities of SLA.



What would you prefer from arousal in gameplay terms to make it better?

I don't mean what simulation would you use. I mean what outcomes do you believe would be most fun?


I currently have an approach that (usually) results in brief spikes of arousal, which can be dangerous times, but which do not persist almost indefinitely

Excessive arousal persistence is an issue with as SLA once you have a high time rate or any meaningful source of exposure.


So the (current) intended play experience in SLAX is about being aware of those vulnerable times and handling them.


Also, it's about dealing with addiction/fetish development. If you play a slave PC (or want to train slave NPCs) you can make some choices that will determine how fast addiction develops - and addictions that do arise will have long-term consequences.


You shouldn't end up with persistent high arousal unless you have a fetish for denial and are stuck in belt, or a fetish for rubber and are stuck in a rubber suit, etc.

Once you get out of those situations, you can lose arousal quickly again, and not just pile it back on almost immediately (unless you recreate the situation).


No matter how aroused you get, excessive sexual fatigue will start to impact your arousal levels.


But what do people want? What is missing? What would make arousal an interesting game?



In SLA, lots of sex creates energizer sex-bunnies really fast. All a character needs is a plug up their bum and they will want sex non-stop, forever.


This wasn't something I wanted.

It spoiled/stopped arousal management gameplay in mods like DCL by making arousal management largely impossible.

It spoiled/stopped arousal management gameplay in other mods too, like MME, DiD, etc.

It made wearing a belt with plugs a fast route to being stuck at 100 arousal forever.

It made wearing a belt without plugs a fast route to sexual freeze, with 0 arousal and 0 time rate.

SLA's built-in buffs make arousal mostly beneficial; you need some other mod to add any downside to it (vlkSexLife tried to fix this).


The Frigid Wash potion or whatever it's called offset this a bit, allowing you to dump arousal reliably, but I think that comes from Sex Slaves, a mod that's become a bit old and a poor fit with where sex mods went afterwards.


vlkSexLife was a nice try at fixing some SLA problems, but it lacked SLSO support and didn't interact properly with some other mods.

Without fetishes or addictions, arousal could often be too easy to manage in vlk.

These are questions that will require some thought. As new mods are developed or expanded upon your game play changes. I'm not a fan of most of the BDSM mods available currently. I do like playing with the Zaz devices. Some of them have aspects I like but most are not modular allowing for portions to be disabled. Sex Slaves was nice but unfortunately the author didn't continue updating the LE version. He moved on to SE version.

One main thing that drives me NUTS is after anything has sex the Exposure level resets most times to 0. Problem is 0 x Y = 0 so the arousal takes forever to start increasing. Unless you change the exposure of the NPC to anything other than 0, then arousal progress normal on the factors of time rate and such. I have no idea if this is really the case, just what it seems like to me. I see an NPC after just finishing with exposure of 0 but time rate of 100 stay at 0 for several minutes. I've wondered if the Exposure could be set to ONLY reset to 1 and not 0?

My game play tends to end up with the PC sexually addicted/Nymphomaniac. SexLab Pheromones is helpful in that regard and training of NPC's. As such the PC's time rate is high. I usually run the PC as a werewolf and use Creatures in Heat, so for the 5-6 days around the full Moon the PC is 100%+ arousal.

A fetish/addition system has definitely been lacking.

No matter how aroused you get, excessive sexual fatigue will start to impact your arousal levels.

I haven't been happy with the way the wear and tear is handled by most mods. Not sure what impact the new system you have implemented will play. My PC can be very active and end up with some much wear that it take days to recover. More later to foggy right now.

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4 minutes ago, Stryker1177 said:

One main thing that drives me NUTS is after anything has sex the Exposure level resets most times to 0. Problem is 0 x Y = 0 so the arousal takes forever to start increasing. Unless you change the exposure of the NPC to anything other than 0, then arousal progress normal on the factors of time rate and such. I have no idea if this is really the case, just what it seems like to me. I see an NPC after just finishing with exposure of 0 but time rate of 100 stay at 0 for several minutes. I've wondered if the Exposure could be set to ONLY reset to 1 and not 0?

Setting a 0 exposure in existing SLA (or the current SLAX upload) has no great impact on exposure or time-rate; it's not stopping your NPCs getting aroused. The problem is that there is nothing arousing them. If you strip off and do a dance using some solicitation mod, chances are you will see NPC arousal kick up significantly - but you'd have to stand around waiting for a whole game day for them to get from 0 to 100 simply from time-rate.



In SLA, it depends on two factors, exposure and time-rate. They act in a very simple way. In fact, if we ignore decay, then SLA arousal is incredibly simplistic.

And decay acts over longish periods, so we can ignore it for any short term scenario.


Arousal = exposure + time-rate x time-since-orgasm


After orgasm, time since orgasm will be 0.


If time-rate is 100, then it takes 24 hours to reach 100 arousal with no exposure.


This is slow in real terms, but fairly quick in Skyrim terms as it's just over an hour of play-time at 20:1 time ratio.

Before saying this is dumb, we should consider it's in the absence of any arousing events whatsoever.

You'll get that 100 arousal after a day of sitting alone in an empty room watching the lights flicker.


However, if there's anything generating exposure, it's a different story.



Let's say you have a vibrating plug up your butt, then that plug might add 15 exposure every time it goes off.


In real life, if you have a plug up your butt, it's either going to be arousing right away, or it's going to be really annoying (I imagine), but what it is not going to do, is gradually arouse you over a period of hours, so that eventually you are so horny that you cannot resist masturbating...



Alas, the only lever that DD has to pull is UpdateActorExposure, and rather than simply smashing you with some arbitrary large amount, like 80 arousal right away, it keeps adding some smaller amount repeatedly - 15 for example - for as long as you wear that plug, regardless of what else happens.


The end result is high arousal is reached fairly quickly. Stack that with a belt and another plug, and the impact is considerable.



But if you don't use a mod that adds exposure due to one thing or another, you will have to rely on either time-rate, or looking at naked people to raise arousal.

The latter will raise it fairly quickly, but it will take at least two real minute to run a single SLA update, by default.



That two minute delay is probably what most people consider strange. If you make SLA update faster - say every 30 seconds - then you'll see faster responses.

Back when SLAR was made two mins might have been considered to create a heavy scan load, but now it's ridiculously long.

However, SLAR has built-in delays to the scanner to deliberately hobble its ability to load your computer, that mean running more often than every 30 seconds or so won't help.

I moderated those limitations in SLAX somewhat, so you can scan faster, but it's basically silly that scanning and updates are bound together on the same time schedule.

SLAR relies on those delays to mask its broken locking mechanic. SLAX has real locks so doesn't need them.


The link between update and scan was the first thing I decoupled in rewrite 2, but I discovered that I was generating waaaay more load and delays from outfit introspection than from running the scanner.


So that means running the outfit introspection as a separate process.

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1 hour ago, mkess said:

After sex all values are set to max. Timerate is set to 10, arousal to 99 and step of arousal to 99. Unusable.


I don't think that PSQ calls sex scenes in any special way.

It's possible though that it's doing something after the sex scene, however a generic issue is more likely.

I get normal arousal resets on orgasm. I've been running the uploaded version since it's build date with no issues at all. But I use SLSO.


Was that with, or without SLSO?


Did you get an orgasm?


I'm guessing your orgasm wasn't recognised. Was it in a non-SLSO configuration?


Try with different animations... Does it never reset?

Some animations do not allow an orgasm. It depends on the tags.


Were you wearing a chastity belt?


If you don't have SLSO, does installing SLSO fix your problems?




In SLAX, the logic for determining whether you are allowed an orgasm for a specific animation is more selective than in SLA.


SLAX uses a slightly evolved version of the logic in SLSO - so you may find it ignores 'orgasms' in cases that SLA does not.

Nevertheless, there are cases where old SLA will ignore an orgasm, so it shouldn't be too surprising.



If the issue is animation specific, information about what tags are on the animations that you feel should allow orgasm, but did not, would be helpful.

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10 minutes ago, Durante said:

Could we get an empty sexlabaroused.esm as a placeholder in load order? Many mods have a hard dependency on it. Hopefully in the future most get updated with yours.

:classic_huh: What would that be good for?


The old SLAR is an esm, SLAX is an esm ... what's the problem with it being an esm ? ?

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1 hour ago, ashleytaylor said:

Thank you so much for bringing this to us, I would like to give a try , but strange thing is that M$ Defender thought the file SLAX - 29 - 2019-08-03 (wip).7z is Trojan:Script/Foretype.A!ml, can you please help to check? Thanks a lot!

? Can't confirm that .. tested 5 min. ago on a PC with the current version and current definition files. Strange.

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Great to see you managed to publish it!

I tried it

reinstalled SLSO without the patch

removed SLAR 

and installed SLAX on a running game

so far it works without any major issues

it works on NPC, creatures and animals without issues

Did not yet have a Slaverun sex marathon because I have not yet started slaverun as a quest


the only little thing that off sets me is that NPC and co. have their arousal updated immediatly after sex, while for the PC character it takes a while like 2 min to show a reduced arousal after sex


Keep up the good work!

I wanted for so long a SLA the did not transform you into a sex crazed maniac after a couple of acts




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My only very minor grief with SLA Redux was that it has 1 MCM setting i had to set on at start of every game, that is the periodic clearing the dead actors from list task. Isn't something like that a mandatory feature for stable Skyrim and should be enabled by default? So does SLAExtended touch this topic and make MCM settings with "stable" settings by default?

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3 hours ago, worik said:

:classic_huh: What would that be good for?


The old SLAR is an esm, SLAX is an esm ... what's the problem with it being an esm ? ?

For one it would not give errors due to missing dependencies. And since SLAX would already be there it would handle all the functions anyhow.


There is no problem, except that you're not supposed to use both and SLAR is used by the majority of mods here.

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23 minutes ago, Durante said:

For one it would not give errors due to missing dependencies. And since SLAX would already be there it would handle all the functions anyhow.


There is no problem, except that you're not supposed to use both and SLAR is used by the majority of mods here.


what does SLAR do that SLAX doesnt?


SLAX is an updated version with all the functions the previous SLAR plus some improvements

At last that is how it is presented

do you have any knowledge or proof that SLAX is missing a feature or command that SLAR has?

just asking



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