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Devious Devices - Laura's Bondage Shop (11-dec-2023) V3.43

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I liked how you used the cage in this mod during the What She Deserves. That gave me an idea, how about a repeatable quest like locked away, where she locks you in what ever bondage she wants and puts you in the cage. Then have you stay there for how ever long she likes and when she releases you she gives you a set rate of gold. Have time, gold, ect be set in the MCM menu like locked away. 


Maybe while you are in there have Laura and Katarina have a few different random convos through out the day. Sort of like What She Deserves.


Name for it could be "Display Model" or something like that Because you are on display, modeling her goods. (corny i know lol)


Just an Idea.

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13 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

A submissive follower? That could be fun to make, but there's no shortage of other follower mods. I do have something like that planned. It could take a while though.


I don't think there are any mods built specifically for submissive followers. Most LL follower mods are for submissive player characters and often double as "hard mode" and/or consequence mods. I suspect the very valid reason for that is NPCs are vacant, blank slates, so the author has to do for the submissive follower what you've done with this mod - script complicated scenes, quests, and dialogues.


Great mod by the way - it finally made its way through my trial queue over the holidays, and I can't believe I didn't try it sooner. This is easily one of the best DD-related mods here on LL.

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I finished the three quests to free the slave girls, and I have to say, again, they were really well done. I did run into the problem with not getting the force greet in the Temple of Mara, but a reload and being more patient got around that problem.  Perhaps I visited the temple at the wrong time of day (late evening) since my PC, my follower, your two NPCs, and all of the NPCs that call the temple home were all in the back room at the same time, and I'm sure my chatty follower (Inigo) wasn't helping things.


I'm very much looking forward to the conclusion of that quest line.


18 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I want to keep mine playfull and friendly

This is a very nice approach compared to some of the DD mods, and I'm finding it refreshing and very enjoyable.

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Immersive feature request: What she deserves

(a.k.a. "Much work for little gain" :classic_blush: )


Aside from my test games, in my first real play, I had a follower with me when the quest reached a certain point.

Technicaly it worked. Though it lacked immersive interaction and it broke the logic of the story-telling (why wouldn't my follower intervene at two certain points in the story.


If we could come up with a solution for that, the story would keep the flow.


Spoiler for the story


First point: My follower waited at the door and watched the scene



But didn't help me.


Second point: Laura made her mistake and it made no sense that my follower didn't intervene to explain the situation to Laura.





Possible solutions:


Basically it would suffice if we could make sure, that the follower would make the same error as Laura did.

Isolating the scene with Xayah and making sure that no other NPC is watching would maintain the logic of the story.

OR we would need to make sure that NO follower is present when Laura makes her mistake.


Meta-technically, I see a few options to solve that:

option 1

Most important: Making sure that all followers and player teammates are dropped off, before the PC enters the Blue Palace.

additionally option 1a:

SInce the PC shouldn't be able to talk, the PC should not be able to re-enlist their services after the scene in the palace (deny the PC all dialogues). The PC would need to continue the quest alone.

OR additionally option 1b:

Letting them to escort me safely to Laura could still be OK, as long as their dialogue reflects that they take me also for the thief and willingly hand me over to Laura.

But they should probably leave the shop when the PC get's in the cage. E.g. to find their friend somewhere, wait in the Bannered Mare ...


option 2

like above, but our followers still recognizes us again, once we return where we dropped them

They can safely escort us to Laura, so it would not give you any problems to meddle with followers and follower frameworks

BUT we still need to make sure that they wouldn't be able to tell Laura about her mistake.

option 2a:

a slightly shifted dialogue where they are paid a few coins for a drink and are asked to wait in the inn for the PC to return ( incuding a subtile dalogue to mask Laura's ongoing mistake )

Technically, now you would need to send them outside and disable/immobilize them temporary, just to fetch them back in the last stage

option 2b:

a trigger outside at Laura's door, where you make sure, that the PC can only enter alone. Possibly with an injected dialogue in the quest.

That option would relieve you mostly from messing with unknown followers/teammates.

The dialogue scene would simply tell the player, that the PC can only enter alone. The player can now get rid of his follower with whatever method/framework is active in that game.

Technically: override the door activator until follower and teammate count is both down to 0

The dialogue could in a direction like "This is soooo embarassing, I hope noboy is watching,  I should go in alone, etc...."


option 3

Making the followers /teammates part of the scene with Xayah and Laura

I don't continue here, because I feel this could end in thousands of follow-up problems for you. I don't feel that worth the effort for a little immersive issue.

But still, it IS an option.


It felt so strange in my first run, that I replayed that quest and roleplayed manually along the lines of option 2b. (you see my favotite :blush: ) And that felt perfect for me.

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14 hours ago, Chilen said:

I liked how you used the cage in this mod during the What She Deserves. That gave me an idea, how about a repeatable quest like locked away, where she locks you in what ever bondage she wants and puts you in the cage. Then have you stay there for how ever long she likes and when she releases you she gives you a set rate of gold. Have time, gold, ect be set in the MCM menu like locked away. 


Maybe while you are in there have Laura and Katarina have a few different random convos through out the day. Sort of like What She Deserves.


Name for it could be "Display Model" or something like that Because you are on display, modeling her goods. (corny i know lol)


Just an Idea.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've also had an idea like this for a while. It's currently in my notes as "On Display".

I wasn't planned, but I'm actually thinking of adding it in the coming update.




6 hours ago, SkyAddiction said:

I don't think there are any mods built specifically for submissive followers. Most LL follower mods are for submissive player characters and often double as "hard mode" and/or consequence mods. I suspect the very valid reason for that is NPCs are vacant, blank slates, so the author has to do for the submissive follower what you've done with this mod - script complicated scenes, quests, and dialogues.


Great mod by the way - it finally made its way through my trial queue over the holidays, and I can't believe I didn't try it sooner. This is easily one of the best DD-related mods here on LL.

Not specifically, but CDS had Erani and DCL has Sasha. And I'm sure there are more.

I'm thinking of giving the follower both sub and domme features. I want her to be more like a playmate than a slave.






5 hours ago, PubliusNV said:

I finished the three quests to free the slave girls, and I have to say, again, they were really well done. I did run into the problem with not getting the force greet in the Temple of Mara, but a reload and being more patient got around that problem.


Perhaps I visited the temple at the wrong time of day (late evening) since my PC, my follower, your two NPCs, and all of the NPCs that call the temple home were all in the back room at the same time, and I'm sure my chatty follower (Inigo) wasn't helping things.

I didn't want to make a new version just for 1 fix, so this'll be fixed in the next update.


5 hours ago, PubliusNV said:

I'm very much looking forward to the conclusion of that quest line.



5 hours ago, PubliusNV said:

This is a very nice approach compared to some of the DD mods, and I'm finding it refreshing and very enjoyable.

Thank you.

It think it's kinda weird how popular rape and abuse is on this site. I'm probably too much of a softy, but a lot of mods here are just too much for me.





2 hours ago, worik said:

Immersive feature request: What she deserves

(a.k.a. "Much work for little gain" :classic_blush: )


Aside from my test games, in my first real play, I had a follower with me when the quest reached a certain point.

Technicaly it worked. Though it lacked immersive interaction and it broke the logic of the story-telling (why wouldn't my follower intervene at two certain points in the story.


If we could come up with a solution for that, the story would keep the flow.


Spoiler for the story

  Reveal hidden contents

First point: My follower waited at the door and watched the scene

  Reveal hidden contents


But didn't help me.


Second point: Laura made her mistake and it made no sense that my follower didn't intervene to explain the situation to Laura.

  Reveal hidden contents




Possible solutions:

  Reveal hidden contents

Basically it would suffice if we could make sure, that the follower would make the same error as Laura did.

Isolating the scene with Xayah and making sure that no other NPC is watching would maintain the logic of the story.

OR we would need to make sure that NO follower is present when Laura makes her mistake.


Meta-technically, I see a few options to solve that:

option 1

Most important: Making sure that all followers and player teammates are dropped off, before the PC enters the Blue Palace.

additionally option 1a:

SInce the PC shouldn't be able to talk, the PC should not be able to re-enlist their services after the scene in the palace (deny the PC all dialogues). The PC would need to continue the quest alone.

OR additionally option 1b:

Letting them to escort me safely to Laura could still be OK, as long as their dialogue reflects that they take me also for the thief and willingly hand me over to Laura.

But they should probably leave the shop when the PC get's in the cage. E.g. to find their friend somewhere, wait in the Bannered Mare ...


option 2

like above, but our followers still recognizes us again, once we return where we dropped them

They can safely escort us to Laura, so it would not give you any problems to meddle with followers and follower frameworks

BUT we still need to make sure that they wouldn't be able to tell Laura about her mistake.

option 2a:

a slightly shifted dialogue where they are paid a few coins for a drink and are asked to wait in the inn for the PC to return ( incuding a subtile dalogue to mask Laura's ongoing mistake )

Technically, now you would need to send them outside and disable/immobilize them temporary, just to fetch them back in the last stage

option 2b:

a trigger outside at Laura's door, where you make sure, that the PC can only enter alone. Possibly with an injected dialogue in the quest.

That option would relieve you mostly from messing with unknown followers/teammates.

The dialogue scene would simply tell the player, that the PC can only enter alone. The player can now get rid of his follower with whatever method/framework is active in that game.

Technically: override the door activator until follower and teammate count is both down to 0

The dialogue could in a direction like "This is soooo embarassing, I hope noboy is watching,  I should go in alone, etc...."


option 3

Making the followers /teammates part of the scene with Xayah and Laura

I don't continue here, because I feel this could end in thousands of follow-up problems for you. I don't feel that worth the effort for a little immersive issue.

But still, it IS an option.


It felt so strange in my first run, that I replayed that quest and roleplayed manually along the lines of option 2b. (you see my favotite :blush: ) And that felt perfect for me.

She should keep you from starting the quest when you've got a follower with you. So people will have to re-enlist a follower even though they were just told you were not supposed to bring one.

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4 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

She should keep you from starting the quest when you've got a follower with you. So people will have to re-enlist a follower even though they were just told you were not supposed to bring one

Indeed :blush: But that's what I meant with a last minute check when you enter the palace.


Maybe an added back-out dialogue like "Come back later" when you enter the dialogue in the palace with a follower/teammate in tow?

? The rest could stay in place.

Just call it fail-safe dialogues for people like me who break stuff :classic_laugh: .. ermm :classic_blush:

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3 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

Not specifically, but CDS had Erani and DCL has Sasha. And I'm sure there are more.

I'm thinking of giving the follower both sub and domme features. I want her to be more like a playmate than a slave.


I always forget about those two. Probably because CD is heavy and I tend to defer to DCL instead, and Sasha is too expensive in my economy.


Anyway, I was more trying to point out the fact that player character sub mods are more popular because player agency allows for action and story creation independent of the mod author. The author designs mechanics or quests, and the player does whatever they wish. It doesn't really matter whether the player's kink is dom, sub, or switch, they want to tell the story so they prefer to physically control the sub.


Followers that are independent or expected to react to the player character require incredibly complex systems and stories. Look at Sasha... and she's basically a blank slate outside her outfits and toys. Followers are a nightmare to build, or at least they're mine. I'm sure you of all people could create a good one, but it's at least as much work as everything you've already built.


3 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I think it's kinda weird how popular rape and abuse is on this site. I'm probably too much of a softy, but a lot of mods here are just too much for me.


As long as I've been here there have been at least two groups of people using the more hardcore mods: The first are using them to create reluctance/non-consent fantasies or more commonly as convenient triggers for porn-fueled games. The second (myself included) are using them to pile on serious consequences so combat has some meaning beyond repeatedly clicking mouse buttons until the red bars go away. My games tend to feature occasional hookup sex and lots of adrenaline-pumping flight from combat encounters gone bad. It makes me care about my characters quite a bit, and I can't remember the last time I got caught out by a defeat mechanism.


Brave Sir Robin is the spirit animal of my characters. ?

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4 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

It think it's kinda weird how popular rape and abuse is on this site.

Somehow, yes. But that's to be expected, I think.

4 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I'm probably too much of a softy,

No, I guess not.

4 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

but a lot of mods here are just too much for me.

Meanwhile the counter here is


a4.jpg.bf35fe0975613dcf94454ceb4152f771.jpg 40.483 Downloads ?

I'd say you are pretty normal :classic_tongue:

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35 minutes ago, SkyAddiction said:

I always forget about those two. Probably because CD is heavy and I tend to defer to DCL instead, and Sasha is too expensive in my economy.


Anyway, I was more trying to point out the fact that player character sub mods are more popular because player agency allows for action and story creation independent of the mod author. The author designs mechanics or quests, and the player does whatever they wish. It doesn't really matter whether the player's kink is dom, sub, or switch, they want to tell the story so they prefer to physically control the sub.


Followers that are independent or expected to react to the player character require incredibly complex systems and stories. Look at Sasha... and she's basically a blank slate outside her outfits and toys. Followers are a nightmare to build, or at least they're mine. I'm sure you of all people could create a good one, but it's at least as much work as everything you've already built.

You're right. Giving the player more control also means that's it harder to make that content.

I'm not sure how I'll do it, but I think it's worth about 2-3 months of work.


35 minutes ago, SkyAddiction said:

As long as I've been here there have been at least two groups of people using the more hardcore mods: The first are using them to create reluctance/non-consent fantasies or more commonly as convenient triggers for porn-fueled games. The second (myself included) are using them to pile on serious consequences so combat has some meaning beyond repeatedly clicking mouse buttons until the red bars go away. My games tend to feature occasional hookup sex and lots of adrenaline-pumping flight from combat encounters gone bad. It makes me care about my characters quite a bit, and I can't remember the last time I got caught out by a defeat mechanism.


Brave Sir Robin is the spirit animal of my characters. ?

Some people here genuinely love rape and that kinda creeps me out. But like you said, it's mostly people that want as much shagging as possible and extra difficulty in their games.





6 minutes ago, worik said:

Meanwhile the counter here is

  Reveal hidden contents

a4.jpg.bf35fe0975613dcf94454ceb4152f771.jpg 40.483 Downloads ?

I'd say you are pretty normal :classic_tongue:

I never expected that this mod would do so well. I love seeing comments about how people love the more friendly side of bondage.

I'm just surprised that there aren't more consensual bondage mods, because people seem to like it.

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On 1/5/2020 at 12:38 PM, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

Something like this wouldn't really fit in my mod. I want to keep mine playfull and friendly.

If I do this, I'll want it to be like a roleplay or something. I don't like to force the player.

Well, as I said, it wouldn't be a technically "force" as you can quite whenever you want by talking to Laura and telling her you want to stop.


I like the idea of role play, but not sure how that could be implemented.


One thing I liked about Maria Eden was the "you choose what your master wants you to do", so a similar system could be used to make it a bit more interactive without forcing the player, as the player chooses what's the task, but although I liked that part, it kind of made the mod shallow.


As I said, that option to become Laura's slave would be something you have to ask for and can quit whenever, but I agree that friendly is better than forced, that's the reason why it's so successful. 


The reason why I suggested the cage for the night was because it's used nicely when it's used, but for me it feels a bit underused.


Anyway, I'm looking forward at what you'll do, so I wish you the best of luck.

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6 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

Thank you.

It think it's kinda weird how popular rape and abuse is on this site. I'm probably too much of a softy, but a lot of mods here are just too much for me.

Tahnk YOU. That is exactly the same feeling I got from so many mods... I absolutely love bondage, but I can easily skip all sex scenes including rape. All mods that allow it, I disable rape or set the chance to 0.


It was wonderful to find your mod and I basically check LL every day just to see, if you released an update ;) (This is not meant to urge you for release... I can wait till it is done ;) )

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10 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

She should keep you from starting the quest when you've got a follower with you. So people will have to re-enlist a follower even though they were just told you were not supposed to bring one.

If you were to implement a feature for if someone hires a follower after starting the quest, you could maybe have a set up where the player asks the follower to wait just outside the palace incase the thief tries to run? when you come out all bound up they assume you are the thief trying to run, and take you to Laura, Ignoring your muffled protests?


And I think SL Survival has a decent way to make the followers not follow you into an area (disabling them as you enter the kennel and enabling them as you leave), if you could get that to work it would allow someone to have a follower for the quest and let them make the same mistakes as Laura


how this could work:

  • disable your follower when you enter the blue palace
  • enable them again when you leave, regardless of if you found the thief or not
    • with a new scene if you had found them, where they grab you and wait for 'you' for a moment then decide to take you to Laura and look for 'you' after
  • then you continue as per normal. This would even add less blame on Laura for the mistake when you return as one of the player's 'friends' delivers the bound girl
    • an addition to the scene after delivering you to Laura your follower leaves to find 'you' (disable them again) and they return the next morning as part of the final scene or just after?

None of it is needed, It probably would be difficult to handle multiple followers but that shouldn't be necessary, you can only do much.

If it could be done that would be an amusing way to allow the player a follower for the quest, without having to rely on them making the follower wait or dismissing then rehiring them if they really need to have a follower for some reason (with SLSurvival can't leave Solitude without either a follower, or an alternate exit).

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15 hours ago, neosuduno said:

Looking forward to the next version. Any Idea when it will be out?

It's hard to say. It's going surprisingly well, but there's a bunch of stuff that can still go wrong. ?





14 hours ago, Rylalei said:

Well, as I said, it wouldn't be a technically "force" as you can quite whenever you want by talking to Laura and telling her you want to stop.


I like the idea of role play, but not sure how that could be implemented.


One thing I liked about Maria Eden was the "you choose what your master wants you to do", so a similar system could be used to make it a bit more interactive without forcing the player, as the player chooses what's the task, but although I liked that part, it kind of made the mod shallow.


As I said, that option to become Laura's slave would be something you have to ask for and can quit whenever, but I agree that friendly is better than forced, that's the reason why it's so successful. 


The reason why I suggested the cage for the night was because it's used nicely when it's used, but for me it feels a bit underused.


Anyway, I'm looking forward at what you'll do, so I wish you the best of luck.

Roleplay to me is just pretending. Like pretending that you're master and slave.

Something like being her slave has been in my notes for a while, but I'm not sure how I'll do it yet and other things have priority.

But I do want to use the cell more.





14 hours ago, subrina said:

Tahnk YOU. That is exactly the same feeling I got from so many mods... I absolutely love bondage, but I can easily skip all sex scenes including rape. All mods that allow it, I disable rape or set the chance to 0.

I do that too. Everytime I start a game I go through the MCM's to disable all rape and Misogyny content.


14 hours ago, subrina said:

It was wonderful to find your mod and I basically check LL every day just to see, if you released an update ;) (This is not meant to urge you for release... I can wait till it is done ;) )






10 hours ago, Tenri said:

If you were to implement a feature for if someone hires a follower after starting the quest, you could maybe have a set up where the player asks the follower to wait just outside the palace incase the thief tries to run? when you come out all bound up they assume you are the thief trying to run, and take you to Laura, Ignoring your muffled protests?


And I think SL Survival has a decent way to make the followers not follow you into an area (disabling them as you enter the kennel and enabling them as you leave), if you could get that to work it would allow someone to have a follower for the quest and let them make the same mistakes as Laura


how this could work:

  • disable your follower when you enter the blue palace
  • enable them again when you leave, regardless of if you found the thief or not
    • with a new scene if you had found them, where they grab you and wait for 'you' for a moment then decide to take you to Laura and look for 'you' after
  • then you continue as per normal. This would even add less blame on Laura for the mistake when you return as one of the player's 'friends' delivers the bound girl
    • an addition to the scene after delivering you to Laura your follower leaves to find 'you' (disable them again) and they return the next morning as part of the final scene or just after?

None of it is needed, It probably would be difficult to handle multiple followers but that shouldn't be necessary, you can only do much.

If it could be done that would be an amusing way to allow the player a follower for the quest, without having to rely on them making the follower wait or dismissing then rehiring them if they really need to have a follower for some reason (with SLSurvival can't leave Solitude without either a follower, or an alternate exit).

I won't make new branches for when the player has a follower. It would be cool, but I don't want to make 2 scenes whenever a follower messes with it. I think it already takes long enough to make an update. :P

I was hoping that stopping the player from starting the quest and telling them not to bring one would be enough. I may have to change it if this turns out to be a problem.

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4 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I won't make new branches for when the player has a follower. It would be cool, but I don't want to make 2 scenes whenever a follower messes with it. I think it already takes long enough to make an update. :P

I was hoping that stopping the player from starting the quest and telling them not to bring one would be enough. I may have to change it if this turns out to be a problem.


Another possibility is to have Xayah notice if you have a follower and say she'll only tell you what she knows in private, so the follower has to be dismissed before the quest can progress.

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1 hour ago, merManc said:

Another possibility is to have Xayah notice if you have a follower and say she'll only tell you what she knows in private, so the follower has to be dismissed before the quest can progress.

Yeah, I'll probably do that.

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On 1/6/2020 at 10:17 AM, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

Some people here genuinely love rape and that kinda creeps me out. But like you said, it's mostly people that want as much shagging as possible and extra difficulty in their games.


Don't put too much stalk in fantasies like that. That said, it's important to feel comfortable in your creation. I do think it's kinda funny though that you're having a character role playing in a role playing game :)

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2 hours ago, LimitBreak said:

Don't put too much stalk in fantasies like that. That said, it's important to feel comfortable in your creation. I do think it's kinda funny though that you're having a character role playing in a role playing game :)

It is actually quite realistic. If people who love BDSM exist in real life, it would be weird if they didn't exist in your game world. A world which coincidentally might also be bloated with rapists, beast rapists, magic rapists and so on depending on your other mods :P

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3 hours ago, LimitBreak said:

Don't put too much stalk in fantasies like that. That said, it's important to feel comfortable in your creation.

You're right. I shouldn't focus on it too much.


3 hours ago, LimitBreak said:

I do think it's kinda funny though that you're having a character role playing in a role playing game :)

It's a bit silly when you think about. :P






1 hour ago, thedarkone1234 said:

It is actually quite realistic. If people who love BDSM exist in real life, it would be weird if they didn't exist in your game world.


That's also the idea of the curse. It only seems to affect the people that like it. Which is why they suspect that the Thotium ore is related to the curse.


1 hour ago, thedarkone1234 said:

A world which coincidentally might also be bloated with rapists, beast rapists, magic rapists and so on depending on your other mods :P

Rape was way too common in the middle ages. So it's actually kinda realistic.

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Had an idea for you that i thought could be a sort of side quest.


Laura asks for your help with retrieving a cursed item, thinking its just your normal run of the mill curse you head of and find a strange item (maybe collar to start) made of thotium. it equips itself and then every few hours it spawns tougher and tougher devices. you return to laura (fast travel is disabled) and she has no idea what to do. it becomes a race against time to figure out how to remove it before you're hoping along helpless. maybe sending you somewhere like the college to find an escape.

it would progressively grow starting with things like arm and leg cuffs which could eventually grow into restrictive gloves and boots. towards later stages i think maybe an armbinder and relaxed hobble dress which would also eventually constrict into a tight elbow binder and tight hobble dress etc leaving you nearly totally helpless if you don't hurry.


when you do eventually get free it could be repeatable with laura learning about other such thotium items around the world

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2 hours ago, MrBig said:

Had an idea for you that i thought could be a sort of side quest.


Laura asks for your help with retrieving a cursed item, thinking its just your normal run of the mill curse you head of and find a strange item (maybe collar to start) made of thotium. it equips itself and then every few hours it spawns tougher and tougher devices. you return to laura (fast travel is disabled) and she has no idea what to do. it becomes a race against time to figure out how to remove it before you're hoping along helpless. maybe sending you somewhere like the college to find an escape.

it would progressively grow starting with things like arm and leg cuffs which could eventually grow into restrictive gloves and boots. towards later stages i think maybe an armbinder and relaxed hobble dress which would also eventually constrict into a tight elbow binder and tight hobble dress etc leaving you nearly totally helpless if you don't hurry.


when you do eventually get free it could be repeatable with laura learning about other such thotium items around the world

There is such a quest in a way, in DCL there is the rubber collar which grows a catsuit, then boots then gloves then mask (MCM toggle if it covers the eyes or not) and eventually an armbinder. It grows via arousal checks which happen on a timer (game timer, so if you didn't disable fast travel and you travel, you speed up your own demise :P), and if it fails several checks in a row it will remove an item instead, unless you are totally bound already, in which case you have to find someone to alter the spell so the items can be removed via having tons of sex.


But even though this thing exists, there is still untapped potential in the story of a collar which spawns more bondage and requires some tough procedure to get rid off. Would never say no to more quests of this type :)

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2 hours ago, MrBig said:

Had an idea for you that i thought could be a sort of side quest.


Laura asks for your help with retrieving a cursed item, thinking its just your normal run of the mill curse you head of and find a strange item (maybe collar to start) made of thotium. it equips itself and then every few hours it spawns tougher and tougher devices. you return to laura (fast travel is disabled) and she has no idea what to do. it becomes a race against time to figure out how to remove it before you're hoping along helpless. maybe sending you somewhere like the college to find an escape.

it would progressively grow starting with things like arm and leg cuffs which could eventually grow into restrictive gloves and boots. towards later stages i think maybe an armbinder and relaxed hobble dress which would also eventually constrict into a tight elbow binder and tight hobble dress etc leaving you nearly totally helpless if you don't hurry.


when you do eventually get free it could be repeatable with laura learning about other such thotium items around the world

Oh, oh, I know about second part of the quest - there is thotium ore hidden somewhere, and player bondage becomes relaxed when moved in right direction. Less distance to target - more freedom. Also, starting location is random town, where player gets "on carriage" with Laura's help from her shop. This can be a mix of Treasure Hunter Whore and aforementioned Rubber Doll from DCL.

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5 hours ago, MrBig said:

Had an idea for you that i thought could be a sort of side quest.


Laura asks for your help with retrieving a cursed item, thinking its just your normal run of the mill curse you head of and find a strange item (maybe collar to start) made of thotium. it equips itself and then every few hours it spawns tougher and tougher devices. you return to laura (fast travel is disabled) and she has no idea what to do. it becomes a race against time to figure out how to remove it before you're hoping along helpless. maybe sending you somewhere like the college to find an escape.

it would progressively grow starting with things like arm and leg cuffs which could eventually grow into restrictive gloves and boots. towards later stages i think maybe an armbinder and relaxed hobble dress which would also eventually constrict into a tight elbow binder and tight hobble dress etc leaving you nearly totally helpless if you don't hurry.


when you do eventually get free it could be repeatable with laura learning about other such thotium items around the world

That's something I've had in the notes from the start. I loved DCL's Cursed Collar and Rubber Doll quests, and I really want to make something like that too.





2 hours ago, DeWired said:

Oh, oh, I know about second part of the quest - there is thotium ore hidden somewhere, and player bondage becomes relaxed when moved in right direction. Less distance to target - more freedom. Also, starting location is random town, where player gets "on carriage" with Laura's help from her shop. This can be a mix of Treasure Hunter Whore and aforementioned Rubber Doll from DCL.

I don't know how I can detect if the player is going in the right direction yet. But that sounds fun.

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8 minutes ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I don't know how I can detect if the player is going in the right direction yet. But that sounds fun.

This mod does something like that, sending you to get an item at a random location and periodically displaying "hotter" and "colder" messages depending on the direction you take.  You might look at the source code to see how it was done. 

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8 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

It's a bit silly when you think about. :P

It is but I kinda love it and it still works in the world as the darkone put it


As I'm feeling kinda silly and perhaps a bit childish myself right now, this gave me an ideal for some background conversation for one of the times you're in the cage. Something roughly like:

Katarina: You know you really should learn a bit of self delfense

Laura: We tried. It doesn't really suit me and I have you don't I?

Katarina: I tried and it would put me at ease if you at least knew enough to keep the enemy at bay while I fight.

Laura: Hey I can hold them off. Remember the time in the crypt?


Katarina: Yelling at your opponent that they have to 'roll initiative' does not count.

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