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4 hours ago, dagobaking said:

@Tentacus FYI, the latest test build removes the abruptStop parameter. So, you will need to re-compile again. But, after some consideration, I think this is best for compatibility. I still added the abruptStop functionality with a new function. So, you can still use that for the same feature.

Yeah been waiting for this. Woulda held the update, for the next pub release but The Child protection improvements were too imnportant.

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10 hours ago, KennedyMadeIt said:

Very minor, but I noticed that the unnecessary edit to the DiamondCityEntrance worldspace cell is still present in 1.5.9H.


It would only really be a potential problem for those using Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch which updates the PreVis Files Timestamp for that cell.

I'll take it out of the next update which will be after the next Pub AAF release.

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Im using this mods newest version, but before I had version g.
this when uninstalling with vortex and updating to version h, all my characters have stretched erections.

im using UAP, and letting this mod overwrite everything with cumtags enabled and cum overlay script in my install as well

whats causing the streched penises?

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22 minutes ago, TheSurvibalist said:

Im using this mods newest version, but before I had version g.
this when uninstalling with vortex and updating to version h, all my characters have stretched erections.

im using UAP, and letting this mod overwrite everything with cumtags enabled and cum overlay script in my install as well

whats causing the streched penises?

Nothing in Hardship will cause that. It's a skeleton, body or XML issue. Make sure your body is built the way the BODY makers say to. That you have no Indarello erection patches installed, and reinstall the skeleton. 


And just in general make sure Vortex is actually uninstalling stuff when you uninstall it. I use MO2 so don't ask me anything about how.

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1 hour ago, TheSurvibalist said:

Im using this mods newest version, but before I had version g.
this when uninstalling with vortex and updating to version h, all my characters have stretched erections.

im using UAP, and letting this mod overwrite everything with cumtags enabled and cum overlay script in my install as well

whats causing the streched penises?

I've found with Body Talk V3 that something (still don't know what) causes this to happen pretty regularly for me, body size gets huge and erections get stretched and inflated.

Running BodySlide with the BodyTalk presets usually fixes it but it always comes back later on, something in both our mod lists must be changing the male body in weird ways.

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1 hour ago, Tentacus said:

Nothing in Hardship will cause that. It's a skeleton, body or XML issue. Make sure your body is built the way the BODY makers say to. That you have no Indarello erection patches installed, and reinstall the skeleton. 


And just in general make sure Vortex is actually uninstalling stuff when you uninstall it. I use MO2 so don't ask me anything about how.


29 minutes ago, aranious said:

I've found with Body Talk V3 that something (still don't know what) causes this to happen pretty regularly for me, body size gets huge and erections get stretched and inflated.

Running BodySlide with the BodyTalk presets usually fixes it but it always comes back later on, something in both our mod lists must be changing the male body in weird ways.

Ifound the problem has to do with a specific setting in the installation.
When i overwrite SC and BP70 animation xmls for the "with cumtags" choice, I get the problem. Choosing without cumtags gives me normal body erections.
Its replicatable for me, and it might be an issue from my own setup. since i just started using this mod i dont wanna assume its the mod causing the issues but the "with cumtags" xmls for those 2 animation packs in the installer might have something funky going on with them.

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1 hour ago, Tentacus said:

And just in general make sure Vortex is actually uninstalling stuff when you uninstall it.

For anyone looking for the answer to that, it's hit the purge button and then when that finishes check the contents of your game directory to make sure the files from any Vortex-managed mods aren't there (to be fair, I haven't seen it leak files in a very long time). Then once you're sure, click deploy. In theory Vortex removes all files correctly when updating a mod, but in the distant past I've found cruft it lost track of.

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1 hour ago, TheSurvibalist said:


Ifound the problem has to do with a specific setting in the installation.
When i overwrite SC and BP70 animation xmls for the "with cumtags" choice, I get the problem. Choosing without cumtags gives me normal body erections.
Its replicatable for me, and it might be an issue from my own setup. since i just started using this mod i dont wanna assume its the mod causing the issues but the "with cumtags" xmls for those 2 animation packs in the installer might have something funky going on with them.

The only difference between those XMLs is One set has The "PenisToVagina, PenisToAnus etc... tags. I assure you it is a coincidence that you are correlating these things. You only need the Cum tags ones if using the scripted cum overlays mod by Nebuchednezzer2, and shouldn't use them otherwise anyway.


There is no data having to do with erections in those XMLs as they are PoseData. All erection stuff is included in the AnimationDatas. And even so I don't do anything more than minor adjustments and the "Ready" that every sex XML has.


Sorry... I don't mean to sound pissy but I don't like people throwing around "solutions" involving my stuff that have no basis in logic.

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1 hour ago, vaultbait said:

For anyone looking for the answer to that, it's hit the purge button and then when that finishes check the contents of your game directory to make sure the files from any Vortex-managed mods aren't there (to be fair, I haven't seen it leak files in a very long time). Then once you're sure, click deploy. In theory Vortex removes all files correctly when updating a mod, but in the distant past I've found cruft it lost track of.

Secondary note: Vortex never places files in game directories. Only links - normally hard links.

Purge just deletes those hard links. There really is no way for Vortex to contaminate a game directory.

Now if you do something really dumb - like copy your game directory - Windows will replace all those cute hard links with an actual copy of the mod...

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So... I was considering adding an option to have a normal customer sex scene drop clothes on the ground just like the hardcore strip for rapes. This would happen before the action options (like spread your pussy) which would be more immersive, and IRL you obviously don't shove your clothes up your ass when you take them off... so it's MURSIVE! 


This would also allow you to remain naked between servicing multiple customers. Like at a house party or the guards at the asylum.


Another possibility is a hotkey that does it. But then you'd be negotiating while naked and if it goes bad... Oops.

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14 minutes ago, Tentacus said:

So... I was considering adding an option to have a normal customer sex scene drop clothes on the ground just like the hardcore strip for rapes.

Out of curiosity, how does it decide which items to remove and which to keep equipped? Also remember it's possible to do soft integration with this if you feel like providing flexibility but don't need the added hassle of maintaining your own selection menu for things the player doesn't want to be stripped:


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1 hour ago, vaultbait said:

Out of curiosity, how does it decide which items to remove and which to keep equipped? Also remember it's possible to do soft integration with this if you feel like providing flexibility but don't need the added hassle of maintaining your own selection menu for things the player doesn't want to be stripped:


Hadn't gotten that far but obviously for the consensual one there would be some degree of choice.

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5 hours ago, Tentacus said:

The only difference between those XMLs is One set has The "PenisToVagina, PenisToAnus etc... tags. I assure you it is a coincidence that you are correlating these things. You only need the Cum tags ones if using the scripted cum overlays mod by Nebuchednezzer2, and shouldn't use them otherwise anyway.


There is no data having to do with erections in those XMLs as they are PoseData. All erection stuff is included in the AnimationDatas. And even so I don't do anything more than minor adjustments and the "Ready" that every sex XML has.


Sorry... I don't mean to sound pissy but I don't like people throwing around "solutions" involving my stuff that have no basis in logic.

i got it no worries

the thing thats just weird to me is that i do use the scripted overlays mod and when i specifically choose to use the SavageCabbage/Bp70 + Cum Tags xml option, i get the floating penis stretch. Without cumtags, it goes away. however, in vortex, i let this mod overwrite both of the anim packs original xml data during installation when specifically choosing the "+cum tags" option.

to be honest, i dont really know what the effect is anyway...i thought scripted overlays would apply the textures after animations, then the option to add tags would extend that feature to hardship scenarios....this whole bit seems inconsistent in my game, maybe i should just do without the scripted overlays mod?

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Hello there!


First of all, I really appreciate your work and I want to thank you. It's amazing how much energy you put into this.


I've been lurking for answers and though some people seem to have similar problems, I can't find a solution. Here it is:


Menacing raiders work fine, then the violation starts and I get to pick different choices at every new stage (once again, great work!). However, when I reach the 3rd or 4th stage, the animation keeps looping forever. At some point the game seems to consider the scene is over because I get the "A raider in menacing you" prompt from surrounding enemies. Then they start shooting at me while I'm being endlessly raped and it all turns into a big mess. Loading a previous save on the spot will break my pipboy (I can't access it), so I can't do much except restart the game.


Was this addressed before? Maybe I missed it. Here is part of my rather long MO2 list.


Thanks again!


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1 hour ago, Poly_esther said:

Menacing raiders work fine, then the violation starts and I get to pick different choices at every new stage (once again, great work!). However, when I reach the 3rd or 4th stage, the animation keeps looping forever. At some point the game seems to consider the scene is over because I get the "A raider in menacing you" prompt from surrounding enemies. Then they start shooting at me while I'm being endlessly raped and it all turns into a big mess. Loading a previous save on the spot will break my pipboy (I can't access it), so I can't do much except restart the game.

If version string in that picture are correct, you need to update hardship to atleast 1.5.9F. Ofc you should just get latest and most up-to date version anyway. Or downgrade AAF but I'd update Tentacus's stuff instead.


AAF rel.154 added a new param to StopScene, which changed signature and mods calling StopScene function compiled against older AAF version will call it with incorrect amount of params due to how papyrus handles default params. Those calls will fail and scene won't end. This function will change in near future again so keep your stuff up-to date and make sure to update all of them at once. Other mods not using StopScene are fine but hardship uses that func in pretty much all sex scenes.

-Recompiled scripts for AAF 154(Required) Compatibility. 


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6 hours ago, TheSurvibalist said:

i got it no worries

the thing thats just weird to me is that i do use the scripted overlays mod and when i specifically choose to use the SavageCabbage/Bp70 + Cum Tags xml option, i get the floating penis stretch. Without cumtags, it goes away. however, in vortex, i let this mod overwrite both of the anim packs original xml data during installation when specifically choosing the "+cum tags" option.

to be honest, i dont really know what the effect is anyway...i thought scripted overlays would apply the textures after animations, then the option to add tags would extend that feature to hardship scenarios....this whole bit seems inconsistent in my game, maybe i should just do without the scripted overlays mod?

Just to eliminate the cumtags issue. I am using those options for SC and BP70 and am having no problems

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15 minutes ago, Poly_esther said:

Thank you! I just tested it and the new version works just fine. Have a great day!


3 hours ago, requiredname65 said:

If version string in that picture are correct, you need to update hardship to atleast 1.5.9F. Ofc you should just get latest and most up-to date version anyway. Or downgrade AAF but I'd update Tentacus's stuff instead.


AAF rel.154 added a new param to StopScene, which changed signature and mods calling StopScene function compiled against older AAF version will call it with incorrect amount of params due to how papyrus handles default params. Those calls will fail and scene won't end. This function will change in near future again so keep your stuff up-to date and make sure to update all of them at once. Other mods not using StopScene are fine but hardship uses that func in pretty much all sex scenes.

-Recompiled scripts for AAF 154(Required) Compatibility. 


Just a quick note. The next public version of AAF is gonna revert the function that caused the looping which means that all mods that recompiled to fix this issue will have to recompile again. I have Hardship and Crackle ready to go for this but if there are any other mods that used stopscene that updated they may need time to recompile.


Long and short is the day the next AAF comes out there will be a new Hardship. (assuming I notice it comes out) So keep your eyes open. Also this update will finally fix compatibility with Scavver's Closet. (There will be a new update for that as well)

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Okay for people getting Random alcohol addiction with my mods... I found the source. When I copied the form that I used to make the save potion in Crackle I forgot to remove the addiction parameter... I thought the keyword was enough, It'll be fixed in the version that comes out after next AAF patch.


On the plus side I now know how to ensure a player can start the game addicted to something so the next DLYH (whenever I get to it) is gonna rule.

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2 hours ago, TheSurvibalist said:

do u think my overwrites are causing the issue?

I honestly couldn't say, but clearly something in your setup isn't quite right or it would happen to everyone


Sorry I can't be more help but I'm mainly familiar with Skyrim rather than FO4

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11 hours ago, TheSurvibalist said:

however, in vortex, i let this mod overwrite both of the anim packs original xml data during installation when specifically choosing the "+cum tags" option.

You can't Override those XMLs with mine... These are not a replacemnment or a patch like UAP etc... These are ONLY used by Hardship. They don't have the proper tags for other mods to see... so yes... whatever you did is probably the issue. (Though I still have no idea how this could affect dicks) Apparently Vortex lets you do some jank-ass shit that you could never do in MO2.  ? So yeah remove that rule. 


SC and BP70's default XMLs already have the proper tags (Via themes at least) for the Cum mod.


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