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I fixed the rape counter menu. My mistake was really dumb. I copy and pasted and was comparing the wrong globals. Sorry I didn't deal with it sooner. I honestly looked at the script a bunch of times and just didn't see the mistake. I was worried that the NUMBERS were wrong when it was actually what global it was pointed at. Preconceptions will get you every time.


BTW the bug never showed up for me in my spot testing because of sheer domb luck in how the stars aligned. I only actually saw it while playtesting just now.


Back to testing.

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1 hour ago, Tentacus said:

I fixed the rape counter menu. My mistake was really dumb. I copy and pasted and was comparing the wrong globals. Sorry I didn't deal with it sooner. I honestly looked at the script a bunch of times and just didn't see the mistake. I was worried that the NUMBERS were wrong when it was actually what global it was pointed at. Preconceptions will get you every time.


BTW the bug never showed up for me in my spot testing because of sheer domb luck in how the stars aligned. I only actually saw it while playtesting just now.


Back to testing.

Shit happens :) thanks for your continuous hard work

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4 hours ago, Tentacus said:

:( Sorry you're having so much trouble.


So, I installed the Patch for One Patch (there's a patch patching one patch...). Bad thing is that the animation keeps playing after the orgasm messageboxes. Good thing is that when I terminate the animation manually the NPC doesn't get stuck following me anymore requiring keyword cleaning. I would say that's significant progress :) 

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Hello everyone, i'm new to the forum and this is by far my favorite MOD but i have 2 questions (and sorry if they may be redundant)


1) does anyone have problem with che Savagecabbage animation pack? when i have it enabled the animations don't start. I have the leito pack plus couple others and the Leito patch like the description require, i don't have the One patch it's a problem only with the Savvagecabbage pack (not a big one since i can simple disable it and the other animation will work)


2)this is most because it trigger mi OCD but the "rape counter" on the BW setting is not showing anymore for me, there is anyway to fix it?


thanks for the help :)

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23 minutes ago, Baldazza said:

Hello everyone, i'm new to the forum and this is by far my favorite MOD but i have 2 questions (and sorry if they may be redundant)


1) does anyone have problem with che Savagecabbage animation pack? when i have it enabled the animations don't start. I have the leito pack plus couple others and the Leito patch like the description require, i don't have the One patch it's a problem only with the Savvagecabbage pack (not a big one since i can simple disable it and the other animation will work)


2)this is most because it trigger mi OCD but the "rape counter" on the BW setting is not showing anymore for me, there is anyway to fix it?


thanks for the help :)

The latest version of Savage Cabbage (if i remember right) doesn't have the tags setup... I use an older version (one before the latest) without issue. Haven't checked.. but someone "may" have an updated tag file.
Tentacus found the bug in the Rape Counter code, so that will be fixed in the next update. :)

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32 minutes ago, Baldazza said:

Hello everyone, i'm new to the forum and this is by far my favorite MOD but i have 2 questions (and sorry if they may be redundant)


1) does anyone have problem with che Savagecabbage animation pack? when i have it enabled the animations don't start. I have the leito pack plus couple others and the Leito patch like the description require, i don't have the One patch it's a problem only with the Savvagecabbage pack (not a big one since i can simple disable it and the other animation will work)


2)this is most because it trigger mi OCD but the "rape counter" on the BW setting is not showing anymore for me, there is anyway to fix it?


thanks for the help :)

If it's the newest version, you'll have to wait until Themes is updated (Or much more likely One Patch 2.0 comes out as themes is probably going away.) 


EDIT: JINX! @izzyknows


Oh and glad you like the mod Baldazza. :)

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@Tentacus LOL!
Just a question...
How hard would it be to have your Pimp gather customers when they are "following" you? (doing what a Pimp does) LOL
Something like triggering the Menacing Raider (but would be friendly "Customer") every 5 or so minutes (random timer) but when around "friendly's", ie: gunners, settlers etc.

Or even have some Raiders be customers... they are terrified and play nice around Queen at least.


On a side note...
My female PC made it to level 56 only servicing women and was never raped. And never spent any special points since leaving the Vault. She died a LOT! LMAO!



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3 hours ago, izzyknows said:

The latest version of Savage Cabbage (if i remember right) doesn't have the tags setup... I use an older version (one before the latest) without issue. Haven't checked.. but someone "may" have an updated tag file.
Tentacus found the bug in the Rape Counter code, so that will be fixed in the next update. :)

Edit:nvm fixed! 

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40 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

@Tentacus LOL!
Just a question...
How hard would it be to have your Pimp gather customers when they are "following" you? (doing what a Pimp does) LOL
Something like triggering the Menacing Raider (but would be friendly "Customer") every 5 or so minutes (random timer) but when around "friendly's", ie: gunners, settlers etc.

Or even have some Raiders be customers... they are terrified and play nice around Queen at least.

As for the question. I am not sure how hard. I suppose I thought it'd be hard since I didn't do it. :) It's something I'll keep in mind as I decide how to move forward over the coming week. I am now debating whether to add the male dom pimp in an expansion or whether to do a complete ovehaul of Hardship's scripts while adding some other wanted features (like threesomes) This would require a fresh new (non Hardship touched) save though.


All of this will be after taking a break though, as ONE I busted my ass this week, and TWO The Outer Worlds comes out Friday.

40 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

On a side note...
My female PC made it to level 56 only servicing women and was never raped. And never spent any special points since leaving the Vault. She died a LOT! LMAO!


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Update 1.0.7 is up!



NEW in 1.0.7 - BIG update!

-Several new features centered around Queen Isabel and submissive roleplaying, including kneeling and a slave collar

-New situational dialogue

-Revamped and improved dialogue and message popups, with a more dynamic and exciting presentation!

-Many message popups now feature gender appropriate pronouns, and npc/player names where appropriate and immersive!

-Option to disable female raider rapes

-Raider customers will now encourage you to take chems they give you on the spot... Another way to get addicted!

-Revised anal tags. Now Customers can anal powerbomb the player and Forced to crossdress/sissy players have access to more feminine positions.

-Fixed Rape Counter

-Fixed typos

-Other small bug fixes



If you load 1.0.7 on an existing Hardship save from a previous version, the script for the [SETTINGS] BW MENU item needs to be reset. To do so simply "drop" the item from your inventory. You likely won't see it disappear but will get a message saying it was added. save, and DONE!


Note about the slave collar:  I used DixiePig's (with attribution) because I have always freaking loved the design, It suits Queen Isabel's background as a raider well. I'm not changing the texture and material paths so You may be prompted to overwrite if you already have The original mod, This is fine, won't hurt either

mod, but if you uninstall one you'll need to reinstall the other to get the collar back . (Only true if you aren't using Mod Organizer 2 which you should be) ?


NOTE: Because I changed nearly every RP Message popup in the mod there is a good chance there are some new typos or incorrect gender strings. If you see something that seems particularly wonky please take a screenshot and send it to me.


I'm fucking tired. :)

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1 hour ago, Tentacus said:

..... The Outer Worlds comes out Friday.

Whaaaaat? Holy sh**t. I was waiting OW and totally forgot the release date... and it's literally tomorrow. 

I guess I won't play FO4 for a while... again... damn.


EDIT: aaand minutes ago a new version of hardship published. Thanks again @Tentacus , you and that MCG author anghelos, you both are the only reason that I keep playing FO4.

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Thanks for the update! I can't wait to try it.


Damn, Isabel has received a lot of love. In a profile I work for Marge, and I will not leave her. On the other, I work for Raymond, and I can't go with Isabel because I've taken 3,000 caps from her ... but I used the money to buy the Diamond City house lol. I have not re-entered the bar since then. :classic_ph34r:

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1 hour ago, Tentacus said:

popups now feature gender appropriate pronouns,

I identify as a lesbian tomahawk missile with gold & black stripes.... it's not popping up!


LMFAO!!!! :)


Starting a new run for this one. ?

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2 hours ago, JBpy said:

Thanks for the update! I can't wait to try it.


Damn, Isabel has received a lot of love. In a profile I work for Marge, and I will not leave her. On the other, I work for Raymond, and I can't go with Isabel because I've taken 3,000 caps from her ... but I used the money to buy the Diamond City house lol. I have not re-entered the bar since then. :classic_ph34r:

LOL with that level of abuse you tempt me to actually make them come after you ;)

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1 hour ago, Mistfirex said:

Great mod, any way to only allow AAF to handle stripping clothing items? seems stripping slot 33 is hard-coded in hardship. Sucks when other mods use slot 33 for items other than body wear. 

I usually get around this by editing the slots on clothing items I want to stay on in FO4 EDIT. (It's seriously so easy it takes like less than a minute to do) You might also try Rogvir's no strip mod (with ego's AAF patch) I haven't tried it yet but I've been meaning to.

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2 minutes ago, RandomInternetGuy_ said:

Hi I need help with the mod,


I installed everything but no scenes are starting (sex animations) everything else works for me. How can I fix this?


cheers for the help

If this is your fisrt AAF mod, I recommend you get AAF Sex Em Up up to test with (as it's much simpler and faster to get into a sex scene than Hardship, and if it works with SEU it should work with Hardship.) Then follow a guide on how to get AAF working. Note my requirements say a WORKING copy of AAF and It's requirements. 


Good luck. It's still kinda early days for this stuff compared to the scenes for Skyrim and New Vegas, and getting it working can be a little confusing. Hopefully it'll become easier in the near future.

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Okay guys, because I kinda rushed the release out the door I neglected to mention some stuff about the Kneeling. It's a little fidly.


So you have to be in third person for an idle to play. So if you are in first person when the kneel menu comes up I pop you into third person. Other than a small perspective shift you might not even realise. after the menu closes... (You having chosen to kneel) you can rotate and move the camera out (holding the camera button) Just as you can any other time in third person. Isabel won't head track you until you point at yourself this way for some reason


The dialogue camera will show you kneeling as well of course. Once in the dialogue IF YOU SKIP YOUR OWN DIALOGUE you will STAND UP. There is no penalty for this it just sucks ? However you can skip Isabel's dialogue (IE if the camera is looking at her)


When the scene is over you can stand up by going into first person or opening the pipboy. If you talk to Isabel twice in fast succession she will allow you to stand the second time. Special dialogues like her asking for the money won't have the kneeling menu.

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29 minutes ago, Tentacus said:

I neglected to mention some stuff about the Kneeling

aaah.... then it's working as expected! :)

One other thing..err question..

Will Isabel ever move to Home Plate?


Oh, when forced to run around naked, the ashamed dialogue just round robins (no response from NPCs) which also prevents you from soliciting Gunners. (This is on an old save. Starting a new run now.)

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2 hours ago, izzyknows said:

aaah.... then it's working as expected! :)

One other thing..err question..

Will Isabel ever move to Home Plate?


As far as moving. I never learned how to set an NPCs map location (HOME) with a script in Fallout 4, but I did make it so they will wait wherever you put them forever and sandbox so just tell her to follow you and then have her wait in Homeplate. It's a custom wait package so she (and the other pimps) won't fast travel with you when waiting. If you are out in the world and want to send her home she'll go back to the dugout, but it isn't far to move her again. At least she's in the right town :) (she's just got a drinking problem is all!)


Actually for most of Hardship's dev Wait and follow were the only states and there was no way to send them back to their OG map location. I only added that a few months ago. You gotta understand that the Pimp follower setups are 100% non vanilla. (I learned followers from a DD Productions tutorial so... yeah.)



Oh, when forced to run around naked, the ashamed dialogue just round robins (no response from NPCs) which also prevents you from soliciting Gunners. (This is on an old save. Starting a new run now.)

It's supposed to do that. It's just a bit of simple roleplaying that I added yesterday afternoon. I didn't want to overcomplicate things by adding responses. Just imagine that the customer's resonse is an eye roll or a leer. ??


It never occurred to me that you'd be out in the dangerous world taking her orders I kinda figured that'd be a "when you're safe " kinda activity... so, in the future just don't leave a safe area until your shame orders are finished.  (Then don't ask for any until you are safe again.) That said in the next update I'll make it so it doesn't appear for Gunners (If I remember by then)




Fuck it. I fixed the gunner issue and reuploaded the main file. Most people won't need to bother redownloading for such an edgecase, but if you wanna prance around naked or in drag in gunner territory go ahead and redownload :)

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3 hours ago, Tentacus said:

As far as moving. I never learned how to set an NPCs map location (HOME) with a script in Fallout 4

The Home can be set to anything.. a wall, mist, xmarker etc. but you want to set it to something that can never be interacted with in game. Like a lightbox, xmarker etc.

Just a noobs idea, in the quest dialogue that triggers her telling you she owns it, you could set a timer to enable an initially disabled xmarker that she is linked to. You would have to tweak the dialogue just a little to be a bit more generic.. "Can we meat up later at home" "Yada Yada....  And the bar better stocked, cause I'm gonna need a Brahman load of whiskey after dealing with your whinny ass!"

Just rambling! LOL


4 hours ago, Tentacus said:

It never occurred to me that you'd be out in the dangerous world taking her orders

My PC heard someone say "Fuck the Commonwealth" and well... bless her heart... she's trying! LOL!

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