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Zaz Animation Pack V8.0 plus

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3 minutes ago, Nazzzgul666 said:

Schade... ich kenn mich zu gut, das ich im CK rumbastel um ein paar Möbel zu Zap 7 dazuzubasteln werd ich mich nich aufraffen können. Wenn überhaupt mal, dann eher um meine eignen mods zu basteln.

Selbst dann, wenn Du ein "privates" ZAP spielst, wirst DU nicht glücklich sein, beim nächsten mod fehlt Dir dann nämlich das ganze Pack und so weiter.

Deshalb, ein paar Dinge einbauen (in den eigenen Mod und zap 6.11 oder 7.0 verwenden). Ich persönlich würde immer ein paar Mods auf "eis legen".



Und wenn ich sehe, was Pfiffy da alles auf dem Rechner hat-unglaublich!



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Joo Leute, kurze Frage am Rande so zwischendurch^^

Ist es eigentlich normal dass npcs die ZAP-gegenstände/möbel bei cell-change wieder verlassen? 

Wenn ich in der gleichen cell bin und selbst wenn ich das Spiel neu starte und lade sind alle npcs noch am x-cross, pillory usw, aber sobald ich die cell wechsel und wieder betrete stehen sie neben den gegenständen rum...

Ist das aktuell noch normal und gibt noch keinen fix dafür o. kommt das von nem konflikt mit ner anderen mod?

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13 minutes ago, Krepel said:

Joo Leute, kurze Frage am Rande so zwischendurch^^

Ist es eigentlich normal dass npcs die ZAP-gegenstände/möbel bei cell-change wieder verlassen? 

Wenn ich in der gleichen cell bin und selbst wenn ich das Spiel neu starte und lade sind alle npcs noch am x-cross, pillory usw, aber sobald ich die cell wechsel und wieder betrete stehen sie neben den gegenständen rum...

Ist das aktuell noch normal und gibt noch keinen fix dafür o. kommt das von nem konflikt mit ner anderen mod?


Wie hast Du die denn da "angeklebt"...im einfachsten Fall sind die Furnitures (wenn für NPC geöffnet), wie Tische und Stühle zu benutzen. Wenn ich meiner Followerin die Anweisung gebe, sich auf zu hängen, dann macht sie das solange, bis ich eine neue Anweisung gebe. Beim Verlassen der Zelle habe ich das bisher niemals getestet. Dann sollten aber scripts in der Lage sein, beim Betreten einer Zelle, einen zuvor "verabschiedeten NPC" wieder dahin zurück zu zwingen, wo er/sie zuvor auch hing. Soweit ich weiß, hat zap selbst dafür keinen script (Vermutung), solche Anweisungen kommen eben dann von Story-Schreibern.

Ich habe diesen Wunsch hier schon öfters gelesen, vielleicht lässt sich gegen dieses "Phänomen" vielleicht etwas im zap so zufügen, dass das vielleicht allein mit zap script oder Mechanik funktioniert (oder und auch im MCM wählbar wird, also so etwas wie: "furniture-use-recall": on/off.) Allerdings sind npc meistens AI sandboxing und haben  einen "starken" drang, zu tun was das AI pack hergibt...die brauchen also beim betreten der Zelle wieder die genaue Anweisung, das furniture NEU zu benutzen. Da wird es aber in jedem Fall einen Moment dauern und Du wirst den NPC sehen, wie er das Furniture wieder benutzt nach dem motto des Kutschers: "...dann klettern Sie wieder hinein!" gg  (Das sind nur Überlegungen dazu, ich kann das derzeit nicht leisten!)


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39 minutes ago, t.ara said:

Und wenn ich sehe, was Pfiffy da alles auf dem Rechner hat-unglaublich!

Das geht nur mit Hardware aus meinen Träumen :(

Ich, und vermutlich so einige andere müssen da kleinere Brötchen backen und sind darauf angewiesen, dass mods in "verdaubaren" Brocken klein bleiben.

Bitte denkt an uns!... wir mit der Hardware, die mal gut war. Wir freuen uns immer, wenn es auch mal eine "kleine" Option gibt.



Hardware of my wet dreams!

I, and probably a few more, need to set our sights lower. We depend on mods, that stay small, light and congestible.

Please remember us! ... us, with hardware that was good, once upon the time. We are always happy if there is an optional size "S - small".



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Und deshalb bringe ich noch mal ein Zap update, weils auch dann noch immer gut läuft.

Jedenfalls glaube ich das. Selbst wenn die Testzelle "wackelt" sollte es so sein, dass im Spiel eingesetzte Furnitures problemlos sind. Die Testzelle ist jetzt schon wieder am Limit-das spielt aber eigentlich keine Rolle.




This IS THE Bannered Mare Music Session:-)





TESV 2018-05-26 13-17-19-40.jpg

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1 hour ago, Krepel said:

Joo Leute, kurze Frage am Rande so zwischendurch^^

Ist es eigentlich normal dass npcs die ZAP-gegenstände/möbel bei cell-change wieder verlassen? 

Wenn ich in der gleichen cell bin und selbst wenn ich das Spiel neu starte und lade sind alle npcs noch am x-cross, pillory usw, aber sobald ich die cell wechsel und wieder betrete stehen sie neben den gegenständen rum...

Ist das aktuell noch normal und gibt noch keinen fix dafür o. kommt das von nem konflikt mit ner anderen mod?

Das einzige Mod, das das kann ist Diplay Model soviel ich weiß.


PS: warum eigentlich? wenn ZAZ das könnte, dann würde MME für mich viel besser funktionieren.... 

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41 minutes ago, worik said:

Das geht nur mit Hardware aus meinen Träumen :(

Ich, und vermutlich so einige andere müssen da kleinere Brötchen backen und sind darauf angewiesen, dass mods in "verdaubaren" Brocken klein bleiben.

Bitte denkt an uns!... wir mit der Hardware, die mal gut war. Wir freuen uns immer, wenn es auch mal eine "kleine" Option gibt.


  Reveal hidden contents

Hardware of my wet dreams!

I, and probably a few more, need to set our sights lower. We depend on mods, that stay small, light and congestible.

Please remember us! ... us, with hardware that was good, once upon the time. We are always happy if there is an optional size "S - small".



Meine Hardware ist 5 oder 6 Jahre alt... ist ein 7500k also nix mit DreamPC...

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Ok, zumindest weiß ich jetzt dass es nicht aufgrund ner buggy installation nicht geht, das beruhigt zumindest etwas^^

Hab halt ein paar der furnitures im Windhelmer Gefängnis geplaced aber die paradise halls sklaven bleiben halt leider nicht an den furnis wenn ich sie kurz verlasse^^

Wär halt mehr immersive wenn sie da tagelang hängen würden...

Habs noch nicht mit vanilla followern getestet, aber ich denke mal es wird ähnlich sein.

Ich check mal das mit dem Display Model aus

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I skipped V8 because it was incompatible with some mods at the time, i think Shout like a Virgin and some really old mods relying on ZAP 7.0 which were never updated since then.

My question is, since i never checked this issue since the release of the original V8, is it/its successor now "backwards compatible"?



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4 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

PS: warum eigentlich? wenn ZAZ das könnte, dann würde MME für mich viel besser funktionieren.... 

That's just the way Skyrim works :(  If you save and load, people will still be in furniture, but when you leave the area they will exit it. Keeping them in there requires some modding trickery; there's a few mods that do this like Home Sweet Home, but that only applies to specific people just like Display Model only works on specific furniture.

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7 minutes ago, Alienated said:

I skipped V8 because it was incompatible with some mods at the time, i think Shout like a Virgin and some really old mods relying on ZAP 7.0 which were never updated since then.

My question is, since i never checked this issue since the release of the original V8, is it/its successor now "backwards compatible"?



Version 8 was backwards compatible and so is the "Plus" version.  You skipped because someone who didn't know said something they thought they knew and not because there is or was a actual compatibility problem.

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5 minutes ago, Musje said:

That's just the way Skyrim works :(  If you save and load, people will still be in furniture, but when you leave the area they will exit it. Keeping them in there requires some modding trickery; there's a few mods that do this like Home Sweet Home, but that only applies to specific people just like Display Model only works on specific furniture.

In this case it is time to do the trick on all furniture for all ppl. OK, this would be too much. Mixing DM with ZAZ would be enough, and you no longer need to do the trick yourself.  

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22 minutes ago, WaxenFigure said:

Version 8 was backwards compatible and so is the "Plus" version.  You skipped because someone who didn't know said something they thought they knew and not because there is or was a actual compatibility problem.

Ill do the right thing and check for myself. I am just at that point where your load order is so gigantic, FNIS and start up take so much time that you just google or ask about issues before trying stuff out by yourself.


I just remembered i had strange stuck animations or ctds whilst i used 8, reverting to 7 helped me.


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34 minutes ago, Alienated said:

Ill do the right thing and check for myself. I am just at that point where your load order is so gigantic, FNIS and start up take so much time that you just google or ask about issues before trying stuff out by yourself.


I just remembered i had strange stuck animations or ctds whilst i used 8, reverting to 7 helped me.



some thread-no.´s back and you can read about the animation of this pack exactly: there are now 1900 animations inside and this makes about 10% of the latest FNIS version. I personally think that zap 8 and also 9 is a cute LL gamer´s addition you need not be afraid for an install if you have space for that number of animations. At least, check the pack on a second partition, please. If you get CTD´s, I´m pretty much sure it is not this pack. I checked out every item to be sure it is compatible to skyrim. I´m playing all items all around from every direction, walk cross, run cross-style, I make quick cam moves, top-view, bottom view enter-exit-enter-exit...stress test, and then it´s ready to go.

In the past I had a test with over 600 furnitures (3 times with different zap (different versions) together!) and they worked all side by side (but you please don´t  make such nonsense), it has only been a test for "tickling" the engine.


As usual : WaxenFigure :thumbsup::icecream:

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And now that we're done with the DD discussion (I meant debate debacle, what did you think I meant? ?)

And now that the Copyright challenge chaos and conspiracy theories are behind us

And now that T.ara has expressed his intent (auf Deutsch) and made eminently clear that he has no intention of dividing ZAP into neat and easily digestible, bite-sized pieces

I have two REALLY IMPORTANT questions.


First, are you intending to make a quest out of you Rapunzel building? From the hints that you dropped just before all the madness erupted, and perhaps from just having time to think about those hints, it sounds like you have a Rapunzel quest in the works. And, if so, do you mean to include it in ZAP or make it a stand alone?

Second, do you have any new pretty pictures from Rapunzel (or anything else for that matter)? One of the joys of my day has been coming to this thread and seeing what new creation T.ara has been perfecting.


Anyway, thanks in advance. ?

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31 minutes ago, Psalam said:

And now that we're done with the DD discussion (I meant debate debacle, what did you think I meant? ?)

And now that the Copyright challenge chaos and conspiracy theories are behind us

And now that T.ara has expressed his intent (auf Deutsch) and made eminently clear that he has no intention of dividing ZAP into neat and easily digestible, bite-sized pieces

I have two REALLY IMPORTANT questions.


First, are you intending to make a quest out of you Rapunzel building? From the hints that you dropped just before all the madness erupted, and perhaps from just having time to think about those hints, it sounds like you have a Rapunzel quest in the works. And, if so, do you mean to include it in ZAP or make it a stand alone?

Second, do you have any new pretty pictures from Rapunzel (or anything else for that matter)? One of the joys of my day has been coming to this thread and seeing what new creation T.ara has been perfecting.


Anyway, thanks in advance. ?


quiet, quiet-nobody should know this! ?

You hit the nail at once on it´s head!!!


Me-I´m ready with that mod (I hope so !!!) :mrgreen:

But- all rest will not be spoiled...okay!-but ONLY this one PIC,

I can show you what you probably have to look for (and it will not be so easy):-)?







p.s. It´s of course something different and comes apart of zap !:-)))

p.s.2: not the console:-) - vanilla face, with only this both mods:


NPC Overhaul - Version 1-23755-1-5b

SG Female Eyebrows-35327-1-0


And now I try to experiment with havok-files:-)





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27 minutes ago, t.ara said:


quiet, quiet-nobody should know this! ?

You hit the nail at once on it´s head!!!


Me-I´m ready with that mod (I hope so !!!) :mrgreen:

But- all rest will not be spoiled...okay!-but ONLY this one PIC,

I can show you what you probably have to look for (and it will not be so easy):-)?







p.s. It´s of course something different and comes apart of zap !:-)))

p.s.2: not the console:-) - vanilla face, with only this both mods:


NPC Overhaul - Version 1-23755-1-5b

SG Female Eyebrows-35327-1-0


And now I try to experiment with havok-files:-)





T.ara, I know this is all on the hush-hush and I PROMISE not to tell anybody, but did you make a spinning wheel? One that actually works? You are just so fabulous. I can't wait. ?

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7 minutes ago, Psalam said:

T.ara, I know this is all on the hush-hush and I PROMISE not to tell anybody, but did you make a spinning wheel? One that actually works? You are just so fabulous. I can't wait. ?

The spinnig wheel was not in Rapunzel...Rapunzel was just about hair... long hair... very long hair.... We have glass coffins, we have apples...and maybe we get some roses and we have some rieklings that behave like stilskin... A BDSM themed summary of fairytales. I wonder how long it will take to get this idea out of my head......

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2 minutes ago, EinarrTheRed said:

A working spinning wheel?  I recently found a spinning wheel mesh but it has no animations. ?

Shhhh!!! It.s supposed to be a SECRET (oh, too loud). There is a mesh in Cloaks of Skyrim but from what little T.ara is showing his will look better. ? (In case you're wondering, it's another kind of spinning wheel).

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3 minutes ago, Pfiffy said:

The spinnig wheel was not in Rapunzel...Rapunzel was just about hair... long hair... very long hair.... We have glass coffins, we have apples...and maybe we get some roses and we have some rieklings that behave like stilskin... A BDSM themed summary of fairytales. I wonder how long it will take to get this idea out of my head......

DON'T! Just go with it. This could make for an awesome turn in Skyrim events. When the wife complains about you spending time on LoversLab with all that NFSW stuff you can HONESTLY tell her that it's all about fairy tales like Rapunzel!!! ?

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6 minutes ago, t.ara said:

Of course than has been little "joke" only, of course you all can know that...I´ve my difficulties not to spoiler that mod. But I will try to hide it.

And for normal, you can look what I´m doing-it´s quite interesting and so you get an overview. But the Location-stuff is maybe better for little surprises.


The Spinning wheel is just exactly one of those stuff, I ´d like to learn to "activate" as "use-able". Maybe I can find out how to do it-maybe not.

In the mod it will be for now "deko" only. If I find out the way, I can create some very interesting things. I Need a Special script for 3dsm and....(..)

it´s not easy....

As I told EinarrtheRed recently. I promise not to bring it up again (the location for this mod in your case) as long as you don't slap me in the face with it. That said, I'm dying to find out (but I'll wait patiently). ?


If anyone can make the wheel spin I'm sure it will be you. You're the modder but isn't that actually two things. One would be an animation that made the wheel turn. The other would be to make it a crafting device (like the Forge or the Alchemy Station). Hmm...what could we come up with for recipes for a spinning wheel? 4 Tundra cotton to make a dress? A goat hide (using the hair and not the hide, of course) to make gloves? Maybe some sheep intestines to make condoms? Wait! Where did that come from? Everybody knows there are no sheep in Skyrim? (Hmmm...maybe I can talk someone into making a sheep mod...). Lol. ?

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8 hours ago, t.ara said:

Und deshalb bringe ich noch mal ein Zap update, weils auch dann noch immer gut läuft.

Jedenfalls glaube ich das. Selbst wenn die Testzelle "wackelt" sollte es so sein, dass im Spiel eingesetzte Furnitures problemlos sind. Die Testzelle ist jetzt schon wieder am Limit-das spielt aber eigentlich keine Rolle.




This IS THE Bannered Mare Music Session:-)





TESV 2018-05-26 13-17-19-40.jpg

Möbel machen kannst du,keine Frage...aber du vergisst immer die Einstiegsmarker.Mods können so die Möbel nicht erkennen und man steckt immer darin fest.

Eigentlich wollten wir für ME nur neue Texturen...dann bist du außer Kontrolle geraten...Quantität ist Müll...Qualität zählt

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4 minutes ago, Psalam said:

As I told EinarrtheRed recently. I promise not to bring it up again (the location for this mod in your case) as long as you don't slap me in the face with it. That said, I'm dying to find out (but I'll wait patiently). ?


If anyone can make the wheel spin I'm sure it will be you. You're the modder but isn't that actually two things. One would be an animation that made the wheel turn. The other would be to make it a crafting device (like the Forge or the Alchemy Station). Hmm...what could we come up with for recipes for a spinning wheel? 4 Tundra cotton to make a dress? A goat hide (using the hair and not the hide, of course) to make gloves? Maybe some sheep intestines to make condoms? Wait! Where did that come from? Everybody knows there are no sheep in Skyrim? (Hmmm...maybe I can talk someone into making a sheep mod...). Lol. ?

This was done in some Chlothing addon.. Can't remember. It was about the mage dresses... We already got wool. Maybe the goats can be re furbished and distributed all over Skyrim... And Mihail will make daedly enemies out of them. 

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18 minutes ago, Psalam said:

If anyone can make the wheel spin I'm sure it will be you. You're the modder but isn't that actually two things. One would be an animation that made the wheel turn. The other would be to make it a crafting device (like the Forge or the Alchemy Station). Hmm...what could we come up with for recipes for a spinning wheel? 4 Tundra cotton to make a dress? A goat hide (using the hair and not the hide, of course) to make gloves? Maybe some sheep intestines to make condoms? Wait! Where did that come from? Everybody knows there are no sheep in Skyrim? (Hmmm...maybe I can talk someone into making a sheep mod...). Lol. ?

This is the one I have sitting in what will be the seamstress shop.  Strotis Spinningwheel Resource


Doesn't spin but comes with a stool and a barrel of wool.  I'm sure my future seamstress would love to have one that actually spun, she's such a nice old lady.


And they're Nords, they don't use sheep intestines... they use MAMMOTH INTESTINES! ?

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