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AAF Family Planning Enhanced for CBBE, Fusion Girl, and Jane Bod

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22 minutes ago, vaultbait said:

No, it seems those may have been placeholders for additional content which was never added, but regardless at this point all they do is provide speech challenges of varying degrees and add a little color to an otherwise trivial but repeatable sidequest.

Okay seemed like it, it's a neat thing to happen anyhow.  Maybe in the future will be expanded upon. 

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6 hours ago, randomnumbersandletters said:

So just a quick question, do the "The Father" quest outcomes have any effects?  I've selected Marriage and Relationship options successfully, does that impact anything in game?

The only effect is that if you pick either of those two options, the father's relationship rank toward the player is raised to maximum.  You would need to use another mod to actually make them a settler or companion if they aren't already.

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New Version 2.610 uploaded

This release adds some features to help other mod authors integrate their mods with FPE, and a small feature added by request:

  • Added a new FPFP_NoDaddy keyword.  If the actor who impregnates the player has this keyword, the Find the Father quest will not start when the player finds out they are pregnant.
  • Added two new events, FPFP_GiveBirth and FPFP_GetPregnant.  FPE will send out an FPFP_GetPregnant whenever any actor gets pregnant, and send out a FPFP_GiveBirth when the actor gives birth or has an abortion/miscarriage.  Both events include arguments that indicate the mother, father, number of children, and whether a birth was a live birth.  See the updated FPE_Interface_Script for details.
  • The Find the Father quest will now give you the option to abandon the quest if you select the "I wasn't looking at you" or "never mind" option when talking to the potential father:



As always, no need for a clean save when upgrading to this version; the mod will detect the new files and self update.

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1 hour ago, EgoBallistic said:
  • Added a new FPFP_NoDaddy keyword.  If the actor who impregnates the player has this keyword, the Find the Father quest will not start when the player finds out they are pregnant.

Finally! I am very glad that now you can get rid of this stupid quest.

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2 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

Added a new FPFP_NoDaddy keyword.  If the actor who impregnates the player has this keyword, the Find the Father quest will not start when the player finds out they are pregnant.

  • Added two new events, FPFP_GiveBirth and FPFP_GetPregnant.  FPE will send out an FPFP_GetPregnant whenever any actor gets pregnant, and send out a FPFP_GiveBirth when the actor gives birth or has an abortion/miscarriage.  Both events include arguments that indicate the mother, father, number of children, and whether a birth was a live birth.  See the updated FPE_Interface_Script for details.

a couple of questions

1. is it worth anything to have a keyword implanter to give certain NPC's the FPFP_NoDaddy keyword (similar to IUD and FPFP_NoPreg)

(btw I can think of one reason, is if Nate(or someone) is impregnating you repeatably)


2. so will I need to change anything because of the FPFP_GiveBirth and FPFP_GetPregnant?


also I have already added the keyword FPFP_NoDaddy to my scripts, awaiting testing

edit-> I just tested and it works brilliantly, Thanks Again


1 hour ago, vjnmrf said:

Finally! I am very glad that now you can get rid of this stupid quest.

also this reason I supposed

edit-> one way to add FPFP_NoDaddy to a horde of NPC's is to use a modified Impregnation script (the one I use to mimic Pregnancies in NPC's)



new edit-> I just made a beta of my idea above and I would like some help with bugtesting (mainly from people who don't play Wasteland Dairy)

there are two major parts of this mod No Child Support(non playable) and IUD(playable with recipe)


so the No Child Support will be given to most of the factions with the exception of Settlers (and maybe I should return them as well)

so if they get the armor piece, and then have sex with you, you shouldn't get the quest.


but the quest will still activate on sex from certain NPC's such as raider bosses (I think)


(this mod may take a few ingame days to work (to cycle the leveled lists)

FPE_No Child Support.7z

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2 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

1. is it worth anything to have a keyword implanter to give certain NPC's the FPFP_NoDaddy keyword (similar to IUD and FPFP_NoPreg)

(btw I can think of one reason, is if Nate(or someone) is impregnating you repeatably)

Well, the original intent was for temporary NPCs like you use in your injector.  But using it on people in relationships is a good idea, since they wouldn't need to have the discussion.


2 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

2. so will I need to change anything because of the FPFP_GiveBirth and FPFP_GetPregnant?

No, but I need to make a small update to the mod.  The pregnancy data objects send the FPFP_GetPregnant events from the TrySpermFrom() function, which occurs when FPE reacts to an animation.  I was just looking at your code and realized you use the impregnate() function, which skips TrySpermFrom().  I will issue an update shortly.


2 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

also I have already added the keyword FPFP_NoDaddy to my scripts, awaiting testing

edit-> I just tested and it works brilliantly, Thanks Again

Great, you are very welcome.

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Just now, EgoBallistic said:

No, but I need to make a small update to the mod.  The pregnancy data objects send the FPFP_GetPregnant events from the TrySpermFrom() function, which occurs when FPE reacts to an animation.  I was just looking at your code and realized you use the impregnate() function, which skips TrySpermFrom().  I will issue an update shortly.


I have the feeling that I tried the TrySpermFrom() and it kept failing even at 100% conception.


so I use the Impregnate() and added chemical reagents to the recipe to "force" a pregnancy.

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Hi, thanks so much for the update. But I'm still not sure if I'm using the variables right because I'm such a scripting idiot, can you take a look for me? Also, I'd have to work out the time disparity issues between your mod and AN2 for this, but I'm toying with a system whereby the player finds out they're pregnant due to their period being late. Are the "It's the Nth month of my pregnancy" notifications managed by the "fPOCNotif:Notifs" MCM setting? I've included code that on pregnancy is supposed to check if that setting is enabled and if so disable it until the player is convinced they're pregnant. Then after (currently) 12 in-game hours the script is supposed to check if the player is currently on their period, and if so start a new timer and loop back. But if they are not it should show the first of three messages about the player's period being late, culminating in the third which is your "There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!" message. Then it should check if the notifications needs to be re-enabled and if so does it. Would that work?


Also, some more general scripting questions if you don't mind, 1) Do I need to declare global variables in my script at the beginning, and 2) What command do I need to use to just terminate the script if neither of the two mods are found during the checking stage?


Edit: Made a dumb code mistake.


FPFP_Player_Script FPE

int DelayedPregnancyNotification1 = 10
int DelayedPregnancyNotification2 = 20
int DelayedPregnancyNotification3 = 30
Bool WereNotificationsDisabled = False

Bool Function LoadFPE()
	If Game.IsPluginInstalled("FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp")
		FPE = FPFP_Player_Script.GetAPI()
		Return True
		Return false
		Debug.Notification("Family Planning Enhanced Not installed! Reinstall and try again")

Bool Function LoadAN2()
	If Game.IsPluginInstalled("AdvancedNeeds2_Expansion_04_MestrualCycle.esp")
		Return True
		Return false
		Debug.Notification("Advanced Needs 2 Menstrual Cycle Not installed! Reinstall and try again")

Function RegisterForFPEEvents()
	RegisterForCustomEvent(FPE, "FPFP_GetPregnant")
	RegisterForCustomEvent(FPE, "FPFP_GiveBirth")

Function StartTimerGameTime(float afInterval, int aiTimerID = 10) native

Function GetPregnancyNotification
	StartTimerGameTime(12, 10, DelayedPregnancyNotification1)
	StartTimerGameTime(12, 20, DelayedPregnancyNotification2)
	StartTimerGameTime(12, 30, DelayedPregnancyNotification3)

Event FPFP_Player_Script.FPFP_GetPregnant(FPFP_Player_Script akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	If (akSender.Ourself == PlayerREF)
		; disable menstruation
		(AN_MensesScript).Function EndPeriod()
		;Purely a debug message
		Debug.Notification("Debug: Menstrual Cycle Disabled")
		; Set a delayed notification timer
		StartTimerGameTime(12, 10)
		; Check if notifications are on and need to be disabled
		float TempDisableNotifications = akGlobal.GetValue(fPOCNotif:Notifs)
			If TempDisableNotifactions == 1
			akGlobal.SetValue(fPOCNotif:Notifs) = 0
			WereNotificationsDisabled = True
			;Purely a debug message
			Debug.Notifaction("Debug: Notifications disabled")

Event FPFP_Player_Script.FPFP_GiveBirth(FPFP_Player_Script akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	If (akSender.Ourself == PlayerREF)
		; enable menstruation

Event OnTimerGameTime(int DelayedPregnancyNotification1)
	If (AN_PeriodStack == 1)
		StartTimerGameTime(12, 10, DelayedPregnancyNotification1)
		Debug.Notification("My period's late...")
		StartTimerGameTime(12, 20, DelayedPregnancyNotification2)

Event OnTimerGameTime(int DelayedPregnancyNotification2)
	Debug.Notification("I still haven't got my period. Maybe I'm pregnant")
	StartTimerGameTime(12, 30, DelayedPregnancyNotification3)
Event OnTimerGameTime(int DelayedPregnancyNotification3)
	Debug.Notification("There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!")
		;Turn notifications back on if they were disabled
		If WereNotificationsDisabled == True
			akGlobal.SetValue(fPOCNotif:Notifs) = 1
			Debug.Notifaction("Debug: Notifications enabled")
			WereNotificationsDisabled = False



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47 minutes ago, RealBarenziah said:

Are the "It's the Nth month of my pregnancy" notifications managed by the "fPOCNotif:Notifs" MCM setting? I've included code that on pregnancy is supposed to check if that setting is enabled and if so disable it until the player is convinced they're pregnant. Then after (currently) 12 in-game hours the script is supposed to check if the player is currently on their period, and if so start a new timer and loop back. But if they are not it should show the first of three messages about the player's period being late, culminating in the third which is your "There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!" message. Then it should check if the notifications needs to be re-enabled and if so does it. Would that work?

There are no toggles for the "There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!" notification, nor for the "its the Nth month of my pregnancy" notifications.


One script change you have to make:

    If (akSender.Ourself == PlayerREF)

needs to be changed to

    If ((akArgs[0] as Actor) == PlayerREF)


I was originally going to make the pregnancy data object send the events, in which case your version would work.  But I realized later that this would require mods to register with every pregnancy data object in order to receive the events.  So instead I made the FPE main script FPFP_Player_Script send the events, and the mother actor is sent as one of the arguments.


47 minutes ago, RealBarenziah said:

1) Do I need to declare global variables in my script at the beginning

You can declare script properties anywhere outside of functions, but it is more readable to declare them all at the start of your script.


47 minutes ago, RealBarenziah said:

2) What command do I need to use to just terminate the script if neither of the two mods are found during the checking stage?

You need an OnInit() event handler (and optionally an OnPlayerLoadGame handler, which I like to use) to run the startup events.  It would look something like this:

Function Initialize()
    If LoadFPE() && LoadAN2()

Event OnQuestInit()
    RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerLoadGame")

Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender)


So it will do nothing if neither of the two mod scripts are found, but it will try every time the player loads their game.

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40 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

There are no toggles for the "There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!" notification, nor for the "its the Nth month of my pregnancy" notifications.



Darn. I don't suppose there's any way I can add one in a way that wouldn't require overwriting your script? Thanks for all the coding tips, very helpful.

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Update: According to the Creation Kit wiki, if I set my script as a child of your script and call the same functions those calls will overwrite yours. So in theory I think that means I just have to copy over the bit that sends the messages and add a conditional to check if the player knows they're pregnant? Do you think this would work? I've commented out the lines I don't think I'd need but I'm not sure. One thing I'm not sure about is if it would actually loop after the first check is blocked by the player not knowing they're pregnant. Also included there is code that would hopefully actually force a period when you get the message saying the contraceptive pill has forced a period if you take one within the first month.



Event OnTimerGameTime(int aiTID)
	If MorningAfterPill ; the player has taken the pill during the first month
		(AN_MensesScript).Function GivePeriod()
		Debug.MessageBox("The contraceptive you took forced a period.")
	;float currentMonth = GetCurrentMonth()
	;If currentMonth > 0 && currentMonth < 9
		If FirstCheck
			If DoIKnowImPregnant == True
				debug.notification("There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!")
				FirstCheck = False
		If DoIKnowImPregnant == True
			debug.notification("It's the "+ GetMonthString(currentMonth) +" month of my pregnancy.")



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1 hour ago, RealBarenziah said:

According to the Creation Kit wiki, if I set my script as a child of your script and call the same functions those calls will overwrite yours. So in theory I think that means I just have to copy over the bit that sends the messages and add a conditional to check if the player knows they're pregnant? Do you think this would work?

I think you are talking about extending scripts, i.e.


Scriptname My_Player_Script extends FPFP_Player_Script


Extending a script allows you to make a "child" of an existing script that inherits all of the parent's functions.  The child script inherits all of the parent's scripts and properties, and you can add entirely new functions to the child, or replace the parents ones with new ones.


This is intended to allow you to make specialized versions of scripts.  For example, you could have a "MyGenericWeapon" script that provides certain features, and then "MyPistol", "MyRifle", and "MyBaseballBat" scripts that extend "MyGenericWeapon".


However, extending a script that is already on an existing quest does nothing to that existing quest.  So you cannot change the behavior of FPFP_Player_Script by making a new script that extends it.

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27 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

I think you are talking about extending scripts, i.e.


Scriptname My_Player_Script extends FPFP_Player_Script


Extending a script allows you to make a "child" of an existing script that inherits all of the parent's functions.  The child script inherits all of the parent's scripts and properties, and you can add entirely new functions to the child, or replace the parents ones with new ones.


This is intended to allow you to make specialized versions of scripts.  For example, you could have a "MyGenericWeapon" script that provides certain features, and then "MyPistol", "MyRifle", and "MyBaseballBat" scripts that extend "MyGenericWeapon".


However, extending a script that is already on an existing quest does nothing to that existing quest.  So you cannot change the behavior of FPFP_Player_Script by making a new script that extends it.

Damn, OK back to the drawing board.

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3 hours ago, RealBarenziah said:

Darn. I don't suppose there's any way I can add one in a way that wouldn't require overwriting your script? Thanks for all the coding tips, very helpful.

I would be open to making those notifications configurable.  Is there anything else that you would need from FPE itself?

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That would be awesome, but don't overwork yourself on my behalf, I know you just put out two updates recently. Plus I just realised being able to temporarily disable notifications is academic if I can't also delay the quests from starting. Let me know if this would be too much work or break things - in the script excerpt I was drafting when I thought I might have to replace your script I was toying with the concept of adding a DoIKnowImPregnant bool. Would it be possible for you to add such a global variable to your script that disables the notifications and the quest starting until I do it in my script, but only if my mod is active? Would it not break things if mine was the only script that used it?


The other thing is I'm still not fully across how to access a variable from another script, but I think it should be possible already for my mod to detect when a pregnancy has ended through the player taking a contraceptive pill, right? If not any chance you can add something?


Here's my latest version of the script. Still a lot to do, I still need to work out some basic things like integrating the two OnTimerGameTimes. The formula in the StartTimerGameTimes for the immersive notifications is my prototype attempt at tackling the timing disparity between your mod and AN2. AN2's menstrual cycle works on a set 28 day cycle, whereas IIRC the default FPE time is 3 days = 1 month, right? So the player could go through a whole pregnancy before they'd even get their period. The obvious option is to sync the two times, but that means by default a period would last 3 days, which is very short. So what I'm thinking is I do an MCM where the player can keep the default setting or choose to set the length of a period to the length of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc possibly up to 8 FFPE months (of course then I'd have to either make the immersive notifications togglable or disable them at higher values or the player will be able to see themselves being pregnant long before they "know" they are). But do you know if StartTimerGameTime() can even have formulas as values, or would I have to do the calculation separately? I figure doing it at the start of the timer would be best for if the player changes either setting in between the mod starting and the next cycle(s).



Scriptname ANTweaksMensesScript extends Quest

FPFP_Player_Script FPE

Bool DoIKnowImPregnant = False
Bool FirstCheck = True
bool FirstRun = True
bool AmIPregnant = False

Bool Function LoadFPE()
	If Game.IsPluginInstalled("FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp")
		FPE = FPFP_Player_Script.GetAPI()
		Return True
		Return false
		Debug.Notification("Family Planning Enhanced Not installed! Reinstall and try again")

Bool Function LoadAN2()
	If Game.IsPluginInstalled("AdvancedNeeds2_Expansion_04_MestrualCycle.esp")
		Return True
		Return false
		Debug.Notification("Advanced Needs 2 Menstrual Cycle Not installed! Reinstall and try again")

Function Initialize()
    If LoadFPE() && LoadAN2()

Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender)
		If FirstRun == True
			FirstRun = False

Function RegisterForFPEEvents()
	RegisterForCustomEvent(FPE, "FPFP_GetPregnant")
	RegisterForCustomEvent(FPE, "FPFP_GiveBirth")

Function StartTimerGameTime(float afInterval, int aiTimerID = 10) native

Function StartPseudoCycleNotMenstruating;create a pseudo cycle
	Self.StartTimerGameTime(FPFP_Global_day * ANTweaksMultiplier * 24 / 4 * 3), 600)

Function StartPseudoCycleMenstruating;Second stage of pseudo cycle
	Self.StartTimerGameTime(FPFP_Global_day * ANTweaksMultiplier * 24 / 4), 625)

Function ImmersivePregnancyNotification1;Queue pregnancy notification
	StartTimerGameTime(FPFP_Global_day * ANTweaksMultiplier * 3, 650)

Function ImmersivePregnancyNotification2
	StartTimerGameTime(FPFP_Global_day * ANTweaksMultiplier * 3, 700)

Function ImmersivePregnancyNotification3

Event OnQuestInit()
    RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerLoadGame")

Function WaitToReEnablePeriod
	Self.StartTimerGameTime(FPFP_Global_day * ANTweaksMultiplier * 24), 900)

Event FPFP_Player_Script.FPFP_GetPregnant(FPFP_Player_Script akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	If ((akArgs[0] as Actor) == PlayerREF)
		AmIPregnant = True
		DoIKnowImPregnant = False
		; disable menstruation
		(AN_MensesScript).Function EndPeriod()
		;Purely a debug message
		Debug.Notification("Debug: Menstrual Cycle Disabled")

Event FPFP_Player_Script.FPFP_GiveBirth(FPFP_Player_Script akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	If (akSender.Ourself == PlayerREF)
		AmIPregnant = False

Event OnTimerGameTime(int aiTID)
	If MorningAfterPill ; the player has taken the pill during the first month
		(AN_MensesScript).Function GivePeriod()
		Debug.MessageBox("The contraceptive you took forced a period.")
	;float currentMonth = GetCurrentMonth()
	;If currentMonth > 0 && currentMonth < 9
		If FirstCheck
			If DoIKnowImPregnant == True
				debug.notification("There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!")
				FirstCheck = False
		If DoIKnowImPregnant == True
			debug.notification("It's the "+ GetMonthString(currentMonth) +" month of my pregnancy.")

Event OnTimerGameTime(int PID)
	If (PID == 600)
	If (PID == 625)
		If AmIPregnant == True
			;Cancel timer?
			DoIKnowImPregnant = False;Just in case

	If (PID == 650)
		If AmIPregnant == True
			Debug.Notification("My period's late...")
	If (PID == 700)
		If AmIPregnant == True
			Debug.Notification("I still haven't got my period. Maybe I'm pregnant")
	If (PID == 750) ;The problem here is AN and FPE use different formats for starttimergametime
		If AmIPregnant == True
			debug.notification("There's no mistake about it: I'm pregnant!")
			DoIKnowImPregnant = True
				FirstCheck = False
		;If DoIKnowImPregnant == True
			;debug.notification("It's the "+ GetMonthString(currentMonth) +" month of my pregnancy.")

	If (PID ==900)
		AN_MenstrualCycle.SetValue(1);Re-enable menstruation
		AmIPregnant = False;Reset bools
		DoIKnowImPregnant = False
		StartPseudoCycleNotMenstruating;Re-enable pseudo cycle
		Debug.Notification("Debug: Menstrual Cycle Enabled");Purely a debug message


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10 hours ago, RealBarenziah said:

The other thing is I'm still not fully across how to access a variable from another script, but I think it should be possible already for my mod to detect when a pregnancy has ended through the player taking a contraceptive pill, right? If not any chance you can add something?


The FPFP_GiveBirth event tells you if the birth was live: (akArgs[1] as Bool) is true if a baby was born, false otherwise.  However, the MorningAfterPill property in the player preg data is reset before the FPFP_GiveBirth event is sent out, so you can't rely on it.


However, you can track whether the player took a morning after pill yourself, using an OnItemEquipped event like FPE does.  So you can get all the information you need:

Function Initialize()
    If LoadFPE() && LoadAN2()
        RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnItemEquipped") ; so we can tell when player takes pill

Event Actor.OnItemEquipped(Actor akSender, Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
    If akBaseObject == FPFP_Pill

        PlayerPregData PlayerPreg = FPE.GetPlayerPregData()

        If PlayerPreg.IsPregnant && PlayerPreg.GetCurrentMonth() < 1.0
            MorningAfterPill = True

Event FPFP_Player_Script.FPFP_GiveBirth(FPFP_Player_Script akSender, Var[] akArgs)
    If (akArgs[0] as Actor) == PlayerREF                                                                   
        AmIPregnant = False
        Bool WasLiveBirth = akArgs[1] as Bool 
        If WasLiveBirth == False && MorningAfterPill == True
            MorningAfterPill = False  


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8 minutes ago, Contemplator523111 said:

I installed it correctly, I even find condoms and birth control pills, but conception itself does not occur, and fertility notifications do not appear, what could this be, what is the problem?

Set all notifications ON except for "Player-Only Conception Notifications"

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