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About aRuthSA

  • Birthday 08/06/1981

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  1. Does anyone have the 3bbb/3ba version of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq6YKJptrRQ&feature=youtu.be
  2. Hello, big fan of the mod. Thanks for bringing it to SE. Everything is working as intended, but with one hitch. Exactly one of my followers is convinced she is inflated, even though FHU does not show her as an inflated actor. This means that every so often she comments on her inflation...which apparently left such an impression on her that she is still reliving it to this day. Is there a way to reset an actor? It's not a deal breaker (role play wise, she's just nagging me to let her get her 'fix').
  3. Unless memory fails me, that is the normal from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3563 doing most of the heavy lifting.
  4. Been experiencing this error lately when I try to click from a files' forum page to it's download page. Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2D161/1 If I have a direct link to the download page I can go to those without issue. What is going wrong, Any ideas?
  5. Hopefully this is a simple one, I'm looking for the necklace with the spouse's ring. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/127614 thanks
  6. The old walkin' mannequin bug, a texture/render glitch in AHO, and a hopeful recruit for the Explorers Society. So....for Skyrim, pretty bug free!
  7. Hello, is there a way to exclude current followers (and only followers) from soliciting the services of tavern wenches?
  8. Thank you for splitting these two modules. AFAIK, idles works flawlessly. Ideally, I'd like an option to exclude certain actors or categories (player, one sex, etc) if you are interested in developing it further.
  9. Images are NSFW, so posting here and bump. Looks like ankoENB, I'm not sure Its ankoENB edited Thank you!
  10. Images are NSFW, so posting here and bump.
  11. Does anyone know what ENB is used here?
  12. I'm not seeing that being an issue for any body option but all out Samuel. The other just aren't big enough for it to matter beyond just draining processor power as they are moving, you would have to look really really close to even see it. ...And yet for those of us who have the processing power, we might *really* want to look that close. Hdt movement for the SAM bodies can be quite impressive, even when applied to a pure Samson build. Seems a shame (to me at least) to restrict hdt motion to females only-if it is actually possible to apply it to both sexes. And, for consideration, a fair number of the custom SAM clothing mods require hdt support. I for one would like to use some of those mods in conjunction with this mod, hence the reason I made the original post/request. As it stands, I am eagerly and hopefully waiting for a response from the mod author, and once again I'd like to express my thanks for their efforts on said mod.
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