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2 hours ago, Lozeak said:

There could be a bug in the mod cause so many people are reporting the same issue but it could be from upgrading an old save because that would 100% cause this issue.

type Help _DflowWill and if you have a value then you upgraded an old save. the global should be called _DWill ( I think)

I did a clean save for the new patch, and it seems to have solved the Will Power issue I was having.


So, for now, we can chalk the issue I was seeing up to improper upgrading procedure. 


You may consider this ticket item closed for now, and I thank everyone who participated in the corrective process. 



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2 hours ago, Lozeak said:

Just added 4th Deal, have a plan for the 5th. After that I might add few (you need to do the every X days) deals but only when you taken so many deals.


Then, i think I can't add anymore because the system could get too cluttered.

Thanks for the update!


I think I agree that 5 "regular" deals might be as many as you want to add for that system, or you may end up in a situation where the deals start to conflict with one another (or you run out of Devious Device slots to use :classic_tongue:).  I do really like the idea of having "super" deals that become available that are a bit more involved, and therefor have a schedule/cooldown so they aren't too disruptive to gameplay.  Especially if they are similar in scope to the "games" - since the games are honestly one of my favorite features despite them being somewhat rare.


Did a very quick test updating from 1.23 -> 1.30 and everything *seemed* to work at a glance.  The new notification on debt calculation as to when sleeping would be helpful for Willpower recovery is nice, as it was a bit confusing before when a sleep didn't trigger a recovery.  I love the idea of the new deal, altho I haven't seen it at level 3 yet.


Only minor note is I'm seeing a few papyrus errors showing up - I can't recall if these were in my logs in 1.23 and unfortunately don't have an old log since updating.  I'll post them here just as a FYI - I believe they most commonly show up when sleeping or asking about current debt.  I didn't notice any *actual* problems when these errors show up.



[05/13/2018 - 07:06:05PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp83"
    [_DTools (6301210D)]._dftools.RestoreResist() - "_DFtools.psc" Line ?
    [_DflowSleepQuest (6301A2A8)]._dflowsleepquestscript.OnSleepStop() - "_DflowSleepQuestScript.psc" Line ?
[05/13/2018 - 07:06:05PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp77"
    [_DTools (6301210D)]._dftools.IncreaseResist() - "_DFtools.psc" Line ?
    [_DTools (6301210D)]._dftools.RestoreResist() - "_DFtools.psc" Line ?
    [_DflowSleepQuest (6301A2A8)]._dflowsleepquestscript.OnSleepStop() - "_DflowSleepQuestScript.psc" Line ?



[05/13/2018 - 06:55:44PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp63"
    [_DFlow (63000D62)].qf__gift_09000d62.DebtInc() - "QF__Gift_09000D62.psc" Line ?
    [topic info 63004E3B on quest _DFlow (63000D62)}.TIF_DFlow_09004E3B.Fragment_1() - "TIF_DFlow_09004E3B.psc" Line ?




[05/13/2018 - 06:56:18PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"
    [topic info 63018796 on quest _DFlow (63000D62)}.TIF_DFlow_0A018796.Fragment_0() - "TIF_DFlow_0A018796.psc" Line ?


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I think right now, the sweet spot is around five or six deals. More than that is simply taking away headroom for enslavement to feel different.

Beyond that, I guess it's fair you probably get enslaved.


Not that I'd mind more top-end in the deals if they were fun.


The best deals/items are ones that change how you play.


The armbinder (in town only) actually has little impact, unless you use DH or something, as you were probably already getting raped, or in chastity so you can't get raped. But I do like how it looks, and it's still immersive...


If you get a speech debuff from gags (DTII might apply a fairly heavy one) that's something that hits your money making ability, so fast-track to slavery.


There's a gloves deal but not a mittens variant - but there's a reason for that, so I don't think it should change.


Personally, I'd like to see more different "lines" of deal rather than higher level deals, because it offers more possibility for variation. As it is, you pretty much get the same things most of the time.


In terms of fun stuff, more variety in random events would be good.

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I think the cage event in DW might have some issues with the first SD+ dream.


I was getting the first dream in a cage in Riften, and was having real trouble getting back from the dream world.


I got three CTDs, one freeze-up, one totally unable to leave at all, and finally got ported back inside the cage, but collision bugged.

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1 minute ago, jlttsmiley30 said:

Just thinking: Would be interesting if there was something that could happen if you hit your follower in combat via weapon or spell a chance that you would wake up enslave or bound.

There kind of already is since if you help cause your follower to get knocked down they lose lives, which makes your life harder in the long run.  If someone is spamming AOE magic with a follower around and hasn't taken the time to get the Dragonborn perk that makes followers immune to player magic, they will very quickly find their follower adding extra debt and refusing to help with DD items due to all the abuse they are taking.


I'd personally really hate it if I suddenly had to be careful about fighting with my follower around, IMO most people's biggest gripes about followers in Skyrim is how they get in the way all the time.  I wouldn't want Devious Followers to change the way I approach combat because I was afraid of hitting my follower.

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15 minutes ago, user9120975435 said:

My female follower keeps tying up my F!PC in armbinder in dungeons. Not very helpful with hordes of draugr around to be unable to defend herself. Would be better if she did that only in cities.

You agreed to this deal, didn't you? ;)

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If you make a deal and agree to it then better be prepared to be put in armbinder's etc anywhere in the world, and it shouldn't be limited to cities or towns the mod is doing exactly what it was created for. The whole point of Devious Followers is that at any time anywhere in the world you can be put into armbinders etc

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6 hours ago, jlttsmiley30 said:

Just thinking: Would be interesting if there was something that could happen if you hit your follower in combat via weapon or spell a chance that you would wake up enslave or bound.


6 hours ago, Reesewow said:

There kind of already is since if you help cause your follower to get knocked down they lose lives, which makes your life harder in the long run.  If someone is spamming AOE magic with a follower around and hasn't taken the time to get the Dragonborn perk that makes followers immune to player magic, they will very quickly find their follower adding extra debt and refusing to help with DD items due to all the abuse they are taking.


I'd personally really hate it if I suddenly had to be careful about fighting with my follower around, IMO most people's biggest gripes about followers in Skyrim is how they get in the way all the time.  I wouldn't want Devious Followers to change the way I approach combat because I was afraid of hitting my follower.

So atm, no there is no plans it cause it's I have no good ideas and I could balance to for spells / weapons hit like have a total 1000 and spell = 1 and weapons = 10 so over time it builds up and when you hit 1000 something happens. I'll probably not do anything with this though.

4 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

My female follower keeps tying up my F!PC in armbinder in dungeons. Not very helpful with hordes of draugr around to be unable to defend herself. Would be better if she did that only in cities.


1 hour ago, user9120975435 said:

Wasn't it in one of the earlier versions that the bindings are only for inhabited places and in caves and dungeons the follower frees the player?

So the follower ties you up for different reasons, if it's a deal then that shouldn't happen. If your enslaved it's probably one of the forts that is labled with keywords weridly (if that's the case go somewhere else). Either way, I need more info.

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personal opinion here


i find the "Deals" to be enough in variety (although at times it seems to want a specific deal very badly) and do like what you did 

with the new Level 3 Deal.


if there was anything i would like to see more of it would be the "Games" that the follower will play with you (when you meet the conditions)


maybe some that are not Willpower or Debt dependent to fire. (possibly with some of the new items when DDI 4.1 comes out)


just have to say THANKS again for the wonderful mod. :beer:


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I paid off my follower with the option that says follower will be dismissable, but had zero willpower.

"It's time for us to part ways" never showed up.


Is this intended?


Could have been due to a SLDialogues conflict, like follower recruitment.


I think what is supposed to happen is that "...part ways" shows up, but the follower should say "No. You wouldn't last five minutes without me you dumb slut. I'm sticking with you for your own good." Or something vaguely along those lines :smile: 


Either way, I can't get rid of my follower... which works perfectly as it turns out, so I can't be bothered to remove SLDialogues and see if I can dismiss.


Seemed I couldn't raise my willpower by sleeping in a bed, even with no devices on, but later when I slept in a cage, I got 1 willpower.


Not sure if this is a bug, or intended... Probably the same sort of unfilled alias issue that was stopping me losing willpower before?

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2 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I paid off my follower with the option that says follower will be dismissable, but had zero willpower.

"It's time for us to part ways" never showed up.


Is this intended?


Could have been due to a SLDialogues conflict, like follower recruitment.


I think what is supposed to happen is that "...part ways" shows up, but the follower should say "No. You wouldn't last five minutes without me you dumb slut. I'm sticking with you for your own good." Or something vaguely along those lines :smile: 


Either way, I can't get rid of my follower... which works perfectly as it turns out, so I can't be bothered to remove SLDialogues and see if I can dismiss.


Seemed I couldn't raise my willpower by sleeping in a bed, even with no devices on, but later when I slept in a cage, I got 1 willpower.


Not sure if this is a bug, or intended... Probably the same sort of unfilled alias issue that was stopping me losing willpower before?

Might be a bug from adding the new deal.


Enough time needs to pass (when you start sleeping) for you to able to recover will power agian. There is a added line in the Debt msg indicating when this is possible (only at 5 or less willpower though).

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15 hours ago, Lozeak said:

So the follower ties you up for different reasons, if it's a deal then that shouldn't happen. If your enslaved it's probably one of the forts that is labled with keywords weridly (if that's the case go somewhere else). Either way, I need more info.


The only deal I have left is the slut deal. The follower throws the PC's clothes to the floor while commenting about them, then tying the hands with an armbinder. Location was Soljund's Sinkhole.

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10 hours ago, user9120975435 said:


The only deal I have left is the slut deal. The follower throws the PC's clothes to the floor while commenting about them, then tying the hands with an armbinder. Location was Soljund's Sinkhole.

the Slut deal

Level 1 - tell people you are a slut

Level 2 - follower strips PC at times (keywords control this)

Level 3 - adds armbinder after stripping (so same locations as you get stripped)


Soljund's Sinkhole may have the keywords that make the follower think it is an allowed location (i do not actually know for sure, but it is possible).

one way to test if this is what is happening is to go to a location that is known to not have the same keywords as allowed locations do


regular dungeons (not forts or places like Soljund's Sinkhole which may be a "civilized" location), some place like Embershard Mine, Bleakfall Barrow etc.


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14 hours ago, Lozeak said:

Might be a bug from adding the new deal.


Enough time needs to pass (when you start sleeping) for you to able to recover will power agian. There is a added line in the Debt msg indicating when this is possible (only at 5 or less willpower though).

Just wanted to double-up on this report - I have been using the same follower since updating (who was a DF already between updates) and I also just experienced being unable to dismiss my follower after full payment.  However, after pausing the mod and resetting it, I was able to dismiss my follower just fine.  After unpausing the mod, I invited my follower back and immediately got the DF starter dialogue, and now paying her off and dismissing her works fine at 10 willpower or 0.


My thought is that possibly it would be "safer" to pay off all debts/deals and fully dismiss followers before updating between versions without clean-saving.  At a glance the bug doesn't seem repeatable after a proper mod reset and follower rehire.  I'll be sure to say something if the problem happens again, but right now I'm chalking it up to hot-update glitch. 

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6 hours ago, Reesewow said:

Just wanted to double-up on this report - I have been using the same follower since updating (who was a DF already between updates) and I also just experienced being unable to dismiss my follower after full payment.

I haven't updated, so that wasn't the cause of the problem for me, but it's possible another mod caused an issue, such as SLDialogues.



I actually like the idea that you can't dismiss your follower if your willpower is low. I don't think it should be possible unless you have at least 5 willpower.

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I have a question to the new piercing deal.


Level 1 - nipple piercings, ok no problem with that.

Level 2 - clitoral piercing and showing off the piercings to strangers? Or just clitoral piercings? <-- I had 2 different situations, two times the deal to show them to strangers, and one time just the clitoral piercing.

Level 3 - ???

If i ask my follower to buy out of a deal and i have more than deals than just the piercing deal, i do not see the option to buy out of the piercing deal.


I started a new game with the new update.

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1 hour ago, Shakata said:

I have a question to the new piercing deal.

  Reveal hidden contents

Level 1 - nipple piercings, ok no problem with that.

Level 2 - clitoral piercing and showing off the piercings to strangers? Or just clitoral piercings? <-- I had 2 different situations, two times the deal to show them to strangers, and one time just the clitoral piercing.

Level 3 - ???

If i ask my follower to buy out of a deal and i have more than deals than just the piercing deal, i do not see the option to buy out of the piercing deal.


I started a new game with the new update.


It was bugged, fixed now. you could only get to stage 2 even though stage 3 text was showing.


8 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I haven't updated, so that wasn't the cause of the problem for me, but it's possible another mod caused an issue, such as SLDialogues.



I actually like the idea that you can't dismiss your follower if your willpower is low. I don't think it should be possible unless you have at least 5 willpower.


14 hours ago, Reesewow said:

Just wanted to double-up on this report - I have been using the same follower since updating (who was a DF already between updates) and I also just experienced being unable to dismiss my follower after full payment.  However, after pausing the mod and resetting it, I was able to dismiss my follower just fine.  After unpausing the mod, I invited my follower back and immediately got the DF starter dialogue, and now paying her off and dismissing her works fine at 10 willpower or 0.


My thought is that possibly it would be "safer" to pay off all debts/deals and fully dismiss followers before updating between versions without clean-saving.  At a glance the bug doesn't seem repeatable after a proper mod reset and follower rehire.  I'll be sure to say something if the problem happens again, but right now I'm chalking it up to hot-update glitch. 

I added a fix in new version that might help (basically delays main quest starting when you clear your debt). this might be down to the glitchyness of skyrim or somehow I messed up something (maybe hiring a follower via debt). I'll keep an eye on this and consider it a minor bug for now.




1.30 was broken so you couldn't get to stage 3 of the deal but you could get the text for stage 3 as a stage 2 offer.

Stage 2 is to wear a Vag piecing. 

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