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12 hours ago, Lozeak said:

So I think about this and 2 things pop in my head ... why not make more content instead and do I really want to rework something that works!

Well, yeah... That is pretty much what I concluded too.


When you look at deals naively, from the end-user side, it seems like they could easily be mix-and-match in many cases.

Underneath, the way they are built is much more wired together. Stages aren't discrete, interchangeable derivatives of a base object, they are just a state within a rule quest, and you cannot just pull them apart.


Anyway... looking forward to new content :) 



I made some changes to willpower loss for myself, trying to make it a bit less all-or-nothing.


Some things I tried:


  • Scaled down losses for rapes by adding a "roll lower than existing willpower" check before applying them.
  • Gave followers extra lives as willpower dropped. (Not lives actually - see below).

Actually, now I think about it, that's not true, I think I changed that other stat ... resistance or whatever it's called, so it got bigger, not smaller.

Or maybe I did both. Don't have access to the code just now, so I can't check.


Update: It was resistance. Not lives. See new post below for more detail.



It made a difference, but there's still a sharp transition between having a deal that gets you regularly raped and not having one.


It's that switch point that makes it hard to get a smooth progression over willpower.



I also added my long wished for feature: ability to dismiss follower linked to willpower.


Like gold control, it checks each day to decide if the follower feels dismissable or not.

At 10 willpower, you can always do it if you aren't in debt etc. At 0 willpower, never.


Was a while ago now. I would need to go back and check the code.

I think actually it was totally blocked on will below 4 or something like that, because it made it easy to work the dialog conditions.

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I had modified the code in _DFTools.psc thus:

I then made the changes in red. (See inside spoiler section).




; Returns updated willpower (new)
Int Function ReduceWill()

    Int will = _DFlowWill.GetValue() as Int
    will -= 1
    If will < 0
        will = 0
        MCM.noti("Will" , will)
    Return will


Int Function IncreaseWill(int by)

    Int will = _DFlowWill.GetValue() as Int
    will += Utility.RandomInt(1, by)
    If will >= 10
        will = 10
    ElseIf will <= 5
        will = 5 3 ; this made will values between 0 and 5 rarer than expected
    MCM.noti("Will" , will)
    Return will


Function ReduceResist(int by)

    Int resist = _DFlowResist.GetValue() as Int

    While by > 0
        resist -= by
        If resist <= 0
            Int will = ReduceWill()
            by = -resist
            resist = will 20 - will
            If resist < 5
                resist = 5




Function IncreaseResist(int lo, int hi)
    Int resist = _DFlowResist.GetValue() as Int
    Int will = _DFlowWill.GetValue() as Int
    resist += Utility.RandomInt(lo, hi)
    While will < resist && resist > 5
        If will > 5
            resist -= will
            resist -=  5
        will += 1
    If will > 10
        will = 10
        resist = 10
    MCM.noti("Will" , will)


Hopefully, it's easier to read and see how it works in my refactored version. I was also able to stop use of the script-scoped variable Leftovers, which was creating the impression that the interactions between the functions was more complex than they really are. I made this kind of refactor wholesale, which unfortunately makes my code pretty much unmergeable with the Lozeak main line.


This gives you 'normal' resist if you have willpower 10, but, as your willpower drops, instead of losing resist, you gain it. This means it takes several more rapes to lose each willpower point, and the increased resist somewhat offsets the increasing frequency of rapes. Obviously, you could reduce the magic number I introduced as low as 11 and still have it work, allowing you to tune how strong-willed the PC is. I think I may have played around with it at 15 as well as 20, but I can't remember if I noticed much difference.




I realise that this would actually "give" you willpower, if your will is low. I believe I have a mitigation for this in RestoreResist that sets resist to willpower-1 prior to running, then adds back the amount of resist removed, then cap the amount at 20. I'm not 100% sure this actually worked as intended, as in most cases you burn the excess resist up anyway. Probably, a setting of "15" would be more balanced, but I'm not sure it was all that obvious one way or the other in actual play. (Should have looked down).


Also, when you regained willpower and levelled, the code would jump you straight from 0 to 5, which was odd generous, making the values between 0 and 5 rarer than they might otherwise be, because you'd go straight to 5 when regaining willpower from 0. I know this seems an outlier, but because of the way this is "held over" if you don't get a good sleep it's not so rare.


In practice, IncreaseWill is normally called with a fixed value of 3, when you sleep at an good location, and aren't wearing restraints, and gained a level, so at will 0, you would get from 1 to 3 points, but this would be clamped up to a willpower of 5 no matter the result of the roll. Mostly it isn't called and it's just RestoreResist. Gaining levels gets rare enough this is perfectly good gameplay; again I'm fixating on the behaviour of willpower here.


If you doubt this, the original Lozeak code is as follows:



Function IncreaseWill(int a)
    Int Temp = _DflowWill.GetValue() as int
    Int Rnd = Utility.RandomInt(1 , a)
    Temp = Rnd + Temp
    If Temp >= 10
    Elseif Temp <= 5
    MCM.noti("Will" , _DFlowWill.GetValue() as int)

Where 'Temp' contains the updated will value, and if it's <= 5, will is set to 5. the final case where will is set directly to Temp only occurs for will > 5 && will < 10.

I don't think this was an accident, it's a design decision designed to speed will recovery. However, I wanted to see a bigger range of will values more often, and thought recovery was easy enough even with the change. If you've dismissed your follower, recovery is somewhat inevitable.



It should be noted, that the fast transition of will from 10 to 0, or from 0 to 10 is not really a problem in itself. In the context of DF operation, it's perfectly fine for this to happen.


However, I'm hung up on the idea of using willpower to drive an SLD input, and so I want the values to be better distributed across the range :) 


For now, the likely way I'll use willpower in SLD is as one of the new "yes/no" (boolean) tests, that is either true or false, and it will simply test whether willpower is less than five or not. Trying to get more resolution out of it is pointless; it wasn't designed to deliver a smooth continuum.



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Something I didn't tweak, but which is nagging at me now, is how willpower and devices interact.


DF is quite straightforward about this. If you have a lockable device on you (locked or not) you don't regain willpower normally.



I like the idea that certain devices could make more difference.


Hidden devices should count less. Visible devices should count more.


This can be done quite easily by tweaking the RestoreResist function.

(Note this restores willpower directly if you can sleep properly with no devices on, but that's not a case I'm interested in).


Currently, if you're bound, you get 1 to 10 resist back, or if you sleep in a crappy location, you also get 1 to 10 resist back.


I would be tempted to go for a rule that a collar, or "heavy bondage", or more than four items, blocks willpower restoration substantially, so you only get 1 to 5 resist.

Whereas, if you only one or two items that can be hidden under clothes - whether they are hidden or not - basically bra/corset/belt/piercings, you get 5 to 10 resist.

The 1 to 10 range would remain for all other cases.


That way, getting into serious bondage/enslavement would lead to quicker resistance decline than light bondage.


Though TBH, it might be quite hard for the player to tell the difference. Usually, in those cases, it's the rapes that suck away your willpower, and as the difference between simply getting average 5.5 resistance back and getting THREE solid willpower points, is substantial. Wearing any devices at all makes a huge difference (still).

At low willpower, each point costs 5 resist, so you can get at most two, but probably only one, or not even that. At higher willpower, you might not (seem to) get anything, because the resist gained is less than your will, and you might not get enough to "buy" a new point.


Getting willpower or resistance once you are getting seriously chain raped is all but irrelevant, because you hit the floor at 0, and anything that happens after that is just a brief "bounce".


There's nothing wrong with how it works overall, the gameplay outcomes are functional, but it does mean that minor tweaks to willpower mechanics in "high stress" situations are mostly for their own sake.


This leads to another minor point...

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One or two of the level-one deals could be tuned a little, so there's a smoother descent into obedience.


For example, level-one slut deal does pretty much nothing, but if the follower is ripping your clothes off (piercings deal) - and you're using a mod that reacts to that - and you probably are - then suddenly you're getting raped five or six times per business visit to a town (buy+sell+craft). The difference is chalk and cheese.


To a great extent you can tune this outside DF by setting non-DF rape cooldowns high. However, if DF triggers the sex directly...



Perhaps the level one deals that don't require wearing a device could be a bit more significant. Right now they are pretty much just a prelude to level two. If you do lose anything you will get it back. Even the device based ones that restrict will restoration aren't that impactful unless you are actually losing will, but they do have some synergy with other deals.


A small change (buff) to some level one severities could create a situation where willpower might decrease very slowly and gradually, which currently doesn't exist in DF at the moment.


Maybe it's just the level-one slut deal, but the basic bondage deal with the corset is pretty soft too. The slut deal can be nasty if you are low willpower to start with, but when you have level-one deals, that's more often not the case.


I'll post code that has the other part of the resistance stuff in it, and an alternate sleep, and the tweaks for devices - just need to add those.

Ah but it's Xmas now. I'll get to it a bit later, as if anyone cares :) 

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2 hours ago, retrev said:

Lupine00 said that when PC has a lot of money, this mod will be almost meaningless since PC will pay off debt at time. so no debt, no deals and.... nothing than EFF. that is 'meta-weakness' in this mod.


Well, I have same problem, so I thought how to solve this problem. and I don't like forced to have follower or have debt.... and etc. because that is what SD+ or some DCL quests does, not DF's style.

I had trouble understanding the nuance of this suggestion, but...


One thing leaps out: the idea that the follower can pro-actively suggest deals, at inconvenient times, and there are consequences to refusing them.


This does sound like it could go a long way to making the "flow" more interesting, assuming the follower "AI" has a knack for demanding expensive things when you are vulnerable, and have a low gold level, or simply to soak up gold if you seem to have too much for too long.


The other thing is that the PC could suggest some kinds of deals ... these seem like more of the requests that currently exist, like asking for more gold under gold control, or the key game, or the casino game ... I think that's what the retrev is suggesting ... but these are deals where you offer to give up a freedom in exchange for something useful, like a device removal, or changing the gold-control current limit, or temporary suspension of an existing deal.


This also sounds great, if the debts incurred outweight the benefits ... but not too much ... or with some randomness, like with the existing "games".



This is of course ... work ... it requires some new dialogs, and a quest or two to track the status of the new "deals" ... and of course some additional scripting in the tick so the follower can detect a broke PC, and sometimes react accordingly. Maybe could trigger particularly off situations where the PC's gold drops dramatically, and it at a low value in absolute terms - would make the follower start asking "what about me" whenever you pay out for big expenses, like houses.



Another thing I could figure out: deals that aren't devious - meta deals - like a deal where you agree to take more deals in the future.

This is interesting. The follower could offer it up like a normal deal:

"You will agree to take a new deal every day for the next week."

Not only does this block you from dismissing the follower for a week, but you have to ask for a new deal each day, or penalties!

Very cool.



Another deal like this could be a deal to keep the follower for a minimum term:

"You will agree to hire me at my current rate, for at least the next four weeks. That's fair isn't it?"

This could then "level up" with extensions, indefinitely. There would always be a new deal to make!

"You will extend my current hire term for another two weeks."

(But notice how this one isn't at the current rate ... the follower only points it out later ... if you agree, they can increase the rate whenever and by however much they like during those two weeks.)

Or even...

"I'm tired of following you around, but I know someone who might want the job. I'll put it to them if you agree to take them on for at least three weeks."

"Or I'll stay with you, but my rate is doubled, and I want a week up-front."

"What? You can't afford that. Hmm... I'll give you the money in exchange for a little freedom that you'll never miss."


And if the PC doesn't agree, DF makes all the follower hire dialogs grumpy and greedy.

"I hear your last follower quit on you. You seem like trouble. I'll want a sweetener, then we can talk, and if I team up with you, there will be conditions. Alright?"


Or... bring back that half-implemented thing with the mercenaries, so if you quiet a follower on "bad terms", it will only be a day or two before you get forcegreeted by a follower with something like:

"You owe my friend [NPC Name] a debt. She got badly hurt because of you and had to pay a fortune to healers to fix that arrow to the knee. I'm going to follow you until you pay me what you owe her. I'll make sure she gets it."

It's a compulsory follower, but only because you refused to make deals with your old follower, and then just paid them off and dismissed them.



Retrev didn't say this, but in the same vein, a simple change is to make it so the cost of device removal is based on how much money you have, instead of absolute. Putting a calculated value in a dialog is no big deal if it's just one value, and not dozens of different ones. For example, the follower could ask for 80% of whatever you're carrying, or the normal MCM configured cost, whichever is larger. If you can't afford it, a deal is offered.




"Can you help me with this heavy bondage?"


"I can remove that heavy bondage, but seeing as you seem a bit desperate, it will cost you 3270 gold this time, my dear."

PC responses:

"That seems a lot, but I suppose I have no alternative." => "A wise choice. Money well spent. Now just hold still a minute..."

"I can't afford that. I'll take my chances with the devices this time." => "As you wish. But that money won't be much use to you if you're robbed and enslaved by bandits."



"I could remove that heavy bondage for you, but it would cost more than you have right now. How about a new deal?"

PC responses:

"Alright. I'd like to make a new deal please." => "A wise choice. My deals are much better than those devices. I don't think you'd get out on your own any time soon."

"Sorry. I don't want to make a deal." => "Alright then. The devices stay on. Let me know when you see sense and change your mind."



I think retrev suggests an idea where you can go to a follower who isn't hired yet, and they will respond deviously if you have worn devices.


"Hello there. I can remove those nasty devices you're stuck in, but only if you hire me for a week."

"Seeing as you haven't managed very well by yourself, I want some money up front, so you'll also have to agree to a couple of trivial little deals."



If I've understood correctly, Retrev's ideas sound great. Technically very feasible, and would make the follower experience both more immersive and interestingly perilous. I've elaborated a bit, maybe put my spin on it, but Retrev certainly hit on the core of it.


If Lozeak doesn't use them, I'll definitely steal them for my own mod :) 


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So Willpower as it is at the moment.


Issue 1: When you have any DD on your willpower will basically live at 0 in some cases.

Issue 2: The way it works is all too complicated and for other mods to use it they would need DF really.


To simplify things I was thinking of making willpower just fully heal after every sleep.


Make resistance a function of DF only and therefore customizable in this mod.


Other mods can simply + or - willpower based off its events.


The only negative of this I'd say is the player would have a 10 willpower when it doesn't really feel like you should and in DF you'd have dialog not fit.


The positive

  • Is that the player will see more of the content based on Willpower
  • I could add really bad content for 0 Willpower and as you get more deals/DDs the player will have to decide to sleep more if bad things happen.
  • For other mods to use Willpower the only condition is to reset it after sleep and they won't have to worry about DF conflicts outside if they both reduce willpower for say rape.

The other thing I think that this system allows is for me to make more content where the follower just does something to you rather than base it on a deal.... 

For example, at 0 Willpower they could force a device/sex/maybe a deal ect


I think immersion wise is a net negative but content/gameplay wise maybe worth the trade-off.





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1 hour ago, Lozeak said:

So Willpower as it is at the moment.


Issue 1: When you have any DD on your willpower will basically live at 0 in some cases.

Issue 2: The way it works is all too complicated and for other mods to use it they would need DF really.


To simplify things I was thinking of making willpower just fully heal after every sleep.


Make resistance a function of DF only and therefore customizable in this mod.


Other mods can simply + or - willpower based off its events.


The only negative of this I'd say is the player would have a 10 willpower when it doesn't really feel like you should and in DF you'd have dialog not fit.


The positive

  • Is that the player will see more of the content based on Willpower
  • I could add really bad content for 0 Willpower and as you get more deals/DDs the player will have to decide to sleep more if bad things happen.
  • For other mods to use Willpower the only condition is to reset it after sleep and they won't have to worry about DF conflicts outside if they both reduce willpower for say rape.

The other thing I think that this system allows is for me to make more content where the follower just does something to you rather than base it on a deal.... 

For example, at 0 Willpower they could force a device/sex/maybe a deal ect


I think immersion wise is a net negative but content/gameplay wise maybe worth the trade-off.


    That helps me understand better how the out comes happen.

1. I like the Idea that zero will power brings about more of the rougher scene's or more content. ( I have yet to run into any of the Beasty scene's )

2. As a note to self >>I found that the followers from Dawnguard seem to work very well, and as I have not used them much they had a different voice or the one I used did which was nice, and they talk less, or have less useless banter.


3.   I have had a problem with the scene for the forced Potion MCM setting, the scene seems to stop at the point where I assume the player is suppose to respond.


   I looked at the scene in the CK, and something I remember about my dabbling in the scene editor is it was bad to have the last action be the end of the scene, was better to have a blank action at the end, My scenes seemed to close out better that way, but my memory may be flacky in that. I Have three or 4 mods started, but realize my ability in papyrus suck's, and know there not even close to ready for any release.


3.A.  I found the first MCM potion deal a bit over powering myself, It is a good Idea, but the weakness, cause quite a few problems for me.


4. I finally I think figured out that by turning back the scale of the Deal's in the MCM from 3 to 2,  I could pretty much remove some things like the Show off your piercings shock, and the Taped up mouth.  This helped, for some things. ( Not that I don't like them, but sometimes they became troublesome )


5. So far, but I have not reached all scenario's I found the willpower to work very well as it is, but you are looking at it with a far better understanding than I have.


6. I have been playing it singularly with no other sex mods installed, in fact hardly anything but your mod, and necessary mod's, and clothing, and population increase mods, along with my little helper mod that allows me to turn off/on aggression of nearly all hostile factions in the game. ( easier in some case's to get around when you are bound up from head to toe..LOL )


7. It is all looking so good, your mod, and Slaverun reloaded are two of my favorite Mod's right now, mainly because they do make really good use of the all the Animations made for sexlab, and they have such really helpful game fixing options in the MCM. ( and they are not squeamish at all in there content, most anything goes, but there MCM allow you to tone it down if you want )

   Something Kenjoka did in his MCM that I truly love is give you the option to remove singular DD devices, so you could pick, and choose which device to remove.  The DDI bug screen only allow you to remove all or none.  Having choice as to what to remove is really nice.


  8. And MCM option to move your follower to you could be nice, I have been keeping them in the console, and using Moveto, I do not know why they don't always move when you fast travel, but when they don't it is nice to be able to quickly bring them to you.


9.  It is great, and your continuing to work on it to make it better is really nice.. Thank you for this, I have been really enjoying it.


10. I did use a few tattoos from my very sucky Tattoo pack, I thought in some case's they looked pretty cool.. Just for fun. :)






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56 minutes ago, Lozeak said:

So Willpower as it is at the moment.


Issue 1: When you have any DD on your willpower will basically live at 0 in some cases.

Issue 2: The way it works is all too complicated and for other mods to use it they would need DF really.


To simplify things I was thinking of making willpower just fully heal after every sleep.


Make resistance a function of DF only and therefore customizable in this mod.


Other mods can simply + or - willpower based off its events.


The only negative of this I'd say is the player would have a 10 willpower when it doesn't really feel like you should and in DF you'd have dialog not fit.


The positive

  • Is that the player will see more of the content based on Willpower
  • I could add really bad content for 0 Willpower and as you get more deals/DDs the player will have to decide to sleep more if bad things happen.
  • For other mods to use Willpower the only condition is to reset it after sleep and they won't have to worry about DF conflicts outside if they both reduce willpower for say rape.

The other thing I think that this system allows is for me to make more content where the follower just does something to you rather than base it on a deal.... 

For example, at 0 Willpower they could force a device/sex/maybe a deal ect


I think immersion wise is a net negative but content/gameplay wise maybe worth the trade-off.

My thoughts on this idea:


I think there would definitely be room and a use for a stat that drains quickly and is reset by sleep.  Could call it Resolve or Self-Control, and could represent something like peer-pressure or resistance to temptation in certain circumstances.  Like the difference between someone stepping into a brothel out of curiosity and getting propositioned, or locking them in the brothel for 24 hours straight so they keep getting pestered.  This could also be the stat that other DD mods might want to use, since it resets to full on sleep and could decay through the day, and directly by script along with sex scenes.


In DF I imagine it could be more about the PC being asked to do dirty/humiliating things on top of what they are required to do, or control things like the ability to pay your follower at low willpower or have the option of resisting some deal steps.  Some examples:

  1. At high resolve (aka just woke up from a sleep) - the player can pay their follower despite having less than the minimum number of deals due to low willpower.  However, doing so makes the follower make lewd comments about the player's deals instead, damaging the resolve stat so you can only pay the follower once - better hope it is enough for the day or you're going to need to take more deals.
  2. The tape gag deal's "cleaning" scene could be resisted at high Resolve, and the gag itself just replaced - but doing so would hurt resolve.  This would avoid the big Resistance/Willpower hit however, and you could keep avoiding it if you keep the tape gag  on.
  3. High resolve would let the player have the option to resist some of the deal-based sex scenes, or turn them into consensual scenes.  This means that even while stuck in some of the nastier deals, the player could make intelligent use of their daily Resolve to avoid the worst of the resistance/willpower damage and keep willpower from crashing so fast.

I do think the slowly building and decaying Willpower stat is important for DF to function properly, as IMO it really helps to build the feeling of your character getting in over her head as you go from debt -> deals -> lower willpower -> difficulty paying/more perverted deals/games -> even lower willpower.  The biggest issue I have with willpower (as others have discussed) is that it tends to either be at max due to not engaging in activities that hurt willpower or not being in devices (either through this mod or others), or it quickly goes to zero and stays in the 3-0 range until the player gets completely free of devices allowing for fast regen... and then it goes right back to 10.


I do think Willpower/resistance would be best to treat as stats just for your mods, so your mods would be in control of how fast they grow or fall.  These rates could then be customized in the MCM menus without hurting other mods that might want to use such a stat (they could use the above Resolve instead).


Some ideas for a Willpower/Resistance system based for how I play the game could be as follows:


  1. Resistance per Willpower no longer gets smaller at lower willpower.  Instead, the resistance per willpower is something controlled by MCM menu, so the player can customize how fast or slow Willpower changes.  Someone who has lots of mods triggering scenes or spends lots of time in bondage might want a large amount of resistance per level, while someone who only occasionally gets into those situations might want a small amount of resistance per level. 
  2. Resistance is regenerated at a flat rate over time (including sleeping) - meaning sleeping is still the best way to recover willpower quickly, but you can just play the game as well and have it recover slowly over time.  This rate could also be configurable in the MCM menu, so players could adjust it to match their playstyles.  Sleeping could always trigger a calculation of resistance/willpower gain, and resistance gain could be optionally increased in safe places like inns or player homes.
  3. The Resistance regen depends on if the player is *exposed*.  Exposed would mean wearing any DD items or not wearing chest armor.  Again, this could be adjusted in the MCM menu, so if a player just likes wearing DD items but doesn't want it to change their resistance rates that much, they could have it match the regular rate.
  4. The primary way of losing resistance would be directly from Lozeak mods (DF deals ect) and by being the victim in Sexlab scenes, same as current.  However, there could be an optional "cap" on resistance lost between calculations.  So if the game calculates your resistance/willpower gain every 5 minutes, you could set it so you can only lose a set amount of resistance in those 5 minutes, and then stay at that level until the cooldown is up.  This would help avoid willpower crashing hard due to repeated sex scenes back-to-back, like happens during Defeat scenes.

Obviously the above would involve a redo of the way Willpower/Resistance are calculated, but I think it would allow for a much more gradual and controlled gain/loss of willpower for DF to react to.  There could be some more safeguards in place as well, such as multipliers that apply when close to max or min Willpower (so you get away from 10 willpower and 0 willpower easily, then the middle-ground is a slower transition). 


With a system like this, if a player sets the rates correctly they should be able to have a mode where they have a slower net positive gain on Resistance under normal circumstances, but when they get stuck in Devious Devices or take bad deals that turns into a slow/medium net negative.  Use of Resolve to avoid sex scenes could let them temporarily avoid the losses and keep willpower high, but otherwise they would need to get back to "normal" to start regaining willpower.


Anyway, just my idea dump, cool to have you around to take in ideas like this Lozeak. ?

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Regarding willpower regeneration through sleep: others have thought about this much more deeply, but I'll say that for my playstyle, this would mean almost never dropping much below 10 willpower.  Other playstyles clearly give different results... perhaps the maximum gain from sleep could be configurable in an .ini or MCM?  I certainly think making resistance per willpower point "flat" would help with the current "high willpower/low willpower/nothing in between" issue.


Currently, I almost always sleep for 5 hours just to let the willpower creep down a little, to have a chance of playing around 5 or 6 willpower and feeling some risk.  But that's a nuisance!


I do love the idea of more coercive deals/pushing for deals as retrev and Lupine00 mentioned above.  The current "sure I'll stop managing your gold, but I'm keeping the extra... unless you wait until tomorrow, and then we'll see how I feel" is a really nice move in that direction.  But if you're willing to track some longer-term bargains, that would be great.  So many good ideas floating around - it shows what a brilliant mod this is, and how it's inspiring others!

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5 hours ago, Lozeak said:

To simplify things I was thinking of making willpower just fully heal after every sleep.


Make resistance a function of DF only and therefore customizable in this mod.


Other mods can simply + or - willpower based off its events.


Firstly, with respect to SLD:


From a SLD perspective, what it likes is either a nice linear Float value that goes from 0 to <something> in at least 100 increments, such as a percentage, or alternatively, a boolean value where the decision is a simple yes or no.


The existing willpower is a bit granular for the former, no matter how it varies, and I don't see it being practical to move DF itself to a 0 to 100 scaled willpower given how many dialogs have conditions on it, so it's probably always going to be the latter.


It is, in any case, more my problem than DF's problem.



I guess you could rewrite the scripts that modify willpower, which are few, and then simply divide it by ten to derive the global value that drives the dialogs, so none of them have to change at all. This would be meaningless unless you had other (new) mechanics that benefited from the increased granularity, or it was simply easier to make it work nicely that way, or more transparent and immersive for players (which it probably isn't).


But to compare with Apropos, where there are only ten (really nine) values for each wear&tear state; I just scaled them to give a 0 to 100 range anyway, because a binary wasn't enough for the wear&tear mechanics people were expecting. TBH that result isn't ideal. Apropos' states are intended to drive a small number of discrete visual states, and hand-crafted-per-stage debuffs, not arbitrarily scaled debuffs and buffs as per SLD.



Returning to willpower in DF... a boolean, or perhaps pair of booleans would fit exactly with how DF itself tests it.



My interest in making the willpower stat distribute more evenly over the range, both during increase and decrease phases of play is kind of a fixation with issues of neatness of design. It's always bugged me that arousal has similar issues, due to a simulationist mindset in SL Aroused, rather than a gameplay based design. This numerically unstable simulation has always hamstrung the ability to tune gameplay in mods that put a lot of weight on arousal, like DCL and Hormones. vlkSexLife fixed the problem, but it wasn't perfectly compatible with mods that stuck their fingers into SLA to tinker with the values - DD mainly - possibly also SLSO. In any case, a lot of people don't even seem aware of vlkSexLife and it has ceased being developed, though so has SLA so I guess there's no difference there.


Seeing that willpower had some similar issues to arousal in how it distributes across its range - tending to hit the buffers at either end - I had the feeling this would limit its uptake as a driver for other mods. I think there is at least one mod that uses it though.



But willpower is also completely different to the problematic arousal stat, because within DF right now, it works just fine to deliver the content it was designed to deliver, and make the gameplay fun.



A more measured progress through willpower might be slightly more immersive, but wouldn't play much different in DF, because the dialog tests are highly granular anyway.


I tried changing it, and it didn't revolutionise my game - though I didn't want it to.


There are other factors in DF that make much more difference to how things play.



Now, if you can absorb all that background, hopefully my thoughts on Lozeak's comments will make sense:

5 hours ago, Lozeak said:

The only negative of this I'd say is the player would have a 10 willpower when it doesn't really feel like you should and in DF you'd have dialog not fit.


The positive

  • Is that the player will see more of the content based on Willpower
  • I could add really bad content for 0 Willpower and as you get more deals/DDs the player will have to decide to sleep more if bad things happen.
  • For other mods to use Willpower the only condition is to reset it after sleep and they won't have to worry about DF conflicts outside if they both reduce willpower for say rape.

The other thing I think that this system allows is for me to make more content where the follower just does something to you rather than base it on a deal.... 

For example, at 0 Willpower they could force a device/sex/maybe a deal ect


I think immersion wise is a net negative but content/gameplay wise maybe worth the trade-off.


Firstly, with regard to resistance - I didn't even realise it was considered meaningful in any way outside DF until now - so making no promises about its range or expected values is fine for me. I'm not aware of any other mod that uses it. I'm sure somebody will point it out if there are some.



What you're suggesting is a willpower that has a rapid rubber-band action on it. It sinks gradually over the course of a game day, or multiple days, and perhaps dramatically in certain situations, then snaps back suddenly.


I think the big downside to this is losing the idea of a stat that represents submissiveness in an immersive sense. 

While being exhausted one minute, and determined after sleeping makes a viable gameplay mechanic, it lacks the long term "battle" the player has with willpower at the moment.


I think players will have a problem keeping an awareness of their willpower if it changes much more often and more dramatically.


This is an issue with arousal, so you have to be hitting N, a lot, or use the arousal display widget mod, and possibly DW too, to give immersive feedback on arousal.


Willpower doesn't have those features or mods, so it would be hard to track, and - importantly - would it offer the player enough control?




I see the lovely trap Lozeak envisages: the player can't afford to sleep too often, because it means paying the follower again, and more debt, plus the cost of the room, so they let willpower drop as low as they dare before doing it, and then things slip out of control.


The issue with this is (simply) needs mods. iNeed pushes you to sleep far more often than DF ever does. MME pushes you to sleep more often than DF demands it. Sleep itself becomes a point of conflict between mods.


Making DF pivot more dramatically around sleep might make this worse. If you run those other mods, you have to sleep or you suffer serious penalties. So you factor that expense into everything up-front. You will, as Lozeak fears, tend to have high willpower almost all the time, because you are sleeping when DF doesn't require it.


The failure scenarios will represent a rather sharp, steep cliff; mostly you can see the edge coming and avoid it, but once you're over it, there's nothing you can do about the fall.



I think it's this interaction with sleep that bothers me more than the rubber-band action, which has pros and cons. The sleep issue is almost all con. You can mitigate it by imposing more requirements to recover willpower during sleep, like there are now, like willpower is set to 10 - (number of worn devices) after sleep, or you can only regain it sleeping in a bed, or it can become blocked from restoration until you gain a level in some cases, or some other mechanics along those sort of lines.




1) we lose a long-term submissiveness stat

2) willpower is simplified

3) sleep becomes more beneficial, but you need some entirely new mechanic for devices.

4) possible conflicts with mods that make you sleep all the time anyway taking away the choice to sleep or not sleep in DF

5) point (4) can be mitigated by imposing stronger conditions on what represents a willpower restoring sleep





I don't think other mods are going to model willpower themselves; they will always rely on DF to calculate it, and won't use willpower unless DF is present.

I don't think they should, otherwise you could get two mods fighting over it.


For that reason, simplifying how it works at a script level is easier to maintain but has nothing to do with interoperability.

I wouldn't worry about that aspect at all, especially if it leads to better mechanics.


I think if the broad submissiveness stat of willpower were removed from DF in the sense it currently exists, it would need to be replaced some other way in Skyrim, even if not in DF.


This is a stat several mods have added, one way or another. It serves a dual immersion and gameplay role. When people see that stat dropping, it speaks to something that will take time to fix - like the slave rating in SD+, which can decay very gradually (if at all), and by default takes days to change in either direction.


I think if you want a stat that represents short-term willpower, it already exists: resistance.


Currently it's more like a fixed-point sub-component of willpower. Simply change resistance to work a little differently, so it doesn't reset when you lose willpower.


If you wanted to move to driving some dialogs or events off resistance after that, you could, while leaving others on the slower shifting willpower.




I'm going to put my example of how this might work in this spoiler section, because it only matters if you somewhat agree with the conclusions above.



So, to make resistance act like rubber-band willpower, it needs to drop due to humiliating events, and simply over time as you grow tired, and when it hits zero, it sticks and can't drop any further - does not reset.


It then has to be reset by an action, whether that is sleep, or sleep plus something more (which I recommend).


Make it look like a percentage value, but use a Float internally. It's basically your chance to resist. More resolution means you have more ability to wear it away slowly over time without adding 'chance to lose' code everywhere.

You can put a rounded value in a global integer for dialogs and actual event decisions while using a float internally.


Currently willpower and resistance are so granular that most change has to be (or ought to be) stochastic, which makes it much harder to understand and predict how they will behave, and more complex to write code that changes them. There isn't much room to work with just 11 values (0 .. 10).


This means you don't/can't just use resistance as a fractional part of willpower.

Dropping resistance to zero is the precusor, or gating requirement to being able to lose willpower, but willpower should only be able to change by one point per day in either direction (or some other rate, whatever you want, but still time rate limited).


Willpower loss decision could be based on how much resistance you lost that day. Over 75, and willpower drops, less than 25 it rises, and in between, it doesn't change. Alternative mechanics also spring to mind.



With slow movement enforced on willpower, you are assured to see any given value for at least a day, even if the overall trend is in only one direction.



The existing DF willpower tests would still work fine against these stats (assuming the derived globals are simply divided by ten and rounded), and you could shift some willpower checks to use resistance instead, on a case by case basis, if you wanted them to be driven by the short-term value.


The main goal, or point of the undertaking, is to add more content that uses the new fast-moving resistance value, and hone the mechanics that diminish resistance, or allow it to be regained, with the regain being all-at-once, but perhaps capped to a lower limit in cases where there are devices.



On sleep, resistance is reset to:

Bed-quality - MAX(V*devices-worn-score, D*days-in-denial, L*max-deal-level-in-force)   

Where V, D and L are scale factors for the devices, denial, and deals, respectively.

 ---   devices-worn-score = sum of devices worn scores, piercings, corset, harness, belt scores less, collar scores more, etc.

(Final value clamped between 100 and 0 no matter what).


With beds in inns and homes scoring a quality of 100, and less for wilderness, dungeons, or bedrolls in cages :) 


Days in denial only applies if you have a denial deal in play.

Some deals, might carry more weight than the 1, 2 or 3 for normal deals - if it made sense - things like whore armor for example.


There might be other components in the MAX() fn, depending on what content you come up with.


Then, with more resolution in resistance, you have more scope to whittle away gradually, reducing resistance every hour of the day, on every "I'm a slut" announcement, and of course, on every rape, stripping, when walking around town naked and in chains, etc etc. And you don't have to continually assign chances to these losses, they can be simple fixed values, because you have more than 10 discrete units to take away, you have limitless resolution.


This should make it easier to plan and balance, and the outcomes more predictable for the mod author and the player.


Of course, you can add randomness where appropriate, make each rape remove a variable amount in a range, for example.


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I know now my writing skill is bad, so I used google translator.



A few hours ago I wrote about the "meta-weakness" of Lupine00, but I felt it was a bit poor and erased it. I am going to post this idea now with some improvement and made more strange.


This is largely the same as Lupine00's suggestion, but a little different. My idea is always strange, so it's 'most' likely that Lupine00's are better. What I post is for reference only.


The basic configuration of Skyrim is that the PC (additionally follower) wins the enemy. But DF adds a new composition here. The conflict between the PC and the follower.

With the existing 'meta-weakness' DF, PCs are forced to always win if there is basic capital. You pay 300 gold every day and the PC can unconditionally release the device.



This is because the response of the follower is too constant. Thus, first and foremost,


Followers need to be able to request to trade 'deals' with PC, and if necessary, the PC must be able to decline them. (Because the mandatory way is the way of some of the quests in DCL, as mentioned earlier, not DF's).

Here, the purpose of the follower is bankruptcy of the player, and the purpose of the player is to use the follower as cheaply as possible. Unlike players, however, since followers can use the system, followers can always win. As Lupine00 says, through 'meta deal' you can prevent the PC from refusing when a follower asks for a deal.

In addition, using Lupine00's 'meta deal', it has the advantage that the flow is much more than richer. But there are also shortcomings:


Implementation complexity.


Size of mode.


Depending on the limitations of followers AI, it may allow for a disadvantageous 'meta deal' and thus the problem may not be improved. However, the fun of the game is to extend the process of enslavement as long as possible, in other words, to let willpower gradually decrease. That is why it is also essential.



Let me explain the elements of 'meta deal' from now on. First, the player can sell:

Obligation to pay gold or items. For example, a follower may receive X gold or some items(for example, 100 gold or items) a week later at the desired time. Of course, rather than picking it up immediately after a week, the goal is to get the player to pay for it when there is no money or item. (It is often called bank run, where the bank is the player and the person who will take the money becomes the follower.)


Obligations to raise payroll wages. It is a transaction that increases the interest rate or interest rate of the follower for N days.


Player's freedom. You will know what it is.




Gold (regardless of whether it is a fixed amount or a percentage of player's gold)


Obligation not to use gold.


Obligation to maintain your following relationship (even if you do not need followers)


Other Obligations Derived from It.



The next thing your followers can sell:


Obligation to maintain following relationship. (When a player feels too much money to be enslaved, followers are reasonable to give up the contract)


Duty to release restraint. N-day followers are obliged to release the device at a fixed price.


Duty to play a key game. N-day followers are obligated to play a key game with the player at a set price.


Obligation to follow the relationship. (When the follower signs an initial contract with the player).


Duty to stop. The player can purchase it and postpone the payment due date. Or you can exclude your followers from quests that you can not use your followers. This greatly increases complexity with a 'meta deal' that can interfere with another 'meta deal'.




Obligation to release devices. (Similar to the previous one, but unbind one.)


Duty to play a key game. (This is similar to the previous one, but one key game.)


Other Obligations Derived from It.


Then exchange the obligation of the PC with the obligation of the follower. The more your followers use the system, the faster the enslavement time of the player will be, but this is a game that requires some manipulation.


If either one can not fulfill the obligation, it must be exchanged for compensation or other obligation. Let's take an example. When a PC has spent all of her gold to buy a house, if a follower tells her to fulfill his obligation to pay gold, the PC will eventually be forced to reimburse another.


This can make the flow of the game much more complicated and difficult for the player to calculate. However, Gold Control is definitely OP.

If this is not enough complexity and the player and follower follow a constant flow, you can consider the following:


Presents and options! (The concept used in the stock market.)



Let's take a look at this example.


A. A player with a lot of current assets does not pay any debts and gives 300 gold to his followers every day.


B. Your follower requests the following transaction:
Obligations of the player: 100 gold pays when requested after one week, Follower's obligations: follow-up for a week. Because if you continue to receive around 300 gold each day, it will take a very long time for the player to become enslaved.


C. However, the player did not leave 100 gold by accidentally buying a house, and the follower finally requested the payment and was asked to 'bankrupt' and pay compensation.


D. Followers pay appropriate penalty for compensation. In that case, the player becomes a deal or another obligation, and finally, PC will enslaved.


The advantage of this method is that if the player is smart enough, she can keep his relationship with the follower. This is fundamentally different from the DCL quest!





What a strange idea.... I know. If you want, just ignore :)

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 Truly sorry about asking this, but

I have tried to search the thread, and read that i need only a collar on, raised, and lowered my debt. got willpower to 0, talked to every Jarl in the game I can find, but have been unable to get the Pet suit quest to fire, what am I missing.


I even tried setting the stage to 400, 401, 402, and 404 for shit's and giggles, but no avail.. Is it still working?

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7 hours ago, galgat said:

 Truly sorry about asking this, but

I have tried to search the thread, and read that i need only a collar on, raised, and lowered my debt. got willpower to 0, talked to every Jarl in the game I can find, but have been unable to get the Pet suit quest to fire, what am I missing.


I even tried setting the stage to 400, 401, 402, and 404 for shit's and giggles, but no avail.. Is it still working?


Need 5 or more deals and a collar with no belt or heavy bondage in a Jarls castle. Follower will start event no need to talk to anyone. (There is an event timer too)


The games are all triggered by an idle line in _DFlow (since you like looking in the CK)


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3 hours ago, Lozeak said:



Need 5 or more deals and a collar with no belt or heavy bondage in a Jarls castle. Follower will start event no need to talk to anyone. (There is an event timer too)


The games are all triggered by an idle line in _DFlow (since you like looking in the CK)


1.  I figured it was something I did wrong, but I am wondering how I can only have a collar on, and nothing else, most deal's as best I can figure out seem to put something one me. But I am sure there is a way, I will find it.


2. Yes I still mod, mostly for my self, although I have some things I have been working on, so I tend to look at lots of mods in the CK, but I don't usually dig to deep until I have played the mod, and understand the Events that happen in it better.


3.  I really am appreciative of your help, and love the mod. I got all the other things to happen. as far as the restrictive boots in the wilderness, and the gag while sleeping, and the blind fold only in a dungeon.  Just the collar only thing would not happen for me. I guess I should have dug deeper into it, but was following your explanation on the Mod page as to how the events happened.


This is what i was using from the main page



Games? (or I just want to see the porn)
Games/events are mini events when your follower catchs you off guard it is based on what you are wearing device wise/willpower/debt.
List of em.
w/ low will or over half enslavement debt. 

Inn- sleep in a inn with a gag no heavy bondage/collar/corset/harness
Jacket - in a dungeon with a blindfold
Stables- Bondage boots in the wilderness (maybe dungeon)
Enslaved (babe2) - It's just on a timer.

Jarl - collar no belt no heavy bondage
They can be blocked by other devices (getting in the way) or quest devices. 

Other follower mods tips?
Load this mod before it. 
Do not use lend 500.



4.   I wanted to see the full game flow, and understand it, before I tried to add, or modify it to my taste. ( Only for my self, if I like a mod I tend to change it for my self, but only for my self ). over time. ( Kenjoka has been gone so long I have majorly changed, and added to his Slaverun mod, for myself only quite a bit, I find modifying mods I like to be good training, and I grasp a better understanding as I do this. Of course I will toss all the extra scenes I have made, and changes when they update. )


5, I will see what I can make happen now that I have the extra information I did not have before.. Thank you very much.  I did truly hate to ask, but I was bothered by and Itch I could not scratch.. LOL  I hope you did not take offense, I was just lost on this particular Event.



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2 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

it doesn't have to be "just" a collar. 

I was following this from the front page


Games? (or I just want to see the porn)
Games/events are mini events when your follower catchs you off guard it is based on what you are wearing device wise/willpower/debt.
List of em.
w/ low will or over half enslavement debt. 

Inn- sleep in a inn with a gag no heavy bondage/collar/corset/harness
Jacket - in a dungeon with a blindfold
Stables- Bondage boots in the wilderness (maybe dungeon)
Enslaved (babe2) - It's just on a timer.

Jarl - collar no belt no heavy bondage
They can be blocked by other devices (getting in the way) or quest devices. 

Other follower mods tips?
Load this mod before it. 
Do not use lend 500.


So I can have more stuff on then, and that info from the front page is not accurate anymore ? Just what Items might I be able to wear, and the event still happen ?

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1 minute ago, galgat said:

So I can have more stuff on then, and that info from the front page is not accurate anymore ? Just what Items might I be able to wear, and the event still happen ?

things like cuffs, gloves, boots, piercings, inserts, gags, blindfolds, maybe even corsets and chastity bras are all ok.


Mostly you just can't have a chastity belt on. 

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In general, I don't think there is anything you can get from any deals that would block it. 


Most of the restrictions are to prevent the removal of questy type things, and removing a chastity belt sometimes triggers animations that can break a scene so no belts. 

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6 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

In general, I don't think there is anything you can get from any deals that would block it. 


Most of the restrictions are to prevent the removal of questy type things, and removing a chastity belt sometimes triggers animations that can break a scene so no belts. 

  Thx U, I will go back with better knowledge, and maybe make it happen.. It was just one of those thing's that was bugging me.

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39 minutes ago, galgat said:

5, I will see what I can make happen now that I have the extra information I did not have before.. Thank you very much.  I did truly hate to ask, but I was bothered by and Itch I could not scratch.. LOL  I hope you did not take offense, I was just lost on this particular Event.


Ask away lol. I'm not the clearest of people!   


Basically DD has a tag system and certain devices are used for quests and stuff and if you have them some stuff won't happen outside of that only really devices that could get in the way of the event will stop it.

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So I started reworking the Willpower system and the progression of the mod....


I feel maybe some people will not like this but I dunno I just don't like how you can bottom out on willpower and be stuck there until you clear all your deals.


What I've changed and how it works...


Willpower resets to 10 at sleep and it also is now a float so you could have values of 9.3 or w/e


Resistance Max can be configured in MCM

The max can be debuffed by deals and devices

You can also set the Min the Max can reach with debuffs.


Meaning as you make more deals and wear more devices it will plummet faster


This change breaks how the going over debt works so it's not based off willpower anymore but deals/other content.


If you fail without any deals... player will be forced to make 3 random deals or give the follower all your gold (removes 75% as debt) and some random items.

If you fail with deals... you'll be forced into gold mode and lose the option to give all gold. (if you have gold mode active)

if you fail with deals and gold mode active or it's disabled in MCM... You'll be enslaved or put in the endless mode chains until you pay them off or make more deals.


I may make it so your forced to get 6 deals before you can be enslaved.


What this will enable me to do (I hope)


At 0 WIllpower .... maybe follower will force deals on you.... maybe increase cost per day... ect ect...

Then further on maybe very bad things could happen if you hit 0 WIllpower from this mod and others! I may even have an idea to force a follower on the player using WIllpower now!


I will probably call the next verison 2.0 to make a clear distinction between the old and the new system.


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5 hours ago, Lozeak said:


Ask away lol. I'm not the clearest of people!   


Basically DD has a tag system and certain devices are used for quests and stuff and if you have them some stuff won't happen outside of that only really devices that could get in the way of the event will stop it.

  Yes on one play through I made them so mad they wanted to put the chain Irons on me, but could not because I had all the other stuff from deals on me, and the game got hung in a loop of "can not equip two of same Item at once". I finally had to use the remove all command from DDI MCM debug.  Which then caused me to have to use add item, and track down all the deal Item's that I had to have on..LOL, and replace them.  


   You might want to set some functions to remove, and then equip, or check's if slot is full, and ignore


I like to use, and you probably do to and INT to get the number of items before equipping and deleting





RegisterforModEvent after sex action I used from one of my functions I am

sure it can be done far better, but just one way I like to use INT for checking item's, and being sure I remove them all, or if they are there


Event PlayerRefDone(int threadID, bool hasPlayer)
        UnregisterForModEvent("HookAnimationend_PlayerRef") ;SEX Hook
        INT Count = (PlayerRef.GetItemCount(GGK_LeakyPussyDrops))    ;just incase more than one gets equipped
        PlayerRef.RemoveItem(GGK_LeakyPussyDrops, Count, true)    ;if count zero nothing removed
        int random = Utility.RandomInt(5, 40) ; from 5 to 40 gold
        playerref.additem(Gold001, random)        
            ;***Testing stop***



I suppose could be used for other thing's but I am sure you know all this


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